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Thomas Wiegand

1 June 2017

End of the Year Reflective Essay

All in all, I am very happy with my first year as a student at UTC. I feel as though I have
accomplished much more throughout this academic year than I had ever expected to when I
began. My most significant accomplishments this year include a place on the Deans list for both
the fall and spring semesters, induction into the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honors Society,
service to the University and the Honors College through the Social and Mentorship
committees,successful completion of two internships and part time research, and receiving the
Outstanding Second Year Student Award from the Department of Modern and Classical
Languages. Through the mentorship of Dr. Joey Shaw, I participated in an independent study
course both semesters that allowed me to handle and process plant specimens for the UTC
Herbarium in an ongoing digitization project. I am beyond happy to have had the opportunity to
participate in research as a freshman and really am looking forward to working with Dr. Boyd on
plant ecology research in the fall of 2017. As I am intrigued by climate change and actively serve
as a research intern to the Critical Infrastructure and Climate Change Division at Oak Ridge
National Lab, my long term goal is to be able to continue ecological research with Dr. Boyd
beyond the fall semester and develop independent research that I might pursue as a topic for a
DHON thesis as an upperclassmen.
Next to research and work on campus, I have also been active in serving the greater
community in Chattanooga as an intern to a Greenspaces Chattanooga, an
environmentally-focused nonprofit that aims at keeping living, building, and working in
Chattanooga as sustainable as possible. Throughout the year, I worked with the team at
Greenspaces on ongoing projects providing support through community outreach, representation
at local events, and the teaching of monthly energy efficiency workshops to families in need that
are living in the Highland Park area. Working for Greenspaces was an enriching experience as I
was able to see how sustainability and environmental science work on the local level and in
conjunction with the city government to better our city. Beginning in the spring semester, I
accepted an opportunity from Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally to work under his
mentorship as an intern to the Tennessee State Senate. I was honored to be given the opportunity,
and made a weekly trip to Nashville in order to serve the Senate. I performed clerical tasks and
worked with the Clerks office to facilitate the Senate sessions. This was an invaluable
experience; I was able to work closely with the Lieutenant Governor and meet and interact with
countless members of the legislature. I hope to one day work on the national or international
level as an advocate for the environment, so I was grateful to be able to actively engage in state

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