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Jac Leet} Contents Credits Please call me Beth. What do you do? How much is it? I really like hi | come from a big family. hop. How often do you exercise? We had a great time! ‘What's your neighborhood like? What does she look like? Have you ever ridden a camel? Ita very exciting place! It really works! May | take your order? The biggest and the be: 'm going to a soccer match. A change for the better! anguage Waders 13 19 25 3 37 3 49 55 61 67 2B 79 85 1 Credits anguage Wades Illustrations ‘Andrezzinho: 4; las Arahovitis: 13 (Betton; Rob De Bank: 48; Carlos Diaz: |; Jada Fitch: 2,21; Tim Foe: 52 (0p; Travis Foster: 16,70 Dylan Gibson: 3: Chuck Gonzales: 9, 90 im Haynes: 9,72; Dan Hubig: 13 top) Randy Jones 36, 86,47, 5,56, 78; Tevor Keen 55; Sim Kelly 16 (bottom ight) Photos 4 clack fom opt (Maro) © Bran x Pct ures/Tnks\ack (9M) € istockphte/Tinkatock Ahmed © Photoscom/Tinkstock (Chora) ‘OWestndi/The Agency Cllecton/Geny images (0 Reggie Caagrande/PhotograpnersCelceety Images “Tiida let © Stone Grewel Cartage otostoc (mde ‘ight © Hemera/Thnkstoc tom © Micha MetorNatonl eosraphie'Getty Images: botem right © ef Greenberg Aly Scckwise fom ope © Selpes/Shuersock Eactestck! 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Shutterstock; (mile ight) © Fredy Thueng/Shurtertock: (bottom eft) ‘© Roy HsuPhotographer’ Choie/Getty Images (bottom right ‘©TomMireter/Shutterstock 16 © AP Photo/Mat Sayles 87 (bottom left orig © Comstock/ Thinkstock’ © James Quine/Alamy; © Eyecandy Images!Alamy: © Paul Doyle/Alarny, © Imagebrokernet SuperStock; © Sozalten/DatacrafvGety images 93 (on left toright) itockphota/Thinkstock: © Ficturenet/Blend Images/Gett images; © Jupiterimages/Comstock Images/Gett imag 94 6 istockphoto/Thinkstock 95 (ight, top obotto) GAce Stock Limited/Alamy; © BEW Authors/ BEEW/Age Ftostock: © Horiphotoaraphy/ Shutterstock 96 © bactostock/Superstock Write about yourself. My firstnameis My last name is Please call me i prongs ee Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer the questions. A: Who’ that? B: Oh, that’s my teacher. 1. name what's last her A: What's her last nam 2 B: Her last name is her what's first A B: 3. from your—teacher_—=— where is A 2 & 4.class your. «= how_— English is A 2 B: 5. classmates what_—your are like anguage waarclece st 1. A: Hi, I'm Nicole. I'm sorry. What's your name again? B: Oh. hi. I'm Michael. B: * Oh, hi. 'm Michael. © KING, * What do people call you? © Joe King. 2. A: My nameis Young-hoon Park. : How do you spell your first name? B: B: * Nice to meet you, Young-hoon, * im Antonio. © Let's go and say helio. © ANA-O-N-F0. 3. A: Hello. im a new club member. What do people call you? B: © Thanks. It’s Ken Tanaka. * Welcome. © Everyone calls me Ken. Look at the answers. What are the questions? : What /s your first name? : My first name's Bob. : What : My last name's Hayes. : Who: 1: That's my wife. jim: What »: Her name is Rosa. ‘Where. : She's from Mexico. lim: Who ‘They're my wife's parents. 2" Unit 1 anguage sensbea ee a Choose the correct words. pies 1, They'te my classmates, ___Their_ names are Kate and Noriko. (They / Their) 2. We're students._____ classroom number is 108-C. (Our /We) 3, Excuse me. What's ______ last name again? (you / your) 4, That's JEwon, ____ is in my class. (He / His) 5, _____ name is Elizabeth. Please call me Liz. (I/ My) 6. This is Paul's wife. __ name is Jennifer. (His / Her) 7. My parents are on vacation. ______ are in South Korea. (We / They) 8. I'm from Venice, Italy, _____ is a beautiful city. (It /It's) cececatianniiitinnnieiliaasiinisnniiitiniii Complete this conversation with am, are, oris. Lisa: Who ____are__ the men over there, Amy? Amy: Oh, they _______ on the volleyball team. Let me introduce you. Hi, Surachai, this ________ Lisa Neil. Surachai: Nice to meet you, Lisa. Lisa: Nice to meet you, too. Where _______ you from? Surachai: |_____ from Thailand. Amy: And this ___________ Mario. He from Brazil. Lisa: Hi, Mario. Please call me Beth. ® 3 ua) Hello and welcome! A Read these four student biographies. Then complete the chart below. @ INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE SCHOOL Every month, we introduce new students fo the school. This month, we want to introduce four new students to you. Please say “hello” to therm! ‘Mario is in English 101. Hei trom Cal, B Su-yin isin English 102. She is rom Colombia. His fist language is Spanich, Wuhan, China. She says she writes and {and ne also speaks ails French. He reads English prety well, but she needs. wants to be on the schoo! volleyball {lot of practice speaking English. Her ‘eam. He says he doesn't play vory well, {rst language is Chinese. She wants to but he wants to learn! play volleyball onthe school tear, English 103. She is rom Finally, meet Ahmed. Hei in Brussels, Belgium. She speaks French Charlotte's class. He says he speaks and Dutch. She is an engineering English well, but his wring isnt very ‘student. She wants to be an engineor. ‘good! Anmedis trom Luxorin Egypt, | ‘She says she doesn't play any sports. P _and nis fst language is Arabic. He is She wants to make lot of new rience a soccer player, and he wants to be inher clas. fon the schoo! soccer team. Brussels, Belaium Chinese and Enalish soccer B write a short biography of a classmate, 4= Unit 1 lliiliatlaiitNiilNNiiiNttincnistisily Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation. © What are your classmates like? No, she's not. She's my sister! ‘Hi, Sarah. I'm Rich. How ore you? | © Oh, really? Is Susan Miller in your class? ‘No, I'm not. I'm on vacation. Are you a student? Sarah: Hello, 'm Sarah. Ri Sarah: Pretty good, thanks. Are you a student here? Rich: Sarah: Yes, lam. Rich: Hi, Sarah. I'm Rich. How are you? Sarah: They'te really interesting. Rich: Sarah: Yes, she is. Is she your friend? Rich: 8 Complete this conversation. Use contractions where possible. Do not use contractions for short answers with Yes. Are you from Argentina? Ishe from Greece? Yes, lam. (not Yes, mm.) Yes, he is. (not Yes, he's.) Alex: Hello. ___lit_ Alex Lam. And this is my sister Amy. Tina: Hi, ____ Tina Fernandez. Amy: Are you from South America, Tina? Tina: Yes, ___. _____ from Argentina. Where are you and your sister from, Alex? ‘Alex: _____ from Taiwan, Are you from Taipei? Alex: No, ____, ___ from Tainan. Say, are you in English 101? Tina: No, ___. min English 102. Please call me Beth. = 5 wW Look at the answers. What are the questions? 1. A: Are vou on vacation here? B: No, I'm not on vacation. I'm a student here. 60 B: No, I'm not. I'm very busy now. 3. A: B: No, we're not from Spain. We're from Mexico. ak B: No, my teacher isn’t Mr. Brown. I'm in Ms. West's class. 5. A: B: Yes, Natalie and Mika are in my class. 6A: B: Yes, it's an interesting class. 7A B: No, they're not on the same baseball team. They're on the same volleyball team. @ Read the expressions in the box. Which ones say “hello” and which ones say “good-bye”? How are you? See you tomorrow. Good nig Good morning, Talk to you later. How's it going? Have a good doy. Whot's up? @ Answer these questions about yourself. Use contractions where possible. 1. Are you from South America? 2. Are you on vacation? 3. Are youa student at a university? 4, Is your English class in the morning? 5, Isyour teacher from England? 6. Isyour first name popular? 6 = Unit? 2\ hat do you do? eal Match the words in columns A and B. Write the names of the jobs. a iiilhcncnsninicrsetsica Bam cima (% English © attendant 1, English teacher OF finess designer 2 fight 1 instructor 3. newspaper SD guide 4. anguage an wauesales » tour ) reporter 5. © website teacher 6. Write sentences using He or She. 1. I'ma website designer. | workin 2. | work in a gym. I'm a fitness instructor. an office. | ike computers a lot. I teach aerobics. He She 3. I'ma tour guide. I take people on tours. 4, Iwork for an airline. | assist passengers. travel alot. 'ma flight attendant. He She a Write a or an in the correct places. Use a + singular noun before a consonant sound. Use an + singular noun before a vowel sound. He is @ carpenter He is an accountant He is @ good carpenter He is an expensive accountant Do not use a or an + plural nouns. They are good carpenters. They are expensive accountants, a a Te 1, He's carpenter. He works for construction 4, She's architect. She works for large company. ‘company. He builds schools and houses. She designs houses. It’s interesting job. 2. She works for travel company. She arranges _5. He works with cars in garage. tours. She's travel agent. He's mechanic. He's also part-time 3. He has difficult job. He's cashier. student. He takes business class in He works in supermarket. the evening. a nnnnniinninnensiinniitininiNinND Choose someone in your family. Write about his or her job. B= Unit2 Complete this conversation with the correct words. Tom: What does your husband _______ , exactly? (do/ does) (do/ does) Liz: He ___ for a department store. He's a store manager. (work / works) Tom: How —_____ he.____itt (do/ does) (like / likes) Liz: It’s an interesting job. He ____it very much. (ike / likes) Buthe long hours. And what —___ you ___ (work / works) (do / does) (do / does) Tom: ma student.|___ architecture. (study / studies) Liz: Oh, really? Where _____ you ______ to school? (do/ does) (go/goes) Tom: | ______to Lincoln University. My girlfriend __ there, too. (go/ goes) (go/ goes) Liz: Really? And what __ she ______? (do/ does) (study / stu Tom: She ___hotel management. (study / studies) iz: That sounds interesting. a Complete the questions in this conversation. Mark: Where do you work? __ Victor: | work for Cybotics industries. Mark: And what ________ there? Victor: I'm in management. ‘Mark: How Victor: It's a great job. And what Mark: I'ma salesperson. Victor: Really? What ‘Mark: | sell computers. Do you want to buy one? What do you do? = 9 Read these two interviews. Answer the questions. EET Ve Cag ure aCe Dear is Job Talk: Felix, where do you work? Felix: I work at home, and | work in Southeast Asia, Job Talk; Really? Well, what do you do at home? Felix: 'm a chef. | practice cooking new things, and then | write cookbooks. That sounds interesting. And what do you do in Southeast Asia? | make TV programs about Thai cooking. : You have an interesting life, Felix. Yes, but it's hard work! 1, What does Felix do? He 2. What does he do at home? 3. What does he do in Southeast Asia? 4, What does Keisha do? 5. Where does she work? 6. When does she finish work? 'm a lifeguard. And | give swimming lessons. That's interesting. Do you work atthe beach? : No, | work at the city pool. Job Tall: How do you like your job? Keisha: | love it. | work outdoors, and I get lots of exercise. Job Talk: Do you work all day? Keisha: No, | work from nine o'clock in the morning until noon. Job Talk: What do you do in the afternoon? Keisha: | swim! Meet Pat, Write questions about him using What, Where, When, and How. hat do? Je 2 3. 4. 10 = Unit2 | MERCY Hosprray, | Patrick Kenneqy | [-anguage e How does Pat spend his weekends? Complete this paragraph with the words from the list. Ja Sua Day On Cee Mo Sma) Everyone knows Pat at the hospital. Pat is a part-time nurse. He works at night on weekends. ____On___ Saturdays and Sundays, Pat sleeps most of the day and wakes up a little ese nine the evening, usually at 8:45 0r 8:50. He has breakfast very late, ____ 9:30 or 10:00 p.u.! He watches television _______ eleven o'clock, and then starts work ___ midnight. in the morning, usually around 5:00 a.m, he leaves work, has 2 little snack, goes home, goes to bed, and sleeps It'sa perfect schedule for Pat. He's a pre-med student on weekdays ata local college. Use these words to complete the crossword puzzle. Across 1 Lauren ____ work at 5:00 p.m. 4 Karen _____inahospital. 5 Ellen _____ up early in the morning. 7 Seoul Garden ____ good Korean food. 9 Rodney to bed after midnight. 10 Andrea isa receptionist. She _______ the phone and greets people. Down 2 Linda isa tour guide. She __________ people on tours. 3 Dan _______ 100 words a minute on his new computer. 4 Meili _____ about 30 text messages a day. 6 My father works in a bookstore. He books and magazines. 8 What your sister do? What do you do? = 11 innit w Choose the sentences in the box that have the same meaning as the sentences below. ©) He goes to the university. She fixes cars. ; She stays up late ©) What does he do? (He's a dence teacher. DB He works part time. 1. He teaches dance, 4, He's a student, He's a dance teacher. 2. What’ his job? 5. She goes to bed at midnight. 3. She's a mechanic. 6. He works four hours every day. B Fill in the missing words or phrases from these job advertisements. 1. © atnight 2. © Interesting 3. © manager © parttime © Spanish © long hours © weekends © tours © restaurant @ nurses © student B untit the day or weekdays or ‘full time or 12 © Unit2 oO How much is it? ar Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation. Which one? (J) Which ones? 5 oh, Sam. Thank you very much. ©) Wall, like it, but it ‘Sam: Look at those pants, Rebecca, Rebecca: Which ones? Sam: The light blue ones over there. They're nice. Rebecca: Sam; Hmm. Well, what about that sweater? It’s perfect for you. Rebecca: Sam: This red one. Rebecca: Sam: Hey, let me buy it for you. I's a present! Rebecca: and this, that, these, or those. 1. A: How much is this. It's $31.99. 2A B: They're $29. B: They're $64, ‘That's my cat, and he’s not for sale! backpack? iain Complete these conversations with How much is /are...? bracelets? shoes? cat? 13 Write the plurals of these words. Most words Words ending in--ss, -sh, ch, and -x cop caps gloss glosses shoe shoes dish dishes, watch watches Words ending in-f and -fe — Werds ending in consonant + -y shelf shelves county countries Knife knives 1, bockpack backpacks 7. hairbrush 2. box Rete Sitcompany, gy ag 4. doy pee ee ae seeeh 5. dress pes seiecCom ese Eee PU oi Pista fore gp scenic tee oe SE B What do you think of these prices? Write a response. That's cheap. 1. $90 fora wool tie Thav's pretty expensive! 2. $150 for gold earrings 3. $500 fora silk dress 4, $40 for leather gloves 5. $2,000 for a computer 6. $5 for two plastic hairbrushes 7. $15 fora silver necklace 14 © Unit3 @ Choose the correct words to complete the conversations. 1. Clerk: Good afternoon. Luis: Oh, hi. How much is ___this ___ watch? (this / these) Clef S95. (it’s /They're) Luis: And how much is that —_____ ? (one / ones) Clerk, ______ $255. (it’s /They're) Luis: Oh, really? Well, thanks anyway. 2. Meg: Excuse me. How much are —______ jeans? (that / those) Clerk: only $59. (it's /They'te) Meg: And how much is ____ sweater? {this / these) Clerk: Which ___? They're all different. {one / ones) Meg: This green (one / ones) Gate; ___ ig, (It's They're) 3, Sonia: |like _____ sunglasses over there. (that / those) Clerk: Which ? (one / ones) Sonia: The small brown ___. (one / ones) Clerk: ______ $199. (it's /They're) Sonia: Oh, they're expensive! How much is it? = 15 What do you make out of these materials? Complete the chart using words from the list. (You will use words more than once.) gloves @ Make comparisons using the words given. Add than if necessary. cotton 1. A: These cotton gloves are nice. gloves 7 B: Yes, but the leather ones are _nicer_. (nice) ‘A: They'te also _____. (expensive) 2. A: Those silk jackets look \ the wool ones. (attractive) rergloves __& Yes, but the wool ones are « (warm) 3. A: This purple shirt is an purple interesting color! eae B: Yes, but the colors Jackets the design. (pretty) ‘A: The design isn't bad, B: I think the pattern on that red shirt is _____ the pattern on this purple one. (good) 4. A: Hey, look at this silver ring! It’s nice. (S000; y And it's_______ that gold ring. (cheap) wins B: Butit's _____ the gold one. (small) BP atver sing ‘A; Well, yeah. The gold one is _______ the silver one. (big) But look at the price tag. One thousand dollars is a lot of money! 16 = Unit3 Complete the chart. Use the words from the list. Gow these questions. Give your own information. iF) 2) 3 5 blacksunglasses wool eap high-top shoes laptopcomputer _ silver necklace 7 ORIE® white sunglasses leather cap sandals desktop computer gold necklace 1. Which sunglasses do you prefer, the black ones or the white ones? I prefer the black ones. 2. Which cap do you like more, the wool one or the leather one? 3. Which ones do you like more, the high-tops or the sandals? 4. Which one do you prefer, the laptop computer or the desktop computer? 5. Which necklace do you like better, the silver one or the gold one? How much is it? = 17 AA Read these ads. Match the pictures and descriptions, 2, Warning! This knife is very, very sharp! And it stays sharp forever because i's made of ceramic - hard like a diamond! What can it do? Itean cut anything and everything, Only $34.49! b. This machine cuts your house-cleaning time by 50%! Why? It's a very light vacuum cleaner, So it’s easy to move from room to room. And it cleans everything in your home - even the air! Only $159.99. In dark gray or light blue, © Ate you always late in the morning? Are you tired of waiting at home while your phone charges? You need a solar backpack. The solar Panels recharge mobile phones and other electrical devices. You can leave the house for school or work and charge while you go! No more lateness! And help the environment. Only $125. . Thirsty? Need to make your own fresh juice? You need a juicer. In seconds, it can blend fruits and vegetables for juice. In no time, you can prepare healthy juice drinks from apples, carrots, and other favorite foods. $85. B Check (7) True or False. ~The knife is made of diamonds. ‘The vacuum cleaner comes in two colors. The solar backpack is more thon $120. |. The juicer can make Fut pies. anguage wuseeles © what's special about a gadget you have? Write a paragraph about it, 18 = Unit3 es I really like hip-hop. a Check (/) the boxes to complete the survey about music and TV. poem Gerke. B Do you like these types of TV shows? Tdon't Hove Theyzxe Ton’ Hoveit! Its OK. like it. them! OK. tke them. Pop DO CO | takstows 1 1 classical ] Oo reality shows [| hip-hop El 1 sitcoms oO Ey Oo rock 0 oO fal soap operas i i [ } game shows [| EJ (a) @ What's your opinion? Answer the questions with the expressions and pronouns in the box. Yes, Ido. Hove. Vike .. alot. No, I don’t. Idon’t like. . . very much. can't stand 1. Do you like heavy metal music? Yes, do. | like it a lot. 2. Do you like Usher? 3. Do you like romantic comedies? 4, Do you like Adele? 5. Do you like video games? 6. Do you like science fiction books? 19 @ Choose the correct job for each picture. Danactor arockband Clasinger Mascecer player 4, Nani is ‘country music, Sarah? Sarah: Yes,|______ ita lot. 'ma real fan of Keith Urban. Ed: Oh, ______he play the guitar? Sarah: Yes, he ____ . He's my favorite musician, 2. Anne: _____kind of music your parents ____, Jason? Jason: They ____ classical music. Anne: Who ___ they _____? Mozart? Jason: No, they ____like him very much. They prefer Beethoven, 3. Scott: Teresa, you ____ Beyoncé? Teresa: No,|____. | can't stand her. like Alicia Keys. Scott: | don't know her, What kind of music she sing? Teresa: She _____ R&B. She's really great! 20 = Unit 4 a Complete these questions and write answers. What kinds _ of movies do you lke? Like is your favorite movie? My favorite of movies do you dislike? of TV shows do you like? is your favorite actor or actress? |. is your favorite song? is your favorite rock band? is your favorite video game? G What do you think? Answer the questions. 1. Which movies are more interesting, musicals or science fiction films? 2. Which films are scarier, horror films or thrillers? 3. Which do you like more, animated films or historical dramas? 4. Which do you prefer, romantic comedies or action films? 5. Which films are more exciting, westerns or crime thrillers? I really like hip-hop. = 21 a= A Which nouns often go with these verbs? Complete the chart. Use each noun only once. aa OY Ge the piono © the guitar videos Sa movie ie PP thetunost a sports match ©) the radio © music B Write a sentence using each verb in part A. a 2. a es AA Read these movie reviews. Choose a title from the box for each review. - House of Laughs The Best Man Wins ‘Ahead of Time Coming Up for Air_ | e Zz | What ae high school kids ike in This movie is about a group The action never stops inthis - the future? This movie answers ‘of six young people in London. | movie. Police officer Karen Montana | that question. It's about a group of | They vein the same house ina wants to catch Mr. X, a gold school kid in the year 2012. After suburb far from the city center. {he Me Xs tang gol fom - dass one day, they find atime They all come from different ‘an old shipwreck at the bottom ‘machine behind the school. One countries. They speak different ‘of the ocean. Before Ms. Montana the teens sees a button marked ‘and their customs are {can catch him, she has to leam "Year 2300"and clicks on They | ferent the story very funny, how tostuba ve. But every tne suddenly travel tothe twenty-sixth | and the acting Is very good. This she goes underwater, he swims to century! Do they get back ‘movie slike 2 really good TV soap the surface. She catches him, but in time for school the next day? ‘opera. There are lots and lots of ‘ot until the final minute ofthis | Watch and find out, eek laughs in this movie. etek kk very long film. ee B what kind of movie is each one in part A? 1. © ahorror film 2. © atravel film 3. © aromantic comedy © ascience fiction film © awestern a crime thriller © ahistorical drama © acomedy © adocumentary 22» Unit4 Chow 3A B: Do you like country music? }ose the correct responses. : What do you think of Glee? ; Im not a real fan of the show. * How about you? 1'm not a real fan of the show. I can't stand it. I can’t stand them, There's a baseball game tonight. * Thanks. 'd love to. © Great, Let's go. Would you to see a movie this weekend? © That sounds great! *Idon't agree. Yes orno? A Young-ha is inviting friends to a movie. Do they accept the invitation or not? Check (/) Yes or No for each response. B Respond to the invitations. I'd love to. What time does it start? Thanks, but | don’t really like animated films. That sounds great. Where is it? T'd love to, but | have to work until midnight. . Thanks. I'd really like to. When do you want to meet? 1. Ihave tickets to a hip-hop concert on Saturday. Would you like to go? 2. There's a soccer game tonight. Do you want to go with me? 3. Jas son Mraz is performing tomorrow at the stadium. Would you like to see him? Ireally like hip-hop. = 23 w@ Choose the correct phrases to complete these conversations. 1. Robin: Da vou like rock music, Kate? (Do you like / Would you like) Kater Ves ido _ita'ot. (like /'d like) There's a Linkin Park concert on Friday. ‘to.go with me? (Do you like / Would you like) Kater Yes, Thanks. (love to /Id love to) 2. Carlos: There is a basketball game on TV tonight. ‘to come over and watch it? (Do you like / Would you like) Phil: , but | have to study tonight (ike to a like to) Carlos: Well______ soccer? (do you like / would you like) Pr Nese eS ieet (Ido /1 would) Carlos: There's a match on TV tomorrow at 3:00. ——______________ towatch that with me? (Do you like / Would you like) Phil: Thanks, (like to / Id love to) Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given. 1. Do you like jazz? What do you think of Jazz? (think of) 2. Richard doesn't like classical music. (can't stand) 3. I think horror films are great! (love) 4. Celia doesn't like pop music. (be a fan of) 5. Do you want to go toa baseball game? (would like) 245 Unit4 Which words are for males? Which are for females? Complete the chart. D cum Pldevgtier husband = nephew ( brother © father mother : niece | Complete this conversation. Use the present continuous of the verbs given. Joel: You look tired, Don, Are vou studvina_ (study) late at night these days? Don: No, 'm not. My brother and sister_____ (stay) with me right now. We go to bed after midnight every night, //_ Joel: Really? What (do) this Ve summer? _____ (take) classes, too? Don: No, they aren't. My brother is on vacation now, but he (look) for a part-time job here. Joel: What about your sister?__ (work)? Don: Yes, she is. She has a part-t 1e job at the university. What about you, Joel? Are you in school this summer? Joel: Yes,!am,|_____(study) two languages. Don: Oh, —________ (take) French and Spanish again? Joel: Well, !m taking Spanish again, but | (start) Japanese, Don: Really? That's exciting! 25 ical Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given. 1. Joseph is Maria's uncle, Maria \s Joseoh’s niece. (niece) 2. Lizis married to Peter. Fever is (husband) 3, Isabel is Frank's and Liza's granddaughter. (grandparents) 4, We have two children, (son and daughter) 5. My wife's father is a painter. (father-in-law) 6. Michael does not have a job right now. (look for) a Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation. San Francisco Yes, he is. He loves itthere, ¥ No, I'm not. I'm living in Honolulu nc ‘We really love San Francisco, Yes, | do. | like it a lot. ieee 2 No, they aren't. They're living in New York Chris: Are you still living in San Francisco, Philip? No, I'm not, 1'm livina in Honolulu now. Chris: Wow! Do you like it? Philip: Chris: And is your brother still working in Hong Kong? Philip: Chris: And how about your parents? Are they stil living in Florida? Philip: How about you and your family, Chris? Are you stil living here? Chris: eC een eee eSCCSEERL SCTE q 7 26 = Unit 5 anguage weocnee Complete these sentences. Use the simple present or the present continuous of the verbs given. 1. This is my aunt Barbara. She ___ives__ (live) in Rome, but she _______—_ (visit) Chile this summer. She ______ (take) some summer classes there. >. And these are my parents. They ______ (work) in London. They —_____— (be) on vacation right now. . And here you can see my grandparents. They _____ (not work) now. They ____ (be) retired. This is my brother-in-law Edward. He ____ (want) to bea company director. He _______ (study) business in Canada right now. . And this is my niece Christina. She ________ (go) to high school. She ______ like) mathematics, but she ____ (not like) English. Ga Choose a friend or a family member. Write about him or her using the simple present and present continuous. I come from a big family. * 27 nnnnntnnenninininniiiiiniiis Home or away? A Answer these questions. Then read the passage. 1. At what age do most young people leave their parents’ home in your country? 2. Do some young people live with their parents after they get married? Leaving Home Young people leave their parents’ homes at different ages in different parts of the world, In the United States, a lot of college students do not live at home. They often choose to go to college in different cities — away from their parents. At college, many live in university housing. After college, most people prefer to live in their own homes. They often live alone, but some people rent apartments with others. These people are called roommates. By the age of 22, few young people in the United States live with their parents. Families stay together longer in many Asian countries and cities. In Hong Kong, for example, nearly all university students live with their parents. Rents in the city are very expensive, and few students have the money to pay for their own apartments. Very few young people live alone ‘or become roommates in a shared apartment, ‘Many young people in Hong Kong continue to live with their parents even after they marry. B check (7) True or False. For statements that are false, write the correct information. «Very few students lve in university housing ‘Some young adults shore apartments with roommates. . Nearly all young adults live with their porents. . Not many university students live with their parents. Few young people live alone. . Most young married couples have enough money to in their own apartments 28" Unit 5 Arrange the quantifiers from the most to the least. Ball D nectly all Dalotot Ano D few ©) not many OD many some D most Rewrite these sentences about the United States using the quantifiers given. 1. Eighty-five percent of children go to public schools. Fifteen percent of children go to private schools. Most childre Hterolgs onte 2 Sa Few 2. Sixty-five percent of young people go to college after they finish high school. Thirty-one percent of young people look for work. Many — Some 3. Ninety-five percent of people over 65 like to talk to family and friends. Forty-three percent like to spend time on a hobby. Eight percent of people over 65 like to spent time on the Internet. Notimafiy, — Alotof Nearly all __ 15% private school — Where Children Go to School CL What People Do After They Finish High School 4% other 31% look for ‘What People 65 and Over Do 00% deans 80% 60% 40% 20%. Talk Hobby Internet I come from a big family. * 29 @ Choose the correct words or phrases to complete this paragraph. |nmy country, some __counles (couples / cousins / relatives) get married fairly young, Nel many marriages —__ break up / get divorced / stoy together), and neatly ell ______ (divorced / married / single) people remarry. Elderly couples often (divorce again / move away / live at home) and toke ‘care of their grandchildren @ Complete these sentences about your country. Use the words in the box. all nearlyall most = alotof_ «= some. = few no young people go to college. people study English. married couples have more than five children. elderly people have part-time jobs, students have full-time jobs. au Rene children go to school on Saturdays. 30 = Units iid How often do you exercise? Complete the chart. Use words from the box. (Some of the words can be both individual sports and exercise.) aerobics swimming baseball tennis bosketball volleyball bicycling yoga Arrange these words to make sentences or questions. 1.go never 1 almost cling \ almost never ao bicycling : 2. hardly they tennis play ever 3.go do often jogging how you 4, often mornings do on we yoga Sunday 5. ever Charlie do does aerobics on you what usually Saturdays. do 31 ed Use these questions to complete the conversations. How often do you ...? Do you ever... ? What do you usually ...? 1a-At Do vousterexrcisn? AS B: Yes, | often exercise on weekends. : Well, | usually do karate on Saturdays and yoga on Sundays. 3: No, I never go to the gym after work. I don't exercise very often at all. : Yes, | sometimes play sports on weekends ~ usually baseball, | usually play tennis in my free time, » PP PP er ener Keeping fit? A Check (V) how often you do each of the things in the chart, do aerobics 8 8 2 8 8 ploy basketball 8 8 ® 8 8 exercise 8 8 8 6 8 90 jogging S 8 8 8 8 do karate 8 8 8 2 8 Play soccer 8 8 8 a S ‘go swimming 8 8 ® ® 6 do weight woinirg 8 5 ® 8 8 B Write about yourself using the information in the chart. 32 = Unité lial Complete this conversation. Write the correct prepositions in the correct places. Susan: What time do you go jogging the morning? (around /in/on Jerry: | always go jogging 7:00. (at / for /on) How about you, Susan? Susan: | usually go jogging noon. (around / in / with) Ijog about an hour. (at /for / until) Jerry: And do you also play sports your free time? (at/in/ until) Susan: No, | usually go out my classmates. (around / for / with) What about you? Jerry: I go to the gym Mondays and Wednesdays. (at /on / until) ‘And sometimes | go bicycling weekends. (for /in /on) Susan: Wow! You really like to stay in shape. @ Complete the crossword puzzle. ‘Across 4 Pierre never -He'sa real couch potato. 6 How often do you yoga? 7 Mike to stay in «play sports every day. 8 Jeff does weight _______ every evening, He lifts weights of 40 kilos. 10 Diana goes twice a week. She usually runs about three miles. Down 1 Andrew always watches TV in 5 Paulison the team at his his times, high school. 2 Kate has a regular program, 7 Marienever goes when the 3 Ido ________ at the gym three times water is cold. a week. The teacher plays great music! 9 Amy often bicycling on weekends. How often do you exercise? * 33 w Fun activities AA Read these ads. How can someone get more information about the programs in each ad? Hiking Club uc Adult Education Program __ Community Center ou enjoy the outdoors? Do you ne Peet eericer preter esas Kort the 4S sccusonins Peient en Ean Ro eee ee reer ‘two-day like and BMA ene lee Cen Come to the Community Center! Check out our new Singles, couples, and families welcome. * Foranyone from Friday night, teen disco, Saturday night Seniors night. play indoor sports do outdoor activities take evening classes 0 dancing learn to cook meet new peopl 34 = Unité anguage wulsicarles = 1. A: How often do you go swimming, Linda?__3. A: And how well do you swim? B; Once a week, B © I.guess I'm OK. ‘© I'm not very well. * Once a week. * Lalmost never do. * About an hour, * I'm about average. 2. A: How long do you spend in the pool? 4, A: How good are you at other sports? B: B: * About 45 minutes ago. * Not very good, actually. * About average. © | sometimes play twice a week. * About three miles. * Pretty well, guess. Look at the answers. Write questions using how. 1, A: Howlong do you spend exercising? = B: Idor’t spend any time at all. In fact, | don't exercise. 24 fora walk? B: Almost every day. | really enjoy it. BA B: I spend about an hour jogging. At et? B: I'm pretty good at it.'m on the school team. 5. B: Basketball? Pretty well, guess. | like ita lot. How often do you exercise? * 35 W Rewrite these sentences, Find another way to say each sentence using the words given. 1. Idon't watch TV very much, Lhardly ever watch TV. (hardly ever) 2. Tom exercises twice a month. not very often) 3. Philip tries to keep fit. stayin shape) 4, Jilloften exercises at the gym. (always) 6. How good are you at tennis? (play) W What do you think about sports? Answer these ‘questions. 1, Do you like to exercise for a short time or a long time? Beene sere eee 2. Doyou prefer exercising in the morning or in the evening? SSeS EEE EEE 3. Which do you like better, walking or jogging? oa 4, Do you like to watch sports or play sports? ee eee ee 5. Which do you like better, team sports or individual sports? ae enna eneereeanteree nee ee OT 6. How good are you at games like basketball or tennis? eee eee 7. What sport or game don't you like? 36 = Unité ’ a We had a great time! Past tense A Write the simple past of these regular verbs. 1, cook cooked __ 4. love 7. 2) enloyee a ae 5, study 8 3. invite 6. try 9 B write the simple form of these irregular simple past verbs. 1. buy ____ bought ‘ot a gave spent Bs met 7 took 4. saw 8B went C Use two of the verbs above and write sentences about the past. Example: rock con ni Use the cues to answer these questions. 1. Where did you go this weekend? went toa party, (toa party) 2. Who did you meet at the party? someone very interesting) 3. What time did you and Eva get home? eel esasmedlamanceet “OO A 4, How did you and Bob like the art exhibition? ceed | | 5, What did you buy? (some new leather boots) 6. Where did Jeff and Joyce spend their vacation? in the country) 37 a What do you like to do alone? with other people? Complete the chart with activities from the box. Then add one more activity to each list. on Complete the questions in this conversation. A: How: nd? B: | spent the weekend with Joe and Kathy. er een nase sean ase a esos esis te esas ete tete eset gt B: Well, on Saturday, we went shopping. A: And in the evening? B: No, nothing special PANS eee teeece eaec eeecee eEECC ig Ea B: We went to the amusement park. A: How B: We had a great time. In fact, we stayed there all day. ‘A; Really? What time B: We got home very late, around midnight. 38" Unit7 ea Answer these questions with negative statements. Then add a positive ‘statement using the information in the box. 1. A: We had a great time at Carrie's party. Did you and Jane enjoy it? B: No, we didn's. We had a borina time. stayed home from work all day yesterday. Did you take the day off, too? 3. A: | worked all weekend on my research paper. Did you spend the weekend at home, too? 4, A: | studied all weekend. Did you and John have alot of homework, too? B: 5. A: Carl drove me to work yesterday morning. Did you drive to work? B: 6. A: Kathy went to the baseball game last night. Did you and Bob go to the game? a Read about Andy's week. Match the sentences that have a similar meaning. He was broke last week. —f— . He had people over. He didn't work on Friday. He hed © good time. He worked cround the house. .. He didn’t do the laundry. |. He didn’t wash the clothes. He took a day off. . He invited friends for dinner. He did housework. He had o lat of fun, f. He spent all his money. We had a great time! = 39 ud Did we take the same trip? AA Read the postings. Who went to Bangkok for the first time? Doce agence poe Re ea Gea William ‘We went to Thailand for our summer vacation. We spent a week in Bangkok and did something every day. We went to the floating market very early one Last summer, we spent our vacation in Thailand. We were very excited - it was our first trip there. We spent two days in Bangkok. Of course, we got a river taxi to the floating market. We bought some delicious fruit there. I'm posting a picture. morning. We didn’t buy anything there ~ we just looked. Another day, we went to ‘Wat Phra Kaew, the famous Temple of The Emerald Buddha. Check out my pic! The next day we went to a very interesting temple called the Temple of the Emerald Then we saw two more temples nearby, ‘We also went on a river trip somewhere outside Bangkok. The best thing about Buddha. We didn’t have time to visit any other temples. However, we went to two historic cities ~ Ayutthaya and Sukhothai. Both have really interesting ruins. Everyting was great. It's impossible to say what was the best thing about the trip. the trip was the food. The next time we have friends over for dinner, I'm going to cook Thai food, . stayed for two days in Bangkok Visited the floating market . bough! fruit sow some historic ruins traveled on the river loved the food the most enjoyed everything @3G0883 40 = Unit 7 @ Complete this conversation with was, wasn't, were, or werent. A: How ___was__your vacation in Peru, Julia? B: It ______ great. | really enjoyed it. ‘A: How long you there? B: We _____ there for two weeks. A: _________ you in Lima all the time? B: No, we We _______ inthe ‘mountains for a few days. A: Andhow ____ the weather? __ it good? B: No,it good at all! In fact it terrible. The city really cold! @ Choose the correct questions to complete this conversation. Namibian meerkats | © And whet was the best parl? 1 How long were you i ‘How was your vacation in Africa? ©) And how long were you in Namibi 1) How was the weather? ‘A: How was your vacation in Africa? B: It was a great trip. | really enjoyed South Africa and Namibia. A: B: For ten days. was in Namibia for about five days. Wow, that's a long time! twas hot and sunny the whole time. igs B: Itwas definitely the national parks and wildlife in Namibia. And we saw some meerkats! We had a great time! @ Choose the correct words or phrases. 1. fm sorry! was late. Ihad to ______ a phone call. (do/ make / go) 2. My friends and | really enjoyed your party. Weallhada ________ time. (boring / good / funny) 3. Istayed home last night and ____the laundry. (did / went / made) 4. We didn’t see very much in the mountains. The weather was pretty (cool / foggy / sunny) 5. I worked really hard in Switzerland last week, | was there (in my car / on business / on vacation) Ww My kind of vacation A What do you like to do on vacation? Rank these activities from 1 (you like it the most) to 6 (you like the least). —— goto the beach —— look at historical buildings —— go shopping visit museums —— spend time at home —— have good food B Answer these questions about vacations. 1. How often do you go on vacation? 2. How long do you spend on vacation? 3. Who do you usually go with? 4. Where do you usually go? 5. What do you usually do on vacation? 42 Unit7 anguage Widohocarice What's your neighborhood like? (Gre A. Match the words in columns A and B. Write the names of the places. barber agency B gos ® bor © grocery ® cafe © Internet D office © koraoke © phone. © movie shop © poy © stotion © post © store © wavel © theater B write questions with "is there a... ?"or“Are there any... ?"and the names of places from part A. 1. A: Ineed a haircut, 16 there a barbershop near here? B: Yes, there's one on Elm Street. 2. A: [want to check my email. near here? B: No, there aren't, but there are some near the university. 3, A: Iwant to mail this package. around here? B: Yes, there's one next to the laundromat. 4, A: [need to make a phone call. around here? B: Yes, there are some across from the library. 5. A: We need some gas. on this street? B: No, there aren't, but there are a couple on Second Avenue. 6. A: We need to make a reservation for a trip. near here? B: Yes, there's one near the Prince Hotel. 43 B Look at these street maps of Avery and Bailey. There are ten differences between them. Find the other eight. i Sag PS Pag 4TH STREET 4TH STREET 1. There are some m ters on 1st Street In Avery, but there aran't any in Bail 2, There's a park on the comer of 2nd Street and Maple In Avery, but there isn’t one in Balley. There's a parking lot. By 4 5, 6 7. 8. 9. 10, 44= Unit8 a Answer these questions. Use the map and the prepositions in the box. )beween Jin front of near Z nextio jon the comer of Cepposite eG STREET 1. Where's the nearest bank? Thy ne next to the store on 1st Aven 2. Isthere a post office near here? Yes. There eae ee ee ee ee 3, Im looking for a drugstore. 2A AVENUE EEE cee eee eet 4, Is there a laundromat in this neighborhood? WER STREET 5, Is there a department store on Lincoln Street? R= seavelagency C= gym = deparimentstore _D = poy phones, ee 6. Are there any pay phones around here? ee ‘Answer these questions about your city or neighborhood. Use the expressions in the box and your own information. Yes, there is. There's one on No, there isn’t. 1, Are there any cheap restaurants around the school? Sessa saesaeeaeenea eee 2. Isthere a police station near the school? ge 3, Are there any nice coffee shops in your neighborhood? Bae 4, Isthere a karauke bar close to your home? CE Soe Seco ee ee What's your neighborhood like? * 45 The grass is always green ‘A. Read the interviews. Where would Diana like to live? Where would Victor like to live? MODERN LIFE Interview with Diana Towne B How do Diana and Victor feel about their neighborhoods? Complete the chart. Downtown near the shopping center C How do you feel about your neighborhood? Write about it. 46 = Unit a Complete the chart. Use words from the box. Write questions using “How much ...2” or “How many ... 2" Then look at the picture and write answers to the questions. Use the expressions in the box. 1. (noise) How much noise is there? There's a lot. 2. (buses) 3. (traffic) 4, (banks) 5. (people) 6. (crime) What's your neighborhood like? = 47 @ Choose the correct words or phrases to complete this conversation. : Are there ___any ___ (any / one / none) nightclubs around here, Alex? Alex: Sure. There are (any /one/a lot). There's a great club (across from / between / on) the National Bank, but it's expensive. Luis: Well, are there _______ (any / none / one) others? Alex: Yeah, there are _______ (afew /alittle /one). There's a nice ____(any /one/ some) near here. It’s called Sounds of Brazil. Luis: That's perfect! Where is it, exactly? Alex: It’s on Third Avenue, ____ (between / on/ on the corner of) the Royal Theater and May’s Restaurant. Luis: So let's go! 8 Choose the correct words or phrases. I'm going to the stationery store to get a (birthday card / coffee /food) 2, We're taking a long drive. We need to go to the (laundromat / gas station / travel agency) 3. I live on the 8th floor of my 7 (apartment building / neighborhood / theater) 4, Our apartments in the center of the city. We live . (downtown / in the neighborhood /in the suburbs) 48= Unita What does she look like?” 1. curly/ straight 4. long/ 2. dark; _________ 5. short/ 3, elderly /___ Descriptions A Match the words in columns A and B. Write the descriptions. B Answer the questions using the descriptions from part A. LA B . A: & A 8: 4A B A: B What does he look like? He -lo0ki How long is his hair? What color is his hair? How old is he? How tall ishe? 49 Kp IS COnIMTTEN Uithoiec nn a cal Complete this conversation with questions, Madness Steve: Let's find Amy. | need to talk to her. Jim; What does she look like? Steve: She's very pretty, with straight black hair. Jim: And Steve: It's medium length. SR aU acer HEE Steve: She's fairly tall, Ais avid i Steve: She's in her early twenties. Boe Steve: Sometimes. | think she's wearing them now. Jim: | think I see her over there. Is that her? Qe Describe yourself. How old are you? What do you look like? What are you wearing today? 50® Unit9 a Circle two things in each description that do not match the picture. Then correct the information. What does she look like? = 51 Which of these clot Complete the chart. ig items are more formal? Which are more casual? William Giorgio is the man standing next to Alice. 1 2 = 4 5. eee me a eee eee eee eee LCT 52" Unit9 Answer the questions. Use the words given. 1. A: Which ones are Jake and Marie? B: They're the ones playing chess. (playing chess) 2. A: Who's Carlos? B (couch) 3, A: Who are Dan and Cindy? & (dancing) 4, A: Which one is Angela? B: (couch) 5. A: Who's Ken? B: (short black hair) a Rewrite these sentences and questions. Find another way to say them using the words given. 1. A: Who's Mika? Which one's Mika? (Which) B: She's the one in the black dress. She's the one wearing the black dress. (wearing) 2. A: Which ones are the teachers? (Who) B: They're the ones on the couch. (sitting) 3. A: Which one is Larry? (Who) B: He's the guy wearing the coat. (in) What does she look like? = 53 Complete this description. Use the present continuous or the participle of the verbs in the box. Cee eee Yeah, classes start, tomorrow. What am I doing? Let's see... 1 nena out my window right now. There's a middle aged with her baby. Some people at the bus stop. A serious-looking man for directions. A young guy his cell phone. Two people next to him. Hey! The one a baseball cap is my classmate! And hey, here ‘comes a really cute girl a backpack. Wait a minute! | know her. That's my old friend. Ihave to go now! Bye. Choose the correct responses, 1. A: Where's Jan? B; She couldn't make it. Id like to meet her. * She couldn't make 2. A: Who's Sam? * I'm afraid | missed him. * The handsome guy near the door. 54= Unit9 3. A: Is she the one on the couch? & © That's right. ‘© My father is by the chair. 4, A: How tall is she? B: * Fairly long, Pretty short. eB Complete the questions in these conversations. Use the present perfect of the verbs in Exercise 1. 1, A: Have you seen Lacey's new hairstyle? B: Yes, it's very ... interesting. 2A your homework yet? B: Yes, ! have. did it last night. 3. A: How many phone calls _____ today? B: I made only one - to call you! 4, A: Howlong ___ those sunglasses? B: I've had them for a few weeks. —______ attfio Café? : Yes, we've already eaten there. It's very good but alittle expensive, 6. A: How many times —_____ shopping at the mall this month? B: Actually, | haven't gone at all. Why don't we go later today? 55 ready and yet a AA Check (V) the things you've already done. Put an X next to the things you haven't done yet. 1, —— graduated from high schoo! % 3. —_ gone abroad 4, —__ been in an airplane learned to drive a tried skiing 6. gotten married Already is used in positive statements with the present perfect. I've already graducted from high school. Yet is used in negative statements with the present perfect. haven't graduated from college yet. - @ Complete these sentences with for or since. 1. Damien has lived in Hong Kong since __ 2001 2, Ihave been a nurse several years. 3. Masayuki was an exchange student in Spain a whole semester. 4. I'm so sleepy. I've been awake _______4:00 this morning, 5. Mr. and Mrs. Chang have been married nearly 40 years, 6. Maggie has had the same hairstyle high school. 7. How are you? | haven't seen you your wedding. 8. Where have you been? I've been here over an hour! 9. |haven't had this much fun Iwasa kid. 56 = Unit 10 a Look at these pictures. How often have you done these things? Write sentences using the expressions in the box. many times We. three or four times. I haven't. ++ several times. I've never Have you ever ridden a camel? « 57 Horror stories! ine AA Read the two stories. Where did each writer go? What activity did each writer want to do? “went on a ski trip to Switzerland, What a trip! The first morning, ' got fp Into a cable car. | wanted to goto the top of the mountain and ski down. The cable Car started up the mountain. | looked down, and was so beautiful, Then there was a terrible noise. Suddenly the car stopped. it didn’t move, and there was quiet everywhere. It was cold, and it began to get dark and snow. ‘was alone for one hour, two hours. | thought, 'ey've forgotten me!" At last the car started back down the mountain. It went very fast. “Sorry,” a man said when | climbed out of the ‘ar. "We've never had this problem before. Please, try again tomorrow.”*He's joking,” | thought. "I've had enough of cable cars for a lifetime.” spent time on a boat waited for help went swimming —— had a terrible day lost a wallet enjoyed the view got no exercise ing. Last Compare ee erry ieeerorsiic ear ter eer ea Te ona tear eer Conuri Tasty ceeeeds een ene} pie Peeks ery eon) anguage Wales C write about a terrible day you have had. What happened? What went wrong? 58 = Unit 10 w Look at the answers. Write questions using Have you ever...? 1. A: Have vou ever watched flamenco dancing? B: Yes, | have. | watched flamenco dancing last summer in Spain. 2A B: Actually, l saw a sumo wrestling match last month on TV. It was terrific! 3A B: No, I haven't. 've never eaten oysters. B: No, I've never been wall climbing. B: Yes, lrode in a sports car last month. 6A B: No, | haven't. I've never been camping. 7A B: Yes, | have. | once rode my brother's motorcycle. caiiiiiliniiiiNiieiiliaiitniniiiniinimnnnii Write your own answers to the questions in Exercise 7. Use expressions like the ones from the list. Yes, thave. 1... yesterday. No, |haven‘t I've never. on Monday. 1 1 -lost year. 1. in August. Nowa wn Have you ever ridden a camel? = 59 Complete the conversation. Use the simple ‘past or the present perfect of the words given. A: Have __youever_lost_ (lose) anything valuable? B: Yes, (lose) my cell phone last month. A: you (find) ityet? B: No. Actually, | already (buy) anew one. Look! A: Oh, that’s nice, Where you (buy) it? BI (get) itat Tech Town last weekend. What about you? you ever (lose) anything valuable? A: Well,| (leave) my leather jacket ina coffee shop a couple of months ago. B: Oh, no! you (go) back and look for it? A: Well, | (call) them, but it was gone. @ Choose the correct responses. 1. A: Has Marie called her family lately? 5. Ay B: No. she hasn't, B ‘* How many times? * No, she hasn't, : Are you having a good time? * Yes, in along time. * Yes, really good. ‘A: How long did Joe stay at the party? * For two hours. Since midnight. : Have you had lunch? * Yes, in a few minutes. + Yes, I've already eaten. 60 = Unit 10 How many times has Gina lost her keys? * Twice, * Already. What about a tour of the city? * I've never, have you? ‘Sure. [hear it's great. fave you been here long? * No, not yet. * No, just a few minutes, Have you seen Chad today? * Yes, | saw him this morning. * Yes, for 7:00. = 1. Prices are high in New York City. Everything is very expensive there. (cheap / expensive / stressful) 2. Florence is a beautiful old city. There are not many buildings. (big / modern / small) 3, My hometown Is not an exciting place. The nightlife there is pretty (boring / nice / interesting) 4, Some parts of our city are fairly dangerous. They're not very late at night. (hot / interesting / safe) 5, Athens is a very quiet city in the winter. The streets are never at that time of the year. (spacious / crowded / relaxing) caceceaeiiniiiiinninnancniinniianiin Choose the correct questions to complete this conversation. Whats the weather like? Alisirbig? ls the nightlife exciting? 7 Whats your hometown like? ‘A: What's your hometown like? B: My hometown? It’s a pretty nice place, and the people are very friendly. A ee ER B: No, it’s fairly small, but it’s not too small. A Ce ee UE B: The winter is wet and really cold. It's very nice in the summer, though. A eee ee B: No! It’s really boring, There are no good restaurants or nightclubs. 61 @ Choose the correct conjunctions and rewrite the sentences. Use and for additional information. {son exciting cy, and the weather is great. Use but, though, and however for contrasting information. Is very safe during the day, but i's pretty dangerous ot night. The summers are hot, The evenings are fairly cold, though Iti a fairly large city. i's not too interesting, however. ‘Séo Paulo, Brazil ) 1. So Paulo is a very busy place. The streets are always crowded, (and / but) S80 Faulo is a very busy place, and the streets are always crowded, 2. Sapporo is a very nice place. The winters are terribly cold. (and / though) eee nea nnn nen Senn EEE 3. Marrakech is an exciting city. It's @ fun place to sightsee, (and / however) in a ret Se erIneereere a auenemeecun ewer greenness eeeeeEEETTEE 4, My hometown is a great place for a vacation. It’s not too good for shopping, (and / but) a neantantaneeetae ota aerate eee seese ee nsee eeaeeeeereeeeee renee na ee ee ie 5. Our hometown is somewhat ugly. It has some beautiful old homes. (and / however) is ee A 62 Unit 17 @ Check (/) if these sentences need a or an. Then write a or an in the correct places. Lise ar'on wit (afear8 «) ecioeire Arent Neves Ithas a fairly new park. isan old Don’t use a or an with (adverb +) adjective. Ws iy new. I's old. a 1, & Beijing hag very modern airport. 2. © Restaurants are very cheap in Ecuador. 3. ™ Copenhagen is clean city. 4, © The bulldings in Paris are really beautiful. 5. )) Apartments are very expensive in Hong Kong. 6. ™ Dubai is very hot city in the summer. 7. ™ Mexico City has excellent museums, 8. ™ Rio de Janeiro is exciting place to visit. a Britain's biggest city. It capital city and dates back tothe Roman. I. acty of interesting ildings and churches, and it many beautiful parks. It also some of the best museums inthe world. London very crowded in the summer, but it. ‘not too busy in the winter. tt______a popular city with foreign tourists and milions ~ of visitors a year. The city famous fr its shopping and many excellent department stores, London convenient tains and buses that cross the city, soit easy for tourists to get around, Itsa very exciting place! « 63 From city to city AA Scan the webpage. Where is each city? Helsinki was founded in 1550 and Asmall community called Granville ‘Salvador da Bahia was founded in | ‘became the capital city of Finland in \was founded on the west coast of 1549, Since then, it has been a very q Ta2 safety smallciy, witha Canadainthe IOs. twas renamed important ct n northeast Brat ‘Population of about 600,000. ‘Vancouver in 1886. Today, Vancouver ‘was the country's first capital city. 8 Helsinki is very beautiful, and itis a isa large city of over 2 million people. With about 2.6 million people, 2 ‘0d cy for walking and bicycling. It } About 49 percent ofthe population Salvador da Bahia is a popular tourist thas lots of parks, and there are speak English as a first language, and : destination. Visitors come forits. forests nearby. Cruises are popular. ‘about 25 percent speak Chinese as a architecture and its beaches. People ‘The Gty is on the Baltic Sea, and there : first language. The city has lots of — also come for the African | heritage in are hundreds of small islands nearby. The best time to gos the summer because the Finnish winter is very old thas an average ternperature in February of -3.6° Celsius, really good restaurants that serve many kinds of food. Vancouver has fairy mild weather. t's not very hot or very cold. Theres skiing nearby in the Coast Mountain Range. the food and music. Capoeira, for example, is @ popular mix of music, dancing, and martial ars. The ‘weather is usually hot and humid, but sea breezes make it feel pleasant, ; 4 ; Helsinki Vancouver Salvador da Bohia C complete the sentences. |. Vancouver changediits name in 1886. has many Chinese speakers. ————_—________________ isthe coldest of the three cities. were both founded in the mid-sixteenith century. Awe a 64= Unit 17 Complete these sentences. Use phrases from the list. DD shouldn't miss OD cantoke ] D should see 1) shouldn't stay can get 1D shouldn't walk 1. You should gee __ the new zoo. Its very interesting. 2. You near the airport. It's too noisy. 3. You ___ the museum. Ithas some new exhibits. 4, You a bus tour of the city if you like. 5. You alone at night. It’s too dangerous. 6. You ataxiif you'te out late. Complete this conversation with should or shouldn't and | or you. A; I'm taking my vacation in Indonesia. What __shauld |____ do there? miss Yogyakarta, the old capital city. There are a lot of beautiful old buildings. For example, see the ‘temple of Borobudur. A: Sounds great. Ball is very popular, too. _—____—- gothere? es, = I's very interesting. take alot of money with me? B: No, is not an expensive country to visit. ‘A: Sowhen go there? 8: Anytime. The weather's always nice. Indonesia It’s very exciting place! « 65 — Use can, should, or shouldn't. anguage 1, the time to visit What time of year should you visit? 2. things to see and do there Renn nner 3. things not to do ceca SO gnome EEE 4. special foods to try 5. fun things to buy 6. other interesting things to do @ Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to ‘Say each sentence using the words given. 1. It'sa stressful city, It isn't a relaxing city. (not relaxing) 2. The streets are always full of people. (crowded) 3. Is nota very beautiful city (fairly ugly) 4. When should we visit the city? (a good time) Se 5. You really should visit the weekend market. {not miss) ee 66» Unit 11 © lt really works! Any suggestions? A Check (¥) the best advice for each health problem. B write a question about each problem in part A. Then write answers Using the words from the box. Use the advice in part A or your own ideas. 1. A: What should you do for a backache? B: its helpful to use a heating pad 2A B 3A B: Ce Bi errr em eee eee es Cee Cee CSA a es Oe ae SN ON WR, By epee eee eee avec cesses eee veEesccEee B: 67 ka Rewrite these sentences. Give advice using It's important... , It’s a good idea ..., or It’s sometimes helpful... Negative infinitive Forthe flu, don’texercise alot, For the flu, i's a good ideo not to exercise a lot 1. Fora toothache, don't eat cold foods. For a toothache, it’s Important not to eat cold foods. 2. Fora sore throat, don't talk too much. Een SAR Lone es 3. Fora burn, don't put ice on it. em eat 4. For insomnia, don't drink coffee at night. Freer acd SS ca Ei ham 2d eR 5. Fora fever, don't get out of bed. 8 Check () three health problems you have had. Write what you did for each one. Use the remedies below or your own remedies. Health problems © abackache © aheadache © atoothache © acold © asore throat © the hiccups © asunburn © stress Some remedies take some aspirin get some medicine from the drugstore use some lotion Put some ointment on it take some cough drops. see my doctor/denttst goto bed do nothing Example: Yesterday, | had a bad headache, 60 | took some aspirin Bee meee 3. 68 = Unit 12 Qn A Scan the article. Check (/) the things that the article says may stop people from sleepi Plmenctene © stress © noisy neighbors © sleeping after lunch Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep a right. Some people need less than this, and some people need more. ‘According to sleep expert Dr. Robert Schachter, many people have difficulty sleeping, but they do not know why. Most people know itis important not to rink coffee or tea before they go to bed — both B Check (V) True or False. Everyone needs eight hours of sleep a night. CatHeine helps you fall asleep. Cold tablets can keep you awoke. Busy people may have trouble falling asleep. itis @ good idea to have « TV near your bed. .. You should have regular sleeping hours. ”. You shouldn't eat just before you go to bed. Counting sheep may help people sleep. at night. Then read the article to check your answers. ©) a regular sleep schedule © sheep beverages have caffeine. Caffeine keeps people ‘awake. However, not everybody knows that some “medicines, such as cold tablets, also have caffeine in ‘them. Stress can cause insomnia, 100. Busy people with stressful jobs may not be able to sleep at night. Dr. Schachter suggests, “You shouldn't use your ‘bedroom as a TV room or an exercise room. You ‘should use It for sleeping only Its a good idea to have regular sleeping schedule. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day. I's also important not to eat before bectime. Eating may keep you awake.” ‘And if ll this doesn't work, try counting sheep! 300000 80000000 3a It really works! * 69 Gee AA Complete the word map with medicines from the list. © ontitch cream © cough drops Deyedrops © muscle ointment bondoges ® ear drops insect spray sunburn spray poe [Eee I Bottle I Box | ear drops f ree Tube 1 B what should these people buy? Give advice. Use the ‘containers and medicine from part A. 1. Joe has very tired eyes, zs He should buy a bottle of eyedrops. g 2. Mary has a bad cough. 3. David has a terrible earache. a eee 4. There may be mosquitoes where Ed's camping, aia a 5. Manuel has dry, itchy skin, eam 6. Susan has a cut on her hand. 7. Jin-sook and Brandy got sunburned at the beach. it iy 8. Mark's shoulders are sore after his workout, ee cea ae anenuneuneetesroreresPeveo Pau COMASIOSIOGIDA 70 = Unit 12 Check (V) the correct sentences to make conversations. 1, Pharmac : Y Cant help you? © should |help you? ‘Customer: [© Yes. Can | have a bottle of aspirin? ™ Yes. | suggest a bottle of aspirin. Pharmacist: Here you are. Customer: © And what do you need for a sunburn? © And what do you have for a sunburn? Pharmacist: ™ Do you suggest this lotion? © 1 suggest this lotion. Customer: Thanks. 2. Pharmacist: Hi.Can | help you? Customer: ™ Yes. Can I suggest something for sore muscles? © Yes. could | have something for sore muscles? Pharmacist: © Sure. Try this ointment. © sure. Could | try this ointment? Customer: ™) Thanks. And what should you get for the flu? © Thanks. And what do you suggest for the flu? Pharmacist: ™ Can | have some of these tablets? They really work. © Try some of these tablets. They really work. Customer: ® OK, thanks. Ill take them. And you should get a pack of tissues. © OK, thanks. I'll take them. And could I have a pack of tissues? Pharmacist: Sure. Here you are. Itreally works! = 71 @ Complete this conversation with the correct words. Wow, you don't look very good! Do you feel OK? 8: No, | think I'm getting a cold. What shouldIdo _____ it? (for / to / with) A: You should stay _______homeandgo_______ bed. {at/in/of) (in/of /t0) B: You're probably right. 've got a really bad cough, too, A: Try drinking some hottea ____ honey. It really helps, (for / of / with) B: Anything else? A: Yeah, | suggest you get a big box ____tissuest (at/in/of) a Give suggestions for these problems, Use words from the box. Ty... _Isuggest... You should 1. Ihave a very sore throat. Try some hot tea. 2. I think I'm getting a cold. i es tno sete gale 3. I can't stop sneezing, i 0 TT eT 4. Idon't have any energy. eS 5. I'm stressed out! a eS 6. Ican't get to sleep. a 72 = Unit 12 "> May | take your order? Show that you agree. Write sentences with the words given. 2. A: Lreally like Chinese food. B: (so) : Iean’t stand spicy food. Be Ee recite: 5. A: Idon'tlike bland food very much. 6. A: I think Japanese food is delicious. Beiter) eit B w What do you think? A Look at the pictures. Write sentences about the food. Use the expressions in the box and the given words. anguage Witdocaleee | ove I'm not crazy about . I'm crazy about . | don't like... vary much Hike... lot Vean't stand... Isa little too . 74 Unit 13 j= A Skim the restaurant reviews. Match the reviewer with the number of stars. 1. Camille Je Fantastic! 2. Luke tok Pretty good. 3. Adam * Awful! | Restaur: Reviews Trattoria Romana is an excellent Last Saturday Iwas the only Beirut Café is a new Lebanese Italian restaurant. It has a quiet customer at Dynasty, 2 new restaurant located downtown and relaxing atmosphere, and diner on 57th Street. It's not@ on the corner of 12th and the service is very good. It's nice place. The servers are slow Maple. The specialty is meze ~ always crowded, so make 4 and unfriendly. The atmosphere _lots of different smell dishes. reservation early. The menu is is boring, and so is the menu. The atmosphere is lively, and riot very big. There are only four The restaurant specializes in the service is pretty friendly, entrées on the menu, but ‘American food ~ mostly steak There's live Lebanese music and everything is fresh. The chicken and potatoes, My steak was dancing on weekends, Beirut with pasta is wonderful almost caw, and the fries were Café is not very expensive ~ Desserts are their specialty~ greasy. Itisn’t cheap either. It about $18 a person. The food rich and really delicious! You'll cost me $36. Ifyou go there, is good. If you go, you need spend about $32 per person. you won't need a reservation, _—_a reservation, Atmosphere Specialties Service Price/person Reservation May | take your order? * 75 @ Check (/) the item that does not belong. 1. O beef @ fish lamb 2. © strawberries © grapes © peas 3, © octopus © bread © pasta 4. © corn © chicken © potatoes 5. © iced tea © ice cream © iced coffee 6. © su © aturkey sandwich © ahamburger a Use one or more words to complete this conversation between server and a customer. Server: May I take your order? Customer: Yes. Illhave the beef with potatoes. Server: What kind of dressing __________ on your salad - French, blue cheese, or vinaigrette? Customer: _____like French, please. Server: And would youlike ____todrink? Customer: Yes, _________ have iced coffee. Server: With milk and sugar? Customer: Yes, Server: Anything else? Customer: No, —___ That'll _______ all. Server; OK. I'll bring it right away. 76 = Unit 13 1, A: What would you like? B; ilhave two cheeseburgers with everyting, ‘I'll be your server today. Yes, Id like to. #1ll have two cheeseburgers with everything. 2. A: Would you like french fries or salad? # Lguess Iwill, thanks, I'd like french fries, please. Yes, please. 3. A: What kind of soda would you like? B: * ll have a cola. *# Id like a pizza, please. +A small order, please. 4, A: Would you like anything to drink? © No, thanks. * Yes, a hamburger, please, *1ll have some noodles, please. 5. A: What flavor ice cream would you like? * Fresh, please, * Chocolate, please. Ice cream, please. 6. A: Would you like anything else? ‘* Yes, thank you very much. * Not at all, thanks. That'll be all, thanks. ep we Choose the correct words. 1, Baked potatoes are less __areasy _ than french fries. (greasy / healthy / spicy) 2. Ina restaurant, the server takes your (menu / order / service) 3. Many people like ____on their salad. (dessert / dressing / soda) 4. Some people rarely cook with spices. They prefer _____ food. (bland / hot / rich) 5, Strawberry is a popular ice cream _____ . (drink / flavor / meal) May | take your order? = 77 @ Complete the conversation. Use the words and expressions in the box. feel tired tonight. | really don't want to cook. Whitney: Neither ___ do |, Say, do you like Thai food? 's delicious! | Whitney: Ido, sits my Let's call Chiang Mai restaurant for home delivery. Sherry: Great ideal Their food is always good. | eat there alot. Whitney: ______ dol.Well, what_____ you like tonight? Sherry: I'm in the mood for some soup. Whitney: So L.And think! _______ have spicy chicken and special Thai rice. Sherry: OK, let's order. Oh, wait a minute, | don't have any money with me. Whitney: Neither _______ What should we do? Sherry: Well let's look in the igerator. Hmm. Do you like boiled eggs? Whitney: (oe eae ag Sherry: Actually, neither 78 = Unit 13 =" The biggest and the best! A Circle the correct word. 1, Thisis a stream of water occurring when a falls from a high place. @waterfall ~~ bocean chill 2. This sa large area of land that has lots of trees on it. a. desert bforest — c.river 3, This is alow area of land between mountains or hills. a.valley beriver —_c. beach 4, This is an area of water with land all around it. a.lake b.ocean —c.island 5. This isa mountain with a hole on top, Smoke and lava sometimes come out, and it can be dangerous. a.hill b.canyon —¢.volcano 6. This is a dry, sandy place. It doesn't rain much here, and there aren't many plants. a. desert b.sea c.voleano B complete the names. Use words from the box. Canyon Falls [Desert ©) Movnt 1. Grand ——Canyon _ 2, Amazon —___ a, Superior 4. Fuji 5. Mediterranean 6. Angel rie (earcifiey 8. Sahara 79 8 Write the comparative and superlative of the words given. Add -er or -est to mast words. Add -r or -st to words ending in -e. Drop the y and add -ier or -iest. Double the final consonant and add -er or -est. 1. busy busier the busiest 6. noisy 2. cool 7. old 3. friendly pallens, 8. safe 4. heavy Rese 9. small 5. nice 10. wet a Complete this conversation. Use the superlative of the words given. lan: So where did you go for your vacation, Val? Val: Italy. lan: How exciting! Did you have a good time? Val: It was terrific! | think Italy is the most excitina (exciting) country in Europe. lan: Well it certainly has some of (famous) cities in the world — Rome, Milan, and Venice. Val: Yeah. had (good) time in Venice. It's (beautiful) city I've ever seen. Of course, it's also (popular) one of tourist attractions. It was (crowded) ted this summer, and there weren't even any cars! city Ivi lan: I've always wanted to visit Venice. What's it ike in the winter? Val: Actually, that’s you want to avoid the summer crowds. Venice is one of (cold and foggy) places in Italy in the winter, (bad) time to visit unless 80 = Unit 14 the longest the largest the driest the biggest a Complete these sentences. Use the comparative or the superlative of the words given. _ Muscat, Oman | Mont Blanc | the Suez Canal 1, Mont Blanc in the French Alps is _higher than _ (high) the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps. 2, The hottest (hot) capital city in the world is Muscat, in Oman. » |. The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and Red seas. It is 190 kilometers (118 miles) long. itis (long) the Panama Canal. |. Canada and Russia are (large) countries in the world. . Russia is ______ (large) Canada. (high) waterfall in the world is in Venezuela. Mowe .. The Atacama Desert in Chile is______ (dry) place in the world. Mount Waialeale in Hawaii gets 1,170 centimeters (460 inches) of rain a year. Itis ______ (wet) place on earth! 9. The continent of Antarctica is (cold) any other place in the world. 10. The Himalayas are some of 11. Badwater, in California's Death Valley, is (dangerous) mountains to climb. (low) point in North America. 12. The Pacific Ocean is ______ (deep) the Atlantic Ocean. At one place, the Pacific Ocean is 11,033 meters (36,198 feet) deep. The biggest and the best! * 81 @ The coldest and the windiest! A\ Scan the article about Antarctica. In what ways is it diferent from other places on earth? Why do scientists work there? ANTARCTICA isthe most southern continent in the world, It's like nowhere else on earth, I's much larger than Europe and nearly twice the size of Australia I's an icy plateau with the South Pole at its center, Antarctica isthe coldest and windiest place in the world, even colder and winder than the North Pole, ‘Although 96 percent of Antarctica is covered in ice, itis considered a desert. Along the coast, annual precipitation is only 200 millimeters (eight inches) a year. Very few plants grow there, but there is some wildlife, including whales, seals, and penguins. In the summer, the sun shines for ‘Whours a day, but in the winter, it’s completely dark for about three months. When Captain James Cook sailed around the continent in the 1770s, he found no one living there. Today, a few scientists work in Antarctica, ‘but they only spend fairly short periods of time there. Many of these Scientists live and work on the Antarctic Peninsula. This area is the closest part of Antarctica to South America, the continent's nearest Neighbor. Many of these scientists are studying the effects of climate change there, ‘Scientists think that this cold and lonely place can teach usa lot about the earth and how to keep it safe. 1. Europe is bigger than Antarctica. laa 2 2. The North Pole is the coldest place in the world. ® Q 3. The coasts in Antarctica get a lot of snow. ® 8 4. In Antarctica, it never gets dark in the summer. ® ® 5. Captain Cook found a few people living in Antarctica. 8 ® 6. The South Pole is the closest part of Antarctica to South America, 8 ) 7. Scientists there are studying changes in climate. 8 8 82 = Unit 14 anguage Wares a Geography quiz Use the words in the box. Write questions about the pictures. Then circle the correct answers. DHowbig Howdeep 2) How long How cold [) How far (J How high Angel Falls | : 1, How high io \ a. It's 979 meters (3,212 feet) tall. b. It's 979 meters high. Australia to New Zealand a. It's about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles). b. It's about 2,000 square kilometers. the Yangtze River a a a. It's 6,300 kilometers (3,917 miles) long. b. It's 6,300 kilometers high. a, Itgets up to -88.3 degrees Celsius (126.9 degrees Fahrenheit). b, Itgets down to ~88.3 degrees Celsius. a. It’s 6 million square kilometers (2.5 million square b. It's 6 million kilometers long. a, It's about 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) big. b, It's about 1.6 kilometers deep. The biggest and the best! = 83 w Answer these questions about your country. 1, How big is the largest city? 2. What's the wettest month? What's the driest month? = How hot does it get in the summer? How cold does it get in the winter? 2 How high is the highest mountain? What's the most beautiful town to visit? ei Write the opposites to complete the crossword puzzle. Across 2 biggest 6 bad 7 shorter 8 worse 9 worst 10 near 11 lowest 13 driest 14 hot 15 shortest Down 1 hotter 3 smaller 4 least crowded (2 words) 5 coldest 9 smallest 10 not famous 11 cold 12 best 84-= Unit 14 B I'm going to a soccer match. Match the words in columns A and B. Write the names of the activities. (More than one answer may be possible.) Y baseball concert beach contest bicycle Y game dance match rock party singing performance tennis race volleyball tournament @ Read Anna’s calendar and write about her plans. Use the present continuous. «K ] July SoS Sunday Monday. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday On Sunday afternoon, Anna is going to Jeremy's birthday party, 85 a Complete this conversation. Use be going to and the verbs given, Marta: What -2re_ you —going to do this weekend, Mark? (do) Mark: 1 toa rock concert on Saturday. (go) Marta: That sounds interesting. Mark: Yeah. There's a free concert in the park. And how about you, Marta? Marta: Well, Brian and | a basketball game the afternoon. (see) Mark: And what Marta: Brian you in the evening? (do) his mother in the hospital. (visit) Bot L=--____ por anything really. (do) Mark: Well, | some friends over for a barbecue, Would you like to come? (have) ‘Marta: Thanks. 'd love to! o=-----— 1, A; There’sa singing contest on TV tonight. Do you want to watch it? B: Im sorry. I'm working late tonight. ‘* How about this evening? I'm sorry. I'm working late tonight. * Yes, it does, Would you like to have dinner at Rosa's tonight? Bi ee eee * No, I'm not doing anything. * Sorry, I'm going away next week. © Great! But it's my turn to pay. 3. A: Do you want to go on a picnic tomorrow? # Yes, I'm going to. #Can we go toa late show? Sure, Id love to. 4. A: How about going to a movie on Saturday? Be * Oh, 'm sorry. I can't. * Nothing special. *'No, | wouldn't, 86 = Unit 15 no Princeville! Smee i Ga a Rock concert ‘Amusement park Musical Museum Coldplay Lots to do for everyone! ‘Mamma Mal Exhibition of modem art 1, Are you doing anything on Wednesday evening? Do you want to see a rock concert? Im goin 12 Coldplay on Wednes r li me? a Write about how often you do these leisure activities. Use the expressions in the box. lotten .. 1... olmost every weekend {sometimes . .. in the summer. |... three or four times @ year. [never 3. have parties athome Qin AA Read the article, What exactly are text messages? Text messages are shor, typed messages of up to about 150 characters. At first, the messages included letters, ‘numbers, and spaces ~ they were sent by Short Message Services, or SMS. However, nowadays, text messages ‘an include images, videos, and sound, Such messages are sent by Multimedia Message Services, or MIMS. This technology allows you to send and receive text messages on your cell phone. You can also send text ‘messages from computers to cell phones, and vice versa Texting is fast and cheap, and it’s alot of fun! Text messages use a kind of “text talk” language. Words in text messages are often spelled the way they sound. For ‘example, “Talk to you later” becomes “TLK2ULBR.” When you abbreviate your words in this way, you can write messages faster, And you can fit more words into a short ‘message on a small cell phone screen. = — Text messages often contain emoticons. You can create these cons or small pictures with your keyboard, (0_*) equals “happyismile" —(_)equals “sad” (0.0) equals “surprise” Sometimes, i's easier to understand them vertically, so turn your head to the left to look at these examples: =)equals “happy/smile” (equals “sad” -0 equals “surprise” Most people now use this kindof electronic language in Intemet chat rooms and in instant messaging The problem is that there are thousands of text abbreviations and emoticons! Have you ever received a message but didn’t know what it meant? Were you confused? The more you use ths electronic way to communicate, the better you'll become at using it. BAN (Bye for now) and BOL (Best of luck)! B Can you guess what these text abbreviations mean? Match each one with its meaning. | see. Where are you? Loughing out loud. In my opinion ». I'll be late. Talk to you later. Thanks. |. Be back later. What's up? Hove you, 88 = Unit 15 8 Read these messages. What did the caller say’ Write the messages another way using tell or ask. 1. Lu Jam that the meeting is at 10: We're meeting at before the conce the tickets. a Don't be latel. I'm going toa soccer match. = 89 @ Choose the correct words. Secretary: Hello. Schmidt and Lee, Ms. Curtis; Mayi _________ speak to Ms. Grace Schmidt, please? (May |/Would you) Secretary: I'm «She's not in (busy /sorry) (Can I leave / Can | take) amessage? Ms. Curtis: Yes, please. This is Ms. Curtis. you (Grace Sci (Would / Please) 1'm staying at the Plaza Hotel? (tell her that / ask her to) ‘The number is 555-9001, Room 605. (Please / Could) you. ? (ask her to call me /ask her to call her) Secretary: OK, Ms. Curtis. I'l (give her /tell her) the message, Ms. Curtis: Thank you very much. Good-bye. Ww Match the questions with the correct responses. Ph yes, plone Cou tell O That's OK. I'l call back. Yes. My number is (303) 555-3: 1. Would you like to come toa party? Yes. that would be areat. Thanks. 2. Could | ask her to call you back? 3. Whos calling, please? 4. Can Itake a message? 5. Could | speak to Paul, please? 6. I'm sorry. She's busy at the moment. anguage 90 = Unit 15 A change for the bett Choose the correct responses. 1. A: Say, you really look different. B; Well, my hair is a little longer nor * | moved into a new house. #'m more outgoing than before. © Well, my hairs a little longer now. . A; I haven't seen you for ages. * | know. How have you been? * Well, gota bank loan. ‘My new job is more stressful. . A: You know, | have three kids now. pe ee ‘* Well, I've grown a mustache. * That's terrific * Say, you've really changed your hair. 4, A: How are you? * | do more aerobics these days. © Well, actually, | turned 18. * lim doing really well. Complete the sentences. Use information in the box and the. ‘present perfect. Drowicarew potent aor going team 1. Judy. Her old one was too small. 2. Kim and Anna. Now they cook dinner at home every evening, I's much cheaper. Se ee He looks healthier, and he has more energy. 1 re Describe how these people have changed. Use the present or the past tense. orn Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given. 1. Alice quit eating rich food. ic althier food now. (healthier) 2. James lost a lot of weight. eae 3. Mary goes to a new schoo! now. —_—,_ change 4, Tess got divorced last year. marie) 5. I've grown out my hair. A tongery 6. We quit working out at the gym. ———————- A 0) 92 = Unit 16 Life changes A Read the passages on the left in Part B. Complete these sentences. 1, _____ had an interesting job two years ago. 2, _______ hada money problem two years ago. 3. was a student two years ago. B Now read the passages on the right. Match the people's lives two years ago. 1. Aki Two years ago, Iwas a student, and [thought life was really good. | got up late. | spent the day talking to friends, and then | studied all night. I wore jeans and sweatshirts and had long hair and o mustache. | felt free. 2. Luis | moved to a new town two years ago. My job was interesting, but | was single and \ didn't hove any friends. People at work ‘were friendly but not very outgoing. We never did anything after work. —__— 3. Rosie My life seemed to come to an end ‘two years ogo. | lost my job. Then | lost ‘weight, and looked terrible. Money became «c problem. | was very sad. | needed some good luck. .. Now my life has completely changed. | got married six months ago! My wife and | often have friends over for dinner. We're taking classes several nights a week. I's great! We're even talking about starting a family soon. Now I work as o computer programmer for an inlernotional company. I've moved to Seoul and hove started to learn Korean. Korean food is great, and I've gained several kilos. | feel much happier and healthier. Now | actually look forward to getting up early in the morning and going to work. Of course, I dress up now, and my hair is shorter, But | don’t really mind. At least my evenings are free! C Underline at least two changes in each person's life. ‘Achange for the better! = 93 a Complete the sentences. Use words in the box. broke —_(} graduation Orcareer Foon 1. After graduation _ , Nancy and Kirk plan to look for jobs. 2. What _____do you think you're most interested in pursuing? 3. I goto school, and | have a family and a part-time job. Ihave a lot of 4, Lucy wants to pay off her student before she buys a car. 5. Marie lost her job. Now she’s _____, and she can't pay her rent. Tdlike tobe _____in my first job. Then | can geta better job and a raise. 6. @ Complete this conversation. Use the words given. Melissa: __What do you plan to do (plan, do) this summer, Leo? Leo: | (want, get) a summer job. 1 (like, save) money fora vacation. Melissa: Really?Where (like, go)? Leo: | (love, travel) to Latin America. What about you, Melissa? Melissa: Well, | (not go, get) a job right away. First, 1 (want, go) to Spain and Portugal. Leo: Sounds great, but how (Go, pay) for it? Melissa: | (hope, borrow) some money from my brother. | have a good excuse. | (plan, take) courses in Spanish and Portuguese. Leo: Oh, I'm tired of studying! Melissa: So am |. But | also (hope, take) people on tours to Latin America. Why don’t you come on my first tour? Leo: Count me in! 94 = Unit 16 @ Imagine you have these problems. Write three sentences about changing each situation. Use words in the box. 1, I'm not interested in my job these days. | spend three hours driving to and from work every day, and I don't make enough money! | can't find a new job, though, because of my poor computer skills. Thope to want to. 2. I've become less careful about my health lately. 've stopped Jogging because I'm bored with it. 've started eating more fast food because I'm too tired to cook after work. And | can't sleep at night. Fm going to... 3. just moved to a new town, and don't know anyone. | never do anything after work. People at work don't really talk to me. [haven't had a date in about four months. And | never seem to do anything fun in the evenings. ¥'m going to A change for the better! = 95 - : Choose the correct words to complete each sentence. Use the correct form of the word and add any words if necessary. 1, Ihope to buy ahousesoon.Ineed __to ger (open / start / get) a bank loan. 2. Heather’ salary is much before, (low / short /high) She had to take a pay cut. 3. After graduation, Jackplans _______foran (play / work/ move) international company. 4, This job is my last job. (outgoing / stressful / expensive) 5. Mel hopes toa small town, (move /live / change) 6. William and Donna got _____last summer. (engage / marry) The wedding will be in April, ‘Advise people how to make changes in their lives. Use expressions like the ones in the box. 7 1. I've gained a lot of weight this year. anguage wtdediolse 2. My hair is longer, but it doesn't look good. Sea CECE EP 3. I've gotten tired of wearing the same old clothes, ee 4. Iwant to start a successful business, ae a ait 5. I'm often bored on weekends. poe ec 6. I don't seem to have any goals. aac eames 7. Ie finished this textbook, but | still want to improve my English! eee eee eaee mn sense ade ener PvE 96 = Unit 16 BUa toi Re-ca Clot aCe Le Millions of students around the world have learned English with Urea ue eR Ee ee Sa ae COR g Bue cud Interchange Fourth Edition offers the same trusted methodology SET eects oes Fresh new look, revised content, and new digital components lh one) CRS ret ence mace ae) New for Students rece Mate ee co ener eee Led TT ancarsg ae ean eee Ce ee ee Pear eur) - New Complete Class Audio Pena Cuur Prenat Cee} eee etc = New Self-study DVD-ROM with video and skills practice aa ola raed = tec Oh ae es eed Bau eee eee) See SRC eee) BTC Ra UC Ra atl « New Video Resource Book CEC Re RCo utes iso ST om Leo red Sea ects erate ce ls c Poetry Cees ne 2" jg aS Dem aed CAMBRIDGE See ee ee eed

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