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1. Follicular development has traditionally been divided into gonadotropin-dependent and

gonadotropin-independent phases. The gonadotropin-independent transition is the:

a. Primary to sencondary follicle transition.

b. Primordial to primary follicle transition.
c. Pre-ovulatory follicle transition.
d. Secondary to tertiary follicle transition.
e. Follicular to luteal phase transition.

2. Upon ovulation, observation of a mature human oocyte (egg) under the microscope
a. No germinal vesicle and two polar bodies.
b. One gerninal vesicle and no polar bodies.
c. No germinal vesicle and no polar bodies.
d. No germinal vesicle and one polar body.
e. None of the above.

3. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) during the early part of the follicular phase of the
cycle regulates the:
a. Induction of LH receptors.
b. Induction of FSH receptors.
c. Induction of aromatase in granulosa cells.
d. None of the above.
e. All of the above (a, b and c).

4. Proliferation of the endometrial epithelium and stroma depends solely on the direct action
a. Progesterone
b. Estrogen
c. Estrogen and FSH
d. Estrogen and Progesterone
e. FSH

5. In clinical practice, hCG (instead of LH) is utilized to trigger final follicular

maturation. The reason(s) hCG is utilized is (are) because hCG
a. Binds to LH receptors.

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b. Binds to GnRH receptors.

c. Antagonizes FSH action.
d. Has a shorter half life than LH.
e. None of the above.
f. All of the above (a, b, c and d).


1. A patient has premature ovarian failure and is undergoing hormone replacement therapy
to prepare her endometrium for embryo transfer from a donated oocyte. The optimal
hormonal regimen for this is:
a. Continuous Estrogen and Progesterone.
b. Estrogen followed by Estrogen and Progesterone.
c. Progesterone followed by Estrogen and Progesterone.
d. Estrogen alone.
e. Progesterone alone.

2. The initial cellular steps of implantation in the human involve interaction(s) of the
endometrial epithelial cells with the:
a. Cells of the trophectoderm.
b. Cells of the inner cell mass.
c. Zona pellucida.
d. External cells of the morula.
e. None of the above.

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