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Pharmacology and therapeutics


46 2007 The
Journal of
Society of Dermatology

Two therapeutic challenges: periocular and genital vitiligo in

and Leite
and and
vitiligo in children

children successfully treated with pimecrolimus cream

Rubens Marcelo Souza Leite, MD, and Adriana Arago Craveiro Leite, MD

From the Universidade Catlica de Braslia Abstract

and Instituto Saint Louis de Braslia Vitiligo is characterized by the selective destruction of melanocytes resulting in patches of skin
depigmentation. Vitiligo is a therapeutic challenge. Eyebrows, eyelids and genital vitiligo are a
therapeutic dilemma, especially in children. The possible side effects of topical corticosteroids
Rubens Marcelo Souza Leite
SMHN Q2, Bloco A, # 10 and the difficulties for choosing any other adequate treatment option are a major concern.
Edificio de Clinicas We present two children, one with vitiligo of the eyelids and the other with genital vitiligo,
Sala 108, Zip 70710-100 both treated with pimecrolimus 1% cream with almost full repigmentation of the lesions, showing
Brazilia-DF pimecrolimus could be an adequate option for the treatment of vitiligo for these special vitiligo
areas in children.

Vitiligo is the most common of the primary disorders of used in Brazil) showed no improvement. The patch was
pigmentation. It affects 1% of the worlds population and its getting larger and the boys parents complained that their son
onset in at least half of the cases occurs before the age of 20.1 was feeling unhappy with the lesion, and facing relationship
It is characterized by a selective destruction of melanocytes problems at school. No other macule was observed during
resulting in patches of skin depigmentation.1,2 There is a familial examination. Laboratory tests were on the normal range.
incidence of 30%, with inheritance pattern not explained There were no familial vitiligo cases. Focal vitiligo was
by simple Mendelian genetics, otherwise characterized by diagnosed and treatment with pimecrolimus 1% cream twice
incomplete penetrance, multiple susceptibility loci, and a day was started.
genetics heterogenecity.1,3 Vitiligo is clinically divided into After 4 months of treatment, the positive result was
localized and generalized forms.4 It is a therapeutic challenge, unquestionable, with almost complete pigmentation of the
and spontaneous regression of this disease is unusual.5 treated patch (Fig. 2). One year after treatment, there was no
Eyebrows, eyelids, and genital vitiligo are a therapeutic relapse of vitiligo.
dilemma, especially in children. The possible side-effects with
topical corticosteroids therapy and the difficulties for choosing
any other adequate treatment option are a major concern.5,6
The new calcineurin inhibitors tacrolimus and pimecrolimus,
with their known topical safety profile, have been reported as
a therapeutic option for vitiligo.7,8 We present here two children,
one with vitiligo of the eyelids and eyebrows and the other
with genital vitiligo, both treated with pimecrolimus 1%
cream, with almost full repigmentation of the treated lesions,
showing that pimecrolimus could be an effective option for
the treatment of vitiligo in children, particularly for these
special skin areas.

Clinical Case 1

An 8-year-old boy was referred to our service with complaint

of a large white patch on his left eyelid and eyebrow area
(Fig. 1). Topical therapy with hydrocortisone cream and
986 mama cadela lotion (Brosimum gaudichaudii a psoralenic Figure 1 Eyebrow and eyelid vitiligo before treatment

International Journal of Dermatology 2007, 46, 986989 2007 The International Society of Dermatology
Leite and Leite Periocular and genital vitiligo in children Pharmacology and therapeutics 987

Figure 2 Eyebrow and eyelid vitiligo after treatment Figure 4 Genital vitiligo after treatment

crolimus 1% cream was initiated twice a day for 1 month.

Clinical Case 2
There was no initial response, but the treatment was
An 11-year-old boy presented with a history of white patches continued for more than 3 months, after which the patient
on his penis skin and mucosa. There were also white macules showed almost complete remission of all vitiligo lesions on his
on his pubis area. The patient noticed that the patches were penis and pubic areas (Fig. 4).
enlarging during the previous months, but refused to tell
his parents. The boys mother recently saw the white lesions
during his bath. The patient gave a detailed account of his
condition, refusing contact with his peers and left his football Vitiligo is a therapeutic challenge and spontaneous regression
team, ashamed of having to take showers with his peers after of the disease is unusual.5 The variable expression of vitiligo
games. Upon physical examination, he had multiple small is characterized by different clinical presentations of the
well-defined and isolated white macules on his penis skin disease.
(Fig. 3). There was no parental history of vitiligo. A diagnosis Generalized vitiligo is usually symmetric and involves
of genital vitiligo was made. Laboratory tests, including the elbows, knees, wrists, hands, feet, and periorificial areas.
hemogram, thyroid function, glycemia, liver, and renal It is divided into several types, according to its clinical presen-
functions, were within normal limits. The parents refused a tation: acrofacial, vulgaris, or mixed. Localized vitiligo is
proposed therapy with topical corticosteroids, and pime- divided into focal, segmental or mucosal vitiligo. There is also
an extensive form of vitiligo, the universal vitiligo, which
involves the entire body.9
There are theories concerning the pathogenesis of
vitiligo. Immune mechanisms are felt to have an important
role on vitiligo development.3 Vitiligo is far more common in
patients suffering from certain autoimmune diseases such as
thyroiditis, anemia perniciosa, and diabetes.4 Patients with
vitiligo also produce specific melanocytes antibodies.10
The direct relation of these antibodies titles and the extent
of vitiligo favors a direct pathogenic role of these antibodies
on the disease.10,11 Some studies have addressed the role of
peripheral blood and lesional cytokine expression in
patients with vitiligo.1113
A recent study supports that cytokine imbalance plays
at least some role in the depigmentation process of vitiligo.
Analyzing 19 patients for 24 weeks, at baseline, compared
to healthy controls, vitiligo patients demonstrated a statistic-
Figure 3 Genital vitiligo before treatment ally significant increase in the expression of interferon-

2007 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2007, 46, 986 989
988 Pharmacology and therapeutics Periocular and genital vitiligo in children Leite and Leite

in involved and adjacent uninvolved skin; significantly genital vitiligo are not broad. Children and adolescent skin
increased tumor necrosis factor (TNF) expression in involved characteristics make this area prone to local therapy side-
and uninvolved skin; and significantly increased interleukin- effects. Topical corticosteroids are the first line of therapy
10 expression in involved and uninvolved skin. After treatment, for child and adolescent vitiligo.5 Children treated with
TNF expression decreased in the depigmented and adjacent corticosteroids should be monitored for local side-effects, like
uninvolved skin.14 teleangiectasias, cutaneous atrophy, or striae.5
Tacrolimus ointment and pimecrolimus cream, novel However, more studies with large number of patients are
topical immunomodulatory drugs, are used for the treatment needed to characterize pimecrolimus cream as a first-line
of atopic dermatitis in both adults and children.15 In recent therapeutic option for vitiligo. Because pimecrolimus has
studies, tacrolimus has been reported to induce repigmentation been shown to be a safe treatment to atopic dermatitis, even
in vitiligo patients.7,16 Grimes, in an open-label study, docu- with recent concerns about carcinogeneis, and its side-effect
mented the efficacy of tacrolimus ointment in six patients profile is poor,1921 it could be an interesting option for focal
with generalized vitiligo. Five of the six patients achieved vitiligo treatment, mainly when there is serious concern about
moderate to excellent repigmentation (50 100%), and one local side-effects as in periocular and genital areas in children.
patient had 25 to 50% repigmentation.17 Lepe, in a double-
blind study assessing the safety and efficacy of topical 0.1%
tacrolimus vs. 0.05% clobetasol propionate in children with References
vitiligo, observed that 18 (90%) of the 20 patients studied 1 Lerner AB. Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 1959; 32: 285
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lead to considerable psychologic distress and social isolation, 10 Moelmann GE, Krass P, Halaban R, et al. On the subject of
with lasting effects on self-esteem.6 The obvious goal of serum antibodies to melanocytes in vitiligo. J Invet Dermatol
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repigmentation of the affected areas, although this is not 11 Yu HS, Chang KL, Yu CL, et al. Alterations in IL-6, IL-8,
always possible. GM-CSF, TNF-, and IFN-release by peripheral
As there is no gold standard treatment for vitiligo, a wide mononuclear cells in patients with active vitiligo. J Invest
range of therapeutic options are available. When choosing a Dermatol 1997; 108: 527529.
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