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Opening for Pro Side

My partner and I stand in firm of the resolution that English should be the official language.

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is

now a global language. Today in the country known as the united states of america there is

many languages currently spoken (311 different languages) one of the many is the English

language. The English language is the main and most populous speaking language among the

american citizens. They teach this language daily in schools and reassure the citizens on how

to properly speak this language. English should be the main language in the U.S for many

reasons. One of these reasons is that everything here in the U.S has to be spoken and or

written in the English Language. For example when going to court everything has to be spoken

in the english language in person or by a translator. Exception are only given by governors of

the state and or the U.S president. All laws, Legislators, bye-laws, Bills, and the Constitution is

written in the English Language showing that all federal documents are interpreted in the

English Language also. People who don't know how to properly articulate this language often do

not know how to interpret the English on many of these documents above. English is a very

important need in the country of america . English is pretty much everywhere from bathroom

signs to street post signs to the writing on the billboards. The English language is everywhere in

the US so why not make it the official language. People will still be able to speak other native

languages. Others can still educate themselves on other languages spoken around the world.

Making English an official language will not only make America seem more of an evolved

country it will also make us seem like we know who we are as Americans. 72% of the American

population speak english the other 28% speak languages from spanish to hindi. This shows that

over half the population of the U.S. already currently speak the English Language. Meaning that

this language is very important to the U.S. Making English the official language would
encourage new migrants to learn the language of the country they have adopted as theirs. The

end goal is to unite the American people, while improving the lives of immigrants and

native-born inhabitants.

official English would save billions in federal spending. The direct cost of translators and

bilingual education alone are billions, and many of these costs are borne by local governments.

In Los Angeles in 2002, $15 million, or 15 percent of the election budget, was devoted to

printing ballots in seven languages and hiring bilingual poll workers. Los Angeles county hires

over 400 full-time court interpreters at a cost of $265 per day. The indirect costs of accidents

and lost productivity caused by the millions of people who dont speak English are billions more.

These have included fatal traffic accidents, workplace accidents, and accidents caused when

medical professionals could not understand patients or patients families. Many second

generation immigrants who dont speak English find themselves negatively affected by limited

employment opportunities. Learning English has always opened doors for immigrants and their

families, allowing them to enter the American mainstream and move up the socioeconomic

ladder. If we are going to be a united people, people who understand each other and can work

together with people from anywhere in the country, we will have to have an official national

language. Let that language be the language of our fundamental law the Constitution and

our declaration of independence. The solution to our linguistic fracturing is quite simple: English.

Its not just a language; its an idea whose time has come. Thus we urge you to vote pro Thank

Summary speech

English has never been the only language in America. However, it has been and should

remain our primary language and the official language of our government at all levels.

Historically, immigrants have been a source of ingenuity and prosperity for this country.

The vast majority of Americans can trace their heritage to a distant land, and many

maintain a strong affection for the home of their ancestors or their birth

country.Traditions pass from generation to generation within ethnic groups to create a

tapestry of diversity that covers and enriches our nation.

We should continue to strongly encourage legal immigrants to become citizens, but it is

important that those seeking citizenship embrace American values and the culture

which bind us together. In order to preserve that bond, a common language is


In the United States the language of success is English, even while we have a robust

and enriching tradition of people speaking different languages within their ethnic


Speaking and understanding English is a basic requisite to succeeding in the United

States. It also provides the basis for American cultural unity. The failure of large

numbers of immigrants to assimilate into our culture is leading many to fear that we are

experiencing the disintegration of American cultural values.

American civilization is the most successful in all of human history for a reason. Our rule

of law rests on the firm foundation of our cultural values, one of which is a common


If assimilation weakens, our foundation will weaken.

Also, ensuring the immigrants on how to speak english can increase employment

opportunities for them not only making America diverse but also successful. New

Americans have always enriched our nation, and for American civilization to succeed,

we must maintain and strengthen Americas civic culture.

We must do much more to help new legal immigrants who want to embrace American

values and culture by helping them to attain citizenship and assimilate easily into our

culture. Theodore Roosevelt once stated, The ultimate way to bring this nation to ruin,

or preventing all possibility of it continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to

become a tangle of squabbling nationalities. We have but one flag; we must also learn

one language, and that language is English (Roosevelt).

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