Vocab 23

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Vazquez, Sergio

Period 3
Weekly Vocabulary Response

Lesson 23: Words Relating to Being Short-lived in Time or Place

1. Ephemeral 2. Peripatetic 3. Evanescent 4. Transient 5. Fleeting 6. Transitory 7. Itinerant

8. Volatile 9. Nomadic

Trumps Travel Ban

Early into his presidency, Trump signed an executive order on January 27 banning people

from seven Muslim countries for a transient4 period of time. This order bans visa holders from

Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the United States. Trumps

fleeting5 decisions not only ban Muslims for 90 days but also suspends refugee admissions for at

least 120 days. Due to the extreme and harsh treatment of itinerant7 Muslims coming into the

country in peaceful terms, this executive order will most likely be volatile8 as US District Court

Judge James Robart has already ruled against it and stopped it temporarily. In response to this,

Trump called Robart a so-called judge and ridiculous which is a clear indicator of his

professionalism and qualification to lead this country in the 21st century. Opposition to the

ephemeral1 order claim that it favors Christians over Muslims which is very discriminatory and


Peripatetic2 public opinion is also starting to shift away in favor of Trump as many agree

it is making Americans look bad and it is a humiliation to the country as a whole. Technology

companies have already reported lost talent and revenue since the travel ban was issued and also

purported that America has always been a nomadic9 country since half of its population has a

grandparent born in another country. This evanescent3 lineage in a family to this country proves
that the United States is known for its diversity; however, this beautiful trait is at risk now once

again that a Republican nativist is in charge of it. History tends to repeat itself, especially in this

country and this transitory6 period will be over soon as people begin to realize America Is

Already Great and there is no point in progressing backwards.






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