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Jose Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden

The Jose Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden is a place where all the nature and
sciene lovers can go. This garden is a great place to rest of the street noises
and smoke

If you can not go all around the country in just one trip you can visit the
botanical garden, a place where all the different weathers from each regionn of
the country are gathered.

The botanical Garden has all the tipical Colombian flowers and the Palma de
Cera, the colombian national tree.

The garden can be found in Av. Calle 63 No. 68-95, Bogota D.C., Colombia,
Bogota D.C.

What to See There

The garden covers an area of 19 hectares. Aside from the lush greens, there are several
lakes around the area, adding to the peace and tranquility. The garden is divided into several
sections so it is easy to navigate.

These include the swamps, Orinoco plains, the Andean landscape, Amazonia and paramo.
There are over 18,200 plant and flower species in the site.

There is also a man-made waterfall in the

park. There are also laboratories where the plants and flowers can be examined. Visitors to
the park can also avail of the tourist info desk and the library. The latter contains
information about the garden.


The Jose Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden is the largest of its kind in Colombia. It was
named in honor of the man assigned to classify, search and study the animals and flowers in
Nueva Granada. Following its establishment, the garden would rapidly become the biggest
in the country.

Today it is visited by thousands of people every year. As a scientific research center, the
emphasis is plant conservation. The facility is able to produce environmental sustainability
by utilizing technology. Since its foundation in 1955, it has become a vital center for
scientific research.


The entrance fee is 2,000 pesos (U.S. $ 1.00) for an adult. For children it is 1,000 pesos
(U.S. $0.5).

Other Info

The greenhouses are among the biggest attractions in the garden. There, visitors will be
able to see different kinds of plants. These come from various parts of Colombia. Plants
from every altitude, climate and region are displayed.

One of the most prominent features is the Palma de cera, the countrys national tree. The
largest aquatic Amazonian flower is also exhibited.

The Jose Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden is open from Mondays to Fridays. Opening
time is at 8 am up to 5 pm. On Saturdays and Sundays it is open from 9 am to 5 pm.

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