Block-Based Fuzzy Step Size NLMS Algorithms For Subband Adaptive Channel Equalisation

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Published in IET Signal Processing

Received on 17th December 2007
Revised on 14th September 2008
doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222

ISSN 1751-9675

Block-based fuzzy step size NLMS algorithms

for subband adaptive channel equalisation
Y.H. Ng H. Mohamad T.C. Chuah
Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University, Jalan Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract: Judicious selection of the step size parameter is crucial for adaptive algorithms to strike a good balance
between convergence speed and misadjustment. The fuzzy step size (FSS) technique has been shown to improve
the performance of the classical xed step size and variable step size (VSS) normalised least mean square (NLMS)
algorithms. The performance of the FSS technique in the context of subband adaptive equalisation is analysed and
two novel block-based fuzzy step size (BFSS) strategies for the NLMS algorithm, namely xed block fuzzy step size
(FBFSS) and adaptive block fuzzy step size (ABFSS) are proposed. By exploiting the nature of gradient noise
inherent in stochastic gradient algorithms, these strategies are shown to substantially reduce the
computational complexity of the conventional FSS technique without sacricing the convergence speed and
steady-state performance. Instead of updating the step size at every iteration, the proposed techniques adjust
the step size based on the instantaneous squared error once over a block length. Design methodology and
guidelines that lead to good performance for the algorithms are given.

1 Introduction permissible range. These predicaments limit the usage of

such algorithms.
The normalised least mean square (NLMS) algorithm [1] is
one of the most widely used adaptive algorithms in many
signal processing applications because to its robustness and In [7], instead of interpreting linguistic rules in a
ease of implementation. The performance of this algorithm mathematical model as in VSS techniques, step size
is governed by a step size parameter whose value determines adjustment implemented directly in a linguistic model using
a trade-off between convergence speed and steady-state a fuzzy approach was proposed. It was shown that the fuzzy
misadjustment. In general, a larger step size leads to faster step size (FSS) technique outperforms the conventional VSS
convergence but results in larger misadjustments and vice techniques in [2, 3]. Furthermore, the step size used in the
versa. FSS technique is self-constrained, thereby eliminating the
requirement of supervision.
To achieve a good trade-off between convergence and error
misadjusments, various variable step size (VSS) techniques To date, most existing VSS techniques only focus on
that initially utilise a larger step size and subsequently shift fullband adaptive lter structures. Recently, subband
to a smaller step size have been proposed [2 7]. This adaptive equalisers have been demonstrated to exhibit faster
heuristic approach can be obtained by adjusting the step size convergence speed at a complexity lower than their fullband
value according to some criterion. However, all algorithms counterparts [8, 9]. Subband adaptive equalisers are well
in [2 6] require specication of additional constants (e.g. suited for parallel implementation because equalisation can
forgetting and weighting parameters, smoothing factor and be performed independently in each band. In this regard,
so on) to control the learning behaviour. Furthermore, the aforementioned design issues plaguing the VSS
optimal choice of these parameters is highly dependent on techniques are compounded as the overall equaliser
the problem and ne tuning is required. Besides, care should performance is determined by the performance of
be exercised to prevent the step size from exceeding the individual subband equalisers. To address these issues, an

IET Signal Process., 2009, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 23 32 23

doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008

FSS technique that provides reliable implementation can complexity. Clearly, these issues are exacerbated when the
be invoked. techniques are to be implemented into subband adaptive
lters. Other approaches include the NLMS algorithm
To the best of our knowledge, no work on FSS technique based on the Kalman lter [12], non-parametric technique
for subband adaptive lters has been published to date. [13] and neural network method [14].
However, both the VSS and FSS techniques are too costly
to be implemented as step size adaptation is needed for
every subband equaliser. To overcome this problem, we 2 Subband adaptive equaliser
propose two novel block-based fuzzy step size (BFSS)
techniques that exploit the nature of gradient noise in structure and FSS technique
stochastic gradient algorithms to reduce the complexity of In this paper, vectors are represented by boldface lower case
the FSS technique by updating the step size over a block letters and matrices by boldface upper case letters. (.)T and
length. In the xed block fuzzy step size (FBFSS) (.)H symbolise the transpose and Hermitian operations,
technique, it is difcult to obtain the optimum block respectively.
length for practical channels as the channel characteristics
are unknown and time-varying. To circumvent this In this section, we propose a novel subband adaptive
problem, we propose a modied FBFSS approach called equaliser that incorporates FSS as depicted in Fig. 1.
adaptive block fuzzy step size (ABFSS), whereby the block
length of the ABFSS approach is adapted according to the The impulse response of the bth analysis lter fb[n] can be
instantaneous squared error. derived from a real-valued low-pass prototype nite impulse
response (FIR) lter p[n] of even length Lp by using a
It is important to stress that the proposed BFSS strategies generalised discrete Fourier transform (GDFT)
are different from the fuzzy sequential partial update (FSPU)
technique in [10] and the fuzzy logic-controlled block
adaptive ltering (FLC-BAF) in [11]. As compared with fb [n] p[n]  e j(2p=B)(bb0 )(nn0 ) n 0, 1, 2,    , Lp  1
the conventional FSS technique, the FSPU technique leads b 0, 1, 2,    , B  1 (1)
to reduced complexity but suffers from slower convergence,
while the FLC-BAF technique attains faster convergence
speeds at the expense of a higher computational The impulse response of the bth synthesis lters gb[n] can be

Figure 1 Schematic of the subband adaptive equaliser utilising the FSS NLMS algorithm

24 IET Signal Process., 2009, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 23 32

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008 doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222

written as operation is based on the fuzzy IF-THEN rules to be

presented later. The fullband equaliser output ^s[n] can be
gb [n] ; fb [n] (2) reconstructed using a synthesis lter bank.

if the GDFT is selected with a time-offset n0 according to Fig. 2 illustrates the block diagram of a subband adaptive
lter with the step size of the NLMS algorithm updated by
Lp  1 a fuzzy inference system (FIS).
n0  (3)
The FIS is based on the principle of fuzzy logic originally
In Fig. 1, the received signal r [n] and the training signal developed by Zadeh [17], which is used to handle linguistic
dtraining [n] are split into B subbands by the analysis lter concepts. In channel equalisation, the FIS provides an
bank and decimated by a factor of X. Oversampled lter adaptation mechanism that converts the linguistic control
banks with an oversampling ratio of B/X . 1 are preferred strategy based on the channel characteristics into an
as any aliased components of this approach would lie in the adaptive parameter control strategy. The FIS consists of
stopband of the respective analysis lter [15, 16]. We three main processors, namely fuzzier, rule inference
dene the input tap-delay line vector for the bth subband as: engine and defuzzier.

r b [m] [rb [m] rb [m  1]; . . . ; rb [m  (Lsubband  1)]]T (4) The fuzzier transforms the input variables into their
respective degrees to which they belong to each of the
where m denotes the new sampling instant after the appropriate fuzzy sets by using membership functions
decimation process and Lsubband denotes the length of the (MBFs). The fuzzy sets are used to partition the continuous
subband equaliser. The subband signal rb[m] is obtained by domain of the FIS input and output variables into a small
ltering the input signal r[n] using the analysis lter fb[n]: number of overlapping regions labelled with linguistic terms
to cover the entire universe of discourse. The crisp numerical
Lp 1
X inputs need to be limited to the domain of the input
rb [m] fb [v]  r[Xm  v] b [ [0, B  1] X , B (5) variables. The output of the fuzzication process
demonstrates a fuzzy degree of membership between 0 and 1.
Let wb[m] denote the weight vector for the bth subband,
In this paper, three fuzzy sets, namely small, medium
wb [m] [wb,0 [m] wb,1 [m] wb,2 [m]; . . . ; wb,Lsubband 1 [m]] T and large are used for the input and output fuzzy
variables, which correspond, respectively, to the squared
(6) error and lter step size. Some examples of membership
functions are depicted in Fig. 3. The input limit for the
The subband equaliser output ^s[m] is given by squared error is very much larger than 0.2, but for clarity, it
is only shown until 0.2 in Fig. 3a. It should be stressed
^sb [m] wH
b [m]r b [m] (7) that the optimum position of the fuzzy sets within their
respective limits for different types of channels is different.
Therefore the error signal within each subband can be
calculated as
Next, the following fuzzy IF-THEN rules are applied:
eb [m] dtrainingb [m]  ^sb [m] (8) IF eb2 [m] is large, THEN mb [m] is large.

The equaliser coefcients for different subbands are adjusted IF eb2 [m] is medium, THEN mb [m] is medium.
independently using the individual subband error signal by
means of the NLMS algorithm:

mb [m]
wb [m 1] wb [m] r b [m]eb [m]
a rH
b [m]r b [m]

mb [m]
wb [m] r [m]eb [m] (9)
a jjr b [m]jj2 b

where a is a small positive constant to avoid division by zero

if jjr b [m]jj2 0 and 0 , mb [m] , 2 is the range of
normalised step size for the bth subband at the mth iteration

mb [m] FIS(eb2 [m]) (10)

Figure 2 Block diagram of a subband adaptive lter with
where FIS(.) denotes the fuzzy inference function whose the FSS NLMS algorithm

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doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008

where q is the number of sections used in approximating

area under the aggregated MBF and MBF mib [m] is the
MBF value at location mib [m]. The centroid technique is
preferred over other defuzzication techniques as it can
produce the smallest mean squared error (MSE) and lends
itself well for digital implementation. Moreover, other
approaches require comparison operations, which
complicate the implementation of defuzzication [7].

When the classical xed step size NLMS algorithm is

employed for adaptive subband ltering, the step size value
is chosen to be identical for each subband because the
signal characteristic in each subband is not known a priori.
However, by utilising the FSS NLMS algorithm, the step
size can vary differently in each subband thereby resulting
in faster convergence.

3 Block-based fuzzy step size

(BFSS) NLMS algorithms
In this section, we propose two novel BFSS NLMS
Figure 3 Membership functions algorithms.
a Membership functions for the squared error spread over its
universe of discourse
b Membership functions for the step size spread over its bound 3.1 Fixed block fuzzy step size (FBFSS)
NLMS algorithm
IF eb2 [m] is small, THEN mb [m] is small.
As the gradient of stochastic gradient algorithms is estimated
using a single sample of the input ensemble, their update
If the FSS technique is applied to the LMS algorithm
directions are subject to random uctuations called gradient
instead of the NLMS algorithm, the additional rule such
noise. Consequently, the instantaneous squared error does
that a small mb [m] is assigned when a very large eb2 [m]
not decrease monotonically from sample to sample, instead
occurs can be included. This rule prevents the FSS LMS
decays gradually in a noisy fashion.
algorithm from overreacting to some abnormal conditions,
which may cause abrupt perturbations in the error signal.
The gradient noise can be treated as a random disturbance
to the FIS as the only input is the instantaneous squared
Next, we apply the implication operation, which is dened
error. For this reason, updating the step size for every
as the shaping of the consequent (THEN-part) of the rule
sample is wasteful of computational resources. We propose
based on the antecedent. In this paper, the Larson product
a low-complexity FBFSS NLMS algorithm that updates
implication operation [18] is adopted. The next step in the
the step size on a block-by-block basis as in Table 1.
fuzzy inference engine is to aggregate all outputs of each rule
into a single fuzzy set for the step size variable by applying
As the step size is updated in every block, there will be less
the maximum operator. This inference process is commonly
disturbance to the FIS system. When K is large, this
known as the Mamdani-style inference [19] in which the
approach can signicantly reduce the computational
step size MBF is considered to be the fuzzy set. It has been
complexity of the FSS NLMS algorithm. However, care
shown to be more appropriate than the Sugeno-style fuzzy
should be exercised in selecting K. Intuitively, a small K
inference [19] that utilises singleton step size MBFs as
will result in convergence speeds similar to that of the FSS
coarser adjustments for the step size in the Sugeno method
NLMS algorithm. If K is under-determined, the FBFSS
cannot adapt to the changing environment accurately [7].
NLMS algorithm is not implemented efciently. On the
contrary, the FBFSS NLMS algorithm will converge
The nal process of the FIS is defuzzication that converts
slower than the FSS NLMS algorithm when K is over-
the aggregated fuzzy value for the step size into a crisp value
determined, in particular when K is comparable with or
to be used by the NLMS algorithm. Here, the centroid
larger than the number of step size adaptations needed by
technique that returns the centre of area under the
the FSS NLMS algorithm. In such situations, the step size
aggregated MBFs curve is utilised [18]
could be trapped in a suboptimum range, with the
Pq i
 i  minimum duration equal to the block length. For adaptive
i1 mb [m]MBF mb [m] equalisation, a larger K should be applied to very dispersive
mb [m] Pq  i
i1 MBF mb [m] channels as a longer training duration is required.

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& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008 doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222

Table 1 FBFSS NLMS algorithm Table 2 Step 3 of ABFSS NLMS algorithm

Step 1: Initialisation.
 Step 3: Step size and block length adaptation.
1 m1
C1 0 and j IF C1 j, then execute (10) for step size adaptation and
K else
perform the following table lookup for block length
where C1 and K denote the counting index and the block adaptation:
length, respectively. 8
> K1 if e2 [n]  d1
> if d2  e2 [n] , d1
Step 2: Execute (7) and (8) and C1 C1 1. < K2
K .. ..
Step 3: Step size adaptation. > . .
IF C1 j, then execute (10) and reset C1 0. >
> K if d  e 2
[n] , dL1
: L1 L
Else set mb[m] mb[m 2 1]. KL if e2 [n] , dL
Step 4: Tap weights adaptation by the NLMS algorithm. where K1 . K2 . . . . . KL21 . KL and d1 . d2 . . . . .
Execute (9). dL21 . dL denote the preset block lengths and switching
thresholds, respectively. The subscript L represents the
Step 5: Repeat steps 2 to 4. number of switching levels.
Reset C1 0.
Else set mb[m] mb[m 2 1].
The problem of block length selection arises when the
channel characteristics are unknown. As a conservative
guide, we suggest setting the block length to be close to
the lter length. This can be justied by the fact that the With this setting, the block length decreases as the number
convergence speed is inversely proportional to the lter of subband iterations increases. It exploits the fact that the
length and in most adaptive ltering applications, FSS at the early training phase is larger and thus a larger
the training duration required for convergence is larger than step size can be utilised for a longer duration and
the lter length. In particular, for subband adaptive unnecessary step size updates can be reduced. A small step
equalisation, the required training duration is found to be size near convergence can also be avoided from being
very much larger than the subband lter length [8, 9]. trapped for a long duration. As the complexity incurred in
Although the suggested K value might not be the optimal block length adaptation using the fullband squared error is
choice from the viewpoint of complexity saving, but in independent of the number of subbands, the complexity
most cases, this suggested block length can effectively can be kept to a minimum. Consequently, the block length
minimise the trapping duration to achieve satisfactory for different subbands at any instant will be identical.
convergence performances while achieving a complexity
lower than that of the FSS NLMS algorithm. As the FSS With regard to the convergence speed and steady-steady
and FBFSS NLMS algorithms are converging, the lter error, the performances of ABFSS NLMS algorithms are
coefcients are approaching their respective steady-state expected to be similar to that of the FSS NLMS algorithm
values. It is understandable that mb [1] for both the FSS if the switching thresholds are properly set. Also, it is
and FBFSS NLMS algorithms will be identical. worth mentioning that the time-varying feature of the
Consequently, this results in the same eb [1] and e[1] block length of the ABFSS NLMS algorithm provides an
values for both algorithms. extra degree of freedom to facilitate algorithm design.

In practice, many channels are time-varying with different

levels of dispersiveness, therefore the block length should be 4 Computational complexities
adapted accordingly. To full this requirement, we propose a In this section, the computational complexities of the
novel time-varying BFSS NLMS algorithm in the next proposed algorithms are derived. The computational
subsections. complexity of the FIS for each step size adaptation,
denoted by CFIS , is summarised in Table 3.

3.2 Adaptive block fuzzy step size (ABFSS) The CFIS is quantied in terms of the number of counts
to perform special instructions that include table lookup,
NLMS algorithm comparison, addition and multiplication. More precisely,
In the ABFSS NLMS algorithm, the block length is adapted the additional costs involved in preparing the input
to the fullband squared error e2 [n] based on the adaptive variable prior to fuzzication are also included in CFIS .
switching thresholds. In this regard, steps 1, 2, 4 and 5 of However, the complexity associated with block length
the FBFSS NLMS algorithm described in Section 3.1 adaptation of the ABFSS NLMS algorithm can be
remain unchanged, with the exception that step 3 being neglected as it is insignicant compared with the overall
modied as in Table 2. complexity. To alleviate the computational load in the

IET Signal Process., 2009, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 23 32 27

doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008

Table 3 Computational complexity of the FIS for every step-size adaptation

Stage Multiplication Addition Special instructions

Fuzzication of input 1 for computing squared Lookup table (3 lookups)
Fuzzy Larson product implication 3
Aggregation of output using max operator 3q maximum operators
Defuzzication using centroid method over q 2q 22
q-point interval
Total computational complexity, CFIS q4 2q2 2 3 lookups 3q maximum

centroid calculation, fewer points (q) should be used as X 3. The SAR is 70.14 dB, which is sufcient to ensure
the main computational burden is incurred by the that the aliasing effect in various subbands is negligible [21].
defuzzication process.
D Lsubband/2 is chosen [22] and Lsubband is set to 53. For
The complexity of a subband adaptive equaliser that the xed step size NLMS algorithm, m 0.4 is utilised. This
requires N training iterations to converge is value is found through computer experiments to give
 satisfactory convergence speed and steady-state performance
B 1   over the investigated channel. The MBFs in Fig. 3 have
CT N 8   Lsubband  6  Lp 12  B  log2 B
X X been employed for the FSS NLMS and the proposed
algorithms. Block lengths of K 50 and 450 are used for
ABCFIS (12) the FBFSS NLMS algorithm. Table 4 shows the block
length setting of the ABFSS NLMS algorithm.
where A denotes the number of step size adaptations required
for each subband to converge. Likewise, AFSS , AFBFSS and
AABFSS represent the number of step size adaptations needed 5.1 MSE performance comparison
for the FSS, FBFSS and ABFSS NLMS algorithms,
The performance of different algorithms is assessed in terms
respectively. The complexity of the xed step size NLMS
of the MSE for both the transient and steady-state
algorithm can be determined from (12) with A 0.
behaviours. The MSE results were averaged over an
ensemble of 20 runs.
AFSS and AFBFSS can be expressed by (13) and (14),
In Fig. 4, it is observed that the all FSS-based (FSS,
FBFSS and ABFSS) NLMS algorithms achieve
AFSS (13) comparable convergence speeds that are signicantly faster
than that of the xed step size NLMS algorithm. It is also
AFSS noteworthy that for the FBFSS NLMS algorithm, a
AFBFSS (14) slightly better convergence performance is achieved with a
block length of K 450 over 50. This is because the
Equations (12) (14) are also applicable to a fullband performance of the BFSS techniques is affected by the
counterpart, where B 1 X 1 and Lsubband represents the instantaneous squared error, thus depending on the channel
length of the fullband equaliser. characteristic, a block length value, which gives good block
smoothing results can be found. Also, all algorithms
converge to approximately the same steady-state error.
5 Simulation results However, for applications where only a limited training
We consider a 64-QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) period is available, better equalisation performances can be
signal transmitted over a channel with a system achieved using the FSS-based NLMS algorithms. For
function h(z) 0.182 0.269 z 21 0.888 z 22 0.269 z 23 instance, it is evident in Fig. 4 that the FSS-based NLMS
0.182 z 24 at signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 30 dB. To algorithms achieve a performance gain of 4 dB to 5 dB over
maximise both the signal-to-alias ratio (SAR) and power the xed step size NLMS algorithm if only 1500 training
complementarity, an iterative least-squares method is symbols are available.
employed to design the prototype lter [20]. The
oversampled GDFT modulated lter bank with a prototype Subband decomposition of the received signal reduces the
lter length of Lp 60 splits the fullband signal into B 4 eigenvalue spread in each subband. The eigenvalue spread
subband signals, each of which is decimated by a factor of can be approximated by the ratio of the maximum and

28 IET Signal Process., 2009, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 23 32

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008 doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222

Table 4 The block length setting of ABFSS NLMS algorithm

Squared error (e 2[n]) Block length (K )

e [n] 0.6 400
0.3 e [n] , 0.6 200
0.1 e [n] , 0.3 100
e [n] , 0.1 50

minimum spectral dynamics in each subband. Because of the

different eigenvalue spreads within each of the B 4
subbands, the learning and steady-state characteristics of
each subband are different. Results that compare the MSE
convergence characteristics within individual subbands are
shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Figure 5 Illustration of individual subbands MSE
performance for the xed step size and FSS NLMS
Note that for the simulated channel spectral interval [0; 2 algorithms
p], the channel spectrum is symmetric at p as the simulated
channel is real-valued. Thus, the MSE convergence curves
for subband indexed b 0 and 1 are almost identical to space constraint, only the results with b 0 and 1 are
shown. It is evident that the different step-size transient
the MSE convergence curves for subband indexed b 3
and 2, respectively. In general, it is observed that the overall characteristics of the subbands contribute to a better
convergence speed is inuenced by the convergence speeds performance over the xed step size NLMS algorithm.
Note that in Fig. 8, the step-size oscillation is very large
of individual subbands. Furthermore, the overall MSE
curves attain nal steady-state errors, which level out at during the transient stage. Further, in the initial phase of
about 225 dB because of the limitation imposed by the the transient stage, the step size may wander over a
suboptimum low step size range, for several iterations. This
subband indexed b 1 and 2. Therefore the results in
Figs. 5 and 6 are in good agreement with the results in Fig. 4. is because the input to the FIS system appears to be
random during the early training stage and constitutes a
random disturbance to the step-size adaptation process. As
To gain a better insight into the behaviours of different
algorithms, Fig. 7 compares their performances in a tracking the step-size adaptation of the FSS NLMS algorithm is
mode with the same equaliser settings used in Fig. 4. The performed on a sample-by-sample basis, the trapping
phenomenon does not occur.
results conrm the ability of the proposed techniques as the
aforementioned desirable characteristics are retained.
In contrast, the step sizes of the FBFSS NLMS algorithm
for all subbands remain large during the initial transient
5.2 Transient characteristics of the period. Besides, a smoother step size decreasing trend in
step size and block length
The transient characteristics of the step size of the FSS and
FBFSS NLMS algorithms are shown in Fig. 8. Because of

Figure 6 Illustration of individual subbands MSE

Figure 4 MSE performance of the xed step size, FSS, FBFSS performance for the xed step size and FBFSS NLMS
and ABFSS NLMS algorithms algorithms

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doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008

Figure 9 Block length transient characteristic for the ABFSS

Figure 7 MSE tracking performance of the xed step size, NLMS algorithm
FSS, FBFSS and ABFSS NLMS algorithms

subband iteration number where the step size and block

all subbands is evident. However, the FBFSS NLMS length adaptation take place. It is observed that the block
algorithm is still affected by the random disturbance length of the ABFSS NLMS algorithm converges after
caused by the instantaneous squared error during the early 200 subband iterations.
training stage.

From the simulations, it is found that the maximum and 5.3 Computational complexity
minimum step sizes for all FSS-based NLMS algorithms comparison
are identical, which are 1.267 and 0.4, respectively. Because
of space constraint, the step-size transient characteristics of As shown in Section 5.1, the convergence speed of the
the ABFSS algorithm are not shown. As the converged proposed algorithms and the FSS NLMS algorithm are
step size values are identical for all algorithms, similar comparable and they converge approximately after 4000
modelling capability could be achieved by both the overall iterations. AABFSS can be interpreted from Fig. 9 by
and individual subbands, as illustrated in Figs. 4 7. counting the number of step-size adaptations within the
period AFSS . Fig. 10 shows the computational complexities
Fig. 9 depicts the block length transient characteristic of of different NLMS algorithms. The complexities of the
the ABFSS NLMS algorithm. The markers indicate the FSS-based NLMS algorithms are expressed in terms of

Figure 8 Step-size transient characteristic for b 0 and 1 Figure 10 Computational complexity comparison for
using the FSS and FBFSS different NLMS algorithms

30 IET Signal Process., 2009, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 23 32

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008 doi: 10.1049/iet-spr:20070222

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