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Genre: Poetry

1 Hour
Review of Literary Concepts
- Literature
- Four Major Genres of Literature
a. Short Story
b. Poetry
c. Essay
d. Drama
- 7 Standards of a Good Literature
a. Artistry - Ex. Spoken Poetry, Poems, Speculative fiction, songs, A thing of b
eauty is a joy forever,
b. -
c. Spiritual Value - Parables, Fables, Psalm of David,
d.Style - William Wordsworth, Edgar Allan Poe,
e. Permanence - Mythology (Icarus and Daedalus, Narcissus, Pandora's Box)
f. Intellectual Value- Essays (Of studies, to err is human to forgive is divine)
Telephone Conversation
g. Universality - Romeo and Juliet, Footnote to Youth, Desiderata, The Necklace,
Fairy Tales,
h. Suggestiveness - The Wedding Dance, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, The
Road Less Travelled By
Puzzle activity
Split the class into seven groups with 7-8 members each (for a 50 minute class)
Hand out cut out puzzles to each group (two puzzles per group)
Students will form the puzzles and paste them on the board
Each group will be asked to identify the picture
Students are asked: What is the collective term for these images you've formed?
Answer: Art
Which other major form of art are we missing? Literature
Watch :
Transcript: Well you know, I think that literature is one of the necessary human
studies, because the beginning of human wisdom is to recognize that, you know,
we are the product of history. That millions, billions of people have lived bef
ore us. They led lives that are startlingly similar to ours even though they we
re in different places and different times. And what literature allows you to d
o is to create a conversation with the past and the present out of what you can
imagine and create a future. And so it gives you a sense of the reality of othe
r people s lives from the inside from the dailyness of their existence not only in t
he peak moments, but in their ordinary moments. And what that, I think, does is
build compassion. It builds humanity. And it builds a sense . . . and the sen
se of what the changeable parts of human nature are and what the permanent parts
Students will classify which terms (competition) are related
a. Short Story - in medias res, protagonist, cliffhanger, man vs. nature, climax
, FOIL, resolution, Bildungsroman,
b. Poetry - iambic pentameter, Shakespearean sonnet, Tanaka, Korrido, Haiku, Ima
gery, Tone/Mood, alliteration, figurative language, free verse
c. Essay - thesis statement, clincher statement, supporting details, anecdote,
d. Drama - Pasyon, Sarsuela, Dramatis Personae, Tragedy, Comedy, Hubris, Verbal
Irony, Soliloquy, Dramatic Monologue, chorus
The teacher will ask in random students' previous knowledge about some words
Standards of a Good Literature
Question: Have you ever wondered why some literature are still studied until tod
What makes an exemplar literature?

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