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Candidate Name: Allison Smith

TAG Strategy in this lesson: Metaphorical Expression

UNIT NAME: Rocks and Minerals LESSON NAME: How to become a ROCK star!

Time Needed (Hours/Days): 2 periods (50-60 minutes each)

Grade: 3 Subject: Science Course: Rocks and Minerals

STANDARDS/ELEMENTS: CCGPS, GPS/GSE (where applicable) and TAG Standards

1. The student uses written, spoken, and Choose an item.
technological media to convey new learning or
challenge existing ideas.

7. The student uses analogies, metaphors, and/or 2. The student responds to questions with supporting
models to explain complex concepts. information that reflects in-depth knowledge of a

CCGPS: S3E1.d. Determine how water and wind can change rocks and soil over time using observation and research..

Over time, rocks are formed in a cycle and change according to conditions of the environment on Earths surface and within its layers.

Main EQ: What elements cause change?


-Devices for each child or for pairs to access Nearpod and website
-Nearpod Lesson should be viewed in Live mode so teacher can use it to pace lesson. Once the investigation portion of the lesson begins,
students should explore Rock Cycle website independently.
Nearpod Link:
Rock Cycle interactive:
-Students should be given content organizer and analogies in a packet to complete throughout the lesson (copies for each child)
-Prep carousel brainstorming posters

Hook: Begin lesson with carousel brainstorming as a mental stretcher: (Post 2 sets of questions on chart paper around the room so there is a
manageable number of students rotating through each trio. Encourage students to piggy back off of each others ideas.)
1) How is ice cream like soup?
2) If you were a potato chip, what kind would you be? Why?
3) What is something that can change but can stay the same?

After brainstorming, discuss the responses to the questions posed and move on to part 1 of activity, which will lead into investigation.
Instructional Sequence and Activities including use of technology
Part 1:
Display picture cards on projector or post on board and/or have students examine the pictures to see what they have in common. Allow student to
think/pair/share and discuss ideas as a class. After class discussion, explain that change is all around us. Allow students a few minutes to discuss
with a partner how these items change and what some possible causes for the changes. Then, show the class an actual rock and ask them if it is
possible to change this rock? If so, how can it be changed? Explain that today they will be investigating how rocks are formed and changed, while
engaging in different types of metaphors like in the hook part of our activity.

Students will work independently or in pairs to review content about the three types of rock and investigate the rock cycle using an interactive
website and science textbook pages 74-77. Explain to the students that as they explore, they will need to take thorough notes on the content
organizer to help guide their thinking and acquire the knowledge of the rock cycle.
*Note: Teacher will provide support for students who are struggling readers or they can pair up with a stronger reader.
Allow students time to investigate website and work to take notes on content organizer. After students finish, come back together to discuss key
ideas or elements that causes rocks to change. Teacher can create anchor chart with big ideas that the students discovered during their

Part 2: Analogies
Students should review their notes from their content organizer and big idea anchor chart to help them with the analogies in the next portion of the

Direct Analogy: Teacher can show a rock and cookie. Direct the students think about how the rock and cookie are alike and different. Students
should write their ideas on direct analogy organizer in their packet. Have students think/pair/share with a neighbor and then briefly share out ideas
as a class.

Personal Analogy: Move on to next analogy, personal analogy, by showing only a sedimentary rock to the students. Instruct them that each of them
has now been transformed into a rock. For the next portion of the activity, they will need to take the point of view of a rock. Allow students time to
read each question and think about how to respond to each using the information they learned during their investigation. Students may work
independently or with a partner and encourage students to be creative in their written response (paragraph, song, poem, rap,). After completing one
activity, allow students to share their responses and continue working on the remainder of the tasks.

Compressed Conflict: Explain that in the next portion of the activity they will need to generate five words that describe the rock cycle. Then write an
antonym for reach of those describing words. . Allow students to work independently or in pairs to brainstorm antonym pairs and write them on the
compressed conflict organizer. After brainstorming, come back together as a class to briefly share out some pairs they came up with. Teacher will
model how to use an example word pair of deep and surface to create the compressed conflict sentence that describes the rock cycle- Magma
rises from deep within Earth to the surface as it becomes igneous rocks. Explain to the students that the sentence should express a complete idea
that relates to the rock cycle, rather than an opposite relationship. Ask students to then pick a pair of words they would like to use to create a
compressed conflict sentence and allow students time to work. Teacher should closely monitor and assist during this portion. Once teacher checks
first sentence, allow students to move on to creating two or more compressed conflict sentences.

Synthesis Activity: Students will complete the following analogy: The rock cycle is like a ______________________. After completing the sentence,
they will give three reasons why their idea is like the rock cycle.

Assessment Strategies
Ticket out the door: What is the question to this answer? ROCK CYCLE (via Nearpod lesson or can be done with post-it notes)
Synthesis activity responses

1.With the understanding of the rock cycle, students can explore other types cyclical changes around us.
2. Using their synthesis activity, students create an interactive demonstration or model that illustrates that idea/ item is like the rock cycle.
3. Have students brainstorm paired pictures that show change and explore what caused the change.

Materials/Links/Text References/Resources
Harcourt Georgia Science: 3rd grade pages 74-77
Teacher Nearpod Link:
Rock Cycle interactive:
Part 1: What do the items in these pictures have in common?
Content Organizer: The Rock Cycle

These questions will help guide your thinking as you explore the rock cycle. Be sure to take thorough notes for each

Which process results in the formation of metamorphic What process is used to form sedimentary rocks?

Which process results in the formation of igneous rocks? What does the rock cycle look like? Use pictures or words.

Explain how the three types of rocks are interdependent Based on your investigation, does the rock cycle impact
on each other throughout the rock cycle. Earths environment? Explain.
Direct Analogy

How are rocks like cookies?

How are they NOT alike?

Rocks Cookies
Personal Analogy

Pretend you are a sedimentary rock. Answer the following questions as if you were going through the rock cycle.

Describe your environment. What do you look like and Describe your experiences at each stage as you are
what are you made of? moving through the rock cycle. How do you feeling going
through the changes?

Where do you see yourself one million years from now? You have changed from one rock to another, moving
What do you hope to accomplish in your long life? from place to place. Which type of environment provided
the best life for you?

Write a paragraph, poem, or song in first person about your life as a rock.
Compressed Conflict: Rocks and the Rock Cycle

List 5 important words to describe the rock cycle List an antonym for each word to the left

1._____________________________ 1._____________________________

2. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________

4. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________

5. ____________________________ 5. ____________________________

Review your original list and its antonyms. Do any of the pairs of words seem to fight each other but still describe the
rock cycle? Create two compressed conflict sentences below.

Example: deep surface; Magma rises from deep within Earth to the surface as it becomes igneous rocks.







Synthesis Activity
Now its your turn to create a direct analogy! Complete the following sentence

The rock cycle is like ____________________.

State three good reasons why the rock cycle is like the idea in your sentence.









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