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In&Me of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Czcchoslovak Academy of Sciences, 16502 Prague CSuchdol,
(Aecrgted 20 March 1!82)

Ahdrsc-A novel approachto the analysis of the transient data from CSTRis ilhwtratcdon the catalyticdehydration
of methanol. The method allows to determine adsorbed amounts of reaction eomDooeotsunder reaction cooditioos
and it is appliilc in eases where at least one reaction compcoaot is not (or slighly) adsorbed. Beenuse new types
of data can bc obtained in this way a deeper discrhinatioo between rival kioetic models is possible. The method
oeroh also determination of total cooceotratioo of active sites on the catalyst surface. Comparison of transient
bata analysis with the steady-state results is presented.

INTRODUCTION utilized up to now, namely, the determination of ad-

In applied catalysis, the kinetic studies arc usually pcr- sorbed amounts of reaction components under reaction
formed in order to obtain rate expressions enabling conditions. The prerequisite of this approach is simple
simulation of catalytic reactor behaviour. It is obvious stoichiomctry of the catalytic reaction in which at least
that those rate cxprcssions are the more valuable the one of the reaction components is not adsorbed. In spite
bcttcr they express the true reaction mechanism. Usu- of this constraint, great many reactions can bc analyscd
ally, stcady+tatc data from isothermal laboratory reac- in this way. The method will, however, fail if reaction
tors arc compared with sets of rate expressions components will adsorb not only on catalytic active sites;
gcncratcd for dilfcrcnt assumed reaction mechanisms. In in these eases there exist no simple relation between
this way, a small group of statistically indistinguishable reaction rate and (total) surface coverage.
rate equations is usually obtained among which no fur- We shall illustrate this approach on gas phase dchy-
ther discrimination is possible due to the inherent d&ion of methanol (140T, atmospheric pressure)
experimental uncertainty of the data. At this point, catalyscd by a macmreticular sulphonated styrenc-
measuring at dif[erent temperature levels or increasing divinylbcnzcne copolymer (I)
the number of experimental data in the most sensitive
regions and/or increasing the experimental accuracy can 2 C!HaOH+(CH,kO + H,O.
be of help. Another possibility is to use experimental (4 (E) (w) (0
information of other kind. Such information can be
obtained, e.g. from kinetic measurements performed (In this reaction dimcthyl ether (E) is the unadsorbcd
under transient (unsteady-state) conditions. Most component-see further). Methanol dehydration was
frequently, the response of a laboratory catalytic reactor studied in a continuous stirred tank flow reactor (CSTR)
is evaluated, following a perturbation of the reactor with vibrating piston. In the reactor used, the ratio of
steady-state. Different types of perturbations have been catalyst particles to gas phase volumes was about 0.11.
used in this respect, viz. change of reactor feed-com- i.e. high enough to permit obtaining meaningful transient
position, change of feed-rate. temperature change etc. kinetic curves,
(for review see Rcfs. [1,2]), For evaluation of the tran- Three kinds of experimental data were obtained: (a)
sient response data two basic approaches are used: (a) start-up transient response curves following the in-
extraction of qualitative information on reaction stantaneous replacement of inert feed-gas (nitrogen) by
mechanism from the shape of the response curves; (b) nitrogen-mcthanol4methyl ether-water mixture with
quantitative comparison of experimental responses with varying concentrations of components; (b) steady-state
responses generated for different kinetic models. In the data for different feed-compositions and rates; (c) shut-
latter case it is essential that the reactor flow pattern is off transient curves following the instantaneous cut-off
simple enough, so that unsteady-state material balances of reaction components in tbe reactor feed and flushing
for all reaction components can bc formulated. of the reactor with nitrogen.
There appears another way of analysing the transient
response data, the potential of which has not been fully
Cntdyst. Macroreticular sulpbonated styrenedivinyl-
*Author to whom corrcspondeoeeshould be addressed. benzene copolymer (25% divinylbenzene; VI?SPL, Pardu-
1524 K. Kr.usiiCa~and P. Scu~sr~ss
placed in an electrical resistance oven with temperature
control +O.lC (thermocouple 10). The low volume feed-
and outlet-lines made from stainless steel capillaries (i.d.
1.6 mm) were kept at 120-140C by electrical heating
=. tapes. Ideality of reactor mixing was verihed by compar-
. ing the step-change reactor response with the theoretical
one. The absence of external mass transfer limitation
was checked by changing the piston frequency iu steady-
state runs.
Trunsienf run. Before the start of the run the reactor
conditions were stabilized under nitrogen Bow (inlets 6,
8). At the beginning of the start-up period part of the
entering nitrogen 6 was replaced by a stream of gaseous
methanol (or a mixture of methanol with reaction
products) in such a way that the total volumetric (molar)
Fig. 1. Reactor scheme. feed-rate was unchanged. Total feed rate varied between
0.08-1.1 cmls; i.e. the mean residence time was l&150 s.
(The amount of nitrogen entering through port 8
hick) with particle size 0.32-0.63 mm was used. Sur- represented always 20% of the total feed-rate). The
face area (BET) 61 m*/g; pore volume 0.584cm3/g. reaction mixture from the outlet 7 was periodically
The absence of intraparticle diffusion e&& was verified analysed by gas chromatography. After the reactor
experlmcntally by changing the particle size. steady-state was attained (about 1-3hr) the shut-off
Reactor. The CSTEt reactor with vibrating piston (see transient was initiated by replacing the feed of the reac-
Sunderland[3]) is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The tant 6 by the same feed-rate of nitrogen. The gas mixture
total reactor volume was about 15 cm3, the volume of leaving the reactor 7 was again analysed periodically.
catalyst charge approx. 1.5 cm3. The piston 1 was driven The course of inlet and outlet reactor concentrations is
through a piston rod 2 by means of a commercial loud- illustrated in Fig. 2.
speaker @Ohm, 1OW) fed by amplified signal with Chronatographic analysis. The reaction mixture was
frequency 20 Hz from a tone generator. The amplitude of separated at 180C in a 50 cm column (i.d. 2 mm) packed
piston reciprocation was 4 mm. The catalyst (about 1.1 g) with equal amounts of Spherocarb (80/120mesh) and
was placed in eight cylindrical holes 3 communicating Porapak P (SO/l20 mesh). Hydrogen (20 cm3/min) was
with the piston cylinder 4 via channels 5. The main feed used as carrier-gas; detection was by thermal conduc-
inlet 6 was below the piston; outlet of the reaction tivity. Sample composition was determined from peak
mixture 7 was at the top of the reactor. Part of the inert areas using calibration factors. The duration of the
gas feed 8 entered the reactor through the piston rod analysis was about 2 min. Through the use of a special
sheath 9, thus preventing backtlow and possible conden- sampling-storing valve[4] (0.2cm3 samples) it was pos-
sation on the cool part of the piston rod. The reactor was sible to analyse the reaction mixture in very short time

0 m32030405060708090

Pi. 2. Time profiles of reactor-feed (a) and autlet (b) com-

position (0. CD.@, l denotes methanol. dimethyl ether, water
and nitrogen, respectively).
balance (1)

RA = d( W/FY). (1)

Because in reaction (I) the total number of moles is not

changed, x can be expressed as x = (PA- pA)/pAo, me
obtained results are shown in Fii. 3 for feeds with
ditTerent composition. The equilibrium conversion of
methanol dehydration, cakulated[5] for the most un-
favourable cases (i.e. runs with highest concentration of
products in the feed) is still about 90%; therefore, the
reverse reaction is neglected in the following analysis.
Using @ experimental points (RA, pA. pE, pw), the
adequacy of 6 rate equations was verified by nonlinear
regression with sum of squared deviations between
Fig. 3. Steady-state methanol consumption rates. Feed com- experimental and calculated RAs as the objective func-
position (mol percent) methanolMiiethy1 ether/water/nitrogen: tion (s). In developing these equations it was assumed
1, 8010/0/20;2, W201012Wk~~wo/20; 4 W0/20/20; 5, that under steady state conditions the ad-
sorption/desorption steps are very rapid (equilibrium
steps) and the rate determining step is the surface reac-
intervals, independent on the length of chromatographic tion. In view of the previous results [6] we postulated the
analysis. existence of only one kind of active centers on which
methanol is adsorbed with dissociation. Concentrations
of adsorbed species, ql (i = A, E, W), and of vacant
sites, SZ,,can be expressed, then, as
From the data obtained during the steady-state periods
of the runs, methanol consumption-rates, R,+, were cal- uKAFA~p
qA = 1+ 2(KApA)* + &pB + Kwpw (2)
culated using the steady-state form of the reactor mass

Table 1. Rate equations

Model Surface reaction rate Rate eauation

1 r=kq2 (6) (kL2) KApA / [l + 2(K$Qos5 + KKPK + %%I2 (12)

2 r = k $ qf pA (7) (kL3) K,P; / [l + ~(K,P,)"' (13)

+ KEPE + %%J3
22 (ki4, K,p; / [l + 2<KApA)o's + KKpE +
3 r = k qA qf i+, (8) (14)
4 r = k s, qf (9) (kL3) KApA / [l + ~(K,P,)"~ + %PE + K"+13 (15)

5 r = k qA qf (10) (kL2) (K,P,)-~ , [l + 2(KAPA)o'5 + spE + *I2 (16)

6 r=kqA (11) (kL)tKApA) o-5 / [l + 2(KA+,)o-s + ~PK + K+$l (17)

Table 2. Optimum oarameters sets

l.loael Rate KA Kw s
KE min
cons t&t (l/kPa) (umol/g El)2

1 403.0 1.46 x 1O-3 1.68 x LO-' 3.14 x 10'2 2.00

2 12.7 5.61 x 10-l 1.68 x LO-' 1.13 x 10-l 1.23

3 20.5 2.54 Y 10-2 6.23 x 10 -6 2.41 x 10-2 1.32

4 592.0 1.40 x 10-3 2.14 x lo-' 1.67 x 10-2 4.17

5 275.0 2.58 x 10-l 1.67 x 10-l 4.28 x 10-l 4.64

6 99.6 1.05 x 10-l 3.25 x 10-l 1.50 x 101 5.22

+First te,.-X in paranthesis in the rat0 eqUatiOn naEratOr (Table 1). DiEbMlSiOn
follows from surface reaction rate equation (Table 1); r, q, pA expressed in

wuol/g.s, pmol/g, kPa, resp.

1526 K. KWSMBKand P. !Scmmme~

LKap, 8 = Wqdt). (24)

= = 1+ ~(X~A) + Kgp~ + &pw (3)
Then, the component mass balance have the form
qw = I+ 2(K_~_4)~+ K&z + Kw,,, (4)

(i=A,E, w). (25)

e=L-a-qa-qw (5)
The considered alternatives of rates of surface reac- Because Fps are known and the time profiles pi(t) can
tions, r, are summarised in Table 1 together with the. be measured, it is possible to evaluate terms .& Q, gJ
resulting rate equations. Tabk 2 presents the optimum and & Terms 9, and %+equal zero in the start-up and
sets of rate constants, adsorption coefficients, K,, and shut-off transient runs, respectively. Further sim-
minimum S (&&. pliication results from the stoichiometry of reaction (I)
Through application of the Beale statistical dis- which couples the rates of formation RI appearing in
crimination test171 it can be concluded that the first 3 terms %,: %._,= - 2%= = - 2Zw. From the an$ysis of
mechanisms are statistically indistinguishable wbereas steady-state data (&do, see Table 2) as well as from
representation of experimental data by the remaining the vefy ra$id dimetbyl ether transient (Fig. 2) it is
rate equations is significantly worse. In all of the ac- obvious that its adsorption is negligible in comparison
ceptable mechanisms, rtdswption of dimethyl ether is with methanol and water, i.e. 9~ = 9~ = 0. Thus, the
negligible (KS + 0). mass balances form a system of three equation; with
three unknowns (for the start-up run: WAgA, %iA,%; for
(ii) Transient data the shut-off run: Cg,, QtA,SW) from which the a&orbed
If the reactor operating in the steady-state (either with amounts of methanol and water (for the start-up run
zero or linite conversion) is perturbed, at time f = 0, by a q,,(t*), qw(t*); for the shut-off run qn(0). qw(0)-see
step-change in the composition of feed, such that after eqns (23) and (24)) can be evaluated for the composition
the perturbation the molar feed-rates of components of the gaseous reaction mixture in the corresponding
equal R and the feed-composition is characterised by p? steady-state. If the start-up and shut-off runs follow
(i = A, E W), a new &ad&state IS achieved only at immediately one after the other (as shown io Pig. 2), and
infinitely long time. From the practical point of view, no irreversible adsorption takes place, then
however, the transient levels off at some finite time t*.
During the transient period O-t*, the mass balances of all qAt) starCup= - qr(0).hut-oS7
components can be formulated using the following terms
for molar amounts of components i = A, E, W: reactor (i=A, IV). (26)
inUow (A) and outflow (SB,):
Using the procedure described above the adsorbed
amounts qr and qw were evaluated for the start-up and
shutoff tiansients corresponding to steady-state rates RA
shown in Fig. 3. In some cases, eqn (26) was not satisfied
& = HP 1.pi(t) dt (19) within f 15 per cent due to experimental errors; such
data points were rejected.
In all the three favorite mechanisms resulting from the
reaction source analysis of steady-state reactor data (eqns 12-14) the
same multicomponent adsorption isotherm applies, viz.
eqns (2) and (4). To verify its validity, the adsorbed
%* = w Rrdt (20) amounts of methanol and water under reaction con-
ditions (qA, qw), obtained in the above described way
from the analysis of start-up and shut-off transients,
amount present in the reactor gas-phase at t = 0 (S,) and were fitted simultaneously by eqns (2) and (4). The
t = P( 8,) obtained adsorption equilibrium constants of water and
methanol (K..+= 8.83 X lo-kPa_, K,,/ =3.08x
lo- kPa-) agree reasonably well with the values given
91 = PJ(O)VI&T (21)
in Table 2 (model 1). Even the total concentration of
active sites L = 0.52 mmol/g) corresponds well with sur-
% = p,(P) VI&T (22) face exchange capacity (0.32 mmol/g) obtained by rate
determination of the condensation of phenole and
amount adsorbed on the catalyst surface at t = 0 (99 and acetone[8]. Figure 4 compares the experimental ad-
t = t*(Y) sorbed amounts qA, qw with the calculated adsorption
isotherms (eqns 2 and 4). Due to the weak dependence of
4 = Wq,@) (23) qw on pa, the calculated water adsorption isotherms for
the highest and lowest values of pa achieved in experi:
iEquations (6)_(V) appear ia Table 1. mental runs (57.9 kPa and 8.8 kPa.resp.) do not differ
Thus, the evaluation of adsorbed amounts of reaction
components frdm the reactor transients supports the
description of adsorption equilibrium used in the three
favorite reaction mechanisms (12)-(14).
It is obvious from Table 1 that these mechanisms diier
only in the description of the rate determining surface
reaction (eqns 68). Having available the methanol reac-
tion rates, R,, and the amounts of adsorbed reactant (qA)
as well as of vacant active sites (4, = L - qA - qw) it is
possible to verify the form of the expression for the rate

Pi. 4. AdEiolptionisothemls
20 40
of methanol (qAvs p,j Ad water (qw
vs pw). Water i~~~tb~nnsI,2 cabinted from eqn (4) for pA =
of surface reaction in much the same way as in homo-
geneous reactions, e.g. graphically. From the depcn-
dences for the three favorite mechanisms: R.. vs qA2
(Fig. 54, RA vs pAqA2qt (Fig. 5b) and RA vs pAq,+*e*
(Fig. 5c), only the first one fulfills the expected linear
relationship, thus demonstrating that the rate eqn (6) is
8.8 kPa (1) and p,, = 57.9 kPa (2). Methanol isotherms 3. 4 Cal- the most plausible one.
culated from eqo (2) for pw = 10.2kPa (3) and for pw = 45.3kPa
The rate constant of the surface reaction determined
(4). Points: experimental values (0, water; 0, methanol).
from the slope of the linear R, vs qr2 plot, k=
1.83 g/mmol.s, is not too diflerent from the value k=
widely. ft can be seen that the experimental qw points 1.49g/mmol.s which follows from the analysis of the
fall around the two limiting calculated curves 1 (for steady state rate data (ML*= 0.403 mmo1lg.s; see Table 2)
pA = 8.8 kPa) and 2 (for PA = 57.9 kPa). The methanol and L = 0.52 mmol/g determined from adsorbed amounts
adsorption is much lower than that of water: therefore, of methanol and water (qA, qw) under reaction con-
also in this case, the calculated methanol isotherms qA vs ditions.

Fig. 5. Surface teaclioa rates: a, r = kqAz;b, r = kpAqAzq,;c, r = kpAqAzq,+=.

pA is not strongly affected by the gas-phase concen- rmlMloN

tration of water (see lines 3, 4 in Fig. 4 for limiting A,& W methanol, diiethyl ether, water
experimental water partial pressures 10.2kPa and F molar flow-rate
45.3 kPa: resp.). k rate constant of surface reaction

K* adsorption equilibrium constant REFERENCE9

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4194s concentration of adsorbed species and of free Chem. React, Engng-ZI 19743 133.
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