Tediousness 1

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By Zion R. Davis

Scene 1

[Curtains open and lights reveal Katherine lying asleep in her bed, inside of her small
apartment. Her apartment comprises of a kitchen, her bedroom, and the front door. She snores
until her alarm rings.]

KATHERINE: [snoring.]
[Katherine wakes up, sits up, and looks at the time.]
KATHERINE: [sighing.] Ughhhh.
[Katherine silences her alarm and lies back down; she then looks at the clock again and realizes
she overslept. She quickly gets up to get dressed.]
KATHERINE: [to herself.] Here we go again.
[Katherine puts on her work clothes as fast as she can and goes to her kitchen for a granola bar;
She sits down at her table to eat it.]
KATHERINE: Hmmm. [looking around the kitchen.]
[Katherine stands up and gets a piece of cold pizza.]
[Katherine eats the pizza quickly and realizes she needs to leave for the bus, she runs to grab her
purse and hurries out the door. After she is gone the lights go out and the Curtain closes.]


Scene 2

[With the curtain closed, Katherine runs up to a bus stop and a bench with a young man sitting
at it. She catches her breath but is relieved thinking she made it on time.]

KATHERINE: [Panting from exhaustion.]

CHRIS: Hey, are you alright? [Genuinely being nice.]
KATHERINE: Oh Im fine [Obviously not fine.] Youre waiting for bus 13, right?
CHRIS: No, Im not. That one just went by before you got here. [Not realizing she's missed her
bus.] Im waiting for bus
KATHERINE: [Interrupting.] Youre kidding me right? [She sighs.]
CHRIS: No, Im not kidding it actually just went by a couple
KATHERINE: [To herself.] Well... [Takes a breath.] here goes nothing.
[Katherine immediately starts running as fast as she can toward the other side of the stage.]
CHRIS: Where are you going? [shouting at her in the distance.]
[Katherine gives up and starts walking before she makes it to the other side.]

Scene 3

[Curtain opens to reveal Katherines work, she enters with a fast walk but a worried look.
Katherine dodges her Bosss office and walks up to Laura sitting at her desk. Katherines co
workers are walking around busy at work.]

LAURA: You made it! I thought you werent coming this time.
KATHERINE: I missed my bus and had to walk. I was going to just stay home all day, but I
probably would have gotten fired and been all alone all day which is way worse than going
through this bullshit.
LAURA: Well lucky for you, Im here. [comforting her friend.] Unlucky for us,
[looking around to see if anybody is listening.] Moretti is really pissed this morning, and is
getting on everybodys back.
KATHERINE: About what?
LAURA: Being late
KATHERINE: Just my luck [Thinking to herself.] Should I go talk to him?
LAURA: No, that wouldnt be smart! Just get to work and hope he doesnt notice.
KATHERINE: [sees TIM walking over to their desks.] Good plan, but it looks like hes already
sent someone for me.
TIM: Hello Ladies. [with the perfect blend of charm and sarcasm.]
KATHERINE AND LAURA: Hey Tim [In sync without any excitement to talk to Tim.]
TIM: Katherine, Moretti wants to talk to you about your [Thinking of the right word.] delay
this morning.
KATHERINE: Thanks Tim Ill be there in a second. [Finishing her papers.]
TIM: Well actually, Im also here to talk to Laura Alone. [Reassuring himself] So I think
you should be on your way. You know what Moretti always says, Every second counts!.
KATHERINE: Alright Ill be back Laura.
LAURA: Good luck Kathy.
TIM: [sarcastically.] Goodbye now! [Happy to be alone with Laura.] So uh Laura
[Katherine walks away from the two towards her Bosss office. The lights on the rest of her
office go out, as she walks in.]


Scene 4

[Katherine walks in to find her boss, Jim Moretti, sitting at his desk looking through paperwork.
When he notices her, he gets a sinister smile on his face as he stands up.]
MORETTI: Ah Katherine, Finally, you decided to show up to work. [Annoyed, wishing she was
there 5 minutes earlier.]
KATHERINE: I uhhh Well I.
MORETTI: Stop stumbling over your words, theres no time for that. Youve wasted enough.
KATHERINE: Im so sorry, I missed my bus again.
MORETTI: Dont apologize either. Time is money.
KATHERINE: I know, I know, it wont happen again!
MORETTI: How can you promise me that?
MORETTI: Make it fast.
KATHERINE: Ill go to bed earlier [thinking as fast as she can.] ...and wake up earlier.
MORETTI: I need results, when I see them, Ill believe them.
KATHERINE: And you will! I
MORETTI: Listen here Katherine, Ill waste my day so that you understand this: From the
hours of 8 to 5 you are on my time. Not your time; mine. I need to be able to count on
you to be here. This business doesnt work without everyone here. I dont care if you
have car trouble, bus trouble, even life trouble. When you are on the clock your problems need to
fade and you need to be focused on one thing. [Moretti holds up an eraser.] Katherine, what is
KATHERINE: An eraser sir.
MORETTI: Yes, your time is more than just money. Its this little beauty right here. [Indicating
the eraser.] These erasers are our livelihood. They keep us off the street. If you cant be here,
then Ill find someone who can. Now please get back to work.
[Katherine nods and walks out as quickly as she can.]


Scene 5

[Katherine walks back to her desk where Laura is still talking to Tim, Co-workers are in the
background working.]
TIM: and then I told him you have to pay attention to both sides, because you never know
KATHERINE: Tim [Stopping their conversation.] may I talk to Laura now Please?
TIM: Fine... [Searching for a comeback.] Whatd Moretti do?
LAURA: Oh come on Tim, thats really none of your business.
TIM: Okay then, Ill just get him to tell me [Smiling.] It was a pleasure talking to you,
Laura. [Tim walks away to Morettis office.]
LAURA: So how was it? I hope Jim wasnt too hard on you.
KATHERINE: No, he just gave me the usual speech about time, you know how he is.
LAURA: Yeah I do. [Thinking to herself about Moretti.]
KATHERINE: How was flirting with Tim while I was gone?
LAURA: Oh come on Kathy, you know I dont flirt! Tim and I are just friends.
KATHERINE: Maybe to you, but I have the feeling thats not all he wants to be.
LAURA: Either way it doesnt matter, I have other priorities.
KATHERINE: Like Moretti
LAURA: Really Kathy Just because youre my best friend and I tell you things, doesnt mean
I want you saying it... [looking around quieting her voice.] ...out loud where people could hear.
Yes, I have my own opinion on Jim. I know you dont like him, but I think that there is a good
man in there, somewhere.
KATHERINE: Yeah, well good luck finding him.
LAURA: Why dont we talk about you?
KATHERINE: Whats the point? My life is a sad story its just a series of unfortunate events,
nothing changes.
LAURA: Come on Kathy, things do change. No two days are the same, you just have to look at
things in a positive light.
KATHERINE: But there is no positive light! Ever since I dropped out of therapy, my
depression and anxiety feel like theyve amplified. Im too afraid to go back, because I dont
want them to start me up on any new prescriptions. Id rather deal with it all on my own then be
put on a new medication every couple weeks. I wouldnt mind the side effects as much if they
actually worked for me.
LAURA: I understand. At least, as much as I can try to. What I do know, is that you are strong
and you can make it through anything. You just cant give up. Maybe there is another way to
KATHERINE: But there isnt! Look, what you dont get is that I cant control it. When Im at
home, everything is in a negative darkness. I dont want to get better, my brain just gives
up. The thought of leaving the house and going anywhere for treatment makes me feel sick.
With or without drugs, Id still have to talk to a stranger about my own personal demons.
LAURA: Im sorry Katherine, I wish there was some way I could help. Always know that Im
here for you, and that Im glad you can share these kinds of things with me.
KATHERINE: Thank you Laura. Im glad I have you as a friend, but sometimes I wish I had
somebody who could be more than just a friend. Someone who could love me when I dont love
myself but honestly, I dont think there is anybody out there for me.
LAURA: What about you know who?
KATHERINE: Danny? Hes just a dream. I think about him every night but I wake up every
morning alone. Ive never even had a real conversation with him.
LAURA: Then why dont you just go talk to him?
KATHERINE: Just go talk to him? [Astonished Laura even suggested it.] About what! You of
all people know that Ill freak out and blank. [Katherine reconsiders in her mind.] What would I
even say?
LAURA: Well, you have to find a common interest.
KATHERINE: Like what?
LAURA: Just find out what he likes. I had an entire discussion with Jim the other day about
why we like raspberry lemonade more than strawberry lemonade.
KATHERINE: Thats stupid small talk, I need to talk to him about something real!
LAURA: Lemonade is real!
[DANNY enters and starts talking to KEVIN in the background.]
KATHERINE: There he is! Do you think I should...
LAURA: Follow my lead.
KATHERINE: Wait! But...
[Laura Grabs Katherines hand and brings her over to Kevin and Danny, the two are talking but
notice Laura and Katherine join them. They smile.]
KEVIN: Hey guys!
DANNY: Hey Kathy, Hey Laura.
KEVIN: What brings you two?
LAURA: Well actually Kevin, I need your help with some paperwork Is that okay?
KEVIN: Sure thing.
[Laura and Kevin walk away, leaving Katherine alone with Danny.]
DANNY: So Kathy I heard you were late this morning. I hope Moretti wasnt too hard on
KATHERINE: Yeah, he wasnt happy but Ive had it worse [Thinking about what to say.]
Im used to it... I guess.
DANNY: Well thats not fair! Nobody should have to get used to Moretti yelling at them or
anybody yelling at them for that matter.
KATHERINE: Yeah but its my fault Im the one whos late.
DANNY: Still, I know what its like. When I started working here, I used to be in your place.
Back then, I was Morettis favorite person to pick on. [He smiles but thinks back.] I would
always miss my bus and get his, quote on quote, wrath. I finally got sick of it and managed to
buy myself a car No problems since.
KATHERINE: Thanks For the advice and all. I appreciate it, [Katherine pauses taking a
chance.] it...
DANNY: [Interrupting, not realizing she was still talking.] Of course, Im happy to help. You
know if you ever need a ride
[Moretti bursts in from his office.]
MORETTI: Why do my employees stand around socializing instead of doing their job! Its
pathetic! Act your age and get back to work everyone!
[All standing employees scatter and look for something productive to do.]
DANNY: It was good talking to you!
[Daniel smiles and walks away.]
KATHERINE: Yeah... [to herself.] you too.



[All employees are at their desks doing paperwork; Moretti is walking around systematically
looking at what everyone is doing. Katherine and Laura are talking; they look and see that it is
close to closing time.]

KATHERINE: Thank god we're almost done! [Katherine knows she has nothing to do once she
is off.] What are you doing after work?
LAURA: Oh you know the usual probably gonna get drinks with some friends, maybe see
if Jim is busy.
KATHERINE: By friends you mean the cool people at work, right?
LAURA: Come on Kathy, theyre my friends just like you are. If you got to know them, you
would see that theyre actually just really nice cool people.
KATHERINE: Yeah but you know how I am about new people.
LAURA: I know its tough, but you talked to Dan pretty easily didnt you?
KATHERINE: Hes a special circumstance. I dont know why, but It was a lot easier for me to
talk to him.
LAURA: Thats great Katherine! Maybe things really are getting better. You should try to talk
to some of my other friends, they arent so scary.
KATHERINE: Laura, I cant just do that. Whenever Im put in a social situation, my brain just
shuts off and I get really scared. Its like I cant think, and once its off, my heart starts beating
faster and it gets hard to breath.
LAURA: Im sorry, I cant even try to imagine that.
KATHERINE: It happens every time Im forced to have a conversation with somebody that Im
not close to. I dont choose it at all, you dont understand how much I wish I could come have
drinks with you guys after work, and get to know everybody. But I have to try and accept that I
cant, Im not one of the cool co-workers everybody loves Im nobody. People only know my
name because we all work together.
LAURA: Dont say that about yourself! You mean so much to me, and I know most of these
people pretty well; they dont even compare to you. You are such a beautiful and unique person,
and I know that if anybody in this office really got to know you like I do, that they would love
you just as much as me.
KATHERINE: But you dont know that.
LAURA: I know some people in this office who remind me of you, and who I think you could
really hit it off with.
KATHERINE: Like who?
LAURA: Well you know Sophia has anxiety too, and Nora
KATHERINE: I dont need people with the same diagnosis as me!
LAURA: You didnt let me finish! They have similar interests. Sophias favorite soap opera is
One Life To Live, and Nora loves the movie
KATHERINE: I cant talk about that kind of stuff forever, Laura.
LAURA: Yes, but one conversation leads to the next and you keep finding things in common.
You cant forget that you used to be scared to talk to me too, but after we learned more about
each other, it got easier didnt it? Thats how close friendships start, and you're doing
yourself a disservice by not.,..
[Moretti walks up, interrupting.]
MORETTI: Can you ladies focus on finishing your work please?
LAURA: Of course Sorry Jim.
[Moretti ignores her and goes into his office.]
LAURA: You know [completely thrown off topic.] ...He is something else.
KATHERINE: Youre right on that one!
LAURA: Katherine I think Im right on a lot of things here but Im supposed to be making
sure we do our work right now, its my job.
KATHERINE: Look Laura, just because youre my best friend and my superior at work,
doesnt mean you can tell me how to live my life!
LAURA: I just want you to live the way youve always wanted, thats all!
KATHERINE: I know, its just that
[Moretti walks out of his office in a hurry.]
MORETTI: Alright everybody you know what time it is, lets make it fast.
[Everybody in the office starts frantically putting away papers and pencils, doing their normal
closing routine.]
KATHERINE: Never mind.
LAURA: Lets just get this over with.
[Katherine starts doing her daily routine and cleans her workplace. Laura, who already has a
clean desk, goes over to Sophia, Olivia, Helena, Nora, and Madison who are talking in a circle
next to their desks. Katherine sees this and feels alone, she continues to pack up her things.]
MORETTI: Alright you guys, get out of here.
[All employees start walking to leave the office.]
MORETTI: Katherine will you come here?
KATHERINE: Yeah, what is it?
MORETTI: I need you to stay behind so you can finish preparing the shipping bill and lock up.
Its been a long day you got a late start.
KATHERINE: Are you serious?
MORETTI: Quite serious.
[Moretti drops his keys down on a table near the door and leaves. Katherine grabs her papers
and a pencil. She looks at the eraser and shakes her head before throwing the eraser in a rage.
She lets out a sigh and the lights go out.]



Scene 7

[Katherine walks onstage holding a mostly eaten box of pizza. She looks very uninterested. It is
as if she had walked this road millions of times. She walks up to the bus stop bench and sits
down. Katherine then takes out her phone and scrolls through social media. This makes her sad
and she gets up and continues walking toward her apartment. After Katherine is offstage, the
curtain opens and the lights reveal Katherines apartment. Katherine enters through the door,
and is extremely tired. She walks into her kitchen and puts down the pizza box on her counter.
She takes off her work clothes. She begins to cry as she stumbles into bed.]



Scene 1

[Curtains open and lights reveal Katherine asleep in her bed, inside of her apartment. She
snores until her alarm rings.]

KATHERINE: [snoring.]
[Katherine wakes up, sits up, and looks at the time.]
KATHERINE: [sighing.] Huh.
[Katherine silences her alarm and lies back down, she looks at the clock again and gets up to get
KATHERINE: [to herself.] Here we go again.
[Katherine puts on her work clothes as fast as she can and goes to her kitchen for a granola bar.
She picks it up and looks at it.]
[Katherine throws down the granola bar and grabs a slice of pizza out of the box from the
previous night on her counter.]
[She eats the pizza quickly and realizes she is late for the bus; Katherine runs to grab her purse
and hurries out the door.]


Scene 2

[With the curtain closed, Katherine runs up to a bus stop with a young man sitting at it. She
catches her breath but is relieved thinking she made it on time.]

KATHERINE: [Panting from exhaustion.]

CHRIS: Are you okay? [Genuinely being nice.]
KATHERINE: Im fine [Obviously not fine, remembering something.] Are you waiting for
bus 13?
CHRIS: No, that one just went by before you got here, [Not realizing shes missed her bus
again.] If you must know, Im waiting for bus
KATHERINE: [Interrupting.] No No... Youre kidding me
CHRIS: Im not kidding, it went by a couple
KATHERINE: Well... [Sighing, to herself.] ...lets do this.
[Katherine immediately starts running as fast as she can toward the other side of the stage.]
CHRIS: Wait! I didnt tell you what bus Im waiting for! [shouting at her in the distance.]


Scene 3

[Curtain opens to reveal Katherines work, she enters with a fast walk but a worried look.
Katherine dodges Morettis office and walks up to Laura sitting at her desk. Katherines co
workers are walking around in the backround, busy at work.]

LAURA: Youre here! I really thought you werent coming this time.
KATHERINE: I missed my bus and had to run. If I could have stayed home without getting
fired, I wouldve. Even though it would have left me alone with my thoughts.
LAURA: Well lucky for you, you have me here. [comforting her friend.] Unlucky for you,
[looking around to see if anybody is listening.] Jim is really pissed this morning.
KATHERINE: Let me guess about people being late?
KATHERINE: Of course [Thinking to herself.] Do I have to go talk to him?
LAURA: Just get to work and hope he doesnt notice.
KATHERINE: [sees Tim walking over to their desks.] Good idea, but it looks like he already
found me. Here comes Tim...
TIM: Hello Ladies. [with the perfect blend of charm and sarcasm.]
KATHERINE AND LAURA: Hey Tim [In sync without any excitement to talk to Tim.]
TIM: Katherine, Moretti wants to talk to you about your [Thinking of the right word]
TIM: Yes.
KATHERINE: Ill go talk to him Im guessing youre also here to talk to Laura?
TIM: Indeed Id appreciate it if you left us to it.
KATHERINE: Fine Ill be back Laura.
LAURA: Good luck Kathy!
TIM: [sarcastically.] See you! [Happy to be alone with Laura.] So Laura
[Katherine walks away from the two towards her Bosss office. The lights on the Rest of her
office go out, as she walks into the office.]


Scene 4

[KATHERINE walks in to find her boss, Moretti sitting at his desk looking through paperwork.
When he notices her, he gets an evil smile on his face while he stands up.]

MORETTI: Katherine, Im surprised you decided to show up to work! [Sarcastically, wishing

she was there 5 minutes earlier.]
[Katherine sits down, thinks, and then nods her head.]
KATHERINE: I missed my bus again Im
[Moretti looks at Katherine with a stern face right in the eyes.]
KATHERINE: [Katherine thinks to herself quickly.] It wont happen again Sir.
MORETTI: Oh! It wont happen again. Well in that case you can get back to work and
everything is fine. Im sorry to have bothered you! That is bullshit Katherine, we both know it.
KATHERINE: I could go to bed earlier and that would help me wake up earlier!
MORETTI: It doesnt seem to be working now, does it? Do you think I got this position by
slacking off and staying up late? No. Im the manager because I gave myself discipline, and Im
good at what I do. If you want to keep this job, youre going to start showing me more respect.
You can start by being on time.
KATHERINE: I will! Its just that [she pauses.]
MORETTI: What? Stop wasting my time.
KATHERINE: Well Ive been going through a lot recently, regarding my mental health, and
Its taking a toll on me emotionally and draining my energy. Which is why Im so tired all the
MORETTI: I dont care about your personal life Katherine! From the hours of 8 to 5 you are on
my time. Not your time; mine. We all have our own personal issues, but its very important that
they dont get in the way of our work. Do you understand that?
[Katherine nods.]
MORETTI: I expect you not to give me excuses like that again. Do you think your problems are
any more important than mine or anybody else's? I am responsible for keeping this office
productive, and moving us forward. That means my problems are more important than yours,
and right now you are my problem. If you dont want to be filling out eraser paperwork for the
rest of your life, you better start impressing me. Success takes hard work and sacrifice, if you
need a example of what that looks like, Im always here. Do I make myself clear?
MORETTI: Now please get back to work.
[Katherine nods and walks out as quickly as she can.]


Scene 5

[Katherine walks back to Laura who is still talking to Tim at her desk, Co-workers are in the
background working.]

TIM: and then he said: Remember to look in the mailbox whenever you feel like you're
going to
KATHERINE: [interrupting, but clearly upset.] Tim I need to talk to Laura Alone.
TIM: Whatever... [Searching for a comeback.] Whatd Moretti do?
KATHERINE: Thats not really... your business.
TIM: Fine, Ill just get him to tell me It was a pleasure talking to you, Laura, as always. [Tim
walks away to Morettis office.]
LAURA: Hey, how was it? I hope Jim wasnt too hard on you.
KATHERINE: You know This time I think he was. It got kind of personal and he went too
far, you know how he is.
LAURA: Yeah I do. [Thinking to herself about Moretti.]
KATHERINE: I tried to explain to him my situation, but he didnt care. It was like my feelings
were invalid to him.
LAURA: Really? I could talk to him about it.
KATHERINE: Dont bother, the damage is done, but he didnt have to be such an ass.
LAURA: Now Kathy
KATHERINE: Im serious! My issues are out of my control, I cant just fix them.
LAURA: But Katherine, you have to see it from the employer side. He has a job to do like the
rest of us, and you were late. Just remember that he has his own problems too.
KATHERINE: Yes but were both human beings. No job or paycheck makes his troubles more
significant than mine. He has no idea what my life is like.
LAURA: I agree completely, but dont forget that you have no idea what his is like either.
KATHERINE: That doesnt justify him for going off on me like that! Youre only defending
him because you like him.
LAURA: Really Kathy just because youre my best friend and I tell you things, doesnt mean
I want you saying it out loud where people are listening. I have my own opinion on Jim, and I
know you dont care for him. But I know that there is a good man in there somewhere.
KATHERINE: Yeah yeah [sarcastic, giving up on the situation.] Whatever you say.
LAURA: How was your night last night?
KATHERINE: Horrible. It was just another sad night alone.
LAURA: Im sorry to hear that. Anything specific you want to talk about?
KATHERINE: Thats the thing, theyre always the same. I come home and go to bed. It starts
with me just thinking, until my thoughts overwhelm me and Im thinking too much. In my head,
the words I give up play over and over.
LAURA: When does it stop?
KATHERINE: Sometimes it doesnt, It almost always leads to a panic attack. Thats what stops
me from sleeping, but even after I sleep, Im still so tired that I could sleep for a million years.
LAURA: I want that too sometimes.
KATHERINE: But its not sometimes, Its all the time. I feel like I could never be happy.
Lately its been like that non-stop.
LAURA: Well if It doesn't end, maybe it's time to try treatment again?
KATHERINE: Ive thought about going back. Psychotherapy and some other treatments Ive
looked at seem promising, but my anxiety has been so bad lately that Im not sure if Im really
comfortable sharing this stuff with a complete stranger.
LAURA: I guess I understand that. Is there anything you can do alone?
KATHERINE: I heard about something involving meditation, but Im not really the spiritual
LAURA: [giving up.] Do whats best for you. What do you think you need?
KATHERINE: If Im being honest, my heart tells me I need somebody who really cares about
me. Somebody who tells me Im beautiful and reassures me when Ive lost my confidence. I
feel like if I had that It would be easier to try a treatment without drugs.
LAURA: What about you know who?
KATHERINE: Danny is just a dream, Its hard for me not to think about him, but Ive only had
really one real conversation with him.
LAURA: Then you should have another one.
KATHERINE: Talk to him again? I dont have anything to say.
LAURA: Just find more common interests.
LAURA: Find out what he likes, I had an entire discussion with Jim the other day about why
we like...
KATHERINE: I dont care about lemonade Laura! I need to talk to him about something real.
LAURA: Lemonade is real!
[Danny enters and starts talking to Kevin in the background.]
KATHERINE: [expecting it.] Well there he is!
LAURA: Just follow my lead.
KATHERINE: Oh come on....
[Laura Grabs Katherines hand and brings her over to Kevin and Daniel, the two are talking but
notice Laura and Katherine join them. They smile]
KEVIN: Hey guys!
DANNY: Hey Kathy, Hey Laura.
KEVIN: What brings you two?
LAURA: Well actually Kevin, Moretti wanted me to show you some concerns he has about the
new shipping bill. Could you come with me?
KEVIN: Sure.
[Laura and Kevin walk away leaving Katherine alone with Daniel.]
DANNY: So Kathy I heard you were late again this morning, I hope Moretti wasnt too hard
on you.
KATHERINE: He went a little berserk, but Im sure you know what its like.
KEVIN: Yeah I do What kind of stuff did he say?
KATHERINE: I tried to explain to him why Ive been late, and how how Ive been going
through a lot... personally and he pretty much told me that none of it mattered.
DANNY: What? Thats terrible.
KATHERINE: I know... but like he says, work always has to come first.
DANNY: I dont think I really agree with that. You have to prioritize your own feelings before
anything else. He can be a real ass, but you just have to act like you agree with everything he
says [in a sarcastic tone.] and hell leave you alone. Just make sure you dont actually listen to
it, because that is the opposite of what you need to help you with whatevers going on.
KATHERINE: Well thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it [Katherine pauses taking a
chance.] It means a lot to me...
DANNY: Really? Well Im happy to help. You know if you ever need a ride, just
[Moretti bursts in from his office.]
MORETTI: It must be difficult to work when youre all standing around socializing! Get back
to your desks and act professional!
[All standing employees scatter and look for something productive to do.]
DANNY: It was good talking to you.
[Daniel smiles and walks away.]
KATHERINE: You too...


Scene 6

[All employees are at their desks doing paperwork; Moretti is walking around systematically
looking at what everyone is doing. Katherine and Laura are talking; they look to see that it is
close to closing time.]

KATHERINE: Well, at least were almost done. [Katherine knows she has nothing to do once
she is off.] Whats your plan for after work?
LAURA: Ill probably just end up getting drinks at Joeys with everyone else, if Jim is busy.
KATHERINE: The cool people?
LAURA: Kathy, they dont consider themselves cool. Its not like they think of themselves as
the cool people in the office. Were all just friends that like to get together after work. When
we meet new people, we welcome them to hang out with us, because we dont think were better
than anybody.
KATHERINE: Its not like that. You guys look like youre all so close and have so much fun
together. I wouldnt want to intrude, Id just be an outsider.
LAURA: We have our issues like anybody else. It isnt as perfect on the inside as you think. If
you want to come just say so, nobody would have a problem with it.
KATHERINE: I guess that means Id be the one with the problem. I dont think I could do it. I
want to with all my heart, its just
LAURA: I know. [Laura puts her hand on Katherines shoulder.]
KATHERINE: Everytime I talk to someone, it feels like they just dont care to listen, like they
dont even want to talk to me.
LAURA: Kathy, thats just what your brain is telling you, Im sure that isnt true.
KATHERINE: But it is. I see the look on their faces, theyre always so uninterested. I guess
Im just boring to people.
LAURA: Youre not boring to me! Nobody here even knows you well enough to know if you're
KATHERINE: If they did, they would.
LAURA: Kathy, you cant think like that. If you do, youre letting the mental illnesses get the
upper hand. You cant let them take over!
KATHERINE: But they already have. Do you remember when I was home sick for two days
in a row last month?
LAURA: I do, I had to stop Jim from getting on your back about it.
KATHERINE: Well it was because I had a panic attack that was so bad, I passed out. I have no
memory of what happened that night, but when I woke up I couldnt do anything for two days. I
just layed in bed crying, while my brain scrambled over everything that I know is wrong with
me. I feel like Im starting to get to that point again.
LAURA: Katherine I had no idea.
KATHERINE: I know, its not your fault. Its just hard being alone.
LAURA: Well maybe it would be good to talk to somebody about it. You always have me, but
maybe treatment isnt the worst option. Like you said there are some that dont use drugs.
KATHERINE: I dont want to talk to somebody that I just met, it would be uncomfortable.
LAURA: Then maybe talking to some people from the office would be better. You didnt just
meet them. I know some girls that
KATHERINE: Laura stop, you know that would be worse.
LAURA: You have to do something! If you dont make a change, everything will just stay the
same. You cant struggle through life forever, you are doing yourself a disservice...
KATHERINE: Wait, shhhh. [signals to Moretti about to walk up.]
[Moretti walks up, interrupting.]
MORETTI: Can you ladies focus on finishing your work please?
LAURA: Of course Sorry Jim.
[Moretti ignores her and goes into his office.]
LAURA: [giving up.] You know he is something else.
KATHERINE: Not this again, he's not the good kind of something else.
LAURA: Katherine you dont understand Hes my kind of something else. [sighs and thinks
to herself.] Im supposed to be making sure we do our work right now, its my job.
KATHERINE: Of course, even though Ive been here longer, you get to boss me around just
because Moretti likes you more!
LAURA: Kathy! Thats not a very nice thing to say to the person who just wants you live a
healthy life and do the things youve always wanted!
KATHERINE: I know its just [sighs]
[Moretti walks out of his office in a hurry.]
MORETTI: Alright everybody you know what time it is, lets make it fast
[Everybody in the office starts frantically putting away papers and pencils, doing their normal
closing routine.]
KATHERINE: Even if I didnt have depression and anxiety and I actually had the courage to go
out with you guys tonight, I couldnt.
LAURA: Why not?
KATHERINE: I was late, remember? Lets just get this over with.
[Katherine starts doing her daily routine and cleans her workplace. Laura, who already has a
clean desk, goes over to Sophia, Olivia, Madison, Helena, and Nora who are talking in a circle
next to their desks. Katherine feels alone, and continues what she is doing.]
MORETTI: Alright you guys get out of here.
[All employees start walking to leave the office.]
MORETTI: Katherine will you come here
KATHERINE: [Sighs.] Yes
MORETTI: I need you to stay so you can prep for tomorrow and lock up, its been a long day
[Tossing her the keys] you got a late start.
KATHERINE: Of course [sarcastic but sad.]
MORETTI: Maybe if you started showing up on time you wouldnt be here.
[Moretti begins to leave. Katherine grabs her papers and a pencil. She looks at the eraser
shakes her head, putting it down. Katherine drops her head to her desk and the lights go out.]



Scene 7

[Katherine walks on stage crying, holding a mostly eaten box of pizza. She looks at her
surroundings and is more depressed by each step. Her life has become an endless spiral with no
apparent end. She sits on the bus stop and goes on her phone.]

KATHERINE: Theyre all still over there at Joeys, having a great time. By now Im sure
theyve all forgotten that I even exist. Even Laura is probably too drunk to remember me, and
my problems. The only one who remembers my problems is me. And they get worse every
second I sit here thinking about them.
[She gets herself together and walks offstage. The curtain opens to reveal Katherines
apartment. Katherine walks in and puts the pizza box on her kitchen counter. She goes to her
bedroom and pulls out a tall mirror that is next to her bed, she brings it downstage. Katherine
looks in the mirror.]

KATHERINE: [In tears.] Look at you Youre pathetic. Youre a boring piece of garbage that
nobody cares about. You could die right here right now and the world would only be a better
place. Youre lazy, ugly, fat, and most of all You are insignificant to anyone. Everyday you
pick yourself up and stumble through your life like an idiot. Youll never be happy, you cant
even hold a conversation! Because youre meant to be alone forever. Nobody could ever
love you or your issues. Nobody would want to be with somebody who cant even get ahold of
themself. Somebody who's enemy is their own mind. [with rage.] I hate you! Youre a horrible
excuse for a human being, why do you even exist. [calming down.] What purpose could you
could I have.
[Katherine sits down where she is standing, breathing heavily.]
KATHERINE: Maybe its not true. Maybe Im not fat or ugly. Maybe I am significant. Even if
it wasnt true, nobody would want anything to do with me. Everybody would still think Im
boring, they would still know that I am all those things. [Katherine takes out her phone and
goes on social media.] Look at them all, theyre having so much fun. Posting pictures and
videos of their night out with the crew [Katherine is swiping through posts on her phone.]
The gang The squad [Katherine stands up.] The things that Ill never be apart of. Oh
look, those people dont even work with us! Theyre all hanging out with strangers they just
met. Im so annoying and boring that they would rather hang out with strangers than hang out
with me! [Katherine throws her phone to the ground, smashing it.] Oh my god Im doing
this to myself. Im the one who never goes, Im the one who doesnt want to hang out with
them because Im scared scared of what they think of me. [Katherine picks up the
shattered phone.] We use these little devices to put out a perception of ourselves that we want
others to see what we want others to think and in each of their minds, theres a different
perception of me. [Taking initiative] But none of them are actually me. Only I know who I
really am only I know... So who am I? I may not know for certain whats going to happen,
or if I can change the direction of my life But what I do know is that I can change other
peoples perception of me. I dont know if Ill wake up on time, and I dont know if Ill ever be
able to overcome my depression and anxiety. I do know that no matter what, I can try. And I
have to try, I have to wake up even earlier than just on time. I have to be the first one to that
office if I want to change what Ive become. And I will.


Scene 1

[Curtains open to reveal Katherine asleep in her bed. The lighting is different than previous
mornings, to indicate it is earlier in the day. Out of nowhere, Katherine awakes.]

KATHERINE: Its only 6:10! I have plenty of time

[Katherine Gets out of bed and carefully puts on her clothes. She goes into the kitchen and picks
up a piece of pizza.]
[Kathy puts her pizza down, grabs her purse and walks out the door.]



Scene 2

[Kathy walks across the stage with 3 boxes of donuts and stops at center stage.]
KATHERINE: Well Katherine, here you are. Somehow you managed to wake up. Instead of
being late as usual, you are going to be early of all things. But It doesnt matter how early I am
if I dont have the capability to make anything different. Sure Moretti wont yell at me, but that
just means everybody wont be staring at me talking in their little groups. I guess Im at what
they call a crossroads I choose where I go from here. I want to brighten everybody's day with
these donuts, but could I really handle the conversations? Thanks Katherine!, Where did you
get the donuts from?, Oh, I love that place!. It makes me sick just thinking about it. But
nothing will change if I dont take control! I talk to Laura okay because Ive gotten to know her,
so If I just get to know them all, It wont be so hard. Thats what my heart tells me, but my head
has a different idea. My head makes me feel like I dont want to get better, that I dont have any
reason to do anything. Everything is so negative, [Passerby comes out of nowhere walking
toward Katherine] everything just SUCKS!
[Passerby gives Katherine a strange look and keeps walking]
[Katherine picks up the donuts and walks toward her work.]



Scenes 3

[Katherine is in the office with Danny, Kevin, and Laura, they just finished all of their morning
opening procedures when Moretti walks in.]

MORETTI: Morning everyone. Katherine what are you doing here? Youre not supposed to be
in yet, youd better not be distracting my supervisors!
KATHERINE: I decided to come in early and get everyone donuts, I thought an extra person
could speed things up.
KEVIN: And she was right boss! We already got everything done!
MORETTI: Everything? Whatever, just dont get used to doing supervisor work.
LAURA: Well Jim, everyone will be here soon, youd better put your stuff in your office and get
MORETTI: Alright, you guys start sorting these. [Moretti hands them a stack of papers.] Dont
bother trying to help Katherine, you wouldnt understand.
[Moretti goes into his office.]
DANNY: I dont understand why he has to be so rude to you, Kathy.
KATHERINE: At this point, I dont know any different.
KEVIN: Its just how he is. It takes a lot of kissing ass to get that man to like you.
LAURA: Yeah, just ask me and Tim. [Everyone laughs, Katherine is happy to be included.]
DANNY: Okay is it just me, or do you guys think its kind of weird that Moretti and Tim have
rhyming names, and just happen to get along so well?
KEVIN: Oh Ive thought about that tons of times! It could be a cartoon, The adventures of Jim
and Tim [they laugh.] It has a nice ring.
KATHERINE: I guess that would make Laura the damsel in distress their fighting over!
[everybody laughs some more as Moretti comes back in.]
MORETTI: Stop screwing around, theyll be here any minute.
[The door swings open as Olivia, Sophia, Madison, Helena, Nora, Tim, and Co-workers rush
MORETTI: Alright everyone, Kathy brought everybody Donuts, but you cant take one until
your first break, so get to work.
[Moretti goes back into his office as everybody goes to their seats. Sophia, Madison, and Olivia,
make a half circle and call over for Laura to join them.]
LAURA: [Thinking about it for a moment.] You want to come?
KATHERINE: Well [Knowing she has always wanted this.] I guess maybe I could [Laura
grabs Katherine by the arm and pulls her in the direction of the half-circle.]
[Laura and Katherine walk over with Katherine standing behind Laura. When the girls notice
Katherine they smile and wave to her. She steps toward them coming out, as if leaving her
hiding spot. Everyone greets Katherine.]
LAURA: Hey guys.
MADISON: Hi Laura, and hey Katherine, you look cute today. Thanks for bringing everyone
[Everyone agrees and thanks Katherine.]
KATHERINE: Of course and thank you! Theyre just my normal work clothes, but dont
mention it Im just trying to make work better for everyone.
OLIVIA: Well we appreciate it. [Everyone agrees.]
SOPHIA: Yeah, Ive never really gotten to know you Katherine, what do you do outside of
KATHERINE: Oh nothing I usually just stay home.
MADISON: Hmmm, You should come out with us some
[Tim walks up to the group.]
TIM: Hey Ladies, can I talk to Laura quickly?
SOPHIA: Excuse me, but we were sort of having a conversation here
[The other girls agree.]
TIM: Well you should be working youre lucky Im not scolding you.
LAURA: Tim, I have it covered, now what do you want.
[Laura walks with Tim away from the group. Helena and Nora walk up and join the circle in
their place.]
HELENA: Hey guys, Kathy thanks for bringing those Donuts, they look great! I usually never
have time to eat before work, so Im hoping for an early 10.
NORA: Yeah it was very kind of you, we came to ask you guys what the plan is for after work?
[Katherine has a nervous look.]
MADISON: Oh you know us Nora; well be doing the usual.
SOPHIA: At the usual place.
HELENA: Im down, first round's on me! [Everyone reacts with joy.]
OLIVIA: Even better!
NORA: Im excited!
SOPHIA: I wish it wasnt still so early.
MADISON: Me too! What do you say Katherine?
KATHERINE: Well I might be busy.
SOPHIA: You should come Katherine! Its just an average night for us.
KATHERINE: I dont know about that.
OLIVIA: Why not? I thought you said all you do is stay home?
KATHERINE: Well I have to make sure Moretti doesnt make me stay late. Hes been doing
that the last couple days since I was late.
NORA: I noticed that, he can be such a jerk!
MADISON: Thats the truth! He wont give me next weekend off for my cousin's wedding.
HELENA: He criticises my handwriting for no reason!
OLIVIA: He never has anything nice to say.
SOPHIA: Well I dont know, hes never rude to me directly
MADISON: Sophia weve been over this. Hes nice to you because youre his bosses daughter,
he has to be.
SOPHIA: Yeah I guess so.
MADISON: What else does he do other than make you stay for being late?
KATHERINE: Well He yelled at me nothing new there, but when I tried to explain why I
was late he just interrupted me.
HELENA: Hes always doing that!
OLIVIA: I can never get a thought in.
NORA: How can you explain yourself when all he says is No excuses!.
KATHERINE: Exactly! And when I did explain to him some problems I was having He just
invalidated my feelings.
MADISON: Thats horrible!
SOPHIA: Thats not good for your mental health either!
NORA: You shouldnt have to deal with that.
HELENA: He makes working here such a pain.
OLIVIA: Id quit if I knew I had another job waiting.
MADISON: If I quit, Id let him know whose fault it was.
SOPHIA: Hed probably be happy to lose the sassiest person in the office.
NORA: Id bet hed have his little errand boy Tim bring you all your stuff.
KATHERINE: Jim and Tim what a combo. [they chuckle.]
HELENA: Ill bet he has Tim do his taxes for him! [everyone continues to laugh.]
MADISON: Tim probably does his laundry too!
OLIVIA: Why stop there? Imagine Tim in a little maids outfit cleaning his house!
SOPHIA: Or washing his car!
NORA: What if Tim cooks him a nice romantic dinner every night?
KATHERINE: And at the end of the night Tim tucks him into bed.
[Everyone has one final laugh before calming down.]
MADISON: You see Katherine? You would have fun with us at Joeys. All we do is joke about
this kind of stuff.
HELENA: Yeah, we would love to have you!
KATHERINE: Well maybe I could...
[Laura comes back to the group in a hurry.]
LAURA: Hes coming!
[Everyone onstage disperses from their social clumps and goes to their own personal work area,
to make it look like they are doing something productive. Moretti then pokes his head out of his
office and starts looking around. He looks suspicious but nods and goes back into his office.
Everybody takes a sigh of relief and the lights go out.]


Scene 4

[Katherine and Laura are sitting at their desks, working.]

LAURA: You know Kathy, I wasnt completely sure Id see you today.
KATHERINE: What do you mean?
LAURA: Last night, I was thinking about everything you told me yesterday. It sounds like a lot
to handle on a daily basis, but you seem to be doing better today.
KATHERINE: I am... I broke down last night and had a panic attack, but instead of going to
bed in tears, I got myself together. Usually I try to sleep in the middle of it, so my thoughts stop
me from getting rest. Last night, the panic attack was over before I got into bed, and I slept fine.
LAURA: Thats great!
KATHERINE: It was nice because I found a sort of peace. I cant control the world around me,
but I know that I can try my best to create the environment that I want to live in.
LAURA: Those are smart words to live by. So whats first on the list.
LAURA: Of whatever is needed for this environment you want to create.
KATHERINE: Oh, well let me think.
LAURA: I know one of them.
LAURA: Danny.
KATHERINE: Laura I want to start with myself. If I can become social and be happier with
who I am, then Ill be more fit for a relationship. Maybe hell still be around then.
LAURA: I agree, but any relationship starts with friendship. You still have to get to know him
like anybody else, and didnt you say it was easier for you to talk to him?
KATHERINE: I guess so
LAURA: Then go talk to him! [indicates Danny onstage.]
KATHERINE: All right, all right. It would be good practice.
[Katherine leaves her desk and walks over to Danny who is standing at his desk looking over
DANNY: Hey Kathy! What brings you here?
KATHERINE: I uh [clearing her throat.] ...just thought Id see how youre doing today.
DANNY: Thats very nice of you. Im doing alright, long day.
KATHERINE: I know the feeling.
DANNY: Sometimes it all just seems pointless. I wake up, go to work, go out, go home. I wish
things would change once in awhile.
KATHERINE: They do! Trust me, Ive been like that all week.
DANNY: Really? Im glad Im not alone.
KATHERINE: You arent, Im always here for you.
DANNY: Thank you, that means a lot. So are you going to Joeys tonight?
KATHERINE: Im not sure.
DANNY: Well I think you should, you just said things change. Ive never seen you there before.
KATHERINE: Ive never been there before.
DANNY: Oh well I can see why that would be discouraging. If you do, could I give you a
ride? It might make things easier. Here, Ill take you home if you decide not to, so theres no
KATHERINE: Well alright. Wait for me in the parking lot after work, Ill be there. Just dont
get your hopes up, Ill probably just need a ride home.
DANNY: Sounds good.
KATHERINE: Id better go, It was good talking to you!
DANNY: Alright Ill see you later! [Katherine walks away.] You too....


Scene 5

[All employees are at their desks doing paperwork; Moretti is walking around systematically
looking at what everyone is doing.]

LAURA: Were almost done, you decided if youre gonna come?

KATHERINE: No, I havent decided.
LAURA: What are you thinking?
KATHERINE: I dont know Im still torn.
LAURA: Well you better think fast
MORETTI: Alright everybody you know what time it is, lets make it fast.

[Everybody in the office starts frantically putting away papers and pencils, doing their normal
closing routine as Moretti goes into his office.]
LAURA: Ill see you.
[Katherine finishes cleaning off her desk as Laura walks over to Olivia, Madison, Sophia,
Helena, and Nora standing in a half circle talking. With some thought, Katherine joins them.
After a few moments, Moretti bursts out of his office.]
MORETTI: Alright guys, get out of here.
[Everybody pours out the door in excitement. Katherine stays behind. She doesnt know what
she wants to do. She paces back and forth debating, and then looks down almost as if to cry.
She looks up and moves towards the door in a quick solid motion as the lights go out.]


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