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Determinants of Insurance's Profitability

1. Age of company
2. Claims ratio
3. Company size
4. Growth of gross written premiums
5. Contribution/premium growth
6. Earning assets
7. Economic growth
8. Equity capital
9. Equity returns
10. Expense ratio.
11. Financial leverage
12. Fixed assets to total assets
13. Growth and tangibility of assets
14. Growth in writing premium
15. Growth of premiums
16. Inflation
17. Investment yield
18. leverage ratio
19. Liquidity ratio
20. Loss ratio
21. Management competence index
22. Net profit to surplus
23. Net profit to total assets
24. Profit/interest rate levels
25. Reinsurance dependence
26. Retention ratio
27. Return on Assets
28. Return on equity
29. Return on investment
30. Risk retention ratio
31. Size of insurer
32. Solvency margin
33. Standard deviation of sales to average value of sales
34. Total debt to total assets
35. Underwriting expenses paid to premiums written.
36. Underwriting risk
37. Volume of capital

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