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Tema 1 El presente del verbo TO BE.

Instrucciones: Utiliza el verbo tobe de forma correcta

Jane a teacher? No, she . She a doctor.

you American? No, I .I Australian.

John and Paul at home? No, they . They at the university.

the book on the table? No, it . It on the chair.

your father from Madrid? No, he . He from Barcelona

Da 1

Tema 2 Las formas del presente simple: el present simple

instrucciones: Pon los verbos entre parntesis en la forma correcta del Present Simple,
segn sean afirmativos, interrogativos o negativos.

A) Do you (live) in Barcelona?

B) No, I (not live) in Barcelona. I (live) in Cerdanyola.But my sister

(live) there.

C) And does she (like) it?

D) Yes, she (love) Barcelona. She (work) in a bank in the mornings. In the

afternoons, she (play) tennis with her boyfriend or she (watch) TV at home.

In the evenings, she usually (go) for a walk on the beach or she (do) her English

homework. She (study) English on Saturdays.

E) Does she (visit) you in Cerdanyola?

F) She (not come) to Cerdanyola very often. I usually (visit) her in


Da 2
Tema 3 El present simple: las expresiones de frecuencia

Instrucciones: Reescribe las frases incorporando el adverbio de frecuencia

entre parntesis. En algunos casos tendrs que hacer algunos cambios en la frase


1. I don't work in August. (never)

2. They play cards in the evenings. (usually)

3. Where do you spend your summer holiday? (usually)

4. She doesn't buy ice-cream. (often)

5. Jim isn't at home. (hardly ever)

6. We don't trabes abroad. (often)

7. Do you work in the evenings? (usually)

8. Jane has a cup of coffee in the morning. (always)

9. Are you at the library? (often)

10. Terry isn't ill. (never)

Da 3
Tema 4 Los adjetivos y los pronombres posesivos

Instrucciones: completen los espacios con el adjetivo o el pronombre posesivo

adecuado. Busca en el contexto informacin sobre el (los) proprietario(s)

1. This is Jane. This is book. It's hers.

2. These are Tim and Tom. These are their bikes.They're .

3. You are French. Your family lives in Paris.

4. This is my dog Spot. Its ball is under the table. It's .

5. I am a teacher. My students are from Spain. These students are .

6. Steve, you need to show your passport. Is this ?

7. James is a photographer. This is his camera. It's .

8. We are students. These are our books. They're .

Dia 4

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