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Personal Statement in Business

Program: Finance
Through beads of sweat I can finally see the finish line. Propelled
forward by my loaded legs, my heart pumping loud inside, along the
racing track am I struggling to make a last dashing effort. The
10,000-meter race is exhausting. Other contestants are right behind me;
they are looking for chances to overtake me. I cannot afford to let off,
not even a slightest bit because I have been preparing for this moment
for years. Beat them! You Must! a voice deep inside me keeps
shouting to me. In a match, there is just one aimto win and to get the
upper hand of your opponents. To do so, it is even necessary to go
beyond ones ultimate limit. Then the crucial moment comes, the
moment of fulfilling ones prescribed objective.

I am by no means the smartest student in my class. But my perseverance,

my pursuit of excellence, and my readiness to challenge my ultimate
limit have enabled me to achieve self-transcendence time and again in
my past education. Whether in winning prizes during major academic
aptitudes contests through my middle school days or in entering the
Mathematics Department of XX University (arguably the best place to
study mathematics in China) waived of the otherwise required entrance
examinations, I have achieved every success through strong willpower
and persistence. I believe that life is a long journey and my present
application for XX University, arguably the best university in the world, is
my new attempt to scale new heights.

In the summer of 2002, several major universities in China, including XX

University and XX University, offered to enroll me free of entrance
examinations due to my winning the first prize in the XXX that year. I
eventually chose XX University. In its Mathematics Department are
gathered the most outstanding talents of the country. In this
competitive environment, my aptitudes not only in mathematics but
also in physics and computer have improved rapidly. I realized that I had
to compete in order to excel.

I achieved all-round academic development at XX University. Apart from

receiving effective and systematic training in mathematics, I have had
ample opportunities to exchange with the first-rate professors and
fellow students. Under the influence of the Universitys overall academic
atmosphere, I have attained increasing mental maturity by developing
my team spirit, personal responsibility, and other personal qualities. For
the first time in my life I gained the understanding that a true elite is
born out of a group of elites. Although I do not pretend to be the best
student in my department, every major progress that I have achieved in
this unique university has repeatedly convinced me that, as long as I
persevere academically the way that I persevere athletically, I will
ultimately develop myself into a person of outstanding excellence of my

My choice of switching to an undergraduate program in Finance at XX

University originates from my ideal of receiving the worlds first-rate
undergraduate education and of exposing myself to the influence of an
elitist academic culture. Just as XX University has attracted to it the best
students in China, XX University has attracted to it the best students in
the world. I identify myself strongly with your university motto which
admonishes your students to be with the greatest masters of the
academia and, most importantly, to be with the truth. At such a world
prestigious university as XX University, it will be possible for me to listen
to the instructions of the world s best teachers, to exchange with and to
compete against the best students in the world. Those two factors will
give me lifelong benefits. I believe that only by plunging myself into this
highly competitive environment will it be possible for me to bring my
important potential into the fullest play, and to further develop my
courage to face challenges, enhance my endurance, and improve my
analytical thinking.

The motivation behind my decision to specialize in finance lies in my

determination to apply my special aptitudes in mathematics to the study
of social science. China is currently experiencing an unprecedented
economic development in history. As a student that has grown up in
pace with Chinas implementation of market economy, I have the strong
wish to learn the most advanced knowledge and skills in the world and
to contribute my efforts to the further development of Chinas economy.

Like many other elitist students of XX University, I find my middle school

education filled with accolades won through hard efforts and toils. From
junior middle school to senior middle school (XX Middle School, the key
middle school of XX Province), I maintained a top 1% academic
performance in my grade (consisting of 400 students) and was given,
among various awards, the Outstanding Student honor every year. I
received approximately 20 awards in national and provincial contests of
mathematics, physics, English and chemistry (please refer to my Resume
for more detailed information). Among those awards, some of the most
important ones include the first prize in the XX, the gold medal in the
Hope Cup XX, the third prize in the XX, and the first prize in the XX
Citys XX. I have strong interest and special aptitudes in mathematics and
physics. By studying those two subjects, I have not only improved my
scholastic level and rigorous logical reasoning but also developed my
ability to solve problems independently. Although my future career will
not necessarily be in the field of mathematics, I firmly believe that
mathematics is the most fundamental science through which human
beings gain knowledge about this world. The knowledge and the way of
thinking that I have developed through my study of mathematics,
together with the strong willpower that I have evolved in the process,
will be my lifelong assets.

Nevertheless, I have never allowed myself to be a bookworm. Instead, I

have always sought for comprehensive personal development in
management skills, interpersonal communication, and in athletic
contests. During my senior middle school days, I was a student official in
the Students Union and was responsible for organizing many important
campus events such as the choral festival, cultural festival, debate
contests, and exchanges with other schools in the city. I was the editor
of the student publication Footprint. Although my coursework at XX
University is very heavy, I have been working as a key student official of
the departmental Students Union. While enriching my extracurricular
life, my work at the Students Union has shown me the importance of
teamwork and has taught me important skills of sound interpersonal
relations. The development of organizational and management skills will
also become an important legacy for my future financial study and

For a dedicated runner, he has only one focus to dash to the finish
line ahead of his adversaries. It is a test of his stamina and he must
prove his sportsmanship. For me, the sole reason for pursuing a more
advanced education is that I have come to the moment of facing a new
challenge and I need to conquer it. The height of life is reached through
repeated self-transcendencesthis is what I understand about the
meaning of life. I have done so in the past and I will continue to do so in
the future. What I am doing at present is one of those
self-transcendencesto apply for admission into a university of true
world prestige.
For many years, I have been practicing 10,000-meter long-distance
running everyday. In so doing, I have not only developed my strong
physique but also won a spate of prizes at sports meetings. The most
important thing is that I have improved my character and strengthened
my willpower. In every 10,000-meter event, I clench my teeth, try to go
beyond my ultimate limit and beat my competitors, until I dash to the
finish ahead of others. Each experience is an experience of setting and
fulfilling an objective.

First draft-ending

For a brave mountain climber, the sole reason for his mountain climbing
is that the high mountain is there and he must surmount it. For me, the
sole reason for pursuing a more advanced education is that I have come
to the moment of facing a new challenge and I need to conquer it. The
height of life is reached through repeated self-transcendencesthis is
what I understand about the meaning of life. I have done so in the past
and I will continue to do so in the future. What I am doing at present is
one of those self-transcendencesto apply for admission into a
university of true world prestige.

Personal Statement in Design

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and
that has made all the difference.--Robert Frost--Have you ever taken the
road less traveled? When you drive home from work, do you ever
explore? Sure, it might take longer than usual, and there may be
unpleasant stops along the way, but occasionally you will find an
unexpected surprise. By casting aside strict conventions and routines
and by taking risks, we can achieve things we never considered or
thought possible. I find that many people in our religiously capitalist
society only seek the fastest, cheapest, and most efficient route. While
some industries hire to increase diversity and thereby innovation, many
dare not attempt anything new. In particular, many established
architects and developers fear taking chances and fear the risk of failure
inherent in untested methods. I, on the other hand, believe that
architects must not feel constrained by the past but must follow up on
promising possibilities. Exploring undiscovered methods and paths
requires self-criticism, self-assurance, and courage.
In my junior year in college, I doubted the teaching style of my instructor
in my first design studio class. I felt as if he pushed his own rigid ideas
into the students' creations and did not allow the students the
opportunity to pursue their own original designs. Fearing my intellectual
growth might be stunted by his lectures and dissatisfied with his
teaching, I basically taught myself design by researching and combing
through hundreds of architecture books. Through my own studies, I
came to realize that architecture should be learned, not preached. That
semester, I further challenged myself by working on a design of my own
creation, a design not as signed by my instructor. While it would have
been easier to accept the instructor's lessons and just follow his ideas, I
realized that I could never take the easy way again now that I discovered
that the beauty of architecture lies in learning it myself. That semester
helped formulate my approach towards architecture and influence my
design decisions to this day.

Although self-motivation is extremely important, seeking the guidance

and critique of others is essential to good design since others can find
what I may have overlooked. One critic who has been particularly crucial
to the development of my work is Craig Scott, a Progressive Architecture
Awards Winner in 1996, who worked together with Homa Fardjadi and
Sima Fardjadi. Craig was my studio critic during the spring term of 1997.
His instruction helped me achieve a level of design that I could not have
attained from books alone. Of greatest importance, he taught me a
combination of methodology and theory to the process of creating
designs. He taught me to begin with a simple conceptual spatial model,
then add site context and programmatic concerns to create an
integrated building. The application of a methodology to the design
process made my work more structured and rigorous than before. In
Craig's studio, I designed a furniture workshop for downtown Ann Arbor
that was chosen as an exhibit in the 1997 Summer Student Exhibition in
the University of Michigan. Professors chose the most outstanding
projects in their studio and put them in the exhibition. Although this was
certainly not a major trophy, the exhibition represented my first
accomplishment in the studio and was a milestone in my architectural
career. When I saw my work in the exhibition room, all the failures and
difficulties I had experienced seemed worth it.

Later, I designed urban housing in downtown Ann Arbor for the fall
studio 1997, which was also chosen as an exhibit in the 1998 Annual
Student Exhibition. For that exhibition, entitled "Taking Aim," each
professor chose the best three projects from his/her studio. In the
exhibition, the alumni of previous years and students from other
architecture schools were invited to share our success. These exhibitions
were important to me not only because my designs were chosen, but
also because they gave me the opportunity to display my work before
the most important critics of all--the general public, which included the
students and teachers from different years and different schools. I plan
to continue my studies at the graduate school level to have the
opportunity to interact and share knowledge with students who are as
focused and excited about architecture as I am. I have visited Harvard
Graduate School of Design several times, and each time I left impressed
and enlightened by the variety and complexity of the students' work.
The work I saw at GSD had that same element of innovation and
freshness that I strive for, the one that goes beyond the ordinary path. I
want to be an explorer and to face challenges that I can solve with sheer
will and creativity.

The Biophysics Student admitted to Biology Departments at Harvard


Statement of Purpose
Applicants name: Ivan Ivanov

It is noticed that science develops in splashes, each significantly

advancing our understanding of the Nature. The 19th century was the
time of rapid development of thermodynamics and electrodynamics;
in the beginning of the 20th century quantum mechanics and
relativity theory were born. In the search for secrets of nature science
has reached extremely high and low energies as well as large and
small length scales. Still until recently we knew very little about one of
the most complex on everydays length and energy scales systems
life. Now we are at the dawn of efflorescence in molecular biology,
which provides an excellent basis for application of modern physics,
biochemistry and computational techniques. Revelations of molecular
structure become extremely crucial, as they provide insights into the
way molecules work.

My interest in the role of biomolecular structure in information

processing and signal transduction pathways in the cell has developed
during the last two years, while I have been a student of Molecular
Biophysics sub-department of MIPT. Processing of biological
information plays a crucial role in the existence and development of
biological systems and its infringement often leads to different kinds
of diseases. The structure and, consequently, the function of the
involved biomolecules is an important key to the understanding of
these processes. To further study processing of biological information
and methods of structure determination I joined the research group
of Dr. X, focusing on the structure and function of membrane proteins,
lipids and lipid-protein systems.

In September xxxx I started my research in the group of xx, Small City,

Russia. I studied the properties of xxx under various conditions. Work
there not only deepened my knowledge about crystallisation and lipid
systems, but also gave me knowledge and experience of strengths
and limitations of structure investigation by neutron scattering. I
became familiar with the theoretical background of small angle
neutron scattering, experimental setup and data treatment
In March xxxx I continued my research in the group of Dr. X at the
Institute of XX. The ultimate goal of our research is to explain all
stages of signal transduction during the chemo- and phototaxis.
Currently I am involved in several projects on the structure and
functioning of xxx, the specimen of microbial phototaxis system, in
the complex with xxx as well as without it. My current task is to obtain
crystals which xxx. During this work I acquired a broad range of
experimental experience and theoretical background necessary for
crystallisation and structure determination of membrane proteins.
One of the most challenging tasks in my project was to find the best
conditions for trapping intermediate states of xx in crystals. It was a
combination of thorough theoretical analysis of spectral properties of
the protein with further experimental examination and finally
implementation of theoretical findings. As a result I obtained crystals
of xxx which diffract to xx on a synchrotron.

Having succeeded in the current research, employing the knowledge

from different fields of physics and biochemistry, I feel well prepared
for the further challenging studies and research in the fields of
molecular and structural biology, perhaps on very different topics, as
well as on the topics I am familiar with. I regard structure
investigations to be not only the method of obtaining a particular
structure, but one from the collection of methods of life sciences
which together advance our understanding of molecular mechanisms
of life. Therefore I want to study a range of biophysical, biochemical
and computational techniques that are used to reveal function of
biomolecules and information processing by biological systems.
Spectroscopy, quantum chemistry and computational structural
biology techniques, like molecular dynamics and Brownian dynamics
are of great interest to me as they are hand in hand with structure
determination methods. Therefore multidisciplinary training program
in Molecular, Cellular and Chemical Biology perfectly suits my
scientific interests. Research in these areas is very active in Dr. X's, Dr.
Xs, Dr. Xs, and Dr. Xs groups at XX University.

I want to continue my education at the Department of Molecular and

Cellular Biology of XX University. I am convinced that my participation
in your Ph.D. program will give me thorough education and excellent
research experience, which will advance me to my dream
discovering new secrets of Nature.

Statement by a student from India (12/2002)

The Product Design Program Applicant admitted to Stanford

Write a brief statement concerning both your past work in your

intended field of study and related fields, your plans for graduate
study at Stanford, and your subsequent career plans. As this is an
important part of your application, please describe the relevance of
your past work and future intentions to the program for which you are


One evening in xxxx, as I was strolling on the deck of the Motor

Tanker X, where I was serving as Chief Engineer, I came upon the
anchor which had been heaved up the day before, when we set sail
the across the Atlantic. A thrill ran through me, as the anchor had
brought up with it loamy clay of the finest quality. I picked up a
bucket load of this clay and hauled it off to my cabin to model into a
sculpture, a favorite hobby of mine when I was ashore on leave. I
enjoyed making that particular sculpture so much, first building a
metal skeleton using various tools from the engineers workshop, I
decided that if there was a career which could integrate engineering
acumen and artistic creativity together, that would be the career I
would be most happy pursuing. But over the years, I had come to
believe that these two were disparate and irreconcilable interests and
that one could only be pursued at the expense of the other, at least as
far as a career was concerned. It was only when I came across the
Product Design course description as offered at Stanford University,
that it became evident to me this need not be necessarily so.

I always had a keen interest in the study of Mathematics & the

Engineering Sciences, and was always among the top three students
in class. On passing out of Higher Secondary School, I was awarded a
Certificate of Merit from the Government of India for achieving a
score within the top one percent of students all over India that year in
Physics. This predilection for Applied Science & Engineering led me to
the study Marine Engineering for my Bachelors degree, so that I
could work with large, powerful and varied machinery in a single
capsule unit, aboard a ship. At engineering college, I secured the first
rank in Academics during the final two years of study. I was also
awarded the Gold Medal from the Office of the President of India for
all-round excellence and possessing qualities likely to make the Finest
Marine Engineer from my batch.

Having completed 10 years of active service last year as a Marine

Engineer aboard X ocean-going tanker vessels, with about 2 years in
the capacity of Chief Engineer, I had gained a large amount of
hands-on, practical knowledge of marine & mechanical engineering
systems, such as IC engines, steam & gas turbine machinery, cargo
handling hydraulic systems, centrifugal pumping and purifying
systems, advanced unmanned automation & control systems, etc. But
I aspired to go beyond being a maintenance engineer to a design
engineer, and realized I needed to gain a more research-based,
theoretical foundation to complement my practical experience. I
applied to and was admitted into the Master of Science degree
program in Ocean Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.
At Berkeley, I was introduced to modern theory and practice of ship
design and was specially fascinated by the field of Structural
Reliability as applied to ship design. My final research project was the
preparation of a report for a Reliability-based guideline, converting
the deterministic Rules for determining structural scantlings for steel
ships currently being applied by the American Bureau of Shipping, City,
State. XX is a leading Ship Classification Society, a governing body that
establishes and administers standards for the design, construction,
and operational maintenance of marine vessels and structures. I am
currently employed as a Ship Structural Engineer at XX, working on
structural plan reviews for new buildings and creating Finite Element
Models for analyzing dynamic and static loads on ships.

Yet, all through these years as a professional engineer, I fueled my

passion for Art by devoting almost every moment of my leisure, at
home and on board ship, to painting or sculpture or to the study of
fine art. I created numerous paintings in oil and gouache, and many
sculptures in clay, continually honing my creativity and artistic skill. I
won many awards and prizes for painting and sketching at the school
and inter-collegiate level. Although I could not find the time to learn
painting in a formal art course, I have read extensively on various
subjects in art and learned further by copying many works of great
Masters such as Michelangelo, the pre-Raphaelite painters, and some
ancient Indian Masters in Sculpture. I did finally realize a
long-standing desire to study art formally when I did an intensive
summer course in drawing at Berkeley.

The Product Design Course, especially in the form it is being offered at

Stanford University, jointly by the departments of Mechanical
Engineering and Art, seems to me to be the most perfectly suited to
my dream of forging these two diverse interests of mine into a
fulfilling new career. Though I have had no formal training in design, I
have found that I could come up with innovative and original ideas for
solutions to various problems faced during my career at sea, such as
designing new types of tools for machinery maintenance, more
efficient methods of overhaul or more effective automation systems.
At leisure too, I have always enjoyed designing and building models,
be they a set of rotating water fountains for ship-board decoration or
a stable painting easel from the limited material available on board or
architectural sketches for my future home.

I have also worked with keen interest in computer-based simulation

models and training aids my father is currently involved in developing.
I have designed numerous models for his company demonstrating
lesson plans for the functioning of various mechanical systems such as
principles of IC engines, fuel injection and fire detection systems etc.,
using software such as 3D Studio and Macromedia Director. I am
currently engaged in developing a web-site for showcasing an
exquisitely beautiful temple complex in Southern India, called X.

While I was studying at UC Berkeley, I had the opportunity of visiting

the Stanford University campus and meeting with Professor Y of
Design Division. He was very appreciative of my art portfolio and on
his advice I visited the Design Loft on campus, which has left a lasting
impression on me. There was a charged atmosphere of creativity in
that room and it seemed ideas would almost shape themselves out in
that melee of materials and tools and half-built models.

I am sure that formally studying Product Design can channelize my

capabilities and enable me to come up with functionally efficient and
aesthetically pleasing designs especially in the field of household
consumer products and electronics. I would consider it an honor if I
could study at Stanford University and assure you that I will put in my
utmost effort into this domain.

Sample Statement of Purpose for Economics

In this essay I am going to concentrate mostly on the incentives that

stimulate me to pursue further studying, and reflect the motives for
my choice of Princeton University as well as state my future career

I have chosen to work in the area of international microeconomics

because it has such a demand for new ideas. At the same time it
requires a good mathematical background and has obvious
implications in real life.

My education suits this field very well, I have Master of Science with
Honors in the field of applied mathematics and physics and a Master
of Arts in economics with a specialization in international economics. I
already have extensive research experience both in applied sciences
and economics, know basic economic models and have strong
background both in abstract modeling and data manipulation. All this
probably makes me an economist, but my objective is to become a
good one.

I have been taught by very good lecturers. After course I took with
Professor Branson I decided that there is nothing more interesting
than international economics. Professor A made issues of monetary
economics and government policy fascinating. Lectures delivered by
Professor B attracted me to labor market problems. I enjoyed
listening to them and want to teach my mind to operate in a similar
manner -- attention is paid to every individual fact and each formal
problem solved reflects a real economic situation.
While writing my master's thesis I had a chance to see that a simple
look at a graph can be more useful than application of sophisticated
economic techniques. One of the reasons I want to study further is to
reach at least the same level of intuitiveness and panoramic view of
the subject as my teachers have.

My Master of Arts degree was in the field of Health Economics, which

I am very interested in. It was mostly empirical dissertation. My
dissertation was titled ".." and I worked under the guidance of
Professor C. The greatest part of my work was devoted to
macroeconomic cross-country econometric (panel data) analysis. The
task was complicated by the necessity to work with omitted variables
and low quality data as well as the low reliability of data for
developing countries and countries in transition.

We also made efforts to build a model that explains the impact of

macroeconomic parameters on health deterioration and the
probability of death. My master's thesis has been presented at the
"Russian Economic And Political Institutions In Transition" conference
and currently we are preparing it for publication.

At this time I am also doing empirical research devoted to inflation

and monetary policy. I feel cautious specifying which area of
economics interests me most for further study, but I do not think that
this is a drawback. I find economics particularly attractive for the fact
that it is broad, and has not yet been split into a set of narrow
sub-branches -- economists all speak almost the same language. I also
think that in the face of complexity we face in this discipline, it would
ineffective to specialize too narrowly.

This year I realized as I had not before that I wish to continue my

studies. Being a teaching assistant in Professor A's Macroeconomics
and Advanced Macroeconomics classes, I understood a lot of effort
must be applied for a good student to turn into a good teacher. I feel
that a similar gap lies between a good student and a good researcher.

I am a hard-working and determined person, and I am ready for a new

leap in my economics career. I will work hard in hope that the
quantity of the effort I put in will result in high quality knowledge. The
fact is that the best possible supervisors and a highly competitive
atmosphere are necessary for this quality. The only reasonable
decision for me was to aim for such a place. All this gives me the
motivation to apply to Princeton University.

Statement of Purpose for Chemistry

Statement by Russian Student (01/2003)

The Chemistry Student admitted to Florida State University, Auburn

I am seriously interested in Chemistry from the time when I was a

schoolboy. Not satisfied with standard school program, in the last 2
years of high school I studied in Moscow Chemical High School which
had a strong science and mathematics training. This greatly developed
my skills and helped me to win three School Chemistry Olympiads.

After graduation school I entered the Mendeleev University of

Chemical Technology one of the best educational institutions for
Chemistry in Russia. By March 2003, I will complete 5 1/2 years of
undergraduate studies and receive a University Diploma. In our
Physical Chemistry Department students are required not only to take
undergraduate courses, including chemical engineering, but also to
carry out research in one of the major research centers in Moscow or
at the University.

I intend to continue my research work in chemistry. The main goal of

my future education is to gain valuable research experience and
deepen my knowledge of chemistry. I have chosen Florida State
University because it provides excellent opportunities to pursue
research in various areas of chemistry.

Since 1999 I have been doing research work at the Division of

Chemistry and Technology of Crystals of the University. My research
for the most part is related to areas of Physical Chemistry such as
Solid State Chemistry, Crystal Growth, Surface Chemistry and others.
My first project was synthesis and determination of thermometric
parameters of luminophors based on Zinc Sulfide doped with Bismuth.
I synthesized and analyzed 19 luminophors with different additives
such as Eu, CdS, LiCl and others. As a result of this work, I presented a
paper entitled Non-traditional application of luminophors at the
General Chemistry Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
student conference in 2001.

In Fall 2001, I switched to research in the field of crystal growth. My

second project concerned the single-crystal growth of Calcium and
Barium Tungstates (CaWO4, BaWO4). This work I accomplished at the
General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I grew
these crystals by flux growth (Czochralski technique). Such
single-crystals are important as nonlinear solid-state components for
lasers of stimulated scattering.

In addition, I have done work on deposition of thin films. This

interesting laboratory practice was lasting during the one of my
favorite elective courses Technology of Heterostructures. The
subject of my research was physical and chemical thin film deposition
of Lead Tellurium (PbTe) and Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) from gas phase,
thus I have gained practical experience in deposition of thin films of
A3B5 and A2B6 heterostructures in vacuum on silicon substrate. Such
films are used in the electronic industry as semiconductor layers.

In Spring 2002, I began a project that set the basis for my graduation
paper. This research deals with the powder and nanoparticles of
Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3) which I analyze by adsorbtion
measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. I determine the pore size
distribution of the materials based on the compound that is essential
for creation of non-organic filters.

Moreover, during the 2001/2002 academic year, I had an important

experience as an instructor for freshmen at the General and Inorganic
Chemistry Laboratory. Also, I often help foreign students to learn the
Russian language. I should say that I enjoy teaching.
During my study I dealt with different research projects and I have
various research interests, but the major area in which I would like to
specialize, if I will be accepted at your graduate school, is Physical or
Theoretical Chemistry. I hope that my research work (including
research program) will be beneficial for the University and myself. I
am very interested in doing research work at Florida State University.

Sample Statement of Purpose for Law

Statements by Americans
The Law Student

Throughout my life, I have always known that helping others would be

an integral part of my career. My parents raised me with the belief that
we must constantly strive to touch the lives of the people around us. In
the second grade, I received the first reward of my academic career: my
teacher Mrs. Horodowich presented me with the Most Likely to be a
Peace Maker award. In later years, whenever I began wondering where
my life was headed, my mother would remind me of that award. She has
never questioned her conviction that I will one day be a Peace Maker
somewhere and somehow.

During high school and college, I searched for my identity. I looked at

many possible career paths, yet I always came back to law. It is the only
profession that perfectly matches my personality and goals, and gives
me the ability to fulfill my lifelong dream of making a significant impact
on our society through civil service. A vast majority of Florida and United
States congressmen are lawyers; the legal profession seems ideally
suited to such a calling. I believe that God has molded me into the type
of individual who cares strongly about his surroundings, and cannot be
happy unless he is impacting those around him in a positive way. This
conviction is deeply rooted in my everyday routine and in my overall life.
I want to touch the lives of as many people as I can.

My burning desire to impact others has been with me throughout my life,

but became most firm during my sophomore year in high school. I began
serving in student government as the voice of my constituents. As time
progressed, I grew increasingly comfortable with stepping outside of the
box. I realized that God had given me a gift to speak, and that I could use
that gift to benefit others. In May of my sophomore year, I attended the
Hugh OBrien Youth Seminar, which taught me how to think, not what to
think. I quickly realized the impact I could have in my everyday life. After
that short weekend, my life changed drastically. The leadership
conference equipped me with new and unique tools that I could apply
throughout my life. I grew hungry for more of these tools and ideas, and
began to see law school as a place where I could acquire them.

Through high school and well into college, I continued finding myself. I
participated in numerous extracurricular activities, including presiding
over the Greek and American Student Association, joining the Hugh
O'Brien Youth State Executive Board, and coaching various volleyball
teams in the Gainesville area, all while holding down a full time job at
the Home Depot and attending the University of Florida. During the
2000 Jr. Olympic Volleyball National Championships in Kentucky, I
realized the fruits of my labor. Guiding the eleven fourteen-year-old girls
on my team to success brought me a great sense of accomplishment.
Through the year, sixteen hundred teams competed to enter this
tournament, and only sixty-four were invited. Although our team was
from a small town with a population of less than three hundred
thousand, we somehow managed to finish ninth in the nation. When the
last ball hit the floor, I looked up and thanked God for giving me such an
honor. It was one of the greatest moments of my life, and taught me a
lesson that I will never forget. I realized that my ability to motivate
others could lead to great achievements. Law will definitely enable me
to continue finding such opportunities. At first, I may be helping one
person at a time. Yet as time passes and my aspirations become reality, I
envision myself impacting whole cities or states.

The XXX has offered me an excellent education, and XXX has given me
great opportunities to exercise my dreams. However, I believe that I
would gain more from attending a smaller, more personal institution.
While visiting XXX in Miami, I found the small school atmosphere very
exciting. I felt comfortable with the campus, and had a feeling of
welcome. Bob, the admissions counselor, gave me a tour of the
impressive facility. He made me feel at home, even though I had yet to
apply. I was most impressed with the openness of the faculty when Ken
introduced me to XXX, who was very friendly and welcoming. I know
that attending XXX will provide me with the educational foundation to
fully realize my professional and personal goals. I hope to make an
important difference in society; XXX will provide me the opportunity.

Sample Statement of Purpose for Sociology

Undertaking internship at the XX Center of XX Commission in the first

half of 2003 sensitized me to the major developments both inside China
and around the world. I had special opportunities to be exposed to the
economic, political, and cultural events around the globe. This
knowledge about the outside world has given me a unique and balanced
perspective to examine the reality of Chinese society. In this historical
epoch in which China is becoming closely integrated into the
international community and playing an influence role in the world
arena, my personal perspectives and aspirations are also undergoing
important changes. I wish to gain insights into our society in its
socioeconomic aspects and to study how China can respond to the
globalization process. Toward this objective, a Ph. D. program in
Sociology concentrating on economic sociology seems imperative and
completing this program will equip me to contribute positively and
directly to the countrys social progress and globalization processes.

My motivation toward undertaking such a program is related to another

vital factor. While working at the Ministry of XX, I have been
concomitantly pursuing a part-time second Bachelors degree in law
(focusing on Economic Law) at the Law School of the prestigious XX
University, recognized as the best law school in China. Building on my
undergraduate program I completed in the School of Information
Management of XX University, I have further broaden my horizon of
knowledge. Studying economic law has inevitably triggered my concern
for Chinas economy and its economic performance in the global context.
This explains my increasing interest in economic globalization,
international development and comparative development.

My second degree cross-connects with my archives management at the

Ministry of XX. In managing the agreements signed by China with other
countries, I have paid special attention to the changing conditions and
consequences as reflected in the international economic treaties China
signed during different historical periods. By piecing individual cases
together, I have developed an overall picture of Chinas own economic
development over the past 50 years and its economic cooperation with
other countries. As a matter of fact, Chinas economic development is
the most important indication of Chinas social and international

The broad knowledge base endowed by my education across Chinas

two leading universities has allowed me to play a research role at my
workplace. By applying theoretical knowledge, I presented a research
report XXin which I probed into the basic principles in the collection
and sharing of the economic information and in the management of
global international agreements within the framework of international
law. This award-winning report provides important reference value for
an important portion of foreign affairs. At present, I am co-editing the
book XX (in the XX series) by writing a chapter on XX. The book is to be
published by XX Education Press early next year. In addition, I have
submitted a host of papers like XX. Although my research is not strictly in
the field of sociology, it nevertheless has permitted me to delve deep
into important aspects of Chinas rapidly developing societyIT industry
and its complicated and far-reaching implications for the countrys social

As a matter of fact, I was qualified for the highly competitive

employment at the Ministry of XX primarily because of the important
research achievements I made as an undergraduate at XX University.
Based on my research on the Strategies of Long-term Preservation and
Retrieval of Digital Information sponsored by XX, I published nearly a
dozen research papers, far beyond average graduate students. Among
those papers, XX, and XX aroused the attention of the academia for their
pioneering perspectives.

One thing special about my undergraduate program at the School of

Information Management is its equal emphasis on science and
humanities subjects. Apart from advanced courses in mathematics and
information technology, I also studied Economic Information Retrieval
and Utilization, Contemporary World Political Economics, Information
Consultation and Decision, Personnel System and Human Resources
Management that are highly relevant to the program I am applying for.
My extensive extracurricular reading covered In Search of Prosperity:
Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth by Prof. Dani Rodrik, director of
the Center for International Development at Harvards The John F.
Kennedy School of Government. Beyond my academic study and
research activities, I did internships at the XX of XX Province. I gained
knowledge both about the countrys macro policy-making processes and
about micro economic operations.

By far, my most important input in the field of globalization and

international development derives from my diplomatic experiences at
the Ministry of XX. I served as conference assistant at the second round
of XX on the XX Issue in the XX. I went on a cultural exchange tour to XX
and contributed to the successful holding of the Exhibition on XX. I
attended the International Conference of XX, the XX of China . Most
importantly, I worked for a month as assistant secretary at the
Consulate-General of the Peoples Republic of China in XX at the end of
Oct. 2004 and for the succeeding two months at the Consulate-General
of the Peoples Republic of China in XX, XX. All those experiences have
given me international and comparative perspectives regarding the
regional development around the globe.

With a strong commitment to social development, I am searching for a

best university to deepen my knowledge and understanding of sociology.
The excellence of your faculty and your research standards represented
by the faculty are most impressive among leading American universities.
Your highly respected program provides students with opportunities to
explore the most cutting-edge theories and to apply them to reality. I am
most excited over your well-developed and comprehensive curriculum,
with lots of interdisciplinary subjects, taught by knowledgeable
professors. Such educational advantages are nowhere to be sought in
China. Your Ph.D. program in Economic Sociology permits students to
perform comprehensive research through all kinds of methodologies.
Under your program I would like to focus on International Development,
Comparative Development and my prospective Ph. D. dissertation will
be on one of the following areasComparative Development of Asia
and the West, Global Cities, Business Networks (Asia, Social Capital and
Social NetworksFinancial Changes (Asia) .

There are two things that I can contribute to your programmy unique
and in-depth knowledge about Chinas social conditions and social
development, its inherent problems and possible solutions, and my
special ability of research cultivated through the writing of dozens of
papers and essays and as co-author of two books. Through your program,
I hope to develop into a scholar well-educated and well-trained in
sociological theories and methodologies. My professional objective is to
return to China and be a researcher at the International Studies Center
under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. By that time, I will be able to
contribute to Chinas social development by influence the administrative
organs involved in formulating Chinas macro social development
policies. In doing so, I may integrate my self-actualization with the values
of the larger society.

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