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Assignment 1: Temporary stability of precast column during erection.

A four storey braced office building is to be erected. The edge columns are 400 mm
x 400 mm and 15 m long. Consider the temporary propping requirement when the
column is vertical and propped on 4 faces above the top of the column foundation.
Level 2 and 3 are supported and are 50 m2 each resulting in a load of 150 kN per
floor. Choose a suitable position and orientation for the props.

The distance from the face of the column to the centre of the beam reactions is 75
mm. The characteristic wind load during erection is expected to be 0.8 kN/m 2.

Using BS8110, determine the ultimate moment of resistance required in the column
and the forces in the props required to stabilize the column. Assume that beams at
level 2 are not secured until level 3 units placed and that all beam/column
connections and foundations
R are pinned.


3.5 m
3.5 m
4m 4T32
0.5 m

Completed building and column section are shown. Use fcu = 50 N/mm2 and fy = 460
N/mm2 to check the column capacity.

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