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Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Management
MBM - 543 Module 8
Entrepreneurship & Leadership Development
Question Bank 2017

UNIT I: Entrepreneurial Perspective

1. What do you understand by the term "Entrepreneurship"? How does it help in economic
2. Who is an Entrepreneur? Discuss the chief characteristics of an Entrepreneur as propounded
by different authors.
3. What do you understand by the term entrepreneurial competency? How is the term relevant
to Entrepreneurship development?
4. State how can the intrapreneurial climate be established in organizations?
5. Discuss the types of Entrepreneurs
6. Are entrepreneurs born or made?
7. Write a success story of a women entrepreneur in India.
8. Who are Social Entrepreneurs? What is there importance in India?
9. Study some of the Indian companies which have created culture of Intrapreneurship in their
organisations and are successful.
10. Visit the site of 3m corporation or Tata Motors and list all the innovations made by 3m corporations.

UNIT II: Leadership Perspective

11. Define Entrepreneurial Leadership?

12. State the characteristics of Entrepreneurial Leaders
13. Discuss a brief history of Leadership
14. Elucidate the styles of Entrepreneurial Leadership
15. Discuss Transformational Leadership
16. What is the Entrepreneurs Role as a Leader?
17. Discuss the successful styles to help democratic leadership
18. Discuss the characteristics of any two Entrepreneur Leaders.
19. What is a Trait Theory? Explain with the help of examples.
20. Elucidate the traits of any one of the following entrepreneurs
(i) Steve Jobs
(ii) Ratan Tata
(iii) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
(iv) Richard Branson
(v) Indira Nooyi

Unit III: Establishing the Enterprise and Starting the Venture

21. Innovation is driven by customer needs. Discuss

22. Describe why creativity and innovation are such an integral part of entrepreneurship.
23. What is idea generation? What are the sources of idea generation?
24. What do you understand by opportunity scanning and identification?
25. What is SWOT analysis?
26. What is a Project? Discuss the phases of project development
27. Elucidate the importance of preparing a business plan.
28. State the contents of a Business plan.
29. Take any product / service and write its business plan.
30. State the procedure of starting a small scale Industry in India

UNIT IV: Resources

31. Discuss the critical issues of environment and industry analysis.

32. Elucidate the steps in preparing the marketing plan.
33. 'Market segmentation is the act of dividing the market into distinctive groups of customers.
34. What are the different ownership forms available to an entrepreneur as alternatives? Discuss
each form in brief.
35. State the important distinctions between a private and a public limited company.
36. Discuss the role of District Industry Centre
37. What are the main sources of short and long term financing for a small entrepreneur?
38. State the critical issues in financial management to be borne by an entrepreneur in starting a
new venture.
39. What is seed capital? State how it can be raised by an entrepreneur?
40. Briefly explain the importance of preparing cash flow, income statement, and balance sheet.

UNIT - V Growth and Social Responsibilities

41. How do management challenges differ over the stages of growth in a small enterprise?
42. Describe the various stabilization strategies that can be used by an entrepreneur.
43. Mention the various growth strategies an entrepreneur can adopt.
44. What is PEST analysis? Draw a PEST analysis of Star Bucks Coffee.
45. Explain Porters five force model taking any organization as an example.
46. Elucidate the social responsibilities of an entrepreneur.
47. Discuss the social responsibilities taken by any one organization in India.
48. Discuss in detail the role of SIDBI as an institution in the context of financing of SME.
49. Discuss the concept of incubation? How does it help in development of enterprise?
50. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(i) Packaging and Branding.
(ii) Marketing mix
(iii) Product mix and Product attributes
(iv) Promotion
(v) Cash flow, income statement, and balance sheet
(vi) Advantages of company form of organization over other forms


Updated March, 2017

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