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Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017

Name: ___________________________

1. Fill in the gaps :

100C vapour air steam

easily heated solids

When liquid water is_________________________, it changes into a gas called

water _______________. This vapour spreads out into the __________. If you heat
water to ______________ , it will boil. The water vapour that is very hot is called
_________________. ________________are packed tightly together. In a liquid
the particles can move ___________________. Gases are made up of particles that
are widely spaced out and free to move.

2. Write under each picture: solid , liquid or gas .

__________________ ___________________ __________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

3. Write the right properties in the box:

they keep their shape; they do not flow; they can flow;

are invisible they flow and spread do not keep their

out quickly shape.

Liquid Gas

4. Complete the following:

a. The change from liquid to gas is called

______________________________________ .
b. The change from gas to liquid is called
______________________________________ .
c. The change from solid to liquid is called
_____________________________________ .
d. The change from liquid to solid is called
_____________________________________ .

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

5. Answer : Yes or No

a. Can you pour a solid? _____

b. Can a gas spread out to fill a container? _____
c. Does a solid takes the shape of the container it is in ? _____
d. Does a liquid take the shape of the container it is in ? _____
e. Do we freeze water to make steam? _____
f. Will a liquid left in the Sun evaporate? ____
g. Does water freezes at 0C? _____
h. Does water boils at 100C? _____
i. Can steam cook food? _____
j. Is using solar power to make steam better for the environment than using
coal or oil? ____

6. Why is steam important for us?


Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

7. Circle the correct answer :

1. What state of matter is water vapour?

a. solid
b. liquid
c. gas
2. Water vapour condenses into a :
a. solid
b. liquid
c. gas
3. The water cycle is a continuous process?
a. yes
b. no
c. maybe

8. What are the two processes that turn water into clouds and clouds
into rain?
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________

9. Write 4 examples of where you have seen steam :

a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

10.Complete the following :

water cycle sun rain oceans clouds

water vapour water evaporate

Water in rivers, lakes and ______________ are heated by the _______________

which makes it ___________________________. The water changes into
__________________________________________ .
When this water vapour rises higher in the sky, it gets colder. This causes the water
vapour to condense into liquid ______________________ . This is seen as
________________________ in the sky. When these clouds cool even more, the
water can fall to Earth as __________________ . This process starts again and is
called the __________________________________________________ .
11.Complete the water cycle :

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

12.Circle the right answer:

1. Which of the following are examples of liquids?

a) Wood and paper
b) Shampoo and oil
c) Shoes and socks

2. Butter going soft and runny on a hot day is an example of ...

a) freezing
b) melting
c) condensing

3. What is the missing word? When water is...., it starts to change from a
liquid to a solid.
a) cooled
b) heated
c) boiled

4. Once a solid has turned to a liquid, can it be changed back to a solid


a) No, it can never be turned back into a solid

b) Yes, by heating it
c) Yes, by cooling it

5. Clouds are formed by ...

a) rain falling
b) hot air rising
c) water vapour condensing

6. A gas condenses into a liquid when it is...

a) cooled
b) warmed
c) boiled

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

7. Which process is the opposite of condensation?

a) melting
b) freezing
c) evaporation

8. What happens during evaporation?

a) a gas changes to a liquid

b) a solid changes to a liquid
c) a liquid changes to a gas

9. The movement of water around and around our world is called...

a) condensation
b) the water cycle
c) evaporation

10.Which of these is NOT a part of the water cycle?

a) The Sun evaporates water on the Earth's surface into water vapour .
b) The water vapour rises, and cools and condenses into clouds .
c) When it rains, the clouds melt.

11.What are the two processes that turn water into clouds and clouds into
rain ?
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

12.What are the three states of matter?

a. ____________________________
b. _____________________________
c. ______________________________

13.Why does steam condense back into water when it lands on some

14.What happens when a liquid reaches its boiling point?


15.What happens when a liquid reaches its freezing point?


16.What happens when a solid reaches its melting point?

17.Where does the water come from ?

18.How do you know that water is very hot (without touching it ) ?


19.How do we measure temperature?

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

20.What do you call the temperature at which a liquid boils ?


21.Explain the term melting point :


22.What happens to the water when it reaches the boiling point of 100C?

23.List four things that you have seen melting :

a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. ___________________________________
d. ___________________________________

24.Explain the term freezing point :


25.How can you make a solution?


Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

26. Choose the right answers:

Solids , liquids and gases can be mixed/arranged together . Some solids

dissolve/melt in water. This means the solid cannot/can be seen any more.
If a substance/gas dissolves well in water, we say that it is very
soluble/insoluble. If a substance does /does not dissolve well in water, we
say that it is insoluble. If you make a concentrated solution/seed, you can
make crystals/diamonds.

27.List three substances that dissolve in water .

a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. ___________________________________

28.List three substances that do not dissolve in water .

a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. ___________________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

29.Draw lines to match up the sentences below:

1. Dissolved substances cannot be .separate sugar from metal .

separated by

2. When salt spreads out in water we .. filtration.

say it has

3. Sand does not dissolve. It can be separate different sized

trapped in particles .

4. Sieves .. dissolved.

5. Magnets can be used to . ..filter paper.

30.What is a substance that dissolves in water called?


31.What is a substance that does not dissolve in water called?


32.How can you speed up the process of dissolving?


33.What process can you use to separate salt from a solution ?


Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________

Oxford English School Science Year 5 Revision Term 3 2017
Name: ___________________________


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