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Market Driven Strategy

PT Sampoerna make the market as the orientation for the strategies that
must be believed that the customer is king, and necessary to maintain the
relationship with the customer to maintain the loyalty.
Market Driven Strategy outline a strategy that is applied in a way to
understand the market, customers and competitors. Understanding the
market mean that the products we provide must match what the market
wants through.
A mild product is one of the implementation of the strategy due to market
driven product A mild has its own uniqueness with the nicotine and tar is

2. Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy used by PT. HM Sampoerna in business can be seen
with the launch of A Mild. The launch is quite surprising many parties,
especially the tobacco industry at the time. This is because product A-Mild
is a unique product, which does not belong to any category,
A-Mild through PT Sampoerna Tbk take bold steps to create a new
category, namely SKM mild. Since the beginning of A-Mild is already
designed to be a product that is second to none in the domestic market at
the time. A-Mild is a low-nicotine cigarettes (Low Low Tar Nicotine) in
Indonesia with the composition of the tar / nicotine 14 mg / 1.0 mg.
3. Provide customer value in its product
Customer value is implemented by way of a limited edition in some
sampoerna products, namely A-mild. Sampoerna produces limited edition
product A mild-packs of 12 cigarettes, With A Mild limited edition,
Sampoerna provide added value by giving a different look than the usual
cigarette packs.
4. Diversification Product
Product diversification was an attempt by the company to market several
products that are similar to products already marketed before.
Company's product diversification aimed at:
To make durable product,
Lead the product ready for consumption / use,
fulfill the tastes, needs and expectations of consumers,
Expanding the market, facilitate the transport, employment, the member
value added, income, etc.
So basically PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk. diversification of products to increase
market penetration or to differentiate products from one another. Some
products PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk. among others:
I. PT Sampoerna - Smoke f. Kraton Dalem
a. Dji Sam Soe g. Panamas
b. A Mild h. Comet
c. U Mild I. Sampoerna Pas
d. Sampoerna Hijau j. A Flava
e. Avolution

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