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Regeneration in Humans

Recreating Limbs:
Regeneration of Us humans, have no intensive regenerative
properties. Humans form scars instead of
For the future research, scientists

Human Cells should research more animals to

regenerating the same exact tissue before. The only expand the knowledge of regeneration
regenerative cells humans have are within the liver. in animals before regeneration
The human liver is able to regenerate itself even experiments in humans are ever
after 75% of it has been cut off. Everything other attempted. The three animals in this
than our liver has very limited regeneration, and brochure are only a few of the
most of them cannot regenerate by themselves, hundreds of animals in the world.
such as our internal organs. Even then, our liver is There is an abundance of animals that
limited because it does not grow exact copies of can regenerate, yet scientists are still
itself. Though the liver can grow from just 25% of learning to find out how to regenerate
it, it cannot regenerate indefinitely. However, some our own cells.
animals can regenerate their organs indefinitely,
which we can learn from in order to regenerate

Manly, D. (2011, April 13). Regeneration: The axolotl

story. Scientific American Retrieved from

MITK12Videos. (2015, June 4). Retrieved from
2016-2017 JcHk

Research G/T


Mt. Hebron High School

Dr. Melissa Kiehl
African Clawed Frog
Acorn Worm
Scientific Name: Xenopus Laevis
Scientific Name: Enteropneusta
Phylum: Chordata
Phylum: Hemichordata
Class: Amphibia
Class: Enteropneusta
Art by Slice-Wolf
Matured frogs lose the ability to regenerate
their tails The acorn worm can regenerate everything, including
its head
African Clawed Frog tadpoles are able to
regenerate their tails
Has a 70% genetic similarity with humans

An experiment was done in Tufts University Has an open circulatory system, which means that it
Scientific Name: Ambystoma Mexicanum secretes its blood
that found electrical signals that could incite
regeneration in tailless tadpoles Phylum: Chordata Its nervous system consists of nerves rather than a brain
like humans
Class: Amphibia

Also known as the Mexican Salamander

The Axolotl can regenerate its limbs and

spinal cord

Scientists have researched proteins and

chemicals that incite and halt cell regeneration
in the Axolotl

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