Creating A Website Title User Manual

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Creating a Website Title User Manual

When you are creating a website, you need to create a good title/header that will
draw in your audience and allow you to tell them what your website is about at
the same time. If you want to create an exciting title, you should use Photoshop or
Adobe Illustrator because they are both easy to use and they create quality pieces.

For example, if one were to create a website about different types of music, they
would use the following steps to make the title.

1. Open Photoshop
2. Go to file in the top left corner, and make
a new file.

3. Next choose the color scheme and how you want to

design it. Make sure it will look good.
4. To make the background Gradient, click the button
(large arrow).
5. To change the gradient color, click on the rectangle on
the top of the screen (small arrow).
6. One you have done your gradient background, Add your text. Choose your font,
color, and size. But make sure you do not over-crowd or make the title look less
appealing to the eye.

7. Now add effects to the words to make them jump off the screen.
8. Go to fx and select what effects you like.
9. Once you have done that, go add different icons to add unity and variety to
your title.

10. Then you are complete, save as a .png and upload into your website.

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