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Fachbereich 2 IT-Security

Prof. Dr. Martin Kappes (I/II)

Exercises Chapter Cryptographical Principles and Methods

Exercise 1:

Outline the presented model of a cryptographic system.

Exercise 2:

Explain the differences between public key and symmetric encryption schemes. Also, expli-
cate the respective advantages and disadvantages.

Exercise 3:

Define the term hybrid encryption scheme and outline the sequence thereof.

Exercise 4:

Explain the term mode of operation and outline encryption and decryption for at least
two different modes.

Exercise 5:

Explain what conditions must be met for conducting a brute force attack.

Exercise 6:

What percentage of all possible binary keys with key length 128 bits can be tried in 1.000.000
years if 10.000.000 keys can be tested per second?

Exercise 7:

Explain how One Time Pads operate and explain why a messace encrypted by this method
cannot be recovered without knowing the used encryption key.

Exercise 8:

Explain how Electonic Code Book (ECB) operates and explain advantages and disadvantages
of this method. Also, explain under which circumstances ECB can be used and when not.

Exercise 9:

In the following, we consider a symmetric cipher with a block size of four bits and key 0110.
For ECB, we obtain the following:
Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext Ciphertext
0000 1110 1000 1001
0001 1100 1001 0010
0010 1010 1010 1101
0011 0011 1011 0001
0100 1000 1100 0101
0101 1011 1101 1111
0110 0100 1110 0110
0111 0000 1111 0111

1. Complete the following table for ECB with key 0110:

Ciphertext Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext
0000 1000
0001 1001
0010 1010
0011 1011
0100 1100
0101 1101
0110 1110
0111 1111

2. In ECB, what would be the encryption for 0010 1111 1001 0100 1100 with key 0110?

3. In ECB, what would be the decryption for 1101 0101 0110 0001 0110 with key 0110
with key 0110?

4. For CBC, what would be the encryption for 0010 1111 1001 0100 1100 with IV 1101
with key 0110?

5. For CBC, what would be the dencryption for 1101 0101 0110 0001 0110 with IV 1011?

6. For Output Feedback Mode with n=1 (i.e. use of one bit per encryption/decryption
operation), what would be the encryption for 0010 1111 1001 0100 1100 with IV 1101
and key 0110?

7. For Output Feedbacl Mode with n=1, what would be the decryption for 1101 0101
0110 0001 0110 with IV 1011 and key 0110?

8. For Cipher Feedback Mode with n=2, what would be the encryption for 0010 1111
1001 0100 1100 with IV 1101 and key 0110?

9. For Cipher Feedback Mode with n=2, what would be the decryption for 1101 0101
0110 0001 0110 with IV 1011 and key 0110?

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