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Hi people! Time to start planning! One of you needs to break the ice and start the plan.

Ideas will appear

through out till we get and work together towards the same goal
Topic: Past Continuous - introduction
to the final version. This is the opportunity to participate
Course: 5th

Class N: Date:
Trainee Teacher:
Maricel Albornoz, Aldana Bassi, Emma Bordet, Ludmila Dodera, Nadia Gimnez, Angelina Hardt,
Rafael Langoni, Antonella Pietroboni, Giuliana Piloni, Carolina Visconti
Teacher Trainer:
Mara de los ngeles Bortagaray
Silvia Montaana


TEACHING AIDS: videos; game cards; true and false signs; flashcards of Homer, people doing things,
was, were and -ing, flashcards with Homer thinking and Homer with Gorgory, poster with different
characters of The Simpsons, handouts, computer

- To enable students to work with the affirmative structure of the Past Continuous in the affirmative form.
- To enable students to produce sentences in the oral and written form using the structure given.
TOPIC: Past Continuous - introduction
LENGTH: 80 minutes

MODEL SENTENCES: Homer was driving Homer and Marge were dancing
CONTEXT: Past actions about Homers previous day.
GROUPING: Whole class grouping, individual work, group work.
PERSONAL AIM: To create a positive atmosphere in the classroom. To engage students in the activities.
ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Sts may not place and at the end of the long sentence in Pepe repite's
game. Sts may forget to use the auxiliary verb. Sts may not be able to use the correct form of the auxiliary .
Some Sts may misbehave. Sts may not understand the games instructions.
LEAD IN Timing

-Give clues about the character were going to work with, moving from general 3 to 5
to specific information. min
The character is a man.
He is from The United States.
He is 39 years old.
He is a member of a very famous family.
He wears blue pants.
He is bold.
He likes doughnuts.
When sts are close to guess, show the video of the beginning of the TV show:

Tell sts there was a crime and Gorgory is asking Homer what he was doing the
day before.
5 min

Show a picture oh Homer thinking about what he did.

Play the video: about what
Homer had done the day before (Homer was driving, singing, eating, dancing)
Ask sts what they remember about the video in order to revise verbs.
Draw a schedule on the BB with different times and some of the verbs of the
video. Ask Sts to help the T complete the chart with the different actions from 5 min
the video: first the verb in infinitive, and then after giving the first example (At
8.00 Homer was driving to work) encourage sts to form past continuous 10 min
utterances. Show the video again to check if the actions are in the correct

8.00 drive

8.05 park




Invite sts to play a game. Sts are divided into two groups and are given two
signs each with the words TRUE and FALSE. Tell sts sentences for them to
decide whether they are true/false according to the video and rise their
corresponding signs.
1-Yesterday Homer was dancing at 8.05 (FALSE)
2-Yesterday Homer was driving at 8.00 (TRUE) 10 min
3-Yesterday Homer was eating at 8.15 (FALSE)
4-Yesterday Homer was drinking at 8.00 (FALSE)
5-Yesterday Homer was singing at 8.15 (TRUE)
6-Yesterday Homer was parking at 8.05 (TRUE)
7-Yesterday Homer was singing at 8.10 (FALSE)
8-Yesterday Homer was dancing at 8.30 (TRUE)
9-Yesterday Homer was sleeping at 8.05 (FALSE)

Show some flashcards.( One of Homer, the other of was, one of people doing
actions, and one of the -ING form) Put them on a table in disorder. Call Sts to
come to the front a put these flashcards in order and stick them on the BB.
Then, teacher shows some other flashcards (in this case the ones of Homer
and Marge along with were, people doing actions, and -ing). Then, ask for
examples and write them down.

10 min.
Ask for the date and write it down. Ask Sts to open their folders and copy the
sequence of flashcards and the examples.
Show them a handout and explain the activity where Sts have to listen and
number the pictures with actions according to the order the teacher
enumerates them. For example: 1-Read/2-Drink/3-Watch TV Then, ask for a
volunteer to explain what they have to do in order to check if they have
5 min
understood the activity correctly. Deliver the handouts, ask them to glue them in
their folders and do the activity individually.
Check the activity in two steps: First, the listening activity check it orally. Ask
them what letter of the picture comes first, second For example: 1 is 20 min
letter/2 is letter
Check the written activity orally. Nominate sts to read their sentences. Write the
answers in the BB so that Sts can check whether theyve written their answer
Listen, number and write sentences.

A) .1.. B) .. C)


D) .. E) . F)

G) ... H) I)


Write sentences according to the pictures above.

e.g.: 1-Yesterday Marge and Homer were dancing. ..

Divide the group into two teams. Tell them there has been a theft in the
Simpson's house. Someone has stolen Homer's doughnuts.. They will have to
find out who is the thief.
Give them pictures with the family members performing actions during the time
the donuts disappeared (3 pictures each group, the other group cannot see
them). They will have to act as lawyers (one group will accuse the other's group
characters and viceversa). For example: one group says: Bart stole the
doughnuts!! and the other groups has to answer: No, Bart was doing his
homework (and they have to show the picture like a proof), and so on. Finally,
they won't have any more guilties, but there is one family member missing, and
they will have to find out who the member is (Santa's helper stole the

The pictures:

The group that finds out who the thief is, wins:

Tell sts they are going to play a game Pepe repite. and its rules. Elicit the 10 min
initial sentence Yesterday I was and sts have to complete it with verbs in the
correct form. Each st has to listen carefully to what their classmates are saying
because they have to repeat first what was said and then add a new verb to the
sentence when his/her turn comes. For example, Yesterday I was singing;
Yesterday I was singing and fishing; Yesterday I was singing, fishing and
dancing". If a St forgets the whole sequence of verbs, its considered that the
sentence finishes there. Therefore, T elicits a new sentence using Yesterday
my brother and I were.. The game finishes when sts have used all the personal 5 min
Divide the class into rows. Stick a poster on the BB in which Homer, Marge,
Bart, Lisa, Maggie, Santas little helper (dog), Snowball (cat), Burns, Flanders,
Milhouse, Krusty and Moe were doing different activities yesterday. Ask them to
look at it and give some seconds to memorise what each character was doing.
Then, turn the poster over and encourage them to make sentences with a
model like Yesterday, Homer was, and Lisa? Bart? Nominate a St from
each row to make a sentence about the poster. Meanwhile, the rest of the sts
check if the sentences are correct or not. For each correct sentence, the group
gets 10 points and the group who gets more points wins.

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