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Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

REVISED edition

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Terminology 2 Fixed Defenses 23
Data Cards 4 New Unit Types 24
Rulebook Overview 5 Tactical Nuclear Weapons 25
Tech Levels 27
THE BASIC GAME 6 Sea Movement and Combat 27
Game Turn Sequence 6 Organic Units and Command 28
Unit Orders 6 Tunnel Movement and Combat 29
Movement and Terrain 7 Archaic Units 31
Combat 8 Environmental Conditions 32
The Recovery Phase 11 Counterbattery Fire 35

THE ADVANCED GAME scenarios 36

Training Scenarios 37
Advanced Sequence of Play 12
Campaign Game Scenarios 43
Command Points and Command 13
Advanced Game Orders 14 Unit construction 47
Advanced Game Movement 14 Basic Unit Construction 48
Advanced Game Combat 15 Converting Units from Strike Legion Tactical 55
Missile Combat 15 Organizing the Troops 59
Biochemical Weapons 16 CAMPAIGN GAMES 62
Support Units and Detachments 17 Campaign Game Common Rules 62
Artillery 17 Linked Scenario CG 63
UW and Scout Detachments 19 Operational Sector CG 63
Aircraft and Air Missions 19 Planetary Operations CG 71
Anti-Air Combat 21 CG Optional Rules 72
Troop Training Levels 22 APPENDICES 74


GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Thanks also to the companies that have granted permission to
Karl Johnson use images of their products to illustrate the Strike Legion se-
ries of books. Design copyrights remain the property of the
EDITing (Revised Edition) respective companies.
Chris Lendrum & Karl Johnson
Brigade Models (
AND LAYOUT Dark Realm Miniatures (
Karl Johnson EM4 Miniatures (
Exodus Wars (
Cover artwork by Sade Ground Zero Games (
Thanks to the following people for their Khurasan Miniatures (
assistance in making this a better game: Old Crow Models (
Marios Damoulianos, Matthias Graser, Jay Haygood, Microworld Games (
Chris Plato, Michael Pope, Steven Salotti Plasmablast Games (
The War Times Journal/The Eylau Sequence (
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Published by Legionnaire Games
Marios Damoulianos and Plasmablast Games, Steve Salotti Catalog Number LGP2100
and Microworld Games, Kevin Monk, GMI Games. First Published: March 2011
Revised Version 2.0 February 2016
Copyright 2011, 2016 Karl G. Johnson. All Rights Reserved. No
portion of this book may be copied or distributed by any means - physi- Find us on the web at:
cal or electronic - without express permission.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)


A Progenitor mixed brigade defends against a heavy Orbital Combine assault (Plasmablast Games).

Strike Legion: Planetary Operations (referred to hereaf- methods of getting from one battle to the next via the
ter as Planetary Ops) combines several games into one various campaigns may differ, they share many common
package. It is a stand-alone game of futuristic combined features and procedures, allowing players to learn all
arms combat using higher-echelon formations, but it also three types with minimal effort.
offers multiple styles of campaign games for generating
more interesting and varied settings for the players tab- Planetary Ops wouldnt be complete, however, if it didnt
letop battles. give players the ability to create their own unit types and
force structures. Full unit construction rules are provided
The Planetary Ops combat game offers players the op- in this book, as are conversion factors for a players exist-
portunity to play battles on an epic scale (and in a reason- ing Strike Legion Tactical units that make them complete-
able amount of time) while using a normal amount of ly compatible with the enclosed Operational Combat
gaming table space. While differences in weapons and game.
defensive technology certainly affect combat at this level
of abstraction, an armys competency in command -- Additional, free-of-charge army lists and Data Cards for
and the training and experience of its troops are more specific Sci-Fi settings and the models of select 6mm
critical factors in determining victory or defeat. miniature manufacturers, along with other Strike Legion
related materials, can be found at the Legionnaire
Several scenarios are provided to help players become Games website (
familiar with the mechanics of the combat game, along
with other scenarios depicting some of the more com-
mon types of military operations that one would encoun- What Youll Need
ter in a protracted campaign for control of an entire To play a game of Planetary Operations, players will need
world. to have:

This book also provides rules for multiple styles of cam- A copy of the rules and game charts;
paign play. Players may choose from a simple scenario- Game markers (provided in the back of this book);
based campaign, a protracted campaign in a single oper- Several each of 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-sided dice;
ational area, or a multi-sector campaign for an entire
planet where the outcome of combat in each sector can A tape measure or ruler;
influence ongoing situations in other sectors. While the Unit Data Cards for the units in play; and
Miniature figures representing each players troops.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Also needed is a playing surface on which to play and ceptable, with each pair counting as a single base for
some scale terrain. The scenarios in this book delineate game purposes).
specific table sizes, but playing on a slightly smaller or
larger surface wont adversely affect game play. Once players have assembled their forces, its a good
idea to mark their bases as being part of a specific battal-
If players plan on playing one of the Campaign Games ion and regiment for quick identification. Color-coding,
provided in the book, theyll also need some scratch pa- numbering, or lettering the bases are the most common
per and writing implements for recordkeeping. methods of indicating unit identification, but the actual
method is up to the individual owning the miniatures
Miniatures (although it should be consistent throughout the force).
Strike Legion: Planetary Operations was written for use
with 6mm/1:300 or smaller scale figures, but larger (up Finally, since there are currently no official miniatures for
to 10mm) figure scales can be used with minor modifica- the forces presented in this rulebook, players are free to
tions to the rules. It is also possible to use 15mm, but use miniatures from any manufacturer to represent their
players doing so should increase base sizes by one type troops.
(small becomes medium, medium becomes large, etc.)
and double all combat and movement ranges. GAME TERMINOLOGY
Suggested Basing Battalion
All units, whether infantry, vehicle, or mechanized, should A battalion is the standard Combat unit in the Operation-
be mounted on bases. While this is ideal for game-play, al Combat game and is comprised of 2 to 4 stands of
its not entirely necessary since most players dont troop and/or vehicle models. Battalions move and con-
mount their vehicles on bases. As long as a unit is de- duct combat operations as a single entity.
ployed on the table so as to be taking up the proper front-
age and depth, mounting vehicles is not required. Combat Unit
Combat units are any multi-stand units or battalions op-
Very large models might occupy more physical table erating as a single entity. When referred to as such in
space than the base sized listed here. In these cases, the rules, Detachments assigned to a Combat unit are
players can also use the templates from the back of the normally excluded from the rule or condition being cited.
book to determine the units actual footprint; simply place Note that some Combat units may be broken down into
the template on the center of the area occupied by the Detachments prior to the beginning of the game.
model on the tabletop.
Now, having said all that, if players own figures that are A Detachment is a single stand of troops operating out-
already mounted to an existing standard, they should feel side of a battalion structure and is usually attached to a
free to use them as they are. unit comprised of different troop types (an example would
be an artillery Detachment assigned to support a specific
Suggested base sizes are (frontage by depth) as follows: combat battalion). Special rules and conditions apply to
the use of Detachments during the game.
Small Base
Small vehicle models: 1x 1.25 The unit to which a Detachment is assigned is referred to
Foot infantry or Cavalry: 1.25 x 1 as its parent unit.
Some Detachment types (such as Anti-Air and Artillery
Medium Base Detachments) may be fielded in units of two to four identi-
Mid-size vehicle models, mech infantry: 1.25x 2 cal vehicle stands. These are referred to as Detachment
Horde foot infantry or cavalry: 2 x 1.25 Combat units.
Large Base Dice
Large vehicle models: 2x 2.5 or 3 Whenever the rules call for a type of die to be used, the
number of sides of the die is preceded by a lower case
XL Base d (d6 means to roll a six-sided die). If a function calls for
Large 15mm vehicles: 2.5 x 3 or 3.5 a dx-1 or dx+1, subtract one from, or add one to, the
result of the die roll. A 0 result on a d10 is read as 10.
While aircraft and other flying models should be based
on flying stands for easy identification, they arent re- If a game function calls for the use of a d3, roll a d6 and
stricted to a particular base size. Mechanized and Airmo- divide the result by two. If a d5 is needed, roll a d10 and
bile infantry should have both the vehicle and the infantry divide by two. In both cases, round fractions up.
models on a single stand (although if you are using fig-
ures mounted for another game system, placing a vehicle There are two ways that multiple dice of the same type
in base-to-base contact with each infantry stand is ac- are written to be used. If 2d6 is required, use the sum of

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
the two dice to resolve the game function. If written as Mobility Type
2xd6, each die will be used independently and are not There are a large number of options in the manner vehi-
added together. cles and personnel are conveyed across the battlefields of
the future. Below is a complete listing of each of them and
When a function calls for increasing or decreasing a die a short description and how they are reflected in the
type, substitute the die type that is numerically higher or game.
lower (the next higher die type from a d8 is a d10; the
next lower die type from a d8 is a d6). No die type may be Note that some units may have more than one mobility
modified higher than a d12 or lower than a d3. Note type listed on their Unit Data Cards. In such cases, the
thatd3 and d5 are considered the next higher or lower die first Mobility Type listed is a units primary mobility, while
type from a d4 or d6. subsequent Mobility types are the units secondary mobili-
When referencing a formation, the rules are referring to Some mobility types also have one (or more) qualifiers
a regimental or brigade structure of 2 to 4 battalions. (such as Sea/Sail, with Sail being the qualifier) that invoke
While the battalion is the smallest Combat unit, compo- additional rules and/or capabilities for that particular unit.
nent battalions of formations complete their movement at
the same time. Air: used for non-aircraft units that are capable of flight,
such as airships, troops with advanced jump packs and
Some formations contain more battalions than are per- other similar conveyances. The /ther qualifier denotes
mitted to move during single movement activations. These some form of flying ships such as those found in Victorian-
are split into separate maneuver formations for game era science fiction; the /Wing qualifier indicates troops
purposes. fitted in flying exosuits or creatures biologically outfitted
with wings. Units possessing the /Wing qualifier may con-
Fractional Results ditionally use Foot mobility during the game.
Unless stated otherwise, all fractional results due to modi- Displacement: units capable of opening a temporary di-
fication of a game factor (such as movement allowances) mensional rift so that they can disappear from one point
are rounded up to the next higher whole number. and re-appear at another nearly instantaneously. Tele-
port movement is similar to Displacement movement.
Limited Use Foot: the basic walking, crawling, or slithering ground
Some unit capabilities may be used only when specific pounder who couldnt hitch a ride with a better equipped
conditions are met and are considered limited use items. unit. The Fast qualifier denotes slightly larger (or more
agile) cannon fodder.
Markers Grav: uses some form of anti-gravity (or a gravity manipu-
Various markers are used to denote specific conditions on lation system) to move slightly above the underlying ter-
the tabletop, such as Order assignments, Damage status, rain.
and Command hits. All necessary markers (and some Hoof: cavalry or very large walking creatures with whom
alternate record sheets for those who dont want mark- you probably wouldnt want to hitch a ride.
ers on their tabletops) are included in this rulebook and Hover: air-cushioned hovercraft-type transports.
should be printed on paper and mounted on posterboard Sea: used by all seagoing vessels. The Sail qualifier im-
or foamcore backing. Players might also use custom- parts specific movement rules based on wind intensity
made or commercially-available markers and/or aircraft and direction, while the Physical qualifier shows the unit
flying stands (or written notes) to preserve the clean is oar-driven and will have a much slower movement rate.
look of the tabletop during play. As long as all players un- STOVL: Short Take-Off Vertical Landing. This category is
derstand the marker schemes being used, any method used to represent both fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft,
may be used during play. some of which may be capable of extra-atmospheric oper-
Measuring Sub: similar to Sea, but also able to operate under the
Inches are the unit of measure in Strike Legion; players waters surface.
using figures in scales smaller than 6mm/1:300 (or Tracked: vehicles that move about on a series of metal (or
wanting to play very large battles) might want to measure metallic) treads.
using centimeters in place of inches. Tunnel: units with the ability to move underground by cre-
ating their own pathways. Generally a secondary mobility
When measuring distances between units, always meas- type; may also be a qualifier in some instances.
ure from (and to) the center of the front of a unit. Pre- Walker: vehicles that use multiple humanoid-style legs for
measuring distances between units or features is allowed locomotion.
at all times but should only be done by a player when he is Wheeled: units that move across the landscape on a se-
performing another game function. This will help to keep ries of tires or solid rollers.
the game moving at a decent pace.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Stand have a letter (S, M, or L) between the units name and
A singular miniature base having troops, vehicles, or both PV, indicating which base size (S)mall, (M)edium, or
mounted on it for play purposes. A stand represents a (L)arge should be used for the models in that particular
company-sized contingent of troops. The terms stand unit.
and base are used interchangeably throughout the rules.
The STATS box contains all of the basic vehicle data, in-
Support Unit cluding its Movement allowance in inches (MV), Mobility
This term refers to non-Combat formations, such as sea type, and the type of Defense (Def) and Attack dice it us-
units and orbital fire support. es for combat. The two Range entries show the units
maximum Assault (and ZOC) range before the slash, and
Zone of Control (ZOC) its maximum Firefight range following the slash. The EW
A ZOC is the physical area of the entry states the units Electronic Warfare rating.
tabletop directly in front of the Zone of Control (ZOC)
unit, extending out to its maximum The SPECIAL box contains modifiers for specific types of
Assault range (the first of the two combat (Assault, Firefight) and any other conditional
range numbers on a units Data combat modifiers and special capabilities, each of which
Card). An entry of (base) for a is detailed in its relevant rules section.
units ZOC indicates that the unit
must be in base-to-base contact Most items in the SPECIAL box (along with a units EW
with an enemy unit to exert its ZOC. rating) are color-coded for quick recognition.

Players Note: each of the unit diagrams in this book has If an item is printed in red text, the modifier is added to
a black arrow on one of the representative bases. This Attack dice rolls of that type, or if printed in blue text, the
arrow points to both the center point and the facing of modifier is added to all Defense dice rolls.
the unit.
Modifiers printed in green text may be added conditional-
Data Cards ly to either an Attack or Defense roll in a single turn (but
Players will need at least one Data Card for each type of not both in the same combat segment; only one or the
battalion or detachment in their force. One card per air other type of dice roll may be affected).
support, orbital support, or other support unit is also
necessary for game play. Data Cards for the various unit Special unit attacks and qualities (such as Artillery at-
types found in the scenarios included in Planetary Ops tacks, scout capabilities, and other similar items) also
are located at the end of the rulebook. appear in the SPECIAL box of a units Data Card.
Note that most physical cards (such as the one depicted The NOTES box lists the number of Damage points
here) contain the data for two different unit types. (xDMG) the unit can sustain before losing a stand, its
Reading a Data Card Supply Point cost (used only in campaign games), and
other factors that might affect the unit over the course of
This example of a Data Card shows the name of the unit a single game or campaign. Each of these will be detailed
class across the top, and the Game Point Value (PV) for a in the appropriate rules section.
single stand of this type. Units included in this book also

Game Scale
Ground Scale: 1 on the tabletop represents a distance
of 1km.
Time Scale: One game turn represents a fluid time scale
of between 30 minutes and 3 hours.
Unit Scale: A Combat or Detachment stand represents a
company of troops, an artillery battery, or a specialized
vehicle squadron; an Air marker represents a squadron
of 6 to 12 similar aircraft; a single ship model (whether
sea, airship, or landship) represents a squadron of three
to twelve ships of varying sizes, with the model represent-
ing the largest vessel of that type in the squadron.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Foundationists hold the high ground (Microworld Games).

The Strike Legion: Planetary Operations rulebook is divided into several sections to make learning the rules and organ-
izing a game easier to accomplish.

The Basic Game teaches players to handle the mechanics of movement and combat between basic ground forces.

The Advanced Game builds upon what players learned in the Basic Game. It introduces the Command Points system
used for giving more detailed orders and allowing for special maneuvers and attacks, support detachments such as
scouts and artillery, missile attacks, air support and anti-air combat, and orbital support artillery fire.

The Optional Rules provide players with rules for special troop and weapons types, such as Organic and Archaic forc-
es, and nuclear weapons. It also provides rules for Tunnel, Sea, and Airship movement and combat, additional troop
Detachment types, fortifications, combat engineers, and weather conditions.

The Scenarios section includes seven scenarios that demonstrate different aspects of game play, with options for
using either Basic, Advanced, or Optional rules sets when playing them. There are also eight generic scenarios that
players may use to aid in the setup of pick-up games, or as the first scenario played in one of the three campaign

The Unit Construction and Organizing The Troops sections allow players to create their own units, variants for existing
units, and to customize their gaming experience to suit their style of play. There is a section that assists players in con-
verting their Strike Legion Tactical unit designs to Planetary Operations game statistics so that players can field equiv-
alent forces for the same force in both games.

Finally, the Campaign Games section presents the rules for three separate campaign game options, with rules com-
mon to each type of campaign game presented first to aid in learning the basics of all campaign game options.

This revised version of the rulebook includes (along with some minor corrections and clarifications) material altera-
tions to several rules entries. Rules cases that have received substantial revisions, additions, or alterations are indicat-
ed by printing their rules case number or heading in green text.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

A KraVak regiment assaults EuroFed forces (GZG/Brigade).

1.0 Game Turn Sequence D. Recovery Phase

Strike Legion: Planetary Operations is played in a series Players may attempt to remove any Command hits cur-
of identical game turns that follow a specific sequence of rently retained by each unit.
events. Only game phases necessary to play the Basic
Game are included in this section. Play continues through a series of game turns until a pre-
determined number of turns have been completed, one
A. The Command Phase or both sides have met the specified criteria for winning a
1. Assign Orders scenario, or only one side has active Combat units on the
Each player assigns orders to all of his combat units by table.
placing a specific order chit face-down on the table next
to each unit. 2.0 Unit Orders
At the beginning of the Command Phase, each Combat
2. Initiative Determination unit must be assigned a single order. A units orders af-
Players rolls 2d6 and compare their totals. The player fect how it may act during the ensuing game turn. Order
with the higher total is the Initiative Player for the current chits are placed face down on the tabletop next to their
turn. assigned unit and are revealed when the unit must exe-
cute the first game function (movement, combat, etc.)
B. The Movement Phase that would be affected by the order.
Players alternate the movement of eligible formations
within the confines of their assigned order chit in the se- A units orders affect it only during the turn in which they
quence determined by the Initiative Player. are assigned, and may be changed from turn to turn.
Orders available to units in the Basic Game include:
C. The Combat Phase
1. Resolve all Firefight combat, alternating between play-
2.1 Static Defense
ers beginning with the Initiative Player.
A unit with Static Defense orders may move
2. Resolve all Assault combat in the order determined by
up to half of its printed movement allowance.
the Initiative Player.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
It may not enter an enemy units ZOC, nor may it move so 3.2 Formation Movement
that it places an enemy unit in its own ZOC. When choosing a formation to move, a player moves all
battalions of a specific regiment/brigade during each of
A unit under Static Defense orders may initiate Firefight his alternate portions of the Movement Phase. Compo-
combat, but it may never initiate Assault combat. It adds nent battalions of the regiment must end their move with-
its EW rating to all Defense dice totals. in 4 of at least one battalion of the same formation. This
restriction is waived if there is only one battalion remain-
2.2 Mobile Defense ing in the formation.
A unit with Mobile Defense orders may move
up to its printed movement allowance, but it 3.21 Each component battalion of the formation must
may not enter an enemy units ZOC. complete its movement before the next battalion begins
its movement. Once all battalions of the formation have
Units under Mobile Defense orders may conduct Firefight moved, the opposing player begins the movement of his
combat, may not initiate an Assault. and adds one-half of next formation.
its EW rating to all Defense dice totals.
3.22 Units may move through friendly units by treating
2.3 Advance them as if they were x1.5 terrain (see 3.3, below). If the
A unit with Advance orders may move up to unit being moved through is in x1.5 terrain, the moving
its printed movement allowance, but it may unit treats the non-moving unit as x2 terrain. Should the
not enter an enemy units ZOC. unit being moved through occupy x2 terrain, the non-
moving unit is considered to be Prohibited terrain to the
A unit under Advance orders may initiate Firefight com- moving unit. Units may never end their move occupying
bat but not Assault combat, and adds one-half of its EW the same space on the table as another friendly unit.
rating to all Attack dice totals.
3.23 Friendly units may never move through enemy units
2.4 Assault and may only exit an enemy ZOC at the beginning of their
Units with Assault orders must attempt to movement.
end their move with at least one enemy unit in
their ZOC and may spend their entire move- 3.24 Units may move in any direction relative to their
ment allowance during the turn. If, at the end facing forward, sideways, backwards, cross-ways
the current Movement Phase, the unit does not have an during their movement.
enemy unit in its ZOC, its orders revert to Advance.
3.3 Mobility Classes
A unit under Assault orders may not conduct Firefight All units have a specific Mobility type assigned to them.
combat and must conduct Assault combat against all This can be found on a units Data Card. Each Mobility
enemy units in its ZOC, adding its full EW rating to all At- type may have its movement allowance restricted or pe-
tack dice totals. nalized for moving through specific terrain types. Refer to
the Terrain Effects Chart (included with the game charts
3.0 Movement and Terrain at the back of this book) for the penalties and restrictions
During the Movement Phase, players alternate moving of each Mobility class.
their formations, with the Initiative Player deciding which
player will move first at the beginning of the Phase. Play- 3.31 On the Terrain Effects Chart, players will find the
ers then continue to alternate moving their formations various Mobility classes cross-referenced with different
within the parameters of their orders until all units that terrain types. The referenced entries reflect how well a
may move have done so. unit can move through that terrain type:

If, at some point during the Movement Phase, one player x1: The element may move normally, using 1 of its
has exhausted his movement capability while his oppo- movement allowance for each 1 of table crossed.
nent still has formations capable of moving, those for- x1.5: Each inch of movement through this terrain
mations may move without interruption until they have all type uses 1.5 of an elements movement allowance.
completed their movement. x2: Each inch of movement through this terrain type
uses 2 of an elements movement allowance.
3.1 Tactical Deployment P: The element is prohibited from moving into, or
In the Basic Game, the component ba- Unit Deployment through, this type of terrain.
ses of a battalion must always remain
in base-to-base contact with at least A movement penalty is assessed against a unit for mov-
one other stand in the battalion. All ing into a particular terrain type if any portion of a unit
bases of the unit must be lined up side- Unit moves into, or through, that type of terrain.
by-side and facing the same direction.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
3.32 Grav and Airmobile Movement wise unobstructed LOS to a target unit that occupies the
Both of these mobility types pay the movement penalties top of a hill have a clear LOS and may execute their at-
as listed on the Terrain Effects Chart, but receive defen- tack.
sive benefits for occupying certain terrain types. See the
notes on the Terrain Effects Chart for specific terrain Units
types that offer these units Cover or Hard Cover Defense Both friendly and enemy Combat units block LOS to the
bonuses. target of a Firefight attack if both the unit initiating the
attack and the obstructing unit are at the same elevation.
If the unit represents a grav mobility, vehicular-based unit,
it receives the Cover or Hard Cover defense bonus listed
for Tracked mobility in that terrain type.
Likewise, if the Airmobile or Mech Inf designations appear
in the NOTES section of a units Data Card, the unit re-
ceives the Cover or Hard Cover defense bonus listed for F
Foot mobility units in that terrain type.

3.4 Terrain Effects on Combat B

For a unit to benefit from cover, the majority of the Com- D
bat Units bases must be completely inside the outline of
the terrain feature. C
Units are considered to be in Cover if they occupy any
type of terrain that would impose a x1.5 movement pen-
LOS Examples: Unit D has LOS to Units B and C (B is be-
alty on the unit. A unit in Cover adds the roll of a d4 to all hind another unit but at a higher elevation; there is no
defense dice totals. clear LOS to a full base of unit A).

Note: When using the Advanced Game rules, units that Unit E has LOS only to unit B (LOS to units A and C is
blocked by unit D).
have the Mech Inf designation in the Notes section of
their Data Cards add a d6 instead of a d4 to their de- Unit F has LOS to all three enemy units (no intervening
fense totals when in Cover. units between it and unit B or unit C, and it has at least
one full stand of unit A in its LOS).
Hard Cover
A unit is considered to be in Hard Cover if it occupies any
type of terrain that would impose a x2 movement penalty
on the unit. Units in Hard Cover add the roll of a d8 to all 4.0 Combat
defense dice totals. There are two types of combat that units may engage in
during the Combat Phase: Firefights and Assaults. Units
Moving up or down an elevation level is not considered as may conduct either type of combat according to their
being in a particular terrain type when determining Cover orders for the turn, but each unit may conduct only one
modifiers. attack in a single Combat Phase.

3.4 Line of Sight (LOS) NOTE: a unit is permitted - and may be required - to
To determine if a LOS exists between two units for pur- make multiple Defense dice rolls in a single turn; a units
poses of Firefight combat, trace a line from the center of Attack dice may be used only once during each Combat
the front of the firing unit to the target unit using a tape Phase (exception: see 8.4 Sustained Fire).
measure, ruler, piece of string, or other straight-edge.
The firing unit must have an unobstructed view of at least 4.1 Firefight Combat
one complete stand of the target unit in order to execute To be eligible to conduct a Firefight attack, the attacking
the attack. If the straight edge crosses any amount of unit must have a clear LOS to an enemy target unit within
restricted terrain, no LOS exists between the two units its Firefight range. Firefight attacks may be made against
and no Firefight combat can take place. any target that is to the front of the attacking unit and
within an arc that extends to 45o of either side of the
Restricted Terrain units front.
No unit can fire or be targeted through Foliage, Urban, or
Hill terrain. Stands can be targeted if they occupy Foliage Units under Assault orders may not conduct Firefight
or Urban terrain, provided the line of fire does not cross attacks.
more than 1/2 of said terrain. Units that have an other-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
4.11 Attacker Process The Model 76s defense dice roll against the Diablos
To resolve a Firefight attack, the attacking player con- attack will use three d8 (one Defense die for each stand
sults the Data Card of the firing unit to find its Attack die in the unit) and a d4 (Cover modifier). It will also add +6
type. He then rolls one die of this type for each stand in to the dice total (its full EW for Static Defense orders
the firing unit and totals the results. The type of Attack gives it a +5 and its Firefight +1 adds the sixth point to
die used is subject to modification as a result of Com- the total).
mand hits (see 4.31).
The Diablo battalion rolls its dice (results of 4, 5, 6, and a
Depending on its orders for the turn, the firing unit may 2 on the d3), adding +1 to the total, and has a Firefight
add none, half, or all of its EW rating to its Firefight attack Attack total of 18. The Model 76 battalion rolls its de-
dice total. fense dice (1, 1, 2, and a 4 on the d4), adding +6 to the
total, for a Firefight Defense total of 14. The attack total
The Attacking unit adds any Firefight modifiers printed in is 4 points higher than that of the defense, so the Diablo
red or green text in the Special column of its Data Card player consults the Firefight Combat Tables +3/+4
to its Firefight attack dice total. entry to find that the attack inflicted a D result against
the target unit.
After applying all other modifications, the attacking unit
subtracts -2 points from its dice total. 4.2 Assault Combat
A unit must be in an enemy ZOC or have an enemy unit in
4.12 Defender Process its own ZOC to conduct Assault combat. Units that made
The unit targeted by the Firefight attack consults its Data a Firefight attack may not attack or make a reciprocal
Card and finds the units Defense die type. It then rolls attack during the Assault Combat segment. Units that
one die of this type for each stand in the firing unit and are prohibited from conducting an attack during the As-
totals the results. The type of Defense die used is subject sault segment defend against all attacks normally.
to modification as a result of Command hits (see 4.31).
Note that it is entirely possible for one unit to have an
Depending on its orders for the turn, the defending unit enemy unit in its ZOC without being within that enemy
adds none, half, or all of its EW rating to its defense dice units ZOC.
total. It also adds any dice available to it due to being in
Cover or Hard Cover. Units under Assault orders must attack all enemy units in
their ZOC in the current Assault Combat segment.
The defending unit adds any Firefight modifier printed in
blue or green text in the Special column of its Data Card The Initiative Player determines the order in which all
to its defense dice total. Assault combat is resolved and always rolls his attacks
first in each Assault combat conducted during this seg-
4.13 Resolving Firefight Combat ment.
Subtract the defenders modified dice roll total from that
of the attacker. If the result is less than zero, the attack 4.21 Resolving Assault Combat
has no effect on the target unit. If the result is 0 or more, The attacking player rolls one Attack die (as listed on the
consult the Combat Table and find the entry correspond- units Data Card) for each stand in the Assaulting unit
ing to the difference between the Attack and Defense and totals the result. To this total he adds part or all of
dice totals. The stated results are immediately applied to his EW rating, depending on the units orders for the
the target unit; see 4.3: Combat Results for an explana- turn). Any unit modifiers for Assault that are printed in
tion of the combat results. red or green text are also added to the Attack dice total.

EXAMPLE: A Diablo MBT battalion (3 stands) under Ad- The defending player rolls one Defense die (as listed on
vance orders announces a Firefight attack against a the units Data Card) for each stand in the Defending unit
Model 76 Medium Tank battalion (3 stands) under Static To this total he adds part or all of the units EW rating,
Defense orders. The Model 76 unit is within the Diablos depending on the units orders for the turn. Any Assault
Firefight range of 12, and the Model 76 is in Cover. modifiers that are printed in blue or green text, along
with any dice for being in Cover (d4/d6) or in Hard Cover
The Diablos Firefight attack roll will use three d8 (one (d8) are also added to the dice total.
Attack die for each stand in the unit) and a d3 (+d3 Fire-
fight). It also adds 3 points of its EW rating to the dice Subtract the defenders dice total from the attackers
total (Advance orders allow half of a units EW to be used dice total. If the result is less than zero, there is no effect.
for Attack dice rolls; the printed EW of 5 is halved to 2.5, If the result is zero or greater, consult the Combat Table
rounded up to 3). From this total, the player subtracts -2 and make a note of the results.
points for conducting a Firefight attack.
EXAMPLE: In the next turn, the Diablo battalion is issued

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Assault orders and moves so as to place the Model 76 Unequal Number of Units
battalion in its ZOC. The Model 76 battalion retains its If, after pairing off units, one side still has multiple units
Static Defense orders and chooses not to move out of assaulting a single enemy unit, roll all Attack and Defense
the Diablos ZOC as it has the Diablo in its own ZOC as dice normally for the involved units The player with the
well; the Model 76 Battalion chose not to make a Fire- larger number of units then compares his dice totals for
fight attack in the preceding Firefight Combat segment. each unit individually against the enemy units Defense
dice total. Conversely, the singular unit compares its At-
The Diablos Assault dice roll will use its 3d8 Attack dice, tack dice total individually against each enemy units De-
and it will add its full EW of 5 points to the attack. The fense dice totals.
Model 76 will use its 3d8 Defense dice and a d4 (still in
Cover) and add its full EW of 5 points to its Defense. 4.3 Combat Results
Combat results are expressed in the same terms for
The Diablos Assault total is 24 against the Model 76s both Firefight and Assault combat. Each C result yields a
17, for a successful attack with a +7 differential. Looking Command hit; each D result yields a Damage point. Num-
at the Combat Table, a +7 result shows 2D/C. The Mod- bers preceding them indicate the number of C or D hits
el 76 unit takes 2 Damage points and a Command hit. inflicted against the target unit.
Reciprocal Attacks
If the defending unit did not execute a Firefight attack 4.31 Command Hit Effects
during this turn and has the attacking unit in its own ZOC, Each Command hit currently possessed by the
it now becomes the attacking unit and repeats the pro- unit reduces one of the units Attack and/or
cess. Special entries printed in green that modified dice Defense dice by one die type in all combat situa-
totals in the first part of the Assault may not be used to tions. If all Attack/Defense dice have been re-
modify dice totals in this part of the Assault combat. Note duced by one die type and there are still unallocated
also that, depending on the units orders, EW ratings only Command hits, make a second (and subsequent, if neces-
apply to Attack or Defense dice for the entire turn. sary) reduction to each die type until all Command hits
have affected the Attack and/or Defense dice type for
EXAMPLE: Since the Model 76 battalion did not use its the unit.
Attack dice to execute a Firefight attack against the Dia-
blo as it closed the range between the two units, it may EXAMPLE: Had the Diablo unit in the Assault combat
make a reciprocal attack against the Diablo unit. example possessed a single C hit when making its As-
sault Attack or Defense die rolls, it would have rolled 2d8
As the Model 76 is now the attacker, and the Diablo the and a d6 for the units Attack or Defense Dice. If it had 4
defender, neither unit may add its EW rating to its dice C hits when making those rolls, it would roll 2d6 and a d5
total. Furthermore, the Model 76 cannot use the In the first three C hits reducing all three dice by one die
Cover modifier when attacking. The Diablo can add its type, and the fourth reducing one die by yet another die
Assault +2 modifier to its Defense dice total (for 3d8+2), type.
however, and the Model 76 adds its Assault +1 to its
Attack dice total (for 3d8+1). Should any Command hits be unable to further reduce a
units die types, subtract -1 from all Attack and Defense
The Diablos Defense total is a paltry 9 while the Model dice totals for each unallocated die reduction.
76s Attack total comes up 18. The result is a successful
attack of +9 that inflicts a 4D/C result on the Diablo EXAMPLE: A unit that would normally use a d3 for both
battalion. its Attack and Defense dice has two unallocated Com-
mand hits. Each of the units Attack and Defense dice roll
Apply all Combat Results to units at the conclusion of the
totals would be reduced by -2 points.
second part of the Assault, after both sides have made
all eligible Attack and Defense dice rolls. Players may attempt to remove Command hits from a
unit during the Recovery Phase (see 6.0: Advanced Se-
4.22 Multiple Units in Assault Combat
quence of Play).
It is entirely possible for a unit to have more than one
enemy unit in its ZOC. Keeping in mind that all units in a
4.32 Damage
ZOC must be attacked during the Assault Combat seg-
Each D on the Combat Charts inflicts one Dam-
ment, apply the following guidelines to each Assault in-
age point against an enemy unit (a single D
volving more than one unit on either side.
inflicts one Damage point, 2D is two Damage
Multiple Units on Both Sides points, 3D is three, and so on). When a number
If both players have multiple units with overlapping ZOC, of Damage points equal to the Damage rating found on
pair off units into single, separate Assault resolutions the units Data Card (in the Notes section) have been
based on physical proximity (closest unit against closest inflicted on a unit, remove one of the units stands from
unit within their respective Zones of Control). play.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Damage points may not be repaired. Excess Damage 5.1 Command Hit Removal
points are retained and combined with subsequent dam- Each unit that currently has one or more Command hits
age points received until enough have been accumulated may attempt to remove them. In the Basic Game, each
to necessitate the removal of additional bases from the unit rolls one d10 for each Command hit it has received,
unit. removing one such hit for each die result of 5 or higher
(5+). All remaining Command Hits are retained until suc-
EXAMPLE: At the end of the Assault combat between the cessfully removed in a subsequent Recovery Phase or
Diablo and Model 76 battalions, the Model 76 unit had the unit is removed from play (see below).
received a total of three Damage points (one from the
previous turns Firefight attack, and two during the As- 5.2 Unit Disintegration
sault combat). Looking at the Model 76s Data Card, we Any unit that retains a number of Command Hits that is
find that each base of the unit can sustain two hits. As a greater than the combined total of Combat unit and De-
result, one stand is removed from the table, and the unit tachment stands remaining in the unit is removed from
retains one hit. The next D result will remove a second play.
base from the unit. Keep in mind that all casualties from
Firefight combat a re removed immediately; casualties 5.3 Housekeeping
from Assault combat are removed after both players Check to see if either side has met its Victory Conditions
have resolved their attacks. for the game being played, or if it is the last turn of the
scenario. If this has occurred, determine the winner,
5.0 The Recovery Phase clean up the game, and start planning the next one.
The Recovery Phase allows players the opportunity to
regroup their units and prepare for the next game turn. If the game continues, remove order markers from all
Combat units on the table and proceed to the next game

Two scenarios - Capture the Flag (p. 37) and The Gauntlet (p. 38) have been designed to be played using the Basic
Game rules. We encourage the reader to play at least one of these scenarios to learn the Basic Game mechanics
before playing scenarios that make use of the Advanced Rules section.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

A mixed armor force moves against Foundationist positions (C-in-C/GZG/Microworld).

6.0 Advanced Sequence quence determined by the Initiative Player.

of Play 3. Players alternately place Air Markers on the table,
Unless otherwise noted, Advanced Game rules take prec- assigning Missions to each Marker or attack die.
edence over the Basic Game rules where an apparent C. The Combat Phase
contradiction exists between the two. 1. Support Missions
a. Alternately conduct all Artillery Barrage and Orbital
A. The Command Phase Barrage fire missions, beginning with the Initiative Player..
1. Determine Command Points b. Resolve all Air-to-Air combat.
Players roll to determine the number of Command Points c. Resolve Air Strafing/Bombing Run missions and Anti-
they may use during this turn. Air fire alternately, beginning with the Initiative Player.
d. Conduct all Unconventional Warfare attacks alternate-
2. Assign Orders ly, beginning with the Initiative Player
Players assign orders to all combat units by placing a e. Assign all Artillery Fire and Support Missions.
specific order chit face-down on the table next to each 2. Firefight Segment
unit. Resolve all Firefight combat. Resolution alternates be-
tween players beginning with the Initiative Player.
3. Initiative Determination 3. Assault Segment
Players rolls 2d6 and compare their totals. The player Resolve all Assault combat in the order determined by
with the higher total is the Initiative Player for the current the Initiative Player.
D. The Recovery Phase
B. The Movement Phase 1. Units may attempt to remove Command hits they cur-
1. Beginning with the Initiative Player, resolve all Artillery rently possess.
Interdiction Missions. 2. Check for Unit Disintegration (see 5.2: Unit Disintegra-
2. Players alternate the movement of eligible formations tion).
within the confines of their assigned order chit in the se- 3. Remove all unit Orders and Air Markers.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
4. Check for games end. If the game does not end, con- tack after the first against a single target unit (2 CP for
tinue play with the next game turn. the second attack, 3 for the third attack against the
same enemy target unit, etc.).
7.0 Command Points (CP) and One CP must be expended to execute an Air Bomb-
Command ing Run.
At the beginning of each turn, both players determine the Two CP must be expended for the first attack by a
number of CP available for use during that turn. Players GAS weapon during the game. Subsequent uses of GAS
are not forced to expend CP during a turn, but CP may weapons (by either side) require no CP expenditure.
not be saved for use in a later turn. Three CP must be expended for the first TacNuke
attack during the game (see 15.0: Tactical Nuclear
7.1 Determining CP Weapons). Subsequent TacNuke attacks require one CP
Prior to the beginning of each game (either in a each to execute.
scenarios set-up instructions or via campaign
game mechanics) each force is assigned an One CP may be expended to interrupt the normal
overall C3 (Command, Control, and Communi- sequence of formation movement or Firefight attacks,
cations) rating. The possible C3 ratings for an army are allowing a player to move or fire with two consecutive
Superior, Average, Lacking, and Poor. units. This usage is announced immediately at the end of
the first units action. The Initiative Players first move-
Each force receives CP based on the number of non-HQ ment or Firefight attack may not be interrupted in this
Regiments/Brigades currently in play, cross-referenced manner.
with its C3 Rating. Add to this an amount of CP derived One CP may be spent to cancel an announced Move-
from rolling the indicated die in the third column of the ment or Firefight sequence interruption.
table below, rounding fractions normally. One CP may be spent to re-roll a single die during the
Movement, Combat, or Recovery Phases. Only one die
C3 CP per # + (die roll) can be affected per CP expenditure, and the same die
RATING Combat Battalions CP may not be affected twice. This expenditure is announced
immediately prior to re-rolling the die.
Superior 1 CP per 3 d6+2
One CP may be expended to cancel an enemys an-
Average 1 CP per 4 d4+2 nounced re-roll.
Lacking 1 CP per 5 d4 One CP must be expended to enter an enemy Tunnel
Complex (see 19.3: Tunnel Combat).
Poor 1 CP per 6 d3
7.3 Unit Coherency C3 COHERENCY
CP determination is done openly, and a players CP total A forces C3 rating RATING DISTANCE
is always subject to inspection by his opponent. Use a determines the maxi- Superior 12
dedicated die/dice placed on each players CP Marker to mum allowable dis-
keep track of available CP in each game turn. tance between battal- Average 8
ions of the same Regi-
7.2 Using CP Lacking 6
ment (its coherency
The expenditure of CP is required to conduct certain ac- distance). Poor 4
tions during each game turn. Expended CP may not be
used for another game function during the same turn. Any unit that exceeds the maximum coherency distance
from any other battalion of the same Regimental for-
CP may be used to perform the following actions: mation reduces its printed Defense die by -1 die type for
as long as the condition persists. This restriction is
Each CP spent increases a players Initiative dice roll waived if only a single battalion of the formation remains
total by one point. This expenditure must be announced, in play, or if the battalion is the formations HQ (see be-
along with the total number of CP being used, prior to the low).
actual Initiative dice roll. There is no upper limit to the
number of CP a player may spend to increase his Initia- 7.4 Headquarters Units (HQ)
tive dice total. HQ Battalions operate as normal Combat units and
One CP must be expended for each Option order move at the same time as any formation under their
issued during the Assign Orders step of the Command command (even if more than 4 Combat units would be
Phase. moving at the same time). The HQ Battalion may change
One CP must be expended for each Artillery Interdic- the unit (or formation, if a division-level HQ) with which it
tion, Artillery Barrage, or Orbital Barrage attack. shares this movement from turn to turn.
One additional CP must be expended by each Artillery
A dedicated HQ Battalion allows any friendly Combat unit
Interdiction or Barrage attack for each subsequent at- that is part of the same Regiment/Brigade, Division, or

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Corps organizational structure to add +1 to all Com- If a unit under Refit orders has not been the target of an
mand hit removal die roll attempts, provided that the HQ Assault and has not suffered additional C or D combat
unit is within the coherency distance of the unit attempt- results through other types of attack during the turn, it
ing Command hit removal and it has no Command hits of may re-roll any and all failed Command hit removal die
its own at the beginning of the current Recovery Phase. rolls during the Recovery Phase of the current turn.

8.0 Advanced Game Orders A unit with Option orders that fulfills all the previous con-
Advanced Game orders are available to Combat units in ditions at the beginning of the Recovery Phase may be
addition to those found in the Basic Game. issued a Refit order.

8.1 March 8.4 Sustained Fire

A unit under March orders may Units under Sustained Fire orders may not
move up to double its printed move. During the Combat Phase, they may
movement allowance but may Column either:
not move within an enemy units
Firefight range during this movement. Units conduct a single Firefight attack, increasing their
under March orders reduce their Defense
Attack die by +1 die type; or
die by -1 die type and never add their EW
score to any Attack or Defense dice totals. conduct two separate Firefight attacks. The attacks
may be made against the same or different targets, and
Prior to moving, a unit under March orders Unit Rear both attacks reduce their Attack die by -1 die type.
deploys its stands in base-to-base contact
from front to back; they must be deployed in In either case, the units full EW score is added to the
a single file that retains the units original dice total of all Firefight attacks made while under Sus-
facing. tained Fire orders.

Units under March orders may only move 9.0 Advanced Movement
forward, based on the units current facing. Some forces may use alternate methods of movement at
They may make facing changes during their the beginning of, or during, a game. Additional methods
move, but may not change the facing of the of movement can also be found in the Optional Rules sec-
unit by greater than 1800 from the facing they had at the tion.
beginning of its movement.
9.1 Displacement Movement
Units under March orders have no ZOC, and are subject Units with either partial or full Displacement movement
to Flank attack penalties (see 10.1: Flank Attacks) if an capability (designated on their Data Cards by the notes
attack originates from behind the first (lead) base in the ds or Ds, respectively) may ignore Terrain penalties, ene-
March Column. my and friendly units, and enemy ZOC in the portion of
their movement representing Displacement movement.
Only units with March orders may take advantage of the
Road movement rate through adverse terrain. Units possessing ds mobility have a secondary movement
allowance representing their maximum Displacement
8.2 Option movement distance (listed on their Data Cards as prima-
An Option order allows a unit to choose one of ry movement in inches/ds movement in inches). The ds
the other seven available orders it will execute movement allowance is available in addition to the units
during the turn. The choice of the order to be primary movement allowance and may be used at the
used is made by the owning player at the time owning players discretion.
the order will be executed and must be made in the ap-
propriate Phase or Step of the turn. No unit using Displacement movement may occupy the
same table space as another unit at the end of the Dis-
8.3 Refit placement portion of its movement. Units using ds Dis-
A Refit order may not be issued to a unit that placement movement may not end their move occupying
is in an enemy ZOC at the beginning of the a terrain type prohibited to its primary (normal) mobility
turn. Units under Refit orders may neither type.
move nor conduct Firefight attacks during the
turn. If attacked during the Assault segment of the Com- 9.2 Deploying From Orbit
bat Phase, they defend normally but may not conduct a Certain scenarios may depict forces making planetfall in
reciprocal attack, may not add their EW score to their an area contested by the enemy (known as a hot LZ). To
Defense dice total, and must reduce their Defense die by deploy troops from orbit, the owning player simply places
-1 die type. the units on the table (using the normal, alternating

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
movement procedure) during their movement. These changed only at the beginning of its movement, and only if
units may not move from their placement positions in the the unit is not currently in an enemy ZOC.
turn they deploy.
Players should refer to the diagrams on the game refer-
Additionally, all landing forces must be assigned Mobile ence charts in Appendix III for visual examples of units
Defense orders on the game turn in which they land, and using each of the possible tactical deployments.
have no ZOC during the turn they are first placed on the
tabletop. 10.21 Combat Deployment
Combat Deployment is identical to the alignment of bases
9.21 Teleporting into Combat in the Basic Game. No special conditions apply for the
Units that are capable of Teleporting into combat (by adoption of Combat Deployment.
inherent ability or through scenario special rules) are
placed on the table as per the above rule, but may be 10.22 March Column
issued any orders except Refit or March on the turn they Only units with March orders may be deployed in March
enter the game. Orders for units entering the game by Column (see 8.1, March Column).
Teleporting are assigned during the Command Phase
normally. 10.23 Point Defense
A unit must have Static Defense orders to adopt a Point
Movement allowances for units that enter the game via Defense deployment and may not move while in such a
Teleporting are reduced by on the turn they enter play. deployment (unless adopting the required base deploy-
This is cumulative with any movement allowance adjust- ment on the tabletop). To represent units on Point De-
ments resulting from a units orders for the turn. fense, arrange the bases of the unit so they are facing in
multiple directions while remaining in base-to-base con-
10.0 Advanced Game Combat tact.
The Advanced Combat rules include several additional
methods of attacking the enemy, along with a few basic A unit on Point Defense never suffers Flank attack
unit formations that affect how combat is resolved. penalties. Its ZOC is considered to extend completely
around the unit out to its normal ZOC range.
10.1 Flank Attacks Units using the Point Defense deployment halve the
A unit targeted by a Firefight attack that originates from number Attack dice (rounded down). they are eligible
an enemy unit whose center point is completely past the when conducting a Firefight attack.
rear line of the friendly units bases reduces its Defense
die by one die type when resolving that attack. 10.24 Refused Flank
A unit that deploys to refuse a flank must deploy its bases
A unit that is in an enemy ZOC and has that ZOC crossing side-by-side, with each bases front situated half-way back
the unit from completely behind the rear line of friendly from the base forward of it. A unit must choose whether
bases reduces its Defense die by -1 die type when resolv- it will Refuse Left or Refuse Right.
ing the ensuing Assault attack (even if part of a multiple-
on-one, unequal Assault). A unit in Refused Flank deployment can only be sub-
ject to a Flank Attack if the attack comes from be-
10.2 Tactical Deployment hind a line drawn diagonally across the rear of all unit
There are multiple arrangements of unit bases that a stands. Its ZOC and Firing arc are also adjusted ac-
unit may adopt on the tabletop to denote specific tactical cordingly (see diagrams).
deployments, each of which affects how it operates dur- When determining eligible Firefight targets for a unit
ing movement and combat. A units deployment may be with a Refused Flank, measure the distance from the
center of the unit (as per usual), and apply the angle
of fire along the units frontage as measured from
A the middle point of the unit.

10.3 Missile Combat

B Units possessing Missile combat capability have the MSL
entry in the Special box of their Data Card. Missile at-
tacks may be resolved as separate Firefight attacks,
Red unit A does not qualify for a Flank attack combined with a units normal Firefight attacks, or used
against the Blue unit, as its center point is not as part of an Assault combat resolution dice roll. In each
past the line delineating the Blue units rear. Red case, add one MSL die for each stand of a unit pos-
unit B is in the Blue units flank and inflicts the Flank sessing this capability to the Attack dice total for each
dice penalties against it if it makes either a Firefight
or Assault attack against the Blue unit. such attack.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
10.31 Missile Attacks Damage die, Range, and Depletion characteris-
A units MSL attack capability can be used in one of three tics of other MSL attacks. AA Detachments
ways during a single Combat Phase. Note that in each may use them when conducting normal AA fire
case the target unit must be within the units MSL range (see 11.6: Anti-Air Fire). AA Combat units may
to permit the firing MSL to be used against that target also use their AA missiles to execute Firefight attacks
unit: against STOVL mobility and Airmobile Combat units.

They may be used to conduct a single, separate Fire- 10.4 Biochemical (GAS) Weapons
fight attack during the Firefight segment of the Com- Units capable of making biological or chemical warfare
bat Phase. This attack does not count as a normal attacks have the range value of a GAS-capable weapon
Firefight attack for determining eligibility for conduct- printed in a green circle on their Data Card. GAS attacks
ing attacks during the Assault segment of the same may be restricted to Assault attacks, in which case the
Combat Phase The firing unit does not require LOS ZOC range will be the only shaded portion of the range.
to the target of this attack, nor does the target need
to be within the firing units normal firing arc; the A unit with GAS capability is not required to use it when
target may be in any direction relative to the firing making an attack, and the use of GAS must be an-
units facing. Roll and total the MSL dice for each nounced by the firing player prior to executing the attack.
stand of the unit when resolving this type of MSL The first use of GAS by either side during a game re-
attack. quires the immediate expenditure of two Command
They may be combined with the units normal Fire- Points by the using player.
fight attack. Simply add one MSL die for each stand
of the unit with a MSL attack component to the units 10.41 Conducting GAS Attacks
Attack dice when resolving the Firefight attack. If GAS attacks are conducted as either Firefight or
conducted as part of a Sustained Fire attack, each Assault attacks, and they are an additional capabil-
stands MSL attack die may be added to a single ity of those attacks, not a separate attack unto
Firefight attack and is not modified by the Sustained themselves. Targets of a GAS attack receive no defensive
Fire order, regardless of the number of attacks modifiers for being in Cover or Hard Cover.
made by the unit. Upon conclusion of an attack by a unit with GAS capability
MSL attack dice may be added to a units Attack dice that causes at least a single D result, place a GAS mark-
when resolving attacks during the Assault segment er on each base of the target unit. Make sure that the
of the Combat Phase. Total each stands MSL dice GAS marker used references the Attack die type of the
roll with the units Attack dice (adding any other mod- original attack.
ifiers as per normal) to derive the units Assault com-
bat attack dice total. If the GAS attack originated from an Artillery or Air De-
tachment, place only a number of GAS markers equal to
10.32 Missile Defenses the number of Air dice/Artillery Detachments participat-
When a units MSL +x notation is listed in blue text , the ing in the attack. The GAS marker may, however, be
unit possesses specific defenses against MSL attacks. placed on any of the target units remaining Combat ba-
Add this amount (x, whether a static number or a die ses.
type that must be rolled) to a units Defense total against
any and all Firefight or Assault attacks in which the at- GAS markers remain on the table in the same place until
tacking unit uses its MSL capability, even if the unit is the conclusion of the following turns Movement Phase.
subjected to multiple enemy MSL attacks during the Any unit that either moves through a GAS marker (by
same Combat Phase. coming into even partial contact with it), or ends its
movement in contact with a GAS marker, must immedi-
10.33 Missile Depletion ately defend against a Firefight attack.
MSL are limited use weapon and subject to
depletion. In the Notes section of a Missile GAS marker attacks roll a number of Attack dice equal to
Attack-capable units Data Card, there is an the number of bases in the defending unit when resolving
entry shown as MSL Depl: (number). Immedi- their Firefight attacks. The defending unit receives no EW
ately after resolving a MSL attack, the owning player rolls or terrain dice roll modifiers when defending against a
a d10. If the number rolled is less than or equal to its GAS marker attack.
MSL Depl number, that unit has exhausted it MSL capa-
bility for the remainder of the game and can make no 10.42 GAS Depletion
further MSL attacks. Mark the unit with a MSL Depl Immediately upon placing at least one GAS
marker as a reminder. marker on the table, roll a d10 to determine if
the units GAS capability has been Depleted.
10.34 Anti-Aircraft Missiles (AA MSL)
AA missiles function as a form of MSL attack, using the

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
10.5 Fixed and Variable EW used their special abilities) the owning player decides
Units that have their EW ratings printed in red, blue, or which Detachment receives Damage points first. All
black are limited in how their EW ratings may be used. In Damage must be allocated to the chosen Detachment
all cases, a units EW rating is still subject to modification until it is eliminated, at which point Damage is be allocat-
by its orders for the turn. ed to the remaining Detachment. Any Damage points
remaining after all Detachments have been eliminated
Fixed EW are scored normally against the parent unit.
Units having their EW rating printed in blue may only add
their EW ratings to Defense dice totals. Those with their 11.11 Deployment Limits
EW rating printed in red may only add their EW ratings Unless permitted by a scenario special rule, no Combat
to Attack dice totals. unit may field more than one Detachment for every two
stands in the Combat unit at the beginning of the game.
Variable EW
Units having their EW rating in black must decide wheth- A Detachments movement allowance and mobility type
er their rating will be used for Attack or Defense. This need not be exactly the same as their parent unit, but no
decision will remain in effect throughout the entire game. Detachment may be assigned to a parent unit whose
The owning player must decide when each unit with Vari- movement allowance is 50% or less than that of the
able EW is deployed on the table prior to the beginning of movement allowance of the parent.
the game and place either an OEW (for Offensive, or At-
tack, EW) or DEW (for Defensive EW) marker next to the Detachments are considered to be operating in close
unit at that time. proximity to, or in the vicinity of, the unit of which they
have been assigned, so an exact match of movement
Players may also keep written records of which units are capabilities isnt required.
using OEW or DEW to reduce table clutter, but these
records are always public knowledge. Only STOVL mobility Detachments may be assigned to
STOVL mobility battalions; Air/(any) and Sea/(any) De-
11.0 Support Units tachments may only be assigned to parent units pos-
Support units are used to enhance the capabilities of sessing an identical Mobility type, including its qualifier.
Combat units by increasing a battalions Attack or De-
fense dice totals or granting specialized forms of attack. 11.12 Types of Detachments
Detachments represent Artillery (ART), Anti-Air (AA),
11.1 Detachments Scout (SC), and Unconventional Warfare (UW) compa-
Detachments are single stands of specialized troops and nies or sections.
equipment attached to specific Combat battalions for the
duration of a game. They add their capabilities to that of Rules for additional Detachment types can be found in
their (parent) unit and generally do not make separate the Optional Rules section of this book.
Attack or Defense rolls . They are not counted as stands
of the Combat unit for determining the number of Attack Detachments are not listed on a parent units Data Card;
or Defense dice rolled. the specific capabilities of each Detachment type are
listed on separate Data Cards.
Detachments are never considered when determining a
units ZOC or flanks and are always placed in base con- 11.13 Detachment Combat Units
tact with their parent unit, directly behind the stands of Multiple identical Detachments may operate as Detach-
their Combat battalion. A Detachments combat dice are ment Combat units if they are not assigned to different
never affected by Command hits. parent units prior to play. Some Detachment types must
be fielded as Detachment Combat units to engage in spe-
Any Damage points allocated to a Detachment that equal
cific types of attacks.
its Hits rating cause the removal of that Detachment.
Damage scored in excess of the number of Hits the
EXAMPLE: An Artillery battalion of four stands may oper-
stand may absorb from a single attack is scored against
ate as a single 4-stand Detachment Combat unit, or be
the Detachments parent unit normally.
broken down into four Detachments that will be assigned
If a Combat unit has its last stand removed from play for to other battalions in the same organizational formation.
any reason, all remaining unit Detachments that are also If operating as a Combat unit, the unit is eligible to con-
removed as casualties. Also, see 22.1, p. 35 for individual duct Barrage, Interdiction, and Fire Mission attacks; if
Detachment casualty tracking. assigned to other units, the individual Detachments are
limited to making Support Attack or Defense die rolls,
In cases where Damage points are required be scored and only in support of their parent unit.
against multiple Detachment types (e.g., a Combat unit
having Scout and Shock Troop Detachments that both

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
11.2 Artillery Fire missions are resolved as Firefight attacks that do
Artillery Detachments list the ART/X designation in the not require LOS to the target unit.
Special section of their Data Card (where X is the units
Barrage modifier; see below) and may conduct special 11.23 Interdiction Missions
attacks that are resolved in different segments of either Interdiction missions are conducted by ART Detachment
the Movement or Combat Phases. The conditions and Combat units under Sustained Fire orders and require
limitations of each type of Artillery Mission are detailed the firing player to expend one Command Point for each
herein. ART Combat unit making an Interdiction attack. Interdic-
tion Missions are resolved at the beginning of the Move-
The range of a stands ART attacks is printed next to the ment Phase of the turn.
ART/X note (Art/X Ry, where Ry is the ART attacks
range in inches) of a units Data Card and may be differ- An Interdiction attack uses the units Barrage range (but
ent than the units printed Range statistic. The ART at- not its Barrage modifier) and needs no LOS to the target
tack range is used for all Artillery attacks except a Fire unit.
Mission, which uses the units printed Range statistic.
To resolve an Interdiction mission, the firing unit con-
An ART unit having no Barrage modifier or ART range ducts a normal Firefight attack against the target unit,
designation uses its normal Firefight range for all Artillery which defends normally. If the Attack total is less than or
attacks. equal to the Defense total, the attack fails.
All ART attacks, whether conducted as standard Firefight If the Attack total exceeds the Defense total, the defend-
attack or according to the rules for specific ART attacks, ing unit increases the terrain cost by .5 for each type of
use the units printed Attack die. terrain it moves through during the current Movement
Phase (effectively turning x1 terrain into x1.5 terrain,
Artillery Detachments may be fielded as Detachment x1.5 terrain into x2 terrain, and x2 terrain into Prohibited
Combat units, allowing them to conduct specific types of terrain for purposes of this turns movement only).
11.24 Support Missions
11.21 Barrage Missions
Support missions are conducted by ART Detachments
Artillery Barrage Missions are conducted by ART Detach-
operating under any of the Basic Game orders in support
ment Combat units under Sustained Fire orders, and
of Firefight or Assault attack dice rolls made by the unit
require the firing player to expend Command Points for
to which they are attached. In all cases, the target unit
each such unit conducting a Barrage attack. Barrages
must be within the units normal (non-Barrage) Range.
may not be conducted against a target unit that is within
the firing units ZOC, and a firing unit must have a printed
Detachments conducting Firefight Support missions add
Barrage modifier to execute a Barrage attack.
the roll of their Attack die to their attached units Firefight
Barrages are Firefight attacks that require no LOS to the dice total. An ART Detachment adds its Barrage modifier
target unit. Conduct a single Firefight attack and add the to a Firefight attack total only if its attached unit is under
units Barrage modifier to the dice total once for each Sustained Fire orders.
stand of the firing unit, but do not add any Firefight Attack
modifiers to the Barrage attack dice roll. Detachments conducting an Assault Support mission
add the roll of their Attack die to their attached units
Units defending against a Barrage attack derive their Assault attack or defense dice total.
Defense total as per a normal Firefight attack.
Regardless of the type of Support mission chosen, a giv-
Restrictions en Detachment may add its Attack die to one combat
Barrage Missions may not be conducted against: (Attack or Defense) dice total per game turn.

STOVL Mobility units that do not have the Airmobile Should a Combat unit possess two ART Detachments
note in the Notes section of the target units Data that wish to add their die to support the same attack or
Card. defense roll, both dice are rolled, but only the highest of
STOVL Mobility units that do have the Airmobile note the two die rolls is added to the chosen dice total for that
on their Data Card if that unit is under March orders. combat. Such a unit may use each ART Detachment to
Air Markers. affect different attack and/or defense dice totals during
the same Combat Phase.
11.22 Fire Mission
A Fire mission is conducted by an ART Detachment Com- 11.241 Danger Close
bat unit under Static Defense, Mobile Defense, or Ad- If a friendly unit is within the ZOC of an enemy unit target-
vance to Contact orders. ed by a friendly Barrage attack, both the friendly and ene-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
my ground units are attacked by the Barrage. Both units If the UW attacks die result is greater than the de-
roll their own Defense dice totals against the single At- fenders EW value, the type of damage listed with the
tack dice total of the Barrage, applying results to each UW entry (C, D, or DC) is inflicted against the target
unit separately. unit.
11.25 Orbital Barrages 11.4 Scout Detachments
Forces in some scenarios may have access to off-table Scout Detachments (indicated by the Scout designation
ART assets; these assets represents starships in orbit in the Special section of the units Data Card) add their
around the planet that are tasked with providing fire sup- entire EW score to all Attack and Defense dice totals
port for ground operations. Orbital Barrages have two made by the Combat unit to which they are attached.
combat-related entries on their Data Cards: Attack Dice
and Depletion numbers. An Orbital Barrage is conducted If a unit with a Scout Detachment suffers casualties in an
as an Artillery Barrage with some minor differences: Assault during a game turn in which it used the Scouts
EW modifier, Damage points must be assigned to the
Attack Dice: the Attack Dice section of an Orbital Scout Detachment before another Detachment or stand
Barrage Data Card lists the number and type of At- of the Combat unit to which it is attached.
tack dice rolled for each attack made (3d10, for ex-
ample, would indicate that the Orbital Barrage al- EXAMPLE: A 4-stand Combat unit with 2 Detachments,
ways rolls three ten-sided dice when resolving at- one of which is a Scout with a 2DMG rating, uses the
tacks). Scouts EW to resolve an Assault Combat as the Attack-
Depletion Numbers (Depl #): Orbital Barrages have er. When the unit defends against a Reciprocal Attack
Depletion numbers that function in the same man- (and regardless of whether or not the Scout rating is
ner as MSL and GAS Depletion numbers. used again for this portion of the Assault), it receives a
Resolving an Orbital Barrage 3D/C result. Since the Scout used its special EW ability
Orbital Barrages posses no Barrage modifiers, nor do during this Assault, it must be removed to satisfy 2 of the
they add any form of EW to their Attack dice totals. Units 3 Damage points that were scored against the unit; the
targeted by an Orbital Barrage may not include any por- remaining Damage point is marked by placing a Damage
tion of their EW score in their defense dice roll totals. The marker with the unit.
Orbital Barrage is resolved as a Firefight attack in all oth-
er respects. Only one Scout detachment may affect a single Combat
unit. If two Scout Detachments with unequal EW ratings
Orbital Barrages are subject to the Danger Close rule are attached to a Combat unit, only the higher of the two
and do not require LOS to the target unit. Scout Detachments EW ratings is used to modify As-
sault combat dice totals.
11.3 Unconventional Weapons (UW)
Detachments capable of making specialized electronic, A Scout Detachment Combat unit uses its EW rating
physical, or psyops warfare attacks will have the UW no- normally (i.e., according to the units orders for the turn)
tation in the Special section of their Data Card. UW at- and may not have an attached Scout Detachment.
tacks have their own range (Rx, where x is the range in
inches), Attack die (dX), and list the type of damage that 11.5 Air Markers and Air Missions
is inflicted against the target from a successful attack (C, Each Air Marker is rated by their Radius, Defense, EW,
D, or DC). and Special characteristics. Each Air unit also has two
Attack entries, notated as Attack (Support, or S)/Attack
All UW attacks are resolved in the Support Missions seg- (AA). Note that some Air units may possess only one of
ment of the Combat Phase and do not negate a units the two possible Attack entries.
eligibility to engage in Firefight or Assault combat during
the same Combat Phase. 11.51 Air Markers
Aircraft markers (or stands) represents an operational
UW attacks have a range of x or (ZOC). Each of these radius for the units component aircraft when placed on
ranges permits attacks against enemy units that are the table. No attack or defense capabilities granted to an
within the possessing units ZOC; a range of x permits Aircraft marker may be used to affect any unit outside of
UW attacks to be conducted against targets within their the markers Radius.
ZOC and at ranges up to x inches from the attacking unit.
UW attacks do not require LOS to the target unit. Each Air marker lists a number of Attack dice it may use
To resolve a UW attack, roll a single UW Attack die, and each turn in the Notes section of its Data Card. When an
compare the result to the target units EW value: Air marker is placed on the table. Players should place an
Air units attack dice next to the Air marker on the gam-
The UW attack has no effect if its attack die result is ing table; these may be exchanged between Attack (A)
less than or equal to the defenders EW value. and (S) dice as necessary during the Combat Phase. The

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
appropriate Attack die/dice will then be placed next to A valid LOS is assumed to exist between firer and target
the units that they will be attacking (or supporting) during for all Air Missions and Anti-Air (AA) combat.
the Combat Phase.
Refer to the Advanced Game Sequence of Play to find the
Air Markers equipped with MSL weapons (not AA MSL exact segment of each game Phase in which each Air
weapons) may use their MSL die in place of their Attack Mission is resolved.
(A) die type when resolving non-CAP Missions.
Bombing Run
Players may wish to keep an Air Markers Attack dice A Bombing Run uses all of an Air Markers Attack (S) dice
with it when it is removed from the table in order to avoid and requires the expenditure of one Command Point. If
keeping side notes to track casualties. the target of a Bombing Run is in a friendly units ZOC,
the Danger Close rule (11.241) applies.
11.52 Air Marker Placement
Beginning with the Initiative Player, players alternately A Bombing Run is resolved as a normal Firefight attack
place their Air Markers on the table at the end of the against the target unit.
Movement Phase, after all unit movement has been com-
pleted. Place an Air Mission chit next to each Air Marker Combat Air Patrol (CAP)
when it is placed on the table. CAP is used to assign Air dice to an AA role within their
Radius. CAP Missions may be used to intercept and at-
Where an Air Marker may be placed depends upon its tack any enemy Air Mission that will be resolved against
assigned Mission: friendly units or Air Markers within their Radius, and they
Air Markers conducting Bombing Run or Strafing must intercept and attack enemy CAP missions before
Run Missions must be placed so as to have at least attempting to intercept any other enemy Air missions. As
one enemy Combat unit within their Radius. CAP missions are AA attacks, they always uses their At-
tack (A) die when resolving combat.
Air Markers conducting Close Support Missions
must be placed so as to have at least one friendly
Combat unit that will conduct Assault combat this
See 11.6, Anti-Air Combat, for instructions on how to
turn within its Radius.
resolve CAP Missions.
Air Markers conducting CAP Missions must be Close Support
placed so as to have at least one friendly Combat A Close Support attack adds its Attack (S) die to either
unit and/or one friendly Air Marker within their Radi- the Attack or Defense total of a friendly units Assault
us. combat dice rolls. The decision to use the Close Support
attack for Attack or Defense dice rolls must be made
Note that Air Marker placement is always voluntary; a
prior to that units first round of Assault Combat dice
player may place some, none or all of his Air Markers on
the table during any given game turn.
If multiple Attack (S) dice are assigned to Close Support
11.53 Air Missions of the same friendly unit, add only the single highest Close
Each Air mission will use some or all of an Air markers Support die roll to the Combat units attack or defense
Attack dice (of either type). When assigning Air missions dice total.
to or against specific units, place the number of Attack
dice used for that mission directly in front of the target Strafing Run
unit on the tabletop, making sure to differentiate between A Strafing Run uses one Attack (S) die for each Strafing
each players Air mission dice if they have been placed to Run conducted. More than one Strafing Run may be con-
affect the same unit or combat. Attack dice assigned to ducted against the same enemy unit; each such attack is
CAP missions remain adjacent to their Air Marker on the resolved separately. Strafing Runs may not be made
tabletop. against enemy units that are within a friendly ZOC.
Each Attack die may be assigned to execute only one Air To conduct a Strafing Run, the target unit rolls one De-
mission during any game turn, and all dice from a single fense die, adding EW as dictated by its orders. The player
Air Marker must execute the same Mission (though they then compares that result to the total of one Attack (S)
may conduct the same mission in support of or against die roll plus the Air markers printed EW score. If the
different units/Air Markers). attackers total is greater than the Defenders total, one
C hit is inflicted against the defending unit.
For all Air missions, the target of the mission must be
within the Air markers Radius as measured from the Should the Attackers total be greater by double or more
center of its stand. Unless stated otherwise, an Air Mark- than the Defenders total, one D hit is also scored against
ers full EW rating is available for all Attack and Defense the target unit.
dice rolls made in any given turn.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
11.6 Anti-Air (AA) Combat Dedicated AA Combat Units
Ground-based AA Detachments and Detachment Com- A Combat unit that has an AA Attack die type that is
bat units that have a specific AA attack listed in the greater than or equal to its Attack die is considered to be
Notes section of their Data Cards (AA: d6 R8, for exam- a Dedicated AA Combat unit and may conduct attacks
ple), along with Air Markers using their Attack (A) capabil- against any eligible enemy Air attack within its printed AA
ity, may attempt to hinder enemy Air Missions. Each type range.
of AA combat is resolved in the same manner, although
conditions for attacks and defenses may differ depending Incidental AA Combat Units
on the source of AA fire. A Combat unit whose AA Attack die is smaller than its
standard Attack die possesses Incidental AA capability
The range for an AA attack is measured from the firing and may only make AA attacks against Air Marker dice
unit to any portion of a friendly Combat unit or Air Marker that specifically target the possessing Combat unit.
that is the target of any enemy Air Mission. CAP Mission
ranges are measured the range from their Air Marker Air-to-Air Combat
and must be within that Markers Radius; AA units and Air Markers with dice assigned to CAP Missions may use
Detachments measure from the front center of the unit their Attack (A) dice to conduct AA fire against any ene-
or Detachment normally my Air Mission Attack die within their Radius, regardless
of that enemy Attack dies Mission assignment.
A ground-based non-Missile AA attack (i.e., non-Air Mark-
er) must be able to trace LOS to at least one full stand of Enemy Attack dice assigned to a specific Air Mission that
a friendly target unit or the enemy Air Marker whose die are subjected to attacks by enemy CAP Mission Attack
or dice are placed to affect that Combat unit in order to dice may choose to abort their assigned Air Mission and
use its AA Attack die to affect an enemy Air attack. engage their attacker in Air-to-Air combat if they possess
an Attack (A) die type.
Combat units (and their Detachments) and Air Markers
always have LOS to any Air Marker in play; AA Missile If a targeted Air Mission Attack die aborts its Mission,
attacks do not require LOS to be resolved against any both players roll AA attacks against the others Defense
particular target. die, applying the CAP dies results first. The player that
voluntarily aborted an Air Mission does not add the Air
Timing of AA Attacks markers EW rating to his Attack or Defense totals when
All AA Attacks occur immediately prior to any Air Marker resolving this type of Air combat.
Mission resolution, regardless of the segment of the
Combat Phase in which the Air Mission is required to be Air Marker AA Missiles
resolved. AA Missiles may be used by each possessing Air Marker
Attack die to perform one CAP AA attack within their
11.61 AA Targeting and Restrictions Radius. This attack may be made by Air Attack dice as-
Each AA attack must be assigned to affect a specific, signed to other than CAP Missions without that Attack
assigned enemy Air Marker Attack die that has been die being forced to abort its Mission solely due to its use,
placed for use in resolving a Mission (including CAP Mis- and may be used in addition to its Attack (A) AA attack
sions). Each AA attack may affect only one enemy Air during a single Combat Phase.
Attack die, and AA attacks may include any involved unit/ 11.62 AA Attack Resolution
Markers Firefight modifiers as found on their Data To resolve an AA attack, the Detachment or Air unit rolls
Cards. its Attack or Attack (A) die and adds its EW rating. The
AA Detachment Targeting defending Air unit rolls its Defense die and adds its EW
Multiple AA Detachments may engage the same enemy rating to the die result.
Attack die during a single segment or Phase, but each
If the AA attack total is less than the defense total, it
Detachment may use its AA die only once in any game
turn. AA attacks from multiple sources against a single is ineffective and the die assigned to that Air Mission
target Attack die are resolved separately and simultane- is used according to its stated rules.
ously. If the AA attack total is greater than the defense
total, the Air mission is aborted. Place the aborted
AA Detachment Combat Units Air Attack die next to its Air marker. The die may be
Detachment Combat units comprised of AA vehicles may used again in subsequent game turns but has no
make a number of AA attacks equal to the current num- further effect or use during the current turn.
ber of Combat stands in the unit. Not all stands need If the AA attack total is double or more than the Air
make their attacks against a single enemy Air Marker units defense total, the Air unit is shot down and its
Attack die, nor must they do so at the exact same time. Attack die is removed from play. Reduce its Air Mark-
Instead, treat each stand of the unit as a Detachment for ers available Attack dice by -1 for the remainder of
purposes of AA combat. the game.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
12.0 Troop Training Levels 12.2 Combat Performance
Each army possesses one of four ratings that denote the Training Levels are also used to simulate troop perfor-
level of training, expertise, and combat experience the mance under fire. These modifiers are cumulative with all
army has received prior to the beginning of a battle. other die type and dice modifiers:
While each force will generally consist of formations with Veteran forces add +1 to all dice totals for each die
the same Training Level, some individual formations may rolled for a specific game function.
be rated higher or lower than the norm.
Trained forces operate as depicted on their respec-
12.1 Command Hit Removal tive unit Data Cards.
Training Levels are used in the Advanced Game to deter- Green forces subtract -1 from all dice totals for each
mine the successful removal of Command Hits during the die rolled for a specific game function.
Recovery Phase of the turn. Civilian forces reduce all Attack/Defense dice by -1
A Veteran-rated force removes Command Hits on a die type for all game functions.
d10 roll of 4 or higher. Detachments and/or supporting Air Marker Attack dice may
A Trained force removes Command Hits on a 5 or have a different Training Level than the Combat unit they are
higher. supporting in a particular combat. The Training Level of each
unit type - Combat unit, Detachment or Air marker - never af-
Green forces remove their Command Hits on a 6 or fect the dice rolls/totals of another unit type.
Civilian-rated forces remove Command Hits on a die
result of 8 or higher.

Air Mission and AA Examples

At the beginning of Step 3 of the Movement Phase, the Red 4d8
(Initiative) player places Marker A on the table and assigns Bombing
its 4 available dice to conduct a Bombing Run against Blue Run
unit C. As a Bombing Run requires that all of an Air Mark- A
ers attack dice be allocated to this Mission, Marker As AA: d6
actions are complete for this step of the Movement Phase. C
The Blue player then places his sole Air Marker on the
table, being careful to include all local friendly units within its d8
Radius (depicted by the shaded area of the diagram); He Strafing
then assigns hi Air Markers available dice to CAP. D Run
The Red player then places Air Marker B, which also has 4
dice available to it. He assigns 2 dice to Strafing Run Mis-
sions - one against unit D and one against unit E., both of 4d6
which are within Marker Bs Radius. This leaves Marker B CAP
with 2 additional dice, which the Red player reserves for
CAP Missions. 2d6
In the ensuing Combat Phase (after all Artillery Barrage and E CAP
Orbital Barrage attacks have been completed), players
must resolve all Air-to-Air combat. As both players have Air
dice assigned to CAP missions that are within each others
Radius, both of Red Marker Bs dice assigned to CAP and at
least two of the Blue Air Markers dice must roll against d8
each other in Air-to-Air Combat. The Blue player could as- Strafing
sign all 4 of his dice to intercept Reds 2 CAP dice, but Run
instead assigns one each to intercept the Strafing Run
Missions allocated against units D and E. The Red player
now has the option to abort one or both of Marker Bs Strafing Run attacks against Blues units so as to engage Blues intercepting CAP dice, or he
can decide to take his chances against the CAP Missions in the hopes of being able to complete his Missions against units D and E. In this instance,
he opts to take his chances and does not abort his Strafing Run Missions.
Both players Air markers possess d6 Attack (A) dice and EW ratings of 4; the Blue Marker also has a red Firefight +1 modifier in the Special sec-
tion of its Data Card, allowing each Attack (A) die to add a +1 to its rolls. Each players Attack (A) dice are rolled and compared to each other individ-
ually, resulting in one of Red Air Marker Bs dice being shot down.
The Blue player then resolves his CAP Missions against Reds Strafing Run Missions one at a time, resulting in one Mission being aborted and one
that will proceed as planned. The aborted Missions Attack die will be available to Red Marker B again next turn, but the die that was shot down will
not; Red Marker B will have a total of 3 Attack dice available to it when it is placed on the table again in the following game turn.
The Blue player then resolves unit Cs AA fire against Red Marker As 4 dice assigned to a Bombing Run Mission. Unit Cs AA capability is Incidental,
so it could not conduct AA attacks against Red Marker Bs Strafing Run Mission against unit D. Unit C may roll a total of 3 AA attacks - one for each
stand of the unit with AA capability - against Red Air Marker As 4 Attack dice before its Bombing Run is resolved.

We encouraged the reader to play through either the Capture the Flag scenario (p. 37) or The Gauntlet scenario (p.
38) once again, using the Advanced Game rules and scenario modifications before attempting to play any of the re-
maining scenarios - each of which uses selected portions of the Optional Rules.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Red Force takes heavy losses from Foundationist long-range fire (C-in-C/GZG).

13.0 Fixed Defenses dice rolls while they are within that area. Enemy ground
Fixed defenses represent pre-game preparation of areas units moving through an enemy Built-Up area must use
of the tabletop that contain defensive structures, move- the x1.5 movement penalty while moving into or through
ment impediments, minefields, and other static defenses. this area, but do not derive a defensive benefit from the
They cover a pre-defined area of the tabletop and affect Built-Up area.
all units within that area. Fixed defenses can be modified
by specific combat results during the game. Fortified areas allow friendly units in otherwise open ter-
rain to claim a defense modifier for being in Hard Cover
A defending unit (one that is of the side owning the fixed on all of their Defense dice rolls as long as they are within
defenses) is considered to be within the area protected that area. Enemy ground units moving through the area
by the fixed defenses if its center point is within the de- must use the x2 movement penalty while moving into or
fenses area of the tabletop. through this area but derive no defensive benefit from
the Fortified area.
An attacking unit is considered to be within the area of a
fixed defense position if it moves into or through that ar- Defending units within any type of fixed defense never
ea of the tabletop, or if it performs an Assault with its suffer from the effects of Flank Attacks, regardless of
ZOC extending into the area of a fixed defense. their current Tactical Deployment, and increase their
Firing Arc and ZOC to cover the entire front (non-rear
13.1 Defense Complexes flank) area of the unit out to its normal ranges.
Defense Complexes are fixed defenses that represent
physical structures designed both to protect friendly Fixed defenses never block LOS to, or from, a unit.
units and slow the advance of enemy units through a par-
ticular area. Each Defense Complex is further rated as 13.11 Improved Defense Complexes
either Built-Up or Fortified. Defense Complexes may have additional effects or modifi-
ers that can be used during play. These will be detailed in
Built-Up areas allow friendly units in otherwise open ter- a scenarios special rules or defined during the unit con-
rain to claim the Cover defense modifier for all Defense struction process.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
All weapon-type improvements measure their ranges EXAMPLE: a mixed unit with two small and one medium-
from the center of the Defense Complex. If the Complex sized base uses the small bases for determining the
is not symmetrical, the center point should be defined by units rear area; units with two small and two medium
the owning player prior to game. bases use the medium base; units with two small and two
large bases use the area defined by a medium base [the
When a Fortified Defense Complex is reduced to a Built- medium base is the average between the two sizes], and
Up Defense Complex due to combat, eliminate half so on. Players should determine [and make known] the
(rounded up) of the complexs Improvements. All Improve- average base size for their mixed units prior to the game.
ments to a Built-Up Defense Complex are eliminated
when the Complex is eliminated. 14.2 Independent Battalions
Independent battalions (not Detachments) never suffer
13.2 Minefields Out of Coherency penalties, regardless of their distance
Both Built-Up and Fortified areas may have either Hasty from another unit of their formation. They are assigned
or Deliberate minefields. These minefields affect all ene- to Regiments/Brigades normally and conduct their
my ground-moving units within their defined areas. movement activities at the same time as their parent
Each time an enemy unit moves into or through an area formations.
covered by minefields, the player owning the minefield
At the end of the Determine Command Points step of the
rolls a single Attack die (d6 for a Hasty minefield; d8 for a
Command Phase of each game turn, reduce the number
Deliberate minefield). The moving player rolls a single
of CP available to a player by -1 point for each Independ-
Defense die and compares it to the minefields Attack die.
ent battalion in his force.
No modifiers apply to either die roll.
All stands of a Combat unit (excluding Detachments)
If the Attack die is equal to or lower than the Defense die,
must possess the Independent note for the battalion to
there is no effect. If the attack die is higher than the De-
be considered Independent.
fense die, one Command Hit is inflicted against the mov-
ing unit. If the Attack die roll is at least double the De-
14.3 Horde Units
fense die roll, inflict one Command and one Damage point
Horde units and Detachments represent larger than
against the moving unit.
normal masses of troops. In game terms, Hordes can
Minefields have no effect against units using Air or absorb more Damage points than a normal unit stand
STOVL movement allowances. before being removed from the game.

14.0 New UNIT TYPES Friendly movement through Horde units imposes an x2
14.1 Mixed Battalions movement penalty on the moving unit in open terrain.
While a battalion is normally comprised of a number of Movement through a Horde unit in any terrain that im-
identical stands, some battalions may have different com- poses a x1.5 or greater movement penalty is prohibited.
ponent bases within the same Combat unit. These units Horde units are designated as such by an entry in the
(referred to as mixed or cross-attached units) use multi- Notes section of their Data Cards.
ple die types for Attack and Defense dice based on the
number and type of component stands of the unit. 14.4 Assault Engineer Detachments
Units that are designated as Assault Engineers may be
Mixed units may still use items listed under the Special deployed as Combat units or Detachments Combat units.
section of a component bases Data Card, but are limited
to using the lowest common modifier for Firefight and When deployed as Detachments, Assault Engineers may
Assault combat. Units with bases having weapons with reduce or remove Defense Complexes and Minefields
limited use attack capabilities that are not uniform during the game. For each Assault in which the Detach-
throughout all component bases increase their Depletion ments Combat unit makes an Attack dice roll within the
numbers by +1, to a maximum of 9, for each base of the area defined by a Fixed Defense, the owning player may
unit that without that capability. attempt to affect either the Defense Complex or Mine-
field in that area of the table.
A mixed units movement rate is limited to the slowest
and most costly (in terms of terrain movement modifiers) Each Assault Engineer rolls its Attack die, but it does not
movement allowance of the component stands of the add this die roll to the parent units Attack total. If the
Combat unit. Any Air-based mobility stand (Air/any and Detachments Attack die roll is higher than the single
STOVL) may not form a mixed unit with non-Air stands. highest Defense die rolled, it affects the enemy in one of
the following ways, at the defending players discretion:
When determining the rear of a mixed unit that contains
stands of different sizes, use the average base size in the Reduce a Fortified area to a Built-Up area;
unit. Remove a Built-up area from play;

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Reduce a Deliberate minefield to a Hasty minefield; fight segment of the Combat Phase, or any non-STOVL
Remove a Hasty minefield. (excepting Airmobile, under the same restrictions as ART
Barrage attacks) unit in Hard Cover.
If the Assault Engineers Attack roll is higher than every
individual Defense die rolled by a defending unit, it inflicts AT attacks may be conducted prior to or after the De-
two of the reduction options listed above. tachments parent unit has conducted a Firefight attack
in the same Firefight segment of a game turn, and has no
If the Engineers parent unit suffers any Damage results effect on the ability of the Detachments parent Combat
from a Reciprocal Assault attack by a defender during an unit to conduct its own Firefight or Assault attacks during
Assault segment in which the Assault Engineer rolls its the turn.
Attack die, all casualties must be inflicted against the
Assault Detachment. AT attacks may not be conducted by a Detachment
whose parent unit is under March or Refit orders, and
Assault Engineer Detachments are not required to make never adjust their Detachments EW rating when eligible
an Attack die roll when occupying any type of enemy fixed to conduct attacks under any orders.
Roll the AT Detachments Attack die and compare the
14.41 Assault Engineer Combat Units result to the roll of a single enemy Combat Unit defense
When deployed as Combat units, Assault Engineers oper- die. Each side adds its EW rating as dictated by its parent
ate as normal Combat units in all respects. They may Combat units Orders.
also attack enemy Fixed Defenses in the same manner
The defending unit adds +1 to its die roll if it is in Cover,
as Assault Engineer Detachments, with each stand of the
and +2 if in Hard Cover.
unit rolling its Attack die against the fixed defense as if it
were a Detachment. If the AT attack total is less than the defense total, the
attack has achieved no result. If the attack total equals or
Assault Engineer Combat units that make Assault at-
exceeds the defense total, one Command hit is scored
tacks against enemy units occupying a fixed defense use
against the target unit. If the attackers dice total is at
the dice totals for the Assault attack as their attack rolls
least double the defenders dice total, a DC result is in-
against the fixed defenses.
flicted on the target unit.
14.5 Shock Troop (ST) Detachments 15.0 Tactical Nuclear
ST Detachments represent forces specifically equipped
for close-quarters fighting and may only be composed of Weapons (TacNukes)
(or attached to) Foot, Hoof, Air/Wing, Sea/Swim mobility TacNukes represent high-yield explosive (or implosive)
units, plus those possessing the Mech Inf or Airmobile devices, including fission, neutron, and antimatter weap-
note on their Data Cards. Each ST Detachment adds its ons, that may be deployed during combat. They can be
Attack die to all Assault combat Attack and Defense dice deployed by various means and have similar effects in
rolls made by the Combat unit to which it is attached. game terms.
Multiple ST Detachments assigned to the same Combat The first use of a TacNuke by either side during a game
unit may use their dice to affect the same Assault action requires the immediate expenditure of three Command
during a single turn. Points by the player making the TacNuke attack.
Damage points received by a Combat unit that used their TacNukes are limited use items and have
ST Detachments Attack die in an Assault combat must Depletion numbers. Weapons capable of de-
be scored against the ST Detachment before any other livering a TacNuke have an orange N super-
Detachment types or Combat unit bases. scripted next to the weapons range.
14.51 Shock Troop Combat Units If a TacNuke delivery system is also a limited use weapon,
ST Detachment Combat units may opt to increase their the units TacNuke capability is depleted if either the Tac-
Attack die by +1 die type and decrease their Defense die Nuke or the delivery system becomes Depleted.
by -1 die type when performing Attacks or Reciprocal
Attacks in Assault combat. 15.1 Delivery Methods
TacNukes may only be delivered to their targets via Artil-
Sock Troop Detachment Combat units may have Shock lery or Orbital Barrage, Combat unit MSL attack, Sea unit
Troop Detachments assigned to them. Torpedoes (see 17.31: Torpedo Attacks), or an Air
Bombing Run mission; they may also be placed in limited
14.6 Anti-Tank (AT) Detachments circumstances by Assault Engineer units (see 19.5: Tac-
An AT Detachment may attack an enemy tank or Mech Nukes and Tunnel Complexes/Markers). All attacks
Inf unit that is within its Firefight range (as measured made by TacNukes are subject to the Danger Close rule
from its parent Combat unit, if applicable) during the Fire- (11.241).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
ART and other TacNuke-capable Detachments may make be placed anywhere directly on, or within, 1 of any Com-
TacNuke attacks but must roll for Depletion before mak- bat base of the target unit. Measure in all directions from
ing the attack. A Depleted result negates that TacNuke this point up to the weapons Attack Radius. All stands
attack (be sure to mark the stand as Depleted). Add one (enemy and friendly) within the radius are attacked by the
to the Depletion die roll if the Combat unit does not have weapon.
TacNuke capability.
Roll the TacNukes Attack die/dice against each stands
Units targeted with TacNukes by Detachments may not individual Defense die, adding only defensive (blue or
be within the Combat units Assault/ZOC range and green text) Firefight modifiers to the die roll. No other
must be the target of the Combat units Firefight attack modifiers of any type (terrain, EW, etc.) are applied to the
during the same Firefight segment in which the TacNuke Defense die. Use the Assault Combat Chart to resolve
attack is made. the attack.

Artillery or Orbital Barrage Total the number of Damage and Command hits applied
Delivery of a TacNuke by either of these methods consti- to each stand in the unit to find the total casualties ap-
tutes the entire Barrage attack capability of the firing plied to the entire unit.
unit. An ART Combat unit must be under Barrage orders TacNuke Example: stands
to make a TacNuke attack. Regardless of the number of from two different units are
caught inside the radius of a
stands or Attack dice, only one TacNuke marker may be TacNuke attack - one Combat
placed per Barrage. stand from the unit on the
left, and all three Combat
Bombing Run stands of the unit on the
This form of TacNuke attack is successful if at least one
Air Attack die makes it to the target (i.e., is not aborted The TacNuke rolls its attack D
or shot down). Regardless of the Air markers number of dice against one Combat and D
one Detachment stand of the D D
Attack dice, only one TacNuke marker may be placed unit on the left; all three Com-
during each Bombing Run mission. bat stands and both Detach-
ment stands of the unit on the right are attacked by the TacNuke.
Combat Unit MSL/Torpedo Attack Attacks against each stand are rolled, then totaled together and applied
A TacNuke has the same range as the possessing units to the unit as a whole. Assuming that the TacNuke inflicted a combined
MSL/Torpedo attack range, and uses the units entire total of 5 D and 2 C results against the unit on the right, and the unit has
MSL/TORP attack capability during any Firefight seg- a 2DMG rating, the Damage results remove two bases - either Combat
ment in which a TacNuke is used. or Detachment, at the owners discretion - with one Damage point re-
tained by the unit, and (assuming the unit suffers no further adverse
combat results this turn) the unit goes into the Refit Phase with two
15.2 Area of Effect Command hits.
TacNukes affect individual stands (not units) within a de-
fined area of effect. The Data Card for the TacNuke being 15.4 Additional Effects
used lists an Attack radius between 1 and 3, in half-inch After resolving the TacNuke attack, the affected area
increments (1, 1.5, 2 2.5, and 3). Each stand at least around the target point becomes Prohibited terrain for
partially within that radius is attacked. One Detachment ALL mobility types for the remainder of the game. Air unit
is attacked for each two of a Combat unit bases (rounded attacks may not measure their Attack radius through
up) within the TacNukes radius. If only one Combat stand the area affected by a TacNuke (but they may measure
and more than one Detachment are present as the unit, around it). Mark the area with a Nuked marker of the
then all Detachments are attacked if the Combat stand appropriate size. Nuked markers block all LOS into, and
of the unit is within the TacNukes radius. through, them.

If the target is a Sea, Landship, or Airship unit, each of Should a unit even partially occupy a Nuke marker at the
the targets Attack dice (see 17.6: Damaging Sea Units) beginning of its move, it must exit the area during that
is attacked individually by a TacNuke. Movement Phase using other (non-Nuked) terrain move-
ment modifiers . If the unit is unable or unwilling to move
If the Danger Close (11.241) rule is invoked during a Tac- from the affected area, it is removed from play.
Nuke combat resolution, a number of friendly Combat
and Detachment stands equal to the number of enemy Immediately after resolving the TacNuke attack, one
stands affected by the TacNuke are also attacked, up to Command Hit is automatically inflicted against all units
the number of friendly stands within that enemy units (friendly or enemy) that are at least partially within a radi-
ZOC. us equal to double the TacNukes Attack Radius
(including surviving units affected by the original attack).
15.3 Resolving the Attack
When resolving the attack, the TacNuke target point may At the end of any game turn where a TacNuke was used,
remove any Cloud or Fog marker (see 21.1: Weather

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Markers) within double the TacNukes attack radius. During their movement, Sea and
Cloud markers, if forced to move over a Nuked marker, Sub units may not turn in order
are instead removed from the table. to move into an area that is out-
side the units ZOC as measured
Above-ground Fixed Defenses are eliminated if a TacNuke at the beginning of movement.
with an Attack radius of 1.5 or greater attacks an area
even partially covered by them. Units possessing the Sub move- Sea Unit
Firing Arc and ZOC
ment qualifier may choose to (shaded area)
16.0 Tech Levels use either their Sea or Sub
Each force is assigned a Tech Level, either during the movement ranges during any turn. Note that using the
construction of a force or in a scenarios setup instruc- Sub movement rating will affect its Attack and Defense
tions. Prior to first Initiative Phase of any game, each play- characteristics during a turn in which the unit chooses to
er compares his Tech level to that of his opponent. The do so.
player with the higher Tech Level adds the difference
between the two forces Tech Levels to each and every 17.11 Sail Movement
one of his Initiative rolls made during each turn of the If any unit in play possesses the /Sail Mobility qualifier ,
game. the Wind Effects rules (see 21.2) must be used.
17.0 Sea Movement and 17.12 Ground Unit Movement Over Sea
Combat Ground units with Grav and Hover mobility types can
Seaborne Combat units are abstracted into the game in move over water terrain as if it were open ground. They
a manner similar to Air markers, with each Sea unit may engage Sea units that have not submerged as if they
marker (a single ship model) representing a naval squad- were Sea units themselves.
ron of three to twelve ships of varying sizes. Each Sea
unit may possess any of the previously listed statistics, When engaging Sea units, or targeted by any units, while
Special abilities, and Notes. moving over Sea terrain, Mech Infantry and Airmobile
units reduce both their Attack and Defense dice by one
Sea units never adopt a Tactical Deployment, but they do die type.
require the use of CP for game functions as if they were
a Combat unit. Sea units do not need to abide by Coher- 17.2 Supporting Fire
ency restrictions and never suffer the effects of being out The Attack dice rating of a Sea unit may be listed as hav-
of Coherency (7.3: Unit Cohesion). Each Sea unit counts ing more than one attack die (see 17.6: Damaging Sea
as a full battalion for determining the number of available Units). In these instances, each Attack die may be as-
CP in each turn. signed to Artillery Support missions as if it were an Artil-
lery Detachment OR the unit may make Barrage, Fire, or
When calculating the available number of Attack, De- Interdiction attacks as if it were an Artillery Combat unit.
fense, AA, or other dice for game functions, a Sea unit The assignment of a Sea units Attack dice may vary from
has a number of dice equal to its current total of Attack turn-to-turn, and the ART mission chosen may affect or
dice for each game function (see 17.6: Damaging Sea support any eligible unit within its Barrage or Firefight
Units). range, whichever is greater.

Sea squadrons should be represented on the tabletop by Sea units conducting Supporting Fire Missions are not
the largest craft of the appropriate squadron (battleship subject to any form of interception. Sea unit Barrage at-
squadrons by a battleship, cruiser squadrons by a cruis- tacks are subject to the Danger Close rule (11.241).
er, etc.). Players may, for aesthetic reasons, wish to place
one ship per Attack die of the Sea unit on the table. If this 17.3 Sea-to-Sea Combat
is done, players should notify their opponent which single Sea units may engage in Firefight and Assault combat
ship miniature will be used for measuring the units rang- against other Sea units, but may not initiate Assault com-
es and movement. bat against units on land or in the air.

17.1 Sea and Sub Movement Sea units that used their Sub movement allowance dur-
Sub and Sea units lacking a secondary type of mobility (as ing the immediately preceding Movement Phase reduce
found on the units Data Card) can only move across wa- their Attack die by -1 die type (and increase their Defense
ter terrain and may not end their move closer than 1 to die by +1 die type) for any Firefight or Assault attacks in
land. which they are involved.

Each Sea unit marker is assigned its own order at the 17.31 Torpedo Attacks (TORP)
beginning of each turn. All Sea units have a 270o firing TORP are special attacks available to Sea mobility units
arc and a 270o ZOC. that have characteristics similar to an MSL attack

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
(Attack die, Range, and Depletion number). These weap- mining the number of Attack dice available for these
ons use the same basic rules as MSL for their attacks, types of attacks.
but can only target Sea and Sub mobility units. TORP at-
tacks may be TacNuke capable. When a Sea unit suffers damage from any form of com-
bat, remove one Attack die from those available to the
17.4 Carrier Groups unit when the number of accumulated Damage points
Some Sea units also have an inherent Air Marker capabil- reaches the xDMG threshold, with the unit retaining
ity listed on their Data Cards. These Air units are consid- excess Damage points.
ered to be placed on the carrying model at the end of the
Movement Phase and double their printed Radius. Players should place each Sea units available Attack dice
next to their units on the tabletop. Alternately, they may
17.5 Sea Transport use the Attack dice markers and Attack Dice record
Some Sea mobility units have an inherent Transport ca- sheet provided in the Appendices.
pability listed in the Notes section of their Data Cards.
This capacity is measured in the number of Damage 18.0 Organic Units and
points of other units that the Sea unit can transport. The
total number of ground unit Damage points transported
by the Sea unit may never exceed this number. The term Organic refers to units composed of non-
humanoid living beings, large creatures with combat abili-
Should damage to the Sea unit reduce the available ties, genetically modified troops, and bio-mechanical vehi-
Transport capacity below the number of ground unit hits cles.
being transported, inflict a number of Damage points
against the transported unit(s) equal to those in excess 18.1 Organic CP Additions
of the Sea units current Transport capacity. Those hits Forces listed as being Organic, or with component For-
may be taken against any unit or stand being transported mations that are listed as such, may use CP to modify
by the Sea unit and are always inflicted by the owning the units combat abilities for the turn.
Each CP spent affects a single Combat unit, and each
17.6 Damaging Sea Units Combat unit may be affected by only one of the options
As Sea units are represented by a single model on the listed here per game turn. The Command effect for each
tabletop, each Attack die the unit possesses is consid- Organic unit may vary from game turn to game turn.
ered to be the equivalent of a single stand of the unit.
Each time the accumulated number of Damage points Commands are issued after orders are assigned to units
inflicted against the Sea unit reaches the DMG thresh- in the Assign Orders step of the Command Phase. The
old listed in the Notes section of the units Data Card, requisite CP is expended immediately when a Command
reduce the number of available dice for all game func- is assigned, and the receiving unit must be within normal
tions by one die (Attack, Defense, AA, etc.). C3 range of an Organic HQ unit.

Carrier Groups reduce the available number of Air mark- For each CP spent, one of the following Commands may
ers by one for each Attack die eliminated through com- be issued to a subordinate Combat unit having the Organ-
bat, or when the Air marker has lost all of its available ic designation:
Attack dice.
Accuracy: the unit increases its Attack total for all
Command hits affect the available Attack dice of a Sea Firefight, Artillery, Artillery Support, or Air Support mis-
unit as if each die were a unit stand. sions by +1 for each Attack die rolled.
A Sea unit is removed from the game when it has lost all Aggression: the unit increases its Attack total for all
of its available Attack dice, or via the Disintegration me- Assault combat by +1 point per die rolled.
chanic when the number of Command hits exceeds the Fearsome: inflict +1 additional Command hit against
number of remaining Attack dice. each unit that defends against Assaults by this unit in the
current turn. The additional Command hit is scored even
EXAMPLE: A Sea unit has 4 Attack dice listed on its Data
if the Assault does not inflict any damage against the
Card. During any turn, the unit may use its dice individual-
target unit.
ly to make Support Attacks as if they were ART Detach-
ments OR it may operate as an ART Combat unit, making Haste: the unit increases its printed movement allow-
any Barrage, Firefight, or Assault Attack or Defense dice ance by +50% prior to modification for any other game
rolls with four dice of the type listed in its Stats entries effects.
for each game function. Hold: increase the units Defense dice total by +1
point for each Defense die rolled. This effect lasts for the
If the Sea unit has AA, TORP, or MSL capability, each At- entire game turn and is used for each roll of the Defense
tack die is considered to be a stand of the unit for deter- dice during that turn.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Regroup: add +1 to the Recovery die roll for each ZOC of an enemy unit. If this occurs, the Tunnel marker
Command hit that the unit attempts to remove in the is removed and the units stands are placed back on the
Recovery Phase of the current turn. tabletop.
Note that these Commands may not be canceled by an
enemy CP expenditure. A Tunneling unit with Assault orders may not remove its
Tunnel marker from the table if, by the end of its move-
18.11 Formation Movement ment, it does not have an enemy unit within the units
Organic Foot, Hoof, and Air mobility units are not forced normal ZOC range from the Tunnel marker.
into a rigid formation structure for movement purposes.
Each unit of these types may move as part of a different Under either March or Assault orders, the base move-
formation in each turn. ment allowance of a Tunneling unit is halved before any
other modification. Tunnel markers have no effect on any
The owning player decides which units will move as a non-Tunneling unit, nor do they impede the movement or
temporary formation when orders are issued at the LOS of units that are not Tunneling..
beginning of the turn, and these units must be within Co-
hesion distance of each other at that time. A temporary 19.2 Tunnel Complexes
formation must include from 2 to 4 Combat units, and Tunnel Complexes are a form of fixed de-
the owning player must attempt to maximize the number Tunnel
fense that allow friendly units to move un-
of units assigned to each temporary formation. derground within the pre-defined area of a
1 Complex. Units moving underground via a
Unit Coherency measurements are based on the proximi- Tunnel Complex have the same restrictions
ty to other friendly units of the same temporary for- on available orders and movement allowances as units
mation during the current turn only. with inherent Tunnel movement capability.

19.0 Tunnel Movement and Each Tunnel Complex has, in addition to a pre-defined
Combat radius within which friendly units may use Tunnel Move-
ment, a Capacity measured in Damage points. The Tun-
Some units have the inherent ability to move and conduct nel Capacity may not be exceeded at any time, and no
combat operations underground; other units may have unit that enters the Tunnel Complex for purposes of us-
an incidental ability to do the same. In either case, any ing Tunnel Movement may leave any portion of the unit
unit using tunnel movement is represented by a num- above ground. A complexs Tunnel Capacity applies inde-
bered Tunnel marker on the tabletop. The units stands pendently to each side in a single Tunnel Complex.
are placed on the table when the unit moves above
ground. Place Tunnel-moving units on their Tunnel Move- Should a Tunnels Capacity be reduced for any reason,
ment Display when their corresponding Tunnel marker is unit hits in excess of the Tunnels new Capacity are im-
on the tabletop. mediately assigned to friendly units. The owning player
may choose which units are affected (also see 19.4: As-
Note that neither Tunnel Complexes nor Tunnel markers sault Engineers and Tunnels and 19.5: TacNukes and
may be placed on, or moved through, water/sea terrain. Tunnel Complexes/Markers).
19.1 Tunnel Movement
Units with Tunnel mobility may move underground during A Tunnel Complex is marked on the tabletop by a num-
the game. bered Tunnel Complex marker, and its radius and Capaci-
ty are always known to both players. Record the actual
A unit with either a primary or secondary radius and capacity.
Tunnel mobility type may always choose to Tunnel
use Tunnel movement. Units without a Tun- Players note: this record keeping is done for ease of play.
nel mobility entry on their Data Card may
1 Players may agree to keep the particulars but not the
use Tunnel movement only when they occu- location of Tunnel Complexes secret, revealing them to
py a Tunnel Complex (see below). the enemy only when he has a unit with its ZOC extending
into the area covered by the Tunnel Complexs radius.
A unit using Tunnel movement is removed from the table
and replaced with a numbered Tunnel marker on the There is no restriction on deploying Tunnel Complexes
tabletop. Make a note of the unit represented by a Tunnel that overlap the area covered by any other Fixed Defens-
marker. es.

Units using Tunnel movement must have either March or Units with Tunnel Movement capability may move into, or
Assault orders, and may only be given Assault orders if through, a Tunnel Complex without additional penalty, but
they will end their Tunnel markers movement within the they are counted against the Tunnel Complexs Capacity
when doing so.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
If multiple Tunnel Complexes are available to a player, ART, SC, and UW Detachments may not use their spe-
they may not overlap each others radius, but may be cialized functions in Tunnel Combat, but they may be re-
considered joined when placed directly adjacent to one moved to satisfy casualty requirements.
another. Each Tunnel Complexs capacity must still be
strictly enforced; joined Tunnel Complexes do not in- 19.4 Assault Engineers and Tunnels
crease each individual Tunnel Complexs Tunnel Capacity. Units with Assault Engineer Detachments may attack
both Tunnel markers and Tunnel Complexes from both
19.3 Tunnel Combat Above and Below Ground.
Underground/Tunnel combat occurs when:
Attacking a Tunnel Marker
Opposing Tunnel markers are touching on the tab- A unit containing an Assault Engineer Detachment (or an
letop; or Assault Engineer Combat unit) may attack an enemy Tun-
An enemy unit, by expending one CP, engages a nel marker while under any orders except March or Refit.
friendly Tunnel marker within the area covered by a Tun- To execute the attack, the Tunnel marker must be within
nel Complex. the Combat units ZOC and the attack must be declared
Due to the restrictive space, only one Combat stand of a (and executed) during the Assault Combat segment of
unit (and, by extension, only one Attack or Defense die) is the turn.
used by either side when resolving Tunnel Combat.
Assault Engineer Detachments used to attack Tunnel
Opposing Tunnel Markers in Combat markers do not negate or impair their parent Combat
If both units have Assault orders, each side attacks and units ability to execute an Attack during the same turn.
defends as they would in a normal Assault situation. If
only one side has Assault orders, or both units have To resolve the attack, each Assault Engineer Detachment
March orders, only one Attack roll is made, with the At- (or individual stands of an Assault Engineer Combat unit)
tacker being the player who has moved his Tunnel mark- roll their Attack die, adding EW in accordance with their
er into contact with the enemy marker. orders. The Defending unit rolls the Defense dice of all
component Combat unit stands. If any single Attack die
Moving Underground to Fight total is higher than the combined total of all Defense dice,
Friendly, above-ground units may enter an Enemy Tunnel the Assault Engineers have successfully collapsed the
complex to engage an enemy Tunnel markers unit if they: tunnel and the Tunneling unit is destroyed. All stands
(Combat and Detachment) are removed from play.
are within half of their printed movement allowance
of the Tunnel marker; and Attacking a Tunnel Complex
have been given Assault orders in the current turn; Only Assault Engineer Combat units may attack a Tunnel
and Complex, and they may do so only if they are under As-
the owning player immediately expends one CP. sault orders, are not using Tunnel movement, and have
at least a portion of the Tunnel Complex and no enemy
If all of these conditions are met, remove the friendly unit non-Tunnel unit within their ZOC at the end of their move-
from the table and place a friendly Tunnel marker next to ment.
the enemy Tunnel marker to represent the now-
underground unit. While moving within an enemy Tunnel To resolve the attack, roll and total the Attack dice for the
Complex, a friendly units movement is reduced to one- Assault Engineer unit. The Attack may be supported by
quarter of its printed movement allowance (prior to modi- ART Detachments and add EW from SC Detachments,
fication due to other factors). but the Assault Engineer unit may not use its inherent
EW rating for this attack.
Resolving Tunnel Combat
Each player rolls his Attack or Defense die, with any unit Compare the Attack dice total to the Defense dice total
under Assault orders adding half of its EW rating to its of the unit inside the Tunnel Complex with the highest
Attack die roll. If the Attack and Defense totals are equal, Defense die type. If the Attack exceeds the Defense total,
both units suffer a DC combat result. the attack has succeeded in partially collapsing the Tun-
nel Complex. Reduce the Tunnel Complexs radius by 1
If the Attack die total exceeds the Defense total, a 2D/C and its Tunnel Capacity by 8 points.
combat result is inflicted against the defending unit. If the
Attackers total is double or more that of the Defenders If the Attack total is at least double the Defense total,
total, a 4D2C combat result is inflicted against the de- reduce the Tunnel Complexs radius by 3 and its Tunnel
fending unit. Capacity by +24 points.

If the Attack roll was from a GAS-capable unit that elect- If, after applying any modifications to the Tunnel Com-
ed to make a GAS attack, increase the D portion of the plexs radius due to this type of attack, any Tunnel mark-
above combat results by 1 each. ers (friendly or enemy) representing units without inher-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
ent Tunnel Movement capabilities are outside the new squadron (battleship squadrons by a battleship, cruiser
radius, the units they represent are destroyed and re- squadrons by a cruiser, etc.).
moved from the game.
Some Archaic units have a (base) range for both Firefight
19.5 TacNukes and Tunnel Complexes/Markers and ZOC/Assault combat. These units must be in base-
A Tunnel Marker within the radius of a TacNuke attack to-base contact with an enemy unit to execute either type
defends against it as any other unit (stand by stand), but of attack; the type of attack executed is still subject to the
adds +d4 to the Defense die roll of each stand. units orders. In these cases, units may move into an ene-
my ZOC of (base) without Assault orders but may not
Should it be permitted (by player agreement or scenario
initiate Assault Combat.
special rules) to detonate a TacNuke inside a Tunnel
Complex (only possible if Placed by an Assault Engineer The Coherency distances for Archaic Combat units is
Combat unit; see below), each and every stand using Tun- halved.
nel movement within the Tunnel Complex is attacked by
the weapon as if it were an above-ground detonation. 20.1 Airship Movement and Combat
Airships (Air mobility units with the Air/ther qualifier)
After resolving all attacks against units, the TacNuke au- operate in most respects as Sea units, save for their
tomatically reduces the Tunnel Complexs radius by a movement. Airships may move over land or sea using the
number of inches equal to the TacNukes radius Air movement rate and are subject to the same turning
(rounding fractional inches up). It also reduces the Tunnel restrictions as Sea units.
Complexs Capacity by four times its radius.
Airships may not execute Assault attacks against Sea or
An underground TacNuke detonation does not inflict ground-moving units; they can only make Assault attacks
Command hits against any above-ground units. against other Air/ther units.
19.51 TacNuke Placement by Assault Engineers 20.11 Airship Torpedoes
Assault Engineer Combat units (not Detachments) may Airships with TORP Attack capability may use those at-
Place a TacNuke at the extreme range of their ZOC if tacks against Airship, Landship, and Sea units.
they are under Sustained Fire orders. The unit may not
make any other attacks during a turn in which it attempts 20.2 Landship Movement and Combat
to Place a TacNuke. All Assault Engineer units attempting Landships operate in most respects as sea units, save
to Place a TacNuke must announce their intention to do for their movement. They share the same firing arcs,
so at the beginning of the Firefight Phase, prior to all oth- turning restrictions, and ZOC as Sea units, but they use
er Firefight Phase activity. Place a Target Point marker at ground movement rates and (barring a secondary move-
the intended Detonation Point for the weapon. ment capability) may never use Sea or Sub movement.
If, after all other Firefight Phase attacks and activities 20.3 Archaic Artillery
have been resolved, the Placing unit has not received a All Archaic Artillery fire is subject to the Danger Close
Command hit in the current turn, the TacNuke is detonat- rule. No Archaic Artillery Detachments may be deployed
ed and attacks units according to the rules for TacNuke with a combat battalion; they are always deployed as
attacks. The Placing Assault Engineer unit is exempt from Combat units.
the Danger Close rule (but is not exempt from attack if it
is inadvertently inside the TacNukes attack radius). No Archaic Artillery unit may choose Assault or Advance
to Contact orders, nor may they adopt Refused Flank or
20.0 Archaic Units Point Defense Tactical Deployments.
Archaic units are noted as being such on their Data
Cards, which also include any special attributes that may 20.4 Air Marker Restrictions
require additional rules (such as Landship or Airship Air Markers must measure their movement Radius from
squadrons). Carrier Groups (17.4: Carrier Groups) or Aerodromes
(see below).
Archaic units generally represent a larger number of
troops and/or vehicles; a single stand may represent a 20.41 Aerodromes
full battalion of troops, with a unit of three or four stands Aerodrome
Aerodromes double the Radius of any Air Mark-
representing a regiment. While the basic designations er placed on it, and all friendly Air Markers are
may change due to the numbers of troops represented, considered to be placed on the table at the end
units and formations are still composed of the same of the Movement Phase on the owning players
numbers of stands and units as other forces represent- Aerodrome marker. The Radius of all friendly Air Mis-
ed in the game. sions is always measured from the center of an Air Mark-
ers assigned Aerodrome marker. No more than 6 Air
Landship and Airship squadrons should be represented Markers may be assigned to a single Aerodrome.
on the tabletop by the largest craft of the appropriate

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Aerodrome markers and all Air Markers assigned to WEATHER LT HVY LT HVY
them are eliminated at the instant an enemy ground unit CONDITION FOG FOG CLOUDS CLOUDS
has the Aerodrome in its ZOC.
Light Fog 2 2 - -
20.5 Exclusive Archaic Combat
In games where only Archaic units are fielded by both Heavy Fog 1 per 3 1 - -
sides, the following modifications should be made to help Light Clouds 1 per 2 1 2 1
speed up the game:
Heavy Clouds - - 1 per 3 2
Increase all Assault and Firefight ranges by 50%,
and increase all Firefight (base) ranges to 1 range; If the Weather also calls for Precipitation, roll a d10 for
Increase all movement allowances and Air Marker each Cloud marker that has been placed; this will deter-
Radii by 50%; and mine if the area in the Cloud markers radius is affected
Increase all Attack and Defense dice by double the by Light or Heavy Precipitation.
listed die type (d3 becomes d6; d4 becomes d8; d5 be-
comes d10). This includes Detachment special weapon
dice, if present.
21.0 Environmental Light 1-4 5-9 10
Conditions Precipitation
Due to the large amount of territory represented by the Heavy 1 2-4 5-10
gaming table, factors that affect combat (specifically Precipitation
weather and ground conditions) wont necessarily be
present across the entire gaming surface. Different Place the appropriate Precipitation marker in the printed
markers are used to indicate areas of the tabletop that box on top of the Cloud marker. A Cloud marker with a
are adversely affected by each of these conditions. No Marker result for Precipitation has no Precipitation
counter placed on it.
Players who do not wish to employ this amount of detail
in their games may agree to use a single weather and/ 21.12 Placement of Weather Markers
or ground condition across the entire gaming surface. After all units have been set up for the current game,
players alternate placement of all Weather markers on
Different environments are simulated by imposing specif- the tabletop. Markers may not be placed closer than 6
ic game conditions on units under each environmental to another marker, nor may they be placed within 4 of
circumstance. Unless specifically noted otherwise, all any table edge. At least one marker must be placed with-
affects are cumulative. in 6 of the center point of the table.
21.1 Weather Markers
Fog markers (of either type) may not be placed on hilltops
Weather markers are the focal point for
or in mountainous terrain unless there is another Fog
determining certain weather effects. When a
marker (again, of either type) placed at ground level
marker is placed on the table, it will repre-
whose area of effect overlaps that of the marker placed
sent a specific weather effect (Clouds and
on the aforementioned terrain.
Fog are the most common) and one of two
degrees of severity (Light and Heavy).
Overlapping Weather marker areas of the same type
The radius of effect for a particular weather have no additional effects; they simply indicate and ex-
condition is 4 for a Light marker and 6 for a tended area of effect. In cases where differing severity of
Heavy marker, as measured from the dot in the same type of weather cover an area of the table, the
the center of each marker. more severe condition of the two is used where the two
markers overlap.
21.11 Number of Weather Markers
The number of Weather markers placed at the beginning 21.13 Weather Effects
of the game depends on the severity of the weather con- Weather affects all units within the stated radius of a
ditions and the size of the gaming table. particular marker, and any combat into, out of, and
through that area.
Cross reference the type of Weather listed in the scenar-
io instructions with the marker type across the top of the Light Fog/Light Precipitation: add +1 point per Defense
table. Reading down, one will find the number of markers die rolled against any Firefight attack if that attack traces
of each type that will be placed in each 2 square area of any part of its LOS through Light Fog or Light Precipita-
the gaming table (there are 4 such areas on a 4x 4, and tion.
6 areas on a 4x 6 gaming table).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Heavy Fog/Heavy Precipitation: Increase the Defense die (depending on the type specified as Worsening in the
by +1 die type for all units defending against any attack games set-up instructions). On a die result of 6 or higher,
that traces any part of its LOS through Heavy Fog or replace the Light marker with a Heavy marker of the
Heavy Precipitation. Reduce all Archaic and Tech Level 2 same type.
unit ZOC ranges to (base) and their Firefight ranges by
-50%. No Archaic/Tech Level 2 Air Missions may be 21.142 Wind Effects on Weather Markers
executed in areas where these conditions persist. Wind may alter the original placement of Cloud markers
(see below).
All non-Grav, non-Displacement mobility ground-based
units increase their movement penalties to the next 21.2 Wind Effects
worse type (x1 becomes x1.5; x1.5 becomes x2; x2 be- 21.21 Wind Direction
comes Prohibited) in areas affected by Heavy Precipita- Prior to setting up a game where 1 2 3
tion. Furthermore, the distance measured through one of Wind is specified, assign numbers
these area for purposes of determining Air Mission rang- 1 through 8 to the corners and Wind
es is doubled (count 2 of range for each actual inch sides of the table. Roll a d8. The 8 Direction 4

measured through Heavy Precipitation). Reduce the die result shows the origin of the 6
7 5
movement allowance of all ther mobility units by -25% wind direction; place the WIND
(rounded up) prior to any other modifications. arrow marker pointing from the appropriate side/corner
of the table towards the center of the table as a remind-
Light Clouds: All Air Missions and ther mobility units er of the Wind direction.
add +1 to their Defense total for each Defense die rolled. Unless noted otherwise, a scenario begins under Moder-
ate Wind conditions.
Heavy Clouds: All Air Missions and ther mobility units
increase their Defense die by +1 die type. At the beginning of the Command Phase of each game
turn, one player rolls a d10 and adjusts the wind accord-
21.14 Altering Weather Conditions ing to the table below.
Note: even if players want to go to the trouble of working
with the Weather Marker system, the following section 1: High Winds.
should be considered extremely optional in their games. 2: No Wind this turn only. Wind is assumed to retain its
previous direction for the following turns roll on this
21.141 Weather Trends chart.
If a scenario defines the weather as having a Trend, the 3-8: No change.
severity of the weather will change throughout the game. 9: Wind Direction changes one number clockwise; Mod-
Weather Trends are listed as either Clearing, Static, or erate.
Worsening. 0: Wind Direction changes one number counter-
clockwise; Moderate.
As the first act of the Command Phase of each even- 21.22 Wind Effects on Units
numbered game turn, roll a d10 for each Fog, Cloud, or Moderate Wind has the following effects on the stated
Precipitation marker in play (the type of marker affected unit types:
will be specified in the games set-up instructions; not all Archaic Air markers reduce their movement radius
Weather markers may be affected). On a roll of 6 or high- by -10%, rounding fractions up.
er, the marker is removed if it is a Light marker; Heavy Airships are moved 1 in the Wind direction at the
markers are exchanged for Light markers of the same end of the Recovery Phase of the turn.
Weather type.
Sea and ther mobility units with the x/Sail qualifier
Note that Precipitation and Cloud markers may be speci- add +25% to their movement allowance if, at the begin-
fied as the Clearing condition (one does not necessarily ning of a turn, they are moving in the same direction and
affect the other, but removing a Cloud marker also re- are within 45o of a straight line along the Wind direction.
moves any Precipitation that accompanies it). Sea and ther mobility units with the x/Sail qualifier
subtract -25% from their movement allowance if, at the
Static beginning of a turn, they are moving in the same direction
This is the default condition for Weather Trends if none is and are within 45o in either direction of a straight line
listed. No modification is made to the number or type of along the Wind direction.
Weather marker in play during the game.
Heavy Wind has the following effects on the stated unit
Worsening types:
As the first act of the Command Phase of each even- Archaic Air markers reduce their movement radius
numbered game turn, roll a d10 for each Light Fog, Light by 30%, and all other Air markers reduce their move-
Cloud and/or Light Precipitation marker in play ment radius by 10% (round fractions up).

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Airships are moved d3 in the Wind direction at the er as part of its mobility type may use March orders for
end of the Recovery Phase of the turn. the duration of the game.
Air Mobile mobility units reduce their movement al-
lowance by 25%. 21.3 Ground Conditions
Sea and ther mobility units with the /Sail qualifier Three abnormal Ground Conditions are represented in
add 50% to their movement allowance if, at the begin- the game: Soft, Flooded, and Frozen. Each affects the
ning of a turn, they are moving in the same direction and movement characteristics of units with specific mobility
are within 45o of a straight line along the Wind direction. types in their area of effect.
Sea and ther mobility units with the /Sail qualifier Each Ground Condition is marked with the appropriate
subtract 50% from their movement allowance if, at the marker on the tabletop, and these markers function in a
beginning of a turn, they are moving in the same direction similar fashion to Cloud or Fog markers. The radius of
and are within 45o of a straight line along the Wind direc- effect for all Ground Condition markers is 4.
Soft Ground increases the movement cost
21.23 Wind Effects on Markers through open ground for all Foot, Hoof, Soft
Moderate Wind effects on markers are as follows: Wheeled, and Tracked mobility units to x1.5.
Move all Cloud markers d4 in the Wind direction at
The increase in the movement cost does not
the end of the Recovery Phase. If a Cloud marker moves confer Cover status when occupying open
off the table and the Trend is Clearing, it is removed ground.
from play. In any other circumstance, place the Cloud
marker at the point of the table exactly opposite of where If the area of soft ground represents a predominantly
it exited. Also, move the marker in the direction of the sand-covered area of terrain, Hover mobility units are
Wind a number of inches equal to the markers remain- also affected by Soft Ground markers.
ing movement.
Roll a d10 for all Fog markers immediately after roll- Flooded ground areas increase the move-
ing for this turns Wind conditions. Light Fog markers are ment penalty imposed by all terrain types to flooded

removed and Heavy Fog markers are replaced with Light the next most costly terrain type (x1 be- Ground
Fog markers on a die result of 8 or higher. comes x1.5; x1.5 becomes x2; x2 becomes
Directly after rolling for Wind effects in a turn, place Prohibited) for all Foot, Hoof, Wheeled, and
one additional GAS marker 2 away from each existing Tracked mobility units.
GAS marker in the Wind direction. The GAS marker is Frozen ground areas increase the move-
considered to cover both the area directly between the ment cost through open ground for Foot, frozen
markers in the Wind direction and the area covered by Hoof, Wheeled, and Tracked mobility units to
the markers themselves. All GAS markers are still re- x1.5. The increase in the movement cost

moved at the end of the Movement Phase of the current does not confer Cover status to those units
turn. when they occupy open ground.
Heavy Wind effects on Markers are as follows: Additionally, any water obstacle in a Frozen area has its
The blocked LOS effect (only) of a Nuked marker is movement effect decreased to the next less costly ter-
extended 2 in the Wind direction (from the side of the rain type (Prohibited becomes x2; x2 becomes x1.5; x1.5
marker opposite the wind arrows placement on the tab- becomes x1) for all non-Sea/Sub mobility types. Water
letop). terrain in Frozen areas becomes Prohibited to all Sea/
GAS weapons place no markers due to a successful Sub mobility units.
GAS attack.
Move all Cloud markers d6+2 in the Wind direction 21.4 Irregular Atmospheres
at the end of the Recovery Phase. If a Cloud marker Heavy Atmosphere reduces all Air Marker and ther
moves off the table and the Trend is Clearing, it is re- mobility unit movement and movement radii by -25%
moved from play. In any other circumstance, place the (rounded up).
Cloud marker at the point of the table exactly opposite
where it exited, and move the marker in the direction of All GAS attack markers are reduced by -1 die type from
the Wind a number of inches equal to the markers re- the original Attack die when placed on the table and de-
maining movement. Roll a d10 for all Fog markers imme- crease all Firefight ranges by -25%.
diately after rolling for this turns Wind conditions. Light
Fog is removed, and Heavy Fog markers replaced with Halve the distance rolled for Cloud marker movement,
Light Fog markers, on die results of 4 or higher. subtract -2 from all Clearing Weather Trend die rolls,
and add +2 to all Worsening Weather Trend die rolls.
21.24 Wind and x/Sail Mobility
If the Wind rules are in play, no unit with the x/Sail qualifi- Thin Atmosphere prevents the deployment of any unit

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
that has a printed Defense die of d3 or d4 and decreas- Lethal Radiation prevents the deployment of any unit that
es the printed movement of all Airmobile units by -25%. has a printed Defense die of d6 or lower, increases all
Increase all Air Marker and ther mobility unit move- Defense dice by +1 die type for the duration of the game,
ment allowances and movement radii by +25% (rounded and negates the use of UW and EW ratings.
up), and increase all Firefight ranges by +25%.
All GAS attack markers are increased by +1 die type
22.0 Counter-battery
from the original Attack die when placed on the table. Fire
Add +2 to all Clearing Weather Trend die rolls and sub- Any Artillery Support Mission, Fire Mission, or Barrage
tract -2 from all Worsening Weather Trend die rolls. may be declared to be a Counter-battery Mission. The
attacking player must spend 1 CP (in addition to any oth-
No Atmosphere prevents the deployment of any unit that er mandated CP expenditures) at the time a Counter-
has a printed Defense die of d5 or lower, as well as Air- battery Mission is declared.
mobile mobility units, all Archaic units, and GAS weapons.
Increase all Air Marker and ther mobility unit move- Counter-battery Missions may only be declared against a
ment allowances and movement radii by +50% (rounded target that has at least one ART Detachment operating
up). All Firefight ranges are increased by +50% above with the unit, and they may be declared by a firing unit
their printed ranges. using GAS or TacNuke weapons.

21.5 Other Environmental Conditions Resolve each mission according to its stated rules. Any
21.51 Sea Current Damage points are scored directly against the target
In any game where Sea or Sub units are in play, deter- units ART Detachment.
mine the sea current direction in the same manner as
Wind direction at the beginning of the game. Air Marker Counter-battery Fire
Air Marker Attack dice may declare their Strafing or
At the end of the Recovery Phase of each game turn, Bombing Run Missions to be Counter-battery attacks.
move all Sea units 1 in the direction of the Sea Current. Each enemy unit (not friendly Attack die) targeted by such
Any unit that inadvertently moves closer than 1 to a land an attack requires the expenditure of one CP (in addition
feature due to Current does not move; instead, the unit to any other CP required to conduct the Mission, if appli-
suffers d4 Damage points. cable).

21.52 Gravity Effects This form of Counter-battery attack requires that any D
Low Gravity increases the movement allowance of all non- results received by the target unit be scored against any
Sea/Sub mobility units and Air Marker radii by +25%. ART or AA Detachment attached to the target unit be-
fore any Damage point is scored against the parent Com-
High Gravity decreases the movement allowance of all bat unit.
units and Air Marker radii by -25%.
In cases where the target unit has both ART and AA De-
21.53 Radiation tachments or multiple Detachments of one type or the
High Radiation prevents the deployment of any unit that other, the attacking player may choose which Detach-
has a printed Defense die of d3 or d4, and adds +1 to all ment receives the Damage points. Only one Detachment
Defense dice totals for each Defense die rolled. Reduce may receive Damage points as the result of a single Air
all printed EW ratings by -50%. Mission Counter-battery attack.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

The EuroFeds hold against the Kravak assault - for the moment (Brigade/GZG).

23.0 Scenarios Scenarios with multiple set-up options may use only a
portion of a particular rules set (Advanced or Optional).
Scenarios are pre-defined games that allow players to When that is the case, the scenario will note the specific
set up the table as depicted, place the forces listed in sections (referenced by rule number) of those rules that
each, and simply start playing without the worry of creat- will be in play.
ing their own units and organizations.
When determining the forces used in a scenario, players
Each scenario in this section lists the highest-numbered will need to consult one or more of the Force Lists in the
rules section that is used (Basic, Advanced, or Optional); back of this book to find the exact number and type of
some scenarios also have multiple options that allow play stands to be deployed for each formation. The Force
with more than one method (such as Basic and Ad- Lists section also contain Data Cards for each of the
vanced force lists for the same scenario). listed units in these scenarios, along with basic organiza-
tional information that allows players to use these forces
Scenarios also provide: in scenarios of their own design, or in one of the Cam-
the length of the scenario (in complete game turns); paign Games found later this book.
the forces each player may deploy, along with any
reinforcements or force restrictions; A scenarios Victory Conditions may list how only one side
a map of how terrain should be placed on the tab- wins the scenario at hand. in these scenarios, the oppos-
letop, with each square on the map equaling a ing side wins the game by avoiding the enemys Victory
1square area of the tabletop; Conditions.
a description of how each players forces should set
up on the table; The Campaign Game (CG) Scenarios contain more gener-
any special rules that apply to the scenario; and ic setup layouts, forces, and conditions, because these
the victory conditions, which will define how a player may change depending on which CG (or which portion of
may win the game. a CG) is being played. More information on how to read
and implement the specifics of CG scenarios can be
found in the second part of this book.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.1 Training Scenarios
23.11 Capture the Flag
Game Length: 8 turns

Basic and/or Advanced rules may be used. Optional rule 21.1: Environmental Conditions may be used for Weather
Conditions (see below).

Forces: Basic Game

Red Force: 1x Armor Brigade and one Mechanized Infantry Brigade. No HQ, ART, AA, Scout, or Signal units or Detach-
ments may be deployed when using only the Basic Game rules.
Blue Force: 1x Heavy Tank Regiment and 1x Mechanized Regiment. No HQ, ART, AA, Scout, or Signal units or Detach-
ments may be deployed when using only the Basic Game rules.

Forces: Advanced Game

As per the Basic Game setup, but include all units and Detachments of each formation that were excluded under the
Basic Game option.

Red Light Foliage

Setup Hill



Blue Force sets up first in the area indicated on the map. Red Force sets up second in the area indicated on the map.

Weather (Optional)
Light Fog with a Clearing Trend.

Victory Conditions
The player who is last to occupy or move through four Urban areas at the end of the game is the winner. Any other
result is a draw. Urban areas occupied at game end by units of both sides do not count towards either players total.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.12 The Gauntlet
Game Length: 8 turns

Basic and/or Advanced rules may be used. Optional rule 21.3: Ground Conditions may be used (see below).

Forces: Basic Game

Red Force: 1x Armor Brigade, 1x Mechanized Infantry Brigade, and 1x Assault Brigade. No HQ, ART, AA, Scout, or
Signal units or Detachments may be deployed when using only the Basic Game rules.
Red Force Reinforcements: 1x Air Cav Regiment enters on turn 4 under Advance orders along any edge of the table,
as long as it is outside the Blue Force setup area.

Blue Force: one Heavy Tank Regiment, one Tank Regiment, and one Assault Regiment. No HQ, ART, AA, Scout, or Sig-
nal units or Detachments may be deployed when using only the Basic Game rules.

Forces: Advanced Game

As per the Basic Game setup, but include all units and Detachments of each formation that were excluded from the
Basic Game. Add 2x Air Squadrons to the Blue Force at-start forces.


Blue Red Light Foliage

Setup Setup Hill
Area Area


Blue Force sets up first in the table area indicated on the map, with no battalion of a regiment setting up closer than
5 to a battalion of a different regiment. Red Force sets up second in the area indicated on the map, up to 18 in from
the short table edge.

Optional Ground Conditions

The Blue Force player may place two Soft Ground markers anywhere within his setup area.

Victory Conditions
Red Force wins if it exits at least 40 Supply Points of non-Air Cav troops along the short table edge of the Blue Force
Setup Area by the end of the game, or a Substantial victory if it exits 60 or more.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.13 Bug Surprise
Game Length: 6 turns

Advanced rules are in play. Optional rule sections 18.0: Organic Units and Command and 19.0: Tunnel Movement and
Combat must be used. Weather is Clear with no Wind for the duration of the scenario.

Green Force: 2x Combat Companies.
Gold Force: 8x Worker units and 5x Warrior units.



The Gold Force player sets up his units anywhere on the table, in secret, prior to play. This player must place three 6
radius Tunnel Complexes anywhere on the board, and all Worker and Warrior units may begin the game using Tunnel

Record all Tunnel Complex and Tunnel Marker information on the appropriate roster prior to play, including the actual
table placement of each Tunnel Complex and Tunnel Marker. Do not place these markers on the table.

To record a markers placement, the Gold player should write down, in inches, the exact distance from the table edge
to his left and the edge closest to where he will sit/stand for the game For example, L14B16 would indicate that the
marker is located 14 in from his left-hand side of the table and 16 up from the bottom edge of the table.

Green Force Deploys from Orbit (see 9.2: Deploying from Orbit) in its entirety prior to beginning the first turn. After
Green Force has deployed, the Gold Force player places all of his markers on the table. After this is done, play com-
mences with the Initiative Phase of turn one.

Victory Conditions
The Gold Force player must eliminate at least half of Green Forces starting number of stands by the end of the game.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.14 Second Big K
Game Length: 10 turns.

Advanced rules. Optional rule sections 15.0: TacNukes, 18.0: Organic Units and Command, and 19.0: Tunnel Move-
ment and Combat must be used. Weather is Clear with no Wind for the duration of the scenario.

Green Force: 3x Combat Companies, 2x Engineer Regiments, 1x Annapolis Orbital Bombardment, and 1x Chesapeake
Orbital Bombardment. All units have TacNuke capabilities.
Gold Force: 18x Worker units and 14x Warrior units, plus 3x 6 radius Tunnel Complexes. Warrior units have Tac-
Nuke capability.



Gold Force
Setup Area

Green Force
Setup Area

Gold Force sets up first anywhere within the area indicated on the map. Each Tunnel Complex may start with Tunneling
units up to its capacity within its radius, and up to half of the remaining Gold Force units may set up using Tunnel

Green Force sets up second, with one Combat Company and both Engineer Regiments setting up in the area indicated
on the map.

The two remaining Green Force Combat Companies enter play on turns 2 and 3, with one Combat Company entering
play on each of those turns via 9.21: Teleporting into Combat anywhere on the table.

Special Rules
The Gold Force player may not Place a TacNuke within 3 of any area within the radii of one of his Tunnel Complexes.

Green Force Assault Engineers and HQ units may Place TacNukes underground (see 19.5: TacNukes and Tunnel

Victory Conditions
The Green Force player wins immediately when all three Tunnel Complex markers have been eliminated, and loses if
this is not accomplished by the end of turn 10.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.15 The Queens Own
Game Length: 8 Turns.

The Advanced Rules are in play. Optional Rules 17.0: Sea Units and 20.0: Archaic Units are also in play. Weather is
Light Clouds with no Precipitation and a Clearing Trend. Moderate Wind is in effect; roll for wind direction at the begin-
ning of the scenario.

Black Force: 1x Air Supremacy Fleet and 3x Torpedo Boat Squadrons.
Silver Force: 1x Air Supremacy Fleet and 2x V100 Torpedo Boat Squadrons.


Black Force Light Foliage

Setup Area

Silver Force
Setup Area

Black Force sets up first, Silver Force second.

Victory Conditions
The first player to eliminate the enemys Battleship Squadron wins the game. If neither player accomplishes this by the
end of game turn 8, the game ends in a draw.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.16 Kaiserschlacht
Game Length: 10 Turns.

The Advanced Rules are in play. Optional Rules 17.0: Sea Units and 20.0: Archaic Units are also in play. Weather is
Light Clouds with no Precipitation and a Clearing Trend. Moderate Wind is in effect; roll for wind direction at the begin-
ning of the scenario.

Black Force: 2x Infantry Brigades; 1x Mech Brigade; 1x Ground Assault Fleet; 1x Ground Patrol Fleet; 1x Aerodrome
with 3x Sopwith Monoplane and 3x De Havilland Bomber Air Markers.
Silver Force: 1x Infantry Division; 2x Armored Corps; 1x Ground Assault Fleet; 1x Ground Patrol Fleet; 2x Aerodromes
with 3x Fokker Triplane and 3x Gotha Bomber Air Markers each.


Black Force Light Foliage

Setup Area

Silver Force
Setup Area

Set Up
Prior to setting up forces, each player places one Soft Ground marker anywhere outside of the set up areas of both
players. The radius of effect of each marker may not intersect either players forward set up line.

Black Force sets up their forces first, Silver Force second.

Victory Conditions
VP are awarded for control of terrain, with each Hill worth 2 VP and each area of Light Foliage worth 1 VP. To control
either type of terrain, a player must have been the last to move through or over it and if there are no enemy units
presently exerting a ZOC on/into a friendly-occupied terrain objective at the end of the game.

The player with the higher VP total wins the game. Equal VP totals result in a Draw.

23.17 To the Green Fields Beyond

This scenario combines all the forces and set-up conditions of both The Queens Own and Kaiserschlacht Scenarios,
with play continuing for 10 turns.

Victory Conditions
The player that achieves both scenarios VC wins a Decisive Victory; a player achieving the Kaiserschlacht VC while
losing The Queens Own VC wins a Solid Victory. If the Kaiserschlacht VC result in a draw, the player that achieves the
VC in The Queens Own wins a Minor Victory.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.2 Campaign Game Scenarios
The CG Scenarios are used to set up and play through the Linked Scenario Campaign Game (see 29.0: Linked Scenar-
io CG), as well as starting points for the Operational Sector and Planetary Operations Campaigns Games (see 30.0:
Operational Sector CG (OSCG) and 31.0: Planetary Operations CG (POCG).
They may also be used to play pickup games where players decide to play a game with roughly equal Game Point forc-
es and dont wish to develop a custom scenario involving specific terrain, weather, or victory conditions.

None of the CG scenarios include specific forces, point levels, or terrain set-up. Refer to section 28.0: Campaign Game
Common Rules for instructions about these setup parameters and each type of CG for determining starting forces.
Scenario Determination
To choose an Initial Scenario in the OSCG or POCG (or to determine setup parameters for a pickup game), roll a d8.
Roll once for an OSCG and once for each Sector in a POCG. Locate the scenario whose last digit of its rules case is the
same as the number rolled; this is the Initial Scenario for that CG.
Some scenarios use the term control in reference to Victory Conditions. To control a terrain objective, a player must
have been the last to move through it OR there are no enemy units presently on the objective or exerting a ZOC on/
into a friendly-occupied terrain objective at the end of the game.

23.21 Meeting Engagement 12 Defender

Setup Area
Table Setup Number of Turns
Primary Terrain: Pastoral Small Table: 6 Turns.
Secondary Terrain: Plains Average Table: 8 Turns.
Oversize Table: 10 Turns.
Setup Area
Roll on the Moderate Weather and Wind Tables to determine starting Weather. For OSCG/POCG, roll a d10, with a 1
-3 indicating a Worsening Trend, 4-7 a Static Trend, and 8-10 a Clearing Trend.

Force Setup
Each player places their forces no more than 12 from their Friendly Board Edge (FBE), with the Defending player plac-
ing his units first.

Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if he inflicts more casualties (measured in SP) than he loses. If his total is less than +10 SP higher,
the game is a Draw.

23.22 Hot LZ Half Defender

distance Setup Area
Table Setup Number of Turns
Primary Terrain: Plains Small Table: 5 Turns.
Secondary Terrain: Highlands Average Table: 7 Turns.
Oversize Table: 9 Turns.
Weather Defender
Roll on the Wet Weather and Wind Tables to determine starting Weather. For OSCG/ Setup Area

POCG, roll a d10, with a 1-4 indicating a Worsening Trend, 5-7 a Static Trend, and 8-10 a Half
Clearing Trend. distance

Force Setup
The Defending player places his forces within half the distance of the table of his FBE. The Attacker enters all of his
forces on turn one via 9.2: Deploying from Orbit or 9.21: Teleporting into Combat, depending on his TL.

Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if he controls all terrain features that are even partially situated within 12 of the center of the ta-
ble. If the Defender has no units in these areas but covers at least one piece of terrain with a unit ZOC, the game is a

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.23 Attrition Attacker Defender
Setup Setup
Table Setup Number of Turns Area Area
Primary Terrain: Industrial Small Table: 7 Turns.
Secondary Terrain: Urban Average Table: 10 Turns.
Oversize Table: 12 Turns. 24 24

Roll on the Arid Weather and Wind Tables to determine starting Weather. For OSCG/POCG, roll a d10, with a 1-2
indicating a Worsening Trend, 3-7 a Static Trend, and 8-10 a Clearing Trend.

Force Setup
Each player places their forces no more than 24 from their FBE (18 on a Small Table), with the Defending player
placing his units first.

Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if he eliminates 50% more enemy units (measured in SP) than he loses. If he inflicts 25% to 49%
more casualties, the game is a Draw.

23.24 Hasty Assault Defender

Table Setup Number of Turns Area
Primary Terrain: Barren Small Table: 7 Turns.
Secondary Terrain: Urban Average Table: 10 Turns.
Oversize Table: 12 Turns. Attacker
Roll on the Arid Weather and Wind Tables to determine starting Weather. For OSCG/POCG, roll a d10, with a 1-2
indicating a Worsening Trend, 3-7 a Static Trend, and 8-10 a Clearing Trend.

Force Setup
Each player places their forces in a triangular area measured up to 36 along two adjacent sides of the table from the
same corner (24 on a Small Table); each board edge within this area is the players FBE. The Defending player placing
his units first, and he also places two 4x 4 Built Up areas with Hasty Minefields in his setup area. The Built Up areas
must be placed within 4 of the Defenders forward set-up line, and they may not be placed within 4 of a table edge.

Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if occupies or eliminates both Built Up areas and their attendant Minefields.

23.25 Deliberate Assault Attacker Defender

Setup Setup
Table Setup Number of Turns Area Area
Primary Terrain: Tundra Small Table: 8 Turns.
Secondary Terrain: Barren Average Table: 10 Turns.
Oversize Table: 12 Turns. 24 24

Roll on the Arid Weather and Wind Tables to determine starting Weather. For OSCG/POCG, roll a d10, with a 1-2
indicating a Worsening Trend, 3-7 a Static Trend, and 8-10 a Clearing Trend.

Force Setup
Each player places their forces no more than 24 from their FBE (18 on a Small Table). The Defending player placing
his units and three 4x 4 Fortified areas with Deliberate Minefields in his setup area. No Fortified area may be placed
within 6 of a table edge.

Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if he occupies or eliminates all Fortified areas and their attendant Minefields.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
23.26 Breakthrough 15 Defender
Setup Area
Table Setup Number of Turns
Primary Terrain: Highlands Small Table: 8 Turns.
Secondary Terrain: Wetlands Average Table: 10 Turns.
Oversize Table: 12 Turns.
Setup Area
Roll on the Wet Weather and Wind Tables to determine starting Weather. For OSCG/POCG, roll a d10, with a 1-5
indicating a Worsening Trend, 6-8 a Static Trend, and 9-10 a Clearing Trend.

Force Setup
Each player places their forces within 15 of their FBE, with the Defending player placing his units first.

Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if he exits 25% of his core force (measured in SP) off the enemys FBE.

23.27 Counterattack 15 Defender

Setup Area
Table Setup Number of Turns
Primary Terrain: Wetlands Small Table: 8 Turns.
Secondary Terrain: Plains Average Table: 10 Turns.
Oversize Table: 12 Turns.
Setup Area
Roll on the Moderate Weather and Wind Tables to determine starting Weather. For OSCG/POCG, roll a d10, with a 1
-3 indicating a Worsening Trend, 4-7 a Static Trend, and 8-10 a Clearing Trend.

Force Setup
Each player places their forces within 15 of their FBE, with the Defending player placing his units first.

Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if the Defender exits less than 25% of his core force (measured in SP) off the Attackers FBE.

23.28 Turning the Flank 15 Defender

Setup Area
Table Setup Number of Turns
Primary Terrain: Tundra Small Table: 8 Turns.
Secondary Terrain: Barren Average Table: 10 Turns.
Oversize Table: 12 Turns.
Weather 15
Setup Area
Roll on the Frozen Weather and Wind Tables to determine starting Weather. For OS-
CG/POCG, roll a d10, with a 1-5 indicating a Worsening Trend, 6-8 a Static Trend, and 9-10 a Clearing Trend.

Force Setup
Each player places their forces within 15 of their FBE, with the Defending player placing his units first.

Victory Conditions
The Attacker wins if he occupies half of the Defenders setup area with no Defending units present in that area. If the
Defender has no units but does have one more unit ZOC inside this area, the game is a Draw.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
This section contains guidelines for scenario creation created to reflect combat situations from ones favorite
rather than hard and fast rules for what must be done sci-fi novel or film.
when putting together a game.
Greater re-playability of a set-piece scenario can also be
Point Value Scenarios had through the use of variable reinforcements. Allowing
All units in Strike Legion: Planetary Operations have a a player to choose between two or three roughly equiva-
point value assigned to them during the construction lent options, or having multiple options available by pre-
process. While these are handy for creating roughly bal- game or in-game die roll, will add a bit of mileage and
anced forces to pit against one another, point balancing some unpredictability and fun to these scenario types.
is not an exact science. Point values can never take into
account an opponents level of experience or craftiness, Formation-based Games
nor can they balance runs of extreme good or bad luck. Choosing a specific force organization and pitting it
This means that haggling over an extra few points over against an enemy formation provides for some interest-
or under the agreed point value for a game is an exercise ing game situations in that one side can be completely
in frustration that should be avoided (in other words, outnumbered (or outclassed) but still have a good chance
close to equal is good enough). at victory. It also allows for the possibility of one force to
be mercilessly pummeled by an enemy of equal size. This
When playing an assault-type scenario, giving the attack- type of scenario allows players to find the strengths and
ing player a roughly 25% to 50% point advantage will weaknesses of their own and their opponents creat-
make for a more interesting game. A defending player ed force organizations and units, and may prompt some
can be compensated for this imbalance via extra victory players to redesign, reorganize and/or refit their troops
points for controlling particular terrain features or de- before the next battle.
stroying specific enemy elements or formations.
Adapted Games
Set-Piece Battles A number of Sci-Fi and fantasy miniatures games have
The provided learning scenarios are examples of set- adapted historical battles and campaigns to scenarios
piece battles, and each of them can be played repeatedly for their own game system. Amateur historians should
in order to refine your playing techniques. What keeps be able to adapt battles of their choice to a Planetary
these types of scenarios interesting after multiple plays is Operations equivalent if they so desire, using similar ter-
the use of special rules, such as environmental condi- rain layouts and force ratios as a starting point for the
tions or unique objectives to accomplish. There are many imported scenario.
possibilities for scenario special rules, and they can be

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
24.0 Unit Construction
In addition to the units included for use with Strike Legion: Planetary Operations, players may wish to create designs
based on their personal preferences, to field units based on their favorite Sci-Fi setting, or to round out and develop
the forces presented in this book. Whatever their motivation, these Unit Construction rules will allow players to put
their imagination and design skill to the test against their friends or the official armies of the Far Future.

Determining a Forces Tech Level (TL)

The Strike Legion game series uses nine different classification levels for technology, eight of which are included here
(the ninth represents very specialized forces, rules for which may appear in a future game supplement). TL ratings
represent the upper limits of each component that may be included with a unit; items may always be added to a unit
that are rated lower than the stated maximum for a TL.

Players wanting to create units to populate their own universe, or to match an existing fictional universe, should feel
free to ignore the Tech Level restrictions during unit construction if they believe this will allow the final design to more
closely resemble the vehicles and units of their chosen setting. The Tech Level that is used for such forces is that of
the majority of the components chosen for an army. As an example, ther mobility units that use TL1 weapon, de-
fense, and other restrictions to represent Victorian-era Airships, would be classified as TL1.

Players should discuss such mixed TL units prior to using them in play so they may accurately and fairly rate a forces
Tech Level.

Basic TL Descriptions
Tech Level 1: Archaic
Hand weapons, rudimentary gunpowder-based firearms, and cannon. Steam-powered war machines are possible but uncommon.

Tech Level 2: Antiquated

Binary liquid propellant weapons, armored and flight-capable fighting vehicles, very rudimentary electronic and information warfare
systems. Wire- and laser-guided munitions, basic extra-atmospheric craft, internal combustion, and nuclear fission engines.

Tech Level 3: Modern

Basic railgun/gauss and laser weaponry, simple energy shielding, more capable electronic warfare capabilities. Terminal guidance
munitions, interplanetary travel and space combat capabilities. Miniaturized fusion power sources.

Tech Level 4: Enhanced

Improved gauss/laser weaponry, shielding and EW capabilities, basic ion, plasma, and EMP weapon capabilities. Large combat
vehicle structural stability, higher quality armor, viable hover mobility.

Tech Level 5: Gravitic Manipulation

Improvements in all facets of existing weapons and defenses, basic disruptor weaponry. Gravitic vehicle drives and gravitic manipu-
lation of photons, self-sustaining infantry power armor, specialized computer and electronic warfare systems.

Tech Level 6: Matter Manipulation

Improvements in all existing classes of weapons and defenses, basic matter/energy manipulation, fully autonomous combat vehi-
cles. Semi-reliable transdimensional non-gateway/rift-travel, matter teleportation.

Tech Level 7: Matter/Energy Matrix

Basic manipulation of energy-matter and matter-energy systems, reliable trans-dimensional travel, pulse, variable, and emulator
weaponry, Sharmor and reflexive defenses.

Tech Level 8: Unified Matrix

Higher understanding of matter-energy-matter and temporal systems, universal weaponry, energy-absorbing and gravitic shield

Tech Level 9: Temporal Matrix (theoretical)

Mastery of temporal-matter-energy dynamics, energy-based life-forms.

Tech Levels for weapons and systems are listed as (TL#) throughout these Unit Construction rules.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
24.1 Construction General Rules
Its important to note the components included in each created unit design, along with the construction point values
derived for each of the components. Keep a running, additive tally of all construction points when creating each unit.

Also, retain all fractions until the final unit costs are determined and round to the nearest whole number. This is the
final unit point value (PV).

If an item used in the construction of a unit is otherwise within the stated TL range for a die-based component, d3 and
d5 are valid choices for those unit components. A d3 is the smallest die type available in the game; a d12 is the larg-

Most components are listed in table format and have a maximum upper limit for each component based on the units
Tech Level. A value lower than the maximum may always be chosen at a particular TL, but it can never be below zero
for addition-based modifiers or statistics, or below a d3 for die-based components.

24.2 Ground Combat Units

Ground combat units include all non-Sea, -Sub, -ther, or Air Marker units and Detachments.

24.21 Choose Mobility Type

Up to two mobility types may be chosen for a unit (although two is the exception rather than the norm), with the higher
-rated (in inches) mobility type being the primary mobility type, and the lesser movement rate being the units second-
ary mobility type.

To determine the mobility cost of the unit, multiply the Cost factor by the number of inches in the units movement al-


1. Primary movement type only; used to represent both organic flight capabilities as well as personnel equipped with individual flight
devices. May add Foot (only) as a secondary mobility type at the maximum rate for the units TL at no additional point cost.
2. Available only as a secondary mobility type for ground units; may not be added to units with Hover or Tunnel primary mobility.
3. Maximum Sea/Sail movement allowance.
4. Available as a Second-
TL2 TL3 TL4 TL5 TL6 TL7 TL8 ary Mobility type for
TYPE PER 1 (Archaic) Grav, Hover and STOVL
Air 1
8 - - 8 8 10 10 12 15 mobility units.
5. Available as a second-
Air/Aether 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 15 15 ary mobility type for Foot
and Hoof units. Can also
Displacement 12 - - - - - 84 105 125 be a primary mobility
Foot 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 type for other units
listed in note 5, provided
Grav 8 - - - - 12 12 12 12 they are at these Tech
Hoof 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Hover 6 - - 8 8 10 10 10 10
Sea 2
4 6 3
8 10 10 10 10 10 10
Sea/Swim 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6
STOVL 8 - 9 12 15 15 15 15 15
Sub2 6 4 6 8 8 8 8 8 8
Tracked 4 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Tunnel 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8
Walker 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6
Wheeled 2 5 6 8 8 8 8 8 8

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
24.22 Unit Defense Die TL1 TL2 TL3/4 TL5/6 TL7+
The construction point value of the units Defense is the
die type used squared (a d8 defense die would be [8x8 Defense d5 d6 d8 d10 d12
Die Max
= 64] points).

24.23 Unit Attack Die and Range TL1 TL2 TL3 TL4 TL5 TL6 TL7 TL8
The construction point value of a units Attack die is [Attack Attack
die type times its Firefight range]. Units with a Firefight Die Max d4 d5 d6 d8 d8 d10 d10 d12
range of (base) use the units Attack die type as the point
value for their weapons. Firefight
6 9 12 12 12 12 16 20
Range Max
The units Assault/ZOC range is based on its Firefight range, according to the following table, with (b) =(base):
Firefight Range (b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Assault/ZOC Range (b) (b) (b) (b) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8

24.24 EW Rating
The construction point value for a unit with Fixed or Variable Tech Level TL1 TL2 TL3 TL4 TL5 TL6+
EW is 10 points per point of EW or 20 points for
normal (green) EW. Units that will have the Scout designation EW Max (1) {2} 3 4 5 6
pay 30 points per point of EW.

Foot and Hoof mobility units are limited to half of the listed EW value at each Tech Level, rounded down. TL1 units may
use only Fixed EW; TL 2 units are limited to Variable EW.

24.25 Assault Engineers and Shock Troops

Assault Engineer units increase the combined cost of the units Mobility, Defense, Attack, and EW by +25%. Assault
Engineers may not be additionally classified with Artillery, Scout, or Unconventional Weapons designations.

Shock Troop units increase the combined cost of the units Mobility, Defense, Attack, and EW by +20% after modifying
the cost for the number of Damage points per unit stand. Only Foot and Hoof mobility units, or units that will be desig-
nated as Airmobile or Mech Infantry may be Shock Troops, and this designation disallows any other special Detach-
ment type from being added to the unit.

24.26 Damage Points (Hits) Per Base

The number of hits each base is capable of sustaining before being removed is determined by the units base size.

Small Stands
A small stand can sustain 1 or 2 hits, depending on the unit it is representing (this is subject to interpretation: a small
or medium tank, or a stand representing an average number of Foot troops would be a two-hit base; a jeep/buggy-
based unit, or stands representing a low number of troops, or those lacking adequate protection, would only have one

A Small stand unit may increase its number of hits by +1, to a maximum of three, if it is a TL5 or higher Foot or Wing
mobility unit (representing Power Armor or Exosuit Troops), or if it represents a Main Battle Tank (MBT).

Hordes on small bases have a minimum of 2 hits and a maximum of 4 hits.

Medium Stands
Medium-stand troops are capable of sustaining 3 or 4 hits. Unless their transporting vehicles require a Large base,
Airmobile and Mech Infantry units are always Medium base units. A Medium stand may increase this number by +1,
to a maximum of 5 hits if it will represent a heavy or large MBT.

Units that receive the Mech Infantry designation are limited to the following mobility types: Wheel, Tracked, Hover,
Grav and Displacement. Units that will be designated as Airmobile units must have the STOVL mobility type.

Hordes on medium bases may be given a minimum of 4 hits and a maximum of 6 hits.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Large Stands
Troops on Large stands may sustain 5 or 6 hits. This base size is reserved for Large vehicles and any accompanying
Mech Infantry or Airmobile troops.

Oversized Vehicles
If a Large base unit represents an OSV (see Strike Legion Tactical: The VICAR Project), it may possess from 7 to 10
hits, depending on its original vehicle Signature and/or overall size (Sig. -5, -6 = 7 hits; -7, -8 = 8 hits, -9, -10 = 9 hits; -
11, -12 = 10 hits).

24.261 Point Cost per Hit

Using the current running point total for the Hits per base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
unit, multiply this total by the factor listed at
right for the number of hits the base can sus- Cost multiplier 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25
tain before being removed.

The result is the units new current running construction point total.

24.27 Basic Combat Modifiers

Modifiers for Firefight and Assault combat (as found TL1 TL2 TL3 TL4 TL5 TL6 TL7 TL8
in the Special section of a units data card) cost 10 Firefight +1 +1 +2 +d3 +d4 +d5 +d6 +d8
game points per 1 point of die roll modification for
either Attack or Defense die modification. If both Assault +1 +2 +d3 +d3 +d4 +d6 +d8 +d10
Attack and Defense die modifiers are present for
MSL Def - - +1 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3
either Firefight or Assault combat, they do not need
to be uniform (Assault +2 Attack/+1 Defense is perfectly acceptable).

EXAMPLE: a +1 Assault modifier printed in green meaning it can affect either offense or defense entails purchas-
ing two one-point Assault modifiers for a total of 20 game points. If the modifier was printed only in red meaning it
was applicable only to offense the cost would be 10 game points.

If a die type is used as a Basic Combat modifier, multiply the die type times 10 to determine the construction point
value of the modifier.

Missile Defense modifiers cost 5 game points per point of modification.

The listed maximums are for each of the possible Basic Combat Modifiers (Firefight and Assault, Attack, and Defense)
at each TL.

24.28 Additional Weapons

None of the weapons in this section have a dedicated Assault/ZOC range (unless that is their stated range, such as
some UW systems); they are rated solely for Firefight ranges.

24.281 Anti-Aircraft (AA) Weapon (non-Missile) values are determined exactly as in section 24.23: Unit Attack Die
and Ranges. The point cost is derived by multiplying the Damage die by the AA weapons range.

24.282 Artillery (ART) Weapon values and costs are determined exactly as in section 24.23: Unit Attack Die and
Ranges. If the unit will have a Barrage modifier, increase the weapons Firefight range by 50% to determine its ART/X
range, and increase the cost of the original weapon component of the unit by 50% for a 1-point Barrage modifier, by
100% for a 2-point modifier, or by 150% for a 3-point Barrage modifier.

If the unit will be given an ART/0 rating, add 25% of the ART weapons original cost.

No unit with Air/(any) or STOVL primary mobility may include an ART weapon.
23.283 Unconventional Weapons (UW)
have a point cost of 5x their range for UW max die type - d3 d4 d6 d6 d8 d10 d10
weapons that inflict a single C or D com- UW max Range - 1 or (ZOC) 2 or (ZOC) 4 6 9 12 16
bat result, or 8x their range if they inflict a
DC combat result. The player may choose the UW weapon effect desired.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
24.284 Missiles (including AA Missiles) determine their characteristics as in Depletion Number: 4 6 8
24.23: Unit Attack Die and Ranges. This gives them a Depletion number of 2,
but for higher depletion numbers, the cost for the Missile component is multi- Reduce Cost By: .75 .5 .25
plied by the amount from the table at right.

24.285 GAS Weapon point values modify the firing weapons point values and may be calculated based on a units
Attack die and Firefight or Assault/ZOC range.

GAS weapons may also be delivered by ART and Missile attacks. All GAS attacks use the existing Attack die type for
the basis of the GAS attack die.
GAS Depletion # 2 4 6 8
Increased amounts for GAS are based on the Depletion number of the
attack and the maximum GAS range. Multiply the unmodified cost of the ZOC range 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1
units Attack die by the factor shown, and add the amount derived to the
Firefight Range 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2
running total for the unit:
Barrage Range 2.5 2 1.6 1.4
24.286 TacNukes and Delivery Systems
There is no game point cost for adding a TacNuke delivery system component to a unit. The cost of the TacNukes
themselves are added to the game point value of a unit only if they will be used in a particular game.

TacNuke Deployment systems are limited to Artillery, Missile, Orbital Barrage, Air Markers, and Assault Engineers.
Assault Engineer TacNuke range is limited to their Assault/ZOC range; all other TacNuke weapon ranges are based
on the delivery weapon components range.

TacNuke weapon Attack dice and radius Tech Level TL1 TL2 TL3 TL4 TL5 TL6 TL7 TL8
of effect are limited by Tech Level. Each
may use a lesser number or type of At- Attack Dice n/a 2d6 2d8 2d10 3d8 3d10 4d8 4d10
tack dice, or smaller attack radius, if Attack Radius n/a 1 1.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3

A TacNuke may use a combination of dice lower than that listed at each TL (or even a single die) for its Attack dice, but
only if the highest possible dice total does not exceed the highest total of each listing. When creating a TacNuke in this
manner, the number of Attack dice may not be increased past the number in the original entry at each TL.

The point value of a TacNuke is its maximum damage (multiply the total number of dice by the die type to find this)
times its (Attack Radius times six). This will give it a Depletion number of 8. Increase the Attack Radius multiplier by
one for each two point reduction in its Depletion number (x7 for a Depletion number of 6, x8 for a Depletion number of
4, and x9 for a Depletion number of 2).

Players should fill out a separate Nuke Data Card listing each of the TacNukes available to their forces, with notes indi-
cating their most commonly used delivery system. Keep in mind that the cost of a TacNuke is added per stand, not per

24.287 Anti-Tank Detachment

The Anti-tank designation adds a number of construction points to the unit equal to 3x its Attack die type.

24.288 Airborne and Mech Infantry

Either of these designations adds +25 points to the construction point cost of a unit, and they are mutually exclusive.

24.288 Independent Battalions

Add +25 points to a unit that will be part of a battalion designated as Independent.

24.29 Total Game Point Value (PV)

Take the running total of a units construction point value and divide by 10, rounding fractions normally. This is the final
Game Point Value (PV) used for points-based games for a single stand of that unit type. Calculating the value of a sin-
gle base of a unit type gives players more latitude in organizing their units while making it easier to determine the point
value of both Mixed units and Detachments when organizing forces prior to a game.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
24.3 Organic Units TL1-4may be Organic if: Foot, Hoof, Tunnel, Sea/Swim,
Certain unit types may be given the Organic designation, de- or Air primary mobility
pending on their Tech level. Horde unit
The Organic designation increases the final game Point Value TL5 may be Organic if: Any of the TL1-4 allowed
of a stand by 10%, rounded down. types
Mech Infantry
24.4 Air Markers TL6 may be Organic if: Any of the TL1-5 types
Air markers follow the same basic construction routine as Hover, Walker, Wheeled, or
ground units, except as modified herein. Tracked mobility
TL7-8 may be Organic Any unit may be Organic at these
Movement Radius if: Tech Levels.
The maximum Air marker Radius (by TL) and construction
point cost is listed on the table at right.
Point cost per TL1 TL2 TL3-4 TL5-6 TL7+
Air Marker Attack and Defense Dice inch of Radius
Attack and Defense dice maximums and costs are derived Max Radius 6 12 15 18 21 24
as for ground units, but use 1/2 of the Air markers move-
ment radius as its range for determining its Attack (S) point value, and 1/3 of its movement radius for determining
the point value of any Attack (A) die.

EW and Modifiers
EW costs and TL limits for Air Markers are the same as for ground units.

Air Markers may only add Missile Defenses and Firefight modifiers; they may not add any other unit type or die roll
modifiers (AA, ART, SC, Assault Engineer, Assault, GAS for Attack dice, etc).

Number of Attack Dice

Air markers may have from two to six (inclusive) Attack dice assigned to them at any Tech Level.

Number of Hits and PV

Multiply the basic Stats information by the factors found in 24.261: Point Cost per Hit, using the number of Attack
dice of the Air marker as the number of bases to find the correct factor. Add the cost of each Special item and use
this number to derive the final point value (see 24.29: Total Game Point Value) of the Air marker.

24.5 Sea/ther/Landship Units

Each of these unit types is constructed similarly to an Air Marker, with all exceptions noted in this section.

24.51 Mobility
Sea and Sub units use the mobility limits and costs as found in 24.21 Choose Mobility Type but are the units primary
mobility type. Landships may use Tracked, Wheeled, Hover, or Grav mobility types. Air/ther mobility units use the
movement restrictions from 24.21, with a cost of 6 points per inch of movement.

Sub mobility units automatically receive Sea as a secondary movement type at no additional point cost.

24.52 Attack Dice and Hits per Die

Sea and ther mobility units, along with Landships, choose the number of Attack dice available to the unit, with each
Attack die being able to sustain a number of hits before being removed from the game. At the point where a normal
ground unit would determine the number of hits per base, players will determine the number of hits per Attack die,
paying the associated game point cost for a like number of hits per die (x1 multiplier for one hit, x1.25 for two hits,
These unit types may have up to 4 Attack dice. Each Attack die of a Sea, ther, or Landship unit may sustain from 1
to 6 hits, depending on the largest vessel being represented by the unit as shown on the table at right.
Destroyer Torpedo Cruiser or Battlecruiser, Pocket Battleship or
Add +1 to the number of hits Largest Ship Class Boat, or small Sub Attack Sub Carrier, or Boomer Fleet Carrier
per die (to a maximum of 6 ) if
the unit represents a Carrier. Hits per Attack Die 1 or 2 3 4 5 or 6

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
24.52 Other Weapons
None of the unit types in this section may be classified as Assault Engineers or Shock Troops, and Sea and Sub mobili-
ty units may not modify their Attack die to include GAS weapons.. They may include UW, Missile, ART, and TacNuke
weapons if otherwise permitted by their Tech Level.

24.521 Torpedoes (TORP)

TORP costs and statistics are calculated as MSL attacks (see 24.284: Missiles), but reduce the maximum range of a
TORP attack by 1/2 at each Tech Level.

24.53 Carriers
Aircraft Carriers add +25 points to the cost of the unit for the ability to carry one Air marker Attack die, and they
may not carry more Air markers than the number of attack dice the Carrier possesses. The cost of any Air markers
carried is not included when purchasing the Carrier ability; Air markers are constructed and purchased independent
of their assigned Carrier.

Units with any form (primary or secondary) of Sub mobility may not be classified as Carriers.

24.54 Transports
Transports can carry up to 6 hits of ground-based mobility units per Attack die they possess. The cost for each mul-
tiple of six hits that may be transported by the unit is 10 points. Transports reduce their maximum Attack and De-
fense die by -1 die type, and they may only add Missile, Firefight, and Assault defensive modifiers to their basic stats
and transport abilities.

Carriers and units with any form (primary or secondary) of Sub movement may not be classified as Transports.

24.55 Final Unit Cost

Multiply the single stand cost by the units number of Attack dice prior to determining the final PV cost (as per 24.29)
for Sea/ther mobility units and Landships.

24.6 Orbital Support

Orbital Support is available to forces with a TL of 3 or higher. The number and size of the Attack dice used is repre-
sentative of the tech equivalents of each forces space fleets and/or relative size of the vessel ending its firepower to
ground commanders.

The maximum number of dice or die type may be less than the Tech Level TL3-4 TL5 TL6 TL7-8
stated amount when determining an Orbital Barrages charac-
teristics, but may never be increased beyond the number permit- Max. Attack Dice 3d8 3d10 4d8 5d8
ted in the chart at right.

The Game Point value (PV) for an Orbital Barrage is the number of Attack Depletion Number 8 6 4
dice times the die type multiplied by its Depletion Cost modifier; a 5d8 Cost Modifier 2 3 4
Orbital Barrage with a Depletion number of 6 would cost (5 x 8 x 3 =)
120 points.
No Orbital Barrage may have a Depletion number lower than 4.

24.7 Fixed Defenses

24.71 Defense Complexes
Point values listed for Defense Complexes are for a 4x 4 area of effect. They need not be placed on the gaming table
in this exact configuration, but the area covered may not exceed 16 square inches, and it must be placed contiguously.
Both types of Fixed Defense may add an Attack die (singular: Fixed Defenses may use one ART or one Air Support die),
Scout-capable EW (up to the forces TL limit for Foot/Hoof units) MSL Defenses, AA weapons (both types), and Mis-
siles. Built Up areas may include up to two of these, while Fortified areas may include up to four. Each type of improve-
ment may be purchased only once. Missiles may be TacNuke-capable at no additional point cost, but they may not be
given Depletion numbers lower than 4.

Each system is designed, limited, and valued as if it were a ground unit component (see 24.2: Ground Combat Units),
with the point value of each component added to the Fixed Defense being divided by five. Add the adjusted cost of each
component to the cost found in the first step of this process to derive the final Game Point Value of the Fixed Defense.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
24.72 Tunnel Complexes TYPE OF DEFENSE FINAL PV
Each tunnel complex may have a radius from 2 to 6 (in full inch increments
only), and will have a Tunnel Capacity equal to eight times its radius. The final Built Up Fixed Defense 40
game point value for a Tunnel Complex is 20 times its radius. Fortified Fixed Defense 80

24.73 Aerodromes Add Hasty Minefield +15

An Aerodrome marker is only available at TL1; each marker has a game point Add Deliberate Minefield +30
value of 25 points.

24.8 Supply Point Cost

When playing Campaign Games, Game Point Values are not used in determining the number or type of forces each
player may field. Supply Points indicate the relative expense of keeping a unit in the field under combat conditions, and
they are used for determining available forces that may be deployed during any engagement of a campaign Game.

Players should calculate the Supply Point Value of all units, even if they dont intend to participate in a Campaign Game.

Calculating Supply Point Cost

The Supply Point cost of each stand of a unit is based on the number of hits the unit can sustain, modified for addition-
al weapons and capabilities. Total the number of matching entries (counting once for each of multiple entries in a sin-
gle field in the table below) to find a stands Supply Point Cost.

Supply Point cost increases for TacNukes are incurred when determining which force will be armed with them in a
particular scenario. The Supply Point cost increase for stands of units that will field TacNukes is calculated as per the
table on the following page.

Add +1 Supply Point for each of the following: Stand/attack die has 1 or 2 hits
Hoof, Air/ther, STOVL, Sea, or Sub Mobility type
Mech Infantry or Airmobile
ART with Barrage/1 capability
Each d4 or d6 Offensive and/or Defensive Assault or Firefight modifier
Each Air Marker, Sea, Landship or Airship Attack die;
Each Orbital, MSL, or GAS weapon with a depletion number of 6 or 8, or
ANY GAS weapon with ZOC only range
Orbital Support with 1dX or 2dX
Assault Engineer or Scout
C or D UW attack
Non-Foot, non-Air Organic unit
Hasty Minefield.
Each Damage hit over 6 (Oversized Vehicles)

Add +2 Supply Points for each of the following: Stand/attack die has 3 or 4 hits
ART with Barrage/2 or Barrage/3
Each d8 or d10 Offensive and/or Defensive Assault or Firefight modifier
Each Orbital, MSL, or GAS weapon with a depletion number of 2 or 4
Orbital Support using 3dX
DC UW attack
Shock Troops
Built Up Defense Complex (Improvements extra)
Deliberate Minefield
Tunnel Complex (4 or lower radius)
Aerodrome marker
HQ unit

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Add +3 Supply Points for each of the following: Stand/attack die has five or six hits
Orbital Support using 4dX
Fortified Defense Complex (Improvements extra)
Tunnel Complex (over 4 radius)

TacNuke Additional SP Costs

Add +1 Supply 2 Attack dice
Point for each of
the following:
1.5 or smaller attack radius

Add +2 Supply 3 or 4 Attack dice

Points for each
of the following:
2 or larger Attack radius

25.0 Converting Units from Strike Legion Tactical

To provide continuity between the Strike Legion Tactical game series and Strike Legion: Planetary Operations games
(and to expand our gaming possibilities), this section provides guidelines for converting units from the original combat
system to the one found in this book.

While the Tactical games emphasized the interaction of different troop types and systems on the battlefield, given the
scale of conflict presented in Planetary Operations, many of those same nuances will now have a lesser (or even non-
existent) effect on combat.

Unless noted otherwise, round all fractions down when converting factors from the Tactical game to their Planetary
Operations counterparts.

Note that no converted factor may exceed the limitations for each unit component as stated in the Planetary Opera-
tions construction rules, even if the conversion routines call for higher than maximum ratings for any unit component.

Also keep in mind that Planetary Operations does not reflect mixed companies; all companies in the game are consid-
ered homogenous. Use only the majority vehicle type when converting your original mixed companies.

25.1 Mobility
The mobility type for most of your original units will match up with the same type as found in these rules. Assist-type
mobility will become the mobility type listed after the slash (Assist/Wheeled becomes Wheeled, Assist/Grav becomes
Grav, etc.). The movement allowance for the unit will equal 2/3 of the movement allowance of its tactical counterpart.

25.2 Attack Die and Range

Using the single highest non-missile Damage die from any AT, ART, or Dual or Quad-mount AP weapon, reduce the die
by -1 die type for use in this game; use the original die type if the weapon is a Dual or Quad-mount AT or ART weapon.
If the highest Damage die is an AP weapon, reduce it by two die types (including d3 and d5 as reduced die types), but
never below a d3, and never in excess of the maximum parameters found in 24.23 Unit Attack Die and Ranges.

Vehicles armed only with missiles may have an Attack die type of -, or (none). Their Missile attack is entered only in
the Special column of their Data Card (see below).

The weapons Firefight range is found by dividing the original Extreme range by 4; determine the weapons Assault/
ZOC range by using the chart in 24.23.

For ART Barrage ranges, divide the ART long range by 4. Use 2/3 of this number to find the ART weapons Firefight
(and, by extension, the Assault/ZOC) range.

Special AA weapon Attack dice and ranges are found by reducing the original AA die by one die type and dividing the
range by 4. If the original units primary armament is an AA weapon, reduce the Damage die by -2 die types for the
unit Attack die and -1 die type for the AA die type, as per above.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Missile and AA Missile Attack dice and ranges are calculated as an AT/AA weapon (see the first paragraph in this
section). APMC missiles reduce their Damage die by two die types and calculate their range as per other missiles.

Missiles possessing Plasma or Disruptor warheads increase the MSL Attack dies effectiveness by adding a +1 to
the damage die entry after reducing the damage die type for conversion (e.g., a converted d6 MSL damage die be-
comes d6+1). Antimatter Missile warheads add a +2 to the damage die entry (e.g., d6+2).

MSL Depletion numbers are found by rounding the Strike Legion Tactical Number of Missiles 1-2 3-5 6-8 9+
missiles Depletion number up or down when necessary to the closest
available Depletion number in Planetary Operations (round numbers Depletion Number 8 6 4 2
above 8 down to 8; 7, 5, and 3 round up to the nearest number; 2, 4, 6
and 8 remain the same between the two game systems).

25.3 Defense Die Type

For vehicles, add the highest armor value, shields, and Defense rating together; divide this total by 3. Round this num-
ber up to the nearest die type for use as the units Defense die. Increase this Defense die by +1 die type if the vehicles
Signature is 0 to -4, and by +2 die types for vehicle Signatures of -5 to -12.

For Personnel units, subtract -2 from the squads Defense rating to find its Planetary Operations Defense die type.
Round down to the nearest die type.

25.4 EW
Halve the original units EW rating (rounded up) to find the converted EW rating. Fixed and Variable EW types retain
their type qualifiers between the two games.

If the original unit is a Personnel unit, use the EW from any LATW the unit possesses as the basis for its EW rating.

25.5 Base Size

Vehicles from Strike Legion Tactical should be assigned a specific base size according VEHICLE BASE
to their Signature size.
3 to 6 Small
The number of hits per base is calculated as per 24.26 Damage Points (Hits) Per Base
-2 to 2 Medium
(also see below).
--3 to -12 Large
25.6 Systems and Attributes Conversions
Vehicle systems and weapons modifiers from the Strike Legion Tactical game are represented by Special modifiers in
Planetary Operations. Not all systems or attributes have an effect at this higher echelon of combat. As a rule of
thumb, if you dont see a system, weapon, defense, attribute or other piece of gear listed here, it has no effect in Plane-
tary Operations or has already been factored into another game mechanic or statistic.

System and weapon modifiers listed in Strike Legion Tactical translate into Assault and/or Firefight, specific Defenses,
or a specialized Detachment type modifiers in Planetary Operations. If a number or die type is listed in red, it affects
the attack dice total for the listed attribute (Assault +1, for example); those in blue affect Defense dice totals for the
listed attribute (Firefight +2 is a Defense dice total modifier); and those in green affect both Attack and Defense dice
for that attribute.

Keep a running total of all Assault and Firefight modifiers during the conversion process. To determine the final value
of each for use in the game, use the closest listed maximum entry (rounded down) as found in 24.27: Basic Combat
Modifiers; converted modifiers may never exceed those of the units assigned SLPO Tech Level.

EXAMPLE: a vehicle unit has a total of five + offensive (red) Firefight modifiers derived from the systems installed on its Strike Le-
gion Tactical iteration. These combine to give the vehicles Planetary Operations counterpart (assuming the unit is at the appropri-
ate TL) a Firefight +d5 modifier, in addition to any other modifiers it may accumulate through the conversion process.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Plasma or Particle Direct Fire or ART Weapon/Munitions +1 Firefight
Disruptor Direct Fire or ART Weapon/Munitions +2 Firefight, +1 Assault
Ion Direct Fire or ART Weapon/Munitions +1 Assault
Pulse Direct Fire or ART Weapon/Munitions +1 Firefight and +1 Assault
Variable Direct Fire or ART Weapon/Munitions +1 Firefight and +1 Assault per 10 pts; round normally
Antimatter Direct Fire or ART Weapon/Munitions +d6 Firefight and +d6 Assault
Rift Direct Fire or ART Weapon/Munitions +d4 Firefight and +d4 Assault
Physical Weapon (d8/d10/d12) +1 Assault/+2 Assault/+d4 Assault
Each additional AT weapon >= d8 +1 Firefight and +2 Assault
Each additional AP weapon <=d8 +1 Assault
Quad Mount +1 Firefight and +1 Assault
Absorber Field +d4 Firefight and +d4 Assault

Advanced Sharmor +1 Firefight and +1 Assault

Aegis +2 MSL Defense

Area Shield (Shield value =>5) +1 Firefight

Autonomous +1 Firefight and +1 Assault

Cloaking Field +d3 Firefight and +1 Assault

Coordinated Fire Control +1 Assault
Digging Charges +1 Assault
EMP Generator or Nanosuite EW D attack; Attack die type as per TL
FT (Vehicular) +1 Assault
Frequency Warfare Suite EW C attack; Attack die type as per TL
Gravitic Shields +2 Firefight and +2 Assault
Invisibility Field +d4 Firefight and +2 Assault
Imaging Field +2 Firefight
Linked Fire Control +1 Firefight
Mercury I/II/III +1/+2/+3 MSL Defense and +1/+2/+3 Firefight
Radar +1 Firefight
Reflex Field or Improved Reflex Field +2 Firefight and +d3 Assault
Viral Infector EW DC attack; Attack die type as per TL
Vulcan I/Vulcan II/Vulcan III +1/+2/+3 MSL Defense
Autonomous +1 Firefight and +1 Assault
Combat Shields +1 Assault
Defensive Mines +1 Assault
Fearless +1 Assault and +1 Firefight
FT/Organic FT +1 Assault
Mortar (d8 or less)/(d10 or greater) +1 Assault/+2 Assault
Personnel Shield/(Personnel Shield with SHG) +1 Firefight and +2 Assault/(+2 Firefight and +d3 Assault)
Power Armor +1 Firefight and +2 Assault

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
ART 2/3/4 vehicle platoon Barrage +1/+2/+3
Platoon size = 3+ squads of 4 Teams each Shock Troops
# vehicles in company is 12 or greater +1 hit/stand
# non-Large vehicles in company is 6 or less -1 hit/stand
Personnel with dedicated non-STOVL transport Mechanized Infantry (Mech Inf)
Personnel with dedicated STOVL transport Airmobile
Primary AA weapon (largest Damage die of all weapons) AA Detachment
Mine Clearing/Mine laying/Combat Engineer Assault Engineer
GAS deployment or Secretion Gland GAS attack (ZOC)*
GAS Munitions GAS Attack (Firefight/Bombardment)*
EW 6 or higher Scout (optional)
Vehicle withAT DF weapon and 0-1 AP weapon of d6 or less) AT Detachment (optional)
Herd or Massed Infantry, or teams with >1 hit each Horde
Organic Organic
Archaic Archaic

*Depletion numbers for a ZOC attack are based on the number of GAS markers the unit can deploy; use the Missile
Depletion chart (25.2: Attack Die and Range) to derive the stands GAS Depletion number. Depletion numbers for GAS
Munitions use the original Depletion number rounded down to the closest available entry (8/6/4/2).

25.7 Special Cases

25.71 Mech Infantry and Airmobile Units
Converting Strike Legion Tactical units into either of these unit types requires that both the infantry and their
transport vehicle be considered and compared during the conversion process. Use only the highest of each of the
converted Movement, Attack, Defense, EW and MSL attack values found between the Personnel unit and its
transport; all weapons from both units are used when determining Assault and Firefight modifiers.

25.72 Aircraft, Personalities, and Sea/ther/Landship Units

Because of the very different handling of these units between the two games, no direct conversion from the Strike
Legion Tactical game is possible. These units/markers should be re-outfitted using the rules found in this book, with
players using their better judgment on the specific capabilities of each unit type or Air Marker.

Attack (S) and Attack (A) dice can be based on the original aircrafts Damage dice for AT/AP and AA weapons, re-
spectively, when determining Air marker stats.

Personalities have little-to-no direct effect on combat as portrayed in Planetary Operations, but players may want to
consider using their presence to affect the Training or C3 Levels of specific formations, depending on a Personalitys
Attributes (see 27.1: Troop Training and C3 Ratings). Again, this is left to the discretion of the individual player.

25.8 Oversized Vehicles

Ignore TL limits (but not overall Planetary Operations limits) when converting and determining Assault and Firefight
modifiers for OSV.

25.9 Assigning Game and Supply Point Values

Once all of the units factors have been converted and its information is written down, go through sections 24.0: Unit
Construction and 23.8: Supply Point Costs to derive the correct PV and Supply Point costs for each unit.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
26.0 Filling out Data Cards
Blank Data Cards have been provided so that players can create a quick reference for their units. Most of the basic
entry titles have been pre-printed on the cards; players only need write in the correct numeric value or die type to com-
plete those entries.

Colored entries may be written with the first letter of the color ([R]ed, [B]lue, or [G]reen) following the number/die
entry, or players may use colored pens to record this type of entry on the Data Cards.

All special attack and detachment stats and indicators (ART/X, UW, AA, Scout, etc.) should be written in the SPECIAL
box of the Data Card, along with any relevant attack die and ranges associated with the special function.

The number of Air and Sea/ther/Landship unit dice should be recorded in the NOTES section of the Data Card, as
should the number of hits per base, the number of Damage points per base or die, weapon Depletion numbers, and
Supply Point costs. Air marker Attack (S) and Attack (A) numbers may be written on the same Attack die line entry,
separated by a slash (S/A).

GAS weapons should have the appropriate (longest available) range circled (in green, if possible); TacNuke-capable
weapons should have a superscripted N written after the weapons range.

27.0 Organizing the Troops

Once you have your unit stands designed, youll need to place them into different levels of formations to operate ac-
cording to the game rules. There are a few specifics for each level of force organization that must be followed when
organizing your forces.

Its a good idea to keep track of the Game and Supply Point values for each organizational level of the forces you cre-
ate. This will help to save time when preparing for a game.

Combat Battalions
Combat battalions must have between two and four stands of troops to operate in the game. Different types and sizes
of troop stand may be part of the same battalion, but stands having specialized attacks (ART, GAS, UW, Assault Engi-
neer, etc.) that could be used as Detachments may not be included in such a unit.

Detachment Battalions
Specialized troops capable of operating as Detachments must be placed in Detachment battalions composed of exact-
ly the same type of stand for organizational purposes. They can be assigned to different Combat units prior to the
start of a game.

Regimental/Brigade Formations
A Regiment or Brigade is composed of two to four Combat Battalions and a HQ battalion (see below), plus up to four
Detachment Battalions. The number of stands in each Detachment Battalion may not exceed half the combined num-
ber of bases in the Combat Battalions. This ensures that Combat Battalions dont exceed the maximum number of
Detachments when fielded in a game.

This is a simple guideline; while formations may contain up to eight full-strength battalions four Combat and four De-
tachment not all of a formations Detachments may be assigned to Combat units. They may instead be forced to
operate as Combat units.

Detachment Battalions may also be fielded as Detachment Combat units but may not be considered part of the same
Regiment/Brigade for purposes of alternating movement in excess of the stated maximums. They are also bound by
the Unit Coherency rules (7.3: Unit Coherency) when fielded in this manner.

Players who wish to field all Combat and Detachment Battalions of a specific Regiment/Brigade may split the Regi-
ment/Brigade into two formations for game purposes, as long as the minimum and maximum number of Battalions
per formation is respected.

For an example, lets assume a regiment has four 4-stand Combat battalions, plus two artillery, one scout, and one AA
battalion, each of which also has four stands. If the Scout and AA battalions are broken up to assign one of each type
to each Combat unit, the two artillery battalions must operate as Combat units. This gives the regiment six Combat

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
units, but the rules allow for only four battalions per regiment for movement purposes. The thing to do in this case is
break the regiment into two formations for game play, with the most likely assignment for each of these demi-
regiments being two Combat and one Artillery battalions (although other combinations are definitely possible).

Divisional Formations
A Division is normally composed of two to five Regiment/Brigade formations. Additional Detachment Battalions may
be attached to it.

For organizational purposes, a Division may have one Detachment Battalion for each Regiment/Brigade in its force
structure. For game purposes, one of these Detachment Battalions may be fielded for each of the Divisions Regi-
ment/Brigade formations on the tabletop. The Detachment Battalion may be fielded as is, or it may have each of its
stands assigned to a specific Combat Battalion in accordance with the rules pertaining to the fielding of Detachments.

Corps Formations
A Corps is normally composed of two to four Divisional formations. It may also have additional Detachment Battalions
attached to it.

For organizational purposes, a Corps may have one Detachment Battalion for each Division in its force structure. For
game purposes, one of these Detachment Battalions may be fielded with each of the Corps Regiment/Brigade for-
mations. The Detachment Battalion may be fielded as is, or it may have each of its stands assigned to specific Combat
Battalions in accordance with the rules pertaining to the fielding of Detachments.

HQ Units
Each Regiment/Brigade, Division, and Corps may have one HQ Battalion as part of its organization. Regiment/
Brigade HQ may have 2 Combat stands and up to 2 Detachments; Divisional and Corps HQ Battalions may have from
2 to 4 Combat stands and one Detachment for each Combat stand of the HQ Battalion.

HQ units are never counted as Combat battalions for purposes of determining the allowable number of additional De-
tachment Battalions in a formation.

Air Markers
Air Markers are assigned to a players force on a per-game basis, as the Game or Supply Point limits allow.

Some formations may also have integrated air support. To represent these units, one Air Marker may replace one
Detachment Battalion at any level of Organization (Regiment/Brigade, Division, or Corps). There is no restriction on
the number of Air Markers that may be replaced and/or fielded in support of a single Regiment/Brigade except that
of the maximum for each organizational level in play.

Naval Support
Sea, ther, and Landship squadrons, as they can be fielded as complete forces unto themselves, have no formal or-
ganizational structure that affects game play. Players are encouraged to create their own task force or fleet organiza-
tions for these unit types to enhance their gaming experience (this may be helpful in preparation for a future campaign

27.1 Troop Training and C3 Ratings

After creating the stats and organizations of his unit, the player will need to decide how well trained his troops are,
how much battlefield experience they have, the efficiency of their officer corps, and how well they coordinate in the
field. Not all units in a particular force need have the same Training level, but all units of the players faction/army will
generally share the same C3 rating.

Construction costs have assumed both Trained Troop Training levels and Average C3 ratings, but Game and Supply
point adjustments are necessary to reflect different Training and C3 levels.

If a players force has formations with different Training levels, the listed modifications apply only to Combat unit bases.
The modifications do not extend to Detachments assigned to a unit that has a different Training level.

Players who dont mind an extra bit of bookkeeping may allow ratings for a Detachments original Combat unit Training
level to affect the units individual Detachments when assigned to other Combat units.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Training Level C3 Rating
Veteran: increase the cost of each formation by 5%. Superior: increase the cost of each formation by 5%.
Trained: no adjustment necessary. Average: no adjustment necessary.
Green: reduce the cost of each formation by 5%. Lacking: reduce the cost of each formation by 5%.
Civilian: reduce the cost of each formation by 10%. Poor: reduce the cost of each formation by 10%.
27.2 Supply Corps (optional)
As an additional game effect, players may want to experiment with having a forces C3 rating increase or decrease
the Supply Point cost of units during Campaign Games.

If this is done, simply reduce the Supply Point cost of each stand by one point (to a minimum of one) if the formation
has Superior C3, or increase the Supply point cost of each stand by one point if it has a Poor C3 rating.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Progenitor reinforcements arrive to bolster the line (Plasmablast Games).

Campaign Games the previous game, and players must take into considera-
tion how many resources (in the form of both units and
Introduction supplies) are committed and lost during each engage-
This section includes three different methods of cam- ment with the enemy. This CG can be played comfortably
paign play: a scenario-driven campaign game (CG), an by two players or a small group and finished in a relatively
operational sector CG, and a multi-sector, planet-wide CG. short period of time.
The different types of CG, while differing in the method
and scope, share some rules and concepts for setting up The Planetary Operations CG draws on concepts used in
battles and marshalling forces in-between games. the Operational Sector CG, but multiple sectors are
fought over simultaneously, and some interaction of forc-
The Campaign Game Common Rules section outlines the es between each operational sector in play is possible.
basic rules that apply to all methods of CG play, giving This type of CG will take several gaming sessions to play
players the option to learn and play any of the three types to completion and is best suited for group play or a small
of CG with minimal additional rules. gaming club project.

The Linked Scenario CG uses a scenario tree format, Players should keep in mind that a campaign game isnt
where the outcome of a scenario determines the next necessarily played solely to be won; its also an excuse to
specific type of scenario to be played. This CG is well- play the game for personal entertainment or enjoyment.
suited for play between to two players who want to en-
gage in a related series of games without keeping rec- 28.0 Campaign Game
ords of their force or supply levels between games. De- Common Rules
pending on how battles go for either side, a Linked Sce- The rules in this section apply to all three CG types.
nario CG can be finished over a small number of single
or multi-game playing sessions. 28.1 Rules Selection
Before beginning any CG, players should decide which
In the Operational Sector CG, players will fight multiple rules will be in play. While Basic Game CG are possible,
battles over the same patch of ground, with the front they are generally not recommended; due to lack of varie-
lines being redrawn after each game. Forces available for ty, games will end up being somewhat uninteresting after
each subsequent game are affected by the outcome of the first few battles.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
At the minimum, players should use the complete Ad- terrain types for specific types of environments. Environ-
vanced Rules section for their CG, including Optional rules mental Conditions are also listed for players who wish to
to create the desired level of detail and flexibility in both include those factors in their games.
force selection and tactical challenges. Discuss with your
opponent(s) which Optional rules will be used during the Alternately, the table size, Environmental Conditions, and
CG, giving preference to any no votes by players for the Primary and Secondary terrain, may be chosen by play-
inclusion or exclusion of a particular Optional rule. ers to recreate terrain suited to their tastes (such as
emulating a desert planet, jungle planet, ice world,
28.2 Attacker and Defender factory planet, asteroid or moon base, and so on).
Decide which player(s) will be the Attacker(s) and which
the Defender(s) for the duration of the CG. This can be 28.41 Terrain
accomplished by mutual agreement or decided by a die After consulting a scenarios instructions for the Primary
roll or coin toss. and Secondary terrain types, players should refer to the
Terrain Tables found with the Game Charts. When deter-
28.3 Force Selection mining the terrain to be placed, roll twice on the table
Each CG lists the total amount of Supply Points (SP) avail- corresponding to the Primary Terrain listed in the sce-
able to each player, along with any conditional usage, narios set-up instructions, and once on the Secondary
increase, or decrease in the available total of SP. All pur- Terrain table, for each 2 square area of the tabletop.
chased CG forces use each units SP value, not their
Game Point Value (PV). EXAMPLE: for a 4x 4 gaming table area, there are four
2x 2 areas of the table. Players will roll eight times on
Unit purchases may be limited by the rules in play, as the listed Primary Terrain table and four times on the
determined by players prior to the beginning of each Secondary Terrain Table for the listed terrain types.
campaign (see above).
Some scenarios also allow one of the players to choose
Some scenarios list restrictions (usually as a percentage the Primary or Secondary (or both) Terrain Table on
of the SP total) for one or both players regarding types of which to roll when setting up the tabletop.
purchases; Air 10%, for example, would limit a players
Air Marker purchases to 10% or less of his available SP Each result lists a specific type, size, and number of ter-
total for the scenario. rain features to be placed on the tabletop (and in some
cases, none). These features need not be placed uni-
A CGs Environmental Conditions may preclude the use of formly, or even within a specific 2 square area of the
certain unit classes (alternate atmospheres or back- table. Instead, players may alternate placing the terrain
ground radiation, for example). Always check the rules for features anywhere on the table until all are placed.
each listed Condition before purchasing forces for a CG.
The size of the terrain listed in the results on the Terrain
In many instances, players may not have enough SP to Tables should be considered approximate for most en-
take a complete (as defined in the units TO&E) Regiment tries; an extra half-inch or inch in any dimension to make
or Brigade. It is permissible for players to take under- the terrain look more natural isnt an issue and is unlikely
strength formations to make more efficient use of their to adversely affect game play.
available SP, but each formation must have a minimum of
two Combat battalions when placed on the table for a When placing terrain on the tabletop, no terrain features
game. are permitted to overlap with another terrain type
(exceptions: foliage and Ground Condition markers may
28.31 Tech Level Disparity be placed on or partially on hills; Urban areas may be
A player fielding forces constructed at a lower Tech Level placed on top of hills), and no terrain feature may be
than his opponent increases his initial SP allotment by placed closer than 4 to the edge of the table.
10% per level of difference in Tech Levels if the higher TL
force is TL5 or higher. After Terrain is placed, both players roll a d6. The player
with the higher roll (re-rolling any ties) may choose the
Players Note: games between forces that are more than side of the table that will be his Friendly Board Edge (FBE);
two Tech Levels apart will tend to be somewhat one- the table side directly opposite this is the enemys FBE.
sided, but they can still be enjoyable experiences so
long as the player with the lower TL doesnt mind horren- Some scenarios allow the Defender to choose which
dous casualties. edge of the table will be his FBE for the duration of the
scenario or the duration of a CG.
28.4 Table Set-Up
Each campaign scenario lists the suggested table size to 28.42 Weather
be used for the game, along with Primary and Secondary Each scenario lists the basic Climate for the game being

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
played as Arid, Moderate, Wet, or Frozen. Roll 2d6 on 29.2 Scenario Tree
the Weather Table and determine what the Weather The Scenario Tree (refer to the Linked Scenario CG Chart
effects will be according to that Climate. in Appendix III of this book) lists a specific scenario in the
box at the top of the sheet; this is the first scenario that
Possible results include only those conditions outlined in is played in the CG.
section 21.0: Environmental Conditions of the Optional
Rules. In the absence of specific instructions in a Tables Subsequent scenarios that will be played depend on the
results, players should consult the appropriate section of winner of the previous scenario (Attack, Defender, or
the rulebook for the placement parameters of Weather Neither). Find the correct entry at the bottom of the sce-
and Ground Condition markers. nario box and follow the colored arrow to determine the
next scenario to be played.
28.5 CP First Use Expenditures
The CP costs for the first use of GAS or TacNuke weap- 29.3 Scenario and CG Length
ons is made only once in a Linked Scenario or Operation- Play each individual scenario for the number of game
al Sector CG, or once per Operational Sector in a Plane- turns specified in the scenarios instructions. At the con-
tary Operations CG. clusion of each scenario, determine the level of victory
and the number of VP earned by either (or both) players.
29. Linked Scenario CG This CG continues for a total of five scenarios.
This book includes a Linked Scenario CG that takes play-
ers through five different scenarios. The scenario being 29.4 CG Victory Conditions (VC)
played after the conclusion of the previous scenario is Each individual scenario lists its conditions for victory.
determined by which side won or lost the previous game. Each game is worth a varying number of Victory Points
CG Victory is determined at the conclusion of the last (VP) depending on the scenario being played. Players
scenario. keep a running total of VP they have earned throughout
the CG.
29.1 Force Levels
The number of SP available for a Linked Scenario CG de- A scenario victory in the first, second, or fourth scenario
pends upon the table size chosen for the games played of the CG is worth one VP; a victory in the third or fifth
during the CG: (and final) scenario is worth 2 VP. A Draw awards no VP
for either side.
Small (4x 4) table: 225 SP per side (Attacker and
Defender). At the conclusion of the last scenario, players compare
Average (4x 6) table: 350 SP per side. their VP totals.
Oversize (4x 8 or 4/5x 10) table: 450 SP per If the difference between VP totals is 0, the CG game
side. is a Draw.
Prior to each scenario, players purchase their units using If the difference between VP totals is 1, the player
the SP cost of each unit and may field the entire force with the higher total wins a Marginal Victory.
purchased. Unit casualties are not tracked after each If the difference is 2 or 3 VP, the player with the high-
game, and each player may spend up to the listed total of er total wins a Substantial Victory.
SP for use in each scenario of the CG. Each players force If the difference is 4 or more VP, the player with the
composition may vary from game-to-game; purchased higher total wins a Major Victory (and bragging
formations do not carry over from one game to the next. rights).
The point values for each table allow players to field
roughly divisional or reinforced division-sized forces with
30. Operational Sector
appropriate support levels. Players may agree to field CG (OSCG)
larger or smaller point values in their games, but signifi- An Operational Sector CG differs from a Linked Scenario
cantly larger forces will have the effect of restricting ma- CG in a number of ways. First and foremost, players have
neuverability, while fielding significantly smaller forces a limited amount of SP to use for the entire CG, with cas-
may result in not having enough troops in the field to ac- ualties suffered in one scenario (among other factors)
complish objectives. having an effect on the number of SP available for use in
subsequent CG scenarios.
Players may increase or decrease the Training and/or
C3 level of their entire force at the beginning of any sce- Additionally, OSCG will be played in a series of shorter
nario using the point modifiers found in 27.1: Troop scenarios fought over the same tabletop terrain, with
Training and C3 Ranges. Changes to a formations SP each scenario having a random game length. Players can
cost are for that scenario only and do not carry over literally watch the front lines change from game-to-game
from scenario-to-scenario. as they work towards achieving their CG objectives.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
30.1 Initial Scenario Setup may be purchased prior to each game). Not all ground
Players choose (by mutual agreement or random selec- forces with TacNuke delivery systems need field them in
tion) one of the CG scenarios and use the conditions out- a scenario; these can be purchased on a unit-by-unit ba-
lined in that scenario to set up the battlefield. The scenar- sis prior to each scenario.
ios game length and VC are ignored.
Each of these weapons and/or Markers are removed
30.2 Force Levels from those available to a player at the conclusion of the
The number of SP available for a Linked Scenario CG de- current scenario; they are never held over as part of a
pends upon the table size chosen for the games that will players core force.
be played during the CG:
30.311 Fixed Defenses may be purchased by the CG
Small (4x 4) table: 300 SP per side (Attacker and Defender beginning with the second CG scenario; the
Defender). Attacker may purchase Fixed Defenses beginning with
Average (4x 6) table: 425 SP per side. the third CG scenario.
Oversize (4x 8 or 4/5x 10) table: 550 SP per
side. Each side may purchase up to one level of Fixed Defens-
es for each (movement) formation in his core force. One
30.21 Purchasing Forces level of Fixed Defense purchases allows the following to
Ground forces (any unit that is not an Air marker, Orbital be purchased with SP from a Players Reserve:
Support, or TacNuke expenditure) purchased will be in
use for the entire CG. While units in a players force may A 4x4 Built Up area may be placed anywhere in a
be destroyed and replaced, the initial force purchased is players area of Control, subject to normal placement
the basis of what may be fielded in each CG scenario. rules for Fixed Defenses.
This initial force is referred to as a players core force. A Built-Up area may be improved to a Fortification.
A Built-Up or Fortified area may add a Hasty Mine-
A player purchases his core force immediately after set- field.
ting up the table for the first CG scenario, and he may A Built-Up or Fortified area with a Hasty Minefield
spend no more than 80% of his SP on his core force. may improve the minefield to a Deliberate minefield.
A Tunnel Complex with a 2 radius. This may be sub-
30.211 Any SP not spent on a players core force are sequently improved up to the maximum of 6.
kept in Reserve. SP held in Reserve are used throughout
the CG to purchase additional assets for use in a scenar- When upgrading an existing Fixed Defense, players ex-
io or to replace stands of units that were eliminated in pend the difference in SP between the original Fixed De-
previous scenarios. fense and the added level, with a minimum expenditure of
1 SP.
While there is no set limit to the number of SP that may
be held in Reserve, a good rule of thumb is to place 25% 30.32 In-Game SP Expenditures
to 30% of ones points in Reserve for use throughout the During a game, players deduct 1 SP from their Reserve
CG. each time one of the following occurs:

30.3 Using SP Reserves A friendly ART Combat unit executes a Barrage or

SP may be spent on different game functions prior to the Interdiction Mission;
beginning of each scenario, during a scenario, and after A friendly Air marker executes a Bombing Run; or
the conclusion of a scenario. SP may never be spent in A Friendly Assault Engineer unit or Detachment suc-
excess of those available in a forces Reserve. cessfully reduces an enemy Defense by one or more lev-
els, expending 1 SP per stand that participated in the
30.31 Pre-Game SP Expenditures attack.
Prior to the beginning of each CG scenario, players may
Players need not adjust their SP tally during the game;
purchase specific assets that can be used or placed only
they may make a side note of the SP spent in-game and
during the current scenario.
subtract that amount from their Reserve at the begin-
ning of the Post-Game process.
Air markers, Orbital Barrages, and TacNukes are pur-
chased by paying the listed SP costs for use in the up- During a scenario, players should also differentiate their
coming game. TacNuke SP costs are paid per stand of removed stands by casualty type: removal due to combat
the unit that will have TacNukes available for the game. losses and removal from Disintegration.

No more than one Air Marker and one Orbital Barrage 30.33 Post-Game SP Expenditures
may be purchased for use in a single scenario for every At the conclusion of all but the final CG scenario, players
three Combat units in a players core force (though they may use their SP to repair and replace unit stands lost

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
through combat results or Disintegration, and to remove Directly in front of the center point of each Friendly
the Depleted status of MSL and GAS weapons. See the unit that is not currently in an enemy ZOC;
Post-Game Procedure (30.5) for the order and SP cost Directly behind the center point (and outside of) each
of each action. Friendly unit that is currently in an enemy ZOC;
30.4 Scenario Length At the forward edges (the edge furthest from the
Each scenario of a CG has a random number of turns Friendly Board Edge) of each terrain feature in which the
that will be played before the scenario is concluded. Like- player is currently the sole occupant and/or was the last
wise, a CG will continue for a number of scenarios until to move through. If a friendly unit is currently the sole
specific conditions are met. occupant of the terrain feature, no Control marker need
be placed for the unit if the terrain feature is further for-
30.41 Scenario End ward than the occupying unit. Friendly Fixed Defenses are
Each OSCG scenario will last for a minimum of four game considered terrain for Control marker placement; and
turns. At the end of the fourth game turn, roll a d6. On a At the table edge closest to the outermost friendly
die result of 5 or 6, the scenario ends immediately. If the unit on each extreme flank of a players force. This mark-
scenario does not end, roll another d6 at the end of turn er may not be placed so as to cross an implied line be-
5; a result of 3 or higher ending the current scenario. tween two Control markers representing enemy units.

Should the game continue into a sixth turn, roll a d6 at Markers need not be placed on controlled terrain that
the end of the turn, with a result of 2 or higher ending did not change hands during the scenario or is behind a
the game. If subsequent game turns are played, keep line of friendly units. Likewise, friendly units that are be-
rolling a d6 at the end of each turn until a 2 or higher is hind a line of other friendly units need no Control marker
rolled, ending the scenario. placed on them.

30.5 Post-Game Procedure After all Control markers have been placed, remove any
At the conclusion of each scenario, players mark their friendly Control marker within 2 of another friendly Con-
controlled areas of the table to determine the current trol marker (starting with the marker furthest from the
front line of the sector and to show their set-up areas FBE).
for the next scenario. They then have the opportunity to
replace some or all of their troop losses, re-supply deplet- A No-Mans Land exists where the line drawn between
ed weapons, and possibly improve the Training Level of Control markers of one side crosses the line created by
formations that meet certain criteria. the enemys Control markers, while still extending to an
unobstructed table edge. In these cases, exchange
30.51 Marker Adjustment friendly Control markers for enemy Control markers until
If the scenarios Weather Trend was Clearing, roll to the lines no longer cross each other.
remove any Frozen or Flooded Ground markers. Roll a
d10 for each marker, removing it on a roll of 4 or higher. Once this is done, there should be a clear line between all
Place one Flooded or Frozen Ground marker for eve- friendly control markers and the closest table edge. All
ry two Heavy Precipitation markers on the table, rounded area extending from the FBE up to this line is under
down. All markers placed must be of the same type and friendly Control (with the exception of Isolated units; see
may be chosen at the Defenders discretion. below).
Remove all Air, Order, GAS dX, Cloud, Fog, Precipita-
tion, and Wind markers from the table. When the line drawn from a friendly unit to a table edge
Control marker crosses a line between two enemy units
Nuked markers should be inverted and remain in place and a line drawn from a friendly unit to the next friendly
for the duration of a CG to denote Destroyed terrain. De- unit in an unbroken line across the table, those friendly
stroyed terrain increases the movement and Cover of units are Isolated. Remove the table edge Control marker
each terrain type it sits on by one type. For Cover status, and move it to the next closest eligible placement area on
none becomes Cover, Cover becomes Hard Cover, and the table.
Hard Cover becomes a Built-Up Fixed Defense that may
be used by either player. For movement, increase the 30.52 Command and Damage Hit Removal
movement penalty for the area to the next worst move- A non-Isolated unit that retains any number of Command
ment rate (x1 becomes x1.5; x1.5 becomes x2; x2 be- Hits at the end of the scenario may now automatically
comes Prohibited). remove them. Non-Isolated units may also remove all
remaining Damage points on a unit by paying half the SP
30.52 Table Control cost of one stand of the unit, rounded up.
Each player places colored Control markers correspond-
ing to his role in the CG (red for Attacker, blue for Defend- Isolated units may also make one additional Removal die
er) on the tabletop to denote the friendly Controlled Area roll for each Command hit they currently retain. Any Com-
of the table. Control markers are placed:

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Late in a CG, the Defender has mounted a counterattack against a weakened Attacker. This diagram shows the position of
each unit at the end of a scenario and the initial placement of Control markers on the table top. The dashed white lines con-
nect units to the Control marker placed at the closest table edge to each sides units in a straight line. The Attacker control
markers in the dashed circles show Control markers that are within 2 of each other; the ones that are furthest from the
FBE are removed before determining each players area of control.

The adjusted Control Areas at the end of the scenario.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Had these positions developed on the Attackers left flank, the four units oriented
around the central hill would create a No-Mans Land, resulting in the Control marker
adjustments shown here on the right.

The Control Areas at the end of the following scenario show an Isolated group of Attacker (red) units on the right flank.
These three units are Isolated because they cannot trace a line to a friendly unit that does not avoid crossing a line of ene-
my unit AND cannot trace a line clear of an enemy line of units from their positions to the tables edge.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
mand hits still marked after this additional attempt are Depleted marker that represents a weapon with a Deple-
retained by the unit for the next scenario. tion number of 2 or 4.

Isolated units may not remove Damage hits. As TacNukes are only available in a scenario when pur-
chased specifically for that game, all TacNuke Depleted
30.53 Experience markers are automatically removed from all units. This
Each player may have the Training Level of certain for- does NOT imply they have TacNuke capability for the fol-
mations adjusted prior to the beginning of the next game. lowing scenario; that capability must be purchased again
if a player wishes to use it in the next scenario.
30.531 Each player may nominate one maneuver for-
mation that has a Trained or lower Training Level for an 30.55 Unit Removal
Experience upgrade. The nominated formation may not Remove all non-Isolated units from the tabletop. Players
have lost over half of its total Combat unit stands in the are now ready to proceed to the next scenario of the CG.
preceding game. If no friendly units meet these criteria,
no roll is made. The only items left on the table at the conclusion of this
step should be the terrain, the Control markers for both
Roll a d10. On a result of 9 or 10, the formations Train- players, Isolated units (along with any Damage/
ing Level is increased to the next higher level. Command hits those units retain), Ground Condition
markers, and Destroyed terrain markers.
30.532 Each player must nominate a single maneuver
formation that lost more than half of its total Combat 30.6 Scenario Set-Up
stands, or had any Combat unit removed due to Disinte- The first scenario of an OSGC is set up according to the
gration, for an Experience downgrade. If no friendly units instructions of the selected CG Scenario, and subsequent
meet these criteria, no roll is made. scenarios uses the procedure in this section for setting
up play. Ignore the Game Length and Victory Conditions in
Roll a d10. On a result of 1 or 2, the formations Training the printed scenario.
Level is decreased to the next lower level.
30.61 Purchase Support
Each player spends SP for Air markers, Orbital Barrages,
Players should record any change in a formations Train-
and TacNukes that will be available to him during the cur-
ing Level as a reminder of its new status.
rent scenario; see 30.31: Pre-Game SP Expenditures for
30.54 Repair and Replacement particulars of pre-game purchases.
Players may now spend SP to replace removed unit
30.62 Determine Weather
stands and to remove Depleted weapon status from their
The Weather Conditions from the previous scenario ap-
units. Players are not required to expend SP for any of
ply if that scenario had a Worsening Trend; if Static or
the following unless their on-table core force has half (or
Clearing Trends, the previous Weather Conditions apply
less) of the original number of stands remaining on the
only on a d10 roll of 6+ or 8+, respectively. Otherwise,
table. If a player is required to spend SP on his force, he
the Trend becomes Static for the current scenario.
must keep spending SP on the items below until the num-
ber of core force stands is increased to at least 75% of If the previous scenarios Weather Trend was Clearing
the original number, or until all Reserve SP have been and the previous Weather Conditions do not apply to the
spent (whichever occurs first). upcoming scenario, the Defender may choose to place
d4 Light Clouds or Light Fog markers on the table. Use
Isolated units may never conduct any of the options listed the Clearing Trend rules for these markers during the
in this section. scenario.
A stand removed due to Disintegration is placed If there were no Weather markers on the table at the
back on the tabletop with its parent unit if the owning conclusion of the last scenario, roll on the Weather Ta-
player expends half of the stands SP cost from his SP bles to determine the Weather Conditions for the upcom-
Reserve. ing scenario.
A stand removed due to Damage is placed back on
the table with its parent unit if the owning player spends Place any Weather markers as per 21.1: Weather Mark-
an SP amount equal to its SP cost from his SP Reserve. ers.
An MSL, AA MSL, or GAS Depleted marker may be
removed from a battalion by expending one SP for each 30.62 Unit Placement
Depleted marker that represents a weapon with a Deple- Players place their units on the table, with the Defender
tion number of 6 or 8. placing all of his units first in his Controlled Area of the
An MSL, AA MSL, or GAS Depleted marker may be table. The Attacker then places all of his units second in
removed from a battalion by expending two SP for each his Controlled Area, but he may not place any unit where

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
there is either an enemy unit or a line drawn between those in the Attackers initial Control Area), the objective
two enemy Control markers within a friendly ZOC. is considered Occupied for the Attacker.
He may Reduce a specific enemy formation. Before
30.63 Remove Control Markers the CG begins, the Attacker may inspect the Defenders
Both players remove their Control markers from the tab- core force and choose one non-HQ (movement) for-
letop. After this is done, play commences with the Initia- mation. If, at the end of any CG scenario and prior to the
tive Phase of the first turn of the scenario. Post Game Process, this unit is reduced to one-third (or
less) the number of stands the formation possesses at
30.7 Victory Conditions (VC) full strength (i.e., the beginning of the CG), it is Reduced
Each OSCG has multiple VC for determining the level of and the objective accomplished. Stands removed from
victory in a campaign, with the Attacker choosing a Pri- the target formation by TacNuke or Orbital Barrage at-
mary and two Secondary Objectives. The Attackers VC tacks do not count towards this total.
are made known to the Defending player prior to the He may Preserve his force. If, after the third scenario
start of the CG. of a CG, the Attacker has not been forced to expend CP
to increase his core force above 50% and still has at
30.71 Primary Objectives least 50/75/100 SP in Reserve (based on small/
The Attacker must choose one of two Primary Objectives average/oversized table size initial SP), he has Preserved
for an OSCG: his force and accomplished this objective.
He may choose to Take and Hold the single largest 30.73 Defender Objectives
area of the Primary Terrain on the table. To take the The Defender accomplishes his Primary and/or Second-
objective, it must be exclusively within his Control ary objectives by denying the conditions of an Attackers
Area at the end of any scenario. To hold the objec- Primary and Secondary objectives.
tive, it must be exclusively within the Attackers Con-
trol Area at the end of the immediately subsequent 30.74 CG Length
scenario. If it is not, the objective has not been taken The OSCG continues for as many scenarios as necessary
and held, and it must be taken again. until one of the following events occurs:
Force Loss Event: both sides have zero SP in their SP
The objective must be defined prior to the beginning of Reserves and cannot place at least half of their original
the CG and should be discussed and decided upon by core force stands on the table for the next scenario.
mutual agreement of the players. The objective should Objective Event: one side has accomplished its Pri-
never be in the Attackers Control Area at the beginning mary objective and/or both its Secondary objectives.
of the first CG scenario.
30.75 CG Victory Levels
He may choose a Battle of Attrition. To accomplish The level of victory for depends on the accomplishment of
the Attrition objective, the Attacker must reduce the the objectives chosen at the beginning of the CG.
enemys core force to half (or less) the original num-
ber of stands, and reduce the enemys SP reserve to Primary and 2 Secondary objectives: Major Victory
zero, and have at least 25 SP in his Reserve, and (and bragging rights).
have more than half of his core forces stands availa- Primary and 1 Secondary OR 2 secondary objec-
ble for the next scenario. This objective is accom- tives: Substantial Victory.
plished if these conditions exist at the end of any sce- Accomplish Primary/enemy accomplished 2 Sec-
narios Post-Game Procedure. ondary objectives: Minor Victory.
1 Secondary objective: Minor Victory.
30.72 Secondary Objectives CG ends due to a Force Loss Event, regardless of
The Attacker must choose two of the following Secondary objectives: Draw.
He may Secure an area of the table. The Attacker 31.0 Planetary
chooses one-half of the table (measured either from neu-
tral side-to-side or from FBE to the enemys FBE). If, dur-
Operations CG (POCG)
ing any scenario, no enemy ground units have moved into The POCG takes place across multiple Operational Sec-
(or through) this half of the table, the objective is Secured tors (OS) simultaneously and allows events in one sector
and considered to be accomplished. to influence those taking place in another sector, effec-
He may Occupy a specific terrain type. The Defender tively simulating the battle for an entire world.
chooses one of the terrain types from the Secondary
Terrain table used in setting up the gaming table. If, dur- As the POCG is played across multiple Operational Sec-
ing any scenario, no Defending units have moved into (or tors, the rules of the OSCG are used for each Operational
through) half or more of these terrain features (excluding Sector in play, but are modified (where appropriate) by
this section.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
31.1 Number and Size of Sectors ning of each scenario round.
Players may decide to play on a small planet (3 OS), an
average planet (5 OS), or a large planet (7 OS), depend- SP assigned to a specific active Sector Reserve may not
ing on the number of players available (and their commit- be transferred back to the Strategic Reserve (but see
ment levels). OS are numbered to allow for easier and 31.5: Force Transfers); SP remain allocated to a specific
more organized reference to the specifics of each sector, Sector Reserve until they are spent or the CG ends.
and they are sometimes referred to as tables in this
rules section. No more than 20% of the amount of the initial (pre-first
scenario) Strategic Reserve may be allocated to a single
(Players note: the terms small, medium, and large OS prior to a scenario round.
dont necessarily denote the diameter or circumference
of the world being fought over; they may refer to the num- A Supply Record Sheet has been provided in Appendix III
ber of population centers, the average terrain or useful to track Strategic and Sector Reserve SP totals by sce-
mineral density, or simply the importance of the planet in nario round.
inter-species politics).
EXAMPLE: The CG Attacker has a Strategic SP Reserve
Each OS may use a different gaming table size; these may of 450 SP (a bit on the small side due to having pur-
be chosen by player agreement prior to commencing the chased large at-start core forces). Prior to the first sce-
CG. nario round of the CG, he transfers 25 SP to each of the
small table Sector Reserves and 30 SP to each of the
Set up each table as per 28.4: Table Set-Up. A different average table SP reserves, leaving 310 SP in his Strate-
Initial CG Scenario should be chosen for, or assigned to, gic Reserve. The maximum amount of SP he could trans-
each OS. fer to any Sector Reserve prior to a single scenario is
therefore 90 SP.
EXAMPLE: Players decide to fight a POCG over a medium
(5 OS) planet, choosing three average tables and two Using one of the Attackers average table Sector Re-
small tables on which to do battle. Each of the five tables serves of 30 SP, the player purchases one Orbital Bom-
uses a different CG scenario as its initial scenario, and bardment and two Air markers for a total of 16 SP; he
terrain and weather are rolled for and set up on each then uses 5 SP during the game for ART Barrage at-
table as per 28.4). FBE are determined and VC are cho- tacks, leaving him a total of 9 SP for use in the post-game
sen by the Attacker for each table prior to commencing refitting and replacing process.
the first scenario on each table.
If these additional SP are not spent during the post-game
31.2 Force Limits process, they remain in the Sector Reserve and are add-
Using the SP values listed in 30.2: Force Levels, multiply ed to any additional SP transferred from the Strategic
each SP amount by the number of OS tables at each size, Reserve to the Sector Reserve prior to commencing the
then total all SP into one sum. Each side then purchases second scenario round.
the core forces that will be used on each table. Core forc-
es deployed to a single Operational Sector may not ex- 31.4 Playing the POCG
ceed 30% of a sides beginning SP total if 3 OS are in OS scenarios on each table are played concurrently in
play, 20% if there 5 OS, or 15% if there are 7 OS. rounds. All scenarios in the first round must be complet-
ed before beginning the second scenario on each table,
EXAMPLE: combining the SP totals allowed for three all second round scenarios must be completed before
average (425 each) and two small (300 each) tables beginning any third round scenarios, and so forth.
gives each player a starting SP total of 1875 SP. Out of
this, players must purchase five core forces (one for Victory Conditions for each OS are chosen as per 30.7:
each table), none of which may exceed a cost of 375 SP. Victory Conditions. Play continues in each OS until all
OSCG have ended as per the criteria of 30.74: CG
31.3 Reserve Allocation Length. Some OSCG will complete before others; contin-
Prior to starting the first round of scenarios for all OS in ue consecutive scenario rounds in active sectors until all
play, each player must allocate a number of SP from his OSCG have terminated.
SP Reserve (his Strategic Reserve) for use in each OS
(each Sector Reserve). All activities requiring the expendi- Example: five scenarios are played one on each table,
ture of SP (pre-, mid-, and post-game) for a scenario are representing all OSCG activities on each table from pre-
deducted from each OSs Sector Reserve. game purchases through the post-game process and the
Not all SP need to be assigned from a players Strategic next games scenario set-up prior to playing a second
Reserve to the various Sector Reserves prior to the be- scenario on each table.
ginning of the first scenario round. Additional SP may be
transferred to each Sector Reserve prior to the begin-

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
31.5 Force Transfers a protracted campaign. This rule introduces some of the
At the conclusion of an OSCG, the winning player may possibilities, integrating them into each type of CG on a
transfer a portion of the Sector Reserve and his core more-or-less limited basis.
force back to the Strategic Reserve.
32.11 Checking for Random Events
Immediately after allocating SP from the Strategic Re- Prior to purchasing support units in any campaign sce-
serve to each Sector Reserve, the owning player may nario, the Attacker rolls a d10. If the result is 7 or higher,
transfer one-half of the SP from a Sector Reserve where a Random Event will affect the next scenario or scenario
he is the winner of that particular OSCG back to the Stra- round. Add +1 to the d10 result for each prior round in
tegic Reserve. which no Random Event occurred.

Additionally, the winning player may transfer a number of 32.12 Determining Events
SP from that Sector into the Strategic Reserve equal to For a LSCG or OSCG, roll once on the Random Events
one-quarter of the SP value of his core force at the end of Table using 2d6. Apply the stated result for the duration
the OSCG. This transfer is also made after the next turns of the upcoming scenario.
SP allocations from the Strategic Reserve to each Sector
Reserve. In a POCG, roll two dice of the same type, depending on
the number of OS currently in play. Use 2d4 for a 3 or
Players Note: this creates an effective one-turn delay less OS, 2d6 for 4 or 5 OS, and 2d8 for 6 or 7 active OS
between winning an OS and the transfer of SP back to games. The dice should be two different colors, with one
the Strategic reserve. of them being considered the white die, and the other the
colored die.
EXAMPLE: the Defending player has won one of the
small table OS at the end of the third scenario round. He Roll both dice and subtract the colored die from the
finds that the just-won Sector has 19 SP left in its Re- white die. If the result of the dice is one or less, a single
serve, and 104 SP of his core force was left at the con- table will be affected by the Random Event result. If it is
clusion of that OSCG. After transferring SP from his Stra- greater than one, the result is the number of tables that
tegic Reserve to the four active Sector Reserves, he may will be affected by the same result, with the Defender
add (10 SP from the completed OS Sector Reserve, plus choosing which active tables will be affected if it is less
26 SP out of the value of the core units=) 36 SP back than the total number of tables in play.
into his Strategic Reserve. After the transfer, this partic- Note that some results are conditional and may affect
ular OS has no further effect on the conduct of the POCG only the Attacker or Defender in a particular CG scenario.
in the active combat sectors.
Players may also reverse the process, determining the
31.6 Winning the POCG number of affected sectors before determining the Ran-
Victories in the individual OS are given a VP value and dom Event in order to roll for a different Random Event in
totaled at the conclusion of all OSCG games to determine each affected OS.
the victor of the POCG.
The Random Events Table is located on the following
Each OSCG Draw is worth zero points; a Marginal page.
Victory is worth 1 point, a Substantial Victory is
worth 2 points, and a Major Victory is worth 3 32.2 Additional Types of Campaign Gaming
points. The CG rules and scenarios presented in the previous
The force with the highest VP total at the conclusion rules sections concentrate on ground-based campaigns
of all games in the POCG is the Winner. If the VP and exclude the involvement of naval forces. This section
totals are tied, the Defender wins the POCG. gives some basic guidelines not hard and fast rules
for playing naval-only or mixed ground-naval campaign
An Attackers victory places the planet firmly under his games.
iron heel, to plunder, eradicate, or administrate at his
whim. 32.21 Naval-only Campaigns
Terrain set-up for naval campaigns should consist of sea
A Defenders victory kicks the alien scum off of his justly- terrain with the occasional island/archipelago or coastal
held planet, allowing the Defender time to rebuild his area. Forces that require SP for replacement should ex-
shattered world and plot revenge perience a nominal delay in returning to the game, repre-
senting time in-port (outside the combat zone) for re-
32.0 Optional CG Rules pairs. Off-Carrier Air Markers should be restricted as to
32.1 Random Events the number of turns they can be placed on the table dur-
Factors outside the direct control of the players can ing a single game; this represents land-based air units or
make a definite impact on the conduct of operations over those dispatched from orbiting starships (assigning a

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Depletion number to Air Markers might be the best way Random Events Table
to express this during a scenario).
2: Successful Long Range Ops
32.22 Mixed Naval/Ground Campaigns The Defender rolls a d6 and multiplies the result by
Increase the amount of at-start SP by 25-50% and allow 3. Deduct the SP from the Attackers Sector Re-
transported units to disembark (and fight) over land-based serve and add them to the Defenders SP reserve.
objectives. Impose strict limitations on the number of SP
that can be used for the creation of naval units. 3: Insurrection
The Attacker must pay a one-time fee of 5SP to
Setting up a grand campaign table consisting of pre- quell civilian unrest.
generated individual tables that can be fought over se-
quentially (left to right, or top to bottom, depicting the 4: Partisans
movement across a wide area of the planet), with limita- The Attacker increases his movement cost in all
tions on the commitment of core forces when moving Urban and Suburban terrain to x2; do not increase
from one table to the next, is a good way to create an the Attackers Cover modifiers for this result.
island hopping campaign.
5: Sabotage
The Defender selects three Attacker battalions, of
which the Attacker chooses one. Inflict d3 Damage
points on this unit prior to the Initiative Phase of the
first turn of the next scenario.

6: Poor Weather
Weather in adjacent territories delays supplies.
Reduce each players Sector Reserve by d6 SP.

7: Decontamination
If any GAS or TacNuke was used in the sector in any
previous scenario of this CG, add 1SP to the cost of
all unit stand replacements.

8: Low Enemy Activity

Supply convoys meet little to no enemy interference.
Add d6 SP to each players Sector Reserve.

9: Counter-Intel Success
The Attacker thwarts and manages to reverse a
Defender Intel operation. Inflict a Defender unit (of
his choice) with d3 Damage points prior to the start
of the next scenario.

10: Separatists
The Defender increases his movement cost in all
Urban and Suburban terrain to x2; do not increase
the Defenders Cover modifiers for this result.

11: Revolt
The Defender must pay a one-time fee of 5SP to
quell civilian unrest.

12: Supply Dump Raid

The Attacker rolls a d6 and multiplies the result by
3. Deduct the SP from the Defenders Sector Re-
serve and add them to the Attackers SP reserve.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Each of the enclosed force lists contains all of the information necessary to use them in the six set-piece scenarios in
this book; they may also be used as the basis for a CG scenario force, if desired.

All of the force lists contain multiple entries for the organization of each forces units for tabletop deployment (its Tacti-
cal Orders and Equipment, or TO&E), along with Data Cards for referencing each units capabilities. A forces Training
Level, C3 Rating, and Tech Levels are also listed here.

The Battalion Organizations table shows the basic battalion- or section-level units that the larger Regimental/Brigade
formations are based upon, along with that units Game Point (PV) and Supply Point (SP) values.

Each of the graphic entries shows the complete organization for a Regiment or Battalion of the named type, with each
box representing one battalion or section included in that organization. Stacked boxes indicate multiples of a single
type of battalion or section within that organization.

The Common Cross-Attached Formations tables list the normal Detachment assignment for the variant battalions
listed on the table and optional Regimental or Brigade structures created for specific combat missions. These are not
exhaustive, and players may create additional organizational variants for use in their games, keeping in mind the re-
strictions on force organization and tabletop deployment (see 27.0: Organizing the Troops).

Permission is granted to make a reasonable number of copies of the information in this

Appendix for personal use.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Red Force TO&E Advance
Armor Points (PV/SP): 1009/62
Battalion Composition Points (PV/SP) HQ Regiment
Air Cav 3x Harpy 234/12
Med Tank Scout Artillery AA Signal
Air Squadron 2x Incubus 122/8 Battalion Battalion Battalion Section Battalion
AA 4x Satyr 156/4
Armor Points (PV/SP): 1136/59
AA (Section) 2x Satyr 78/2 Armor
Artillery 3x Hellfire 123/9
Gunship 4x Trident 232/12 MBT Scout AA
Med Tank Artillery
Heavy Tank 4x Malcore 348/20 Battalion Battalion Battalion Section Section

MBT 3x Diablo 153/6

Assault Points (PV/SP): 2082/125
Mech Infantry 4x Charybdis 169/12 Armor
HQ Brigade
Medium Tank 4x Hel 148/4
Scout 4x Imp 156/8
Scout (Section) 2x Imp 78/6 Heavy Tank Artillery Scout AA
Battalion Battalion Battalion Battalion
Signal 4x Siren 76/16
Red Force Notes:
TL: 5 Air Cav Points (PV/SP): Mech Inf Points (PV/SP): 1214/66
Regiment 1043/48 Brigade
C3: Average HQ
Training: Trained

Air Cav Gunship Med Tank Mech Inf Artillery Scout AA

Battalion Battalion Battalion Battalion Battalion Section Section

Common Cross-Attached Formations

Battalion Variants Composition Points (PV/SP) Brigade Variants Composition Points (PV/SP)
Heavy Cav Bn. 3x Harpy, 1x Trident, 331/18 Heavy Cav Rgt. 3x Heavy Cav Bn. 1265/69
1x Warlock (Det) 1 x Hunter Bn.

Hunter Battalion 4x Trident, 1x Warlock 272/15 Heavy Mech Bde. 2x Heavy Armor Bn.. 1621/99
(Det) 2x Infantry Bn.
1x AA Bn.
Assault Battalion 2x Diablo, 1x Charybdis, 276/14 1x Mech HQ
1x Hellfire (Det),
1x Imp (Det) Mech Assault Bde. 2x Assault Bn. 1281/68
1x Infantry Bn.
Heavy Scout Bn. 4x Hel, 1x Imp (Det), 206/10 1x Heavy Scout Bn.
1x Siren (Det) 1x AA Bn.
1x Mech HQ
Heavy Armor Bn. 4x Malcore, 1x Hellfire 433/26
(Det), 1x Imp (Det) Heavy Armor Bde. 3x Heavy Armor Bn. 1916/108
1x Heavy Scout Bn.
Infantry Bn. 4x Charybdis, 1x Hell- 232/17 1x Artillery Bn.
fire (Det), 1x Siren (Det) 1x AA Bn.
1x Armor HQ
Armor HQ 2x Hel, 1x Satyr (Det), 132/11
1x Siren (Det) Infantry Bde. 3x Infantry Bn. 1160/82
1x Heavy Scout Bn.
Mech HQ 1x Hel, 1x Charybdis, 138/13 1x Artillery Bn.
1x Satyr (Det), 1x Mech HQ
1x Siren (Det)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Blue Force TO&E Hvy Tank
Armor Points (PV/SP): 1344/68
Battalion Composition Points (PV/SP) HQ Regiment
Heavy Tank Bn 4x Model 84 236/8
Hvy Tank Light ART Hvy ART AA Scout
Tank Bn 3x Model 76 111/3 Battalion Battalion Battalion Section Section

Light Tank Bn 4x Model 19 120/4

Tank Points (PV/SP): 1026/50
Mech Inf Bn 3x Model 44 171/9 Armor
Light Artillery 4x Model 34 128/8
Heavy Artillery 4x Model 36 300/16 Tank Lt Tank Light ART AA Scout
Chemical Bn 4x Model 19A 140/8 Battalion Battalion Battalion Section Section

Scout Bn 4x Model 23 124/8

Mech Inf Points (PV/SP): 1235/69
Scout Section 2x Model 23 62/4 Mech
AA Bn 4x Model 25 128/8
AA Section 2x Model 25 64/4
Mech Inf Light ART AA Scout
Air Squadron 1x Oleck-B 88/5 Battalion Battalion Battalion Battalion
Shock Bn 4x Model 44A 248/16
Superheavy Bn 4x Model 97 344/32 Points (PV/SP): 2002/140
Armor Assault
Blue Force Notes: HQ Regiment
TL: 5
C3: Average
Training: Trained SHvy Chemical Hvy ART AA Scout
Battalion Battalion Battalion Battalion Battalion
Battalion Variants Composition Points (PV/SP)
Armor Battalion 4x Model 84 300/12
1x Model 34 (Det) Common Cross-Attached Formations
1x Model 25 (Det)
Light Armor Bn 2x Model 76 187/7 Regiment Variants Composition Points (PV/SP)
2x Model19 Heavy Mech Rgt 1x Heavy Mech Bn 2064/125
1x Model 34 (Det) 2x Assault Bn
1x Model 23 (Det) 2x Hvy ART Bn
Assault Battalion 1x Model 84 334/17 1x AA Bn
3x Model 44 1x Mech HQ
1x Model 36 (Det) Armor Regiment 2x Armor Bn 1440/80
1x Model 25 (Det) 1x Hvy Recon Bn
Heavy Recon Bn 2x Model 76 165/6 1x Chemical Bn
2x Model 19 1x Hvy ART Bn
1x Model 23 1x AA Bn
1x Armor HQ
Penal Battalion 4x Model 44A 312/20
1x Model 34 Shock Regiment 1x Hvy Mech Bn 1350/117
1x Model 25 3x Penal Bn
2x Lt ART Bn
Heavy Mech Bn. 3x Model 97 326/33 1x AA Section
1x Model 44 1x Scout Section
1x Model 44A (Det) 1x Mech HQ
1x Model 23 (Det)
Fighter Wing 6x Oleck-B 528/30
Chemical Bn 4x Model 19A 247/14
1x Model 36 (Det)
1x Model 25 (Det)
Armor HQ 2x Model 84 182/12
2x Model 25 (Det)
Mech HQ 2x Model 84 348/18
2x Model 44
4x Model 25 (Det)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Green Force TO&E
Company Composition Points (PV/SP)
Combat Coy. 3x Combat Suit 351/31
Plt., 1x Command
Suit Plt (Det)., 1x
Scout Suit Plt (Det)
Engineer Bn. 4x Combat 292/32
HQ 2x Command 144/16
Suit Plt.

Green Force Notes: Combat Bn: 1x HQ, 4x Combat Coy

TL: 7 (1548/140)
C3: Average
Training: Average Engineer Rgt: 1x HQ, 2x Engineer Bn.

Gold Force TO&E

Company Composition Points (PV/SP)
Worker Unit 4x Workers, 2x 216/16
Warriors (Det).
Warrior Unit 4x Warriors 280/20

Gold Force Notes:

TL: 6
C3: Lacking
Training: Average
Organic Command

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Black Force TO&E
Organizations Composition Points (PV/SP)
Foot Infantry Points (PV/SP): 110/52
Foot Regiment 4x Infantry Bn. 12/8 HQ Brigade
Cavalry Division 4x Cavalry Rgt. 16/8
Contraption Div 4x Mk. IV Rgt. 36/8
Foot Howitzer
Howitzer Bn 4x Howitzers 28/8 Regiment Battalion
Howitzer Section 2x Howitzers 14/4
Rocket Battery 2x Rockets 10/2 Cav Cavalry Points (PV/SP): 114/46
HQ Corps
Fighter Wing 4x Sopwith Monoplane 76/16
Bomber Wing 3x De Havilland Bomb- 51/9
er Cavalry Rocket
Foot HQ 2x Infantry Bn. 6/4 Division Battalion Battery
Cavalry HQ 2x Cavalry Rgt. 8/4
Mech HQ 2x Contraption Rgt. 18/4 Mech Mech Points (PV/SP): 238/54
HQ Corps
Common Fleet Composition Points (PV/SP)
Contraption Howitzer Rocket
Air Supremacy 1x BB Sqn, 2x CA Sqn., 296/34 Division Battalion Battery
2x DD Sqn.
Air Patrol 1x CA Sqn., 3x DD Sqn. 228/25
Ground Assault 1x BB Sqn, 1x CV Sqn., 451/53 Black Force Notes:
2x CA Sqn., 2x DD Sqn. (includes Fighter TL: 1/Archaic
Wing) C3: Average
Training: Trained
Ground Patrol 1x CA Sqn., 3x DD Sqn. 152/21

Silver Force TO&E Foot Infantry Points (PV/SP): 165/46

HQ Division
Organizations Composition Points (PV/SP)

Foot Regiment 3x Landwehr Bn. 9/6

Foot Gun
Cavalry Division 3x Krassier Rgt. 15/6 Regiment Battalion
Contraption Div 4x Wotan Rgt. 28/4
Gun Battalion 4x Sturmgeschtz 44/8 Cav Cavalry Points (PV/SP): 99/30
Gun Section 2x Sturmgeschtz 22/4
HQ Corps

Mech Inf Rgt 4x Eindringentrppen 48/16

Foot HQ 2x Landwehr Bn. 6/4 Cavalry Gun
Division Section
Cavalry HQ 2x Krassier Rgt. 10/4
Mech HQ 2x Eindringentrppen 24/8
Mech Mech Points (PV/SP): 412/92
Fighter Wing 4x Fokker Triplane 80/16 HQ Corps
Bomber Wing 4x Gotha Bomber 88/16

Contraption Mech Inf Gun

Common Fleet Composition Points (PV/SP) Division Battalion
Organizations Regiment

Air Supremacy 1x BB Sqn, 1x BC Sqn., 418/37

1x CA Sqn., 2x CL Sqn. Mech Armored Points (PV/SP): 262/48
HQ Corps
Air Patrol 1x CA Sqn., 1x CL Sqn., 223/26
2x DD Sqn. Silver Force Notes:
TL: 1/Archaic
Ground Assault 2x BB Sqn., 2x CA Sqn., 395/41 Contraption C3: Average
3x DD Sqn. Gun
Division Battalion Training: Trained
Ground Patrol 2x CA Sqn., 2x DD Sqn. 176/22

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)


Def: Def:
Attack: DMG Attack: DMG
Range: Range:
EW: Supply Points: EW: Supply Points:



Def: Def:
Attack: DMG Attack: DMG
Range: Range:
EW: Supply Points: EW: Supply Points:



Def: Def:
Attack: DMG Attack: DMG
Range: Range:
EW: Supply Points: EW: Supply Points:



Def: Def:
Attack: DMG Attack: DMG
Range: Range:
EW: Supply Points: EW: Supply Points:



Def: Def:
Attack: DMG Attack: DMG
Range: Range:
EW: Supply Points: EW: Supply Points:



Def: Def:
Attack: DMG Attack: DMG
Range: Range:
EW: Supply Points: EW: Supply Points:


STATS SPECIAL NOTES Strike Legion: Planetary Operations

Attack: DMG
EW: Supply Points: Blank Ground Unit
Data Cards


Attack: DMG
EW: Supply Points:

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

PV: TacNukes


S/L/A Unit ART/MSL Delivery Air Delivery Orbital Delivery
Def: Attack Dice:
Attack: / DMG per die:
EW: Supply Points:



S/L/A Unit
Def: Attack Dice:
Attack: / DMG per die:
EW: Supply Points:

PV: Orbital Support


S/L/A Unit Destroyer Class Cruiser Class Battleship Class
Def: Attack Dice:
Attack: / DMG per die:
EW: Supply Points:



S/L/A Unit
Def: Attack Dice:
Attack: / DMG per die:
EW: Supply Points:



S/L/A Unit Air Marker
Def: Attack Dice: Def: Attack Dice:
Attack: / DMG per die: Attack: /
EW: Supply Points: EW: Supply Points:



S/L/A Unit Air Marker
Def: Attack Dice: Def: Attack Dice:
Attack: / DMG per die: Attack: /
EW: Supply Points: EW: Supply Points:


STATS SPECIAL NOTES Strike Legion: Planetary Operations

S/L/A Unit
MV: Blank
Def: Attack Dice:
Attack: / DMG per die:
EW: Supply Points: Air Marker
PV: TacNuke
Orbital Support
S/L/A Unit
MV: Data Cards
Def: Attack Dice:
Attack: / DMG per die:
EW: Supply Points:

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)



Permission is granted to make a reasonable number of copies of the information in this

Appendix for personal use.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Orbital Orbital Orbital Orbital
Barrage Barrage Barrage Barrage

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel

Complex Complex Complex Complex Complex Complex

1 2 3 4 5 6

Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel

Complex Complex Complex Complex Complex Complex

1 2 3 4 5 6

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Bombing Bombing Bombing Bombing

Strafing Strafing Strafing Strafing


Bombing Bombing Bombing Bombing CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS

Run Run

Strafing Strafing Strafing Strafing CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP

Run Run Run Run

Aerodrome Aerodrome Aerodrome Aerodrome



Aerodrome Aerodrome Aerodrome Aerodrome


Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Soft flooded frozen Soft frozen flooded

Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground

Soft flooded frozen Soft frozen flooded

Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground

Soft flooded frozen Soft frozen flooded

Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground

Soft flooded frozen Soft frozen flooded

Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light
Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip

Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy
Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip Precip

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

1.5 Radius
Nuked Nuked
1 1
Radius Radius


Target Target

Point Point

Target Target

Point Point

1.5 Radius

Nuked Nuked
1 1
Radius Radius

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

2 Radius

1.5 Radius


Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

OSCG/POCG Control Markers

Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy

Aggression Aggression Aggression Aggression Aggression Aggression Aggression Aggression Aggression

Haste Haste Haste Haste Haste Haste Haste Haste Haste

Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold

Regroup Regroup Regroup Regroup Regroup Regroup Regroup Regroup Regroup

Organic Command markers

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)


Permission is granted to make a reasonable number of copies of the information in this

Appendix for personal use.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)
Planetary Operations o Unit Record Sheet
Instead of placing non-Order markers on the table, you can assign a record track on this page for each of your units.
Place markers for those units on these tracks as necessary.
Battalion:_______________ Battalion:_______________

Battalion:___________ Battalion:___________

Battalion:____________ Battalion:____________

Battalion:____________ Battalion:____________

Battalion:_______________ Battalion:_______________

Battalion:___________ Battalion:___________

Battalion:____________ Battalion:____________

Battalion:____________ Battalion:____________

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Planetary Operations o Dice Tracking Sheet
Instead of placing dice for Air Markers and Sea/Airship/Landship units on the table, you can assign a record track on
this page for each of your units dice. Place each Markers dice inside the box matching the Markers assigned number.

Unit/Marker:_________________ Unit/Marker:_________________

Unit/Marker:_________________ Unit/Marker:_________________

Unit/Marker:_________________ Unit/Marker:_________________

Unit/Marker:_________________ Unit/Marker:_________________

Unit/Marker:_________________ Unit/Marker:_________________

Unit/Marker:_________________ Unit/Marker:_________________

Unit/Marker:_________________ Unit/Marker:_________________

Unit/Marker:_________________ Unit/Marker:_________________

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Planetary Operations o Tunnel Movement Sheet
Place the models of units using Tunnel Movement in the box with the same number as the Tunnel marker, and record the
details of any Tunnel Complex.

Tunnel Complexes - circle to indicate (R)ed or (B)lue numbered marker.

Tunnel Complex 1 (R) (B) Tunnel Complex 2 (R) (B) Tunnel Complex 3 (R) (B)
Radius: Capacity: Radius: Capacity: Radius: Capacity:

Tunnel Complex 4 (R) (B) Tunnel Complex 5 (R) (B) Tunnel Complex 6 (R) (B)
Radius: Capacity: Radius: Capacity: Radius: Capacity:

Tunnel Movement - circle to indicate (R)ed or (B)lue numbered marker; write the number on the marker in the box.
(R) (B) Marker Number:________ (R) (B) Marker Number:________

(R) (B) Marker Number:________ (R) (B) Marker Number:________

(R) (B) Marker Number:________ (R) (B) Marker Number:________

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Planetary Operations o POCG SP Reserve Sheet
Record the Strategic Reserve and all pre-scenario SP transfers to each Sector Reserve.

Initial Scenario Round 1 Sector Reserve Allocations

Strategic Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Sector 7

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total

Allocated: Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain

Round 2 Scenario Round 2 Sector Reserve Allocations

Strategic Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Sector 7
Reserve: remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total

Allocated: Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain

Round 3 Scenario Round 3 Sector Reserve Allocations

Strategic Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Sector 7
Reserve: remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total

Allocated: Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain

Round 4 Scenario Round 4 Sector Reserve Allocations

Strategic Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Sector 7
Reserve: remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total

Allocated: Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain

Round 5 Scenario Round 5 Sector Reserve Allocations

Strategic Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Sector 7
Reserve: remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total

Allocated: Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain

Round 6 Scenario Round 6 Sector Reserve Allocations

Strategic Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6 Sector 7
Reserve: remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +
remainder +

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total

Allocated: Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain Spent/remain

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Planetary Operations o LSCG Scenario Tree
Play the scenario indicated by the Red arrow if the Attacker won the previous game, the scenario indicated by the
Blue arrow if the Defender won the previous scenario, or the scenario indicated by the Green arrow if the last game
was a draw.
Players may decide on the first scenario to be played between themselves. If an agreement cannot be reached ami-
cably, roll a d6. on a 1-3 the first scenario is Hot LZ; on a 4-6 it is Meeting Engagement.

Game Hot OR Meeting

1 LZ Engagement

Game Breakthrough Turning Counterattack

2 The Flank

Game Attrition Hasty

3 Defense

Game Deliberate Meeting

4 Defense Engagement

Game Breakthrough Counterattack


Scenario wins in games 1, 2, and 4 are worth 1 VP each.

Scenario wins in games 3 and 5 are worth 2 VP each.
A draw is worth zero VP for either side.

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Orders Summary Tactical Deployment, Facing, and ZOC
ADVANCE: Full move; 1/2 EW. May Combat Deployment March Column
not enter enemy ZOC.
ASSAULT: Full move; full EW. May en- ZOC Firing Arc
ter enemy ZOC.
2016 Karl G. Johnson. All Rights Reserved.

MARCH: Double move; zero EW. May REAR
not enter enemy Firefight range; use
Road rate and March Column. Refused Flank Point Defense
MOBILE DEFENSE: Full move; 1/2
Refused Flank
EW. May not enter enemy ZOC. Refused
Firing Arc
OPTION: May choose other order in Flank
appropriate turn Phase/Segment.
REFIT: No move; no EW. May not be in
enemy ZOC when issued. Re-roll failed 360o 360o
Command Hit removal if no other cas- REAR
ualties this turn.
STATIC DEFENSE: 1/2 Move; full EW.
May not enter enemy ZOC.
SUSTAINED FIRE: No move; full EW
(Firefight only). +1 Attack die type or 2 Weather Markers Weather Marker Set-Up (per 2 sq. area)
Firefight Attacks with -1 Attack die WEATHER LT FOG HVY FOG LT CLOUDS HVY CLOUDS
Light Fog 2 2 - -
Heavy Fog 1 per 3 1 - -
CP Expenditures
Light Clouds 1 per 2 1 2 1
Spend 1 CP for:
Heavy Clouds - - 1 per 3 2
Each +1 to Initiative dice total
Each Option order issued Precipitation (d10 per Cloud Marker) Wind At Wind
Each ART Interdiction or Barrage Start Change
Attack PRECIP None Light Heavy
TYPE Marker Marker (d10)
Each Barrage after first against (2d6)
same target. Light 1-4 5-9 10 2-3: High Winds* 1: High Winds.
Each Air Bombing mission 4-5: Moderate 2: No Winds this turn.
Heavy 1 2-4 5-10 3-8: No change.
Movement/Firefight Sequence in- 6-8: No Wind

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

terruption 9-10: Moderate 9: Change one
1 2 3 direction clockwise;
Cancel Movement/Firefight 11-12: High Winds** Moderate.
sequence interruption Wind Wind 10: Change one direc-
Direction 8 4 *First turn of scenario only;
Re-roll of one die Direction tion counter-clockwise;
roll normally thereafter.
Cancel re-roll of one die 7 6 5 ** For duration of scenario. Moderate.
Urban Wetlands Industrial Plains
2-3: Lt. Foliage (4x 6) 2-3: Soft Ground 2-3: Hill (4x 6) 2-3: Hill (4x 4)
4-5: Suburban (6x 6) 4-5: Water (6x 6) 4-5: Rough (4x 4) 4-5: Water (4x 4)
6-8: Urban (4x 4) 6-8: Lt. Foliage (6x 6) 6-8: Urban (6x 6) 6-8: None
9-10: Hill (4x 6) 9-10: Dense Foliage (4) 9-10: Suburban (4x 4) 9-10: Suburban (4x 4)
11-12: Water (4x 4) 11-12: Suburban (4) 11-12: Lt. Foliage (4) 11-12: Lt. Foliage (4)
See Note 1 See Note 2 See Note 1 See Note 1
Highlands Pastoral Tundra Barren
2-3: Water (4x 4) 2-3: Water (4x 4) 2-3: Suburban (4x 4) 2-3: Hill (4x 6)
4-5: Soft Ground 4-5: Suburban (4x 4) 4-5: Dense Foliage (4) 4-5: Rough (4x 4)
6-8: Hill (6x 12) 6-8: Hill (4x 6) 6-8: Lt. Foliage (4x 6) 6-8: None
9-10: Hill (4x 6) 9-10: Lt. Foliage (4x6) 9-10: Hill (4x 6) 9-10: Rough (4x 4)
11-12: Suburban (4) 11-12: Dense Foliage (4) 11-12: Rough (4x 6) 11-12: Suburban (4)
See Notes 1 and 2 See Notes 1 and 2 See Note 1 See Note 1
Arid Climate Moderate Climate Wet Climate Frozen Climate
2-3: Light Fog 2-3: Light Fog 2-3: Light Fog 2-3: None
4-5: Wind only 4-5: Wind only 4-5: Heavy Fog 4-5: Light Fog
6-8: None 6-8: Light Clouds*
2013 Karl G. Johnson. All Rights Reserved.

6-8: None 6-8: Heavy Clouds*

9-10: Wind only 9-10: Wind only 9-10: Light Clouds* 9-10: Heavy Clouds*
11-12: Light Clouds* 11-12: Light Clouds* 11-12: None 11-12: Heavy Fog
*see Note 3 *see Note 3 *see Note 3 *see Note 3

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Note 1: Roads may be added at player discretion. Each section of road should connect Urban or Rural terrain (in any combination) and/or one side of
the table with the opposite side of the table.
Note 2: Rivers and streams may by added at player discretion. Each river or stream should connect Water areas and/or one side of the table with
any other side of the table. Depth (Shallow or Deep) should be defined prior to commencing set-up for an initial scenario.
Note 3: Roll for precipitation only on these results.
Game Turn Sequence Combat Combat Modifiers
A. The Command Phase Table Firefight Assault
1. Weather Modification (Optional; even turns)
2. Determine Command Points
Attackers dice total minus -2: Firefight
defenders dice total (+) EW Rating (A/D)
3. Assign Orders (+) EW Rating (A/D) (+) Assault Modifier (A/D)
4. Initiative Determination (+) Firefight Modifier +1/die: Veteran Unit
2016 Karl G. Johnson. All Rights Reserved.

0: C (A/D)
B. The Movement Phase -1/die: Green Unit
1. Resolve all Artillery Interdiction Missions. +1: D +1/die: Veteran Unit
2. Alternate movement of formations. +2, +3: D/C -1/die: Green Unit -1 Die Type: Flanked, each
3. Place Air markers. +4,+5: 2D Command Hit
-1 Die Type: Flanked, each -2 Die Types: Assaulted in
C. The Combat Phase +6, +7: 2D/C Command Hit
1. Support Missions unit rear
+8: 3D
a. Artillery/Orbital Barrages +d4: In Cover
b. Resolve CAP and Air-to-Combat +9: 4D/C +d4: In Cover
c. Air Strafing/Bombing Run missions and AA fire. +10: 5D +d6: Mech Inf in Cover +d6: Mech Inf in Cover
d. Unconventional Warfare attacks. +11 or more: 6D/2C +d8: In Hard Cover +d8: In Hard Cover
e. Assign all Artillery Fire and Support Missions and
Bombing Run Missions and AA fire.
2. Resolve all Firefight combat.
3. Resolve all Assault combat. Terrain> Open/ Scrub/ Light Dense Shallow Deep
Suburban Urban Rough Road
D. The Recovery Phase Mob. Type Clear Brush Foliage Foliage Water Water/Sea
Terrain Effects

1. Remove Command hits. Foot/Hoof x1 x1.5 x1.5 x2 x2 P x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1

2. Check for Unit Disintegration.
3. Remove all unit orders and Air markers from the Walker x1 x1 x1.5 x2 x2 P x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1
4. Check for games end. Tracked x1 x1 x1.5 P x2 P x1.5 x2 x1.5 x1
Wheeled x1 x1.5 x1.5 P x2 P x1.5 x1.5 x2 x1
Command Points Hover x1 x1 x2 P x1 x1 x1.5 x2 x1.5 x1
Superior 1 CP per 3 Bn + (die roll) d6+2 Grav x1 x1 x1 x1.5 x1 x1 x1.5 x1.5 x1 x1
Average 1 CP per 4 Bn + (die roll) d4+2 STOVL
Lacking 1 CP per 5 Bn + (die roll) d4
Sea P P P P x1.5** x1 P P P P
Poor 1 CP per 6 Bn + (die roll) d3
Air x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 n/a
Unit Coherency
AA: AA die + EW vs. Defense die + EW; see above.
Superior 12 AT: Attack die + EW vs. Defense die + EW. Type A<=D A>D A > = 2x D

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

Engineer: Attack die > highest Defense die reduces
Average 8 Special or removes Fortification, Built-Up, or Minefield. AA None Abort Destroyed
Attacks Barrage (ART): Add ART/x value to each die AT None C DC
Lacking 4 rolled.
Poor 2 Strafe (Air): Support die + EW vs. Defense die + Strafe None C DC
EW; see above.
Any Past.
Any Future.
Whether you want to fight your way through enemy
starship corridors, command entire division in plan-
etary assaults, engage in fleet actions with airships
or starships or anything in between, we have the
games to get you into the fight!

Close Quarters
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Skirmish Miniatures Rules

Strike Legion:
Platoon Leader
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Strike Legion Tactical

Main Rulebook (legacy)
The Genome Gambit (legacy)
The Clockwork Armies (legacy)
Skunk Works (legacy)
Rules Compendium
The VICAR Project (New!)

Strike Legion:
Planetary Operations
Planetary Operations (Revised Edition - New!)
The War That Never Was (Cold War)
Weltkrieg (WWII)

Task Force Zeta

Volume I: Ships of the Line
Volume II: Fleet Auxiliaries
Flesh and Steel

Thomas Wall Jr (order #6259358)

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