Conversacion Ingles

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David, Have you met Sara before?
No, I Havent
Id like you to meet, Sara.
Hello Sara nice to meet you, you look familiar
are you sure? because I dont remember you.
of course, I saw you in the church last Sunday.
Oh, thats Right.

Welcome to Tacna. Have you ever been here before?
No I havent, This is my first time here, my brother was
near from here in Ilo, I went to Ilo last year Its really
Thats incredible, have you tried Picante a la Tacnea
Whats that?, is it delicious?
Of course, is the typical food of Tacna is very delicious,
you have to try picante a la tacnea

Hi Ruth, tonight Im gona go to the cinema, I would like
to invite you to the cinema
Thanks Jhon
What is your favorite genre of movie?
My favorite genre of movie is the action film because
this genra is not boring
Who are some of your favorite actors?
My favorite actor is Liam Nesson and his best film is
Non Stop
Do you buy DVDs or download movies?


I usually download movies because in the web there is a
lot of movies.

Kevin, Im going to buy an interesting film about a
lifestory. Would you like to watch the film?
Yes, I would. I have not seen a film since last month.
Perfect, could you came to my house this afternoon?
Yes, I could. I have a question, What is the movie about?
A beautiful main is an unforgettable film about the
lifestory of John Forbes Nash, the film is based on math,
John Nash was a mathemathician from United States, he
had a mental illness, definitely I chose Russel Crow to
star in the film, the film is interesting because teaches
about the study and the consequences of drudge.
Hello? Is this the front desk?, I am the guest in room
Hi, Could I help you?
Excuse me, in the hotel do you offer the service of
Of course, do you need to clean right now?
No, I Dont. Right now I am going to go to gym, then Im
going to participate in the chess tournament, I will win
the gold medal. Could you clean the room in the
Ok, No problem, We have the service of make up the
room, extra towels and pick up the laundry, all these
services are free.



This Christmas Im gona go to Tacna, I would like to be with
my family. I will meet with my friends, I have not seen since
last year because I have been here for one year, Im gona
play soccer with my brother and my cousins, I bought gifts
for all my family in special to my parents because Its a way
of thanking. My mom going to cook a roast turkey for
Christmas, I would rather turkey than chicken because
chicken is common My father will buy toys to my brother and
he will visit his brothers.


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