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To: Peter Jahrling

From: Dan Dalgard

Date: November 13, 1989
Re: Possible virus in Monkey House

Hello Peter,

Recently, I have been observing some strange changes in the monkeys Ive been
looking over at the Reston Primate Quarantine Unit. Many of them have been falling ill
and not recovering, others are showing the same symptoms as the other that died. This
seems to me that it can be a much larger situation than I was hoping it would be. I am
asking you for help because I believe you have an upper hand on monkey viruses since
you are a virologist, I am asking if you could take a look at some samples that I could
send to USAMRIID for you.

Thank you so much for listening to what I have to say and I would really appreciate if
you could take a look at the samples and get to the bottom of this mystery. If you have
any questions or if you discover any information please contact me as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Dan Dalgard
Reston Primate Veterinarian

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