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What You Can Expect at LSMSA and What We Expect of You. Guided Independence * "Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom CeleN tak L121] 19 OU Le Le LOMO LUO MeM CICA oan FLEX AMUATM CCAM Aer MAC m CCRC LES AR OL VANCE MER MAL ENA IAC) prospect.” — Eleanor Roosevelt * LSMSA students are given more freedom than the average high school student. We expect that our students are ready for that level of freedom and for the responsibilities that come with it. Guided Independence Psy dele lI 1e Ky dol-relcle Kee * Wake themselves up for class and make it to class on time each day. * Manage their time, prioritizing homework and study. * Meet additional obligations, such as completing work service and maintaining room cleanliness. SOLU

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