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I have recently lost a very powerful scripture that was placed

upon me by the Father as a result of a technical malfunction.
However, it is this loss that has given me the impetus to write this
book in all vigor and spirit.

As i light this stick of cigarette a couple thoughts swirl in my
How could i lose such a powerful piece of spiritual information
that came to me in such a rush?
Is the world ever gonna get to read these words that i diligently
transferred from spiritual substance to words?
Will i ever be able to re create such precise information?
After a brief moment of doubt it soon became clear to me that the
answer to my last question was yes.

I can and i will, for I AM.

By now i am sure whoever is reading this must be wondering what

special knowledge i lost.
Well to kill the suspense, it was the sacred teaching of the infinite
Moments ago i was receiving and writing this teaching of the
infinite One when my laptop suddenly had a memory crisis and i
lost 90 percent of the information i had written down, forcing me
to delete the remaining 10 percent out of frustration.
However, it took a second for me to realize the significance of
what had just happened, for i was speaking to the world of the
infinite One, receiving the knowledge from the infinite One and
therefore must be a living representation of the infinite One.
It was then i thought it fit to write a whole book regarding the
infinite One to prove to myself and whoever may be reading this
that indeed, we are all subjects of the infinite One and all that was,
is. For all that will be, was, and all that must be, is, was, and will
be One.

Mathematically speaking, the beginning of the sacred phenomenon

we call the multiplication table begins at one.
One multiplied by one is one the same way one multiplied by a
million is a million.
The above statement is evidence of the reality that we live in a
world where only one exists, the One we call God.
Mathematically speaking, the beginning of the phenomenon we
call addition begins at one.
One added to one is two.
The above statement is evidence of the reality that we live in a
world of duality.
Man and woman, yes and no, left and right, ying and yang.
Spiritually speaking, the phenomenon of subtraction goes contrary
to the reality of creation as you would soon come to realize that
nothing can be taken from the universe, you can only add to it.
This is why the process of subtraction eventually brings about one,
and if persisted in will bring about a negative value signifying that
you are moving contrary to creation. However, once this threshold
of creation, one, has been reached, we start to see a declining yet
increasing order of movement from zero to minus one and then to
minus two and then minus three till infinity. This is evidence of the
verity that you can only add to the universe for the subtraction on
the positive end brings about an increment on the negative end, in
other words if you keep taking from this end it keeps increasing on
the other end.

Take a moment to let this sink in.

We are all multiplying something. We do this simply because this is
our innate nature as well as our primary duty as co-creators.
We have all been ordered to go ye therefore and multiply, the
question therefore is
what are you multiplying?
Are you multiplying health? or you are multiplying illness?
Are you multiplying abundance? or you are multiplying lack?
Are you multiplying success? or you are multiplying failure?
One way or the other, we are continually multiplying.

The idea of God and creation can easily be represented by

This sacred method of displaying the creative power of God was
well understood by the great philosophers and mathematicians of
old and it was in fact this idea of numbers that brought about the
understanding of what we call creation.

You see, creation begins at one and ends at infinity.

In other words, there is nothing that cannot be created.

When we look at the phenomenon of probability we see clearly

that the possibility of any value existing is one, first! before any
other number. This is because in every value, there is an indwelling
In every substance there is an indwelling one.
This is so interesting because this one is present in billions
therefore this one is a billion just as a billion is one.
When we look at the world around us we see one become infinite
in our animal kingdom, plant kingdom and human kingdom. We
see how one man mates one woman and gives birth to one or two
or three or six children. We then see these children individually
mate with various men or women and repeat the same process of
one multiplying itself and producing numbers.

We look closer and also observe this same phenomenon going on
in the various kingdoms and ask ourselves, where did all this come
Well if one man mated with one woman and gave birth to a nation
then its simple logic that all these infinite number of organisms,
inventions and realties we see around us must have come from one
source, one infinite source, the infinite One, the One we call God.

Another question follows this discovery and that is, who or what
is the One we call God?
I shall answer this in the most logical way possible for a great
man once told me, superior logic must prevail.

God is One, and One in all.

God is all, and all in One.

Understanding these simple statements is the foundation of success

and even more the beginning of mans accession to the throne of
cosmic consciousness.

God is One.
This statement is as literal as it is symbolic.
It is literal because God literally is the number one. Now i know
we were not told this in school but you are hearing it now. The
number one mathematically, spiritually and figuratively represents
God. We do not know who came up with numbers but i can
assure you that whoever did come up with numbers had God in
mind when he thought of the number one.

God is One.
This statement is symbolic because the idea of God can only truly
be represented by the number one as one is the beginning of the
numerical table and evidently the beginning of the creation
process. It takes one seed to cultivate a farm because of the power
of breeding and I'm here to tell you that God is a Breeder. He bred
the suns, the stars, the molecules of water, the molecules of air,
and animals. He bred all these before breeding man for He was to
transfer the authority to breed to man as he would supposedly
rest from creation after the breeding process has successfully
And so after the seventh epoch of creation God transferred the
ability to breed to man and gave him dominion to breed anything
he chooses to breed for this was the only way God could remain a
Breeder, by instilling in us-little gods-the power to breed.
From this power to breed we soon realized that the process of
breeding becomes a very dynamic practice when we discovered the
continuity of breeding, crossbreeding.
This knowledge of crossbreeding is what has given an ignorant
scientist the notion that there is no God.
This ability to crossbreed has brought some men into the
conclusion that man is creator and co-creator and can put one
and two together to create three, three now becoming a new
reality to such men leaving them the impression that something
new was created.
However, if you asked these scientists how three came about they
will tell you they had to add one to two. If you asked where they
found two they tell you they had to add one to one. But if you
asked them where they found the one they simply say, we met it
there and used it but where it came from cannot be explained.
I am here to tell such men that where it came from cannot be
explained because where it came from is itself.
The numerical concept is so powerful because in as much as one
begins the table, before one there was zero.
Now what is zero? zero signifies nil, nothingness, emptiness and
what teachers will call a failure in an attempt to create.
This then simply means, before one there was nothing.
And if God is One then before God, there was nothing.
This mathematically explains how God is all there is and all there
can ever be.

Now if we are to penetrate the facade of the our three dimensional

world we must come in terms with this verity that God is All.
And if God is All then God is wealth.
If God is All then God is health.
If God is All then God is oxygen.
If God is All then God is gold.
If God is All then God is the tree.
If God is All then God is man.
If this is so then man is the tree, equally as the tree is man and
God is both man and tree.
Now if God is the tree, and the tree was used to make paper, and
then paper was minted to make money, is man then not money?

Take a moment to let this sink in for this is the secret to all riches.

Now if we logically come to the conclusion that if man is God,

and God is all, then man must also be money just as God is
money. We soon see that everything around us is simply an
incarnation of God just as God is an incarnation of all there is
around us.

Knowing this, does the idea of lack not become preposterous?
Knowing that what you are, is what gold is, and what gold is, is
what you are, does the idea of greed not become obsolete?
Knowing that God is man and woman, therefore that woman you
so desire is simply a facade of God, does the idea of loneliness not
become unfathomable?
When you have successfully realized that God is the indwelling
substance in all that exists, meaning He is the life force in all that
exists, meaning the absence of God in an organism means the
disintegration of that organism. You will then come in terms with
the verity that all there is is good for all there is is God.
This is so because to God, all is good.
The detrimental power of the knowledge of good and evil has no
influence on God for all is good to God as long as it was created
by Law and i am here to tell you that all things, circumstances,
realities and illusions are created by Law. Nothing escapes the
effect of Law.
This means, the killing of a thousand people to God is good.
Why? the manifestation of such killing was an operation of Law,
Divine law, and a creation of His demanded that those people be
killed and so He made it so simply because He allows every idea
that has been pondered upon with conviction to come about,
whether we deem it good or bad.

This phenomenon of Divine Law is very important and so i shall

delve deeper.

You see, God creates.

This is what He does.
He creates all the time. However, after the seventh epoch of
creation He gave man the ability to create just as He creates
simply so He could create through man.

This is only logical because God dwells in every creation therefore
every creation creates, however, man was blessed with the ability
to choose what he creates through the Godly trait of thinking.
The process of thinking is more sacred than the process of praying.
This is because the process of thinking overrules the process of
praying for the thought must come before the word follows, and
so the thought of a prayer is the prayer in itself.
Jesus tried to make us understand this when he was asked how to
pray, and he responded that one must first go into his closet before
reciting the Lords prayer.
Now in the times of Christ we can all agree that a closet was not
invented yet so he must have symbolically been speaking about the
one closet that every man was born with.
His mind!
You see, the mind is a spiritual spectrum.
Our minds reflect an entire range of wavelengths of
electromagnetic radiation. This is what this means.
Every time you use your mind you are using the most natural
power of God.
The Power of Thought!

Many new age religions and books have spoken vastly on the
power of a persons thought, even scientists are now discovering
the effects the mind has on the human well being and more
intriguing, its ability to manipulate matter.
Thinking is speaking in the spiritual world.
Your mind is your spiritual tongue. The only difference is when
you speak in the physical, only those around you hear you but
when you speak in the spiritual, everything hears you.

And so if you speak in your mind, I am sick. Be rest assured that
all the diseases that exist in the mental plane of reality have heard
you, all spirits that serve the purpose of inflicting diseases by Law,
have heard you. And most importantly God has heard you.
So be careful what you think because when you think of
something repeatedly you are having a dialogue with God. You
are telling Him, i want this, make this happen, manifest this, and
therefore He must.
Your healing is also dependent on this marvelous power.
Speak to your consciousness and the consciousness of the universe,
proclaim your well being and be rest assured that every healing
power that exists on the mental plane of reality has heard you, all
angels that serve the purpose of affirming healing have heard you,
and most importantly God has heard you.
We need to understand how the mind works or we are likened to a
sailor that knows not how to navigate through the sea.
Your thoughts and emotions serve as your spiritual longitude and
latitude, pointing out the exact location you are and the place you
would love to be.
Christ made this teaching so clear when he stated as a man
thinketh, so he becometh.
It does not get any simpler than this my brother. All that you have
been, all that you are and all that you will become is dependent on
the type of thoughts you entertain in the mental plane of all
reality. This verity cannot be over emphasized, understanding this
is the beginning of real life.
Knowing this will transform your life into anything you desire as
the great Russ Michael would tell you there are no limits to what
you can be, do or have. Its all in the mind.

Many of us do not appreciate what we were born with.

This is true in the case of our talents, our brains, our minds and
our God.

The very fact that we were born with these Power vessels is the
reason we forget we possess these Power vessels as we grow older.
We begin to look for blessings and miracles outside our very own
god bodies and come to no avail. We forget that the God that
gives the plants water and sun cannot forget to give you water and
shelter except you forget to realize all that is His, is yours.

All that exists, belongs to you and i.

There is nothing on the surface of this earth and beyond that does
not belong to you and i, for it all belongs to God and you and i
are God.

When we acknowledge our Father He gives us all we ask for,

however, if a prince leaves his Fathers palace and roams about on
the streets with miscreants, it is no surprise that he too shall soon
be treated as a miscreant. And he will accept this false reality
because he has left home and forgotten who his Father is. The
moment he goes back home he starts to receive the treatment
befitting of a prince. He begins to once again bask in his Fathers
glory and this is the very essence of the parable of the prodigal
You see, humanity is prodigal.
Humanity has left home and by so doing has departed from its
edenic state.
The consciousness that existed in the garden of eden is that which
knowns no good or evil, only God.
We have allowed our egotistical self, the devil, to cloud our
judgment, leading us to think we had to eat a fruit to become
This false notion is what brought about the separation simply
because we thought we were not God and then ate the apple,
thinking we would become God and this very act blinded us to the
truth that we have always been, will always be, and cannot be any
other thing but God.

Mathematically speaking when you add one to one and to another

one you get three. Three, now becoming a centre for the circular
motion of spiritual substance and an embodiment of the trio
nature of all creation.

You see, the number three is just as important as the number one.
This is because we live in an impersonal duality of trigonometry.
Meaning, we exist as the same thing, in two different forms, with
three different bodies.

The Holy three has been understood by a few and misunderstood

by many, this is because the religious cults have made this concept
so vague with their rigiragary and false doctrines.
However, the Holy three is a very simple, yet intricate concept.
The Father
The Son(s)
The Spirit

The Father

The Mother

The Children

The Soul
The Mind(s)

The Body(s)
The Divine union of these bodies of God is the substance of the
Holy three, for three becomes a triangle only when the lines meet.
And so we arrive at the conclusion that the Holy Trinity is a
symbolic representation of the Divine anatomy of all creations.

All bodies are one body just as One body is all bodies. However,
by default, in each body there are three bodies that make up that
one particular body.
We can illustrate this in the physical, spiritual and mental plane.
Now if you take a closer look you can already see the sacred
nature of the Holy three as it has just re occurred.
Physical. Mental. Spiritual.

Lets begin with the physical and all that pertains to our physical
In our physical reality we have grown to realize that we are now
living in a three dimensional plane.
However, the Holy three permeates all dimensions and is therefore
such a delicate concept that must be understood before one can
completely grasp God.
You see, we have three bodies.
The physical body of earth
The spiritual body of light and
The god body of God.
These three bodies make up our Divine human body and the
realization, recognition and affirmation of the third body is the
genesis of mans accession to the throne of cosmic consciousness.
Now we move on to the mental plane.
You see, Mind is One.
There is only One Mind.
One Divine M1ND
This Mind holds all thoughts, all ideas, all conceptions, memory
and all mental realties. This Mind is the Mind of God.
However, man has access to three minds that all coexist in One

But the trick is this, the other two minds are subject to the physical
plane and so must dissipate once our souls have ascended to God.
The minds are the conscious mind.
The sub conscious mind.
And the One Mind of all Minds, the Super Conscious Mind.

The conscious mind is the mind we are all familiar with, the mind
we have individualized, personalized and have by so doing thought
it separate from the One Mind of God.
The sub conscious mind is that which controls our habits, beliefs
and patterns.
The Super Conscious Mind is the One Mind where all other minds
have spurred from. It is the Mind of God and so therefore it is
perfect. It is the Mind that creates the music before the music is
created, it is the Mind that writes the book before the books are
written, it is the Mind that paints the art before the art is painted.
This is the Mind of God and It exists within our very own mind
and is in fact our only true mind. This is so because the Father
lives within and therefore His Body, Mind, and Spirit also live
within, hence the concept of the Holy three being One and the
One being the Holy three.

Now if you have been observant you would notice that the Holy
three continues to reoccur as we keep seeing the image of a Father
figure superseding the affairs of His other two identical Figures.
This is why the Father said, Let Us Make Man In OUR Image.
In a trion Image.
In a triangular reflection of oneness for three becomes a triangle
only when the lines meet.

The Holy three is our very own anatomy.

It is our spiritual DNA.
The Holy three represents three bodies becoming One, and if three
can become one then all can become one for all, in reality is One.
Thank you for reading this first installment of my book series
May the Light that you are, show you the Light that you are.

Written by Edgal

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