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The physical phenomenon of magnetism is a direct reflection of

spiritual Law in effect.
Like must attract Like.
You attract what you are, and if all you are is God, and all there is is
God, then this is simply a game of God attracting God. However,
remember God knows not evil, but man does, therefore evil can thus
exist as a result of mans knowing it in heart and spirit and thereby
attracting its illusion in physical reality.
This same principle governs how man must attract money, if its
money he puts his mental and magnetic energy towards.
This same principle governs how man must attract poverty, if its
poverty he puts his mental and magnetic energy towards.
Now you may say, i dont think of being poor, however, i can assure
you that the thought of you not wanting to be poor is enough to keep
you in poverty. This is because you are continually attracting what you
focus your attention on, it matters not if it is good or bad, matter of
fact, mental law only knows yes. Saying no, i dont want this is
equalled to saying yes i want this. You must understand this or you
will keep speaking into your consciousness the idea of poverty or
illness unknowingly. By fighting something you empower that thing.
The true redemption comes when you realize that given attention is
given power, and that which has your attention has your power.
You must pay attention to the things that you do want and not the
things you dont want.
This is where the law of attraction gets tricky because the
consciousness of wanting to attract something has behind its back the
idea of a certain lack of some sort. Meaning, you think you need to
attract money because you think you lack money. And this thinking
you lack money must override that request for money simply because it
has been ingrained in your subconscious. Meaning, while you seem to
proclaim riches for yourself, deep down you are telling yourself you
dont have and thats why you want to have. This is wrong. This is how
you affirm lack instead of abundance. The beauty of abundance is its
existing even if you have little of it at the moment. Its there for
everyone therefore in reality you have access to all of it. You just now

have to transfer this matter from spiritual substance into physical and
this is the process we deem as creation.

There is nothing new under the sun.

All man has ever done is discover. When you think of it, God has
made all for us, now we have to discover. This means all the things we
claim to create is merely just spiritual substance that has been
discovered and transferred into physical reality.
It is this process of transferring spiritual substance into physical reality
that is indeed industry.
Know this and realize that we live in an abundant world of infinite
careers, possibilities, positions and callings. There is enough for
everyone do not let the system deceive you. The poor mans son
remains poor because his poor father has told him life is hard and you
need to struggle to make ends meet. Well, the rich mans son remains
rich because his rich father has instilled the concept of abundance in
him, the father has told him all is for the taking and he can be, do, and
have anything he so desires.
With this consciousness the little kid grows up in a world where
everything is handed to him and then becomes used to this reality, and
by so doing, continues to experience this reality because he has simply
been convinced that he does not need to struggle but ask, attract and
This was the metaphysical concept Jesus spoke of when he said to
those that have more would be added and to them that don't have
more would be taken. Its all law, the law of attracting what you
believe you are.
However we have cases of the poor mans son becoming rich and the
rich mans son becoming poor, this is perfectly normal because each
man has within him the power to become rich and the power to
become poor. Its that simple.
If the poor mans kid wakes up and realizes this lie of lack is not for
him, and even though his father had little faith he chooses to have
stronger faith and he chooses to see the abundance in everything and
not the lack that seems so obvious. When he does this he is spiritually,
mentally and eventually physically taking himself from the position of
despondency and lack to that of grandeur and wealth.

This is the process of wealth accumulation as it is the process of wealth

The same thing applies to the rich mans son that loses his confidence
as a result of well, various factors such as domestic tragedies, heart
breaks, misuse of drugs and a lot more pain inflicting circumstances.
When this confidence is gone and his consciousness is shifted from
abundance to that of lack or chaos or sadness or ill health or
bitterness, envy or hatred. The frequencies of these negative emotions
will drop his initial frequency of abundance and life, these low
frequencies would have a hold on him until he too decides that the lie
of poverty or sickness or sadness is not for him, and strategically
repositions his consciousness back to its initial frequency of plenty and

Sickness, poverty and all things negative are a situation of mental

mismanagement. I assure you.
Your mind is the source of all good or evil.
You and you alone control your reality and hence your destiny.
This is because your destiny is to create your destiny.

The idea of a soul mate is equalled to the idea of attracting a mate with
the magnetic powers of your soul. Simple as that. In other words, you
create your own soul mate, partner, wife or twin ray.
The man or woman you so desire exists already, and i assure if they
dont yet, your need for them would bring about their birth.
Your perfect mate is alive and well in the physical or spiritual plane
waiting for you to affirm his or her presence so an introduction can
This is magical.
You can single handedly create the woman of your choice.
Dont be shy, talk to your Father.
Tell him the type of woman you want, how you want her breasts to be,
how you want her ass to be, how you want her character to be, how
you need her love to be. This is very real and very practical and be rest
assured that if you do not consciously create the partner of your
choice, you will eventually unconsciously create a partner that would
turn out be be unfit for you.

This is the reason for the many failed marriages in our society today.
Wrong use of our souls magnetic power.
If you emphasize that you want a rich man and forget to emphasize on
a well loving trait also, you will surely get your wish and end up with a
rich man but do not blame anyone when he fails to love you the way
you feel you deserve. You were not precise in your request. Precision is
the fundamental of creation. One must be precise with what he wants
and this is where the power of visualization comes to play.
You see, to visualize is to actualize in the spirit realm.
When you visualize, in detail, you are creating that which you are
visualizing with the most subtle, yet powerful power known to man.
The power of imagination.
Einstein knew this and this was why he said imagination is more
powerful than knowledge. Now we know knowledge is mighty
powerful, this tell us imagination is extremely powerful.
You need to imagine, you need to image in, create the image inside of
you. In the sacred teachings of Christ that i was fortunate enough to
have read, Jesus was asked by a disciple why they had to practice the
various invocations in their minds. He answered and said, know you
not that if you go to a place in your mind, indeed you are there?

Unfortunately a lot of us go to the wrong places in our minds and by

so doing create the wrong circumstances in our reality.
Your imaginative power is your creative power.
You must first image in, before God images out.
This is how it has always worked and this is how it shall always work.
Know you not that the body of your mind co exists with the body of
your soul just as the body of your soul coexists with the body of God?
This is powerful.
We all exist in many dimensions.
Only a few have been explored.
When you die, you become overwhelmed by these dimensions because
you have failed to realize, on earth, that all this while you where co
existing in these dimensions.
And by death i mean the physical disintegration of flesh, for death
exists only on the physical plane as eternal life is the only true reality in
the spirit plane of God.
Therefore there is no after life, only just a continuation of infinite Life.

Why is there no after life?
There is no after life for life never ends.
Life is infinite for life, True Life, is God.
God is a God of the Living and the living have nothing to do with the
dead. Why? because God has nothing to do with the dead.
He is alive, therefore you are alive.
Real life begins when this physical cage is gone.
This is when the light bird in you is free to fly and explore all the
realities you have created for yourself while locked in the cage.
This is why the concept of heaven and hell is very interesting as i
would now inform you that each and every one of us creates our
heaven or our hell.
However, heaven was made for God and so when the cosmic age
begins all men shall return to the new earth, the new body of God that
has been cleansed of all misconceptions. This is the state of nirvana
where all things are gold and all men are powerful because all men
have now realized that God is all.
The dead, so to say, have gone through their individual battles or
rewards in the continuing life and by so doing have been purified for
this angelic and edenic state that is to behold earth after the second
coming of the Christ.
The Christ Head.
This is the head all men must have that acknowledges the indwelling
presence of God in all that is living.
This is the process that will bring about the second coming of the
Christ, for we are responsible for making the earth conducive enough
for the physical manifestation of Gods Eternal Idea of our Holy earth.
And so heaven was made for God and His angelic beings and earth
was made for man. Hell exist solely as a result of Law. Divine Law.
And if you give love on earth, you must meet love outside of earth.
This is the same if you give hatred, wickedness or evil.
We attract our own spiritual domains by our thoughts, words and
All you do on earth now is slowly attracting the building materials
required for constructing beautiful mansions or horrid dungeons. The
choice is yours. What accommodation do you wish to make for your
god body? a blossom of bloom or a lake of fire?

Thank you for reading this second installment of my book series
May the Light that you are, show you the Light that you are.

Written by Edgal


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