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Starting at the Middletown High School

Pond, our team, along with volunteers,
will go and remove invasive species.
Invasives are known to disrupt current
ecological systems, and deplete water
quality. They affect the ecosystems
stability, and are prone to cause an
increase in pollution levels. By
replacing these invasives with native
trees and other species, their roots will
keep soils in place rather than having
it runoff into the water. Having more
vegetation will slow water down and
reduce flooding. Slowing down the
movement of water can allow it to
trickle down to groundwater supplies,
where it will be of better use. We also
plan to install a few rain barrels
around the school to collect rainwater
before it runs off. Using a rain barrel
can save money for the school by
reusing the water that is collected.
This water can be used for many
Conserving Water For Your purposes around Middletowns
Future Sons and Daughters campus. These include watering
plants in our greenhouse, as well as
other plants in our schools landscape.
But only getting the school involved
wont get our project very far. We will
be holding a make your own rain
barrel workshop that is open to
community members willing to
conserve water in their own homes.

2 recommendation letters
Essay about why you want
to join
Pass a quiz on water quality
2 weeks of training Olivier Zerouali: Has been involved
Interview with the council with Environmental Science since he was
members a freshman, As a rising senior he hopes
to improve the water quality of the MOT
area by educating its residents through
graphic design and actively participating
in the programs offered by Ms. Hall and
ABOUT THE FOUNDERS the Conservation Council.
Sara Collins: A rising senior at MHS,
Sara is involved with FFA and Science Kinme Reeves: Has taken multiple
Olympiad, where she has been exposed environmental classes. Has been taught
to environmental issues and projects. by the well known environmentalist;
This council is the capstone project for Mrs.Jennifer Hall. He his really passionate
her AP environmental science course, about the wellbeing of our environment
and she is looking forward to continuing and has a utilitarianist out look on the
these activities in the future. earth and is very glad to be in this club
and this council.

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