Comp9 Unit3 Self Assess Key

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Networking and Health Information Exchange: National and International Standards

Developing Organizations

Self-assessment key

1. Standards are a necessary and useful part of life because:

a. Enable people to work together

b. Avoid chaos
c. Enable components to work together
*d. All of the above

Answer: d. We are able to exist as a society because of standards. We could not buy
different products and put them together without standards.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/4

2. Which of these objects probably would not profit from a standard?

a. Baseball
b. Sock sizes
c. Light bulb
*d. a piece of art

Answer: d. See slides for examples of standardization. We can expect things to work
because of standards.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/2, a/4-7

3. Interoperability permits us to _________.

a. Aggregate data across different sites of care

b. Reuse data for purposes other than why is was primarily collected
c. Share data with other places of care
*d. All of the above

Answer: d. Interoperability allows the sharing and re-using data.

Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/9-11

Health IT Workforce Curriculum Networking and Health Information Exchange 1

Version 3.0 / Spring 2012 National and International Standards Developing Organizations
Lectures a,b,and c

This material Comp9_Unit3 was developed by Duke University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000024.
4. The US Interstate Highway System is an example of interoperability.

*a. True
b. False

Answer: a. The Interstate system of roads is a good example of the federal

government, the state governments, and the local governments working together. The
national government laid out the national plan where the roads would go and wrote
the specifications for the roads to control quality. The states contracted with private
business and local governments to contract the work, using the standard specifications.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/10

5. Which of the following is not required to enable endto-end interoperability for health

a. We must use the same data elements.

b. We must have a standard way to exchange the data.
*c. We can only exchange with one other site.
d. Standards are required.

Answer: c. Data is understood and reusable throughout the pathways. Profiles define
what standards should be used across each of these components.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/11

6. All of the standards we need for health care already exist. We just need to use them.

a. True
*b. False

Answer: b. There are some areas in which we have not defined standards or at least
selected which standards will be used.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/12

7. People should have a choice about which standards they wish to use.

a. True
*b. False
Health IT Workforce Curriculum Networking and Health Information Exchange 2
Version 3.0 / Spring 2012 National and International Standards Developing Organizations
Lectures a,b,and c

This material Comp9_Unit3 was developed by Duke University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000024.
Answer: b. An important point to make is that if one group uses one standard and
another group uses a different standard, interoperability is broken in connecting the
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/12

8. Microsoft Standards are created using what method?

a. Consensus
b. ad hoc
*c. de facto
d. none of the above

Answer: c. A large organization with a lot of power in the market can create standards
that the community will follow because of the market value. Examples include
Microsoft, Apple, Intel, and other powerful groups.
Objective(s): 2
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/15

9. Which of the following is not an International SDO?

a. ISO TC 215
b. HL7
*d. NCPD

Answer: d. Please refer to the slides for a list of international SDOs.

Objective(s): 2
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/18-19

10. Which organization is a collaborative organization for international SDOs?

a. SCO
*c. JIC

Answer: c. The Joint Initiative Council (JIC) is a collaborative organization that brings
many of these international organizations together.
Health IT Workforce Curriculum Networking and Health Information Exchange 3
Version 3.0 / Spring 2012 National and International Standards Developing Organizations
Lectures a,b,and c

This material Comp9_Unit3 was developed by Duke University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000024.
Objective(s): 2
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/19

11. The World Health Organization is not engaged in creating standards.

a. True
*b. False

Answer: b. The World Health Organization is engaged in creating standards.

Objective(s): 2
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): a/20

12. Which activity is not included in a workgroup of TC 215?

a. EHR
b. Messaging standards
*c. Internet standards
d. Terminology standards

Answer: c. TC 215 products include Technical Reports, Technical Specifications, and

International Standards.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): b/4

13. Which of the following Groups cannot submit standards to ISO TC 215 to become
ISO standards?

a. HL7
b. CEN
*c. ASTM

Answer: c. Please refer to the slide for the order of the OSI model layers.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): b/5

14. CEN Standard 13606 defines standards for the following:

a. Archetypes
Health IT Workforce Curriculum Networking and Health Information Exchange 4
Version 3.0 / Spring 2012 National and International Standards Developing Organizations
Lectures a,b,and c

This material Comp9_Unit3 was developed by Duke University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000024.
b. EHR Architecture
c. Reference Information Model
*d. All of the above

Answer: d. An important CEN standard is EN 13606 published in 5 parts; Reference

Model, Archetypes interchange specification,Archetypes and term lists,Security and
Interface specification.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): b/10

15. Which is not an HL7 Steering Division?

a. Structure and Semantic Design

*b. Clinical Decision Support
c. Domain Experts
d. Foundation and Technology

Answer: b. The divisions are Domain Experts, Foundation and Technology, Structure
and Semantic Design and Technical and Support Services.
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): b/12

16. HL7 creates standards for which of the following:

*a. EHR Functional Model

b. Diets
c. Exercise protocols
d. Reimbursement

Answer: a. Reference Information Model (RIM) is the base for HL7 model-based
Objective(s): 1
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): b/18

17. Which HL7 Standard is not mentioned in the HHS Final Rule?

a. CDA
b. v2.5.1 Messaging Standard
c. CCD
*d. v3.0 Messaging standard
Health IT Workforce Curriculum Networking and Health Information Exchange 5
Version 3.0 / Spring 2012 National and International Standards Developing Organizations
Lectures a,b,and c

This material Comp9_Unit3 was developed by Duke University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000024.
Answer: d. Please refer to the slide for a listing of standards in the HHS Final Rule.
Objective(s): 2
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): b/24

18. What SDO is likely to have created a standard for an Echo cardiogram?

a. ASC X12N

Answer: c. The DICOM Committee has 27 work groups, addressing different kinds of
images in cardiology, dentistry, endoscopy, mammography, ophthalmology, orthopedics,
pathology, pediatrics, radiation therapy, surgery, and others.
Objective(s): 2
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): c/6

19. Which SDO is likely to have created a standard for a medication refill?

d. All of the above

Answer: b. The National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) represents
most sectors of the pharmacy services industry. Members are pharmacists, payers, and
drug companies.
Objective(s): 2
Lecture(s)/Slide(s): c/16

Health IT Workforce Curriculum Networking and Health Information Exchange 6

Version 3.0 / Spring 2012 National and International Standards Developing Organizations
Lectures a,b,and c

This material Comp9_Unit3 was developed by Duke University, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number IU24OC000024.

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