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Gold is a special element that can do many things. It can treat cancer and do many

things to help it. It can keep people healthy that has cancer. Gold can can cure cancer and maybe

cure all cancer. Gold is a very common ingredient in medicine for cancer. Gold is an important Commented [1]: These sentences are all very
scientific element because it helps do many things and it can create many things.

Gold is an important ingredient in microcircuits. Gold can help on attaching

microcircuits together. Gold is part of the silicon and forms between silicon. Gold films in hybrid


Gold is the most malleable element. It is also ductile of all known metals. A single ounce

of gold can be beaten into a sheet measuring roughly five meters on a side. Gold is soft and is

actually alloyed with other metals.

Gold has many other amazing facts. TLike the U.S. government hold about 9,000 tons of

gold in reserve depots around the country. Gold has a striking chemical properties that can go

farther beyond its color and shine. Gold is part of microcircuits because it conducts a lot of


Gold is very amazing element it can do many things. Ggold is in many things evean you

can'tcant see gold all the time. But it is in many things. You can name it in many names gold,

Au, 79. And many more it has many other powers .and can do amazing things. Commented [2]: These sentences need work. They
don't make sense.
Commented [3]: These are not complete sentences.

Pappas, Stephanie. "Facts About Gold." LiveScience. Purch, 15 Apr. 2016. Web. 20 Dec. 2016.

Gagnon, Steve. "The Element Gold." It's Elemental - The Element Gold. Jefferson Lab, n.d.
Web. 20 Dec. 2016. <>.

Talaid, Adam. NOVA Elements App. Computer software. NOVA Elements App. NOVA, 22
Jan. 2013. Web. 20 Dec. 2016. <

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