(HBR - 201007-08) The Execution Trap. (Cover Story)

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Martin, Roger L.

Title: The Execution Trap. (cover story) martin@rotman.utoronto.c 2010

Harvard Business Review; Jul/Aug2010, Vol. 88 Issue 7/8, p64-71

False Metaphor: Top=choosing brain, strategy, rest of company = choiceless arms and legs
Better metaphor for strategy: white-water river
Executives at the top →broader, long-term choices
Empowering employees → more concrete, day-to-day decisions
4 things for choice makers at upstream:
①explaining ②clearly identifying the next downstream choice, ③offering help with making choices as
needed, and ④committing to revisit and adjust the choice based on feedback.
STRATEGIC planning, EMPLOYEE empowerment, DECISION making DELEGATION of authority SUCCESS
in business ORGANIZATIONAL effectiveness (서번트리더십의 실체가 아닐까?)
이병철회장의 Details 에 강한 점이 주목 받을 정도로 훌륭한 CEO/리더는 큰 그림뿐만 아니라 세부적인
것에도 잘 챙길 줄 알아야 한다는 것이 정설로 되어 있는데, 이 아티클은 정면에서 부정하고 있음.
내가 중요하다고 생각되는 단어/표현, 저자 입장에서의 대표 문장 / 모형
Strategy-execution model. (Brain-to-body metaphor, choiceless doer model)
Choice-cascade model
the Golden Rule
E Choiceless doer, teller Mary case 와 Sharp 의 사례로 이야기를 풀어가면 좋을 것 같다.
Dean of Rotman School of Management at the Uni. Of Toronto
저서: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage (HBR Press, 2009)
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e Note
66 A mediocre strategy well executed is better than a great strategy poorly executed.
Jamie Dimon, now CEO of JPMorgan Chase “I’d rather have a first-rate execution and second-rate
strategy any time than a brilliant idea and mediocre management” (2002)
Larry Bossidy [The Discipline of Getting Things Done] “ Strategies most often fail because they aren’t
well executed.” (과연 실패의 원인이 실행에만 있는 것인가? 실행으로 전략이 excuse 될 수 있나?)
66 A mediocre , well-executed strategy vs. a brilliant, poorly executed : 둘 다 x
66- Choiceless doer, teller Mary case
Three types of customer profile /banking-hate, advice-like, social event
Manual vs.
‘I’m just trying to do my best I can, making customer happy.
They’re not interested in what a teller has to say”
67 Strategy is choosing: execution is doing.
67 the brain as the “chooser” and the body as the “doer.”
A white-water river, where choices cascade from the top to the bottom.
To best enable individual decisions, choice makers upstream should set the general context for those
68 The Choiceless-Doer Dilemma
69 Strategy-execution model. (Brain-to-body metaphor, choiceless doer model)
69 A Warning Unheeded, Kenneth Andrews, The Concept of Corporate Strategy.(1971)
“Corporate strategy has two equally important aspects, interrelated in life but separated to the extent
practicable here in our study of the concept. The first of these is formulation; the second is
69 Strategy as a Choice Cascade
69 Top: broader, more abstract choices, long-term investment //
Employees toward the bottom : more concrete, day-to-day decision that directly influence customer
70 Choice-cascade model
70 Employees are encouraged to make thoughtful choices within the context of the decisions made
above them
70 Assumption: empowering employees to make choices in their sphere will produce better results,
happier customers, and more-satisfied employees
70 Isadore Sharp of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts “Redefine luxury as service, a support system to fill
in for the one left at home and the office”
- Deal with others-partners, cusotomers, coworkers, everyone – as we would want them to
deal with us. (the Golden Rule)
(실적) one of just 13 companies in the Fortune’s list of The 100 Best Companies to Work every year.
70 1. Explain the choice that has been made and the rationale for it.
71 2. Explicitly identify the next downstream choice.
3. Assist in making the downstream choice as needed.
4. Commit to revisiting and modifying the choice based on downstream feedback.
71 Creating a Virtuous Strategy Cycle
71 Choice-cascade model has a positive-reinforcement loop inherent within it.

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