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Hazrlayan: M. Cemil ACAR

Head of the Aerodromes Department (Architect, M.Sc.)

Publications of Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Aerodromes Department
Publications of Directorate General of Civil Aviation
Publication No.: HAD/A-02

The printing, publication and sales rights of this book are owned by the author. The book may not be reproduced, fully or in part,
without the authors permission. It is unquotable.

* A rearranged form of the thesis headed The Build-Operate-Transfer Model in the Production of Public Buildings Sampling of
Aerodrome Terminal Buildings- made by M.Cemil ACAR at the Gazi University Institute of Natural Sciences Main Scientific Branch
of Architecture in 2006.
Advisor Prof. Dr. Tanju GLTEKIN

Prepared by
M. Cemil ACAR
Head of the Aerodromes Department
(Architect, M.Sc.)

ISBN: 978-975-493-023-8

2009 Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Graphic Design
Merdiven Ajans
G.M.K. Bulvar zveren Sokak No.: 54/ Demirtepe - Ankara
Phone: 0312 232 30 88

1- OVERVIEW / 15














he endeavours for getting our civil aviation at the highes levels by means of the
decisive policies of our Ministry determined since 2002 are continuing nonstop. In
order to be able to respond to the intensity permanently increasing in the aviation
sector from year to year, to enable the implementation of innovations and due to the
planning of constant growth, and in order to enable our aerodromes to satisfy this need, they are
required to be rapidly developed.
Some of our airports have been reconstructed with the Build-Operate-Transfer model
without even spending a penny from the public treasury for the improvement, modernization
and efficient use of our aerodromes, and the operational activities of the terminals within the
periods determined in their tenders have been transfered to the Private Sector.
As a result of the tenders made to date, Atatrk Airport International, Antalya Airport
International I and II, Dalaman Airport International, zmir Adnan Menderes Airport
International and the Esenboa Airport Domestic and International Terminals in the framework
of the Build-Operate-Transfer model have been realized. In this framework, the tenders of the
Milas-Bodrum Airport have been realized as well and their works are continuing.
During this process, these constructed terminals have brought the prestige of our country on
the international platform to a more prestigious position both in terms of the unique architectural
buildings as well as the comfort and facilities they present.
It is considered that this document describing the characteristics and introducing the terminals
constructed as a result of the implementation of the Build-Operate-Transfer Model published by
Civil Aviation Directorate General fulfilling the organization and supervising duties of the civil
aviation sector shall be very useful and that it shall constitute an example for other countries
endeavouring to develop the civil aviation activities along with the practices in our country..

Minister of Transport and Communication
n the recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of tourists visiting
our country and since a great majority of the coming tourists prefer airways, the airports,
which represent our gates to the external world, have been confronted with an traffice
intensity of domestic and international increasing every day.
Taking also into consideration the fact that the tourists visiting our country get their first
impression about our country at the airports and that this circumstance directly effects our
countrys tourism potential, and that likewise, tourists leaving our country in a pleased mood,
shall be voluntary and efficient means of publicity in terms of the countrys tourism, it is even
more important to modernize the aerodromes.

6 Therefore, it has become necessary for our countrys aerodromes to be renewed in order to
be capable of satisfying the ages needs both in terms of their physical infrastructure as well
as the service they render, parallel to the developments experienced worlwide in the aviation
sector, and of improving their prestige on international level.
Our modern terminal buildings, which are the best indicators of the significant point our
country has reached in the aviation sector, shall certainly lead the promotion of our country at
the international arena and this endeavour shall receive interest both in terms of the aviation
sector as well as the community of architecture.
We think that this publication, which comprises the properties of the terminals completed
and presented for service by the Build-Operate-Transfer model, shall be very useful for
everybody including our citizens along with the relevant institutions and establishments
requiring information in this matter, and we are proud of having made such a beneficial source
of information awarded to the Turkish Civil Aviation..


Director General

aving arrived at the year 1990, the aerodrome passenger terminals in Turkey had
remained extremely inadequate in terms of contemporary technology, the rapidly
increasing number of passengers and passenger comfort. Therefore, it has been
resolved during those years to build new passenger terminals. For this purpose, the
State Airports Administration has opened a competition for a series of architectural projects,
starting with the Antalya Airport, which has been under the hardest circumstances, and then for
the Bodrum, Yeilky, Dalaman, zmir and Ankara terminal buildings by order of appearance.
In 1991, the project which we have presented to the project competition with limited
participation, which has been opened for the Antalya Airport terminal, has been acknowledged
as the most appropriate project both in terms of its master plan as well as its architectural
project. In the same year, the State Airports Administration has entrusted to our office the
implementation projects of the first of the terminal buildings to be built at the Antalya Airport.
The preparation and approval of all projects has taken about one year. However, despite the
gradually increasing number of passengers and the severe difficulties at the Antalya Airport,
the building could not be constructed for quite some time since financing could not be found
by the public.

Having arrived at the year 1996, as a solution for the resource squeeze of the new Antalya
Terminal, it has been decided to build it by means of a model called Build-Operate-Transfer
model which had been newly started to be implemented by the State. The tender has been
realized and the building has been constructed and has come into service completely with all
its systems within a short time such as 18 months. By means of this model, we have seen that,
differently from the public buildings the projects of which we have been preparing over the
years, a structure could be achieved where the project is implemented practically without any
deficiency, that successful buildings having been partially saved from the sophisticated process
of public bureaucracy could be realized, and moreover, that they could be realized rapidly.

This first unit designed for 5 million passengers-year, due to the delay in starting the 2nd
building on the master plan, has proved that it could even serve 10 million passengers. The 2nd
unit could just be tendered in the year 2003, and this time it has again been completed and put
in commission completely in a record duration of 11,5 months.
My esteemed colleague Mr. Cemil Acar had been in charge at the State Airports Administration
during the construction and building process of the 2nd terminal in Antalya. Therefore, he had
the opportunity to closely observe the Build-Operate-Transfer model in Antalya and later on
at the other airports with all its aspects. He reviews in this book the tender and construction
processes, starting from the projects, of both the two terminal buildings in Antalya as well as
the Dalaman and Ankara terminal buildings built later on, with a remarkable attention and with
all details, and presents them to the information of the concerned parties. Even I have come
to know many detailed information related to the Antalya terminals, which I thought I closely
knew as the project author, from this book and I have benefited much from it.

I sincerely congratulate Mr. Cemil Acar for this precious work, which I find immensely
useful for those interested, and wish him the continuation of his achievements.

Architect (Dr. M.Sc.)

n the framework of the mankinds historical development, the breathtaking speed of the
developments experienced since the 20th Century is amazing. In this modern century,
where a new invention and technological development is experienced every day, the
requirements of the society have undergone a change and have acquired a new skin. Some
products, the existence of which we had not been aware of even a few years ago, can become
indispensable elements of our life.

In a developing and progressive way of living, developments are experienced likewise in 11

communications. The aviation sector, which has been rapidly developing since early 20th
century, today forms a significant point in our life. The speedy and comfortable way of travelling
introduced by aircraft, has resulted in the requirement of creating new public areas. These areas,
which we call Airports and where the aircraft depart and land, take shelter, where the passengers
go aboard and get down, have become the indispensable of todays life. These places defining
the notion of flying as the access to the living space, are expressed as places ensuring the
ability to fly what mankind has been desiring most for ages for sure. Legends and fairy tales
related to what man has been desiring most for centuries, to mans dreams full of curiosity and
desire, looking up to the sky, related to mans affectation to birds, have always attracted interest.
In Greek mythology, Daedaus of Athens and his son Ikarus have tried to put on wings and fly
like a bird in order to escape from the labyrinth surrounded by high walls, where they had
been arrested by the Cretan King. Apart from this mythology, many philosophers have brought
forward various ideas about flying. Ultimately, this concern, this dream, has rapidly advanced
toward concrete solutions by means of the works of Leonardo Da Vince, which were going
beyond his era. Along with the persistent efforts of Hezarfen Ahmet ELEB, Montgolfier and
then the Wright brothers, the sky has been filled with metal birds, the ability of flying speedily,
a different dimension of flying has been experienced.

The formation of shelters of this new sector as a result of this desire and the perception
of these shelters as places of preparation for flying has brought along with it its reflection to
architecture. In his work on Architecture Le corbusier states that an aircraft is a product of
sensitive choice. The lesson given by the aircraft lies in the logic conducting the introduction
of the problem and its solution and realization.I think that I share the same spiritual status,
in terms of architecture, with the person having invented the aircraftthe lesson to be derived
from the aircraft lies in the forms created; first of all, when you look at the aircraft you dont
have to see it as a bird or a dragonfly, but as a machine for flying. The lesson to be derived from
the aircraft lies in the manner the problem has been introduced and in the logic of the successful
solution. Nowadays, when a problem is introduced, its solution is inevitably found. Both his
admiration for aircraft as awell as his manner of thinking in his associating the succes achieved
in the solution of these vehicles with architecture, is of guiding nature in the solution of airport
terminal buildings in the recent years.

The airports, which represent the threshold of moving from the hard and complex elements
of urban life to the easy and speedy dimension of flying by aircraft, have always been an
exciting topic in architectural terms by this characteristic. Airports are living spaces, which
comprise facilities that ensure their communication to the place they wish in a speedy manner,
where they are able to easily go aboard, spend time, go shopping and rest. It is an entry gate for
incoming passengers ensuring their communication to the point they wish in a convenient and
comfortable way. The fact that it is the first contact with the country in which they are present,
12 for passengers entering the country, and the last place which passengers leaving the country,
see, explains this significance. Airports, having achieved the property of being the threshold of
countries, gain the characteristic of being the place where prestige and image concerns are in
the foreground. At the same time, these buildings, which are used by thousands of persons at
the same time and where many aircraft are served simultaneously, have to operate perfectly and
well just like a machine.

Today, studies are made constantly on the properties of airports and terminal buildings,
which have reached a business volume of hundreds of billion Dollars, and this has turned into
an international race. Every year new modern airports/terminal buildings are opened and are
present to use as the edifice of pride of the countries in which they are located. These buildings,
which hold an important place in providing the requirements of modern life where technological
developments progress without reducing the speed, have started to turn into huge shopping
centers parallel to the constant decrease of its use. Taking into consideration that travelling by
aircraft increases significantly every year, it is clear that this conversion is unavoidable. On the
other hand, global business associations and their displaying an increasing acceleration in trade
have brought along the use of the airports for purposes such as meetings, lodging, education,
etc. People coming from other countries or cities create the fact of saving time by completing
their affairs within the borders of the airport and returning from here by aircraft again. This
need has become so clear that airports have now started to achieve a new identity with their
hotels, conference halls. Terminal buildings, which live for 24 hours, where the passengers are
able to satisfy all kind of requirements, are quite like a little town as mentioned just above. A
little town with its streets and squares, business areas, sometimes hotel, comprising permanent
living elements... The fact that the energy and water quantity consumed in a terminal building
is equivalent or may be exceeding the consumption of many counties or small scale province
centers of our country without taking the passengers into consideration, only number of
employees supports the reality of this notion.

Terminal buildings resembling vertical towns similar to those imaginary towns which Italo
Calvio describes in his unforgettable work Invisible Towns. Terminal buildings are towns
which consist of layers, are of huge scale and embraced by a single shell. Towns, too, always
think that they are the work of thought or coincidence, but neither one nor the other suffices
to keep their city walls upright. What you admire in a town are not its seven or seventyseven
wonders, but its response to a question which you ask it or the question which it asks you
and certainly expects you to answer, just like Thebais question asked by the mouth of Sphinx
says Marco Polo to Kubilay Khan in the invisible towns. We ought to ask this very intelligent
utterance for terminal buildings as well. We should discuss the answers to the question which
it asks us or which we ask it.


I wish to present my thanks to my esteemed Director General Dr. Ali ARIDURU, who has
been working with superhuman performance during the process of restructuring the Civil
Aviation Directorate General, who has acted as our leader with all kind of self-sacrifice and
efforts for the purpose that the Civil Aviation Directorate General gains a corporate identity and
the establishment of its corporate culture, and who is still continuing this position, for leading
the publication of this thesis.

M. Cemil ACAR
Head of the Aerodromes Department
(Architect, M.Sc.)

urkey has made significant progress in the aviation sector during the last years and
has achieved a graphic over the aircraft and passenger traffic increase worldwide.
Related to this progress, many projects are developed regarding the requirements
and capacity problems arising at aerodromes. Aerodromes, which represent the most
important base of the aviation sector, are financed and operated by the public in our country.
Recently, it has been gradually quitted to obtain any aerodromes, which are of large scale and 15
require great investments to the same extent, by means of totally public investments, because
one of the basic problems of developing countries such as Turkey is that the resources are
limited and insufficient. Especially the planning, implementation and control of large scale
projects with public contents, the new management technics becoming compulsory, from time
to time leaves this kind of countries confronted with unsolvable problems.

For example, developing countries according to the report of the World Bank for the year
1994, reserve annually an average of 200 billion Dollars for their public structure investments.
This corresponds to 4% of the national income and one fifth of the total investments. Along with
this, the State becomes obligued to provide for an amount of 30% to 80% of the total investment
outlays for the public structure expenses [1]. The progress of developing countries depends on
investment, on any resources which may be allocated in the investment for this purpose. Any
resources available should be directed to investments in a planned, programmed, moderate
and rational understanding. The financing of the investment requirement, against developing
limited resources, by means of public resources becomes difficult. This circumstance gives
rise to a search for new resources and finance methods; efforts are increasing to ensure the
contribution of private enterprises to finance and risk.

Whereas the B.O.T. model is a model developed related to these searches. By the B.O.T.
model it is aimed at increasing the contribution share of the private sector in the infrastructure
investments, to relieve the burden of public finance and to increase efficiency in the presentation
of service.
The B.O.T. model also gives the firms, who invest in developing countries, the opportunity
to transfer their technological infrastructure and experience. Knowledge, experience and
technological infrastructure, which are an important factor in the development of these countries,
form a great advantage as a different reflection of the investment made.

In order to enable our country, which takes place among developing countries, to join
advanced countries in the coming period, at has to realize investments and has to produce,
along with some other factors. When the necessity to implement great investments meet with
the insufficiency of capital and technology, it becomes unavoidable to use different financing
and investment methods. In this framework, the build-operate-transfer (BOT) model which has
come up intensively during the 80s, could not be implemented for a long time due to significant
legal problems.

In recent years, the implementation of many significant projects has been realized upon the
State Airports Administrations selecting the extra budgetary financing model for obtaining the
aerodrome terminal buildings. 6 terminal buildings, with a construction value of more than 1
billion US Dollars, which are of international scale and equipped with up-to-date technologies,
have been brought in to the national economy without being a burden to the budget. Thanks to
these buildings, which have been realized by entirely extra budgetary financing, employment
opportunities have been created for thousands of people both in the construction stage as well
as in the operational period, and they have become an important factor of production in many
sectors due to the requirements in the construction stage.

The objective of the work is to consider at length the process of acquisition of terminal buildings
as a sample of public buildings by the B.O.T. model applied as an extra budgetary financing
model towards the provision of public requirements. It has been aimed at considering in general
terms the planning, building and control stages of the terminal buildings which have been made
and are actually made by means of the Build-Operate-Transfer model, and thus to consider at
length the principles and dimensions influencing the design and building thanks to this model,
the legal infrastructure, the adaptation with this model to technological requirements, advantages
and disadvantages, innovations coming along with this model as well as developments. The
underlying bases of the legal infrastructure, the limitation it brings along in implementation
and matters which may be arranged with experiences obtained have been questioned. Thus,
looking at implementations, it has been targeted that future oriented lessons yield inputs for
new implementations. The Antalya Airport II. International Terminal and Supplementaries
project, which has been tendered and the construction of which has been completed by the
Build-Operate-Transfer (B.O.T.) model, and the operations of which have commenced, has
been analysed in terms of its technical, economical and social feasibility as well as building
management during construction. In the framework of the building management, all processes
starting with the planning stage from the moment where the building and the requirement have
come up, have been analysed. The methods chosen due to the conditions requiring a very rapid
building process as in the sampling of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Flights, all phases
have been examined interrelated with each other under the concept of integrating management.

As working method;

Starting from the projects commencing phase, the tender process has been reviewed and the
relevant documents collected.

The projects building phase has been followed up starting from the site delivery and
subsequently the course of the constructions development stage has been monitored with
periodical construction site inspections.

Information and documents serving as resources for the construction phase have been
compiled in coordination with the authorized persons of the contractor firm of the Antalya
2nd International Terminal (ELEB-IC A..).

The end of the projects construction phase (Temporary Admission period) has been examined 17
and the term of Transition to Operation has been separately followed and data collected.

The data of the enterprises 1st year (April 7, 2005 April 30, 2006) have been collected and

The data have been analysed and compared.

A comparison has been made between the projects realized by means of the BOT model with
the data obtained through the design and construction controlling of the Dalaman Airport
new international terminal as well as the zmir Adnan Menderes airport new international
terminal multi-storey car park project, and it has been ensured to obtain common data.

The State Airports Administrations Directorate General , who has realized significant

Implementations by means of the Build-Operate-Transfer Model, has made serious

contributions to the establishment of the legal infrastructure of this model by the works it has
performed. The experiences obtained by working in the institution, are the most important bases
of this work. The researches, impressions and observations within the process of active work in
the implementations, have provided inputs for the work. By means of negotiations made with
the executives, who have realized the first implementations in the institution and who have
attended the preparation of the specifications both legally as well as contractually, use has been
of these persons experiences. Joint works realized with the contractor firms executives and
project executors as well as project authors, have constituted a basis to this work as a significant
contribution. This subject has been attempted to be supported by literary works made.
As per the general lines of the thesis work; in the first part the introduction, in the second
part the public structure services and methods of acquisition, in the third part the build-operate-
transfer model and its features have been considered at length, and thus it has been strived for
reaching the factors for chosing the BOT model in obtaining the terminal buildings as public
building selected as sampling. In the fourth part, the planning, building and control processes
of the Antalya 2nd International Terminal has been considered at length in the framework of the
construction management systematic. In the fifth part, the legal regulation of the operational
period, which is one of the important stages of the build-operate-transfer model, and the
revenues of the operational period have been reviewed in the framework of the contract, have
been reviewed and the completion of the definition of processes in the formation of the BOT
model has been ensured.

The parts considered at length within the scope of the thesis, such as public services and
methods of their acquisition, the build-operate-transfer model, building management, have
been separately investigated in various academic works and many different thesis have been
prepared. However, the explication of this framework as a whole in the process of acquisition
18 of public buildings within the systematic of the building management of terminal buildings as
well as the BOT model has not been realized before and forms the genuine part of this thesis.
Besides, the consideration of the building stages of the terminal buildings by the integrating
management concept within the construction management systematic, and with experiences
gained by being active at the stages of construction, intensifies the orginality of the thesis.

2.1. Public Service

2.1.1. Description of public service

Public services are continuous and regular activities, which are realized and presented to the
community by the State or by other public corporations or under their supervision and control
in order to provide for general and common requirements, to provide for the public and its 19
benefits [2].

In other words, in the political direction and legal framework in which the state determines
its legislative and executive power, it is defined as the conduct of public activities in a direct,
continuous and harmonious manner by using public power and procedures to ensure and carry
on the communitys orderly and civilized life [3].

Public services should accommodate the features of being rendered regularly and continuously,
being oriented toward providing public benefits and fulfilling requirements, and providing for
social needs. Along with this, public services should be oriented towards obtaining social needs
and may also be oriented towards providing a comfortable and convenient life of the individuals
living in the community. The state, which is unable to provide for the financial and technical
resources necessary for the establishment and operation of public services, has started to look
for ways and methods of ensuring them to be realized through corporate bodies.

One of the basic services, which are acknowledged to be important in terms of especially
the economic growth and progress of a country, are public building services. Public building
services have very different characteristics in many areas. These service types representing
the countrys infrastructure, are structures which have to be developed continuously with the
dynamic components which they accommodate. These services, which feature a very extensive
scope, consists of sub-sectors within itself. Among these, the transportation services being
associated with the subject of the thesis, shall be handled in detail.
2.1.2. Public structure services: definition, types and general properties

Public structure may be defined as the structure constituting the basis of a system or
organization. According to this definition, public structure is a very extensive concept reaching
from some physical components to corporate arrangements. In this scope, we may describe it
as structures made or caused to be made toward public service by means of public resources
according to the Countrys and the societys requirements.

In the science of economics, the public structure concept has two different meanings, i.e. the
narrow and the broader sense. In the narrow sense, public structure comprises the means such
as transport, communication, energy, water, etc. sought at any location where an investment
may be realized. Whereas public structure in the broader sense expresses facilities such as
transport, communication, energy, water and sewerage, establishments in the field of education
and health, which economy has or has to have, and also social fixed capital including the know-
how and skills related to these subjects. Accordingly, while public structure in the narrow sense
is described as material or economic structure, the public structure concept in the broader sense
includes also social structures comprising educational and health services as well, along with
the material (economic) structure.

Whereas the public structure services handled in the present study comprise the services
described as material or economical infrastructure. Accordingly, the economic public structure
comprises the services in the areas of energy, gas pipeline, telecommunication, water and
sewerage, solid waste collecting and destruction; barrages, watering chanels or roads oriented
public works and transport services such as railways, city transport, ports and waterways as
well as aerodromes [4].

The public structure services generally feature the following properties:

There is common consumption in public structure services. In case of public structure

services, there is common consumption rather than individual consumption.. Consumers may
make use of infrastructure services simultaneously.

Public structure services are necessary to ensure economic development. Increase of

population, the notion of urbanization, etc. factors increase the need for public structure
services. Public structure services are services which have to be produced with priority
and as necessary for the realization of various economic activities in a country or region
[5]. Consequently, they have positive influence on the total production and economic

Public structure services require high fixed costs at the first stage of the investment. Public
structure services are services mainly requiring fixed cost. This feature of the infrastructure
services results rather from the fact that they have a capital intensive production structure.
Public structure services are described as long-lived. Along with requiring a high investment
cost, the benefits of this investment are revealed in the later years and the service has a long-
lived feature.

In public structure services, the costs per consumer decrease while the number of consumers
increases. Since the increase in the number of consumers in infrastructure services require
the increase in the production scale as well, costs decrease depending on this increase [6].
Production costs decrease as a result of the increase in the production scale depending on the
increase in the number of consumers.

2.1.3. Transport services as public structure service

Transport services consist in themselves of road, airways, railways and sea route and port
services. The general properties of transport services are as follows:

All transport services require great infrastructure investments.

oth consumers as well as private corporations benefit from transport services since they 21
facilate their economic activities and cause a decrease in their costs.

ince the international mobility of goods and services has increased along with the
globalization of transport services, it has gained more importance nowadays.

Transport services require high fixed costs [7].

here are two methods in the financing of transport services. The first of them is that the
costs of the transport services are covered by taxes provided for by the general budget.
Likewise, in the financing by means of taxes, indirect taxes merged with fuel prices may be
made use of , too. Whereas the second one are the amounts taken from those benefiting from
the transport services. The passage fees taken based on the principle of benefiting are one of
the methods used in financing paid roads. On the other hand, the entire cost of the service
presented, may be covered by the amounts taken from those benefiting from the service by
the producing entities (state and/or private sector) realizing the transport services..

I n transport services, production may be significantly multidimensional. This is for instance

the case for railways services. At railways, different services are rendered with the same aids
and the same labor force. Both passenges as well as load may be transported on the same
rails [8]. This is also the case for port services.

The airways transport sector, which is an important subordinate sector of the transport
sector; is an important sector consisting of institutions and establishments conducting the
activies, subject of activity, instruments and equipment of advanced technology used, special
infrastructure and communication systems, qualified manpower, people rendered service,
boards of national and international characteristics and subjects of regulation [9].

The road transport sector, which is a system consisting of passenger and freight transportation
oriented, interdependent activities and units, comprises the construction of aerodromes, operation
of aerodromes, airways operations, air navigation and air traffic control services, ground and
chartering services, training, maintenance, relevant basic facilities and superstructure and other
aviation activities as well as the coordination and supervision of all these activities according
to internatonal rules [10].

Traffic estimates prepared by the ICAO express that the general increase in global airways
transportation shall continue. While for the passenger traffic a growth of 4,8% is foreseen in
Europe and of 3,3% on the North American market, a growth more than the other regions in
expected in the Asia/Pacific region.

As a result of the demand and traffic increasing since the 80s, delays in the flights, limited
air traffic operations and excessively crowded terminals have become the ordinary images of
22 air transportation. Along with this, since it has been comprehended that if urgent changes are
not realized on the plans and policies, these unfavorable conditions shall become even worse,
the primary subject of the aviaton sector and the governments has been determined as the
aerodrome and air traffic insufficiencies. The major problems of the sector during the same
term have been summarized as follows:

he demand, which may be described as the number of passengers and aircraft, is increasing
even more than the estimates.

odernization is needed for many air traffic control systems and the coordination between
control centers has to be developed.

ue to complicated bureaucracy and political hindrances, the planning, deciding and financial
implementation stages of infrastructure investments get longer very much and are delayed.

s a result of the awareness having arisen toward the environment, aerodrome extensions
and traffic operations are not confronted with any new hindrances [11].

2.1.4. Planning and project management in the public

After 1980, along with the conversion stage of our countrys development strategy in
accordance with the outward-oriented and free market conditions, the role of the public sector
has been reshaped. The share of the public within the total investment has decreased, and along
with this, priority has been started to be given to projects in the fields of transport, energy,
communication, urban infrastructure, health, etc. rather than manufacturing. This change
has increased the importance of planning and project management in physical and social
infrastructure projects. Planning and project management principles have started to be used
not only for projects directly managed by the public, but also for the evaluation and execution
of investment projects conducted by means of public resources in various forms (stimulation,
Build-Operate-Transfer, etc.). This circumstance has made the need for the public to work
more efficiently more pronounced and has given importance to objective criteria in the process
of decision. Taking into consideration that the project management methods are techniques,
which come up in the market economies and develop in time, it may be expressed that project
management is a technique that shall not become antiquated.

Project planning is used as a tool of public policies, to the income distribution between
sections and regions in the light of new trends worldwide except for economic efficiency. In
addition, the participation dimension during various stages of project planning and the project
process is emphasized even more each day. In this framework, it becomes important that the
public resource allocation is institutionalized in a way as to ensure efficiency on the basis of
objective criteria and to serve various social targets. Within this effort of institutionalization,
it should be clarified which standards shall be used in various phases of designing in different 23
sectors and for various cases where public resources are used.

It is important that at various stages of project planning and the project process, the allocation
of public resources by the use of the principles of contribution is institutionalized so as to
ensure efficiency on the basis of objective criteria and to serve various social targets. For the
various circumstances where this public resource is used, this shall result in which standards
and principles shall be used and which contributorship mechanisms shall be applied in project
management. Taking into consideration the investments conducted by the mediation of the
public sector, it is seen that many elements of the project management process are applied
in an unnamed manner. What has to be done is to express this process in a clearer manner, to
define deficient points, to ensure its implementation in a scientic manner and thus to ensure its
consistency with international standards.

In Turkey, public organizations have to conduct their investments in the framework of

determinents such as project costs, characteristic, duration, location, annual allocation mentioned
in the public Investment Programme put into force by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers
every year. Whereas the organization in charge of the preparation of development plans and the
Annual Programmes being the implementation tools of these plans, and in this framework the
selection, programming of public investment allocations consistent with development targets,
and the determination of investment allocations is State Planning Organization. Therefore,
investing public organizations must transmit to the State Planning Organization their investment
projects, which they suggest to be included in the public investment programme, together with
their relevant feasibility studies. The State Planning Organization evaluates the feasibility
studies delivered by the public organizations in terms of the plan targets, public investment
policy, national economy, sectoral an intersectoral priorities and makes a choice between the
projects, and forms the public investment programme by allocating resources to the projects

The fact that any investment suggestions, which are communicated to the State Planning
Organization by public organizations, is not supported by well-prepared feasibility studies
unfavorably affects the plan-project relation, the formation of the public investment programme
by preferential projects which are well analysed in technical, economical, social, financial,
environmental terms, the rational use of resources and consequently the maximization of the
social benefit.

The attempt to conduct a public investment programme, which consists of many projects
the priorities of which could not be determined well by limited budget means, has become
one of the basic problems encountered in introducing public investments to economics in our
country on time during the recent years. In this case, sufficient resources may not be assigned
in appropriate times even to projects of high priority, the construction periods of the projects
lengthen, project amount rise, their costs to economics increase. In order to ensure that the
public investment programme achieves a more rational structure, it has to be made of high
priority projects of a number consistent with the countrys funding means. But this shall just be
possible by making the right choice from projects which have been well analysed in terms of
national economy. This has revealed the requirement to revitalize the significance given to the
concept of project analysis and the plan-project relatoin both with investing organizations as
well a central decisional units.

The supply of public resources as entirely provided from the budget, has become quite difficult
for developing countries. The accurate and scientific realization of plan-project analysis made
shall also ensure that right investment decisions are adopted as well. As a result of the planning
and analysis made, the development of strategies towards the provision of investments, being
oriented towards public requirements, by means of out-of-budget resources shall prevent the
overstain of the budget and new employment means shall be created.

For any projects to be made for public service requirements, it is not compulsory that the
public share is more. However, the public share may be increased by means of the realization of
certain infrastructure projects necessary for the sound functioning of economy as well as some
major and risky projects, to which the private sector is not willing or for which their financial
power is not sufficient, by the state. In addition, the private sector supported by indirect ways
such as stimulating investments, creating a competitive environment, ensuring economic
consistency by monetary and finance policies, may also undertake the main role in achieving
the targeted plan objectives. On the other hand, the fact that the state has informed the private
sector about the affects of both its own investment policies as well as alternative investment
strategies on the economic growth by means of the states planning mediation, ensures that
private sector investment decisions are founded on a more rational basis.

Whether on public or on private corporation level, the use of the resources in the most
efficient manner and the accurate evaluation of the options, is closely related to the investment
projects perfectly prepared in various areas. In order to be able to see and prevent beforehand
any damages arising from the selection of projects with imperfect and deficient aspects, detailed
examinations and analysis have to be made in many subjects. Therefore, it is initially useful to
deal with the phases of the project planning preparation process.

The aim in project planning is to ensure that the investment or project is realized in the
requested time and with low cost. The aims of a project may be listed down as follows [12].

1. The completion of the project as soon as possible in the framework of the resources available,

2. The use of minimum resource during a certain period

3. The completion on time of a project, which shall minimize the projects total cost 25
Projects have a great variety of properties. Some of them are as follows [12]:

1. A project requires that a part of the existing resources are bound already today in order to
obtain more resources.

2. The realization of projects started for benefits to be obtained in the future may take a long
time. This period, which passes for the preparation, analysis, selection and implementation
of projects, is called continuation period. Seeing and feeling the useful affects to be created
by certain projects causing the binding of resources for long periods may take very long

3. The economic lives of projects various between 15 years and 50 years. If sufficient
maintenance is provided, some projects may also serve permanently.

4. Projects, which are realized in order to obtain benefit by using resources and which consist
of activities featuring a complex structure, may also have quite important external affects.

5. Project, being a tool of change, is the whole of coordinated actions starting without adopting
any political decision and continuing until the change of resource composition and level, to
ensure contribution to the realization of a countrys development objectives.

6. Projects create new or supplemental production capacities including land arrangement,

buildings and other constructions, machinery equipment, etc., to be used in the production
of useful goods or services.
7. While projects cause limited resources indispensably to be bound to a certain area, thus, they
also prevent these resources to be used in other areas as well.

8. Special arrangements are required for the follow up and coordination of the planning,
evaluation and implementation of some major projects (South East Anatolian Project, etc.)
requiring resources of immense amounts.

9. The entire projects may not be financed out of the consolidated state budget and different
funding ways are frequently made use of. These may be summarized as the use of resources
created by state economic enterprises in the funding of their own investments, the benefiting
from out-of-budget funds or domestic development banks, the provision of loans from foreign
countries and international development banks, opening the project fully or in the form of
partnership to foreign capital, the implementation of the build-operate-transfer model and
financial leasing.

2.2. Public Structure Service Procurement Models

26 Public service may be established by law or by administrative procedure based on the

express power granted by the law. The fact by whom and by which method the service shall
be rendered, is required and compulsory to be determined by the same administration. As in
the establishment of the public service, the relevant organ has also discretionary power on the
rendering procedure.

The performance of public structure constructions necessary to enable the rendering of

public services, is also realized by the manners foreseen by law in this framework. Instead
of accounting extensively on these models, the construction models of Aerodromes terminal
buildings as a Transport public structure shall be dealt with.

Even though many people in Turkey have been convinced that the solution of problems of
public services require major investments and that the private sector should join public services
at least in the investment and operating area, the formation of right models for providing
the private sector participation shall not be easy, because the problems are very complex
and innovative enterprises are required for their solution. However, due to the fact that the
obstructions and risks with which the private enterprise shall be confronted, are innumerable as
well, just projects which have been carefully prepared and the contructual risks and economic
balances of which have been established, have the chance to get ahead on the right course and
be successful. In this context, it is important that those concerned with the the matter discuss
their experience and exchange their ideas in order to form any models leading to succuss and
their contracts.

However, in Turkey, public-private sector cooperation is required at various levels for projects
of private sector contribution to the public services. For the realization of this, public and private
initiatives are required which have common intellectual basis and which aim at participating
in the formation of Turkeys sustainable development and management models by realizing
active, stable, positive and courageous activities in cooperation with public administrations in
the solution of public services problems as well.

It has to be pointed out that the procurement models of public services is not an ordinary
procurement of service by the public from the private sector. Essentially the Public Administration
sets out to delegate a part of its legal duties to the private sector by means of a contract. Therefore,
it has to be mentioned that the type of contract suitable to the purpose is neither the independent
contractor agreement as in the construction-undertaking works, nor the purchase agreement
related to the purchase of any product or service. Furthermore, the public administration plans
to assign (give power for) the usage right of its assets and a part of its relevant duties, rights and
responsibilities to a corporate body in order to enable these services to be rendered, and requests
from the Corporate Body to use these assets and to fulfill a significant part of the duties which
the administration is normally liable to realize related to the legal procurement of the services.

As an important public service, the construction and operating services of the aerodrome
terminal buildings have been conducted by the state administrations through methods the
funding of which was entirely covered by the budget until the early 90s. Starting with the
mid of the 90s, the construction of the aerodrome terminal buildings has begun to be realized
through the build-operate-transfer model, which is an entirely out-of-budget finance model.

Along with the developments in the air transport sector and consequently the requirement
for the modernization of the aerodromes, factors leading to the provision of the private sector
contribution to the funding of aerodromes are as follows:

As a result of the increasing pressure towards making restrictions in public expenses both
direct investment/capital expenses as well as subventions have been restricted.

The difficulty of the provision by the public of the requirements financing amount arising
at aerodromes

Along with the widespreading of the understanding that the state is not always the best
service provider, it has been started to be discussed that a more flexible administration
may be established through the inclusion of the private sector in these services, which are
conducted with the understanding of public service

The comprehension that aerodromes may be converted into a trade or business center, the
increase of the private sectors interest in these investments [10].

The methods chosen in order to ensure the efficient participation of the private sector
in the aerodromes is the tender method. The models of the tender methods applied in different
manners used for the acquisition of aerodrome terminal buildings shall be dealt with in the next

The tender method mentioned within time-bound privatization at the distinction of time-
bound and perpetual privatization [13] is the method mostly used in the acquisition of public
services. In this method, the presentation of some public goods and services is assigned to the
private sector by a contract. In the tender method, the relevant public institution ensures the
conduct of the service by private firms instead of realizing it through its own organization and
personnel [14]. That is to say, in the tender method the relevant public institution continues to
provide the financing of the service and leaves the production work to the private sector [14].
The tender method is known as outsourcing in literature. In the tender method, entrepreneurs
applying for service production, are establishments normally rendering services on the market
and they are not linked to the local administration neither in legal nor economic terms [15].

2.2.1. Benefits expected from public services acquisition models

28 The basic benefit of public services expected to be acquired by operation of the private
sector is the decrease of operating costs based on efficiency and competition, and the increase
of service quality. The expected benefits may be listed down as follows:

The decrease of the investment and operating costs based on efficiency and competition

The fact that due to the savings of resources acquired from the decrease of the operating
costs, more resources can be transfered to the investments

Decrease of the investments finance costs due to the increase of equity

Increase of service quality and rise of its level, consumer/subscriber/customer satisfaction

Optimizatoin of the assets by ensuring regular and preventive maintenance in a professional

manner and thus decrease of renewal cost

Faciliating the passing over to assets management planning and quality management systems

Increase of personnel qualification, ensuring work efficiency and optimization of personnel

number. Forming a well-trained and professional personnel portfolio

Estranging the enterprise from any political affects for the day, and thus to ensure its formation
and being turned into an institution based on rational foundations

Benefiting from the elasticity and speed of the private sector in investment and/or operation
Ensuring realization of technology transfer and innovations easily

Preventing that public administrations loose time and energy with daily implementation
problems of investment and operations, and ensuring that they focus more on their main
duties related to the future.

As a result, public institutions, whose material resources are not sufficient or whose

material resources are sufficient, but who intend to spend these resources for other areas,
choose the BOT model for the construction and realization of major projects and facilities. On
the other hand, employers whose material resources are sufficient or who have the possibility
to obtain any loan, choose classical tender methods such as turn-key for any investment and
projects they wish to realize [16].

In the framework of these explanations, we may divide the construction models of Aerodrome
terminal buildings into 2:

A- The construction model which provides the construction financing from the budgetary 29

B- The construction model which provides the construction financing from out-of-budget




Figure 2.1. Aerodrome construction models

Whereas the above mentioned construction models are subdivided into many submodels.
But in the framework of the thesis, the models mostly applied in the acquisition of terminal
buildings in our country have been considered at length.
2.2.2. Construction models which provide the construction financing from budgetary

This model which is entirely provided by budgetary resources in the acquisition of public
services, is the method mostly used in many service sectors in our country. Discussions are
constantly made, both in terms of operation as well as regulation, on this model which is
implemented by realizing hundreds of tenders for the provision of public requirements by
means of the allocation of millions YTL from the budget every year. As a result of evaluations
and discussions made over long years, the new public procurement law has been put into force
on Jan.1, 2003. However, this law has also been confronted with criticism both in terms of
implementation criteria as well as regulation.

In this model, the most efficient public purchase requires the selection of the interested party,
who is able to provide the requested service in consideration of the lowest (optimal) price.
Offering the lowest price, which has been the most important criterion in the law number 2886
for tasks until Jan.1, 2003, has ceased to be the most important criterion by the law number
4734 enforced after this date.

1. Determination of re-
quirements/ Feasibility

6. Implementation 2. Project


3. Inclusion in
5. Tender Investment programme

4. Design

Figure 2.2. Model phases

A. Planning

A.1 Determination of requirements, Feasibility

A.2 Project definition formation,

A.3 Inclusion in investment programme,

A.4 Design

A.5 Tender

B. Implementation

B.1 Supervision and control

B.2 Project revisions

B.3 Progress payments. 31

C. Supervision/Control

A. Planning

A.1. Project Definition-Formation, Determination of Requirements

During the phase of project formation, project ideas and other development-oriented actions
are determined and the ideas requiring more work are selected. During this process of selection,
the considerations of the sectors to benefit from the project are taken into account as well. The
problems and potentials of the sectors supposed to benefit from the project are evaluated. As a
result of these studies, it is decided whether it is necessary to make a more detailed study for
each project idea taking into consideration both the requirements of the target group expected
to benefit from the project as well as the guiding framework.

The determination of project ideas ungoes a preelimination and an extensive and detailed
project study (feasibility study) is commenced after the adoption. However, a pre-feasibility
study has to be made prior to passing over to the preparation of the detailed feasibility study.

Projects, which are selected as a result of the preliminary analysis of the pre-feasibility study
prepared at the project preparation stage, are taken to the public project stock foreseen to be
realized during the process of the development plan to be reviewed in more detail during the
feasibility study, and are brought in to the annual investment programmes as per the starting
years. Whereas projects for urgent requirements which may arise during the said plan period,
may be included as study-project in order to ensure the preparation of the feasibility studies for
the annual investment programmes.

During this process made by the State Planning Organization, views are exchanged with
various participators in the framework of the development plan. The projects being oriented
towards the real requirement, conformity with plan and programmes, efficient use of resources,
project formation are evaluated as essential criteria. Upon the presentation of any projects, which
are decided to be suitable, by the relevant establishment to the State Planning Organization as
implementation project, the formation and preparation of the project is completed.

A.2. Analysis

Project ideas, which have been chosen during the stage of project preparation and analysis,
are converted into implementation-oriented project plans. At this stage, in the shaping of the
project idea in detail, importance is given again to the participation of the target group to benefit
from the project and of the other affected parties. Later on, the feasibility (in respect of whether
it shall be successful or not) and the sustainability (in respect of whether it shall provide benefit
to the target group on a long-term basis) of the project is analysed. As a result of these analysis,
32 decisions are adopted in matters of converting the project into an official document and seeking
for funding.

Project analysis is a very important matter in terms of countries having aimed at planned
development. The aim of project analysis is to ensure the efficient use of limited resources
and a rational production of goods and services, because the preparation and evaluation of
investments, which are indispensible for economic growth and development, or in other
words, of investment projects, based on scientific foundations is the initial and basic condition
of optimal use of resources. Just in this way, the realization of any results expected from
investments is possible at macro level. Notwithstanding how good macro plans are prepared, it
is not possible to reach macro plan targets with any projects which are well-prepared, but which
shall be realized without being analysed accurately.

Projects, which are analyzed by criteria such as profitability, productivity, efficiency,

effectiveness, conformity, sustainability, are delivered to the deciding organs of the State Planning
Organization after the realization of macro-technical-economical-social-environmental-
corporate and spatial analysis with all ministries, establishments and institutions.

A.3. Inclusion in the Investment Programme

Allowances shall be allocated according to sectoral, regional, etc. criteria among projects
which have been found favorable as a result of the analysis, and they are ensured to be included
in the investment programme.

The determination of intersectoral public investment priorities is a quite diffecult task. In order
to be able to realize this, the well comprehension of the relation between sectoral investments
and productions is required along with a great number and sufficient data. Along with this,
the determination of sectoral priorities by means of detailed and complex estimate or analysis
methods may cause misleading results. Therefore, political preferences play an important role
in deterimining the sectoral priorities in many countries. However, prior to determining the
priorities, cautionary information supported by serious technical analysis regarding the cost of
alternative politics should be given to the parties adopting political decisions. In this context,
the cost-benefit analysis is also very useful for determining priorities within the sector.

B. Implementation

During the implementation stage, the project is effectuated. During this phase, it may be
necessary to rebid the contract for technical support, supply or construction activities. The
comments of the projects target group and the affected parties are taken and the project
management observes whether or not the project successfully advances towards the planned
target. If considered necessary as a result of this observation evaluation made while the
project is continuing, the project is reviewed and made into conformity with the targets. In cases
where certain important changes are observed following the project preparation, it is possible to
review certain targets of the project and adopt them to the new conditions.

B.1. Tender

For tasks until Jan.1, 2003, the public procurement law number 2886 was applied. The relevant
public unit determines an estimated value for the investment, and interested firms participating
in the tender offer any price which is a certain percentage below or over this amount in their
bids. The firm, who has offered the most favourable, i.e. the lowest bid in terms of the public
benefits, is awarded the tender. In case of investments requiring equipment and financing power
besides some extensive and technical specialization, the firms undergo a preliminary election,
and a great, but a little lessened number when compared to the applicants, great number of
firms participate in the tender. The firms desire to get over their temporary financing straits
and consequently to get new work and obtain cash turns out to dominate, whereby the contract
may be awarded not paying much attention to the long term destiny of the investment business.
However, in this case, inevitable delays, the unability to fulfill the administrations requests
for duration and quality arise, and the tasks may be wound up. In countries with high inflation
economy, delayed work denotes to harmful and expensive work. Consequently, being awarded
with a very low bid, causes investment and consequently service delay resulting from the tasks
dragged on and wound up, and their turning out to be more expensive to the public due to the
delayed realization.

By the Public Procurement Law number 4964, which has been put into force on Jan.1, 2003,
the problems having arisen with the former procurement law have been removed to a great

First of all, the price principle determined by the state is given up, and the principle is
adopted to cause the realization of the task by having the price determined based on the bids to
be received under the market conditions.

Whereas other important changes enable the development of the study-project and technical
services. By this law, the understanding for tendering with the first draft is discarded, and the
concept is adopted to tender with projects, which are well-prepared to the very detail and based
on studies. In order to prepare the contracts well, it has been introduced to determine and define
well the location lists, material to be applied and manufacturing of all kind of studies and
implementation projects based on them, and the turnkey lump sum price procedure has been
brought to construction tenders in order to avoid any future conflicts with the contractor, to
prevent any price increase and to ensure the timely completion of the task.

There may not be made any bidding for any task, which doesnt have any allowance, and
besides, for any tenders communicable to years, it shall be compulsory that their budget features
34 any allowance to the rate the year of which is mentioned in the budget law, being not less than
10% of the approximate cost. Thus, it is prevented that it is impossible for tenders to be realized
due to insufficiency of allowances and it is aimed at completing the public investments within
the planned period.

The tender method is a method which is applied in our country for years. By the Public
Procurement Law number 4734 in force it is possible for departments included in the general
budget, administrations with supplementary budget, the special provincial administration and
municipalities to ensure tasks such as purchase, sale, service, construction, lease, transportation
to be performed by the private sector by means of tender, and this method is stimulated in the
development plans. According to the law, the methods used in the tender are divided into four
parts. These are open bidding, bidding between certain interested parties, bargaining and direct
supply. The relevant administration shall determine which of these methods shall be applied
according to the nature of the task to be realized, by conforming with the provisions of law.

The significance of the tender method in the conduct of public services is that it enables the
benefiting from the competitive environment on the market. Thus, there is a competition, in
terms of cost and quality, between competing firms in order to be awarded the contract. This is
the basic point increasing the efficiency of the relevant public service [17].

The benefits of the Tender Method may be listed down as follows [18].

a) The tender method brings along with it competition and efficiency. The competition between
the firms is the basic reason of the savings seen in the costs.
b) In case service is delayed or presented of low quality in the tender method, penal sanctions
shall be applicable. The chance of the firm, who has been awarded the contract, to renew the
contract depends on its performance in rendering the service.

c) The tender method is more flexible in providing for the citizens needs. The removal of
serious bureaucratic hindrances makes the presentation of service for efficient.

d) It prevents the increase in states permanent staffs. (personnel requirement)

e) It ensures that the state withdraws from the production sector and fulfills the supervisory

The success of the tender method depends on the accurate calculation of the estimate value
and the degree of competition of the said service on the market. There are also some unfavorable
aspects of the method. These may be listed down as follows:

a) Especially bidding agreements made beyond the publics cognizance, harm the transparency
of the task. In order to prevent this, tenders have to be made in an open manner. 35
b) Private firms generally employ unqualified workers and keep the workerss wages low.

c) In case all of the services are awarded to the same firm, certain objections may arise as
well. For instance, the bankruptcy of the said firm may cause the delay of the services

d) As a result of the fact that complete supervision cannot be provided at the stage of bidding,
there is the possibility that firms reach an agreement among themselves, and consequently
entire competition cannot be ensured.

e) The fact that firms, who fulfill the conditions in procedural terms, but who are weak in
qualitative and financial terms, are awarded the contract, and that consequently the
administrations are unable to ensure high quality work or that the work cannot be completed
on time

f) Losses resulting from disputes between the contractor firm and the relevant institution due
to any articles, which have not been well-defined in the contract and the specifications.

g) Since its funding is provided from the general budget, losses resulting the increase of costs
due to the fact that allowances cannot be fully provided and the task lengthens, as well
as losses resulting from the fact that, consequently, the facilities are unable to be put into

The problems, which we have tried to explain briefly above, are of a type that can be
easily removed by taking the necessary measures. For instance, in order to get over the
problem mentioned in the last article, the presentation of services may be awarded to several
firms instead of just one firm. Likewise, the excess of personnel arising as a result of the tender
may be commissioned in other units. Prior to passing over to applications made with this model
and to its evaluation, it shall be useful to take a look at the definitions of the procedures defined
by the law number 4734 [19].

The aim of this Law is to determine all principles and procedures applicable for tenders
which shall be realized by all public institutions and establishments being subject to public law
or under the supervision of the public.

A short review of the terminal buildings, the construction value of which is covered from the
public budget and which are made by the Public Procurement methods, shall be realized in this
section. In this framework, a short explanation has been made of the tender methods, which are
included in the law number 4734 and by which airport terminal buildings are built. The mostly
used tender method is the open bidding. The method of bidding between certain interested
parties as well as the bargaining method are also methods which might be used even if rarely.
Methods of Tenders [19]

Table 2.1. Methods of Tenders

Open Bidding Method Procedure enabling all interested parties to bid

Method of bidding Procedure enabling any interested parties, who are invited to bid
between certain interested as a result of a prequalification evaluation, to bid. The tender of
parties construction works where the open bidding method is not applied due
to its complexity and/or requiring advanced technology, can be made
according to this method.

Bargaining method a) No bids resulting from the tender realized by the procedure of
open bidding or the procedure of tender between certain interested
b) The realization of the tender being compulsory to be made urgently
upon the occurance of unexpected (natural disasters, etc.) events
c) The unability to determine the technical and financial properties
as required, due to fact that the procurement of goods and services
as well as construction works subject to the tender are of original
nature and complex.
The terminal buildings, which have been made in accordance with the unit price principles
until the year 2003, have been awarded by first draft. The construction of these works, which
have been tendered with quite high discounts, has extended over long years. The extension
resulted from the occurance of unexpected manufacturing during the stage of construction
due to the fact that sometimes sufficient allowances were not provided for in the budget and
sometimes the first draft has been taken as essential.

The more the time of the construction stage was extending the more the cost of the work was
naturally increasing. Along with the constantly increasing costs, the public suffered loss due
to these facilities being opened to operation late. The GAP (Southeastern Anatolian Project)
International aerodrome and its terminal building, the construction of which has started in 1997
and which could still not be completed as per the end of 2005, represent a good example for

On the other hand, tasks, which are obtained with high discounts, without having realized
the necessary feasibility studies, sometimes result in the bankruptcy of the firms undertaking
the construction. It is not considered as a surprising circumstance that the work cannot be
performed in a sound manner with these discounts of up to 60%. In our country, which has
been under the pressure of high inflation during those years, there have also been quite high
increases in the construction costs as well, and there have been high increases in the costs of
the construction works spread over the years. This circumstance has formed a loss for any firms
having obtained any task with high discounts, and at the same time, the public was constantly
suffering loss due to the permanent increase of the construction costs.
Along with the new tender method starting with the year 2003, construction works have
been started to be realized with the implementation projects having been prepared. Along with
this law, it is also prevented that works, which are not provided with sufficient allowance in the
budget, are tendered. Tasks, the projects of which are prepared in a realistic and implementation-
oriented manner, and which feature sufficient allowance in the budget, are built faster and
without the costs increasing more than foreseen. To exemplify the aerodrome terminal buildings,
the construction financing of which is provided for by the budget:

The tender of the Denizli Cardak aerodrome was realized in 1997 and could not be completed
despite many estimate increases. The work has
been wound up and the put out for tender again
in 2006. The GAP International airport was
tendered in 1997 and is declared to be completed
as per the end of 2006.

Despite the fact that the tenedr of the Gaziantep

Airport terminal building was realized 1996,
its opening could be realized in May 2006
following the winding-up of the task in 2003
and its retender.

The tender of the Erzurum aerodrome has been

realized in 1997. The work has been wound up
in 2001 and put out to tender again. At the end
of 2005, it has been opened to service in May 2006 with corporate means since it could not
be completed by the firm at the end of 2005.

The Diyarbakr Aerodrome terminal building (7800 sq.m.) has been tendered in 1997 and
put in commission in 2001.

The Isparta Sleyman Demirel Aerodrome terminal building (6000 sq.m.) has been tendered
in 1993 and put in comission in 1997.

The Bodrum Airport has been tendered in October 1997 and has been opened in July 1999.

When we jointly consider the construction processes of the aerodrome terminal buildings,
some of which have been stated above, the following results are achieved.

The planning stage of these investments, which have been made with the public procurement
law number 2886 and the financing of which is covered by the public resources, comprises quite
long and sometimes complex processes. In this model, where many parties are decision making
authorities, there are long time periods at the planning stage. Generally, some of their stages 39
take months. The projects inclusion in the investment programme and receiving a share from
the budget after the projects formation and definition includes various bureaucratic difficulties.
It is known that the implementation for long years of certain public investments, which have
to made urgently, cannot be realized since they dont have a sufficient share from the budget.

Projects considered appropriate to be included in the investment programme as a result

of innumerable negotiations after having passed many revisions between the State Planning
Organization and investor establishments, have to feature a sufficient share from the budget
to enable their implementation, which may not always be possible. Whereas the application
chances of projects, the preliminary feasibility
reports of which have not been prepared in a
healthy manner, in this long-lasting process is

However, by means of the new public

procurement law number 4734, many of the said
negativities are prevented. The tender of works,
which dont have any or sufficient allowance, is
not possible. Sufficient share is allocated from
the budget to investments, the feasibility and
implenetation projects of which have been made
in a healthy manner. Even though this tender law
shall removed many negativities, the objection by
interested firms to the results for simple reasons
while the tender process is continuing may extent the completion of the tender process to up to
1 year and may sometimes cause its cancellation.

It may be inevitable that aerodrome projects, which are applied by the Directorate General
of the State Airports Administration, who doesnt have any difficulty in sourcing projects due
to being a profitable State Enterprise (K.I.T.), are confronted with the same difficulties in the
long-lasting planning process. The urgency of the construction of the aerodrome terminal
buildings sometimes gains so much importance that even some months to be lost may cost
hundredthousands of Dollars to be gained during the operational period.

It is seen that both the planning as well as the tender and implementation stages of these
constructions, the financing of which is covered by the budget, take a long process. It is seen
that at the end of this long process, the technologies of some terminal buildings grow obsolete
prior to being put in commission. Consequently, terminal buildings can remain insufficient due
to insufficiency of capacity starting from the first moment is is put in commission in terms of
passenger traffic constantly increasing as a result of both the obsolete technology as well as
the extension of the construction period. These matters, which leave the investor establishment
confronted with many problems, may be permanently experienced in the model where the
financing is provided for by the budget.

A detailed description related to the operation of the construction model, the financing of
which is provided for by the budget, is shown in the following diagram. In this diagram, all
stages have been attempted to be described by reviewing the construction processes of the
aerodrome terminal buildings, the construction of which has been realized up to date.

2.3. The Build-Operate-Transfer Models for which the Construction Financing is

Covered by Out-of-Budget Resources

In the recent years, searches made for the financing of great and slow-return infrasture
projects, has led to the widespreading of an implementation type, the foundation of which has
been actually laid in France more than hundred years ago in the form of concession agreements,
which is called Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and which has several variations (Build-Own-
Operate-Transfer; Build-Own-Operate; Sell), domestically and abroad. In the implementation
of the said model, the administrations also undertake the construction and operation of a certain
task as well and give them to entrepreneurs who shall provide for their investment and obtain
profit with the income to be obtained from the sale of the product or service to be obtained.
Thus, the entrepreneurs put their monetary and technological means to use, the administrations
realize a certain construction work without forcing their material means, and on the other hand,
users reach facilities ensuring an improvement in their living standards [20].
The build-operate-transfer model is a method used in countries, where the free market
economy has not been entirely formed, in order to encourage private entrepreneurs. The basic
aim of this method is to open certain services, which require great capital, to foreign capital
especially in terms of countries suffering capital shortage. Thus, this method also encourages
the entry of foreign capital into the country.

In fact, the magic part of this model is that the investments and services, which have to be
done and fulfilled by the public respectively, is made by the private sector in the framework
of a contract through this model, and that they are, in consideration thereof, operated for a
certain period by the private sector realizing the project for profit purposes, and that they are
ultimately transfered to the relevant public administration [21]. It may be stated that the BOT
model constitutes to a large extent an alternative to the use of foreign projects in the financing
of infrastructure investments required to be done by the public [22]. This financing facility
provided by the BOT model in the realization of infrastructure investments has caused it to be
adopted easily in third-world countries [23]. Moreover, in the investment policies of the State
Planning Organization [24], in the last VII. Five-Year Development Plan it is declared that the
usage of the BOT model shall continue in accordance with the spirit of this plan [25]. 41
This method, which doesnt feature any fiscal burden to the public administration in terms of
its forming its resources itself, is a kind of privilege. The system is based on the principle that
a service unit is established on the real estates of the public by any private person(s), that it is
operated by private persons during the periods determined in the contract and that at the end of
the period the operation passes over to the public administration with all kind of its assets past

The BOT model is essentially requested to be used in the realization of the financing of the
public infrastructure projects.

There isnt any guarantee or undertaking of the Treasury for the repayments of principal and
interest of foreign credits brought in in the framework of the BOT model.

The BOT model is conducted in Turkey in the framework of implementation agreements

(CONCESSION CONTRACTS) made between the parties. In these agreements, one party is
the public institution or establishment and the other party is the private company liable of
realizing the project.

Models similar to build-operate-transfer may be listed down as follows.

d) Build Own Transfer

e) Design Build Operate Transfer


f) Build Own Operate Sell

g) Build Own Operate Transfer

h) Design Build Finance Operate

Whereas, the models similar to the BOT which are used for the construction and operation
of aerodromes may be listed down as follows:

1. Buy Build Operate (BBO): The private company buys the existing aerodrome from the
state. It makes and operates the necessary investment. It is appropriate for less developed

2. Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT): The difference in comparison to the build-
operate-transfer model is that during the operational period the aerodrome property is owned
by the private company.
3. Build Transfer Operate (BTO): The private company transfers the property after having
completed the design, building and financing, and afterwards long-term rents from the state
are prefered for certain tax advantages.

4. Partial Financing (WA Wraparound Addition): The private company finances a certain part
of the airports service units such as the terminal or the parking garage.

5. Let on hire Develop Operate (LDO): The private company hires the existing aerodrome
from the state on a long-term basis, and operates it by making a profit sharing agreement,
whereby the property remains with the state.

6. Management Partnership: The aerodromes property remains with the state, but the
participants of the parent company shall be in charge of the management as well. The state
has to invest again, whereas the economic risks are shared among the partners.

The notion of realizing an investment by the Built-Operate-Transfer model has entered the
Turkish economy in the mid 80s as a new method of ensuring the fulfillment of work, and to a
certain extent with the purpose of removing the circumstances of delay and uncertainty in these 43
classical tenders.

While the BOT model was not in a much widespread period in 1986, it has been adopted by
the State Airports Administration in a manner as to be used in significant public investments.
Here, the fact that the financing to be used in the construction of the project shall be undertaken
by the bidding firms, provided that it is deemed appropriate and approved by the relevant
public units, has been considered as another time-making advantage. Even if these international
investment credits are provided by firms, they are conducted as part of the general international
financial-economic relations balance of the Republic of Turkey.

In the BOT projects, there arent used any loans of great number and of excessively high
amounts. While international loan associatons accurately evaluate the income-expenses balances
of Turkey; it takes care of similar attention and sensitivity to be shown in the public institutions.

It is seen that the aerodrome investments during the late 80s and early 90s focus rather on
the development of existing aerodromes standards than the construction of new aerodromes.
In the late 80s, the construction of small aerodromes of Stol type has been started with the
contribution of local administrations to various regions, and the preparations for opening military
aerodromes to civil aviation have been given speed. It is seen that the total arriving-departing
passengers and airline traffic increasing steadily from year to year, has focused mainly in the
Atatrk Airport and also in the Antalya, Esenboa, Adnan Menderes airports and gradually in
te Dalaman and Bodrum Airports [26].

The facilities existing on these aerodromes remained insufficient for a transportation


infrastructure of international intensity. The stanbul Atatrk Airport represents the most intense
point of the international commercial, financial, tourism connections, and the passenger, aircraft
intensity was increasing rapidly. Whereas the Antalya Airport was the most intense point of
touristic travels. Due to their above mentioned significant positions, it has been necessary to
renew the existing facilities on the Atatrk and Antalya Airports, increase their capacities, and
make them reach the efficiency of responding to todays technology and requirements.

Taking into consideration all these developments, the construction of the Airport terminal
buildings, which has become necessary to be made by the BOT model, which requires great
funding and is consistent with our ages technological developments, has been realized and the
implementation of some of them has started in the recent years.

The Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Turkey, the State Airports Administrations
(DHMI), as public institution in charge, had intensified its enterprises in this direction
starting with the mid of the 80s. After having passed various concept maturity, technical and
bureaucratic preparation stages, the extension and development project of the existing facilities
on the Antalya and stanbul Atatrk Airport has been started to be realized in 1997 [27]. And
as per 1998, these projects have teemed and the Antalya Airport International Terminal (Photo
2.4), later on the stanbul Atatrk Airport (Photo 2.5) new international terminal building and
the multi-storey parking garage building, which is an important complementary facility, has
been put in commission.

As an implementation example realized for the first time in the civil aviation sector in Turkey;
the Antalya Airport New International Building with a capacity of 5 million passengers/year,
the construction of which has been realized in the framework of the Build-Operate-Transfer
model, has come into service on March 31, 1998. Thus, the terminal building, which has an
annual capacity of 5 million passengers, equipped with electrical, electronical and mechanical
systems of up-to-date technology and which comprises all kind of contemporary service
facilities, has been brought in to the Antalya Airport. The works of bringing in a new terminal
building to the Atatrk Airport, which is operated by the State Airports Administration and
which forms the most important gate of the country, by the Build-Operate-Transfer model have
been completed and the opening has been realized on January 3rd, 2000.

Upon the Antalya Airports 5.000.000 passenger/year capacity terminal buildings remaining
insufficient, the construction of the 2nd module international terminal foreseen in the master plan
has started in 2004. Again, project competitions have been organized for Esenboa, Bodrum,
zmir-Adnan Menderes during the year 1998, and for the Dalaman Airport International
Terminals in 1999, and thus, an important step has been taken for the modernization of our
above mentioned important points in international air transport. With the tenders realized in the
year 2003 and 2004, the construction of the terminals except for the Bodrum airport has started. 45
(ANNEX-1) The tender made on August 16, 2004 for the zmir Adnan Menderes airport new
international terminal ve multistorey parking garage project has been awarded to the Havas Yer
Hizmetleri A.. Bayndr Holding joint venture corporation having bid the shortest run of 6
years 7 months 29 days. The ground delivery of the project, which had an investment period
46 of 24 months, could be realized in May 2005. It is planned that the terminal, which features an
investment amount of 125 million Euro and the construction of which has started in July 2005
shall commence operations in August 2006. The terminal area consists of 170.000 sq.m. and
75.000 sq.m. parking garage.
The Esenboa new domestic-international terminal and multistorey parking garage project:

The tender dated April 12, 2004 has been awarded to the Tepe-Akfen joint venture having
bid the shortest run of 15 years 8 months. The terminal featuring an indoor space of 145.000
sq.m. includes a parking garage of 105.000 sq.m. The investment period of the project,
the construction of which has started on September 24, 2004, is 36 months. It is aimed at
commencing the operations of the facility amounting to 188.7 million Euro in October 2006.

The Dalaman Airport new international terminal: put out to tender on December 3, 2003.
The Aksa-Turkuaz-Manas joint venture has been awarded the contract with a bid of run of 6
years 5 months 20 days. The facility, the construction of which has started on July 29, 2004,
shall come into service in June 2006. It includes a terminal building of 85.000 sq.m.


he BUILD-OPERATE-TRANSFER model has been introduced especially as a new
model for the realization of infrastructure investments in developing countries per
the private sector. It was in 1984, when Turkey to a certain extent met with this model

The BOT model is defined in the article 3/a of the Law number 3996 and in article 3/b of the
Cabinet Decision number 94/5907 as follows: It is a special financing model developed to be
48 used in the realization of projects requiring advanced technology and high material resources,
and the payment of the investment amount (including the profit to be gained) to the company
through the purchase of any goods or services produced by the company during the operational
period, by those benefiting from the management or service [28]. In the broader sense, the BOT
model may be defined as the realization of a public structure, investment or service through the
financing by a private company and its operation by the latter for a period determined by the
public, and its selling to public institutions any goods or services, which the it has produced
during this period, pursuant to a tariff mutually determined by the parties, and its transferring
the facilities, which it is operating, in a well-maintained, complete and functional manner, to the
public institution at the end of the period [29]. Again, according to another definition made based
on contracts executed, the BOT model is a regime where any public service or activity or public
works are prepared as project, financed, built, protected by realization of an investment based
on a fixed amount, all expenses being provided for by a private enterprise, under the guarantee
that the country purchases the goods or services produced, and which ensures the transfer and
delivery to the relevant public institution or establishment of the facility and management at the
end of the period upon amortization of the capital invested and realization of the profit through
its operation for a certain period [30].

3.1. Characteristics of the Build-Operate-Transfer Model [29]

The main characteristic of the model is to solve the problem of financing required by certain
public structure investments and consequently to ensure the realization of the investment. The
reason for the models emergence is essentially the publics financing straits. By means of this
method, the financing straits is overcome in the investment period and the financing is realized
by being spread over time, through the consideration taken from the users for any goods or
services produced during the operational period. Along with focusing essentially on the publics
financing straits in terms of benefiting from the model, the increase of service efficiency per the
private sector in view of the public establishments failure to function efficiently, has also arisen
as a reason. At the same time, the fact that the private sector brings in advanced technology for
this kind of projects both at the stage of investments as well as operation increases the projects
production, service efficiency with the concept of efficient operation and management.

The functioning of the BOT model is not only limited to new investments. Reference may
be made to this model for complementary investments or renewal investments as well. The
model is applicable for new investments as well as for the renewal of existing facilities, which
have fallen behind in terms of technology, or for the completion of unfinished investments.
BOT models are conducted in the framework of implementation agreements (CONCESSION
CONTRACTS) made between the parties in Turkey. In these agreements, one party is the
public institution or establishment, whereas the other party is the private company in charge of
realizing the project.
One party of the contract is the public institution or establishment. Whereas on the other
hand, there are consortiums which generally include international establishments as well.

In order to realize the investment, sponsor companies establish a separate company (Project
company joint investment company or project company) the subject of activity of which is
to realize the relevant project. If requested, the public may also participate in the established
company with a limited capital share.

At the end of the contractual period, the facility shall be transfered free of charge to the
state or any establishment deemed appropriate by the state, free of all kind of liabilities and
committments in a sound und functional condition. Whereas prior to the end of the contractual
period the same liabilities shall be applicable as well (except for force majeure) [31].

3.1.1. The parties

There are many parties in the realization of the investment projects by the BOT model. In
a typical BOT project there are, for instance, the host country, the state establishment holding
the position of the projects holder, lending establishments, insurance establishments, technical,
financial and legal consultants, the company to realize the project (Joint-Venture Corporation)
and sponsor firms.

In the build-operate-transfer model, there is a system established with the relation of many
parties in comparison to other construction models. The number of contracts regulating the
relations between these parties is quite high, and even though the parties and the number of
contracts varies according to factors such as the structure, magnitude of the project, the parties
and contracts existing in most of them have been briefly described as follows. (Figure 4.1.)

The host country is the country where the project is realized. It denotes the establishment in
charge of the project, the State establishment (administration), the joint investment company as
well as the institution executing the implementation-concession-contract.

The joint-venture company denotes the company, which has been founded by the companies
realizing the investment, pursuant to the concession contract in accordance with the countrys

The Investor Banks are the banks providing the financing of the investment. These banks are
defined as lending establishments and loan agreements are made with them.

Joint investment company holding parent companies (sponsors) are companies who establish
the joint investment company in the framework of the concession contract, who have come
together in the framework of the agreement and have a separate legal personality.

50 Apart from these; parties such as the Trustee Bank, Export credit banks and export insurance
companies, subcontractor firms, insurance companies, consultancy firms, standby credit and
bridging loan banks are components in the operation of this model.

In the BOT model, an international consortium bidding for a certain project designs the
project, ensures and assures the financing necessary for the construction, builds the project in
the host country and operates it throughout the duration stated in the contract. The realization
of these procedures requires a quite complex structure. In a BOT project, there are many parties
and more than one contract regulating the relations between these parties [32].
Host Country Technical, Financial and Legal

Project Agreement
Firms being
Construction Party to the
State Private Agreement Contract
Establishment Agreements
Joint-Venture Procurement
Company Suppliers

Lending Loan
Establishments Agreements
Operational Firm to operate
Contract the investment
for a certain Pe-
Insurance Insurance
Companies Policies

Agreement made
with Shareholders


Figure 3.1. Structure and operation of BOT projects [33].

3.1.2. Expectations of the parties in the Build-Operate-Transfer model

The Public (User)

Ability to render the service
Provision of permanence of the service
Increase of service efficiency
Increase of service quality and variety
Protection of environment and community health
Optimization of service tariffs
Public Administration
Provision of investment and investment funding by out-of-budget means
Convenience, permanence and efficiency in the performance of legal duties
Decrease and keeping under control of operational costs
Ability to reserve more equity for investments
Decrease of financial costs
Ensuring regular and preventive professional maintenance of the assets
Optimization of life-span of assets and decrease of need for new investment
Decrease of management burden of the business and focusing on essential duties
Benefiting from the elasticity and speed of the private sector
Easy realization of technology transfer and innovations
Operator and/or investor
Profit (anyone who cannot produce profit in the private sector cannot sustain itself and
cannot produce service)
Ensuring customer satisfaction (Public institution and consumers)
Increase of competitive facilities (technological, corporate and organizational development)
Becoming trademark and increasing esteem
Increase of business volume and ensuring its permanence
3.1.3. Advantages and disadvantages of the BOT model

The results obtained upon review of the models advantages and disadvantages are as
follows [34].

Advantages of the Model

a) Creating new and additional financing resources (Financial Additionality): One of the
models most important aims brought forward for developing countries is to increase the foreign
capital entry to the country and to able to benefit from its influences on the economy. In this
framework, it is suggested that the BOT model gives the opportunity to realize any projects
which shall not be able to be realized otherwise.

b) Advanced Technology Transfer and Training: In case projects requiring advanced

technology are realized per foreign companies, advanced technology shall enter the country.
Likewise, in case of a BOT project, there shall also be a training programme to be presented
regarding usage prior to the transfer of the facility. Therefore, possibility is also given for the
training of the employees.

c) Efficiency: It is suggested that the private sector may make a better evaluation in terms
of the realization of which project would be more feasible, and that it shall realize the projects
design, building and operation more efficiently, and it is considered that the economic efficiency
shall thus increase.
d) Measure of Evaluation (Benchmark): As an extension of the property mentioned in the
previous item, a project conducted per private sector may be used as a measure in terms of
evaluating the efficiency of similar projects available with the public.

e) Decrease of Public Share in Infrastructure Investments: Thanks to the model, the state shall
get away from the financial pressure regarding the realization of infrastructure investments, this
circumstance shall have favorable influences on the budget.

f) Privatization: The BOT model shall also be an important step made towards privatization of
some activities traditionally conducted per the private sector. However, taking into consideration
that the facilities shall be transfered to the state at the end of the contractual period, it is not
possible to speak entirely of a privatization.

g) Faciliating the Choice Between Investments: In the BOT model, the state, in a sense,
assigns the task of evaluating the projects, which are presented to it and among which it has
to choose, to the private enterprise, and thus, the private sector realizes the project that is most
appropriate in economical terms by the profit maximization criteria.
Disadvantages of the Model

a) Requiring a Complex and Long Process: The model features a quite complex and
sophisticated structure. Many parties have to negotiate and reach an agreement on a great
number and variety of documents. Whereas this takes a certain time, money and requires that
people trained in this matter concentrate on this matter.

b) High Costs: The second criticism made regarding BOT is that the cost of any project
realized by this model is higher in comparison to any project realized by budgetary or credit
means. Especially in case where a certain profit yield is given and goods and services are priced
on the cost+profit basis, there is the probability that investment and operational costs are kept
as high as possible. It may be expected that this model is more expensive than any investment to
be realized by means of domestic and foreign resources to be provided by the public by its own
means. It shall be strived for obtaining the profit, which shall be gained both at the investment
stage (Contracting services) as well as at the operational stage (as Operator), at the top points.
The ability to draw this profit to a reasonable level is closely related to the skill of the team
conducting the negotiations in the public.

c) Excessive Sensitivity to Political, Economical Stability: Another disadvantage of the

model is that the investment to be made reaches very high amounts, that its return is long and
that due to the fact that the other party in the contract is the public administration, especially
foreign capital shows very much sensitivity regarding political and economical stability for
making an investment.
d) Eddy/Tornado Effect: In case any of the decisions adopted at any stage unfavorably affect
the decision of any party, this circumstance does also affect the other parties in the same way
and the negative effects gradually increase and even prevent the realization of the project. In
order to avoid this circumstance which is called the eddy effect, it is necessary to ensure that
the other parties also contribute to the decisions favorably at every stage, what causes the above
mentioned delay [35].

3.1.4. Purposes of implementing the Build-Operate-Transfer model

a) Decreasing the financial burden in the publics infrastructure projects and thus to increase
the public productivity,

b) To make the country gain foreign financial resources, advanced technology, know-how
and experience accumulation in terms of the project. To provide new enterprise and profit areas
and to make contributions to the public finances by forming tax assessments,

c) To remove any probable need for foreign borrowing in the said investment areas and thus
54 not to increase the countrys foreign debt burden,

d) To bring in management efficiency, responsibility, timing, total quality concept and

standardization properties to the public sector regarding profitable and efficient private sector
operations especially as a result of cooperation and joint ventures,

e) To make a favourable contribution to the policies of narrowing the public share in economy
and increasing the efficiency and productivity of public resources, along with the privatization
model, to use the BOT model as an indirect privatization method,

f) To make a favourable contribution to the employment problem, which the labor-intensive

capital preferences could not solve for years, by technology-intensive capital [34].

3.1.5. Problems related to the operation of the Build-Operate-Transfer model [34]

Technical Problems

Generally, the feasibility reports (comprising also technical reviews to a certain extent) are
given to entrepreneurs, who wish to make any investment in the framework of this model,
during the tender stage by the relevant public institution. The better these reports are prepared,
the less the contracts, which shall be built on them, shall create any problems in the future and
the more they shall be reports not leading the parties to disputes. It is clear that if these studies
are reported without being made very well, they shall be accompanies with great problems. The
entrepreneur has almost not the chance to study the technical data of the feasibility report in the
limited period during this tender stage.
Economical and Financial Problems

The basic problem is to find financing for projects put out to tender. In other words, to find,
to ensure the coming up of entrepreneurs (generally foreign) to realize the projects. This is to a
great extent directly related to the political and economical stability of Turkey.

Another problem is that, since qualification is a precondition in tenders, many domestic firms
and especially contracting firms, domestic firms having applied to these tenders and having
been awarded the contract, have been seeking foreign partners and this has mostly remained as
symbolic partnerships on paper, and the targeted operational experience has not been transfered.

3.2. Factors in Choosing the Build-Operate-Transfer Model

By means of this model, it is aimed at realizing extensive investment projects such as tunnels,
ports, power plants, barrages, waste water clarifying plants, natural gas and oil pipelines,
aerodromes, motorways.

As is known, the development of developing countries depends on investment, whereas

investment depends on resources which may be allocated for this purpose. In developing 55
countries there is straits of resources, mainly of investment capital, and consequently the
resources available have to be directed to investments in a planned, programmed, balanced
and rational manner. Therefore, in countries and in our country, where public resources are
insufficient, the BOT model is considered as a suitable solution.

In investments projects to be realized by the BOT model, there are many factors providing
the contribution of foreign capital by international establishments and the private sector. In the
BOT model; the fact that the increase of population and economic growth constantly give rise
to the need for additional infrastructure investment and that it is difficult or impossible that
these investment projects can be realized by public resources,

that there is an intensive competition between manufacturers and commission houses active
in the energy and transport sectors, that the private sector discipline and dynamism is also
formed in public sector investments, that the business volume of international contractual firms
has narrowed, as in the early 80s, etc. factors are stimulating participation.

The Build-Operate-Transfer model is an important financing model used in the realization

of infrastructure investments. The BOT model is rather used in underdeveloped and/or
developing countries where the public resources are insufficient, where there is financing straits
in investments foreseen to be made. The most important characteristic of the model is that
investment requested can be made with out-of-budget resources. The BOT model requires the
gathering of many parties depending on the structure of the project. Consequently, subjects
such as the relations between the parties and division of labour are ultimately significant for the
successful conduct of the project.
Factors such as the magnitude of the amount of the investment to be made, finding the
financing resources of the project, the completion of the investment on time and the high rate
of borrowings give rise to certain risks in terms of the parties in the realization of the BOT
projects. Therefore, while evaluating the BOT projects, any risks probable to be encountered
should be analysed in detail. These may be outlined as follows [36]:
Nature of the projects to be made
Realization of the projects based on the foreign currency
Cost of the project
Determination of the price of the goods or products to be produced
Uncertainty in obtaining the revenues requested
Political and economic conditions of the country in which the investment shall be made
Financial risks
Inflation risk
56 Interest rate risk
Foreign exchange risk


Risks Related To Market and Political Risks and Completion Financial Risks Legal Risks
Activity Revenues Risks Risks

Figure 3.2 Risks encountered with the BOT model [37]

3.3. Operation of the Build-Operate-Transfer Model

The Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) is considered as an important project financing model

used in the realization of infrastructure investments. The model has been rather developed for
the purpose of providing means for the realization of any large-scale investments required, by
using resources to be provided by the private sector and international establishments, by means
of out-of-budget resources, in the realization of projects aiming at the cooperation of the public
and the private sector, in underdeveloped and/or developing countries with insufficient public

By means of this model, it is aimed at realizing large scale investment projects such as
tunnels, ports, power plants, barrages, waste water clarifying plants, natural gas and oil pipe
lines, aerodromes, motorways, etc. As is known, the development of developing countries
depends on investment, whereas investment depends on the resources to be allocated for this
purpose. In developing countries, there is straits of resources mainly regarding investment
capital, consequently the resources available have to be directed to investments in a planned,
porgrammed, balanced and rational manner. Therefore, in countries and in our country where
public resources are insufficient, the BOT model is considered as a suitable solution.

There are many factors providing the contribution of international establishments, private
sector and foreign capital to investment projects to be realized by means of the BOT model. In
the BOT model;

the fact that the increase of population and economic growth constantly give rise to the
need for additional infrastructure investment and that it is difficult or impossible that these 57
investment projects can be realized by public resources,

that there is an intensive competition between manufacturers and commission houses active
in the energy and transport sectors, that the private sector discipline and dynamism is also
formed in public sector investments, that the business volume of international contractual firms
has narrowed, as in the early 80s, etc. factors are stimulating participation.

There are many parties in the realization of investment projects with the BOT model. In a
typical BOT project there are, for instance, the host country, the state establishment holding the
position of the projects holder, lending establishments, insurance establishments, technical,
financial and legal consultants, the company to realize the project (Joint-Venture Corporation)
and sponsor firms. The operation of the BOT model is shown in the following diagram.
Evaluation and

Negotiation of
Forming Contract
Delivery off Beginning of
Bid Summary Construction
of Preliminary
Needs Financial
Potential Bidders Negotiation of Provision of
Supplementary Financing
Preliminary Drafts Re-
garding Turnkey, Ope-
ration and Maintenan-
Time ce, Raw material Agre-
Schedule ements

2 2-3 2-3
3-6 months 6-12 months 2-4 mounts
mon. mon. mounts

Figure 3.3. Actual operation of the BOT model providing the

financing from out-of-budget resources [35]

3.4. Tender Evaluation in the BOT Model

Since the said method adopts the aim of speeding up for grand and special public investments,
the elements forming the basis of the tender decision should have been associated with the
concepts of speed and time as well. The relevant public units have, in the investment of
extending and developing the Airport terminal buildings, both assumed the period of competing
the investment and putting the facility in commission as a factor as well as considered the
operational period prior to the delivery of the facility by the investing group to the public as
basic distinctive element.

Therefore, the guaranteed passenger numbers, the incomes left and the period of construction
have been shaped accordingly. The contractual articles having foreseen the inclusion of the period,
yield from the period of construction, to the operational period have been a basic parameter for
the firms having participated the tender and been awarded the contract. In this framework, the
period of the investments realization has been determined by the Administration as reasonable,
but as short as possible. On the other hand, the period during which the group, who shall be
awarded the contract from among the participants and who shall realize the investment, shall
operate the facility on their own behalf after the end of the constructional period has been
determined as a basic parameter of comparison. In order to stimulate and encourage the rapid
realization of the investment, it has been foreseen that in case the task is completed and the
facility is put in commission earlier, this period gained shall be added to the operational period
bid by the investor during the tender.

This concept has resulted in the emergence of rational, practical and meaningful bid evaluation
criteria. The incomes left to the contractor firm and the guaranteed passenger numbers have
been important elements influencing the firms bids. In the contractual specifications these
matters have been explicitly determined.

Another important matter effecting the tenders was the necessity that the building firms
have had a similar operational experience before. This has brought with it the joint venture
consortium with foreign aerodrome operating firms.

3.5. Framework of the Concession (Implementation) Contract

The framework of the Concession Contracts mainly consists of the following items:

The parties, subject of the contract, its duration, general principles of the investment and 59
services, standard and quality of the goods and services, determination of the financing charge,
commissioning, acceptance and business operation date, delay and cost variatons in the
completion of the task during the investment period, nationalisation, guarantee, monthly and
annual activity reports, supervision, security, safety and environmental measures, force majeure,
insurance, maintenance and repair, assignment of duty, termination, transfer of facility at the end
of the period, transfer prior to the end of the period, credits, responsibility and compensation,
administrative fault, training, applicable law and settlement of disputes, contractual expenses,
notices, language of the contract, amendments in the contract, other contracts, other matters,
enforcement date of the contract.

As parties in the concession contracts, the ministry or any establishment associated with the
ministry or any municipality denotes the administration, whereas the company commissioned
denotes the contractor. The subject of the contract is the preparation of the project of the
facility and its supplementaries (supplied parts), their construction, the building of all technical
installations, their operation and transfer in accordance with the contract. Principles of the
investment and the service as well as the total investment amount and the standards of the goods
or services to be produced are included in the contract.

Along with determining the form of financing the investment, increases required in the
financing parallel to the increase occuring in the investment amount, the administrations
approval of the credit conditions, the agreement of the administration in the determination of
the operational capital and similar matters are included in the relevant articles [38].
1.9. Matters to be Taken into Considerationin the Financing of BOT Projects

Economical Sustainability of the Project

The economical sustainability of the BOT Project should be proved to the potential investors
and creditors. That is to say, the project should be able to produce income in a proportion
ensuring the repayment of the earnings yield to be provided in consideration of the principal
and interest payments of the credits obtained, the equity and equity return. Since the income
to be obtained from the project should be at a level sufficient to provide for the projects debt
service, the total cost of the project should be estimated and assurance should be given to the
creditors as well as the investors that the project shall be realized and operated as planned [35].

Cost of the BOT Projects

The most important matter to be taken into consideration in the framework of this Model is
the determination whether the cost of the BOT project is higher than the project cost financed
by the state by means of direct borrowing, whether this cost to be used is reasonable in the
60 framework of the project which is inapplicable due to budgetary impossibilities. If as a result
of the analysis it turns up that the models cost is high, its charge shall be paid by the state and
the final users [39].

3.7. Components of the Total Investment Cost in BOT Projects

Despite the fact that cost items vary according to the characteristics of the projects, it is
necessary to determine the cost items of an infrastructure project and, as a result of this, the total
investment cost. These cost items are as follows [5].

Cost Items
Construction Expenses
First Draft and Final Project Expenses
Machinery and Equipment Expenses
Project Preparation/Coordination
Total Construction Cost
Consultancy and Control Services
Management Expenses
Insurance Expenses
Total Engineering and Control Services
Operational capital
Operational expenses
Total Other Expenses
Conditional Expenditure
Total Capital and Cost
Financing expenses
Interest expenses
Total Financing Expenses

Total Investment Cost

The above described costs are included in the porjects feasibility study. In the BOT projects,
the total investment cost is revised by taking into consideration the cost arising until the project
reaches the enforcement stage [1].

The BOT projects consist of two different and long stages being the construction and the
operational period. The values of the goods and services provided from abroad during the
construction period until the date of the projects enforcement and the date on which the
investment is put in operation, may be subject to escalation taking into consideration the inflation
indexes of that country and the exchange rate changes occuring between the local currency and
the foreign currency. Whereas in the operational term of the project, only administrative and
operational expenses are subject to escalation [40].

3.8. Implementation of the Build-Operate-Transfer Model in our Country

The relevant public entities had to make an important and critical choice regarding the
establishment of some fundamental infrastructure plants in Turkey by means of the Build-
Operate-Transfer model. The existing process conducted by the rules of the state tender system
denotes a customary mechanism in our country.

The idea of realizing investments by means of the Build-Operate-Transfer model has been
introduced to the Turkish economy in the mid 80s as a new method of ensuring work, and a to
a certain extent in order to remove the delay and uncertainty situation in these classical tenders.

Provided that it is deemed appropriate and approved by the relevant units of the public,
the fact that the financing to be used in the projects construction shall be undertaken by the
bidding firms seemed to be a time-making other advantage. Even if the international investment
credits are provided by firms, they are conducted as a part of the general international financial-
economic relations balance of the Republic of Turkey.

A great number of credits with excessively high amounts shall not be used. While international
credit institutions carefully make their evaluations related to the external incomes-expenses
balances of Turkey; it is observed that a similar attention and sensitivity is shown with the
relevant public institutions.

The legal framework of the Build-Operate-Transfer model has been determined by the Law
number 3996 dated June 8, 1994. The law gives the possibility that capital stock companies or
foreign companies are commissioned in the framework of the Build-Operate-Transfer model in
terms of the construction, operation and transfer of bridges, tunnels, barrages, watering, drinking
and potable water, clarifying plants, drainage, communication, energy production, conveyance,
distribution, minerals and their operations, factories and similar plants, investments preventing
environmental pollution, motorways, railways, underground and aboveground parking garages
and sea and air ports for civil use and similar investments and services.

In the law, the Build-Operate-Transfer model is defined as the payment of the investment
62 amount (including the profit to be obtained) of the projects, which require advanced technology
and high material resources, to the capital stock company or the foreign company by means
of the acquisition of the goods or services, which are produced by the company during the
operational term, by the administration or those benefiting from the service.

According to the law, the procedures and principles of the Build-Operate-Transfer model,
the properties sought of the contractor companies, the scope of the contract, the criteria
applicable in the determination of the charge of the goods and services to be formed as a
result of the investment, and the other principles related to the subject shall be jointly prepared
by the Ministries of Finance, Public Works and Settlement, Transport, Energy and Natural
Resources, the Undersecretariat of the State Planning Organization, the Turkish Treasury and
the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and enforced by the Cabinet Decision.

In the law, the scope of the establishments supposed to realize their services by the Build-
Operate-Transfer model has been kept quite broad. Accordingly, all public institutions and
establishments including public economic enterprises and funds may be authorized by the
Supreme Planning Council. The Administration, who wish to ensure the investment and services
according to the build-operate-transfer model, may apply to the Supreme Planning Council and
may execute a contract with the capital stock company or the foreign company after having
obtained the Councils permission. The contract should be subject to the provisions of private
law and should not represent any privilege.

The capital stock company or foreign company is held responsible for the project preparation,
financing, establishment and operation of the investment and/or service within the period
determined, and it is subjected that the sanctions in this regard are included in the contract.
Besides, in the contracts to be made, the repayment period of the investment amount (including
profit to be obtained) and the credits provided for the investment, as well as the nature of the
project, the amount of capital and operational principles are taken into consideration while
determining the duration of the investment and service, the construction and operation of which
shall be undertaken by the capital stock company or the foreign company. Whereas the duration
of the contracts is has been limited to 49 years.

According to the law, the charges payable in consideration of the goods and/or services to
be produced as a result of the investment to be realized by the build-operate-transfer model,
can be determined by the ministry to whom the administration is associated or related, in cases
considered necessary pursuant to the procedure and principles to be put into force by the Cabinet

The projects planned to be made by the build-operate-transfer model are presented to the
State Planning Organization. An offer is made to the Supreme Planning Council in order to
enable the projects, the feasibility reports of which have been deemed appropriate and the
feasibility of which has been decided, to be included in the investment programme by taking
into consideration their contributions to the countrys economy. These processes are shorter in
comparison to projects the construction of which is provided for by the budget.

Since in the BOT model, the purpose of making the special public investments pick up speed
has been adopted as essential principle in evaluating the tender, the element forming the essence
of the tender decision should have been related to the concepts of speed and time as well. The
related public units should both take the period of completing the investment and putting the
facility in commission as a factor, as well as take the operational period prior to the delivery of
the facility by the group, which is realizing the investment, to the public is distinctive element
into consideration.

In this framework, the period of realizing the investment has been determined by the
Administration as reasonable, but as short as possible. Whereas the period during which
the group, which is awarded the contract among the participants and which shall realize the
investment, shall operate the facility on its own behalf upon the end of the construction period
has been determined as a basic parameter of comparison. In order to stimulate and encourage
the speedy realization of the investment, in case the task is completed in the facility is put in
commission prior to the investment period foreseen by the contract, it has been foreseen that
this period to be yield is added to the operational period bid during the tender.

The comparison of models providing the construction financing from the budgetary resources
and out-of-budget resources is shown in the following table.
Table 3.1. Comparison of Models

A- Characteristics of the B- Characteristics of the

Construction Model Providing Construction Model Providing the
the Construction Financing from Construction Financing from Out-
Budgetary Resources of-Budget Resources

Based on public resources Based on enterprise resources

If there is a suitable project, it

Inclusion in investment programme may
may be included in the investment
require a long process
programme in a short time.

There is the risk that the task may not It is generally completed before the
64 be completed on time. period determined.

PERIOD The factor of speed is not essential in

Speed is an important factor.
the construction.

Return of operational period origin

Return is realized in short periods.
takes a long time.

Tender is entered with implementation Tender may be entered with first

projects. draft.

Pursuant to the contract, joint

Firms who are powerful in financial
ventures formed by several firms
and technical terms can be awarded the
powerful in financial and technical
terms are awarded the contract

There isnt any necessity for joint- Joint-venture is one of the models
venture important properties.
Table 3.1. (Continued) Comparison of Models

A- Characteristics of the B- Characteristics of the

Construction Model Providing Construction Model Providing the
the Construction Financing from Construction Financing from Out-
Budgetary Resources of-Budget Resources

Based on domestic capital. Ensures transfer of foreign capital.

Profitability is not a target in the

The only target is to profit in the construction work. Profit during the
construction work. Therefore, deviation operational term is essential. Quality
from quality is possible. can be ensured in the construction
COST work.

The increase of the works cost
It may cost the Public much more than
doesnt bring any additional cost to
the public.

There is difficulty in ensuring the Quality is at top level since it also

requested quality in the construction. comprises the operational period.

Technology transfer may not be

Necessitates the technology transfer

SCALE Applicable in projects which are

Applicable in all construction works. profitable and ensuring return on a
short-term basis.

A few powerful firms are

Too much firms participate in the tender
participating in the tender
Table 3.1. (Continued) Comparison of Models

A- Characteristics of the Construction Model B- Characteristics of the Construction

Providing the Construction Financing from Model Providing the Construction
Budgetary Resources Financing from Out-of-Budget Resources

The parties consist of the administration and the There are many different national,
contractor firm international parties.

Consultancy activities remain at a minimum Comprises many consultancy activities of

SCALE level. maximum number.

Applicable for projects, the return of which is

Applicable for all projects. possible in a short time and which include an
operational element.

The benefits of providing the construction financing with the contribution of the private
66 sector is as follows:
It may support the decrease of the financing burden on the public borrowing capacity
The private sector dynamism and experiences may become efficient in the public investments
and services, time saving and increase of efficiency may be ensured in the process of obtaining
this investment and services
The use of the private sector acquisition and construction methods may be beneficial for the
countrys economy
The quality of the existing services in the public may be increased and additional services
may be ensured to be rendered
While the period of the investments completion shortens, the use of better methods, rendering
maintenance and repairs services of higher quality may extend the physical and economical
life-span of the investment
Savings may be ensured to an important extent in terms of the costs in comparison to these
services being provided for by the public sector
Whereas, the objections to the provision of the construction financing with the contribution
of the public sector may be explained as follows.
Since in case the public services are transfered to the private sector, the public is not directly
contributing to the rendering of these services, there may not be provided any control on the
quality, standards and permissions
Disputes may arise regarding the remuneration obtained in consideration of the services to
be provided and the increases of these remunerations between the parties
The public establishment may encounter certain damages due to the fact that it doesnt have
the control in cases of the bankuptcy of the private company or the incomplete fulfillment
of the service
Since the commercial aim shall stand out, the prices may be high in terms of the users
3.9. Factors which may Affect the Success of the BOT Model [41]
Formation of the legal framework
Structure of the economic framework
The fact that the project is powerful, feasible and appropriate in financial terms
The fact that the credit change is high and the country risk managable
Stability of politics
The fact that the firms realizing the project are experienced and reliable
The fact that the construction firm has sufficient experience and resources
An open and accurate bidding process 67
The properties of the sector and determination of the projects priority
Forming profit-based cooperation in the public and private sector
Structuring the project in a manner to be completed on time and with a suitable cost
Distribution of the project risks among the parties in a rational manner
Rational feasibility studies
The countrys political stability

From the moment the need for the Antalya 2nd International Terminal, which has been built
by the BOT model, has arisen, the planning, building, supervision and operational processes
have been considered at length. The construction phases have been reviewed by means of
the integration management systematic in the scope of the construction management, and the
results obtained in the overall construction phases have been analysed. The main method in the
sampling analysis has been the use of the experiences obtained by active working within the
supervisory mechanism at all phases of the project. During the preconstructional stages, the
documents, certificates with the institution and the findings obtained from the meetings with
the relevant persons have been evaluated. In the scope of the construction management, it has
been ensured by means of the integrating management systematic that the project is considered
as a whole, and within this integrity, the criteria of the construction concept of the BOT projects
has been analysed. The findings and results obtained have been supported with research of
literature and thus the implementation-weighted aspect of the thesis as well as the framework
of the academic study has been determined.

This construction process, which represents the third sample made by means of the BOT model
in the construction of the airport terminal construction, has different properties in comparison to
the others. These are mainly that it is the second terminal realized by means of the BOT model 69
within the same airport, that the tender has been participated with the project of the first one,
but a different product has turned up in terms of magnitude and architectural concept, that it
has been evaluated in the scope of 20%, and that an extension of period has been granted with
entirely different supplementary tasks, which are not directly associated with its operation (fire
brigade, security, technical block-tower buildings, etc.), in the operation of the terminal. Under
the assumption that the variables brought by these differences shall be an original sampling, the
Antalya airport 2nd International Terminals construction has been analyzed in the study. The
constructional stages of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal building, the construction
of which has been realized by the Build-Operate-Transfer model are as follows.

The Process of Acquisition of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal Building;
A. Planning
- Determination of requirements feasibility studies
- Project definition/formation
- project preparation and analysis
- Tender
- financing of project
B. Implementation
C. Supervision -Control
D. Operation
1. Determination of requirements/
1. Determination of re-
quirements/ Feasibility

Operational Period 2. Project


Construction 3. Design


4. Tender

Figure 4.1. BOT project phases

The other headings apart from the above mentioned phases in the analysis of the
terminal building construction are as follow
Planning Construction Supervision
Characteristics of the project, Building producer establishments and their technical capacities
Organization and management
Examination in terms of regulations
Planning and organization of the construction process, importance and nature of planning
Cumulative elements in planning
Evaluation in terms of management system, analysis by the integration management

4.1. Planning

The planning phase starts with the determination of the acts constituting the project, in other
words, with the division of the project into the acts forming it. Later on, the logical relations of
each act with the others are determined and these relations are expressed formally by technical
assistance. By means of the procedures made in this phase, it is possible to examine in detail the
acts representing the project and a suitable foundation is formed for the development of the plan
prior to the implementation of the project. Whereas the most important aspect of the planning
stage is that it enables the evaluation of different programme alternatives [42].

The State Airports Administration has started the planning studies along with the occurance 71
of the need. After the processes of project definition, project formation, it has been foreseen
that bidding may be realized with the Antalya 1st International Terminals architectural projects,
the parts of the first terminal requiring revision-renewal have been defined with supplementary
reports and bidding has been realized in order to obtain a building featuring modern technology
in accordance with todays conditions.

In the building process, the planning stage represents the most important phase as well. In this
framework, all criteria related to planning are evaluated in the implementation of the Antalya
2nd International Terminal and planning has been made by means of various programmes and
methods. All data taken into consideration during the planning stage have been the main criteria
in the preparation of the working schedule. Planning has been revized by constantly updating
any problems occuring during the construction process. However, as a result of carefully
realized works during the preplanning stage, it is possible to say that the outlines of the planning
have not changed within the workflow and that it has been succussful. The planning stage
during which resource, time, target, etc. issues are evaluated within an intergated structure in
the building management systematic, has ensured that the facility mad by means of the BOT
model has reached the results aimed at.

4.1.1. Project definition - formation

As a result of the positive improvements experienced in the tourism sector, the Antalya
Airport has become the second greatest airport of our country. This airport, where 13,8% of the
total traffic in terms of flight traffic is realized, serves 21% of the total passenger traffic.
Figure 4.2. 2004 passenger shares according to the airports

In Antalya, the domestic flights passenger number on the airport has increased by 183%
during the period 1987-2001, whereas this rate has been realized as 1960% in international
flights. Whereas the total traffic increase has been realized as 1410% [43].

Figure 4.3. Antalya Airport Master Project [45]

The traffic of this airport in the year 2001 had exceeded its actual capacity. According to
the mid forecast, it was expected that the airport traffic reaches 30 million passengers in 2016.
Whereas for the low forecast, the same years traffic has been calculated as 15 million [44].
An application has been made by the Ministry of Transport based on the Supreme Planning
Councils decision for the construction by the BOT model of the 2nd Terminal unit with a
capacity of 5 million passengers/year in addition to the new international terminal, where
difficulties in capacity have been encountered due to the traffic realizations in the first 6 months
of the year 2000 and 2001. The subject has been communicated by the Undersecretariat of the
State Planning Organization to the Supreme Planning Council, and the decision related to the
realization of the project has been adopted in February 2002. It has been planned that the project
is put in commission in 2005 in case it is put out to tender in 2002. Upon completion of this
project, the airports passenger capacity shall increase from 9 million to 14 million passengers/
year. Even though it seems that the capacity problem shall be removed in this way until 2016 for
a low passenger forecast, it should not be overlooked that there is an additional capacity need
for the mid forecast, and that therefore it is necessary to carry on the new capacity works for the
period mentioned by means of a more detailed study.
The reasons giving rise to the need of investment at the Antalya Airport may be outlined as
Capacity insufficiency (physical insufficiency of the existing terminal)
Technological requirements
International requirements
Requests of the parties
Passenger complaints and requests

4.1.2. Design

The natural and historical riches of the Antalya region has made this province an important
tourism center since the 80s and there have been great increases in the aircraft and passenger
traffic of the Antalya Airport serving the region in this context.

In this framework, the master project preparations have been started to increase the passenger
74 capacity of the Antalya Airport to annually 30 million passengers. The project competition
made for this purpose in 1989 has been won by the master project of the DOAN TEKEL
SAM SSA group. In the said master project, there are 6 terminal units each featuring a 5
million passenger/year capacity, one of them being domestic flights. (Figure 4.3.)

In order to ensure the realization of the New International Terminal Building, which
constitutes the first stage of the said master project, by means of the Build-Operate-Transfer
Model being an out-of-budget financing model, an international tender has been realized in
1993. As a result of the tender made, a Concession contract has been executed by and between
Bayindir naat Turizm, Ticaret San. A.., who has been awarded the contract, and the State
Airports Administration upon the approval of the Council of State. Following a constructional
period of 20 months, it has been commissioned on April 1, 1998.

Among the ports and fields operated in Turkey, the Antalya Airport holds the second place
after the stanbul Atatrk Airport in terms of passenger traffic. As per the year 2000, a total of
7.456.568 passengers have arrived-departed, a total of 53.864 aircraft have landed-departed

In the first 5 months of the year 2001, there has been a serious increase of 51,2% especially
in the ports international flights passenger traffic. It was expected that this trend of increase
would further increase in the later years. In the future-oriented forecasts, it was expected that
the international flights passenger traffic in the year 2002 shall exceed 10 millions.
16.000.000 14.256.114
14.000.000 12.583.195
12.000.000 10.100.242 10.582.289
10.000.000 8.535.534 9.750.874 9.750.180
8.000.000 7.673.900
6.000.000 6.000.000
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


Figure 4.4. Antalya Airport Statistics [47]

Taking a look at the total passenger rates between 2000-2004 of the airports, the terminal
building of which has been made by the BOT model, the quite recessive structure of the problem
is apparent. Upon review of the airport, an increase of approximately 100% has been realized 75
between these years. The international terminal building had a capacity of 5 million/year. The
passenger capacity had doubled and had reached the point which the existing structure could
not support.
Within all these developments and expectations, the works have been started in order to
muke the 2nd unit included in the Master plan, for the purpose of avoiding any blockage in the
later years to the international flights traffice of the Antalya Airport holding the position of the
gate outward from our countrys most important tourism center.
It has been decided that this second unit is made by means of the BOT model as well. It
was important that both the constructional period took a very short time and that the financing
was provided entirely by private company resources as an out-of-budget finance model. The
successful results achieved in the first made samples, has significantly influenced the decision
to continue with this model.
The fact that the BOT model was significant in order to ensure the effective and efficient use
of the public resources was an opinion adopted by the Administration. In terms of being a private
financing model, the BOT model activates the private sector dynamism without imposing any
financial burden on the administration. The fact that it doesnt bring any restriction in terms
of administrative, financial, technical and tender regulations has ensured that this model has
become a prefered model of financing.
The provision of investments, which require great financing, by efficient resources and
external credits, also ensures a serious external investment to the country as well. Thus, projects
requiring serious investments may be implemented without bringing any burden to the public.
For this purpose, the tender preparations have been started upon the decision of the Supreme
Planning Council.

The fact that this model is adopted for reasons resulting from the requirements and that it is
successfully implemented, justifies the Institutions reason for adopting this model.

In BOT projects, there arent used a great number of credits of excessively high amounts.
While international credit institutions carefully make their evaluations related to the foreign
income-expense balances of Turkey, it observes that similar attention and sensitivity is shown
by the relevant public institutions as well. The extension and development of the Antalya Airport
by the addition of a new extensive international terminal building has been found appropriate in
terms of foreign and domestic institutions to provide credit.

4.1.3. Tender Process

Since in the said method it is essential to expedite extensive and special public investments,
the element forming the essence of the tender decision should be associated with the concepts
76 of speed and time as well. The relevant public units have both taken the period of completing
the Airport terminal buildings within the extension and development investment and of
commissioning the facility, as well as the operational period prior to the delivery of the facility
by the group, realizing the investment, to the public, as a basic distinctive element.

Therefore, the guaranteed passenger numbers, incomes yield and the construction period has
been shaped accordingly. The contractual articles foreseeing the inclusion of the period gained
from the construction period to the operational period, have been a basic evaluation element for
firms who have participated in the tender and who have been awarded the contract.

In this framework, the investments realization period has been determined by the
Administration as a reasonable but as short as possible period. On the other hand, the period
during which the group, which has been awarded the contract and which is supposed to realize
the investment from among
the participants, shall
operate the facility on
its own behalf after the
end of the constructional
period, has become a basic
measure of comparison.
In order to encourage the
rapid realization of the
investment, in case the
work is completed and the
facility is commissioned prior to the period of investment foreseen by the contract, it has been 77
foreseen that this period to be yield is also added to the operational period offered by the
investor during the tender.

This concept has led to the formation of rational, practical and meaninful bid evaluation

The incomes yield to the contractor firm and the guaranteed passenger numbers have been
the important element influencing the firms bid. These matters have been explicitly described
in the contract and specifications.

Another important matter affecting the tenders was the necessity that the builder firms had to
have any similar operational experience before. This matter has brought along with it the joint
venture consortium with foreign aerodrome operating firms.

The relevant public units

had to make an important
and critical choice in
terms of the establishment
of certain basic public
building facilities in
Turkey by means of the
investment method. The
state has been looking for

an alternative throughout the existing period passing with the tender systems rules.

In the construction model, the financing of which is provided from the budget, the relevant
public unit determines an estimate amount for the investment to be made, and the contractor
nominee firms participating in the tender bid a certain percantage below or over this amount.
The firm, who has presented the most suitable, that is to say, the lowest bid in terms of public
benefits, is awarded the contract. In case of investments requiring equipment and financing
power besides certain extensive and technical specialization, the firms undergo a primary
election. A nevertheless great but, in comparison to the applicants, somewhat lessened number
of firms participate in the tender. The obligation to realize the investments at the aerodromes
speedily and equipped with up-to-date technology, has become more distinctive as a result of
the increase of passengers and demand during the recent years, and the use of BOT as alternative
building model has gained importance.

In case of works, the financing of which is provided from the budget, the wish of firms to
get over their temporary financing straits and consequently to get a new job and obtain cash
sometimes gains so much weight that a contract may be awarded without paying much attention
to the long lasting destiny of the investment business. However, in this case, unavoidable delays,
failure of fulfilling the administrations demands of time and quality arise and the works are
eliminated. In countries with economics featuring high inflation, delayed work means harmful
and expensive work. Consequently, receiving with a very low bid, may cost the public more
due to the delay of investment and consequently service and late performance of service caused
works which have been procrastinated and eliminated.

In this scope, a tender has been realized on Nov.4, 2003 for the Antalya 2nd International
Terminal which has been planned to be made by the BOT, being the model implemented by being
financed by provision from out-of-budgetary means. 4 separate joint venture groups consisting
of different firms have submitted their bids to the tender. Since 2 of these joint ventures failed
to be prequalified, their bids have not been considered valid. The joint venture led by elebi
Hava Servisi A.., one of the firms having been prequalified, have been awarded the contract by
bidding the least period and have been entitled to operate the Antalya 2nd International Terminal
for a period of 34 months 27 days excluding the building period of 20 months.

We are confronted with a significant matter in the works made to ensure that this model is
found attractive by the private sector. In the aerodrome terminal implementations this has been
introduced as the guaranteed passenger number. In the operational process of the project to be
done, by the BOT model, the tender renders this matter important to enable it to be attractive for
firms who shall bid. The fact that the return process of the financing of these projects requiring
great investments is short, is a wanted criterion for the private sector. Therefore, the Institution
has made the projects attractive by means of the efforts shown by it related to this matter, and
has ensured that the project pays off as soon as possible by means of the guaranteed passenger
number and the incomes left to the operating firm, and, at the same time, that the build-operate
part is completed and transfered to the Administration in the shortest time. Failure of providing
the guaranteed income to a reasonable extent gives rise to a situation at loss to the public.
The developments encountered in the energy sector clearly reveal this circumstance. Actions
related to the serious damages suffered by the public by keeping the guaranteed kw/h charge
high, while it is produced much cheaper, are on trial, and the matter has created significant
discussions and criticism in the public opinion.

The joint venture having been awarded the contract pursuant to the contract, has established a
new company as an independent corporate body. As a result of the Implementation (Concession)
contract executed by and between the newly established company and the Administration,
as well as the specifications representing its supplements, the project has passed over to the
building phase. Upon the formation of the financial structure formed by the own equities of the
joint investment company and by raising of credit, activities related to the building phase have
been accelerated.

4.2. Building

Construction projects have a predetermined aim. The production activity starts to realize this

80 - In construction projects, the resource is definite and limited. It is requested that the project
is realized within this period.
- In construction projects, the resource is
definite and limited. It is requested that the
project is realized with these resources.
- These project are non-repetitive and
require new decisions and solutions in
the planning-programming-designing-
implementation phases.
- In construction projects, the problems
are complex and require specialization.
Therefore, many decision making bodies
have to take a part in the project.
- The necessity that more than one person
or establishment takes part in construction
projects comprises different approaches
in the organization and management of
construction projects [48].

Considering this in the framework of the

above mentioned principles, the building
phases of the Antalya 2nd International
Terminal have features forming inputs for
noteworthy and future-oriented implementations. Both the financing resources as well as the
management strategy followed during the building phases differentiate this project. Comprising
sophisticated elements, which require specialization, its organizational structure where many
parties are interrelated, the construction of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal
includes many properties in all its details. As sample, the building processes of this terminal shall
be explicated in detail in the following sections within the systematic of building management.

Preparation of the implementation projects: The determination of the architectural basic idea,
as explained in the above sections, is based on projects obtained as a result of the competition
opened. Architectural detailing has been conducted parallel to the building works along with the
engineering projects due to the speedy production obligation. The detailing works, which are
conducted interrelated and in harmony, throughout the design-construction process, have been
realized in conformity with the design chosen as a result of the competition and in accordance
with the revision and requests determined by the Administration in the contract. The airport
international flights buildings have to exhibit different project and building characteristics in
terms of its great dimensions and very dynamic functionality.
The idea project adopted by the competition, the detailing of which has been made by
keeping the elements of being plain, relaxing
and spacious in the foreground, has been
further developed in accordance with the
compliance with the experience the State
Airports Administration has achieved in
the 1st International Terminal and the up-to-
dated technological conditions. The targets
determined in the design are as follows:

Efficient use of the existing ground

Integration with existing facilities and

easy access to the terminal

Passenger circulation ease and efficiency

Usage elasticity and possibility of


Economic building and fast delivery

Energy preservation

Durability and ease of maintenance

Adaptation with systems comprising up-to-date technologies

Ensuring international aviation criteria

Security criteria

Taking into consideration the international prestige element

Taking into consideration all these aims and considering all contemporary developments,
with the design concepts determined upon the intensive research and development studies of
the groups in the business, electric-electronic, mechanic, architectural, constructional, security
and other disciplines, the transition from the first draft to the implementation project has been
realized. The requirement programmes have been determined by means of the future-oriented
passenger traffic forecasts of the airport where the terminal shall be built. At the stage of the
implementation projects the necessary updatings have been made and detailing has been made
parallel to the projects of the technical-technological systems.

82 The adaptation of the constantly renewed aerodrome technology to the same projects after an
interval of 6-7 years has also caused certain difficulties. The ability to comply with the security
decisions of the international aviation organizations, the request to implement renewed parts
such as luggage systems in the new project are some of the said problems.

Due to the special structure of the Airports Terminal Buildings projects, technical and
technological systems have played an important role. The preparation of projects of these
systems have been conducted together by the consultant firm and the project groups under the
guidance of the central coordination unit. The validity and functioning of the general system
formed by the project preparation groups have been carefully followed up through periodical,
regular controls and meetings. The technical-technological systems included in the terminal
buildings construction may be defined as project preparation groups, Static Systems, Mechanic
Systems, Electrical Systems, Electronic Systems, Security Systems and Data Processing
Systems. Along with the main dimensioning of the terminal building and the placement of
the system units, all technical/technological system project preparing groups had to realize
detailing bound to the criteria determined. These are, along with the definitions of dimension
and placement, the technical requirements described in detail in the technical specifications
and supplements of the contract prepared by the administration. Taking into consideration all
these elements, and within a coherent relation with the architectural design group, the form
of the technical/technological system project preparation has been adopted and implemented
succussfully. The extensive dimensions of the systems and their featuring multiple activities,
has rendered the procedure of project preparation much more complex than an ordinary
building design. The engineering groups realizing the project preparations of the technical and
technological systems during the building and designing process have carried on this complex
detailing in a fast and complete manner. The design and project preparation of the systems
has been realized with the international consultancies of firms of national scale. Regarding
dimensions and implementation, the suggestions of international institutions and persons have
been taken into consideration and appropriate solutions have been applied. Along with holding
less space among technical-technological systems, detailed projects have also been prepared for
sanitary installations and drainage infrastructure systems.

4.3. Supervision

The Administration (State Airports Administration) has conducted the project with its 29
technical and administrative personnel within the Construction Real Estate Department and
locally the Antalya Airport Directorate General. The personnel of the Administration has
basically fulfilled its duty as controlling, supervising and approval authority during the projects
investment period. Since the personnel of the State Airports Administration, Presidency of
Construction Real Estate Department at the same time conducts the controlling and supervising
duty of the other ongoing projects as well, periodical visits have been made to the building task
during the investment period and the controlling/supervising duty has been fulfilled in this way.
Whereas the technical personnel of the Antalya Airports Directorate General has constantly
fulfilled the controlling and supervising duties during the investment period.
The New International Terminal Buildings feature the status of a special building. This
property has required a different approach in comparison to the other building tenders in the
tender preparations, and the specifications have been prepared by taking into consideration
the property of the terminals. For the construction of the Terminal Buildings, the use of
modern systems used at aerodromes made by this model worldwide and even more advanced
technologies has been requested. The projects chosen show that this idea has been intensified,
and that it has especially been handled in the design and project preparation works of the
advanced technology elements. The supervision is realized by taking into consideration of
the tasks significance and building speed by the administration according to all contracts and
specifications prepared by the Administration as well as the approved implementation projects.
In addition to the technical supervision mechanism which is formed as control organization
and project evaluation commission, the monitoring commission consisting of the executive
managers has periodically examined the work and have issued reports and thus documented
the flow of the work. In the framework of the contract, monthly activity reports have been
prepared periodically every month by the contractor firm and the controlling organization.
Independent supervisory establishments, who have been requested by the credit granting banks
84 or establishments according to their own requirements, realize supervision from the beginning
of the work. It is especially useful to point out the sensitivity of credit providing international
establishments to standards, environment, labour health, etc. Again, all necessary tests and
examinations are realized according to the contract and specifications. The experimental tests
of the technological systems chosen have been made in the factories. Laboratories have been
established for periodical tests, which are compulsory to be done at the building site. The
supervision of the Antalya 2nd International Terminal, which has been realized by the BOT
model and which comprises the fast construction element, sometimes causes delays due to the
obligation of the public administration to conduct all works put to tender by it with the existing
technical personnel. This insufficiency has been an important restrictive element constraining
the constant control of all phases of the building process.









Figure 4.5. Antalya 2nd International flights building control organization chart

Many persons apart from the disciplines shown in the above chart have supported the 85
controlling organization in the commissionings. In the ground works the geological engineers,
in terms of the air traffic and flight systems the air traffic controls, in the landscape and
environmental arrangements the landscape architects, in terms of the operational business
the specialists from the Presidency of the Operational Department, as well as many elements
actively employed with the Administration have taken part in ensuring an efficient supervision
during the building stage of the Antalya airport 2nd International Terminal by transfering their
know-how and experiences. What has to be especially emphasized here is that all elements
in the Administration have taken all necessary measures by constant coordination in terms
of being able to catch up with the speed of the contractor firms in the challenge of the BOT
projects against time and to take all decisions, which have to be adopted on the part of the
Administration, without causing any delay to the construction,

4.4. Properties of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal Project

The Antalya Airport new international terminal project comprises many different elements
both in terms of scale as well as technological equipment used. It has been tried to outline the
tasks of various dimensions including different properties in the scope of the project.

The project has been defined by subjects such as the projects aim, type, technical properties,
components, duration, magnitude, project outputs.

The main elements of the properties of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal have
been outlined in the following table. For a more extensive and detailed table please refer to
Table 4.1. Antalya Airpot II. International Terminal Project

Name of Project Building, Operation and Transfer of the Antalya Airport II. International Terminal and

Due to the insufficiency of the capacity of the Antalya Airports existing 1st International
Aim of the Project Terminal being confronted with the increasing passenger traffic and in accordance with
the master plan of the Antalya Airport, the building, operation and transfer of the
Antalya Airport II. International Terminal Building and Supplements put out to tender
in the framework of the Cabinet Decision no. 94/5907 and the Law number 3996 as
well as the procedures and (APPENDIX) principles determined.

Building,operation and transfer of the airport terminal by means of the BOT model:
Upon the intention of a public authority (administration STATE AIRPORTS
administration), which needs new assets (facilities) to fulfill the public services with
which it is commissioned by law, but which is not in a position (or doesnt deem
Type of the Project appropriate) to provide for the risks as well as financing of the investment necessary
for this by its own budget, to make a corporate body (a Capital Stock Company or
Foreign Company) fulfill the part of its relevant duties related to Investment and
86 Operation by contract to the part limited by the contract, the acceptance by the
relevant corporate body to produce, operate the work (facilities) in consideration of
the remuneration (including profit) payable by the acquisition by the administration
or service beneficiaries of the goods or service produced by the corporate body in
the framework of the operational period and authorizations granted to it by contract,
to transfer it to the administration at the end of the contractual period free of charge,
free of any obligations and committments, in a well-maintained, operating and usable
condition, and the undertaking of the related investment financing.

The Antalya Airport II. International Terminal and Supplements have been designed to
be able to serve daily 300 flights and 50000 passengers. 12 aircraft may simultaneously
Technical Contents of the Project approach the terminal apron passenger bellows. There are 34 far aircraft parking
positions. There are a total of 26 gates consisting of 8 arrival, 8 departure, 8 fair aircraft
departure, 2 fair aircraft arrival gates. There are 64 check-in counters, 1 mobile check-
in counter, 6 luggage delivery isles and a fully automatical PLC/SCADA controlled
luggage system equipped with advanced electro-security technology and having a
capacity of 5000 luggage/hour. The total indoor building site is 102673 sq.m.

Besides, the landscaping along with the building of the parking area of 130654 sq.m.
Technical Contents of the Project to serve 302 busses and 451 automobiles is also comprised by the project. The total
outdoor building area comprising also the car park and landscaping areas is 448039
sq.m. The facilities have been built by using up-to-date technology in accordance with
the criteria and standards of important buildings of the 1st degree and international
airports. All furniture, equipment and inventory stock of the terminal building as well
as the software and hardware of aviation and ground handling services have been
supplied in the scope of the Contract.
A In the Scope of the Main Contract dated Feb.24, 2004:
1. Antalya II. International Terminal Building: 78073 sq.m.
2. Heating Centre 3164 sq.m. (3.750.000 kcal/h heating and 7.800.000
kcal/h cooling capacity)
3. Energy Distribution Building - 844 sq.m. (with 30 mVA capacity)
Components of the Project 4. Aircraft (Jet) Fuel Hydrant System (31 Aircraft Positions and 600 ton/h
5. Asphalt area: 65000 sq.m.
B In the Scope of the Supplementary Contract dated Nov.10, 2004
1. In addition to the terminal building, the construction of 15 Check-in
counters and the addition of the 4th baggage line
2. New flight tower and technical block (6705 sq.m.)
3. New fire brigade building; 1585 sq.m. and environmental arrangement
4. Extension of the airport connection road by 1000 m
5. Local road 56550 sq.m. and surrounding wire fence construction
6. 46 aircraft parking positions of the Aircraft Fuel Hydrant System

A. Monetary Dimension
Cost of Construction (US$):
Description Tender Amount - Cost of Construction 87
Main Contract 71,155,000 109,700,506
Supplementary Contract 14,231,000 19,147,600
Total: 85,386,000 128,848,106
Magnitude of the Project B. Construction Site (sq.m.):
Description Indoor Cons. Outdoor Cons. Total Cons.
Main Contract 88.457 150.164 238.621
Supplementary Contract 14.216 297.875 312.091
Total 102.673 448.039 550.712
Technical Size Data:
Indoor area of terminal building : 78.073 sq.m.
Annual passenger capacity : 15.735.034 passengers
Total aircraft parking positions : 46
Park positions with terminal/bridge : 12
Open parking positions : 34
Number of check-in counters : 64
Flight capacity : 20 flights/hour
Number of passport counters : 60
Car park area : 65000 sq.m.
Labour Force in Construction: 370,000- Man x Day
Description Beginning Ending Duration
Tender 04.11.2003
Main Contract 24.02.2004
Supplementary Contract 10.11.2004
Period of Implementation Main Contract Construction period 20 months
Main Contract operational period 34 mon. 27d
Site Delivery Date 30.03.2004
Construction period planned
according to Main Contract 31.03.2004 30.11.2005 20 months
Construction period realized
day 01.04.2004 05.04.2005 369 Add
Constructional period added
by supplementary contract 120 days
Constructional period added
by supplementary contract 209 days
Date of Temporary Acceptance
(end of construction period) 05.04.2005
Date of commissioning: 07.04.2005
Operational Period 08.04.2005 25.09.2009 1631 days
Date of Final Acceptance 24.08.2006 28.04.2005
Place or area of implementation The area within the Antalya Airport Borders as marked on the Attached General Site
Plan (Figure 4.5.)

The AYT Terminal 2, where all kind of technical equipment required to be available on
a modern and secure aerodrome is used, has served about 4 million passengers in the
1 year period from April 7, 2005, when it has been commissioned, until May 7, 2006.
The problem having come up due to the capacity insufficiency of the International
Terminal-1 perceived in 2004 parallel to the increase in the number of passengers
Project outputs (tourists) has thus been removed starting with the tourism season of the year 2005.
An additional means of employment of about 2500 persons has been provided
throughout the airport
Turkey has got its second largest international terminal
Up-to-date products materials and devices used in the infrastructure of the AYTerminal2
has position the security system even over the international standards. The 6 step
security system used in the terminal features the property of being the first one among
the airports of Turkey and Europe.
AYTerminal2, with its contemporary technical equipment, modern infrastructure and
high quality services, is one of Turkeys most modern terminals.
At the AYTerminal2, which has a unique architecture designed to conform with national
and international systems, there are also subsidiary service elements to fulfill all kind of
requirements of the passengers.

Target group and/or region The main grup, on which the project is based, is the group of tourists and visitors from
Antalya and surroundings as well as from overseas.
DHMI (Directorate General of the State Airports Administration):
The duty of the operation of Turkeys Aerodromes as well as the regulation and
control of the air traffic in Turkeys Airspace is performed by the Directorate General
of the State Airports Administration (DHMI).
The Directorate General of the State Airports Administration (DHMI) is a Public
Economic Enterprise which has a corporate body status, which is autonomous in
its activities, whose liability is limited with its capital, associated to the Ministry
of Transport and whose services are considered concession by the latest legal

During the recent years, there have been significant increases in the aircraft and
Establishment owning the project passenger traffics served in the framework of the air navigation and aerodrome
and its legal status operation services by the Directorate General of the State Airports Administration.

Significant developments are especially realized in the international flights aircraft

and passenger traffics of our International airports, and the Antalya Airport is one of
the leading airports of Europe due to the increase in International traffic encountered.

ELEB-IC Antalya Havaliman Terminal Yatrm ve letme A..

Executive Establishment: After the project has been awarded to the international consortium consisting of the
(Company in charge) Turkish company elebi Hava Servisi A.. and the Kazakh company Atma Atyrau
Havaliman ve Tama A.., it holds the status of single-purpose (with the only
purpose of executing this project) foreign capital company, which has been established
according to the law of the Republic of Turkey in March 2004 with the permission of
the Undersecretariat of Treasury and Foreign Trade Directorate General of Foreign
Capital to conduct the project under the position Company in charge pursuant to the
contractual terms and conditions.

New Terminal Area

Figure 4.5. Site Plan of the Antalya Airport

The scope of the contract is the task of the construction of the Antalya 2nd International
Terminal and its supplements and the supply and assembly of the electronic, electrical,
mechanical and security systems related to them, as well as the temporary and final acceptance
of all facilities and their supplements by means of the Build-Operate-Transfer model according
to the specifications attached to the contract.

There are 3 contracts executed on Feb.24, 2004 by and between the State Airports
Administration and the Company in Charge (ELEB-IC):

7. Implementation (Concession) Contract

8. Construction Contract

9. Management and Operation Contract

There are many technical specifications attached to these contracts. They are mainly as

Building construction specifications,

Specifications of electric-electronic systems,

Specifications of the electro-security systems,

Specifications of landscaping works,

Specifications of mechanical systems.

Besides, there are several appendices constituting the contractual enclosure such as
loan agreements made, the contract made with the project author, the security protocol,
insurance principles-policies and agreements.

4.4.1. Building producer establishments and their technical capacities

The projects Contractor (Company in Charge) is ELEB-IC A.. ELEB-IC A.., with its
partnership structure consisting of elebi Hava Servisi A.. being one of Turkeys significant
establishments featuring knowledge and experience based on a past of forty-six years in the
sector of aviation ground handling services, and TA A.. within the IC Holding company
realizing great projects in the Construction sector as well as Atma Atyrau Havaliman ve Tama
A.. holding an important place in the Kazakhstan Aviation Sector, holds the identity of being
single-purpose firm with foreign capital, which has been founded just to realize this project. It
has been founded as a requirement of the contract.

ELEB-IC A.. has assigned the General Subcontractor function of the construction process
to TA A.. with a cost+profit based special contract.

IC TA naat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.. is experienced in completing tasks on time by using

well any powerful management and management strategies as well as technology and without
compromising quality within the borders of Turkey as much as in the Middle and Near East. IC
TA naat, being the parent company within the IC Holding structure, is one of the leading
firms in large scale public housing. IC TA A.., who has combined its experienced labour
force, its engine park and experiences with powerful management, has also carried on its success
in the World Bank projects. Along with superstructure works such as public housings, business
centers, public buildings, hotels, health facilities and hospitals, schools, military buildings and
camps, energy generating stations, turnkey industrial buildings, infrastructure works such as
road, bridge, port, airport, drinking water facility, waste water clarifying plant, irrigation system
constructions as well as superstructure-infrastructure rehabilitation and renewal works are their
areas of activity. The General Subcontractor IC TA A.. has successfully undergone the
ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:1999 Management systems certification
supervision realized by the BVQI (Bureau Veritas) Certification Services, and has started the
implementation of the Integrated Management System. IC TA A.. has continued with the
quality journey, which they have started with the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System
implementation in 2003, by adding the ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System
and the OHSAS 18001:1999 Labour Safety and Employee Health System in 2005. IC TA
NAAT has become a member of KALDER in 2005. [49]
Under the assumption that the assignment of the investment periods construction works to
a general subcontractor experienced in the construction of building projects and contractual
management would contribute sped and elasticity to the project, the Company in Charge
has executed a Contract with the general subcontractor TA A.. based on the cost+profit
principle on April 1, 2005.

Despite the fact that there isnt any necessity resulting from the contract, the Company
in Charge (ELEB-IC A..) has issued a separate contract with BUREAU VERITAS (BV)
Gozetim Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti., for the purpose that the quality management (controlling and
supervision) process of the building process is realized by a professoinal and certificated 3rd
Party Independent Quality Control establishment pursuant to the agreement made with the
credit issuing bank and for the purpose of control and supervision by binding the General
Subcontractor and other subcontractors building activities to the quality assurance system, on
April 15, 2004. BV is an international quality management establishment with the authorization
of certification in quality management and assurance systems. [50]

4.4.2. Organization and management

The organizational structure of the projects construction period is given below. The
development of the implementation design (preparation of the project) has been realized by
specialized design firms, who have been commissioned in general terms by separate contracts
by the Company in Charge. The 3rd party independent qualit control firm has been entrusted the
duty of controlling and supervising all subcontractors in terms of quality management.

The establishment of the construction site and general construction site services as well
as general construction works (infrastructure, building works, architectural works, electrical
installation works, mechanical installation works) have been given to the responsiblitiy of the
General Subcontractor. Systems requiring technological specialization have been caused to
be realized by means of subcontractor contracts made between the Company in Charge and
the specialized firms as seen in the organization chart. Materials and equipments in the scope
of stimulation have been directly provided by the Company in Charge, whereas the supply
of the other construction materials has been entrusted to the responsibility of the General
Subcontractor. The insurance of the works has been ensured by the insurance policies provided
by the Company in Charge through insurance agencies. The Company in Charge has appointed
consultants regarding financial, legal and aviation sector services.

This organization chart has certainly been arranged in order to enable the Company in
Charge to perform the construction works in a reasonable, flexible, fast, high quality manner
and with optimum economy. The Company in Charge is essentially predicated on coping with
the construction period by the contract management logic. This is a rational method. By this
method it has been aimed at dividing up the works into separate tender packages according to
the market realities and to have them performed by firms specialized in the respective business
field under competition in consideration of reasonable prices. This method is advantageous in
many aspects:

The Company in Charge, apart from its own capability, puts the capability of many specialized
firms in action for the project.

A tender is made in terms of which specialized firm shall be entrusted the works divided
up, and thus competition is ensured, which conditions that the tasks are made with optimum

The Company in Charge ensures that the specialized firm, whom it has commissioned by
subcontracts, directs its entire potential (specialized personnel, tools and devices, experience,
machinery and equipment, etc.) to the service of the project.

The labour force employment problem ranges to the subcontractor base. The Company
in Charge has directly employed just about 25 personnel related to the construction. The
basic duty of this personnel has been the division of the tasks and their being awarded to 93
specialized firms, the conduct and coordination of subcontracts, the follow-up/coordination
of the design/project preparation process, and the follow-up of the imports and supply of

The fact that the establishment of the construction site, the rendering of basic construction site
services has been entrusted to the General Subcontractor has provided ease of management
in these matters to the Company in Charge.

The fact that instead of the performance of the tasks comprised by every construction
work (building works, infrastructure works, architectural works, electrical and mechanical
installations, etc.) directly by the Company in Charge, they are conducted in care of a general
subcontractor experienced in these matters, has settled an important management problem
of the project.

The undertaking groups have established a project orientation and observation unit within
themselves starting from the beginning phases explained above. The units established fulfill
the duty of ensuring the harmony of the complex connections between various disciplines
of the project preparation. Besides, along with this, in a great engineering implementation
operation, the main principle of which is the wish and obligaton of race against time and
speedy completion of work without compromising quality, it was also supposed to bear the
responsibility of the conformity between the activity of project preparation and implementation.
This search for harmony has been successfully implemented in the construction of the Atatrk,
Antalya, Dalaman, Esenboa airports extension and development projects.
The architectural project authors bearing the responsibility of the project preparation and
the international consultancy groups as well as the international project preparation groups (the
subcontractors in charge of all technical-technological installation projects such as the static,
infrastructure, general and special installation mechanics, electromechanic and electrical-
electronical installation projects) with which they cooperate in the preparation of technical
projects have already been conducting a collective work based on consulting and regular
information exchange. However, with the special and intensive pressure imposing effect of the
time factor, works have been realized under the coordination of the contractor firms in order
to ensure this coordination which has become critical; offices have been established at the
construction site for the designers, and coordination has been ensured by the participation of the
State Airports Administration as well. This coordination, along with its addressing the groups
rendering the designing service, has been in direct organic relation with the top executives of
the very stringent application and the executives of the subordinated activity branches.

They have held periodical weekly observation and next-week decision-making meetings
under the participation of all persons in charge and authorized. They have acted as the organizers
94 of minor group meetings attended by a less number of persons in charge and authorized, within
the course of the week and even days, and as the observers of the decisions made there. In the
framework of coordination, they have also undertaken the preparation of reports informing the

It is generally known that for tasks under great time pressure, the incident of implementation-
designing consistency and coordination is of importance. In works made by means of the
BOT model, this notion has been experienced one-to-one observing that it sometimes causes
daily problems. However, it has been observed that all teams commissioned having been
seeking for understanding, dedication and a systematic coordination. In the framework of this
pleasing coordination table displayed, there has been an efficient and successful realization.
This coordination has been made by the CONTRACTOR FIRMS and the STATE AIRPORTS
ADMINISTRATION and most intensively the coordination of the complex systems has been
focused on.

Due to the speciality structure of the Airports Terminal Buildings Projects, technical and
technological systems have held an important place. The designing of these systems has been
conducted together by the consultant firm and project groups under the orientation of the central
coordination unit. The validity and functioning of the general system formed by the designing
groups has been carefully followed up by means of periodical, regular controls and meetings.
The designing groups of technical-technological systems included in the terminal building
construction may be defined as Statical Systems, Mechanical Systems, Electrical Systems,
Electronical Systems, Security Systems and Data Processing Systems.

Along with the main sizing of the terminal building and the placement of the system units,

all technical/technological system designer groups had to make a detailing by sticking to the
determined criteria. These are, along with the size and placement definitions, the technical
requirements which have been mentioned in detail by the technical specifications of the
contract prepared by the administration, and their supplements. Taking into consideration all
these elements and in a consistent relation with the architectural design group, the form of
the technical/technological system design has been adopted and is successfully implemented.
The fact that the systems are of great sizes and feature a great number of activities has made
the project preparation procedure much more complex than the normal building design. The
engineering groups making the technical and technological system designs in the course of
construction and design, are carrying on this complex detailing in a speedy and complete
manner. [51]

The design and project preparation of the systems has been realized with the international
consultancies of firms of national scale. The suggestions of international institutions and persons
regarding dimensions and implementation have been taken into consideration and appropriate
solutions have been adopted.

Along with holding less place among technical-technological systems, detailed projects have
also been obtained regarding sanitary installation and drainage infrastructure systems.
4.4.3. Examination of the sampling in terms of the BOT model regulations

There are 3 contracts which have been executed by and between the State Airports
Administration and the Company in Charge (ELEB-IC) on Feb.24, 2004:

1. Implementation (Concession) Contract

2. Construction Contract

3. Management and Operation Contract

In addition to these 3 contracts, a Supplementary Contract has been executed on Nov.10,

2005 and the following additional works have been added to the work scope of the contract due
to the provision additional requests of the administration not exceeding 20% of the investment
amount of Article 9 of teh Construction Contract:
a) Building 15 additional check-in counters,
b) Construction of the intermediate access taxiway and ground handling service vehicles service
96 roads of 180 m between the access road and the aircraft parking and the II. International
Terminal Building bellows park area, as well as the new aircraft parking and access road
apron lighting and the fuel hydrant system,
c) Extension of teh existing access road by about 1000 m to the II. International Terminal
d) Construction of the new tower and technical block,
e) Construction of the new fire brigade building,
f) Construction of speed taxiway to the existing runway,
g) Construction of local road and surrounding wire fence,
h) Construction, furnishing and environmental arrangement of the independent CIP building of
1500 sq.m. size,
i) Construction and environmental arrangement of the Police Departments building of 1200
sq.m. size,
j) Improvement, arrangement and landscaping of the area of 150,000 sq.m.,
k) Gate A Building renewal and entry-exit road arrangement task.

Those of the facilities made by means of the supplementary contract, except for building
15 additional check-in counters, have been transfered to the administration following the
completion of their construction and they shall be operated and controlled by the administration.
The essential nature of the contractual relaton between the administration and the Company in
Charge is determined by the Implementation (Concession) Contract and the other 3 contracts
are their supplements.
The fulfillment of any public service by any corporate body pursuant to an administrative
contract, the capital, profit, damages and loss to be born by the corporate body, is called
CONCESSION. The business frequency of the management or difficulties in finding resources
when confronted with requirements, sometimes necessitates the use of this method and enables
the public service to be performed by the private enterprise. Contracts, the subject of which
is the establishment and/or operation, transfer to any corporate body of the public service, are
defined as public service concession contracts.1

The essence of the contractual relation is that upon the intention of a public authority
(administration), who requires new assets (facilities) in order to fulfill any public services which
it is in charge of by law, but is unable (or does not prefer) to provide for the risks and financing
of the investment necessary for this, to have the part of its duties related to Investment and
Operation, as limited by a contract, performed in care of any corporate body (a Capital Stock
Company or Foreign Company), the relevant corporate body accepts to produce and operate
the work (facilities) in consideration of its payment (including profit) by means of the purchase
by the administration or service beneficiaries of the goods or service produced by the corporate
body within the operational period and authorizations granted to the latter by contract, and 97
to transfer it to the administration at the end of the operational period free from all kind of
obligations and committments, in a well-maintained, functional and employable condition free
of charge, and that the corporate body undertakes the investment financing related to this. The
above mentioned explanation may be evidenced by the following provisions of the Law number

The Build-Operate-Transfer Model: This is a special financing model developed to be used

for the realization of projects requiring advanced technology and high material resources, and
the payment of the investment amount (including any profit to be obtained) to the capital stock
company or foreign company is effected by the purchase of the goods or services, produced by
the company during the operational period, by the administration or service beneficiary.2

According to his law, any investment and services made by the capital stock company
or foreign company shall, upon termination of the contract, automatically pass over to the
administration free of charge and free from any obligations and committments, in a well-
maintained, functional and employable condition.3

According to the provisions of the Code of Obligations, the Public Service Concession
Contract is also a Proxy type contract. However, since the contractual relation between the
administration and the Company in Charge also comprises the production of work, it may be
described as a hybrid contractual relation, the dominant character of which is proxy. While the
1 Decision no. 1995/23, Part IV of the Constitutional Court, Analysis of Principal Cause A-2
2 Law number 3996, Article 3a
3 Law number 3996, Article 9
Proxy Contract (Implementation Concession Contract and Management and Operational
Contract) constitutes the dominant character of the contractual relation, the aspect of Work
Contract is represented by the Construction Contract and the Supplementary Contract.

However, the actual owner of both the Work (facilities) as well as the services is the

The expropriation procedures necessary for the investments and services foreseen in this law
are realized by the administration in accordance with the provisions of the Expropriation Law
number 2942. The property of the real estate expropriated belongs to the administration.4

Administration means the public institutions and establishments (including public economic
enterprises and funds), which are authorized to make contracts with any capital stock company
or foreign company in order to ensure the investments and services foreseen in this Law to be
realized in the framework of the build-operate-transfer model, and which are the actual owners
of the service.5

98 Consequently, upon the acceptance of the task (starting with the date of temporary acceptance)
the property of the work (assets and facilities) belongs to the administration. Whereas the
Company in Charge stands proxy for these assets until the date of transfer, on the date of transfer
(if at the end of the contract) the position of proxy is removed and the assets are transfered to
the administration based on the conditions determined by the contract. It is very explicit that the
assets are public property.

Whereas the Company in Charge uses a part of the assets which has been determined by the
contractual terms and conditions and which have essentially been produced by itself in order to
provide for the assets amount (including also profit, being the main purpose), throughout the
Operational Period in order to perform the services entrusted to it in order to obtain the incomes
determined by the contractual terms and conditions. It is a comprehensible circumstance that
as a result of this usage, assets shall loose their original value due to wear and tear in time in
comparison to the date of acceptance (Temporary Acceptance). In this case, there is a decrease
in the original value of the Work which the Company in Charge has undertaken to built and
deliver to the administration. The provision of Article 33 has been included in the contract to
compensate for this loss of the administration (Implementation Contract Article 33):

The Company in Charge is obligued to reserve the amortizations of the facility, which it is
operating, in the form and in accordance with the principles stated in the Tax Procedure Law.
The amortization periods of any fixed assets, the amortization periods of which have not been
stated in the Tax Procedure Law, shall be determined by the Company in Charge to be not less

4 Law number 3996, Article 10

5 Law number 3996, Article 3d
than 10%. The said accumulated amortization amounts shall be transfered to the Administration
during the transfer of the facility. However, for the part corresponding to the amortization
amounts reserved every year, the Company in Charge shall deliver to the administration a tender
guarantee (PERFORMANCE BOND and PERPETUAL) in US Dollar to be provided based on
the Central Banks foreign exchange sales rate of that date, within four months following the
completion of the year, and shall confirm it with certified financial statements. Accordingly, the
Company in Charge shall, at the end of the task, pay the share of wear and tear according to
the reference Amortization Lists and deliver the Work with its value at the date of Acceptance.
However, there shall not be paid any amortization for new assets, the proxy (operation) of
which has not been entrusted to the Company in Charge. It has been determined in the Contract,
the proxy of which assets shall be given to the Company in Charge and the operation and
control of which shall be held by the administration. The same is applicable for incomes. They
have been described in the contractual documents and their supplements. There is very few or
no indefiniteness in this matter.

That is to say, in its legal sense, the terminal and the public services here have not been
privatized. The investments have been caused to be financed by a corporate body, the work 99
has been created and the administration, to pay for this, has given the Company in Charge proxy
in terms of certain rights, incomes and authorizations (as outlined by the contract) provided that
its own responsibility/control survives. In short, the Company in Charge has been granted the
concession of using a part of the assets and obtaining a part of the incomes.

While in the Build-Operate-Transfer model, the state aims at establishing a system which
is able to work economically within the dynamism of the private sector, far from political and
administrative pressures, capable of operation under realistic employment conditions, based on
competition, productive, efficient and of low cost, the investor strives at completing the work as
soon as possible and to start making profit after having provided the amortization of the capital
which it has used. It is natural that the investor wishes to complete the investment, which it shall
operate and obtain profit from, soon.

Therefore, it is a primary target for the investor to complete the manufacturing process in
a minimum period and to extend the operational period. Based on this principle, the period to
pass from the site delivery until the date of commissioning has been announced as 20 months
(in the general meaning, the construction period). In case of completion prior to this period, the
period gained shall be added to the operational period. When the consortium, which has been
awarded the contract, has offered a more suitable period than the other participants for this
determining period items and has thus been awarded the contract, it had been confronted with
two very important technical and financial planning matters;

The necessity arouse to complete the construction in the period foreseen by the contract
(and even in a little shorter time if possible), because the prolongation of the construction
would shorten the income-producing operational period and lessen the chance of covering
the expenses entirely provided by the consortium and move into profit if possible.

Another important element was the continuation of this race against time in an area
surrounded by narrow limits restricting the movement flexibility in technical procedures
and of the services of the existing operating facility, moreover while working so close to it,
without delay.

On the other hand, the completion of the construction work as soon as possible and the
commissioning of an important public facility in time (and even in a shorter period if possible),
was the preference of the relevant administration, the State Airports Administration as well. The
Administration has mentioned this desire by the description the period resulting from the early
completion of the construction shall be added to the operational period offered.

The fact that the Antalya Airport New International Terminal Building task is an investment
requiring advanced technology due to its nature, has brought along with it the risks encountered
in the project and the necessity to manage these risks, due to the factors such as high costs and
100 that some establishments are parties within the project.

4.5. Management

The stages of the Antalya Airport New International Terminal Building Task and the solution
of all activities included in these stages within an integrated system has enabled the projects
completion in the most suitable time. These stages may be outlined as follows;
- Project production,
- Planning,
- Materials and Logistics Follow-up,
- Purchase Decisions,
- Payment Schedule,
- Budget,
- Cash Flow,
- Execution/Daily Job Orders,
- Work Schedule Updating,
- Progress,
- Measuring and Evaluation,
- Cost Control,
- Stock Control,
- Profit/Loss Analysis.
For simple projects in a small organization, milestones agreed, some check-lists and

some persons to execute the project would be sufficient. However, for projects such as
the Antalya Airport New International Terminal Building Task, a more structural approach is
necessary to establish and operate the project, to follow up its progress, to solve its problems,
to reach the product to come up finally and to close the project. Moreover, taking into
consideration that the project is worked up against time with the logic of a race, it is obvious
that the manufacturing process has to be planned very well.

In order to understand the methodology applied for the Antalya Airport New International
Terminal Building Task we have to take a look at the life cycle of the project. A detailed life
cycle has been planned with time-focus depending on the size and type of the organization and
the project.

The benefits of using the methodology, apart from its guidance to this project, may be
summarized as follows:
Preventing the risk of the projects being unsuccessful
Its completion as soon as possible
Establishment of the cost-profit balance at optimum level
Increase of efficiency and productivity
Increase of quality
Arranging communication
Efficient project management becoming standard, thus being independent from the persons
and repeatable.

The most important point which has to be taken care of here is to choose the methodology
most suitable for the organization and the project.
Pre-selection Project Preparation

Project Generation PRE-INVESTMENT
ASSESSMENT Negotiation and

Expanding Investment Engineering

Newness, Invention

Renewal Investment Works

Rehabilitation Investment Training

Trial Production and Employing

Personnel to the Work

Figure 4.7. Antalya 2nd international flights construction production cycle

4.5.1. Planning and organization of the construction process

The constructions management and building has been realized by the Project directorate
within the structure formed by the board of directors of elebi-IC A.., constituted by the elebi-
TA consortium. The performance of the task has been ensured by awarding the contract of
the relevant task in all branches to competent subcontractors, and the project directorate has
been in a position conducting the organization planning coordination controlling works.

The control organizations mechanism formed by the State Airports Administrations

Directorate General, being in the position of employer, has also been described by a diagram. The
conduct of construction activities comprising an extensive task and works in many disciplines,
certainly requires a serious planning organization coordination. Under circumstances such
as these, there are the risks that tasks of different disciplines may collide with one another and
cause blockages. However, this risk has been removed by the sensitivity and great efforts shown
both by the Administration as well as the constructor firm, and undoubtlessly, a successful task
has been achieved. The sensitivity of the control organization in matters requiring fast and
justified decision-making, and the efforts of the administrative authorities in this matter has
created this positive picture.

The disadvantages, constraints, risks of the realization of such a great construction on an

operative airport, which features a quite intensive traffic, are quite much. These problems
coming up in terms of the management are as follows:

- There is the risks that subjects such as works to be performed, material dispatch, etc. at an
airport with a 24-hours intensive traffic, may not be solved at any time required , that is to
say, that there is a constant risk delaying the work schedule.

- The necessity of a permanent supervision in terms of security, of developing a stringent and

serious security control mechanism as per the tasks position, the sensitivity of chosing the
personnel by considering this matter at length

- Contractual constraints. Necessities resulting from the necessity to complete the work on 103
time and the pressure caused by this

This kind of subjects gain importance in the functioning of the management, since decisions
adopted, plannings made, organization, work programme are formed under this kind of criteria.
4.5.2. Importance and characteristic of planning

It has been acknowledged by Contractor Firms that in large sized construction works a
suitable planning shall faciliate the flow of the works, increase technical and financial efficiency.
The nature of the special tasks in Airport Terminal Buildings has made work programming
and planning a subject, which has to be handled severely. The Contractor Firms forming the
consortium perform the works necessary in this matter.

The great number of activities takes its place as general rule among the distinctive basic
elements in a suitable planning as a significant data. Along with this, the fact that the nature of
the activity groups is quite different from each other constitutes another important parameter
for programming. If a great number of various procedures can take place at distances physically
and geographically far from each other, another main parameter increasing complexity would
have arisen. Taking a look at vertical section from each of these three important parametric
components, another factor of different nature surrounding the incident may be displayed in the
restriction of time.
104 In the terminal buildings made with the B.O.T. model, all of these essential properties have
been present all together. The number of independent activities may reach thousands. With
a very short summary, all of the activity groups consist of infrastructure and superstructure
construction works, electro-mechanic arrangement and assembly works consistent with built
components, preparation of all business operations based on extensive computer application,
and a great number of sub-activity groups which are associated with advanced technologies and
each of which features different properties within itself. Whereas the other characteristic, which
concerns all of them together and which creates a real pressure component on all its operations
is that time was really short. This results from the implementation of the Built-Operate-Transfer

With this view, it has been necessary to make a very extensive planning based on advanced
work programming techniques. Important computer programmes known are put into operation
from the construction preparing period.. Besides, the sensitivity of these basic parametric
components to the least time deviation in implementation requires frequent updating.

4.5.3. Cumulative elements in planning

In public investments it is desired that the work is completed and the facility is put in
commission as soon as possible. Since delays in the Built-Operate-Transfer model are against
the contractor firm, the necessity of making faster and high quality work results from the nature
of the work.

The quarterly investment, mobilization, finance resources approval and the minimum 20,
maximum 30 monthly construction periods as well as the operational and transfer period end
designed in the tender preparation process, are shown as important components. The operational
periods have been a factor for the contract to be awarded to the contractor firms. These periods
are presented as bid as a result of the firms very detailed and careful studies. Due to the desire
to complete the task in a fast manner, the senior and subordinate management degree has been
formed of personnel members with fast and high quality work completion experience.

A very extensive and detailed work programme arrangement is required in terms of

implementation-oriented planning form. However, the successes displayed in the work
programme implementation, despite its being geographically widespread and the great number
of activities, a short time after the start of the work, has encouraged the persons in charge of
the implementation as in the example of Atatrk and Antalya airports. Based on this, they
could start to design further shortening of the work completion period and drawing the date of
commissioning a little earlier.

As a result, it has been possible to shorten the period of the facilitys commissioning by
7 months and 8 days in the example of stanbul, in comparison to the one determined in the
tender preparation period, that is to say, by 25% considering the total period. In the Antalya
International Terminal Building, a shortening of 10 months has been aimed at and this has
been achieved. It is considered by the authorized persons, for just, that this is a significant
performance. These procedures of shortening the period and drawing the commissioning into
service to an earlier date, has given rise to new complexities and critical positions in terms
of the time limit and constraint point of view. For instance, the issue of conducting the site
implementation in accordance with the time conditions determined by the programme on the
spote came up as well.

The project preparation and detailing works had to be conducted parallel to the construction
implementation. Despite the fact that this parallellism has been realized by the implementing
consortiums in a very efficient manner, minor communication and adaptation difficulties not
delaying the general course, between the project preparation and implementation in time, was
inevitable. Architectural and engineering projects were the projects of the first terminal and
these projects had to be revised pursuant to the contract in accordance with the requests
of the administration. These revisions were practically equivalent to the formation of a new
project. This means that the existing projects could even be considered behind the first draft.
Thus, it was known as a data since the beginning of the work that the design projects had to be
completed parallel to the implementation. In this framework, the problems brought along with
fast project preparation due to the time limitation, shall be described in more detail in the later
sections. These matters have been another component which has to be taken into consideration
in the work programming and planning.
4.6. Management System

In the B.O.T. model, the payment of the construction amount including the financing
and profit related to the production of the work, is covered by means of the payment of the
incomes, allocated to the contractor firm related to the Operation, by the administration or the
consumers. As in this project sample, interested firms generally compete based on the total
Contractual Period being construction + operation, in consideration of the acquisition of the
revenues determined in the contract during the operational period, for the production of the
facilities (work) described in the tender documents and its transfer to its original owner, the
administration. An optimum period for construction is stated in the tender documents. In this
project, the investment period has been determined as 20 months in the contract. The interested
party bidding the shortest operational period after the construction period is awarded the
contract. However, the construction periods lasting longer than the period foreseen does not
extend the total period offered. This means that it decreases the contractors operational period
and consequently its incomes. The contrary is accurate as well: i.e. if the contractor completes
the construction of the work in a shorter period, the operational period extends and its incomes
106 increase.

In special, the construction period in the contract of the Antalya Airport II. International
Terminal project has started on March 30, 2004, being the site delivery date, and has been
foreseen to be completed at the end of 20 months ( end of November 2005). Whereas the
next operational period has been offered as 34 months 27 days. However, the Company in
Charge has also aimed at the operational incomes in the peak period (summer of 2005) and
has therefore aimed at completing the construction period and commence operations 8 months
earlier prior to the tourism season (end of March 2005) and thus start to obtain incomes and to
gain the incomes in the tourism season ( April-October 2005) as well. It has also evaluated the
construction strategy accordingly. The organisaton diagram formed has been designed for the
realization of this, too.

As a result, the construction speed is the most fundamental objective generally in all B.O.T.
projects and especially in this project. The increase of speed without compromising quality in
the construction strategy is possible by the evoking a great professional/specialist force in a
speedy and efficient manner, taking also into consideration the acceleration costs and risks if
possible. It may not be thought that a new firm (Company in Charge), having been founded just
to conduct a contract, holds such a great force of professionals and specialists itself, so it is clear
what to do: to divide the works, and to entrust each work to the responsibility of the relevant
specialist/professional firm by sub-contracts in a speedy and efficient manner. The method
chosen for this has been the contract method.

The Company in Charge has, both by itself as well as through the General Sub-Contractor,
successfully conducted about 600 sub-contracts within 1 year. This is a number of sub-contractors
much above the one accustomed. On the other hand, this element has been the important point
of the strategic success obtained as a result of the construction period (the construction of the
terminal has been completed within a record period of 11 months and commissioned on April
7, 2005).

It is not possible that any public administration neither prepares, puts out to tender nor
conducts/manages any sub-contracts of this density in a short time such as this. This is the
important point of the advantages brought by the private sector contribution. A facility, which
has been equipped with advanced technology with construction value of 128 million US$ not
existing in the country in April 2004, has been built in a period of 11 months and presented to the
service of the countrys economy. Therefore, the public benefit resulting from the participation
of the private sector to the public services and the positive difference which it creates, has been
practically evidenced.

Whereas during the execution of the project, the overlapping of the project preparation
process and the construction process represents the most important difficulty in the execution.
The administration has just given the first drafts of the existing I. International Terminal as
annex to the tender documents and in the technical specifications has just described the II.
International Terminal, which it requires, without giving much detail. The fact that it is requested
that the Terminal II resembles the existing Terminal I in terms of its architectural concept and
that matters requiring difference have been described verbally has not solved the problem. The
administration has requested that the first draft and the implementation project for the Terminal-
II and its supplements are produced by the Company in Charge during the construction period
and submitted for approval.

The consortium being awarded the contract, has rapidly executed contracts with the project
preparation firms after having made the contract (Feb.24, 2004) and has passed over to the
stage of producing the (architectural, static, electric and mechanic) first draft design. However,
as per the site delivery date (March 30, 2004) about one month later, the first draft design could
not be progressed to the desired extent. The first draft (concept design) is the stage preceding
the realization of the implementation design supposed to allow for the construction and since
it determines the basic design principles, it has been necessary to obtain the approval of the
project author and the administration in every stage. It has been necessary that the firms having
been commissioned for the project preparation, realize long and detailed discussions/meetings
with both the Project Author as well as the administration personnel.

Here, another controversy has come up as well: the administrations personnel in charge of
controlling and approving the project preparation have claimed that it would not be accurate
to approve and/or partially approve any first drafts without seeing the projects developed
full detail (implementation projects), material/equipment choices. On the other hand, the
Company in Charge, which is under time pressure, is obligued to obtain approval in order
to start manufacturing and parallel to manufacture. Whereas the administrations personnel is
not willing to make any gradual approvals without seeing the entire implementation design.
The criteria of the Company in Charge and the administration (the personnel representing the
administration) have featured differences upon this problem.

The Company in Charge has worked up the construction site mobilization works, which the
latter has started in the middle of March 2004, to a great extent in the middle of April 2004, and
has ensured the entry of the construction staff to the construction site premises in the middle of
April 2004. Mobilization has continued for 1 more month after this date, but on this date it has
passed over the critical line.

The Company in Charge has started with the stripping off and excavation activities on the
terminal building area on April 1, 2004. Upon arrival at the last week of April 2004, the buildings
excavation had been worked up to an extent enabling the beginning with the fundamental
reinforced concrete. However, since the static design presented to the administration was still
not approved, the reinforced concrete permanent manufacture could not be started. Therefore,
with an unofficial agreement made on static projects as a result of a loss of 2 weeks, the first
permanent reinforced concrete could be poured on May 12, 2004.

The problem of the project preparation related to obtaining the approvals of the
administration could just be solved in August 2004. Whereas in August 2004, the reinforced
concrete manufacture has been completed by 50%. The approvals given had not required the
amendment of the reinforced concrete at any point. Consequently, it has been an advantage that
the Company in Charge accurately analysed the position of the administration and continued by
chancing high risk and has served the total success of the project.

Likewise, the material/equipment approvals have also caused various discussions. The
materials and equipment are also subject to the preliminary approval of the administration
pursuant to the Contract. There have been controversies related to the project preparation as
well. Likewise, this controversy has also been solved by the Company in Charge chancing high
risk and continuing without approval or with verbal/unofficial agreements for the materials in
the starting period.

The result arising from this is that in the control and approval duties of te administration in
the projects, its own personnel and the project targets may collide with one another. Taking into
consideration that in this project about 1900 implementation project maps have been produced
and more than 5000 types of materials have been used, the problem turns up in an even more
important form. This problem may be solved by the administrations delegating their control
and approval liabilities related to project preparation and material to professional firms. And
this issue is applicable for all investor public administrations.
This problem shall be solved by the administrations starting to transfer this duty to professional
firms as well. Upon development of this process, a portfolio of specialized and well-established
private firms in these areas shall turn up and form the market standard, and the public benefit
shall be continued to be maintained in this way. In many advanced countries, the process has
developed in this direction. For instance, in England and in France, firms of worldwide scale
have turned up in terms of design, quality management and project management, and now the
standards in these areas are determined by these firms.

The decision processes related to the splitting-up of the task of the Company in Charge and
their being awarded by contract to specialized firms has been continued rather efficiently and
without any problem.

However, the fact that the project preparation and approval processes could not ensure
relatively the same success has resulted in the increasing pressure of the manufacturers on site
on the project managers. This pressure has caused the reorganization in the project management
in September 2005. This reorganization being made toward the end of the crisis in the project
preparation and material approval processes with the administration, it has not served the solution
of this crises, but as a result of the reorganization the Company in Charge has activated the
decision-making processes within itself and has adopted a more efficient usage of the remaining
time by binding them to the accurate personnel addresses resulting from the experience.

4.7. Method of Integration

The realization of every plan and project is the subject of the Project Management. Whereas
the realization of integrated and complex plans and programmes seems to be possible with
Integrated Project Management.

The Integrated Project Management are the entire organizations and processes, which
uses a series of developed instruments in its functions and processes, based on the interactive
development concept supported by feedbacks.

It is the capability of looking at wide-angle to all kind of projects, simple or complex, to the
processes in all of their phases and their reference groups, consequently to life; interpreting
issues and processes with realistic and practical approaches.

In the integrated and complex project and programme management, skills of advanced level
are required. The integrating management ensures the coordination of all units, which form the
project, with each other. It is the most important type of management, requiring an intensive
work, necessary for the execution of the project in the requested period and as appropriate to
its aims. [43]

The processes ensuring the coordination of the components constituting the project of
the Antalya 2nd International Terminal project have been defined very well. In general, the
entrepreneurs, who desire to invest in the framework of the BOT model, are given the feasibility
reports (including technical examinations to a certain extent) by the relevant public establishment
during the tender stage. The better these reports have been prepared, the less problems the
contracts based on them shall create in the future and the more they shall lead the parties to
any disputes. In case these works are reported without being made very well, it is obvious that
they shall bring along great problems. The entrepreneur has almost not any chance to consider
at length the technical data of the feasibility report in the limited period at this tender stage.
Consequently, the planning phase related to the project becomes the most important element.

In the construction of the Antalya Airport New International Terminal Building, the labour
force based planning method has been prefered. Since the result desired to be reached in the
planning is the works period of completion, the man-hour data is required for the formation of
this process. Provided that the other factors affecting the works period of completion (financing,
status of material, etc.) are suitable, it has been tried to decide about the period of realization of
the work, the physical quantity of which is determined. Since the time in which a worker is able
110 to do a manufacturing (man-hour) and the works quantity (length) doesnt change throughout
the period of the project, it is possible for us to reach the works completion date with the
number of workers to be decided by us and undertakes the key function in problems arising for
the time control of the project.

At the project planning stage, the contractor group has formed a project orientation and
observation unit within itself starting from the project beginning phases. The unit formed
has fulfilled the duty of ensuring consistency of the complex connections between various
disciplines of the project preparation by the principle of race against time and speedy work
completion without compromising quality.

At the phase of the plans execution, the architectural project author bearing the project
liability and the project groups (sub-contractors in charge of all technical-technological
installation projects, mainly static, infrastructure, general and special installation mechanic,
electromechanic and electric-electronic) with whom they cooperate during the preparation of
the technical projects were already conducting a collective working based on interdependent
and regular information exchange. However, with the special and intense pressing affect of
the time factor, the contractor designers have established an office at the construction site in
order to ensure this coordinated cooperation which had become critical.

Periodical meetings for weekly observation and decision-making for the following week
have been held under the participation of all persons in charge and authorized in order to
ensure the supervision of change. It has been ensured that in the meetings attended by a less
number of persons in charge and authorized in the course of the week and even days, the
necessary amendments are discussed and those considered necessary are implemented.
Considering the whole of the construction process in the framework of the integration
management, it is seen that the knowledge and organization capability of the contractor firm
stands out. In a significant, complex and large space project such as this, the realization of the
construction in the period and quality aimed at, shows that the management concept applied
has been successful. Executing together thousands of employees and again thousands of work
items, within the limits of the work schedule, are efficient results of the integrated construction





Figure 4.8. Construction management integration components

4.7.1. Scope Management

It has been ensured that all procedures necessary for the successful conclusion of the project
are included in the project. The methods
Beginning and Mobilization Phase
Definition of Scope
Planning of Scope
Verification of Scope
Supervision of Change of Scope
have been applied and evaluations have been made in the framework of the planned work
programme. The sub-components of the scope management may be outlined as follows:

1- Contents (Programme of Requirement)

2- Implementation of the project (first draft and site allocation)

3- Target-making

4- Determination of the projects cost aspect and provision of financing

5- Use of resources

6- Technical qualification and applicability of the project

7- Man and workforce management

8- Reaching work programme targets

9- Development of construction methodologies

10- Determination of operational requirements

11- Test and Commissioning.

The contents of the airport international flights projects, the construction of which is realized
by applicaton of the BOT model, should be planned by taking into consideration the geographic,
socioeconomic-political, tourism, trade and potential demands of the region where the project
shall be implemented.

The programme of requirements determined (in terms of quality, quantity and function)
should be accurately solved as first draft and its optimum consistency with its deployment on
the land assigned and with the other components of the area should be provided.

The target should be to synchronously operate the mechanisms in the formation of all
parameters, i.e.

Time factor,

Cost factor,

Quality factor,

Qualified workforce factor,

Communication factor,

Risk factor,

Logistics factor,

Financing factor.

In the construction of terminal buildings by means of the BOT model;

In order to enable the determination of the target budget; the cost studies of the project
applied should be made and the financing provision models should be established.

Use of resources; return calculations have to be made since they have to be evaluated as
equity and financing credit (short-term and long-term).

It should be known that the projects solution in terms of technical construction and the fact
that the technical team has feasibility experience is a condition necessary for success.
Stability and confidence is necessary. It should not be omitted that man, workforce and
equipment management is one of the leading important components of scope management.

Target intermediate ends and general ends should be encouraged and measures should be
taken for deviations.

The determination of construction methodologies and productivity tables should be constantly


It should be ensured that professional operational techniques are experienced together with
the project during the construction stage and the awareness should be achieved that enabling the
return of functional requirements in the construction of the project shall prevent any unnecessary

The establishment of test and commissioning principles, the provision of operational staff at
the construction stage should be the general principle and guideline.

4.7.2. Target management

The contents of the BOT model Airport International flights projects have been planned by
taking into consideration the geographic, socio-economic-political, tourism, commercial and
potential demands of the region where the project shall be implemented.

Target intermediate ends and general ends should be encouraged and measures should be
taken for deviations. The determination of the construction methodologies and the productivity
tables have been constantly evaluated.

For a successful target management, target determination, target control is important. The
success aimed at in the construction has been achieved by ensuring in the project all procedures
necessary for the successful conclusion of the project.

Target denotes the status which wants to be reached or realized in the future. By determining
the aim and target, it is evident from today where, in what condition and position one wishes to
be in the future. [52]

In the process starting with the site delivery on March 30, 2004, the most important target
has been to complete the investment period, which has been stated as 20 months in the contract,
as soon as possible and to add the period gained from the investment period to the period of the
operational period. One of the targets is also that the task is completed in the quality aimed at
with an investment amount not exceeding much the tender amount which has been determined
as 70.555.000 US$.

114 In order not to remain from time to time behind the work schedule to reach the determined
target, the manpower has been increased and this has caused an increase of costs. By means
of the meetings and evaluations made, target control has been frequently made and the critical
stages of the task have been reviewed.

As per the end of the task, the issue of putting the facility into operation as soon as possible,
which is the preferential target, has been successful upon the construction process completion
in 11 months. Upon the addition of the supplementary period of 9 months to the operational
period, an important gain has been obtained in the operational period which is the investments
return phase.

Besides, with a value much above the investment amount of 77.350.000 US$, which has
been accepted by the consortium firms in the budget planning, a total cost of 99.737.956 US$
has been reached. The speedy conduct of the task has been an important factor in reaching this

In the target controls made during the work on weekly and monthly basis, it has been seen
that the completion of the task in the period aimed at is possible, but that the cost requested
could not complete the work. After this stage, the target regarding the cost has been changed
and the completion of the task on time has been chosen as the only main target.
Table 4.3. Rates of the Manufactures within the total construction



4.7.3.Time management

Time management consists of planning and programmes, which are the necessary procedures
for the completion of the project within the time foreseen.

Factors influencing the time management processes in construction may be outlined as



Confidence and Trust (ability to be a team)

The projects being solved as implementation

Continuity of finance

Provision of sufficient labour force and equipment

Reaching work programme targets

Logistics (procurement of domestic and imported materials)



Morale + motivation + condition.

We may say that man and finance factor is the distinctive component directly affecting time.
Time management may achieve positive values for the purpose of the projects managers to be
compatible with the other elements, but even if the conditions are appropriate, this may also
cause disposals outside those managing the project. Namely, it has to be emphasized that even
if finance is always important in the planning of the task, continuity and morale + motivation
+ condition is a factor in the success reached in projects with targets and in reaching the time

The processes to ensure the completion of the project on time have been made by providing
constant updatings, by means of software prepared for work programming. The updating
procedure has been realized by the examination, evaluation and interpretation of the Monthly
Activity Reoprts in detail, through a more realistic revision of the planning of the subsequent
month. In the planning of the Antalya Airport New International Terminal Building Task, there
is a complex internal composition displaying interactive connections with much activities.
Accordingly, the concept of regular distribution of the resources in order to determine the flow
order and consequently to form an operational programme has been kept on the foreground. In
order to prevent that components omitted during the stage of preparation of the work programme
due to the synchronous continuation of the manufacturing process and the planning process, and
unexpected activities, which arise at the construction site and which may cause prolongation
of the period, exceed the target delivery period, the work programme has been revised and the
remaining or probably remaining activities have been determined, and workforce, equipment
or material support has been provided as soon as possible and thus, deviations which may occur
in the work programme have been kept at minimum level.

95,11% 95,45%
100.00% 91,32%
60.00% 52,00%
40.00% 26,34%36,78%
20.00% 4,09% 9,76% 16,76%






















Planned Workforce Progress According to Revised Total Workforce

Figure 4.9. Antalya 2nd International Terminal first manufactures

The works to be performed have been defined.

The works to be performed have been put into an order. This arrangement has been made by
taking into consideration any uncertainties which may arise in case some new work groups
cannot start before certain work groups, which are partially parallel and connected with each
other, end.

The estimate of their durations has been determined by consulting the personnel supposed to
manage and perform the said work item.

The development of the time schedule has been determined by using the Critical Orbit
System. Thus, critical activities have been know beforehand and ways of solution have
been researched before the problem occured.

The supervision of the time schedule has been ensured by the Monthly Activity Reports and
the daily construction site information flow.

The work programme formed by the above stages, the man-hour values throughout the 117
Antalya Airport New International Terminal Building Task, the time schedule has been
attempted to be supervised by increasing logistics and equipment, and has inevitably brought
along the high cost element.

































Planned Workforce Realized Workforce

Figure 4.10. Planning of workforce

The necessity to conduct, generally synchronously, a rather high number of work items,
namely 265 items, which are included in the scope of the task, within the framework of the
periods determined in the work programme, has indicated a critical stage in time management.
In this framework, sometimes the same item of work has been divided up to several sub-
contractors by means of contracts made with about 600 sub-contractors. Again for materials,
systems, devices and equipment, the overseas supply and imports of which require a long
process, meetings have been held from the very beginning of the work and their coming in to
the construction site within the planned time section has been ensured.


94,25% 99,37% 100%
100.00% 83,74%
80.00% 63,64%
60.00% 50,64%
40.00% 26,05% 38,04%
18,74% 26,05%

20.00% 3,04% 7,13% 12,01% 18,74%

3,04% 7,13% 12,01%
























Planned Workforce Progress According to Revised Total Workforce

Figure 4.11. Workforce planning progress graphic

The special situation brought by the BOT projects in the scope of time management has to
be briefly mentioned. In the BOT model, the payment of the construction amount, including
financing and profit, related to the production of the structure, is covered by the payment, by
the administration or the consumer, of the incomes allocated to the contractor firm related
to the Operation. As in the present project sample, interested firms generally compete upon
the total Contractual Period being construction + operation, in consideration of obtaining the
incomes mentioned in the contract during the operational period, for the production of the
facilities described in the tender documents and ultimately their transfer to their original owner,
the administration. An optimum period for the construction is stated in the tender documents.
The investment term in this project has been determined in the contract as 20 months. The
interested party bidding the shortest operational period after the construction period is awarded
the contract. However, the construction periods lasting longer than the foreseen period does
not extend the total duration. That is to say, it lessens the contractors operational period and
consequently the contractors incomes, and vice versa: i.e. if the contractor completes the
construction of the work in a shorter period, the operational period lengthens and the incomes
increase. This circumstance explains the significance, pressure of the time concept in BOT

4.7.4. Cost management

The first estimate summary should be prepared according to the implementation and detail
projects prepared in the scope of the general requirement programme.

In order to enable this study to be very accurate, the manufactures in the project have to be
determined very well and care should be taken for the first estimate length establishment and
pricing. The first estimate should be observed by revision as monthly cost tracking.

In this framework they may be considered under the following headings: 119

Construction building expenses (rough construction work, delicate construction work),

Infrastructure expenses,

Expenses of electrical & electronical works

Expenses of mechanical installation works (mechanical installation and equipment),

Expenses of IT works,

Expenses of project financing,

Expenses of project value,

General outlays,

Customs and tax expenses.

It is necessary to establish sufficient technical office infrastructure capable of

performing these evaluations and reportings on a monthly basis. This staff, which has taken
place in the Antalya 2nd International Terminal implementation, has made the cost evaluations
of the BOT model project and has ensured functionality by reporting to the project management
any probable increases and deviations.
As a rule;

Foreign exchange rate based on foreign currency has been followed up and costs have been
evaluated based on the exchange rate on the date on which the expenses have been incurred.

Changes in the project (increases decreases) have been reporting along with their respective
120 reasons and their future affects on the tables have been determined.

Cost analysis have been made considering that the influences, demands and requests of the
Administration on the project could be the effects in the BOT model. It has been seen that this
influence came up quite significantly in the later stages. There have been increases of cost as a
result of certain manufactures, which have not been clearly defined in the specifications, being
made as requests of the administration.

It has been strived at ensuring that mechanisms, by which collective goods service
procurements shall reflect to bargaining and competition, are constantly kept vivid. In some
manufacturings, there have been decreases of cost due to direct purchases from the manufacturer.

It should not be omitted that in the BOT model there shall be the effects of extra workforce
and other factors brought along by speed in the works. Especially the increase of general outlays
and any probable deviations in the project cost should be well estimated. As a result of this
issues not being considered sufficiently, there has been a higher manpower/cost than expected
at the Antalya 2nd International Terminal. The most important factor of this increase is the desire
to accelerate the construction process and to put the building into operation as soon as possible.

The essential determinent of cost management is time. Using time may require unplanned
spending of money. However; since in the BOT model the facilities completion and
commissioning prior to the period of the administration ensures the necessary yield and prestige,
it should be prefered. Deviations which may occur in the planned estimate have been checked
by monthly updatings after the first estimate and the controlled awareness of these deviations
in the investment has been the target of the cost management.

Construction Expense Other Expenses Financing Expenses Use of credit

Figure 4.12. Cash flow diagram 121

Cost management is a type of management providing the determination and control of

costs to ensure that the project features the quality and properties within the budget foreseen

Who shall work for each work and how much they shall work,

Whether additional resources shall be required or not,

Constraints related to resources may affect the duration of the project. The periods have to
be reviewed.

By the resource planning, the total project resource requirement and distribution comes into

A very important basic component ensuring the realization of the work flow in the

process supposed to ensure the completion of the project with the budget aimed at and
approved, is the issue of flow of money. An important element slowing down the implementation
in many public investment tasks, of which the project preparation, work schedule and general
planning studies have been conducted completely, is insufficient appropriation. Likewise, in
case of somewhat large volume tasks conducted with private capital there may also occur an
insufficiency of the finance support, even though this would not be as much as for traditional
appropriation insufficiency in public investments. This may cause negative results such as the
disorder of the time flow of construction works, the lengthening of duration and the increase
of cost in countries with high inflation. The evident advantage of the Build-Operate-Transfer
method is that the work is not begun unless a strong finance guarantee has been provided. In
the Antalya Airport New International Terminal Building Task Project it has been ensured to
complete the task earlier than planned, by means of both the use of the contractor firms equity
as well as credit support.

Resource planning

Cost estimate

Cost budget

Supervision of Cost Change

There has not been any problem in the flow of money during the course of the project upon
right use of the methods. It is seen that the construction period has not been completed with the
target cost desired to be 77.350.000 USD as explained in the target management. The Terminal
122 Building could be completed with a total investment cost of 99.337.956 USD except for
supplementary works.







March April May June July August September October November

Planned Outlays Realized Expense

Figure 4.13. Comparison of Planned realized resource outlays on a monthly basis
























1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Use of Credit Equity

Figure 4.14. Expenses


8.000 75.000
7.000 65.000
6.000 55.000
5.000 45.000
2.000 20.000
1.000 10.000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0
Total expenses 1,166 1,719 856 1,647 1,215 1,518 2,504 3,810 2,699 4,449 3,612 3,964 6,976 6,426 6,745 5,843 5,258 5,252 2,137 3,361
Cumulative 1,166 2,884 3,740 5,387 6,602 8,120 10,623 14,434 17,133 21,581 25,193 29,157 36,133 42,559 49,304 55,147 60,405 65,657 87,794 71,155

Total expenses Cumulative

Figure 4.15. Use of Resources in Investment Period

The most important reasons of this increase of cost are as follows:

Increase of the workforce, equipment number required as a result of the desire to complete
the task earlier than the investment period of 20 months

Manufactures which have not been stated in the contract and projects attached to the tender,
124 and which have to be made during the tasks implementation projects stage and conduct

As a result of the desire to complete the task rapidly; the removal of some manufactures
made, due to their being far from the quality required, and the same manufactures having to
be repeated

As a result of the psychological pressure brought along by the terminal building, which was
of higher quality and more striking appearance than the 1st International Terminal made
before at the Antalya airport, expensive alternatives have been prefered for some materials
and equipments.

4.7.5. Quality management

The fact that the functionality of the structure is not removed for a short time during the
process to ensure the provision of the projects requirements and that it continues the service
expected from it over long years at the same level is a part of the quality philosophy. Thus, each
component used in the construction of the facility has to comply with the quality conditions
separately and the technical standards expected from it. The technical-technological equipment
and materials bearing great importance on the aerodrome facilities are expected to keep serving
over long periods with the same quality as in the term when the facility has been put into
operation. In this context, all materials used in the Antalya Airport New International Terminal
Building Project have undergone approvals of material under the control of the administration
and experiments have been made on materials considered necessary under laboratory conditions,
and thus their use have become unavoidable.
Quality planning

Quality assurance

Quality supervision

The above methods have been implemented by obtaining common decisions with the
administration. A very intensive control mechanism has been realized both by the contractor
firm as well as by the administration in order to enable hundreds of materials included in the
work scope to be of the desired quality. It has been ensured that the materials and systems
stipulated in the technical specifications and projects as attached to the contract feature the
minimum properties stated, whereas for those not defined, choices have been made ensuring
the required performance by means of fast decision-making processes during the continuation
of the task.

The quality aimed at has been strived to be achieved, depending on the nature of the work,
sometimes by tests on site, on the construction site, in the laboratory, sometimes in overseas
factories. The joint venture company, as a controlling-supervising mechanism, independent 125
from the administration and the contractor firm, has executed a contract with the experienced
(bureau veritas) consultancy company, and this consultancy firm realizing the supervisions
independently has been efficient in the works quality with their sanctions in the construction

Quality Management Components:

126 Applicable project

Planning and organization

Technical documentation

Efficiency of the technical team conducting the implementation

Quality control mechanism supervising the implementation

Obtaining technical evaluation and report results.

Quality develops accurately with the attitude and conception of individuals and communities.
Therefore, it should be ensured by the project management that the mechanisms are of structures
supervising and controlling each other.

The determination of the construction methodologies, the functionallity of the implementation

techniques should be the basic determinent of the quality procedure. In order to ensure that
quality is permanent and the results are evaluated, the necessary technical specifications,
documentation and inventory should always be available to the task.

In the Antalya 2nd International Terminal construction, quality tracking forms have been
issued for each manufacture and periodical checking tables have been established. The
Administrations Control Board has checked whether the quality tracking forms provide the
required technical construction criteria, and thus their realization has been ensured.
Tracking is the key and determinent of quality. Whereas technical efficiency is its detector.
Persons stability and attitude has also been the determinent of quality management.

Factors affecting quality are the care used for the quality of the construction process and the
stages of converting the design into reality , the quality of the materials and equipment used, the
way of their use, structure production management and their implementation continuity. [53]
Whereas the structures continuation of the service, which is expected from it, over long years at
the same level is also a part of the quality philosophy. Each manufacture used in the construction
of the facility has to be consistent with the separate quality conditions and the technical
standards expected from it. The material used in reinforced concrete, steel or pretensioned
concrete construction elements shall be the material most suitable for contemporary technical
definitions, so that the structures resistence continuity is guaranteed. Similarly, windows, doors
and coating materials should be of a type which is most uniformly in appearance and which is
capable of serving over the longest time without suffering from any tear and wear. It should
also be expected that technical-technological equipment and materials, which are of great
importance at aerodrome facilities, fulfill their function over a long time without falling off
in quality in terms of the service rendered in the period when the facility is put into operation. 127
4.7.6. Human Resources Management

In the course of more efficient use of the workforce related to the project, the mobilization
of a workforce and equipment support much beyond the accustomed has been necessary in
the Antalya Airport New International Terminal Project. A great number of personnel has
been required for general management, orientation, planning, observation and quality control
mechanisms which are experienced, qualified and feature a high business skill. Together with
the sub-contractor groups and all their employees, a total working hour of 9800 man/day has
been reached. Whereas the month, where the most persons have been engaged in a montly
time slice in order to catch the work schedule during the manufacturing process, was February
of the year 2005, and here 2085 employees have been active together. These data indicate
the extraordinary density reached in terms of manpower mobilization. The working of this
personnel in harmony, their management has been ensured by determining the following items
by very serious studies:

Organizational planning

Establishment of permanent staff

Forming teams.
In a construction organization with 600 sub-contractors and thousands of employees, the
desire to reach the target by organizational planning within the tasks team spirit could from
time to time be a repressive element on the managers.

By means of the management group formed separately by the joint venture company and
the project manager, the main contractor firm, it has been desired to ensure that this pressure is
converted into a form not affecting the performance.






June July August September October November December January February March
Daily Average Workforce 388 466 658 741 1,104 1,385 1,621 1,435 2,085 0

Figure 4.17. Daily average workforce produced on monthly basis

This defines the processes of the appropriate production, compilation, distribution, storage
and arrangement of the project information on time. It is also not possible to realize the task
of furnishing all personnel serving at the stages of the project from the personnel employed in
the designing stage, to the sub-contractor active at the worksite and to the worker employed
on the field with accurate information on time without planning. In the Antalya Airport New
International Terminal Building Task Project the

Communication planning
Information distribution
Performance reporting

techniques have been implemented in accordance with the requirements of the task and thus
the necessary information network has been established.

4.7.8. Risk Management

The aim of risk management is to complete a project at the time, cost and required quality
level planned.

The project plan is formed based on estimates. It always contains uncertainties. These
uncertainties form a potantial risk.
Risks may change the course of the project in the reverse direction. Risk management
includes the implementation of the necessary supervisions for defining these circumstances,
preventing their consideration or lessening their affect, and the planning of alternatives.

Risks may be described as the unability to reach the profit aimed at, the unability to complete
the task within the course of completion aimed at and the unability to reach the quality aimed at.

Types of Risk Management

Timing risk, reserving not enough time,
Risk of cost, well calculation of cost,
Technical risk, degree of difficulty in forming the product,
Operational risk, the unability of the product to fulfil the requirements,
Unforeseeable risks, changes of order, natural disasters, environmental factors,
Foreseeable (but doubtful) circumstances, market changes, inflation, foreign exchange rate
130 changes, taxes, etc.
Processes for the determination, analysis of project risks and the implementation of the
solutions are defined. [54] In providing the minimum time and maximum manufacturing
balance in the Antalya Airport New International Terminal Building Task; the methods
Risk definition
Determination of risk dimension
Planning against risk
Risk decreasing supervision have been implemented.

4.7.9. Management of Procurement

Taking into consideration that in this process defining the processes of procurement of
any products and services, which shall be required for the project, from outside, the extent of
amounts of the materials and service purchased and that any problems which may occur in the
logistic course shall harm the entire project, this is obviously one of the most important steps
for the progress of the project.

The management of procurement comprises the supply of the necessary resources (workers,
materials, equipment), the management of the resources for the completion of the work, the
removal of the resources from the construction area upon completion of the work.

Considering the effects of the material flow in the Antalya Airport New International Terminal
Building Task on the tasks duration, a purchasing team of 50 persons has been established on
the construction site in addition to the central purchasing unit of the contractor firm and its
consistent working has been ensured by means of accurate organization.

Suppliers of materials have been chosen among firms being reliable as much as possible and
thus the flow of materials with accurate timing has been ensured.

Even though this increases the costs, tenders have been used in order to ensure the supply
on time of overseas supplied electrical, electronical, electro security and mechanical systems in
order to keep the duration short, and firms specialized in their branch have been worked with.

The technical-technological system definitions being one of the constructions most important
components are stipulated by the administration in the attachments of the tender file at the very
beginning of the task and may be divided into seven main groups. These are as follows:
a. Electrical Systems
b. Electronical Systems
c. Mechanical Systems
d. Mechanical Installation
e. Security Systems
f. Data Processing and Automation Systems
g. Passenger bridges

There are a total of about thirty sub-systems included in these system groups, some of
which feature extraordinary complex properties. The weight of the technical and technological
systems in the terminal building project has constituted 30% of the cost, which had been
estimated at the beginning and as per the form coming very close to that estimate at the end
of the implementation as well. This numerical data is interesting not only in terms of the said
systems technical characteristics featuring contemporary and special properties, but also in
terms of its holding a cost share much beyond what is accustomed in building constructions.

The planning of procurement has been ensured by applying the methods

Planning of demand
Making requests
Choice of firm
Contract management
Execution of contract.

A separate unit has been established in order to ensure the contract management and
any problems probable to occur have been tried to be aken under guarantee beforehand. The
gigantic proportion of the facility construction and its programme against time has required
the entry to and exit out of the construction site of a great number and volume of vehicles
132 and devices. Many vehicles have served in this transportation work. The arrangement in the
transportation vehicles entries into and exits out of the construction site has been the subject of
an additional separate programmin and careful observation.

4.8. Financing of the project

The most important phase of the tasks performed by means of the BOT model, especially
in developing countries such as Turkey, is the supply of resource. In this kind of projects,
generally the project finance method is applied. Establishments specialized in project financing
provide resources to projects with profitability by means of the method of syndication through
issuing bonds.

The factors important for those providing the resources in BOT projects are the projects risk,
the countrys risk, the performance of the group making the project, its organizational structure,
and human resources. In project financing it is essential that its return certainly requires a short
time slice even if there is a feasibility, market research available, and even if it has certain
guarantees. Therefore, resources are supplied by taking into consideration many variables such
as the placement by equity by the party performing the task, the debt paying morale, the past
offense of the country.

The company in charge in the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal project has been
kept liable to provide the entire financing of the investment amount and to provide a minimum
of 20% of the total investment costs from its equity, and the remainder from foreign resources
(credit financing). Based on this necessity, the equity condition of 20% has been provided for
by the sponsor firms elebi-TA.

The repayment of the principal, interest and all kind of financing expenses of the funding to
be provided by foreign resources shall be realized again by the Company in Charge. Besides,
the principal and interest payment terms of all kind of credits obtained during the operational
period and/or any investment to be supplied by the Company in Charge have been limited to the 133
contractual period. The entire project credit has been provided by the bank Garanti Bankasi in
the scope of syndication credit.

Table 4.4. Investment financing (YTL)

1) Equities 48.102.958
a) Capital 33.000.000
b) Corporate Funds 15.102.958
2) Foreign Resources 127.319.850
A) Foreign Credit 127.319.850
Total Financing 175.422.808

4.9. Evaluations in terms of Construction Design and Technology of Aerodrome

Terminal Buildings Made by the Build-Operate-Transfer Model

The main headings of the aerodrome terminal buildings determined throughout the
construction process realized by the BOT model and still continuing, are as follows.

Constraints resulting from entering tender with first draft: The fact that tender has been
entered with the first draft projects, which had been obtained by the Administration as a result
of the competition, has caused serious difficulties during the construction term. Due to the
necessity of starting a rapid construction process starting from the site delivery, architectural-
engineering groups are obligued to synchronously conduct the project production works
while the work was continuing. The approval process of any projects, which may be started
to be constructed upon approval by the Administration, has to be very fast as well.

At the stage of implementation projects, the occurance of manufactures not foreseen at the
first draft stage result in conflicts or long lasting discussion courses between the administration
134 and the contractor firms. For instance, an area and cost increase has occured due to the necessity
to make the basement of the Antalya 2nd International Terminal at another place than determined
by the administration. Again, the realization of the tender of the 2nd International Terminal with
a report explaining the additional requests of the administration and the technological renewals
of the 1st International Terminal project, has been an item affecting the construction process. The
area growth foreseen at the stage of implementation projects has increased by approximately
20%. However, despite the fact that pursuant to the relevant articles in the concession contract
there has not been granted any period-cost increase to the firm, the discussions in this matter
have affected the manufacturing process.

In another example, while passing from the first draft project of teh Dalaman Airport new
international terminal to the implementation project there have been many amendments not
foreseen in the project.

Due to the increase of sq.m. occuring on the apron area, the Administration had to grant an
additional period to the contractor firm. Since the basement, which has been partially arranged
during the tender process, has been converted into a full basement due to static necessity, an
increase of approximately 15.000 sq.m. has occured on the terminal area. Again, the terminal
roof has been converted from steel to reinforced concrete as a requirement of static necessity.
The contractor firm has requested additional period-cost increase related to these amendments.
But the Administration has rejected this request since pursuant to the relevant articles of the
concession contract amendments resulting from static necessity are under the liability of the
contractor firm. The non-compromise in this matter is continuing and this circumstance has
unfavourably affected the construction process.


There have also been similar difficulties in the other terminal projects. Certain requirements,
which may arise as a result of any developments and technological improvements in aviation,
have turned up as elements which must be made at the later stages of the project, since they
have not been foreseen in the first draft.

Accelerating the construction process: In case of completion prior to the period determined
as investment period pursuant to the concession contract, the period gained is added to
the operational period. This circumstance brings along with it the speedy completion of te
construction process and the commissioning of the facilities in a short time, but does also
contain a pressure-compelling-problem element on the part of both the administration as
well as the contractor firm. This accelerated construction process has sometimes caused the
starting of manufacture of the projects without approval, and sometimes the placement by the
contractor firm of any order for any equipment and materials not chosen yet. Manufactures
made according to any project not approved, had to be amended due to the revisions in the
approval process. Whereas this has caused the product-effort waste and can be an important
element increasing the construction cost.

Cost decreasing concerns of Contractor Firms: It is obvious that cost increases resulting
from both the renewal of technology as well as the occurance of unforeseen manufacturing
increases and the necessity of speedy construction process, of terminal buildings put out to
tender with first draft and not fully finallized location list, force contractor firms. Contractor
firms wish to choose more economical alternatives with commercial concerns on any
materials, which have not been defined, whose trademarks have not been stipulated, in order
to minimise or amortize these cost increases. These forced demands, which are sometimes
not possible pursuant to the contract and specifications, cause difficulties between the
administration and the contractor firm. Whereas sometimes, these urges which cannot be
prevented due to gaps in the contract and specifications, cause problems as the weak sides of
the buildings in the operational usage period.

Necessity to conduct Many Manufactures Simultaneously: There are many manufactures of

different character within the aerodrome terminal buildings. The necessity to conduct these
manufactures simultaneously as a requirement of the nature of the BOT projects, turns up
as an important factor urging planning and organization. Mechanical systems, electronic
and security etc. work items, which have to be conducted parallel to the construction works,
somes may from time to time cause delays in the works during the manufacturing stage. For
instance, as soon as the rough construction works of the basement have been completed, the
automatic luggage systems which are generally situated at this floor have to be assembled
immediately. The setting in of this sensitive, large size manufacture-assembly, which is
entirely different, at a time when the construction works are conducted, significantly urges
the implementation of the manufacture-assembly.

Excess of overseas supplied materials-equipment: An important time slice is required for

the supply and imports from overseas of equipment and items for mechanical, electronical,
electro-security systems contained in the Terminal Buildings. The cost of these manufactures
representing an important item within the entire work constitutes a significant percentage,
too. The necessity to supply them as soon as possible without affecting the work programme
and planning, is one of the leading factors urging the contractor firms. Baggage handling,
escalators moving walkways, electro-security systems, EDS, EEDS systems, passenger
bridges bellows are the main ones.

Project Authorship Rights: All of the architectural projects of terminal buildings have been
obtained as a result of national competition. Pursuant to the concession contract, the projects
authorship rights has been taken under legal security and the value of the implementation
projects is, again pursuant to the contract, given to the rightful owners of the projects by the
contractor firm. This circumstance affects the relations between the contractor firm and the
projects author. This circumstance can be a pressure component for the desire to form the
projects by the requests of the contractor firm. The main reason of this pressure is that the
Administration has put the project author into a direct economic relation with the contractor

Again, since the project authorship rights have been entirely secured, the fact that neither
the contractor firm nor the administration may have any sanction on the project authors can
change the course of the task. For example, the failure to delivery the projects on time may
significantly affect the manufacturing. The fact that the project authorship rights have been
assured, the obligation that the contractor firm and the administration have to work with the
same author, prevents the project authors to be at ease and to entirely concentrate on this

The fact that in some projects there has been more than one project authors has caused
similar problems, too. Problems arising between these persons or with the firm may change
the course of the task. In projects with many authors, elements such as the aspect of agreement
by the authors among themselves, the expression of different views, represent an important
hindrance for the fast completion of the task.

Psychological Pressure Created by Fast Construction Process: The desire to complete the
construction period determined by the contract as soon as possible and to add the time
achieved to the operational period, is a rather important pressure component in the conduct
of the task. Since the necessity of the simultaneous working of hundreds of persons and tens
of sub-contractor firms, where many work disciplines produce manufacturing of hundreds
of items simultaneously, combine with this pressure item, it leaves serious psychological
affects both on the employees as well as the executives. Due to the sensitivity of the date of
138 completion aimed at and the financial dimension of the task, it is compulsory to complete the
task on the date determined. The replacement of executives, subcontractors or employees,
who fail to accord or to be successful within the rapidly continuing construction process, with
other alternatives may sometimes not be possible due to the construction periods shortness.
Since the adaptation of new persons or firms to the task shall take time, the persons and
subcontractor firms chosen have to be the most accurate alternatives. Again, the speedy
programme of the task and the fact that mistakes are least tolerable, are an important item of
pressure on the employees. This causes the task to be executed under gradually increasing
strained conditions. This circumstance resulting from the time-cost pressure of the target
of the highest quality manufacture in the time aimed at, turns up to be an important subject
required to be examined in terms of construction management.

Concession area concerns: The desire to make the concession areas (duty-free shops, caf,
restaurants, etc.), which are included
in the architectural projects forming
an important financing resource in
te projects operational period, in
the implementation projects more
than the areas determined in the
first draft attached to the tender,
may be considered normal in terms
of commercial concerns. However,
the Terminal Buildings, in terms of
the structural nature, should ensure the passengers comfort, ease and boarding a plane
deplaning in the easiest manner. But the fact that the contractor firms wish to enlarge the
concession areas or to establish them to the points closest related to the passengers, gives rise
to the situation which shall affect the terminal functions and passenger circulation.

Especially the affect of important, income-producing units such as duty-free shops to

shape the project and the manner of operation, becomes quite significant. Along with making 139
the passengers feel as much comfortable as possible before boarding a plane, ensuring their
realization of commercial activities as much as possible, sometimes has been a factor urging
projects. Concentrating the passengers to points where these volumes are situated, formed
before entrance of passengers on the air side to the gates lounges - where they shall board a
plane, is the reflection of commercial concerns on the planning. In order to ensure the moving
around of passengers, the terminal passenger flow diagrams are arranged accordingly. With
these developments, the aerodrome terminal buildings are on the way to become a different
version of the shopping mall logic. The reflections of this on the implementations are sometimes
of an extent which may affect the terminal operation. Forms of the commecrial volumes in a
manner preventing the movement of the passengers as fast as possible may occur.

Many opinions may be expressed on the accuracy of the fact that commercial concerns
affect architectural projects so much. However, rendering operational services in care of the
private sector takes the commercial concerns, as a requirement of the nature of the private
sector, to the foreground. These ideas have to be planned right at the project stage. Otherwise,
interferences made in the operational period may introduce the situation of being able to prevent
the aerodrome operation.

Continuation of construction at operating airport: The Antalya airport is the second most dense
airport of Turkey in terms of aircraft and passenger traffic. The realization of an extensive
and large scale construction sach as the the 2nd International Terminal of such an intensive
airport has brought along with it restrictive factors. The continuation of the construction
without causing any delay for the existing operation and intensity, taking security measures,
providing the dispatch of goods and personnel, etc. elements have been determining in the
planning of the construction. Against this circumstance, which brings compelling restrictions
according to the construction activity at any place, the construction phase has been realized
without giving cause to any weakness by means of the simultaneous working of the airport
and the contractor firm, and their producing specific solutions to the matter. The entrances
and exits to and from the construction site have been provided at a point independent from
the main entrance of the existing airport, and security and probable operational problems
have been overcome by entire isolation of the construction area.

Significance of the construction structure system chosen: The selection of the supporting-
static systems of the buildings realized by means of the BOT projects, has been one of the
most important factors affecting the construction processes. In the specifications attached
to the tenders of the projects of terminal buildings put out to tender with first draft projects
by means of the BOT model, the structures are generally explained with general terms such
as reinforced concrete, steel, etc. In this scope, the detailing and selection of structures is
determined at the stage of implementation projects in the phase of construction. In this
aspect, it is important to make a structural design appropriate to the construction techniques
at the project phase.

As a requirement of the functions and other factors, the New International Terminal Buildings
are designed as large-space buildings comprising a wide area. This wideness increases the
weight of the construction and gives rise to great vertical loads to be imposed on the columns.
The static evaluations and designs of the buildings are performed by the engineering groups
with the recommendations of international consultants.

In the terminal building, the columns and cross beams have been prepared in the projects as
reinforced concrete elements with concrete poured on the spot. Their floorings have come to the
construction site as precast elements in ready-made form. Thanks to this system, the flooringss
weights have been decreased to a certain extent and the speed aimed at in manufacture has been

We may say that the positive effect of Prefabricated Precast beam system project solutions,
used in mass reinforced concrete buildings between the frames, on the construction speed 141
of the project can be less than buildings such as bridges, viaducts, etc. Thus, the floorings
formed with the precast beam in the AYT2 model have been realized in more process that the
reinforced plate furnishing manufacture speed course. Whereas its disadvantage is that it affects
the construction speed resulting from the assembly in large low and spreading and less storey
buildings and that the process lengthens.

The project preparation of the entire static building, the determinations of dimension and
implementation works have been carried on parallel to the other project preparation and
detailing works, and any probable problems
have been foreseen with careful studies. It has
been ensured that the design criteria describe
the construction and building techniques and
allow standard production. (such as axis and
quota arrangements being linear)

The restriction brought by the building

structure may be exemplified by the new
international terminal of the Dalaman
airport. The system defined as gross concrete
supporting system in the specifications and
architectural projects attached to the tender has caused the construction to progress slowly and
has been an important restrictive element in the manufacturing stage.

Importance of the building techniques chosen: In the Antalya Airport 2nd International
Terminal construction, industrial patterns have been chosen (scaffoldings have been chosen
as supporting scaffolding, whereas the cast material as film coated plywood, the cast supports
have been steel brace), and the rapid manufacture of the structural building has been ensured
by using Tower and mobile vinch facilities. It has been considered that rough buildings
rapidly produced shall enable fast completion as planning, and the task could be completed
in the planned period as a result of this decision.

The modelling and production of the mold system has ensured the formation of the building
with accurate geometry and has protected the investor from any unnecessary expenses to be
incurred later. For this purpose, the dimensioning, repetition of mold group installations has
ensured the speed and economy of the task. (The optimal realization of the mould investment
at first stage has effected the speed of the task in linear form). Manufactures with mortar have
been made with machinery support as much as possible and the human factor has been tried to
be lessened.

Selection of material: Light weight and rapidly produced machine-made materials have been
chosen as wall elements.

In exterior, interior, roof and front coatings; the selection, application of manufactures
produced in workshops in prefabricated manner has increased the quality and assembly speed.
(As for the BOT model, etc. other rapid tasks, the assembly of a great part of the manufactures,
if possible, in a premanufactured manner on site shall increase the quality and production.)

In the general meaning, modular machine-made manufacturing shall expedite the task.

It should always be considered that finance shall be required to be able to plan and use
time, and will shall be necessary to be able to use finance. Whereas, will should provide
the necessary motivation. (The ability to be a team, determination and the human factor are
some of the most important elements of the ability to plan, of speed and quality.)

The availability of technical efficiency and experienced staff alone may also not be sufficient
for speed and quality in BOT model tasks. Experience has shown that the general principle
Morale + Motivation + Condition should constantly be maintained and the belief of
capability should be maintained.








5.1. Operating Earnings Allocated to the Project

The earnings left to the joint venture company in the operational period by means of the
concession agreements are one of the basic properties of the build-operate-transfer model.
Concession agreements have been divided into five groups by the ICAA (International Civil
Airports Association). These are shops within the terminal, services within the terminal, hotels,
restaurants, other beverage and food services, shooting commercials-films, etc. activities. [35]
In the aerodrome terminal buildings construction in our country, the incomes allocated to the
Joint Venture Company, who shall realize the project, by the Administration are as follows;

International flights passenger service fee earnings; The international flights passenger service
fee implemented since Jan.1, 2005 has been taken to be 15 US Dollars. The Administration
exclusively guarantees this income to the Company in Charge and does not guarantee any
other incomes. Accordingly, the Adminstration guarantees an annual passenger numbar
of 2.211.138. This figure is calculated by an increase of 3% in comparison to the former
operational year. If this figure is not reached, except for the default of the Company in
Charge, the lacking part is paid by the Adminstration to the Company in Charge in US

International flights passenger bridge earnings (bridge, electricity 400 Hz, water)

All kind of rents, share of proceeds, space allocation and advertising earnings

Counter earnings

CIP earnings

Car parking earnings

Flight information, phone, telex, announcement, diaphone earnings

Film shooting earnings

Checkroom earnings

Baggage transporting earnings

Examination and treatment earnings

Heating-ventilation, electricity and water earnings obtained from locations allocated to other

The determination of the tariffs of earnings to be obtained in consideration of services

presented in practice has been left to a dual application. Accordingly, of the incomes stated in
the Contract to be allocated to the Company in Charge, the tariff related to the bridge earnings
(bridge, 400Hz, water), space allocation, rend and advertisements, residences, VIP lounge
and conference hall earnings as well as ticket sale, office allocation, checkrooms, car parking,
baggage transportation, phone, diaphone, announcement, flight information and monitor usage,
examination and treatment, film shooting, electricity and water earnings; is determined by the 151
Company in Charge in a manner not exceeding (+), (-) 25% of the Fee tariff applied by the
Administration at international airports and is put into force upon the written approval of the

Whereas the tariff related to the international flights passenger service fee is determined by
the Administration. The service fee tariff until the departing passenger number guaranteed every
year throughout the operational term has been reached (2.211.138 for international flights) is
applied as 15 US Dollars per person.

Whereas the earnings obtained in consideration of services remaining outside the services
stated, are incomes excluded from the tariff. The company in charge is entitled to freely
determine the tariff of the incomes excluded from the tariff.

Prices of the services included in the tariff are prepared and enforced by the State Airports
Administration for every year.

5.2. Termination of Contract

If the Company in Charge fails to comly with the provisions of the contract and its annexes
due to the latters negligence in the operational period, and fails to amend them despite any
period granted to the latter for the correction of these faults, the contract may be terminated
by the Administration. In this case, the performance bond is recorded as revenue by the
5.3. Transfer at the End of the Contractual Period

The Antalya 2nd International Terminal shall be transfered by the contractor and operator
elebi-IC to the Directorate General of the State Airports Administration on Sept.25, 2009.
The matters to be taken into consideration while realizing the transfer have been stated in the
contract. Accordingly,

a) Any installation, equipment, devices and systems stated in the contract as well as any
supplementary equipment, tools, devices and fittings stated in the invoices of these equipment,
installations, devices and systems, as well as all kind of fixtures, materials and furnishings
registered in the inventory stock shall be transfered to the administration at the end of the
operational period free of charge, in well-maintained, operating and utilizable condition, free of
all kind of obligations and undertakings.

b) If requested by the administration within one year prior to the date of transfer, after
those of the equipments, installations, devices and systems, existing in the facility, which have
completed their economical life, have been determined mutually with the company in charge
152 according to their technical properties, they shall be replaced by the company in charge by
means of the provision of their expenses from the accumulated amortizations following the
approval of the administration.

c) Six months prior to the transfer of the facility, the company in charge shall deliver an at
least quarterly spare parts list which may be required related to the operation of the facility.

d) The Company in Charge shall present separate training of sufficient durations to the
personnel to be determined by the Administration for each of the systems and these trainings
shall be have been completed within the last one year of the contractual period.

The important data resulting from all stages of development before and after the tender of
tasks, which are realized and the construction of which is continuing by means of the Build-
Operate-Transfer Model, may be explained as follows.

It is of importance to obtain these facilities, which accommodate all technical-technological

developments with the architectural styles required by the modern age, without spending the
publics cash financing resources. It is a known fact that systems, decided to be used in time
in the construction stages which take very long years if realized in care of the public, become
outdated. Along with this model, the rapid construction process ensures that these technologies
are set in as soon as possible.

The national project competitions opened upon having adopted a decision in this model,
has brought a serious mobility in the world of architecture and has brought along with it
the formation of a significant knowledge, which is not much available in this matter in the
country. Taking into consideration all competitions, the research and analysis processes in the
preparation stage of hundreds of projects obtained, has caused many persons/offices/firms in
the architecture and other engineering branches to become competent in these matters. Since
the projects are obtained by competition and since there arent brought any restrictions in the
specifications, both the systems, materials used as well as the architectuarl identities of the
projects presented have contributed to the establishment of the terminal buildings which may
be considered successful worldwide.

Apart from an exceptional example, the fact that tenders have been realized with first
drafts obtained as a result of competition have revealed important problems. Revision requests
occuring due to certain reasons such as the passing from the first draft to the implementation
projects, static, ground analysis, requests of the administration resulting from the structure of
the selected systems, the desires of the contractor firms for the capability of fast completion, has
caused uncompromises due to the constraints of the contract between the administration firm
project authors. The realization of the tenders after all problems have been solved, like in the
Antalya Airport 1st International Terminal, shall prevent the rise of these problems. Along with
this, concerns of finance forming the basis of this model such as both the administrations as well
as the firms operational period, shall have been removed. Moreover, since the revisions to be
made on the projects, which constitute the annex of the tender contract, shall be the component
effecting the tender process, certain risks of legal objection by third parties shall disappear.
The conduct of the implementation projects parallel to the construction, the fast production
of the projects gives rise to the necessity for the administrations rapid approval as well. This
necessity of fast working brings along with it the risk of making mistakes, and requires spending
an important resource for the removal of the financial dimension to be considered important
later. Another problem is that, since the condition of qualification is sought in the tenders, many
applications have been made to these tenders by domestic firms and mainly contracting firms,
and the domestic firms being awarded the contract has looked for foreign partners and mostly
this has remained as symbolic partnerships on paper, the operational experience transfer aimed
at has not been realized.

Therefore, there should also be made certain amendments in the legal arrangements of the
Build-Operate model. The suggestion to realize the tender with the implementation projects
154 stated above may be given as an example for this. Besides, the necessity that a firm experienced
in operation takes its place in the consortium during the tasks tender process should also be
a precondition throughout the tasks operational period. If this is not realized, the information
experience transfer, which is an important factor in the implementation of BOT, cannot be

Rendering the service as cheap as possible in terms of operation sometimes can be an

important criterion in the selection of the projects. Contractor firms spending vehement
investments for the construction, dont wish to make any expenses in excess and permanently
due to any reasons resulting rfmo the project, for important items such as heating-cooling
throughout the operation. The criteria of forming the project become important in this regard.
For example, in terminal buildings with very high volumes, the heating-cooling of these spaces
require a vehement preliminary investment and operational expenditure.

The achievement to the country by this model in a rapid manner of the terminal buildings,
which feature all technological, technical systems used internationally, which have been and are
implemented with their architectural character and identities; the renewal and commissioning
of the most important entry-exit gates of our country, the political, economical, geopolitical
significance of which is increasing from day to day along with the developments worldwide, is
a great success. The main target of this study is to analyse the experiences obtained during the
project preparation and construction stages of these products obtained to international standards
and to ensure its guidance for any future applications. The build-operate-transfer model
construction of the aerodrome terminal buildings built for the provision and modernizatoin of
the capacity requirement of the airways transportation, which is the most important branch of
the transport sector, has gained importance during the recent years.

By means of this model, 6 aerodrome terminal buildings have been introduced to the sector
during the last 8 years by out-of-budget financing in consideration of about 1,5 billion Dollars.
Taking into consideration both that it is built rapidly as well as that a new concept is introduced
to the sector in terms of business administration, it has become acceptable to all authorities that
this model is an important construction financing.

The tender method applied by the State Airports Administration in the BOT projects is
important in terms of the tenders conclusion within the shortest time and its performance in a
transparent manner along with a competitive concept. Thus; the task of the projects to be applied
by the BOT model is described in detail both in the administrative specification and its contract
as well as its attached special, technical specifications. In addition, the conditions are created
where the interested parties, who intend to participate in the tender, may ask the Administration
about the matters related to the scope of the task, about which they hesitate or which they feel
useful to be explained, in the period from the tenders announcement date to the date of tender.
Answers or comments related to the subjects asked are advised to the interested party asking
together with the other interested parties who receive/shall receive the specifications prior to
the date of tender. On the date of tender to be made after this process, the tender is concluded
on the same date in the presence of the press and the notary public under the attendance of the
tender commission and the financial, legal, technical sub-commissions, who may assist the
commission. Thus, the prolongation of the decision-making processes of the tenders and certain
wrong comments and evaluations are prevented. In other institutions where the BOT model is
aplied, the conclusion of the tenders various between 3-6 months. In this context, the model
implemented by the State Airports Administration is successful and should also be taken as an
example by the other institutions.

Besides, the following matters related to the construction and operation of terminal buildings
as public building sample with the BOT model have to be evaluated and improved.

The tender of these facilities should be realized with the implementation projects. Difficulties
resulting from the realization of the tender with the first draft, conflicts occuring, shall be
prevented and this shall ensure that the feasibility studies are rational.

The scope and definition of the task shall be made clearly in the contract and specifications
attached to the tender. In subjects such as materials, equipment, fittings, etc., the technical
properties, trademark options have to be mentioned.

The part of the Contracts article related to granting an additional period, regarding its
restriction to force majeure, the cost increase which may occur due to the additional requests
of the administration, should be cancelled. Buildings in the scope of support services which
may be made by tender, the funding of which may be provided for by the budget, should
be included in the scope of the task, and should not be included in the scope of the Build-
Operate-Transfer model, because they are contrary to the Build-Operate-Transfer spirit.

The construction periods should be determined based on the nature of the task and its region
of construction. Granting the same or close construction periods to places with different
properties is not a realistic approach. For instance, ground improvement has beem made for
about 6 months during the construction of the Dalaman airport new international terminal
building. Taking into consideration that all construction stages of the Antalya Airport 2nd
International Terminal building are 11 months, this deviance shall be clearly comprehended.

In order to enable the compliance with the work programme, which has been prepared
by the Contractor Firm and approved by the administration, penal sanctions have to be
included in the contract. The quite rapid execution of the construction processes results in
the noncompliance with the work programmes. Whereas this can create weakness of control.

In the control of the task, a disciplined and realistic controlling mechanism should be
156 developed by which all stages and manufactures can be controlled. Care should be taken to
make available technical personnel of all related disciplines in the controlling organization.

A consultant firms should be engaged for the rational conduct of the control mechanism by
the administration, and the controlling mechanism should be conducted together with the
consultant firm. This becomes important in order to ensure the tasks realistic control, the
consultant firm performing any services which cannot be fulfilled by the administration.

Care should be taken that the total tender amount included in the contract is a realistic figure.
This is significant in terms of the credits to be provided and the subsequent supplementary
contractual circumstances.

Those of the equipment, fittings and materials to be used, which shall be imported, shall be
supplied in a manner not delaying the work programme and their supply in this way should
be included as a condition in the specifications.

The tasks construction periods should be determined according to the projects property and
the total area sq.m. The technology to be used and the construction systems selected should
be determinent components in the determination of the construction periods.

Fine sanctions related to the insufficient/faulty manufactures and manufactures not providing
the necessary properties regarding quality, shall be included in the contract.

The contractor-subcontractor-firms, who shall be entrusted work by the Contractor firm,

should be started with the work following the approval of the administration.
By means of the increase of the incomes allocated to the projects, the construction of which
has been realized by the Build-Operate-Transfer model, the tender with long-term operation
as in the Esenboa Airport domestic-international terminal, should be prevented. Long-
term operations bring financial burden to the administration due to the administrations
technological renewal necessity at the transfer stage due to factors such as the wear in time of
the technology used, and this is the weak aspect in terms of the build-operate-transfer criteria.
However, in this terminal building, which has been put in commission in 1998, the renewal
of both the baggage handling as well as the other mechanical-electronical systems shall be
necessary. Examples for items which may be added to income fees are accommodation fees
at the apron made in the scope of the task and the reservation of shares from the ground
handling services rendered.

It airports, there should not only be realized international flights passenger terminals
with the BOT implementation. Items such as cargo terminals, domestic terminals may be
realized by this model as well. For instance, the realization of the new cargo premises,
which have to be made at the stanbul Atatrk Airport, by means of the BOT model shall
ensure the construction of these facilities in a very short time and the commissioning of 157
systems featuring the latest technology. In this framework, the combination of many services
(passenger terminal cargo premises, etc.) shall ensure that the contractor firms present bids
with more attractive periods in the tender.

While the projects of the terminal buildings are prepared, building systems, the construction
of which shall be realized rapidly, should be selected with the foresight that the manufactures
shall be made very fast, and the tender should be entered with these projects. Steel construction
systems may be given as examples for this. An entirely gross reinforced concrete system as
in the Dalaman airport international terminal has caused the prolongation of the construction

The effort of the contractor firms to decrease the construction periods to the shortest duration
can affect the quality of the task. The administration should assign least and utmost limits to
the contract. The least duration determined denoting the optimum period depending on the
tasks property, the period remaining between the utmost limit and the least limit should be
added to the duration of the operational period.

Competitive conditions consistent with the tender spirit should be created by making a well
introduction of the BOT models in the international area. The time slice of the necessary
length shall be arranged for the announcement of the tender, and thus the increase of
participation through providing the chance to the international enterprises to examine the
tasks scope and nature shall increase the success of the tender.

When viewed within the construction management systematic, it is seen that the most
critical components are time, supply and human resources. The rational evaluation of time,
the provision on time of all items to be supplied becomes important. Therefore, all measures
related to the materials to be used in the specifications should be taken. Considering the
sample of the Antalya 2nd International Terminal, we see that this matter has been fulfilled

The successful conclusion of the terminal buildings construction process organization,

which is an extensive study, requires the planning to be made right. Some planning mistakes
made at the beginning of the task in the Antalya 2nd International Terminal has caused loss of
time. The fact that the contractor firm has not foreseen the necessary time for the approval
of the implementation projects by the administration, the necessary tests, in the planning has
caused the suspension of the work and thus loss of time even for a short time. It is important
that for this kind of situations the planning is prepared according to the matters mentioned in
the contract and in the specifications.

The provision The Build-Operate-Transfer Model: A special financing model developed to

be used in the realization of the projects which require advanced technology and high material
resources... stipulated in the BOT law number 3996 should be amended. Differences have
occured between the conditions when the law was initially passed and todays conditions. In
this context, in shall be right to use the private sector dynamism and capital in public services
in projects not requiring advanced technology and high material requirements. Especially
administrations with financing difficulties such as Municipalities shall be able introduce
many projects by means of this model to the country through this amendment.

The application in the transfer stage after the construction-operation of the projects which
are developed by the BOT model has not been arranged. Despite the fact that the transfer
of the terminal buildings in the aviation sector to the private sector for maximum 49 years
through leasing as a result of the BOT period has been arranged by the law number 5335, this
uncertainty is continuing in the other sectors (energy, etc.).

Evaluating the Antalya 2nd International Terminal in the scope of the

construction management; the contractor firm has succeeded in being able complete the task,
the project properties and quality of which has been determined by the project authors based on
the Administrations requirements and requests, in the ultimate quality, cost-efficiently and in
the shortest time by means of efficient management and organization. Taking into consideration
integrating management and, in this scope, the construction process with the target, time, cost,
quality, supply, risk and the other management components by the conception of contract
management, it is obvious that they feature a structure complementing each other and that its
implementation brings the success aimed at. Integrating management has ensured an efficient
coordination in all management components.

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20.000.000 5.000.000 5.000.000 5.000.000 10.000.000 5.000.000
AREA (sq.m.) 57.621 27.500 27.920 24.625 45.505 34.394
CONSTRUCTION AREA 264.000 54.000 77.056 70.000 168.322 110.000
CAR PARKING AREA (sq.m.) 179.000 94.265 54.000 123.515 64.000
VIADUCT TOTAL AREA (sq.m.) 3.500 - - 7.500 31.460 29.580
ROADS (sq.m.) 45.000 - 28.000 42.700 28.000
(VEHICLES) NUMBER 7.076 750 1.000 4.000 2.200
APRON (sq.m.) 73.000 - 140.000 182.000 120.425
23 12 12 7 18 9
TOTAL CHECK-IN COUNTERS 224 57 60 60 105 60
74 46 60 42 34 32
11 6 6 6 9 7


14 7 4 14 16 14
188.702.557 1355 MILLION
INVESTMENT COST 305.995.000 $ 65 MILLION $ 71.155.000 US$ 72.481.227 $
START 10.01.2000 01.04.1998 02.12.2005 June 2006 *October 2006 *September 2006
PERIOD 02.07.2005 01.08.2007 31.10.2008 2015 2021 2015
Building manufactures
As Construction Management, the order as outlined below has been followed:


Stripping-off and foundation excavation
Realization of ground surveys at foundation level and determination of ground safety tension
Taking measures of drainage against water and steam under the basement foundation
(blockage layer and drainage chanels), discharge of underfoundation drainage water by
opening underground wells
The formation of a water isolation layer with membrane on the protective concrete layer at
a plane under the basement foundation and its protection again with a concrete layer on it.
Construction of elevator and stairs pail
Assigning the tower vinch strategy and the assembly of the tower vinches (5 items)
The reinforced concrete manufacture of singular and continuous foundations starting from
the basement foundations
Assembly of earthing conductors inside reinforced concrete
Starting the manufacture and transmission of precast flooring plates
Filling the sand layer between the
basement ground flooring and the
isolation layer
Manufacture of basement supporting
screen walls and protection by
adhering extrude polystrene by vertical
bundling isolation with membrane to
its outside
Scaffolding block deep excavation,
manufacture of the reinforced galleries
underneath the foundation, reinforced
concrete manufacture of the singular foundations
Completion of te reinforced concrete column and beam manufactures on a block basis until
the basemen level (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)
Assembly of the A block basement precast laying plates and pouring topping concrete
166 Completion until of foundation and columns at front block (A-E axis) up to the basement
flooring level
Starting installation gallery manufacture
Starting filling in the direction of the car parking beginning with the environment of the
basement supporting screens
Pouring ground flooring by filling in block B
Gradually completion of the arrivals and departures floor columns and beams, precast
floorings at the I-J axis and the A-E axis ceiling at block A
Manufacture of the arrivals and departures floor columns and beams at the block B as well
as the assembly of the precast flooring plates
Starting alum works inside the building
Heating center reinforced concrete manufactures
Energy Distribution Center Reinforced Concrete manufactures
Starting mortared wall and plaster manufacture inside the building
Starting assembly of the anchorages and space cage steel roof
Assembly of Baggage Handling system steel platform in the basement floor
Manufactures and assembly of steel stairs, composite flooring and the supporting steel in the
elevator cases
Manufacture and assembly of the roof lights steel supporting construction
Gradient concrete for the water isolation on the reinforced concrete steel roof and assembly
of the isolation assembly profiles on the gradient concrete
Assembly of baggage handling system conveyors
Polyethylene steam barrier, stone wool and slate isolation membrane on reinforced concrete
roof, as well as water and heat isolation
Assembly of door cases
Manufacture of rain water and waste water infrastructure at the car park 167
Manufacture of reinforced concrete supporting walls at the car park
Reinforced concrete manufacture of the rotunda stairs housings serving the passenger bridges
at the apron
Coating the space cage steel roof with trapezial sheet, polyethylene steem barrier, impregnated
stone wool and slate isolation membrane, and the realization of water/heat isolation
Conic dome steel manufacture and assembly
Aircraft fuel hydrant system pump building construction
Assembly of siphonic roof rain water filters
Starting assembly of the aluminium composite front coating panels
Starting assembly of the roof lights
Assembly of carpentry (window/door) profiles at the fronts
Starting joint installation piping works
Manufacture and assembly of ventilation chanels
Assembly of earthing and lightning protection landing conductors, assembly of earthing
electrodes around the building
Infrastructure around the building and at the car park (illumination, electricity, fire hydrant)
Assembly of cable conduits under the plaster and alum (pipe/channel), assembly of junction
Granite ceramic ground coating works
Manufacture of concrete plane, walking way and border at the car prak
Asphalt plane manufacture at the car park
Passenger bridges steel support manufacture and assembly, steel support subconstruction
under the coating
Betopan coating at passenger bridges
Front coating at passenger bridges
168 Assembly of aircraft approach bellows
Assembly of service counters (check-in, passport, information, customs, visa, etc.)
Manufacture of plasterboard partitions and coating walls
Natural stone wall and polycore forehead coatings
Compact laminate wall coatings
Interior front aluminium composite and stainless steel sheet wall and column coatings
Assembly of door wings
Assembly of cable pans and shelves, drawing of cables
Assembly of wet volume sanitary installations
Manufactures of faience and ceramic
Assembly of toilet partitions
Assembly of raised floorings
Assembly of air-conditioning power stations
Assembly of elevators and escalators
Assembly of fancoils
Manufactures of power lines
Manufactures of stainless steel and glass partition walls, manufactures of balustrades, barriers
Assembly of power panel 169
Electrical and mechanical assemblies under the suspended ceiling
Equipment mounting in electrical and mechanical locations
Dyeing works
Provision of permanent energy
Aircraft fuel hydrant system pump building equipment assemblies
Concrete plane completing works around the building and at the apron
Laying out vegetable earth, assemblies of irrigation water system, germination and cultivation
of plants
Assembly of illuminating poles and exterior lighting fixtures
Traffic signs, ground signs and road dyes
Assembly of minute current, communication and data cables
Assembly of aircraft approach system laser devices

Network infrastructure and IT systems hardware and software assembly

Assembly of orientation signs, FIDS monitors and advertising panels
Suspended ceiling manufactures (aluminium perforated, metal panel and plaster board)
Assembly of lighting fixtures and equipments on the suspended ceiling
Assembly of x-ray devices and gate detectors
Solid waste decomposition and destruction system equipment assemblies
Assembly, test and commissioning of ventilation automation system
Test and commissioning
APPENDIX-3 Features of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal Project

Building, Operation and Transfer of the Antalya Airport II. International

Name of Project
Terminal and Supplements

Due to the insufficiency of the capacity of the Antalya Airports existing 1st
International Terminal being confronted with the increasing passenger traffic
and in accordance with the master plan of the Antalya Airport, the building,
Aim of the Project
operation and transfer of the Antalya Airport II. International Terminal
Building and Supplements put out to tender in the framework of the Cabinet
Decision no. 94/5907 and the Law number 3996.
Building,operation and transfer of the airport terminal by means of the BOT
Upon the intention of a public authority (administration STATE AIRPORTS
ADMINISTRATION), which needs new assets (facilities) to fulfill the public
services with which it is commissioned by law, but which is not in a position
(or doesnt deem appropriate) to provide for the risks as well as financing of 171
the investment necessary for this by its own budget, to make a corporate body
(a Capital Stock Company or Foreign Company) fulfill the part of its relevant
duties related to Investment and Operation by contract to the part limited by
Type of the Project
the contract, the acceptance by the relevant corporate body to produce, operate
the work (facilities) in consideration of the remuneration (including profit)
payable by the acquisition by the administration or service beneficiaries of
the goods or service produced by the corporate body in the framework of the
operational period and authorizations granted to it by contract, to transfer it
to the administration at the end of the contractual period free of charge, free
of any obligations and committments, in a well-maintained, operating and
usable condition, and the undertaking of the related investment financing.
The Antalya Airport II. International Terminal and Supplements have been
designed to be able to serve daily 300 flights and 50000 passengers. 12
aircraft may simultaneously approach the terminal apron passenger bellows.
There are 34 far aircraft parking positions. There are a total of 26 gates
consisting of 8 arrival, 8 departure, 8 fair aircraft departure, 2 fair aircraft
arrival gates. There are 64 check-in counters, 1 mobile check-in counter,
6 luggage delivery isles and a fully automatical PLC/SCADA controlled
luggage system equipped with advanced electro-security technology and
Technical Contents
having a capacity of 5000 luggage/hour. The total indoor building site is
of the Project
102673 sq.m. Besides, the landscaping along with the building of the parking
area of 130654 sq.m. to serve 302 busses and 451 automobiles is also
comprised by the project. The total outdoor building area comprising also the
car park and landscaping areas is 448039 sq.m. All furniture, equipment and
inventory stock of the terminal building as well as the software and hardware
of aviation and ground handling services have been supplied in the scope of
the Contract.
A In the Scope of the Main Contract dated Feb.24, 2004:
6. Antalya II. International Terminal Building: 78073 sq.m.
7. Heating Centre 3164 sq.m. (3.750.000 kcal/h heating and
7.800.000 kcal/h cooling capacity)
8. Energy Distribution Building - 844 sq.m. (with 30 mVA capacity)
9. Aircraft (Jet) Fuel Hydrant System (31 Aircraft Positions and 600
ton/h capacity)
10. Restaurant and supermarket building: 1860m
11. Drivers rest building: 1860 m
12. Installation gallery: (2,20x2,80x1057,31m) and Electricity Gallery:
(1,50x2,0x104,25 m)
13. Power line (from underground gallery): 6213m 31,5kV Double
Circuit, 30mVA capacity
14. Solid Waste Decomposition and Destruction Facility: 380 sq.m.,
2500 kg/h capacity Solid Wast Decomposition System and 500 kg/h
capacity wast destruction kiln
15. Water supply wells (3 pcs): 3x17 = 42m/hour capacity
16. Asphalt area: 65000 sq.m.
17. Concrete walking ways and pavements: 43759 sq.m.
B In the Scope of the Supplementary Contract dated Nov.10, 2004
1. In addition to the terminal building, the construction of 15 Check-in
172 counters and the addition of the 4th baggage line
2. New flight tower and technical block (6705 sq.m.) and
environmental arrangement
3. New fire brigade building; 1585 sq.m. and environmental
Components of the arrangement
Project 4. Independent CIP building (1465 sq.m.) furnishing and
environmental arrangement
5. Airport Police Department Directorates Building (1313 sq.m.) and
Environmental Arrangement
6. Apron Entrance (Gate A) Building Renewal (108 sq.m) and
environmental arrangement
7. Illumination of the II. International Terminal Building bellow park
area as well as the 180m intermediate connection taxi road between
the aircraft parking position and the connection road, and the
ground handling vehicles service roads as well as the new aircraft
parking position and the connection road apron
8. Extension of the existing Airport connection road to the II.
International Terminal building by about 1000 m; 18500 sq.m.
9. Construction of speed taxiway to the runway,
10. Local road 56550 sq.m. and surrounding wire fence construction
11. Improvement, arrangement and landscaping of an area of
12. Construction of electricity and installation connection galleries at
the apron (1519m)
13. Irrigation water depot (1000 cub.m.)
14. Extension of the Aircraft (Jet) Fuel Hydrant System according to 46
aircraft parking positions and 924 tons/hour.
A. Monetary Dimension
Cost of Construction (US$):
Description Tender Amount - Cost of Construction

Main Contract 71,155,000 109,700,506
Supplementary Contract 14,231,000 19,147,600
Total: 85,386,000 128,848,106

B. Construction Site (sq.m.):

Description Indoor Cons. Outdoor Cons. Total Cons.
Area Area Area
Main Contract 88.457 150.164 238.621
Supplementary Contract 14.216 297.875 312.091
Total 102.673 448.039 550.712

Technical Size Data:

Indoor area of terminal building : 78.073 sq.m.
Annual passenger capacity : 15.735.034 passengers 173
Total aircraft parking positions : 46
Park positions with terminal/bridge : 12
Magnitude of the Open parking positions : 34
Project Number of check-in counters : 64
Flight capacity : 20 flights/hour
Number of X-ray devices : 32
Passenger exit doors : 16
Number of passport counters : 60
Conveyor beld : 400m
Baggage System capacity : 5.000 pcs./hour
Car park area : 65000 sq.m.
Number of hand luggage carriages : 1.000 pcs.
Aircraft Jet Fuel Hydrant : 97 pcs. (for 46 aircraft
parking positions)
Aircraft Fuel Hydrant System Capacity: 924 tons/hour for 46 aircraft
parking positions
Labour Force in Construction: 370,000- Man x Day
Description Beginning Ending Duration
Tender 04.11.2003
Main Contract 24.02.2004
Supplementary Contract 10.11.2004
Main Contract Construction period 20 months
Main Contract operational period 34 mon.
Site Delivery Date 30.03.2004
Construction period planned
according to Main Contract 31.03.2004 30.11.2005 20 months
Period of
Construction period realized
day 01.04.2004 05.04.2005 369 days
Constructional period added
by supplementary contract 120 days
Constructional period added
by supplementary contract 209 days
Date of Temporary Acceptance
(end of construction period) 05.04.2005
Date of commissioning: 07.04.2005
174 Operational Period 08.04.2005 25.09.2009 1631 days
Date of Final Acceptance 24.08.2006 28.04.2005
Place or area of The area within the Antalya Airport Borders as marked on the Attached
implementation General Site Plan on figure 4.2.

The AYT Terminal 2, where all kind of technical equipment required to be

available on a modern and secure aerodrome is used, featuring an annual
passenger capacity of 15.735.034 million, has served about 4 million
passengers in the 1 year period from April 7, 2005, when it has been
commissioned, until May 7, 2006.
The handicap having come up due to the capacity insufficiency of the
International Terminal-1 perceived in 2004 parallel to the increase in the
number of passengers (tourists) has thus been removed starting with the
tourism season of the year 2005.
An additional means of employment of about 800 persons has been provided
Project outputs throughout the airport.
Turkey has got its second largest international terminal.
Up-to-date products materials and devices used in the infrastructure of the
AYTerminal2 has position its security system even over the international
standards. The 6 step security system used in the terminal features the
property of being the first one among the airports of Turkey and Europe.
At the AYTerminal2, which has a unique architecture designed to conform
with national and international systems, there are also subsidiary service
elements to fulfill all kind of requirements of the passengers. Some of them
are cafeterias, restaurants, duty-free shops, health unit, foreign exchange
office, rent-a-car firms..
Except for the constructional and architectural works in the building and on
the external area, the following technological systems have been realized as
project construction input:
Automatic Explosives Detecting System (EDS)
External Air-conditioning System (PC Air)
Jet Fuel Hydrant System
Common Use Terminal System (CUTE)
Central Database (CDB)
Automatic Aircraft Parking Guidance System (DGS/VDGS)
Closed Circuit TV System (CCTV)
Card Access System (ACS)
Flight Information System (FIDS)
Baggage Matching System (BRS)
Baggage Handling System (BHS)
General Announcement and Emergency Paging System
Central Time System
Fire Alert and Security System
Intercom System
SMATV System
Project Inputs PABX System 175
Gate Operation System (GOS)
Energy (SCADA) and Illumination Automation System
Building Ventilation (HVAC) Automation System
400Hz (for Aircraft) energy supply system
Car Park automatic tariff system
Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) System
Power Line and Mid Voltage Main Distribution System
Standby Power Supply (Generator) and Synchronization System
VHF Wireless System
Passport Computer System
Computer Network and Internet Access/Security System
Solid Waste Decomposition and Destruction System (2500 kg/h waste
decomposition and 500 kg/h waste destruction)
Water supply, storage, clarifying and distribution system
Landscaping irrigation system
Mechanical Building Installation (HVAC (Heating, Cooling and
Ventilation), Common Installation, Fire Fighting Installation, Central Heating
Installation, Fuel Installation, LPG Installation)

The main grup essential to the project is the group of tourists and visitors
Target group and/or
from overseas in Antalya and surroundings (the tourism locations at the coast
reaching from Anamur in the East till Fethiye/Gocek and even Marmaris in
the West)
DHMI (Directorate General of the State Airports Administration):
The duty of the operation of Turkeys Aerodromes as well as the regulation
and control of the air traffic in Turkeys Airspace is performed by the
Directorate General of the State Airports Administration (DHMI).
The establishment which has been executing its services with various
names and status since 1933, with its facilities and fixtures constituting the
infrastructure of the Turkish Civil Aviation sector, is continuing its activities
since 1984 as Public Economic Enterprise in the framework of the Decree-
law number 233 and its Main Statute.
The Directorate General of the State Airports Administration (DHMI) is
a Public Economic Enterprise which has a corporate body status, which
is autonomous in its activities, whose liability is limited with its capital,
associated to the Ministry of Transport and whose services are considered
concession by the latest legal arrangement.
Whereas the Establishments aim and activity subjects determined by its
Statute are follows:
As a requirement of the civil aviation activities, the air transport, the operation
of aerodromes, the realization of airport ground handling services, the
176 performance of air traffic control services, the establishment and operation
of navigation systems and facilities, the establishment, operation and
Establishment introduction to modern aviation of the other premises and systems related to
owning the project these activities.
and its legal status In this context, the Directorate General of the State Airports Administration
who is obligued to perform its duties assumed, according to the International
civil aviation rules and standards;
is a member of the ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization which
has been founded according to the Civil Aviation Agreement put into force
for the purpose of ensuring the safety of life and property in international air
transport and to ensure regular economic work and development. Besides, it is
also a member of the relevant international associations such as the European
Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL), the ACI-
Airports Council International. The Directorate General of the State Airports
Administration renders air traffic services to more than 361 foreign commercial
airways companies and the necessary terminal and passenger services to
about 35 millions domestic flights and international flights passengers, who
prefer the air way for their travels, along with domestic airways companies,
whose number is gradually increasing day by day. In the framework of the
air navigation and aerodrome operational services by the Directorate General
of the State Airports Administration, there have been significant increases
in the recent years, in the aircraft and passenger traffic served. Important
developments are especially realized in the international flights aircraft and
passenger traffic of our international airports, and the Antalya Airport is one
of the leading airports of Europe, due to the international traffic increase
ELEB-IC Antalya Havaliman Terminal Yatrm ve letme A..
After the project has been awarded to the international consortium consisting
of the Turkish company elebi Hava Servisi A.. and the Kazakh company
Atma Atyrau Havaliman ve Tama A.., it holds the status of single-
Executive purpose (with the only purpose of executing this project) foreign capital
Establishment: company, which has been established according to the law of the Republic of
(Company in charge) Turkey in 2004 with the permission of the Undersecretariat of Treasury and
Foreign Trade Directorate General of Foreign Capital to conduct the project
under the position Company in Charge pursuant to the contractual terms
and conditions.

Systems of overseas supply


MCC Panels
400 Hz Power System
Uninterruptible Power Supply System
Standby Power System
Synchronization System
Building Automation System
Energy Automation System
General Announcement and Emergency Paging System
Car Park Tariff System
Automatic Aircraft Parking Guidance System
178 Fire Lives Safety System
Central Time System
Intercom System
Data Cabling and Network
X-Ray Based Security Control Systems
EDS, EDDS, EdtS, etc.
Gate Type Metal Detectors
Manual Type Metal Detectors
Bomb Smelling Detector
Closed Circuit TV System
Card Access System
Baggage Handling
Passenger Bridges
Escalators and Elevators
Aircraft Fuel Hydrant System
Air-conditioning Plant and Aspirators
Wet Volume Accessoiries

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per April

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per June

Construction progress as per June

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per July

Construction progress as per July

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per July

Construction progress as per August

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per September

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per October-November

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per December

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per December-January

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per February

Progress Illustrations of the Antalya Airport 2nd International Terminal


Construction progress as per February




Architectural Project : Yakup HAZAN

Terminal Capacity : 5 Million Pas./Year

Total Investment of Project : 138.886.782 Euro
Investment Period : 24 Month
Operation Period : 7 Year 4 Month 26 Days
Operation Period Starting Date : 27.05.2007
End of Operation Period : 25.01.2014
Signature Date of Application Contract : 27.04.2005
Area Delivery Date : 27.05.2005
Terminals Standing Area : 31.869 m2
Total Terminal Construction Area : 107.699 m2
Viaduct Total Area : 18.461 m2
Roads : 69.029 m2
Car Park Area : 69.168 m2
Car Park Capacity : 2.237
Apron (m2) : 146.730 m2
Passenger Bridge Number :9
Total Check-in Counters : 66
Total Passport Control Desks : 34
Baggage Claim Conveyor :6
Customs Desk :4


1st International Terminal

Architectural Project : Doan TEKEL

Sami SSA Arch.

Terminal Capacity : 5 Million Pas./Year

Total Investment of Project : 65 Million Dolar
Investment Period : 24 Month
Operation Period : 9 Years
Operation Period Starting Date : 01.04.1998
End of Operation Period : 14.09.2007
Signature Date of Application Contract : 16.02.1996
Area Delivery Date : 31.07.1996
Terminals Standing Area : 27.500 m2
Total Terminal Construction Area : 54.000 m2
Car Park Area : 33.391 m2
Car Park Capacity : 725
Apron (m2) : 46.760 m2
Passenger Bridge Number : 12
Total Check-in Counters : 60
Total Passport Control Desks : 46
Baggage Claim Conveyor :6
Customs Desk :7


2nd International Terminal

Architectural Project : Doan TEKEL

Sami SSA Arch.

Terminal Capacity : 5 Million Pas./Year

Total Investment of Project : 85.386.000 Dolar
Investment Period : 24 Month
Operation Period : 3 Year, 5 Month, 26 Day
Operation Period Starting Date : 07.04.2005
End of Operation Period : 23.09.2009
Signature Date of Application Contract : 24.02.2004
Area Delivery Date : 30.03.2004
Terminals Standing Area : 27.920 m2
Total Terminal Construction Area : 91.454 m2
Car Park Area : 94.265 m2
Car Park Capacity : 750
Apron (m2) :-
Passenger Bridge Number : 12
Total Check-in Counters : 60
Total Passport Control Desks : 60
Baggage Claim Conveyor :6
Customs Desk :4




Architectural Project : Ebru KANTAI

Passenger Capacity : 20 million pas. / year

Terminal Area : 265.000 sq.m.
Car Parking Area : 180.000 sq.m.
Car Parking Capacity : 7.076 vehicles
Passenger Bridges : 23 units
Check-in Blocks :7
Check-in Counters : 224 (CUTE workstations)
Luggage Receipt Carousels : 11
Auto. luggage Separating Capacity : 15.000 luggage/hour
Travelator Length : 2.100 m
Number of Elevators : 57
Number of Escalators : 26




Architectural Project : Emre AROLAT

Bnyamin DERMAN

Terminal Capacity : 5 Million Pas./Year

Total Investment of Project : 91.997.688 Dolar
Operation Period : 8 Year 2 Month 17 Days
Operation Period Starting Date : 01.07.2006
End of Operation Period : 28.04.2015
Signature Date of Aplication Contract : 23.06.2004
Area Delivery Date : 29.07.2004
Terminals Standing Area : 27.189 m2
Total Terminal Construction Area : 95.587 m2
Viaduct Total Area : 7.500 m2
Roads : 28.000 m2
Car Park Area : 43.346 m2
Car Park Capacity : 638 Car
Passenger Bridge Number :7
Total Check-in Counters : 60
Total Passport Control Desks : 44
Baggage Claim Conveyor :6
Customs Desk :6




Architectural Project : Ercan OBAN

Sleyman BAYRAK

Terminal Capacity : 10 Million Pas./Year

Total Investment of Project : 188.702.557 Euro
Investment Period : 36 Month
Operation Period : 15 Year 8 Month
Operation Period Starting Date : 16.10.2006
End of Operation Period : 24.05.2023
Signature Date of Application Contract : 18.08.2004
Terminals Standing Area : 45.505 m2
Total Terminal Construction Area : 183.000 m2
Viaduct Total Area : 12.550 m2
Roads : 32.200 m2
Closed Car Park Area : 107.300 m2
Open Car Park Area : 12.200 m2
Car Park Capacity : 4.088 Car
Apron (m2) : 258.300 m2
Passenger Bridge Number : 18
Total Check-in Counters : 131
Total Passport Control Desks : 36
Baggage Claim Conveyor :9 221
Customs Desk :6



Architectural Project : Doan TEKEL

Nedim SSA

M. Cemil ACAR
Head of the Aerodromes Department
(Architect, M.Sc.)

232 M. Cemil ACAR, was born in Batman in 1974. He graduated from stanbul Kabata High School in
1990, Eastern Mediterranean University English Preparatory School in 1991, ukurova University Faculty
of Architecture, Architecture Department in 1996, and finally Gazi University Graduate School of Natural
and Applied Sciences Architecture Major Branch. He worked in private sector between 1996-98, and in
Directorate General of State Airports Administration between 1998-2005. He was appointed as Head of
Airports Department in DGCA. Currently, he has been working at this position.

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