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Aluno: ________________________________________________ N:
Professor: Samuel Valor: Nota:

1- Marque a traduo que melhor traduz a frase.

The dog is calm.
a) O co calmo b) O co feio c) O co brincalho d) O co
2 - Traduza o nome dos animais
Cat: Rabbit: Dog:
3 Qual destes nmeros correspondem ao nmero em portugus Dez (10)
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Ten
4 - Marque a opo correta de acordo com o verbo to be.
a) She am my mother. b) They are a good student?
c) John and I is in the classroom. d) Kevin not is a lawyer.
5 - Qual das alternativas que utiliza corretamente o verb to be para a frase: Ele um
a) He is a firefighter b) He have a firefighter.
c) It is a firefighter d) She is a firefighter.
6 Complete a frase com o verb to be no presente de modo adequado.
He _____ a hardworker.
a) Is b) are c) am d) was
7 - Complete a frase com o verb to be no presente de modo adequado.
I ______ a teacher.
a) Is b) are c) was d) am
8 - Complete a frase com o verb to be no presente de modo adequado.
It ______ a fish.
a) Was b) were c) am d) is
9 - Who is she? A resposta correta :
a) She is 26 years old. b) She is Sheila. c) She is fine, thanks. d) She is a teacher.
10 - Complete as frases e marque a resposta certa. It _______ a black dog. Paul and
Mary _________ at school now. I _______ a nurse.
a) am is - are b) is are am c) are is are d) is is am e) are is am
11 Qual a sequncia correta. ______________ are you? We are in the bedroom.
______________ is your father? He is a policeman. ______________ old is she? She is
4 years old.
a) Where? What How; b) What Where How
c) How Where What d) Where How What
12 Qual alternative melhor completa com o verbo to be na forma afirmativa: She
_________ an excellent nurse. I ________ at home now.
a) Is am b) am is c) is is d) is - are
13 - Questo: Complete as sentenas usando o nome de membros da famlia em Ingls:
This is ___ friend and he is ____ brother and that is Sally, she is ______ sister.
a) My his my b) my my his c) his my my d) his my - his
14 - Leia o texto abaixo e responda s perguntas em Ingls:
Hello, my name is Maria. I am 5 years old. It is my birthday today.
I am very happy. All my friends are here today. Allison is my mother. She is 40 years
old. She is a nurse. My father is a teacher. His name is Fred. He is very funny. Jack is
my brother. Jack is 14 years old. His hobby is playing the guitar. Molly and Peggy are
my best friends. I am happy to see them on my birthday.
Years old = idade; hobby = passatempo; playing = verbo tocar; guitar = violo
Marque a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto sobre a idade de Maria e quantos
amigos ela tem?
a) 5 years old and two friends. b) 6 years old and one friend
c) 3 years old and three friends d) 4 years old and four friends

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