Worst Case Scenario Short Story

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Worst Case Scenario Short Story

My eyes flitted around the small room. The book in my hand was completely forgotten, I

couldn't seem to concentrate on it. There were purple pictures that contrasted horribly with the

green wall. My gaze continued to wander until they connected with a pair of eyes. They were the

color of murky pond water, attached to a face Id never seen before. Oh wait, it's coming back to

me now. It was James. How could I forget one of my close friends? My face shifted into a smile

and I summoned him over with a wave of my hand.

His eyes seemed to bore into mine as he smiled down at me. Hey Katherine. He

glanced toward my hands. I like your nail polish. Did you get it at Sallys? I flashed back to a

week ago, when I had executed my latest thievery; a dark red nail color that matched my new


Yeah, howd you know? My eyes narrowed as the question slid out.

Just a guess, he said with a shrug and a slight grin. He sat at the little metal table, right

across from me. A waitress in a tiny skirt and high heels ambled over and placed a warm

cappuccino in front of me. The toasty heat floating from my cup made my eyes drowsy and all I

could think about was the sleepless nights Id been having recently.

Can I walk you home? James asked. His grin was still present on his face and his gaze

felt like it was eating away at my mind. You seem tired.

Im fine, I lied. Truth was I was exhausted; Id been living off caffeine for the past

three days and Id do anything to sleep.

Come on, Ill take you home.

We both stood up and James linked his arm through mine. The sudden cold air bit at my

skin as we stepped outside. The sky was grey as it typically was around this time of year and

golden leaves crunched underneath my boots. We walked in silence while the bitter wind ruffled

our hair. I was just becoming used to the quiet when James rugged voice rang out.

Do you remember what you told me when I walked you home last week? Squinting

against the wind, I tried to recall our walk home let alone a conversation. No memory came to

mind. I glanced up at James and then it came flooding back to me.

Of course I remember, I said I'd pay you back for that five hundred I owe you. Don't

worry, I'm working on it." James smirked, then chuckled, then burst out into a cackling laugh

that filled the air around us.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"It's fun."

"What?" He didn't answer. He kept on laughing until it died down to a soft chortle then it

became silent again.

"By the way, I'm really sorry about your mother..." He muttered in a low tone.

"What? Oh," I stopped mid sentence as I looked up to him, and almost started crying.

"She was young, had so much time left, or at least seemed like it." And suddenly, I was

bawling, my poor mother did not deserve to die like that. I leaned against James and squeezed

my eyes shut. The frost of my breath came out in short, shaky wheezes.

James turned to face me as we approached my front door. He smiled wide at me and for

the first time I noticed his slightly crooked teeth. My eyes connected with his once more and all I

could see was the cloudy color of his eyes.

Some people think the best way to hurt someone is through physical force but its

actually through their mind. He winked and then he was gone.

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