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Kate OConnor, Science Teacher

School of Science and Technology

P- 619.525.7459
F- 619.744.7677

June 1, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter on behalf of Leslyn Ramos, whom I have had the pleasure of teaching in
four classes, including Advanced Biology and three of the four classes in the PLTW Biomedical
Sciences sequence. Leslyn is a conscientious student who is very dedicated to a high level of
achievement and excellence.

Leslyn is a member of the MedTech Academy. This pathway exposes students to a high
level of biomedical knowledge. In addition to traditional science classes, Leslyn has taken the
award winning Project Lead the Way sequence of courses. These courses include Principles of
Biomedical Sciences, Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions, and Biomedical
Innovations. These classes approach traditional science disciplines from a disease perspective,
weaving in a career oriented theme along the way. Leslyn has chosen this pathway due to her
interest in pursuing a medical career. She has been an integral part of our program, and I am
always impressed with her unique perspective on the tasks she is assigned. She has done an
impressive job juggling the rigorous demands of her schoolwork with extracurricular activities
and a job.

.Leslyn is capable of accomplishing anything she puts her mind to, and I would love to
see her have the chance to pursue her dreams. I recommend her highly.


Kate OConnor

Science Instructor

School of Science and Technology :: 1405 Park Blvd. :: San Diego, CA 92101 :: http://scitech.sdhs.sandi.net

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