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Career Journal #6

1. Hematologist
2. To be a hematologist you first have to get a bachelors degree, then you have attend
medical school.
3. Once the diagnosis is made, a hematologist's duty is to treat or manage the problem.
4. The salary range of a hematologist is $320,907 a year
5. Writer, L. G. (2012, May 27). The Pay Scale of a Hematologist. Retrieved March 14,
2017, from

Writer, L. G. (2014, February 18). Duties, Responsibilities & Salaries of Hematologists.

Retrieved March 14, 2017, from

Become a Pediatric Hematology Oncology Doctor. (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2017,

6. I dont think i would be interested in this job. There is not a specific reason im not interested in it
it just doesnt seem like something i would enjoy to do. This relates to what we learning in class
because we are studying the blood of sickle cell anemia and and hematologist studies blood.

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