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Staff Report
SR 2017-076
June 6, 2017
Consent Agenda

TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members

SUBMITTED BY: Agnes Topp, Environmental Compliance Manager

APPROVED BY: Chip Rerig, City Administrator

SUBJECT: Authorization of the City Administrator to send a letter authorizing the County of
Monterey to execute all documents necessary to continue to implement the annual
Used Oil Payment Program (OPP) 7th Cycle, FY 2017-2018 on behalf of the City.


Authorize the City Administrator to send a letter authorizing the County of Monterey to execute all documents
necessary to continue to implement the annual Used Oil Payment Program (OPP) 7th Cycle, FY 2017-2018 on
behalf of the City.


The City and Monterey County have a long standing partnership regarding the implementation of the used oil
payment program (OPP). Funded by a grant from the California Department of Resources Recycling and
Recovery, the OPP supports used oil and oil filter recycling activities. Monterey County Environmental Health
Bureau has served as the administrator of the OPP on behalf of all cities and the unincorporated area of the
County, resulting in the leveraging of resources and consistency in outreach efforts. In fiscal year 2015-16,
134,448 gallons of oil were collected and disposed of properly. The County placed over 2,700 ads in English
and Spanish, organized nine used oil filter collection events and hosted 12 outreach events at local harbors to
target boaters.

There is no fiscal impact associated with the proposed action.


Council authorized a similar letter on July 12, 2017 for the prior years program.


1. Letter from Monterey County Department of Health and annual report for Used Oil Payment Program
2. Draft letter to Monterey County from the City Administrator
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Elsa Jimenez, Director

May 15,2017

Chip Rerig
City Administrator
City of Carmel-by-the Sea
Carmel-by-the Sea, CA 93921

Re: Request for Letter of Authorization for Oil Payment Program Slh Cycle, FY 2017-2018

Dear Mr. Rerig:

Each year we request a letter of authorization from the City Administrator or designee authorizing
Monterey County to execute all documents necessary to continue to implement the annual Used Oil
Payment Program (OPP) on your city's behalf. A sample letter is enclosed for your convenience. We
request that you return the signed authorization letter to our office by June 15, 2017 to ensure
timely submittal to CalRecycle.

For over 15 years, the Monterey County Enviromnental Health Bureau (MCEHB) has administered a
successful countywide Used Oil & Filter Recycling Program on behalf of all cities and the unincorporated
area of Monterey County. The Program is funded by a grant from the California Department of Resources
Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) and supports used oil and filter recycling activities throughout the
County. Enclosed is the FY 2015-2016 Annual Report Summary detailing the activities, outreach events
and volume collected as a result of this program. Below are a few highlights from last year's program

Hosted 8 used oil filter collection events around the County,

Ran over 2, 700 ads in English and Spanish through various media outlets including radio,
newspaper and online, and
Through our contracted vendor Save Our Shores, hosted 12 outreach events held at local harbors
targeting boaters.

Continuing to pool funds allows both the Cities and County to continue to achieve greater efficiencies by
maximizing resources, allowing consistency in outreach efforts and preventing duplication oflabor. I
look forward to continue working with your city in providing used oil and filter recycling services to our

Please contact Stephanie Luna, Recycling and Resource Recovery Specialist at (831) 755-4540 should
you need further information regarding this program.

~hn Ramirez, REHS, MPA
. Director of Environmental Health
cc: File
Enc: FY 2015-2016 Annual Report Summary
Sample Authorization Letter
-i:aiRecycle~ Annuai Report Summary
Reclplent/Jurladlcllon: Monterey County Statue: Open

Fiscal Year: 2015-16 Program Advisor: Batavia, Ashraf

OII.Collectlon Type Oil (Gallons) Oil Filters

Certified Collection Centers 81,376 47,303
PHHW and ABOPS 12,012 8,121

Agrlcuilural Collection 8,585 14,250

Residential Collection 30,830 13,593

Marinas 1,845 1,750

011 Collection Total: 134,448 85,017


PAVMI!NTiNUMBER : :OI!P&;14i0251
Collactlon - Pennanent 13,821.37
Temporary/Mobile 2.92
Residential/Curbside 2,928.11
Certified Center Compliance 26.24
Events 15,063A6
Publicity and Education Including OutReach 30,338.74
Education - Equipment/Supplies/Oil Collection/Containers 16,317.32
Administration Costs
Administration of Oil Payment Program 10,507.07
Overhead 8,900.52

Collection - Pennanent 2,240.60
Residential/Curbside 494AO
Certified Center Compliance 166.16
Events 1,892.94
Publicity and Education including OutReach 14,685.43
Education - Equipment/Supplies/Oil Collection/Containers 3,062.74
Administration Costs
Administration of Oil Payment Program 2,071A2
Overhead 2,461.37

Program Highlights
Thome: pne of the main activities of the Used 011 Program Is to promote/Increase used oil filter collection. What activities did you conduct
.to Increase used oil filler collection?
The Monterey County Used Oil and Filter Recycling Program continued to encourage used oil and filter collectlon outreach and education. During
the 2015 calendar year Monterey County Environmental Health (MCEH) hosted 8 Filter Exchange Events, placed print and radio advertisements,
conducted outreach through presentations, ensured ample supply of oil containers and filter collection bags for the curbside program and continued
to cover the cost of used oil and filter hauling for garbage and recycling haulers, agricultural and marine centers and Certified Collection Centers

1. Hosted 8 Used Oil Filter Collection events In lhe following Cities:

o Salinas -August 22, 2015, Auto Zone, 1541 N. Sanborn Road Salinas -15 filters exchanged
o Seaside- June 5, 2015, Aula Zone, 1433 Fremont Blvd -10 filters exchanged
Our contracted vendor Save Our Shores hosted this event. The purpose of this event was to encourage the "Do-lt-Yourself' boaters and car
enlhusiasts to recycle their used oil filters. Tabling was used to Inform lhe general public about clean boating, oil filler exchange program, and other
oil pollution prevenlion tips. Most of the customers had stated that they heard about the event through the advertisement In the local newspaper.

o Gonzales- October 10, 2015, Auto Zone, 851-R 5th Street- 34 filters exchanged
o King City- November 14, 2015, Auto Zone, 510 Canal Street- 36 filters exchanged
o Malina- December 19, 2015, Auto Zone, 262 Reservation Road- 8 filters exchanged
o Salinas -November 21, 2015, Auto Zone, 17643 Vierra Canyon Road -16 filter exchanged
Greenfield- October 24, 2015, O'Reilly Auto Parts- 38 filters exchanged. The Monterey County Used Oil Program was able to
incorporate a filter exchange event In the Greenfield's Reuse, Recycle, & Clean Up Day event for the 3rd year. The event was located at the
Greenfield Memorial Hall customers were allowed to drop off clothing, reusable items, large bulky Items and hazardous household waste.
Customers were able to take the coupon to O'Reilly Auto Parts to redeem. For the convenience of the customers O'Reilly Auto Parts Is located right
down the street.
2. Paid for 91 advertisements In local newspapers such as King City Rustler, Monterey County Weekly, Soledad Bee and Gonzales Tribune.
3. Paid for 2,694 radio ads both In Spanish and English radio; KRKC 102.1 FM, IHeartMedla KDDN 102.5FM and La TliColor (KLOK) promoting
curbside oil collection, marine collection and agricultural collection programs.
4. Website banner- Advertised program and linked to Monterey County webpage on Unlvlsion's website.
5. Participated In community events such as: AG Expo, Gonzales Community Clean Up and Soledad Reuse, Recycle & Clean Up Day.

Did you Increase or decrease used oil and filter collection compared to last year? How much and why?
Overall, Monterey County used oil and filter collection data shows a decrease compared to 2014. This decrease could be the cause of the following:
There are 3 certified collection centers that did not report data for 2015, but are Included In the 2014 report. This Includes Salinas Mitsublshl,
Cypress Coast Mazeda/Subaru and Alcalas Automotive Repair.
Duling our oil site visits this year we noticed that Broadway Lube located In King City had closed down shop.
The total gallons of used oil collected In 2015: 134,448 gallons. This was a 5.12% decrease in used oil collection compared to the 2014 calendar
In general, the total number of used oil filters collected in 2015: 85,017 filters. This was a 10.19% decrease In used oil filters compared to the 2014
calendar year.

Collection at CCC's decreased by 17.73% compared to 2014. MCEH staff called and email centers directly to obtain oil and filters collected by do-lt-
yourselfers. A good amount of centers were able to provide data however, there were a few centers that were non-responsive after numerous

Collection at PHHWIABOP's decreased by 6.88% for used oil while collection of filters Increased by 94.51%. The increase of filters collected might
be attributed to increased awareness of filter recyclablllty at permanent household collection centers.

Collection at Agricultural Used Collection centers Increased by 50.61% for used oil and 40.60% for filters. This increase might be attributed to
Increased production by the Aglicultural Economy which makes agriculture the top employer In Monterey County.

Used oil collection forthe Curbside Collection increased by 31.91% while the filter collection took a slight increase by 0.87%. The Increase can be
attributed to our focus on promotion of the curbside collection program at filter exchange events, print and radio ads. Monterey County contracted
with The Offset Project to coordinate and table used oil filter exchange. events and other used oil educational events. Staff used the data provided
by CaiRecycle as well as manifest provide by Bayside Oil, our used oil hauler. MCEH will research alternative ways on better captuling data.

Used oil collected at marine centers Increase by 99.39% and used oil filters collected remained unchanged from 2014. Monterey County continued
to utilize Save Our Shores (SOS) who provides education to boaters. SOS provided outreach at:
January 24- Outreach and Tabling at Whale Fest
April 11 - Outreach and Tablng at Marina Earth Day
April 25 - Oil Filter Exchange Breakwater Cove
Aplil 30- Outreach and Tabling at Presidio of Monterey Earth Day
May 9 - Dockwalker Event at Monterey Harbor/Breakwater Cove Marina
June 5 - Oil Filter Exchange Autozone Marina
June 6 - Dockwalker Event at Moss Landing Harbor
June 20 - Dockwalker Event at Monterey Harbor/Breakwater Cove Marina
August 15 - Dockwalker Event at Moss Landing Harbor
August 27- Dockwalker Volunteer Training Pacific Grove
August28- Dockwalker Event Monterey Harbor
November 5 - Dockwalker Event at Monterey Harbor/Breakwater Cove Marina
Our contract with SOS runs until June 30, 2017.

Non-certified Centers:
No oil or filter data was collected from or reported by in 2015

Were there any program changes from this year to last year?
As mentioned above, MCEH contracted The Offset Project (TOP) to staff tables at outreach events and assist in used oil and filter education.
If you dropped a program or method, why do you think It didn't work?
No programs were dropped during this reporting year.

What program or method has worked best for you?

MCEH has put fourth our efforts In attempting to reach our residents by Increasing the amount of radio advertisements. Our thoughts are that a good
percentage of people listen to the radio; therefore with adding additional spots we might see an Increase in customers during our events. Our
program continues to advertise both In Spanish and English In hopes of continuing to attract the attention of a wide range of citizens.

Did you develop any best practices or techniques to share with other grantees?
Not at this time.

What can Ca/Recyole do to help you? Or what would you /Ike to see modified to better assist you?
During our site visits this year, we continued to receive concerned comments on orphaned oil or contaminated all that's being left during closed
hours. The centers that have expressed these issues have the proper slgnage; however Is does not cease the Issue. Managers have expressed
their concern of having to take their own time and monies to drop off the orphaned oil at an appropriate location. Therefore training or Information on
this topic would be of great assistance.

Aim~~~ J{epl:)rt C~ttl.flc.atlon

"I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that I have read the 011 Payment Program (OPP)
Guidelines (Guidelines), that the submitted Annual Report and Expenditure Information Is correct, and that all funds received under
the OPP have been expended in accordance w"th the Guidelines."


Print Name
IMPORTANT! Recipient must print out this page, obtain Signature of Signature Authority, upload signed document to
the LoGOPP system, and retain the original document In Recipient's cycle file.

7 June 2017

Mr. John Ramirez, REHS, MPA

Director of Environmental Health Bureau, Monterey County
1270 Natividad Road
Salinas, CA 93906

Subject: Authorization Letter for the Used Oil Payment Program 8th Cycle, FY 2017-2018

I am the City Administrator of the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea. I am authorized to contractually

bind the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea. Pursuant to this authority, I hereby authorize the County of
Monterey to submit a regional application and act as lead Agency on behalf of the City of

The County of Monterey is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to

implement the grant under the Used Oil Payment Program Cycle 8 (OPP 8).

Chip Rerig
City Administrator
P.O. Box CC
Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA 93921

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