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Marco Reyna

To: Ms. Vanessa Giannantonio, Business Teacher

From: Marco Reyna La Serna

cc: Ms. P. Vander Doelen, Principal

Date: April 21, 2017

Re: Memo Assignment

My Semesters Schedule

Period/Time Day 1 Day 2

1 BTT1O1g BTT1O1g
8:27 9:43 V. Giannantonio V. Giannantonio
Room 121 Room 121
2 TIJ1O1b TIJ1O1b
9:48 11:03 P. MacDonald P. MacDonald
Room 110 Room 110
11:08 11:49 Lunch A
3 MPM1D1d ENG1D1d
11:49 1:09 A. Di Nardo J. Vani
Room 238 Room 243
4 ENG1D1d MPM1D1d
1:14 2:30 J. Vani A. Di Nardo
Room 243 Room 238

Course/Career Interests and Goals

Even though the Math and English courses are the easiest for me to understand, my favorite
course is Tech Design, because it motivates me to be more creative, and to build and create
things Ive always wanted to. Also, after I finish school, I want to study to become an architect,
and that course help me understand most of I might need to know as a basic knowledge. My
most desired dream, is to be a writer, and to be successful being it.

Experiences and Expectations in this course

The assignments I had enjoy the most, are the Excel projects. Ive learn a lot of it before, and I
like very much using it, specifically to apply formulas and do math. In this course, I expect to
learn more about the business and marketing world. I hope Ill be able to follow this course
during the following years, and maybe my ideas of what I want to be in the future will change, or

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