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To begin I would like to thank you for taking time out of your schedule to review my resume and
for considering to take me into your business. As I start preparing for college, I would like to be
well prepared and experienced in the field of engineering. I feel that no education can be
considered complete without being able to apply what I have learned to a real world scenario. I
seek a position in your lab so that I may grow and reinforce the skill needed to get into college
and in the future find a career.

I am aware that this may be a very demanding position but I am prepared to give this job my full
dedication. I can promise you that when I commit to something I do not give up or slack off until
the job is done. This can be seen by 310 hours completed in LAC + USC Medical Center. To
receive any hours the hospital required each volunteer to do a minimum of 200 hours. I
completed these hours in 5 weeks doing 8 hours a day , Monday through Friday, over the
summer. I then changed my schedule to work with my school hours so that I may have a
balanced focus on both the tasks at hand. I am willing to put all my effort to meet with the
required rigor this lab offers.

I also see that this career ask to be able to work well in groups and I can say that I get along
well with others and can still be productive while still having fun. This can be seen by my many
group projects such as science fair and many engineering competitions such as JPLs Annual
Invention Challenge. I worked in groups ranging from 2 people to 6 people and I was still able to
produce my end if not more of the work. I was also able to show leadership in these groups by
teaching teammates skills and concepts needed to complete the job.

Thank you again for taking time to review this cover letter and my resume that is attached to the
email. I hope you find my skills and qualifications suitable for a position in your lab. I look
forward to meeting you soon.

Gustavo Rodriguez

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