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June 6, 2017

To whom it may concern:

Thank you for reading and taking my application into consideration. Ive worked extremely hard
throughout all the years of my education. I am currently attending Francisco Bravo Medical
Magnet H.S. because of the challenges and ambition chased. Being in an academically
challenging school has allowed me to view my full potential of what I can achieve. I have met
goals and continue to work and pursue new goals and challenges. In the future, i see myself
with a or finishing for a bachelor's degree and working to sustain myself and needs.

Attending high school, has allowed me to grow in every aspect. Ive been trained and taught
how to meet deadlines, complete semester research projects and even my own grammar book.
Ive had to stay up endless nights doing homework that at the end of the day has payed off and
made me into the responsible and conquering student I am.

During second semester, in my english class I conducted a research project were I compiled
research, surveys, and an interview on Sex Education. I chose Sex Education as my topic
because its an important topic many teens and adults should be aware about and have control
over. Its a topic that affects our daily lives with todays high rates of pregnancy and population. I
found several viewpoints on the controversy of Sex Education and the results of my survey,
which I passed out to100 students in my school, that showed that Sex Education should be
taught. Conducting this project taught me and allowed me to practice skills that involve
interacting with others, computer skills when compiling research and creating my surveys and
graphs, as well as presentation and creativity skills.

Also, during my Junior year I joined a dance team called New Movement Dance Company
where the main goal is to empower our members through the art of dance and help our
members create a vision for themselves and their future. Being involved in with NMDC has
allowed me to be part of a team where teamwork is the main skill practiced. Ive been able to
show my responsibility, respectfulness, and determination through my love and dedication for

Overall, My experience at Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School both a distinguished
and gold ribbon school has made me into the responsible, respectful, communicative, and
determined student and person I am today. I look forward to demonstrating and improving these
skills under your employment.

Please dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Nohely Gomez


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