Galáxias - Várias

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Galxias: varias

Didier Curty
Defining his well-known
sequence, Hubble thought this
was evolutionary.
Our work sample is composed of
2253 galaxies from the Sloan Digital
Sky Survey visually classified by
Fukugita et al. (2007).

We compute the morphological

parameters on the images in g-band.
Galaxies classified as E
Galaxies classified as S0
Galaxies classified as Sa
Galaxies classified as Sb
Galaxies classified as Sc
Galaxies classified as Sd and Im
Some spectra:
Some spectra:
Some spectra:
Some spectra:
Some spectra:
Some spectra:
Some spectra:
Some spectra:
Where stops the galaxy ?

We define the Petrosian isophote

Where stops the galaxy ?

We define the Petrosian isophote.

Some relations or properties
1) Bimodality
Some relations or properties
1) Bimodality
Some relations or properties
1) Bimodality
Some relations or properties
1) Bimodality Green valley
Some relations or properties
1) Bimodality Green valley
Some relations or properties
1) Bimodality Green valley
Some relations or properties
2) Type - colour
Some relations or properties
2) Type - colour
Some relations or properties
3) Type radial profile
Some relations or properties
3) Type radial profile
Some relations or properties
4) Colour redshift photometric redshift
Some relations or properties
5) Kormendy relation (fundamental plane)
Some relations or properties
5) Kormendy relation (fundamental plane)
Some relations or properties
5) Colour H-beta
Some relations or properties
6) AGN diagnostic
Some relations or properties
6) AGN diagnostic

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