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Evaluation or Resistivity Tests for small compared with a.

If either of
these assumptions does not apply, a
different approximation for A might be

Design of Station Grounds in necessary, such as that given by Schwarz.4

If Ig is the largest current expected
to flow into the ground during a power
Nonunirorm Soil system fault through a station's ground
electrode of resistance R, the maximum
voltage rise of the station's ground bus
over the potential of a remote point
J. ENDRENYI equals the product of Ig and R. This
voltage appears across communication
or control lines leaving the station and is,
Summary: The actual soil formation at the vertical-for example, in extensive therefore, the basis for selecting appro-
a prospective station site usually can be rodbeds. priate voltage ratings for these facilities
approximated by an assumed 2-layer
stratification. The method of establishing and associated protective equipment.
characteristic parameters of such a forma- On the other hand, it was found that the
tion by 4-electrode tests is reviewed. As Evaluation of Tests for Uniform highest touch or step voltage in trans-
the main result of this study, curves are Soil Conditions former stations, with conventional
presented to determine, from these param- grounding grids buried in uniform soil,
eters, the apparent resistivity values to For measuring the electrical resistivity
he used in computing the resistance of a of soils, the 4-electrode method1'2 is ranges from 20% to 30% of the total
grounding grid in a 2-layer soil. During most often used. Four probes are station potential rise, the lower values
the design of such a grid, the maximum being valid for larger stations and vice
touch and step voltages that might occur driven into the earth along a straight
during a ground fault have to be evaluated line at equal intervals, and the potential versa.5 This is the potential difference
in addition to the station ground resistance. difference between the two inner probes that must be considered when evaluating
is measured while current is passed personal hazards.
through the two outer electrodes. Often Based on the foregoing, station ground-
M ETHODS FOR EVALUATING a 4-terminal earth tester is used, both ing design can be started by specifying
soil-resistivitv test results and for as a current source and a meter. If the a value, either for the permissible maxi-
incorporating the fndings into the design reading on the instrument, representing mum touch voltage or for the tolerable
of an adequate station grounding system the ratio of the above potential difference largest total voltage rise of the station
are well established for the case where and current, is Rm (ohms), the soil ground bus. In its new Grounding
the soil at a prospective station site is resistivity p (ohm-meters) can be com- Guide, for example, The Hydro-Electric
uniform. However, station sites where puted by the equation Power Commission of Ontario specifies
the soil has a uniform resistivity through- an upper limit of 5,000 volts for the total
out and to a considerable depth catn p=2w-sRm (1) station potential rise, with a recom-
seldom be found. More often than not, where s (mieters) is the probe spacing. mended limit of 3,000 volts wherever
there are several lavers, each having a A slight correction is needed if the economically possible. Knowing the
different resistivity. Lateral changes resistance of the voltage probe is not value of I, from system analysis, the
may also occur-for example, from negligible compared with that of the permissible maximum of the station
variations in profiles of the layers. In instrument's voltage circuit. ground resistance can be established.
this paper, after a brief review of the If a number of tests over the stationi Then, using the value of soil resistivity
design methods for uniform soil condi- site do not reveal significant variations obtained from tests, the main dimensions
tions, it will be shown how these pro- in the measured p values, the soil re- of a grounding grid can be determined
cedures can be adapted to certain non- sistivity may be considered uniform, by equations 2 and 3 so that the ground
uniform soil formations that occur most and the p value obtained is the actual resistance of this electrode will be equal
frequently. value of resistivity. to, or less than, the specified maximum
Throughout the paper, the grounding The ground resistance R of a grid, value.
system of a station is considered to characterized by radius a of a circle
consist of a grid of conductors, buried having the same area as the area covered
at a depth of a few feet. This assumption Nonuniform Soils-the Concept of
by the grid, is given by Apparent Resistivity
is justified because, in most large generat-
ing or transformer stations, such a grid R== A (2)
is the dominant element of the grounding 2ira The ground resistance of any ground
system. The results of the discussions electrode in uniform soil is proportional
where the coefficient A can be determined to the resistivity of the soil. Hence, if
can, however, be extended to all cases from a modified form of Laurent's
where the horizontal dimensioii of a p, is the soil resistivity, the equation for
ground electrode is much larger than approximation :' the ground resistance R1 of an electrode
7r t will be of the form
A = 2+0.6 a-(3)
Paper 63-159, recommended by the AIEE Sub- R1=pif(g) (4)
stations Committee and approved by the AIEE
Technical Operations Department for presentation t being an average side-length of the where g represents the rest of the factors,
at the IEEE Winter General Meeting, New York,
N. Y., January 27-February 1, 1963. Manuscript squares that make up the grid. It is all geometrical, on which ground re-
submitted October 29, 1962; made available for
printing November 28, 1962.
hereby assumed that the length-to- sistance depends. The same electrode,
J. ENDRENYI is with The Hydro-Electric Power
width ratio of the grid is not far from buried in nonuniform earth, will still
Commission of Ontario, Toronto, Ont., Canada. unity, and that the depth of burial is have a definite resistance to ground.
966 Endrenyi-Resistivity Tests for Design of Station Grounds DECEMBER 1963
To make possible the calculation of this Fig. 1. Measured 10
resistance by equations identical in form resistivity Pam, as
to those for unifoim soil conditions, the obtained by 4-elec-
concept of equivalent uniform soil is trode tests in 2-layer
introduced. The resistivity of this, Pa, soils E
is defined by
R = paf(g) (5)
where R is the measured resistance of the
electrode and f(g) is the same function 1-
as in equation 4. The resistivity Pa (I)
will be called "apparent resistivity;" E
its value will, of course, depend on all
the parameters that describe the non-
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
uniformities at the location being studied.
Unlike the value for uniform soil, how-
ever, Pa will depend also on the size and
configuration of the electrode (in the
case of a grounding grid, these are assumption that the soil structure is of the curve becomes horizontal. Similarly,
characterized in equations 2 and 3 by the simplest nonuniform type-namely, at the right side of the chart, Pam con-
the equivalent radius a and the "density a 2-layer stratification. verges to P2. Near the departure from
factor" t/a). the first horizontal section, the abscissa
In the following analysis it will be that corresponds to the abscissa s/d= 1
assumed that, for a grid, the effects on 2-Layer Stratification-
Determination of Parameters of Fig. 1 marks the probe spacing where
Pa of the electrode configuration or of s = d, thus giving an estimation of the
density are small compared with that Real soil conditions frequently can third characteristic parameter d.
of the radius a. Therefore, the equiva- be approximated with sufficient accuracy
lent of equation 2 now can be written by assuming that (1) the lateral changes 2-Layer Stratification-Grounding
as follows: in resistivity are gradual compared with Design
the vertical-in other words, the soil
R Pa(a,
v)A (6) resistivity is a function of the depth The basic equation for determining
below the surface only, and (2) as far main dimensions of a station grounding
where v stands for all parameters repre- as the vertical changes are concerned, system is 6, which contains Pa, the
senting the nonuniformities of the soil. the soil consists of an upper layer of apparent resistivity of the 2-layer soil
The resistivities evaluated by equation depth d and resistivity Pi, overlying a formation. With values known for
1 from 4-electrode tests, too, cease to lower part of infinite depth and re- characteristic parameters Pi, p2, and d,
be unique if the soil is not uniform. sistivity p,. Characteristic parameters Pa may be evaluated from the curves
The measured resistivity Pam^6 will depend for a soil formation of this type then in Fig. 2, representing the relation
on both s, the probe spacing, and v. are: d, pI, and P2. The first question
This is because, as the probe spacing is is how to determine these quantities by Pa (a P2) 7
Pi d Pi
increased, the test current penetrates to conventional 4-electrode tests.
more and more distant areas, both in It was shown by Sunde6 that the ratio among the three dimensionless factors
vertical and horizontal directions, no Pam/Pt depends on only two variables, involved. These curves are valid for
matter how distorted are the current s/d and P2/p], in a manner illustrated by electrodes where the dominant extension
lines because of the varying resistivity. a few typical curves in Fig. 1. These is horizontal; in Fig. 2, this extension is
The value of Pam, therefore, will be were taken from Fig. 2.5 of reference 6 characterized by the equivalent radius a.
more and more influenced by the re- which contains curves for a wide range The curves were developed by evaluating,
sistivities of distant soil sections and of P2/Pt values. As would be expected, with the aid of a digital computer, the
deeper layers. Pam is near Pt for small s/d values where equations describing the potential field
The question is: How can the proper only the upper layer is appreciably around a horizontal ring electrode placed
Pa value for a given electrode be de- involved, and tends towards P2 for large in the middle of the upper soil layer.
termined from a set of Pam values ob- s/d values where the eff( cts of the lower The analytical work involved is sum-
tained by 4-electrode measurements at layer become dominant. marized in the Appendix. Fig. 2 in-
different probe spacings? Once Pa is If values of d, Pl, and P2 at a given dicates that, as already mentioned,
established for the ground electrode in location must be established, the curve Pa depends also on the ground electrode
question under given soil conditions, the of Pam must be plotted against s, as size. If a/d is small, Pa is near Pi, and
electrode's ground resistance can be obtained from a sufficient number of for large ald values Pa approaches P2.
calculated. The problem of station tests; then analyzed through com- Modification is necessary if P2/Pl<l-
grounding design is, however, even more parison with curves shown in Fig. 1. that is, if the underlying soil has a lower
involved. Given a set of Pam values If the plotted curve shows a trend similar resistivity than the top layer; and if
as measured, plus the desired ground to the curves in Fig. 1, a fair assumption the station ground electrode is buried
resistance value, the size of a grid that is that a 2-layer stratification well repre- in the lowest 10% of the upper layer.
will have the given resistance to ground sents the actual soil conditions. In such As discussed in the Appendix in connec-
has to be determined. In the following, case, the Pam ordinates at the left side tion with an equivalent scheme (Fig. 5),
these problems will be dealt with on the of the plotted chart converge to p, as the first argument of N must, in such
DECEMBER 1963 Endrenyi-Resistivity Tests for Design of Station Grounds 967



z z

0.002 z

/7 gz/ gz , / O.t)005

02~~~~~~ / /

0,01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 50 1OO 200 500 1000


Fig. 2. Apparent resistivity Pa in 2-layer soils

cases, be taken atathe

/P/value of a/2(d-h), can be computed. Since from equations layer or vice versa. This is discussed
where h is the depth of burial of the 6 and 7 the foregoing equality stands, in some detail in reference 6, which also
electrode, rather than at ald if unneces- the actual ratio of N to a/d is thereby deals with the most general case where
sarily conservative results are, to be determined. Then, using the proper co- stratification is arbitrary with a con-
avoided. ordinates, the value of a/d can be read tinuous variation in resistivity or with
If the ground resistance of a given directly from Fig. 2. any number of discontinuities. It must
grounding grid of radius a is sought, To test their suitability, the N curves be emphasized, however, that approxima-
the procedure is to use the curve chosen were applied to a few cases where all tion of actual conditions by a 2-layer
from Fig. 2 as having the proper P2/P1 required data were known, including soil- stratification is almost always possible
value; then, N's value can be read from resistivity test results and the measured and within the limits of reasonable
the diagram at the abscissa a= a/d. station ground resistance. Predictions accuracy.
The apparent resistivity for equation 6 made from the curves were quite satis-
will be factorv; only for p2/1p<l were the cal- Touch and Step Voltages Under
culated resistance values somewhat high. Nonuniform Soil Conditions
Pa(a, v) = pjN (ad P2 This discrepancy may, however, be at-
Pi tributable partly to some uncertainties As noted previously, when conventional
Finally, 6 will yield the ground re- in the evaluation of the resistance grounding grids are buried in uniform
sistance of the electrode. If the required measurements. soils, the largest touch or step voltage
ground resistance is given and the main is 20% to 30% of the total station
dimension of a grid that will comply Other Stratifications ground vroltage rise. No such unique
with the resistance requirement is sought, relationship exists between these quan-
the calculation can be accomplished by If the nonuniformity of the soil struc- tities, however, if the soil is not uniform,
employing the co-ordinates standing at ture cannot be reasonably approximated and the above voltage ratio may vary
a 45-degree angle in Fig. 2. After A is by a 2-layer stratification, the mathe- over a much wider range. The total
determined from equation 3 by choice of matical treatment becomes rather com- voltage rise is determined by the station
a realistic value for tla, the left-hand plicated and the necessary procedure ground resistance which is, in turn,
side of the equation quite involved. Sometimes the approxi- proportional to the resistivity of the
mation can be improved by assuming a surrounding soil. Under nonuniform soil
2 Rd (aP2/ 3-layer stratification. Construction of conditions, the apparent resistivity Pa
the corresponding N curve is compara- must be used in calculating the station
PIA a tivelv simple if the uppermost layer is ground resistance and it was shown that
d much thinner than the intermediate the value of Pa is greatly influenced by
968 Endrenyi-Resistivity Tests for Design of Station Grounds DECEMBER 1 963
the resistivity of lower soil layers. The uniform soil conditions. Nevertheless, I.3
L a =10
touch and step voltages are also propor- caution must be exercised in taking =0.1 ('1)--
tional to soil resistivity, but it can be advantage of this circumstance, -since the
proved that, for stratified soils, the re- resistivity of the top soil, unlike that
sistivity of the top layer Pi rather than of the deeper layers, depends to a con-
Pa must be used in determinitng these siderable extent on weather conditions
potentials in the vicinity of a grounding and shows quite marked seasonal varia-
grid. In other words, for stratified tions.2 If the top soil becomes frozen,
soils, the ratio of the touch voltages to its resistivity will assume a fairly high
)0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
the total rise may approach P1/Pa times value, as will, during a ground fault, the
the same ratio under uniform soil condi- surface gradients-proportional, in turn, Fig. 4. Effect of relative depth of electrode
tions.5 to the touch and step voltages. There- on value of N
For two different soil structures, the fore, although a higher touch voltage
effect just described acquires particular would be at the same time tolerable, a
significance. rather pessimistic approach should be in the set discharging ,uI, ,I, ... amperes.
First, if the resistivity of the top soil adopted for calculating and evaluating where
is much larger than that of underlying these potentials.
P2 - Pl
layers, the touch voltages arising during In any event, if doubts exist as to 1.1= CO9) 1-1
ground faults may be much higher than the magnitude of touch and step voltages P2 + P

normally expected, and only extra pre- to be expected, a few measurements of By this method, the e-pression obtained
cautions can assure safety. For example, gradients are advisable at the time for VO is
special gradient-control rings or meshes station ground-resistance tests are under- 4 1
may be installed around structures taken on the completed grounding system. Ipi Koi Kos mKm
accessible to persons standing on the Vo=2-Lb0+ b= E EZJ bo
ground, or all areas regularly approached m=1 n=i
by station personnel may be covered
Appendix. The Derivation of the (10)
with extra-thick layers of crushed stone. N Curves where the Kmnn's are complete elliptic
Second, if high-resistivity bedrock is According to equation 7, function N integrals of the first kind, with the corre-
covered with a low resistivity but thin is defined as Pa/PI, the ratio of the apparent sponding arguments
overburden, it is often impossible to meet resistivity to the resistivity of the upper
ground-resistance requirement because soil layer. If R is the resistance of a 2 a a+


of the unfavorably high resistivity of the certain ground electrode buried in the
upper part of a 2-layer soil and if R1 is the kmn= (11)

lower layer. Unduly expensive measures ground resistance of the same electrode
bmn bmn
can be avoided, however, by recognizing in uniform soil of resistivity pi, then, by and the bm,n's are defined in Fig. 3. Since
that, if a ground fault occurred, the actual using equations 4 and 5, the expression for bo3 = 2a +do/2 where the second term is
touch voltages would be a smaller pro- N becomes much smaller than the first, ko3 is near 1
and K03 can be approximated as
portion of the total station voltage rise R
than that expected on the assumption of (8) 4 16a
Ko3 nol:~ n '- ::In (12)
V'1l -kos 2
Obviously, N is a function of soil charac-
teristics Pi, P2, and d, and also, in the case Introducing the c-coefficients as 1/(2a)
of a grounding grid, of such factors as the times the corresponding b's and substitut-
equivalent radius a, electrode configuration, ing equation 12, now equation 10 can be:
density and size of conductors, and depth rearranged as
of burial. Within the practical range of
all the parameters, however, the influence
of all other factors can be assumed small com- Ipiln 16a+Ko+ +
pared to that of a, P1, P2, and d. Hence, in
V1 =
47r2a do co+
evaluating N, a single electrode configuration,
with only its main dimension varying, can
represent all other electrodes. In the
following analysis, chosen for the purpose Em(Km + +2Km +Km _ (13)
is a horizontal ring-electrode of diameter D, m =l
Cm+ Cm Cm.

buried at depth h, as illustrated in Fig. 3.

By the definition of the equivalent radius, where, from the geometry of Fig. 3 and using
a =D/2. The ratio of D to the conductor parameters c = a/d[and O = h/d
diameter d is assumed to be 14,000 to 1.
Zaborszky7 has shown that the potential
Vo at the surface of a horizontal ring, m ++ ) 2 + (m) 2!
buried at depth h in the upper layer of
a 2-layer soil and discharging current I
into the ground, may be calculated by using Cm_= 1+ )
the method of images. According to this,
the ring in the 2-layer soil can be substituted and-from 7equation 11 the arguments of
by an infinite series of images placed in a integrals Km+, Km, and Kim- are
uniform medium of resistivity pl, and pro-
duced by both boundary planes between the C

air and the upper soil layer and the upper km+= k =

and lower soil layers, as shown in Fig. 3. Va2+(m+t2)2 V/C2+mZ

Fig. 3. Horizontal ring electrode buried in The original ring and its first image "up-
upper layer of 2-layer soil, and its images for wards" will discharge current I; the rest a

computing the ring's ground resistance can be grouped in sets of fours, each ring V/a2+(m-,)2

DECEMBER 1963 Endrenyi-Resistivity Tests for Design of Station Grounds 969

AIR this high-resistivity portion, if present, over the ground surface are disregarded.
would influence the ground resistance of It would be interesting to have the author's
the ring to only a negligible extent. opinion on whether this is permissible with
The effect of conductor diameter do on respect to the influence of any surface
d h the value of N is small, within a wide range variation in resistivity on touch and step
{ Id 7.T7,755/7rrz7,777
-hN ,
+, 7777/77z/7
____ i___
of possible variations of do. For example,
-a 5-fold increase or decrease in do would
voltages. As the author rightly remarks,
increased probe spacings will have an
e d-h,,,
,, // /z///X/////// change the value of N, even in the worst averaging effect on test results, but smaller
case, by less than 7%. The effect of the spacings scattered over an area of variable
P2 grid density (t/a) on N might be somewhat resistivity will not tend towards a single
more pronounced if P2 is much larger or value of P1. What averaging method would
Fig. 5. "Equivalent top soil" of height
2(d-h) for instances in which O.9<h/d<1
smaller than Pi.
On the basis of these considerations, it
the author propose here?
was concluded that a horizontal ring
electrode with the given a/do ratio and J. Endrenyi: The author wishes to thank
bre inntemdlthe middle offteuprsi
the upper soil Mr' Schwarz for his interest. As to the
The resistance of ring, The
R, to be substituted
resistanc of ring,,tlayer () = 0.5) is a satisfactory model for
in equation 8 to yield N, will be most practical cases, with only a simple
variations of soil resistivity, in most
practical cases it was found reasonable to
Vo modification to be added if P2/Pl<l and assume that the horizontal changes were
R= I h approaches d. The results of Fig. 2 gradual compared with the vertical changes,
are, therefore, considered applicable for at least over an area the size of an average
To find R1 for the same equation, uniform electrodes of all types in which the main station site. That is why computations
soil conditions must be assumed; that is, dimension is horizontal and much larger in the paper were based on the assumption
Ps=oP1. From equation 9, then, =0. than the maximum vertical extension of the

that the soil was horizontally stratified.

Substituting this into equation 13, the electrode. If a situation to the contrary is ex-
potential V0l at the ring surface becomes perienced, mapping of the prospective
station site, by measurements repeated at
VO1= 47
In K
do cD+I References various points, becomes necessary.
The most likely deviation from the
assumed soil formation is where the dividing
surface between layers is not quite hori-
F. Wenner. Bulletin, National Bureau of Stand-
R Vo1 ards, Washington, D. C., vol. 12, 1916, pp. 469-82. zontal. In such a case, it may be possible
to select the most favorable area within
GROUNDING GRIDS, A. L. Kinyon. AIEE Trans- the site for installing the grounding grid,
Finally, computing the ratio R/R1 actions, pt. III (Power Apparatus and Systems), or, as an alternative, an average depth of
vol. 80, Dec. 1961, pp. 795-99. the upper layer may be considered. If,
3. GUIDE FOR SAFETY IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT on the other hand, there is marked change
< Km + + 2Km Km
m - SUBSTATION GROUNDING. AIEE Publication No. in resistivity Pi of the upper layer, the
Cm + Cm
-+ Cm -X 80, Mar. 1961. apparent resistivity should be established
m=1 4. ANALYTICAL EXPRESSIONS FOR THE RE- by the method described in the paper
(14) SISTANCE OF GROUNDING SYSTEMS, S. J. Schwarz. using, in turn, the measured minimum and
Nn a- +
do c0+
AIEE Transactions, pt. III (Power Apparatus and
Systems), vol. 73, Aug. 1954, pp. 1011-16. maximum values of Pi and averaging the
5. PROVING THE ADEQUACY OF STATION GROUNDS, Pa values thus obtained. The two will not
A computer program was written and A. Elek. Ibid., pt. I (Communicationt and Elec- differ greatly anyway since it is the re-
run to evaluate equation 14 for a set of tronlics), vol. 81, Nov. 1962, pp. 368-76. sistivity of the deeper layer that pre-
a, 4), and P2/Pl values. The results, for 6. EARTH CONDUCTION EFFECTS IN TRANS- dominantly influences the values of Pa in
0=0.5, are shown in Fig. 2. The relative MISSION SYSTEMS (book), E. B. Sunde. D. Van most cases.
depth of the electrode in the upper layer, Nostrand Company, New York, N. Y., 1949. This leaves the rare cases where both
4), has only a minor effect on N, as shown for 7. EFFICIENCY OF GROUNDING GRIDS WITH upper and lower layers show a rapid lateral
two sets of of
two sets aa and ps/ Pl values
and P2/Pl values in
in Fig.4
actions, SOIL, J. Zaborszky. AIEE Trans-
Pt. I1I (Power Apparatus and Systems),
change in resistivity, or where no hori-
Only if P2/P1<1 and if 4 approaches 1 vol. 74, Dec. 1955, pp. 1230-33. zontal layers exist at all and the soil forma-
is the effect of 4) significant. This can be tion could be best represented by vertical
corrected by substituting an "equivalent layers. For the analytical evaluation of
top soil" of 2(d-h) depth for the real top Pa under such circumstances, little guidance
layer, as illustrated in Fig. 5, and by can be found in the literature; hence, a
assuming that the ring is placed in the
middle of this equivalent layer. This
Discussion rather cautious approach is indicated. It
may be possible to single out an area where
arrangement keeps the distance of the ring the conditions are favorable and close to
from the bottom layer the same as it was Stephen J. Schwarz (Sverdrup and Parcel uniform; otherwise, a conservatively chosen
in the original, so that the influence of the and Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, average-resistivity value must be used.
lower layer remains unchanged; at the San Francisco, Calif.): The author pre- In every case, the local touch and step
same time the curves for 4 = 0.5 can still supposes a 2-layer stratification with two voltages will be proportional to the pi
be used with only a slight modification; discrete resistivity values as an approxi- values at tht same point. Since these
obviously, a now becomes equal to a/2(d-h). mation to describe nonuniform soil. This voltages cannot be averaged, it is advisable
Omission of the upper part of the top layer method has certainly some merits. How- to use over-all the value describing the
is permissible under the circumstances, since ever, the horizontal variations of resistivity worst conditions.

970 Endrenyi-Resistivity Tests for Design of Station Grounds DECEMBER 1963

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