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Student: Juan Carlos Herrera Burbano Group: 22

Ticket-in W12
PERSUASIVE ESSAY-Counter argumentative and concluding paragraphs
OBJECTIVE: To identify and put into practice the features of the counter argumentative and
concluding paragraphs in a persuasive essay.
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the first three paragraphs of this essay and do the activities below
based on the CPS of week 12.
Issues in Morality
In order to become a member of the European Union (EU), a country must prove that it
handles human rights in a humane and civil way. One major concern of the EU is the death
penalty. In fact, the death penalty is not allowed in any of the EU countries. To that end,
those countries that want membership must prove that their laws protect the human lives of
even the cruelest of criminals. This point of view, however, is not shared by all. Countries
such as Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and the United States allow for the death penalty. In
fact, the death penalty should be allowed in all countries.
Firstly, allowing the death penalty is for the sake of punishment itself. Most people agree
that criminals who commit serious should be separated from society. The punishment will
depend on the degree of the crime. The death penalty, the most severe form of punishment,
ends criminals lives. Therefore, it seems reasonable that this severe punishment be
reserved for those who commit the most serious of crimes.
Secondly, the death penalty has financial advantages. The government will not have to
spend a lot of money on criminals. Next to a death sentence, the most severe punishment is
a life sentence in prison, where the government has to take care of criminals until they die
naturally. These criminals do not actively improve society, but society must provide them
free housing and food. Hence, it is unfair to use a countrys taxes for such a purpose.
Rewrite the topic sentences of:

Thesis: The death penalty should be allowed in all countries.

Argument 1: Allowing the death penalty is for the sake of punishment itself.
Argument 2: The death penalty has financial advantages.

Create and write strong topic sentences for the counter argumentative paragraph of this

Refutation: Nonetheless, if a country allows the death penalty, it would protect lives of
people who will be around of criminals who did not receive the death penalty.
Explanation: For example, when a country gives the punishment to a criminal of stay
all his life in prison there is no doubt that this criminal will have contact with some
people; it could be either an officer or even a common person if the criminal gets
scape. All things considered we get to the conclusion that if the cruelest of criminals
receive the death penalty it does not mean that the country does not protect human
rights, it is important to realize that when a very dangerous criminal is alive it exist the
possibility that he violates the rights of someone else.
Closing sentence: Therefore, if cruelest criminals did not receive the death penalty
society will be in more risk and worst economic conditions.

Create and write a strong topic sentence to wrap up the conclusion of this essay:

Call to action: Countries, unions and states should improve the peoples standard of
life through policies such as allows the death penalty to the cruelest criminals.

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