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RAQs (Reading Analysis Questions)

Answer the questions AND support your responses with evidence from the selection.

1. Infer: In Lines 32 through 33, Wiesel writes, In lines 32-33, words that have strong connotations are the ones
the old men stayed in their corner, silent, that describe the behavior of the old men: silent, motionless,
motionless hunted-down creatures. Some hunted-down creatures, (Weisel 32-33). These words help
were praying. Which words in this quotation convey the tone of the narrative, which is serious, dark, and
have strong connotations? How do these hopeless tone. It also shows that they are dehumanized and
words convey the tone of the narrative? feeling worthless. The description of the men reveal that they
are genuinely scared, and have fear for their lives.

2. Cite Evidence: What evidence does the Although the prisoners were beaten down and could die any
author provide to support the idea that though day, they managed to cope with that idea well. For example,
being beaten down the prisoners had creative they keep their faith even though times where its difficult: But
ways of coping with their confinement and of there were those who said we should fast, precisely because it
sustaining themselves? was dangerous to do so. We needed to show God that even
here, locked in hell, we were capable of singing His praises.

3. Analyze: Look back at the scene in which In the scene where Weisel runs before the SS doctors, he
Weisel run before the SS doctors during repeats you are too skinny, you are too weak? (Weisel 83-86).
inspection (lines 83-86). Why does Wiesel This repetition helps readers understand his experience
repeat his thoughts, you are too skinny, you because it demonstrates his constant fear that he is not
are too weak? How does this repetition help sufficient enough to survive anymore. If prisoners are not
readers understand his experience? deemed fit, they will be killed. It demonstrates the uncertainty of
life or death in the camp.

4. Interpret: Sometimes Wiesel uses Short, broken up, sentences emphasized important points that
punctuation and sentence structure to convey the author was trying to convey. It emphasized the fact that they
meaning. Reread the second to last paragraph were exhausted and giving up, and that they were losing hope.
in the text. Why does he use short in complete
sentences? How does this stylistic approach
affect meaning?

5. Analyze: Wiesel includes statements and The veterans had a very different perspective of the situation:
reactions from other prisoners, the head of the "You're lucky to have been brought here so late. Today, this is
block, and the veterans of the camp that paradise compared to what the camp was two years ago. Back
reveal different perspectives about life in the then, Buna was a veritable hell. No water, no blankets, less
concentration camp. Identify examples of soup and bread. At night, we slept almost naked and the
these different perspectives and explain what temperature was thirty below. We were collecting corpses by the
they reveal about the prisoners ordeal. hundreds every day. Work was very hard. Today, this is a little
paradise. (Weisel 18-24).

6. Draw Conclusions: Why do you think I think Weisel decided to call his memoir Night because night is
Wiesel chose to call his memoir Night? What a mysterious and a time where the unknown lurks. The whole
might be the significance of that title? experience of the camp was full of uncertainty.

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