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May 5", 2017 add. Hank-Martin: (familia) Johnston Living Beneficiary NOTICE Claim and Intent ""19990-No-Name-Road" Allodium Free-Hold Affidavit, Declaration and Rescission To: ALFRED SOUZA, YURI SOUZA , RONALD ROBERT DUNN, and all living men and women interested in the land, "not incorporated", commonly known as: "19990-No-Name-Road”, [Corning, California]. Notice to you is notice to your principals, agents, heirs, and/or assigns. Due to either mistake, fraud, duress, coercion or deception, (GRANT DEED #2011005133], (de-facto), “HANK JOHNSTON”, alleged grantor, (nom de guerre -VOID, ab initio, nune pro tune), and “ALFRED and YURI SOUZA”, alleged grantee(s)}, recorded on 5-4-2011 in [Tehama county, California]. was obtained without full disclosure , full understanding, and without meeting of the minds, thereby rendering said instrument, [GRANT DEED}, VOID, ab initio, Your response is required in writing within 14 days from your date of receipt to dispute this Notice. You must provide any/all "evidence" of the “yaluable consideration” that was allegedly conveyed to Hank, as. reflected on page 1 of the said de-facto instrument. (see exhibit A- “Grant Deed”). The alleged Grant Deed, in and of itself, is not evidence of ‘valuable consideration’ if the grantees had unclean hands, and/or used deception, coercion, or undue influence to obtain title, and/ or possession of said property. Let the Addresses, and each of them be advised, that their silence is their acquiescence. See: Connally v. General Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385,391. “Notification of legal responsibility is... the first essential of due process of law", See also: U.S. V. Tweel, 550 F.2d.297. "Silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak or when an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading.” Be further advised, that the failure of the addressees to respond, and to rebut, specifically and with particularity. everything set forth in this NOTICE with which said addressees or any of them disagrees, will constitute their lawful, legal and binding agreement with and admission to the fact that everything set forth in this NOTICE is true, correct, legal, lawful and fully binding upon said addressees, without protest or objection of those Addresses and any of those who represent them. Failure to resply within 14 days of your CMRR receipt will be con: Send response to: Hank-Martin: Johnston temporary mail location care of: general post near: (Corning, California] non domestic, without the U.S. lered a breach of good faith. “Rescission/Affidavit/Declaration” incorporated herein and fully made a part of this entire notice, (see page 2) page 1 ofthe 2 Affidavit, Declaration and Rescission of: Hank-Martin: (familia) Johnston Based upon my first hand knowledge, witnesses, and facts stated herein, I, Hank-Martin, alleged ‘grantor’, was promised a first lien on or about May 2", 2011, by the alleged grantees,Alfred Souza, et al, in the amount of $25,300, (an agreed value of ‘my sweat equity at 19990 No-Name-Road). The said land was thereafter ‘sold’ by the alleged grantees, on about, 9-10-2013, ‘and NO VALUABLE CONSIDERATION’ was ever given to me. As of 4-20-2017, the said land is clearly abandoned. It is confirmed to me by neighbors that no one has occupied said land since 2011. The equity which I had built there from 1999 to 2011, is gone, The “private” road, “No-Name-Road”, which 1 excavated and maintained for over 10 years, has not been maintained since 2011. Also, an “Abatement lien”, recorded in Tehama county, de-facto, reflects the abandoned condition since at least 2013. (see exhibit B - “List of Hank's invested and created equity at 19990-No-Name-Road” ). 1, Hank-Martin, hereby rescind my mark, (nom de guerre ~ ALL CAPITAL FICTION, VOID, ab initio, nune pro tune }, on the de-facto form, , which created said alleged instrument, [GRANT DEED - #2011005133]. All records, documents and instruments associated with any de-jure Deed , Title, and/or Homestead Declaration are to be restored forthwith 10 Hank- Martin: Johnston, nune pro tune. Itis now self-evident that the Addressees never intended to give me any "valuable consideration". Without proof of said “valuable consideration”, all alleged contracts, or subsequent agreements made after the fact, including all de-facto instruments, ie: deeds, titles, trusts, encumbrances, easements, liens, levies, or presumptions of entitlement borne of said instrument, [Grant Deed] are hereby VOID, ab initio. 1, Hank-Martin, hereby restore "First in Time" status and free-hold-in-allodium upon the land, commonly known as: ""19990-No-Name-Road" (Corning, California]. non domestic, without the U.S. My express intent is t0 “DO NO HARM”, and live in harmony with nature and my neighbors. Laffirm that this notice, and affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, belief, first hand witness, and experience of the events and information written herein, and 1AM willing to testify26°the same under God's penalties and in any court of competent de-jure jurisdiction, if lam called to do so. On this day, the-Fifth-day-of the-Fifth-month, Two-thousand-and-sevente and my “No” is “No”, my word is my bond, as God is my Pap Michael DBayd I hereby attest that on this day chs LP on Tehama the county, California: the land, the living man Hank inpear before me cnd place his hand on this lniMatentaith the full intent and knowledge of his actions 1 AW nt BOYS s a 7 a ersiyaied aton ts day: » Hank-Marin: Jolson did appear before me and place is hand on this istranent wntin declare that my “Yes” is “Yes” YE fartin: (familia), Johnston Zon Tehama the couny, Calfornia: the land, the ving man ih the linen nd knowledge of hs actions. 1 Soop ad terety anes tha on tis day L212 __ om Tehama the coun Californias the and te ving man Teak: Map Taison di arpear before mean place hs and oi are ith iil etait of ato Occ? ee

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