Lesson 27 Part 2

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Alvarez, Gizza

H, English
Per.3 03-27-17

Lesson 27- Words Relating to Things of Little Importance or Value

Extraneous Inconsequential Negligible Petty Trifling
Frivolous Incidental Irrelevant Peripheral Superficial Trivial

Stop Bullying
Bullying isn't just an irrelevant topic or something we should take a joke because

unfortunately many individuals who suffered from bullying have depression, anxiety and even
committed suicide. Cyberbullies feel as they wouldn't cause any negligible2 effects on other,
however, bullying can be defined as teasing, name-calling, stereotyping, fighting, exclusion,
spreading rumors, public shaming and aggressive intimidation. At school, bullying shouldn't be a
trifling3 topic, in fact, researchers concluded that "children can internalize the harmful effects of
bullying, which creates stress-related issues such as anxiety and depression, or they can
externalize it by turning from a victim to a bully themselves. Either way, the result has a painful

Do you think bullying is just a frivolous4 topic and everyone deals with bullies at least once in
their lifetime? Researchers discovered an estimate of 30 to 20 percent of children result on being
bullied, we have to acknowledge that bullying can occur as early preschool and intensify once
they go to 1st grade or middle school. Many parents have a peripheral5 aspect how bullying
causes their children to lose interest in their academics, which, many focus on who will sit next
to them at lunch or if the bully causes a scene to humiliate the victim among his classmates.
Bullies don't hold any petty6 regrets among their mistakes they bring other down for
self-satisfaction and keep on doing it with no sense of remorse or regrets. You may think that
bullying won't cause ay superficial7 issues for victims future but, in contrary many will be afraid
to go to school, have low self-esteem, and depression which can interfere with their adulthood,
personal lives, and professional lives.Of course, not only victims are affected in the future but as
well bullies they will struggle to assemble positive relationships, more likely to have a
correlation with criminal activity, abuse individuals, and obtain tobacco and alcohol. If parents
want to stop these incidental8 effects and create a safer community, parents can enroll in
Welcoming Schools which help teachers, parents, and children detain bullying from taking a
hold in schools or communities. Welcoming Schools offer lesson plans, staff training, and
speakers for schools, as well as events for parents but their ambition, focused on embracing
diversity and overcome stereotypes at a young age.In fact, Welcoming Schools will end
extraneous9 solutions for teacher and advice children how to find acceptance with themselves
and gender roles. If victims feel like their lives are inconsequential10 and that they rather commit
suicide they should seek help with a teacher they trust, administration, counselors. The world is
at a trivial11 levels because many individuals seek the internet to hurt other or bully other
because of gender roles it's sad to see what our community has become over the years.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/08/health/bullying-mental-health-effects/index.html

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