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NIM : 140203215
UNIT : 06

The title of my thesis is The influence of using Podcast to improving Students Listening
ability. And the title of the thesis which has the same topic like me is The use of audio books
to improving Students Listening and Students ability in listening test by using Visual AIDS
and Audio Only. The thesis which is the title is The use of Audio Books to improving
students listening is the thesis that submitted by Nasrullah, the Student of English department in
2015. And the thesis which is the title is Students ability in the listening test by using Visual
AIDS and Audio only is the thesis that submitted by Rahmatullah, the student of English
department in 2013.

The Similarities between this thesis are we use almost the same instrument; Podcast,
Audio Books, and Audio only in learning English. The podcast is like audio and audio book,
which is they are audio files that you can either download and listen to offline or stream directly
from the hosting service, though the latter option isnt as widely supported for audiobooks. But,
they are still audio files. The other similarities between thesis also in the skill that we use. We do
the research with the same skill, which is concentrated to listening skill. Besides that, we also use
the same technique of collecting data, which is using Test and Experimental teaching.

And the Differences between this thesis are we create a different research question. So,
automatically the aim of his study is also different. So I can conclude that we work with the same
discussion thesis empirically but in different research purposes. My purpose makes this thesis is
to know the significant effect of using a podcast in student listenings ability. Whereas the thesis
made by brother Nasrullah was to determine whether there is an increase in listening ability by
using the audio book and thesis made by brother Rahmatullah is to know how was the ability of
the students in the visual - mediated listening test Compared to Reviews their ability in audio -
only listening test. In addition, we also use different sample and population in our research. I
myself using the first-grade student in Man Model Banda Aceh, our brother Nasrullah using a
freshman student of Ma'had Al - Jami'ah Ar - Raniry in the academic year 2013 - 2014 and our
brother Rahmatullah use of the class VI student of Darul Ulum boarding school.

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