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1. Nama Guru TAN EIK TER

2. Judul Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can 3. Bidang: PENDIDIKAN

Matter More Than IQ
4. Tarikh Pembentangan 5. Masa:

6. Tempat Pembentangan
7. Sinopsis

New York Times science writer Goleman argues that our emotions play a much greater
role in thought, decision making and individual success than is commonly acknowledged.
He defines emotional intelligencea trait not measured by IQ testsas a set of skills,
including control of ones impulses, self-motivation, empathy and social competence in
interpersonal relationships. Although his highly accessible survey of research into
cognitive and emotional development may not convince readers that this grab bag of
faculties comprise a clearly recognizable, well-defined aptitude, his report is nevertheless
an intriguing and practical guide to emotional mastery. In marriage, emotional intelligence
means listening well and being able to calm down. In the workplace, it manifests when
bosses give subordinates constructive feedback regarding their performance. Goleman
also looks at pilot programs in schools from New York City to Oakland, California, where
kids are taught conflict resolution, impulse control and social skills.

8. Nilai Pengetahuan / Pengajaran

Emotional intelligence is as important as IQ

Through vivid examples, Goleman delineates the five crucial skills of emotional
intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and
even our physical well-being. What emerges is an entirely new way to talk about
being smart.
9. Aplikasi Ilmu Dalam Organisasi / P&P

Setting the framework for acceptable conduct At the start of each school year, the class is guided
through an exploration of the students and teachers rights and responsibilities, as a prelude to
establishing a clear framework of expectations or rules of behaviour. Arising from the right to
learn/teach and to individual security and privacy, rules typically govern communication,
movement around the classroom, and respect for others work and property. This approach
involves the students in taking responsibility for creating and maintaining an effective learning

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